gisss iiirjihc j frs3 prsss power pnntinghouse 1 i l tr1s paper w termsstoo inadvanc i k pd u volume viii no 38 subs fiaherd- t actik bahkikc gciy storey ckrtstte co r tnkio vrtuu tularin 1 km- jim niwiy- rcrs v 1- coup dicountvi iud interest tikweu en depoeits- ilg s im vwamrawnmni r- vr ifxi ktkii lin flurtimiiuif unit it iv cmicrriir 50 if not so paid iter cards aoton ont thursday march 22 1883 jfrforc jfrcc rc88 whole no 413 tllilsnn inimv mi lib ill i ss ifcto uplg poetsl ironing sokg ut ktiikl t currlnil hi- vitru tbt choke viinis she hi 1 litii i liv nliing her rings did not tempi ins appltlle and liny rf t d o wrl lr in 1 nirl- jolin did not cninr ink ttirlnl suddenly cm hi jillnw tlic rt i ll tight the pc pie tinned ii- 111 nf lllis pllici- fl- tllciellt hi- iln- lul it ill- lent you know iiu1 lurk 1 pie down viii evore ly dicaniiup ihdnl vil iiv tin- money we idl 1 luv l 111 try wit iii ll so iijivi-r- jak i in sleep agnin ir i fl mu all tiil nt p i pllh-tibbi- rtrch our if u the iilde of the hd mid try 1 i i l 11 ihlig 1 ran net lr will r inyelf tibbie gamd rt the clnik it urns iiit svei of the pleasant aulumn eveiiii sin- win wieuy it aollb1 lie p relief to he devi and -lie- won i ii t no t- leip sii- -lr- hl hielf on hie elg of the bl iil iiil her lini co 1 iies up n hi iiiii f lobe id lie breathed iv ft lie days iies- afur llnit until ih nie on uhih j ci veined t be dying i el- -a-l- hldlv any jillls- at his wrist xow lil uncle ill about it tibbie pie el htr hands to her throb bing temple- i oiilnc jdiij lire sjeh a horrible dream 1 jack i- -i- k vee hive no money bill nil hit iiorrilile dreriin hie worst of alir nn iiijnty iji iijitj- yon tie atrii lutt- cilitl liiv john utterly llcktd he bncd i bi- irj djra upon the tm- witti slcli liivl- tlii tbc lualicd nit lit- iiiiko iii the ytllow stvticlgn slander s ilii-ito-tii- aii jc t sir xi tic wi rrl asl rci czce found gnw ciia iiliti at 4 1fo tis wjrj ihi- 7l itrct ix ltri li lli la ztiwi huci nn i ijtt tn ivdeiji tl rcc lr- blur tbe imuere- us- le aiivtitart lin is bih anj c ej ii in ii en aim eninkcbiioie -b- l er l l guelph j iii hii in laiiniiuc 1 1 1 sllllk goli3 watohto presentatfon m i iiii-t- f ainrii- 1 1 1 0c2t stqel tibbies trouble llasni u i i l ti no ikii in 1 mt lb 10 cnne tl i i 1 nt horry pillow tin iik in i that 11 the ill bin ne llesinl 1 i i iv iiiui ap sa vacisksi luring hilidii i yl s smitk owfvlb oll tttr citliic new stuck i thousands ol urticles ilti uitil lritiiifiiil sellikg cheap for gash fir ifli ic cu ii run kture gueeph 10 intiii sp j as f ktdnef upper- v v 3 1 guclp sarsisr shop smiths drug store bibibifvrtiouah 5y 51 kcqmll the leading makes virfibmltrotshaw uiiuwu i stim iiaid v fbangfs nlj t r iioi if qic rttyh ivtthk f-ji- firelnsurar life accident irisaranc i3 joo or 25c per day i- rtiie deiniiiie inirtlekt i- iiiill iil i- vt joi i joint l o dlouilti r the cemdiiin i- j im ii oi lj ods iiorteaees dtschanzes chittk mortgages bann and koj leases aereemieiits c- 1 ijivt net i mr in jmbi bench o ier of marriage l cash for grain amd pork is iic- lrt jiiacc i buy mytliiiiii vnii ivjuiiv in tljl d ru jin- haw tlic lariret tmk tlic inn- reiiiiblr aoods iit tin lowot li ii piiluw vii i ir z j vl v r 1 up i it ti f ni i itrr pr0iil liiil ju p i lib ity lnj ikui ii j- a-b- f -mi- wife jo hrpiy hti iu ttbiiii hf fcrfi i w tl v 1 iuhi ict lliimullh yn i ii lit- tl pkiiliilcii iu t ririiif i i bc toi vi yoliiiff ud i- ijlif uil somtthiiij of ibj nu- iin iliiul l1 