a kuokiac one w 1 y ii i- i iv i- w 1 uh tcoild lay r itaia vu the- lover crat lay 1ntc raj cm li tar hc itlhl aloac il die lc tyj taae aaar 0 1 van knc lac ly jiiiko- ko ro-jm- the solki cai1 aak package of dtuuorjd dye tic cliilttiuis kiiplcm lapu teoal- a pint ol the incsl ink for families or schools can be made from a tan ocut try them d ilouuli oil uriui clears out rati mica roacliea riftf ants bclbujf jkunkci chipmunks fopbait lac hfogistt a laaiisiiiiialit like hi- led it must be made up occasional jlany n sickly women whoso sad ex perience bad denlouslnifod alike the goods marked dowx still lower at the right house lailuro of conceited ous drus has obt4 way rejjieiug anil jj piolhaci of lynn there art mirt arvabliad doctors aud poison- iued a new lease of life for i few dolltus worth of tin yeg- eubla compound aud has gone on her sash ribbons marked down iumennly and wiling osfor lea than coat prioti iloire anliqueciilki iu black and colore grealiy ridftcbit in price- rnd re ling oflatalois watered silks in black andail the new ihade marked away down yrj lo and bailing off at a loss dresoodain several line- timiei dorn intr les than cost b sure to seethe drets goods the prioeiare amazingly low for such good quililiei and new stylea blakohm re- black crape in fufu- lia- treble and quadruple qualities in the very iwilsilk luskei axoeedingly otjesp black lustres black cobonrgs black barathea black crape cloths liirak irtiam huck farmers sitiniard rlsckttiities in superior xualltlei and shadm far leas than usual prloes winceys marked down very low full range of slndc- at price tint will surprise people bod tickings marked away down very cheap white hulrtlngliellmg offal coat prices ore cottons selling ly the yard it lite pries chsrjpd at the i cotton mills foril by ho bile xe and slyliihsilki in black and all the new shades wliog off al an onormoui reduction corset selling off at ccst prices lust see tlie coralinc corsets the qunlily of them selling dally is aloniehng they will not break in wearing fit comfortably and give support lo the tyiin while they yield easily to bo movement oftbe wearer a lolorprinti formerly 15o selling offal 10c another lot of pnnts reduced from 16 to 11 lam in jlrs and shawls at a pleat rcducli n millinery is giveu away at about half ill real ralue blankets and quilts sailing off at less than lorraer price a e nut misie under- clothing of all kinds and of various qualities and materials alaaohlow prioee u are sure lo pleass gents and boys jndaroloi hint iugieit variety very cheep new carpets have just crrived direct from tbe british manufacturere this week a fall slock of carpets linoleums floor oilcloth man hugs od carpet sweepers very chtap an enormous reduction onlnce curuins the right house king street east close to hngbion street where iie refund- i down the name is raising sirs lydiae unas fe 2jlm people who ii sae you lata lucver they a uuciilipalbri juick coiupiets cure all annoying kidney bhtdder and crinary diseases ifl druggbh u-niillun- miiuh sib 1sh1 thoma c watkins hamilton much lime iu iutei- ihtilly come right funily the best ls and emergencies uiesrroreness sore a uiru iuvtr 3 viaviiit n ilo 11- down u liv piiu bleep it in joul remedy lor t- for hum- scddf b throat croup uheiimatism chilblains idsjiis tint me-d- uafyirds bi 1 -i-l- wait uituj uicut nj it jr liij iia t thicc piirs cl ahd ri ilflottleri ny udis lfoi iin fcr buljn i land pain orsorere3iofril kindsis tint marvelkus 1khii j yellovv iiil j a tu- r d b in drnirlrj hi m bnllir ixvllued hcv then o eaunot help idler made to 11 iu j byirkinn- im lion yk ii mcjivnsirasst i c ltt ilnilii b liberal jalid- and sdtterera ovirj lorloniutup ivd to iallit l k 1 ore and get a trial fycu arc uulini 500 