if fiilc bill lftjtiiily voiiily ru uiy uir tiii iims of cold bail h ihr blue eyt tbt by wjih a jiijiio-r- 1 riidiaa il bnl b- ii 1 v ir pccuii iiinic wi- ijv p v ci f erbfii iin libbiv iii- b- tibllt lmir t i- j iiix a dotim fill uifu uiii i iii bu- biml bad ufl tbi- lllllif tii i hid hrn ikimtl nab i- md hnpii ti ci- tibbie wum rmi tibbi i 1j uvl lj llc id v b lid b0vi ill id iir rnl mie wai n v l mith nt piiticcbd linili ii i f nil iluiliiin till- ciirtflfcl bilk- i lid i0 frtim kv pify u dirtvn iliv- iwv d bboj lbfii iijiiii jik alcfl wtv ry i in wift liit ll li lli i uiibi bts itud hit vi iv l cki v- ci id life rjiil 7irl isn r iii idr- lvi tcifm -vr- b i ilii biufiiv whilt iu bini ie ciid istut viry jack i-hc- xri bcrul iiimcd b mxi ety mid rppklieiiiini tbey wtic in tijpuirjii tide ills uumltt cf pal uitimui muiiy i- cskivb iibvi di wlicicwitlril n py f r- ri pliymirijuv kiuiidliiil and n ti fccniv ii lil ad itiiif itiii m jl v ry niicrl way their ciciji 1-d-ii- rf itnin h -fori- imd been icvalnlvd by uc u hitli ind i ni r f lint tibbi m could thic i ip f i it- 1 ihu if ii were 1 mid id i f if 1 ivie irviiji i ilrddd ivbrtdbi- tbitth fivr lud 1 luruld iid tlv tui uckiiss wis a ftivir- hcu i- ciild no life u baud lul b- liiinbti hi- irci liollutt ey- tnwnl thfc ff iut- ttiid tiktl- wikiioi a pirticle of ftl bfi tiij jdiy iiu cidd not iiks ii t 1 boon ficcd v uke t- kcvji bii fuu lurviii silr bi1 eiteu nulh- ii i iu fr iwciilyfcir hours jck must fiin hii i iriimini itiu nice leiitivr i ci li uruld liit- ad fit jick lo die 1 1 sp i v vdndot iid intktd ill i ill tidi iub tici ws j iij iir iijb ii -vi-iti- liii ci lave r li lilkud umde jii wuiid come trriiiely aurf vfci iltie wh iv i- jour mn yourmiid ynr pvaiil- imnr ih- ju riigin it furijuvly idms if f gu ilc wlydidul 1 kiuw liiii ba ii iicbt yoii are jick1 uoiii fit tildiit tie re cry dear cry do deir- rid uclts fcboamer tlico- ly ellad gc die utt cf ivice oyster beefs lek milk lvfiyibiii you ciq think of to ili inilunilyr lufuutly dont let the gniiri zruv undtr your feet until you burc it bcv m-ic- there ia money ritl- i niv nit j iil is my uepbew bti vtur i -n- tlcl john ia erajdiatik li aviiidjl ebgis aud tibji vr 1urcid to dry her iesr laubiiz b-tcrivj- ndrtpt the- order in t nudidcd fnr la french it v ubycd rdiubif pccd and 111 s b i t limy pciiv rfigiivl ci1- john bj cpmc tibbies- tobi bid tlrid sbc riiiiinbiri lo look z the clock she hiddriiiacj rdl thii horror ia laif sd hour but inhjf lifetim it vif lrdiv bi- vivid allilitibct of proverbs a grain of pr du- i h ii paand of cure itjtjra ue c uiu- t pus ciifi5iuu of li jii mk bilt taiad deuying fault dtsublj it zjy ijjtcti i ilhir aci wounieth brr folb fi duuut darjlr god kacbtdi jl- u d bics by cr owe i lia-t- ii i- vil rx witbtbat jbind- t-niiit- idi iiiiifvi y jirr hcrt for vtld bigcr su bvitcved hc knew u iv j lupb mich srils her did aiid i tjid ii iun vtoz it w s dnutii jck vouid die cul and it di llu bjni ttii l urafd wrd thbj bd a l- jack iil fdti kevp bis pvir pli- face iu h d vv hi- bve a drv sob xnd vniue b thun bi- t iicr smill wdiile uvili f tiied tibullv vud the s it inibtiidv idlbiiil rit liilic in a widiblii mt bv iad divested lim- i a lin iii- biy iij- ii iipii bis death libd prnp nnt vldle jiie culd jre- veiil i t my cot her fi vrs wbitlaig el a vl witk vbo hs auiiiinj to in- tvi tvoie wrongs thin td tvij is li ihc- ires in- llv b do b ol br i hi just clictj knavry is the rorit liaic- j niiks i inu s cmpmy for himlf j mojcsly i r iutd to vrie xo loi cj-d-c- i vy loiiknce it ti eiit 1 till- tirt ebi wouuvs i dpi merchant tailors qublpii rier fdlv ti caution ce cos icket nliii tei tibriaont lln 5 asv 1 1 eniiorcd k sioiuk- bach plug of the ibyrtlv na dvoall iil- union and handy i jikairc ics aliiiirowu dyes i wliicli ive- miiveistil iatifaction eh euio ieilvei ie t of be tiet b ilit- nnd dreiel iboe vvl 1 bei if in be i be ft felt r bubnide kmillv ledrev ne ued djtvn ver ber fee- ent uli into the iiigiit m i lb mie tinea tle iibled led her wy lpidly tiiimugb -tu- until be iiiekd eine u les flequen cd there ea ire rrehuni- in the hidjv of the- liee end lure sue tta- li lied hetse if drhwine well bek into the ll 11 r ee- llfeiei n- she ebierved tiie hiscuicf maicefs a little girl iaabe -frcefr- viiibiirai little tbinr in cbeked einbim 1 diin over the pvveiiieii p dn iig n intbcr vo it fnekin ieev uithu e-ujn- leek und sinein telltale til 1 dut like yoti i hi kiebief mnker miebiei inuker tclltbetu wlul the lualtc- mis ntber li- tskil with i big- bf inl melber llnb- berd cee rusbin out ef bemeiti duor ann biiek veat mid tid june brown what iidd nuweu ne other teir tnlelit- cbinihoxl i- wininbojd in miniiifure hew nieiiy iim blocks ueie ette iu the world itnd wbit mienlef tbty ibike tleie for intnnee are drs a lr b ind iirc the beit ef friends una enjoy ing life s j cneb lxttef for ibeiriociiuiity mrs f ice- hud ieelve to breik up this plenliut tntecenurs twelve old veils ngo did be not hsirhtv a sny to mri c i ennt tee wbt mr u w intr peeikiu ofilrf ii and mis c replied xer i im jure a centetiniy sbe did nad it ii ber duty fb reveil tbe fiet to nnmiik tbeir bypjcrisy si thinks ef ntdiin else for severed lyi sbe sees them ki- eieb ctner nud sbake ber beid is j deehrej thbt trb i- eireid- fib at ins ihe mukes a ineruin ciil oa mrs b pefees iier stitement by myiteri- ons witriiiur md ibea tells tie story net citing it nieieiy nientienin the lentark mrs ii llnskes throws up ber beetf dc- ciires ibst it is inimiterlid to ber bnt that they mnst bo very deceitful bat is so plainly in pision tbit mrs f is delistit- ed she departs triumpbint sirs b siti dosfl to cry she irus with lerselt thnr it rniy ij untrue that sbe ouguf net to put talk in that fosydoukiun ilrs f bi tbl- story rankles 1 at list she joe up stairs and lakes from a basket ol invitations to a tea pirtv the notes addressed to mr- a nd ilrs 0 and terns them np her heart beis fait md ner lace is fiusned sbe is very rzy ui- happy very anrry aisn the tea u jirn mrs a and eafcs c are sibhied i r meanvvbile has thought it hr day to ineulien to tieni that ilrs 1j thinks hem bath mean and deceitfub the affair of the paity gives foundation to the tale the ladies pass each other coldly mrs b always savins to hersebl ab their consciences must tell ihem what i mi angry about they think th ce of bar iv none c thena have any thing on tbeir consciences mrs a and mrs c really said what mrs f repeatea but these trere the crumsans twelve i years ago bre they knew ner they stood i it the statiju ant saw ber alinhl from the m 0i br tdu is tonbtivo to-mor- i truin 5h hid fiist endd 2 louj iourny ov j j sh wis tired hcrhrt vrs dustv hcriiiir prouii ijuli uiake foul irork in fair frces i hdbd ecipcd from it pins the dress qnict evidence jrivti quitubcp zde by i vilkge hichca is lie that rats ka smuil fsults indultd re little thieves tht i in crater uu did 3t bang vrdi they luoucht hr plain x deir ire said cue to the ether 31 the