regard wimciu ay ho iovc rewant foriiuy cu of mvorcimpilul 1 hiclc itead arur indiffftlnn f or coiutc- ocf wp rttmut cutv wliii hfus vflfeistbi liver ill- wlientu tllra plinntor itrfptly complied vriili tlcr rtri nuroljr vcjcciablp and never fail ti clve atifictlon kuear conlpil iircplionjeiiiulnjijj 30 im1u 2 cent rip tlr tty alt pnirftfkh be ware of counicifiis und imltattonk ttn ccnuine mtioliiritirfionh hv johjt ca wrfr a co tup fill mtfctitlt jcincskakltn- rorli out free tritcl rarktco fool by mail prti 1 ii rveelplern cent ftainp east end clothing store y- wikancan matkzr t t woman vvv dil dkivi aunt iu ten iv-nl- a jvrek for kcrpitn the ixdiilutd julia ad rkedtwll tait inipaiimly i iv suih llavad ii j it in pi tun ilr iulcu in ti- iiuch of ii intii- trat hurry hut i i ica 1 t eini krn ketji tllt- cdtr that lb- ve i tletu heu- wilh ciiiisuptloii riniic cough coldf in ilroncalti- hay kevor loe5 of ii a i on any ailection of tbe or itiii it willpusitifciy curn astbrj i voio lhroa you en vc oti oria rlrdii mr jerc t hurit tint ii-it-a- who jiav ul noi ti elaleilictuiiy aui ih it it bar- dune the au liiii ti- lire oerful in inaie- th 1 dig- 1 una- if the- k ftvan iiiarily itii urakat uiuggit tlrayen- my cuslouiei j a- lyman- veg liypetic cure sai i more gocd titan er uted il ha- aence in purifying ai vcotirdiv i ved e- a cheeiful giver coiupkining fd alllti i i fl- lifceit t imsu it lculd i yj lliif i leaily do tor tbnq eiuial arc fultii in youirf t jtv tucin oi mciiii tiiat is to- bad ti 111 ei to ijii youinit i-v- vuif i thijjjlit ii lire lurwy i take to laaayeaboa im nlj i- mrijirttand abatit lij mild f lit- j fe 1 ii sa i aiktu cjsiu la ratthilic to uq and a- v il i al av haud aa j iit ut viheu 1 t a la tip my mind id i lb ttioij- i t ti- ioii 1 a laolt aa iui g to uta thi ijuds liclk i lfal is if vliit it i i trincd it illl v luy bee i i i ctniijg dieaics of the vi- ta-gu- tlkpivir kidr6vana -i-i- of tbe ylein aaaiaa j lit- bay tiu f hit bad hatiit hadnt i balk bi- cj prcparataa itiliiaulataa jr-tl- and tin- pi-r- iaaii dias ai t critla it ac- e m iivia win ca i my alr iio kid fitcir jan asked a littli you aik aliit mvl hhinti and le r i be heit euisi far tel bla4n and ioit kktis artijca salve in alve in th 5licrf- chapp and all cure 1i teeea to give nianey ia bos 1- aei vi vrorld for cuu it rheum fever huutii chil- kin rupiion il is urirjd ritiiiicliou or e 0 crnu er aivms brug jiri cryioj viil culiin h if o v 1j1j tiloij dtra rva i try iq do jl tviih luliil uuut care ifnthcr- ightnnd uroken iuufieringand jtiuj puin ol t uiiccinilget sjtliujs the pooi little yjtuic i j j nze f i t i d op c i d upou it thec i- ij iaiuaij ibmf il roiri njoihcron tnrtl ivlli uot ttrll i will regulilo the- bezels aud giro test i to tao mother and relief and henlth to line child operating like magic it is periy2tiy afc to i iv nil exses pnd i pleasant l the cic knd is the pre jsciipiion of one io hi id j iloie is co that it y io-l- my soagive way the pitient mother 1 dont cetit replied the passiodate feraaie pliyticiiins ari udy i3eter the fith ctre be ujixttered undci clild vou v ilf tkcjuiqhti iguorant tuan miitvt you fwl itacher l dont tis jretith bar- sie hot the rightsort of cjiflpaqicrli for j da eid tho pastor idoit carebeaiiewered turning on iiis hcfc l it i dingerous ii taste iviri5 hu friviid rkrnmgly 1 dont cre wnkblill hii kpy a fe- ye ulluihilhi ejiorrt nd fi itfejof crime lihtlllatft do flier lie wxsif norlhlew siiigiiiito every tort of hitiiy ending m a nifierhf ij ritiioutrhopt 1 dont oiie ws his rain as it is rein of ilioukands look out for foyt add girlf keep away from if tict it und a place ia your heart ihi your ijis always care cure nd care whan you have i the oldest and bt spring tweeds ix axd domlstk oodis a fuio variety in till the leading pattern and shades for tbe coming 6eaeon jwcall and raalce mi early selection hats gekts furnishings i a full supply- always on hand i j fyfe lydia e c0rdwo0d wanted itlie ttibsariber will purchase conhmod during the eoiuiiitr wintvi- at j acton station finkhams j all wood to be evenly piled g or k feet high aud perfectly ouitd vegetable cojtpotod i and will pay ealt jiromptly as the wood is inspected and recetveu iariic- who lave- wood for sale will please apply at once as only a lew cords more an- required apply for all necessary information to col wm allan acton or to the contractor a nairn toronto s0 x 8arr cure for all femjlle wxik mms incladtnt locorrtia it reenter and paisfuj jccncrnauao infirtaiamiatt and clccnidoa of luc wamb floodlnr pco- i ivt i ii i crt tet la prrrjrr t it iiitoi c rr in rnrftr it irrrn- ttctlt rf l fcr ilr t nclu lildnrvrompijldctstifrithcrrr nifctttkctcrieii rc lvnr npivkkjlsrs nlnen purrnnt photography ii in l- vh 0- t 1ivz err t-j- rr vrt zz tl is wttttt ati trrn jt r ji ibirrati n cci rt ir ch ri r ir kr pihi5i r-j- liaiit j mtrt cr ii erjkci ttr fajlorptcr jcffo clf jtejvr r s- 1 p y rjrp ljliar ir ao-it- fr uistn kidneyvyfort 18 a sure cure k t or alt dlsusse of the kjdnjrt and i liver ti tic rpecls kiicz ca tii nl lapwat j 1 octsa ftt p 1 lir clcrpiditj ad laactfca ftisaltocc lia leit- rcttoaof uk boe ad ty kij urn tertls in fc- rhcicl i vtcrt trci rirc ly relieve tec tuictij crc i il- solo b1foruccsts price 8t kidneylkrt mtnm now ill mist itolv ufstokcu ii 1- tl r ililill ti hi- ulitfi cclf ifcd k-a- ii iuf- rtaicl and iknniitimt rmo viminut mc-ji- isc nlnt-vi- nfi lily m mij pijyt-lc- iinimciiyimif litfis u mdiriiireeir ii jiirn -i- 1 tiictubritlod ycar only rcti uurses in the sold eerywfiere at 25 tm it to3o rialit jcavrgdi will you exchange la case of spslaor jusnesg for 75 cents it la awfwj7 tluwise to agonize ua- decthenianj ailments arising from djyspopsla indipestioii disordered stomach and llrer when tbls offer is iniado to you in yoor otvn home in all sincerity witn aa absolute certainty of curinsr yon i zopesafrom brazil cnreti dyspepsia and biliousness a biigto dose relieves a sample bottle convinces ja 75 cent bottle cures it acts directly itjpon the stomach liver and kidneys cleansfntr correatinsr beg- nlatlne zopesajplfca energy anotviin to the brain iverve and muscle simply by work- j ing wonders opon he diges- llii- auiulrtblc iinslaias rrun llnrly 1 rraf 1 io- laal itrrulieefiu- 6l- rcjica- rarrd wlltioal laaoroa- a fl inlrawl inrdlchirkor tlic- a l a knile filatu ait a motie if cereal once iioic c rial a am effectual by dtkia f wtaci cvry ilkrar ria mallfr what lln caaiiitlan may ie nay cure hilaccu eealav irualel3atj radirally tlii lalure lcpld l- ia tlie han 1 evcryiati arl -ver- man in the land addrcij the culvcfvell hcdicni to tl inn m vrn vork poitofltce bo llo shilolis consumption cure till- is ijeyondtucfllua ihe mosl gncceiis- ful canih medicine oe imvf- oversold s ww dafe iivarably rare tiic- tvorft cists cif couch croup and llronolillir while its flroaderrnltuccetiiilhecureofconmituplioii ik kitlioul a parallel in uic- lilrtory of mtdl- cine hlnc hi firtdkeovery ii lias been mldonfcaranleoalciilvchicu uoolberme- dlclnecan flacd if you fcave a coacb we earnestly cask you to try jl irlcelu cl so ei uniist w kyourluaetarctorecliest the human face and form pro trayed in the latest styles at the lowest prices see samples of work a fine lot of velvet and other photo frames selling cheap at c w hills endalcs spavik- cure iu p j ki ll my tir tin- jrrrui ciiijerer discover ed m iii- l tv in it ilc ii lit iol filiftfr umlirilv kehdahs spavin- cure i ioltiiif jurxhii j ct f iii wiink r vi- my