bjjcfc- that tjear must banc lowest upiicbt walking is sure wiikinij viiii aid ihippiacts rre raother tind dmgbt wuc men make nmrc oppoitunities thau i they rlnl xnniia y coidut tkily i vadillal paeldiy tlikic was another lifi in her haudhe iianulu of a re- vokci tid po ivuin iikditattd robbery irurdlr why a l alhli other liuiiu di- v ild varu in wtirtii jjcks to her fstmim- by is tli the bride whit did he see in hri a ttrner-s- bisty criticism afterwiri they ciet liiti aid ste te love ber tavy had sad 1 a ihoas- aad kind thine of her their frrgetton spcecli wis c no importsse- tatever it kei a true fnendibip that mrs flu broken yvt it can uiver be renewed xo cra hs been dul but mucb baraii it miv lz thit serious trouble will fedhw vu wdl iicm w by ddaa jiooi turn nd pride and hurt lave blaxe furio- ked viihout kclvvlojgo is fire withosr lr eomeliaies but all the trcicbiry and idi- i illuoin ha t n nn mrs fs jart and as she pkcidly fjhls her bnds a- she sits ia iitr pw iu church tryicr to believe that biily she would have cveu at the cost of aiiothtrt life moiuy muey i a in in went b a ijnily fellow rolling gerii or tiiouclil nitv is fed bvtho fuel of ths lire of flattery advice is seldom welcoiue thic who db intlu- tbrv wre the ercepticn af a few jollars which jaci ufl qmgt in his consumed their clolhum and money will liars which jac bad upon bis peisrii bavm liiwn oul of the city wdtb his wifn it ihci liiiic el hi- disntler she bus doa2 a meritorious action thoa words shining in golden letters from the wall blessed are the peaceuakerv do cot touch her novr asshe paises up the eiree ia her new bdnnct calm and c3ase- ueatul ihiw utile she lb inks that i am y aether 11 who probably bad thfi way cjjfc is to iacv j ea 13 vl to fouaw the zr- u 0 elf mre cunaics ibio other j lue illl and iiwnii biiu lime bifoie uioio pedes- xntbing can at me fur the want of rao-i- i iriii- passed auoiiier bian hulking w- sty wilhmv which beauty is nntaoafu loe but ibey were all iilike helpless under j w j j the power of u revolver bui this one was j it js not enough to jiave reason it is not well uussed i speilt it is dishonared by sustaining n 1 blyftidbv a siight spare gentlemen brusiue ond haughty man i heivih passed iu safety she waited for nfr o ibe uoxl thrie shaiiied by mi iuvlid j prospeilly is no juf saale adversity is pu mid tlneadbar- aud couuuing doleri- t only balance to weijh friends ocv tolltale tit idenilikeycna bit mischiefmaker misohiefmaker tell tale til baud be paused an instant to throw tltc s0 ortirti in titcir iucijti pi he- niitor he turned nud look cd into a piscds mouth pnnscut parasraplis ilniuor of tucuut a slip of the pen lets the pg cut the money lender never neglects hii business he takes all the interest be can iu it patent medicines are now made tbit will tdikt artkks and ieifiiiiipry in i km tiu cvo cf s llomc irivat variety la 2iir 2nass ari ccacs kilwi tosth srasbcs sltaitelduywutoficlcywere moufv v inonev or your life 1 i forced by taking hmiible hough coinfeut tlbbie bjuhaly lais uue tuekaked it bears the p hand ilble apniliuents in the ludeuls quarters f sv cvc f itv for bimbe looked fruitful of troiwegreeu apples cure everything except bams where jack happened in know some young tl alim m iu i wii5 ev a often call to mindthe nursery maid j ma ray i eo on the street wr haw tin lniaret iink fut liritiiilit into the roviiloitv c hiiy liiivet lrom the english ami liitnch naikels and ak able tomli lunch loi er in consfquucc is marked patat