itianitx fcr tiir i iav tenvpd liicai i uv farued spavin nd i cl a valuable fcul- i diis very bad ra vie j fiy t cirinfin cer- tvi acy care nd kni tit t vcr ua ii- rewir its irj i lrttlf of kcn- j cirt nrcal otec i ril le l k rijuliiuirj lbr- -m- -e- u iclf cl rett r i in itinj beln mnpoied rf umi oomlorutile na jotiful da coacbe xagstflocat hortsob b ijc chatrcir puuaa prerttltft pcc rtnji cart ana ui but una of pintsccari in th vcyld three tra brrrrmn ciiloifa fcm musqjr river point two trttn btwn cbl 09 s4 minnepliaad blpaoktu um 7acxbt albert lea route a krw and direct lia vis bentc ad kazil- ke baj routtr bws opened botw biatuaosd korfojx newport 2srwtcikasootalljil an rdiisj nd ulrfflaiu psiau ail thrours tmc3tsm trartl ea pa txrta v j l a wirov civil raiecr i j iivmiiri jii- aboai a ri i- r j kcc let ond i- i- i j e h- j- vine hcatificj i iif ri i rl- virint rf mediof i i vit i i fi j tircrl i trice iy i it rt tjiirii ini ii- ii i jct cr i have ji i i frri lament re 1 a b ri ii ti iii- lur- aii of j rice k siaii di uy all itkurst jsmpl1s vcrc title i ftecliics icj iv r-rp- nr iaiiile 1 ii rci3ovr tail i blotcica icavlnf tuifiil uso in- vnjirinitrowi i mooii i a jr ad- t ecu vaudeir 7 11 i3ui m tue baegains c gral ici uri yoc iltn lei evcrjtrhfre lime von cai yocr iriea n o caii fail u pir o- mcncv mil atwrow trte woth tihair weight in gold -ox- buggies and democrat wagons speicht fc son have a minibcr of new aud firstelms buggies and demoirut vtngons left over above their orders foa tlie and are irepanid to disposd of them at a considerable reduction foe cash the surplus stock must he aold to make room for winter stoekrmul bargains will most decidedly be trtven those who require rigs ol any kind ehauld give us a call you kuoiv our make of rigs call nntl see them god stock of furniture and undertaking sup plies as usual j a speight manager -our- voung mat- do not give a uis ship liirs ia slit hope dr e c wws kerre uvi brain treitment bill cnr you a care gaarapteed sold by s e he- gasna aetoa- the ttver cat this out take it to any dealer in medloineb and get at lestt one 75 eeitt bottle ot zopesa and tell yomr neighbor how it acts it is warranted to cure ifrspepsla tutd bu- ioanimiv great herbal b- blood y 1000 forfeit having l he tumctft confidence in kiikuper iarilj overall otliere acdpfiei lliouaandi of testjofttj rooxt compllcafftd and severest cases we could flad we faei juilifled in oflar- idff lo forfeit one tbrnunnd dollar forony 7i t zrtviivn case ofcooctsfcoldfi sore ihroa idfliwnxi tlon ana ginilg acxinxy to j uoorseuaw bnchlus cotisampllon in 1u thfl kivr 1 early stages wfaooplnp ooagh and all dji- eoeegofctie ibrodicd lurps except aih mi ior wfilch ttp onjf ciaimthiiliflt we enh cure with wesli coucti hyrup wuoi latcn according lo directions flabiple botllenjs andjoceuw lare uiltiefionedoijar geaoine wrappersonlyla blue hold by n4maittm of bent by express on receipt ofprlcc jorx a west 4 cou w klnj mt east toronto ont millinery and mantle no om 3 are nov opea iajtulibiast our exhibitijon consists of the newest and freshest styles of hftts- ms 53 j and tbe must exquisite stow ot ilowers prices aa usui cbep city and- 0etintr7 invited to laspeot we hov a speoia lot ol blaok ii oolored jacket mucli oer ti- mntlprices black velveteens broche velvets clitap pills ointment this ixcxiixajll medwise iv iijtikljf i fif ir- cliiilfn tfijsi oi uc uarps ceck through- nod wtyi u lewta competitor ttt for deuijejiafirisucaettlie 2 m of the creat rock island route 1 joir caimsit ticket 031cs or ftdilms r cable e 8t john vtftt gaol sc- ctsn tli t pn ajl chicago pa ind fsu- friasmaits worm potoers arc y tnz- ji aic to take coataia the own is r ifif- 5 an1 etfretual pr lthi kimliv tii w tv uvsi r or adult- it i easy ti tait never fii rj ibaoluicly hansm zzl rtqufrt fc 5 atesphyiic rsxarsd by rnr g smith medicine coy and troy ny p price 25ctb sol evwyywere man wormremd y will cure or relieve biliousness dizziness dyspepsia indigestion jaundice erysipelas salt rheuu heartburn headache and every tpecles dropsy fluttering of the heart acidity of the stomach dryness of the skin ui dssa arisngfrom disordered lrtn kidmivs stomach bowels or elooo t kilburn co grays sheciht toronta mtuini before takinr leaalo liaal lion sifuipaticiilatin oar racipalct ir bigb vc- dc- siro lj siia free by m to f jjtho srtcai mcjlclnunlalv rdn ruttl pr -ri- f fill pacaarcs tor or ivll b ea free uy a nn re- celpi or the moikalv ad dressing a mtiey pills purify logjute and improve ihequalitj ofthe tioo the usist tlie digestive organs cieano ibe stojlvcii and uowels itiarcie tho secretory potvera of ihe licr uace ihe nervoa j5i3mand throw intombe circalition the purest elements fr sustaining and repairing the frame lhousaiuls of persons have testitieii thit tiy their use nlone ihej- have been restored lo health and strength after evev other means ha proved unsuc- cessftti jheointment nill be loundinvil uaole meveryliouse hold iu tlie cure of open sores hard tumors 3ii rrs ki tezitis co-agris- comssari thtoals bronchitis nntl all disottieis of tlie throat and chest s ilso ttoal kftauniausu scrofula und evert kind of skin disease manufactured oolv nt professor hoi- lotvays kitaiiubnjeqt j3j oyfokd streiif lokdtjx and sold at is 1j1- 2s 9d 4s m iis und 33s each box and pot and in canada at 36 cents 90 cenls und lao and the larger aiies in proponion jfflcictiov i havenoaent in the united states nor are my medicines sold there furchssers should therefore loo k to i lie lnbe 1 on l ha po la and boxes 11 the address ia not 533 oxford street london ihsy are spurious the trade mnik of my said medicines is registered in ottawa and also ot fttisbington thomas hollow a5- 533 oxford street london lie gray meaieino co aftataiing torodlo ontcadada sold by j k mcgarvid trugslst acton da ecvtstsneiir- avu drain tsxat iirvr a ctairaaleedsrcciae f r aastertcir dtrztness cotivilsiolsftt yervonsnearal- gu headache nervocs rrcstr-lioi- caused by lite use of alcol ol rr lelacco uakelal- ncss mental ieprefajcu softenlac l the- t alllnaln lnsartuy add leadiun to uralr goarantis catarrhgur no cube i no pat i a local ked constittjtiocal trtataistnt the kasal piiotgc head threat arid luo3 the other on the liver kidneys and blood instantaneous economical safe radical treatment sold bvall druggists price 75 cts if not found tatisftctary the pricctoid id be rtfunded some enrocic or octi- natfi esses of hop ftudtnc may require om thrw to hx paclucea to effect a permanent cure montreal troy ny chica60bolislahffpacificsl by uu oeiicrticatuon of iu una ocnau tie cut uid the wtt by do shortest rni cad es ztm puitum wltbpyi chaaie cf eui bencafs chtcaco nd luaiaucity cooncil bibsi ltrl- wortb aldumcai kisseapou ifld st pn j ociecu la union dpau wiia gi th priselia hue of rad wrtwoen t atuntla cad tht pc5 occam iu oqmpsict u ennraisd ud rft miry old ak barrednest loss of power ic filler sf i in- voliuiary lct airt spfrtnniorrlicca caused bjoerexerjon of lbs bruin selfnbuae ur over1idlac one box wir cure recent ewes kftpu kx coninlua cno mcnttis treat- mcih re colirsr a vox cr fix boxes for atc frhar seriiy mall on rewlf i of price w etaciiier ix 1 cio to cure any case wlih ohh order rocclvtd by us for six boxes cuirarlcd w itti five dollars wetrllhenii tbo parcbaacr ccr wrmten guarantee to refund tiip mono y ii tbo ucaiment does col eceta cure ciairaiuecs issued only by j e mr- gakvik ole acthorited agent for acton out john- c est co- sole proprietor- toronm ont