iiieios sil iiada atino if v i cas castor oil stfoot oil 8r- i ssf teulit oil luteieitias oil i scst aacriem ceil oh best caa- i aiua coal oil we lmvc the rcputation for keep ing the bjst coal oil in guelph and we intend ti maintain it i h g suitk co chemists dtusrgifits t b ik bbokje tlitebs n0i16 otllsr tbehiib ixaltwinillmmstnrcluiolhanitnloct within a year ninteeu american singers telenrapb wire is like a ueoustiche it yes ny dearest daagnter provided the ycuag man will treat to cake and soda wates gentle and kiudlf man but he fumbled for rtiniburnneul when n icltrr cnived br hl took out a portenionuetie zx c from tibbies ucelbe iudulgeul i ueie km ml j john wln hud been mie tlim u father in it il iriumnant joinlhenn i biuud lletecllun arrestnnd jack 1 u ortl maea te nun ben orth for testinomals recomrnendntg this deligbtfnl news appeued nko piuin iu 1 cbainbor i makes the dress be brelks the man nu exertion on their put uuuetosary for luinba is one o the back tnesthat incie- dobnwk ciiosus nud all thai bo bad you cant readili supply a check for would be tibbies he has come tibbie wake up dear hdre lliirere dl yc i foua perse ho had insisted hint j ik should throw he has come si- 1 therore leadiiy when raw i knes away but frorn persens in ud around np bis silukliini rs baikkioper and go her husbands low voice footstep 850000 reward mcgreeors speedy care for dyspepsia indijesin cesiveuess iitadaobe ectt that are not genuine uene oi which are in the stales or thousands of sbe inashedi themore leaiily when raw -t- hmintoh unt ue gave tnal bottles irefl ubroad for bis beallb umbihe s voyage voices a knock the impatient opening of t1 cburcirnn an i ie tann urn re a i f cjino r by having eued jacks cnueb our young a door a bsesly exclamation of bless my 1 coeyesernle k 0 tl 1 mirehaain a worthless article bat know u itilevboth keep lent couple wore as bappv us ibe proverbial e 1 und lncle john s big beard drusa- thauksilvliu uay it now seems the rule to crowd into one duy the thmkfillneas of a whole purchasing a worthless artice i value before bnyiuu trial bottles and i testimonial paveu free at j h megarvins i drug store teanekkv u very que king end oneeu until suddenly mislorluue her cheek overwhelmed them tibbie darling jack why jack first came the fire mid ibe loss and are yon sick v then jacks illness wlut iiai caused be tibbie itniggled out of the nightmare developeuteut of ibe fever wbidiconsutnid willa a gaspinl- breath lrv him he could not toll beonlvkoew that oh oh oh was all that she could j eisa of those who have usea pctsi reiix- uhs lct what tis said 10 be lips and throat were palebed bis beatl n at first i com kvlioectoa with the invariable n i i i mutes voor teeth as thlte as mine t the eatception to thia rule is in the j a yon will see hall of lead his blood a liriuid lava tibbie wilh snowy hands and lender john a steady cliriliai since iu iutrodac- whv what the dickens- cried uncle results attending its use for a perfect cure 1 a bnuiiy mraaucmee why wlnltbedcen crieel lne p u there has been a steady stream of th they feel thankful alwsys putuama pain i li i fountain of lieallh fiowing it is the treat- eye hoover him walehed and tended and then he tonkhis mec inhi bi s corn enactor safenr and pain- o in pain daily be urew sicker the arms and aat do in a great cbair with less sold by dru ecerywhere s it lj spep roel him cool lanug did oot abate the fever whtcli ber c polsox co kinsslon proprietors cent jjbgbui ll sit w sriadiijis it-