the p mctm4l n rvbumtio j vvkliv thvk8bat voilitxo freeprass power pittmjk hmm vul strkkt actos cjt t the free pukss will f lonlr postage iwd for 1100 per n iidvmcc 1150 if oot ad ftwt inwr tmu i uxr liscoutintied uh 11 undi an paid tvri i lb option o the publisher adverts- inrt rm- ouoi rtt s cents per line for the li2 ftna2 cents per line for flush nbae- qjcat iurtiou ch professtjinu crda li lines or t too pcraanum 12 lines 300 per annum paj nthv from date of iiipcruou sijjc ibe dnectof which is iap inqtuire iable in g ny special promote crucian benefit of any inhudaal or to codwdcriid in tin cumber c lines rqekoaod br sad of i ri 1c sjucc occupied mtasurwi by cijxtrikit htf at mcidu one rear j 4c0 hsumlciauoua year 3500 tiisrtcr coljunaonc yer 5000 on- ciktun bmoniba j sa00 nalfian u months j 00 vricreoiamuflr mouliis j s oo j i eiutnniure monili aiftj aafjlumn lhremontiis j 12 w irlfrwlumn three month 7 co vvrutneiiuwuuvinncjfio dlreouon ffii be i itertiuil forbid and chaifcfd accord- mc transitory adrer i foments mnstbe tu li advance i oiisrccf for contract ndvenicaients most fv tn iie nfflce or 9 a tnon moouart otoer- wilev will be itfl over uu lfcp iouotttor- teet h p moore kdiior alproprieior j be sent to paid no advertise- tkrm8j9100 in advene volume viii no 39 77k xeicupjjkr a m of bvty life iu fluctuation mvi it vtut cnuctriu i bo if not to paid aotgn ont thursday march 29 1883 wjhole no 414 acton banking coy storey ohristie it oo bankluis aetou ontario a general lltxking sus- xess- transacted k01t27 lmxzs on atps07zs h0t3s notes discounted and interest- allowed on deposits a splendid new stock ixjeverv like fefu in sew york imtcrkatiohal hewspakit aoemcy il pnrnkawdi pf xcw bxvta cl c g x business directory ytth lowpr ib ircs tt r of trinity college ilejn- bcr of college of physicians and j surgeons 0 z uid residence at the head of fre4- tzizk s- acton j l bexxett dextist gerge- muont 4- l tihn law50xgradtate0f0x j ii virrenciet cilleie toeasro vnuri sargeon actcu ont office- kvauey i sons boat and shoe ttcn- re-s- acnc hi the reir horses erarqincd as tu uaidtas ajidcertincates given ail ctti night or day promptly attend cj ii terma easy t j7tsher v s geohcjetowx out nill vidt acti every wednes- jbargains i -rn- ladies gents j gold and silver j watches i a large stock of electro plate justrecerved all niw stylis i bis bargains in spectacles and ejreolassas wm s smith the witch ud clock honse of gutlnh eto nplg j list lo hnudtil days tore j1 vriii tttend to all calls nertaininc- 3lisprofeson oricrsleftat ifcgarvics drz store wrli receiv tvnnoderac c pmnapt attention tjfjshzr h kiggs lds of the tun of sices i iuar tcaejrrd i bo ft cstcpbehr hotel od the unt iiy tt ercry- rcoctc ic the practice of rrofiaafen all tvcri exectitwdin the inn- iljvcdtyie of the dental no lhr ivr ercitftliuel to e f lliiljtov rali i- stojet i-irrrlt- iiciu-r- tltllprtiiie l t r tyaiccr ic ttroioii george- t-t-i- oshl xo 50 cicrth crctt trcvaa iicioci- rkcfc g-rfjnjttr-trs- ti ifcncj- to loan lllleiiv hijlt lbo2rr come see onr enllre xew stock of thousands of articles rsetulaud orimmental selling cheap for cash 1 at toe cent g v e i p ii dat skliis cheap goli3 watches presentation inc stock bought since christ mas high grade of ameri can movements at savages xear pefrles siw drugstore guelph ie medical hal 10 store gvel ymm yii ee1i6teeet ivicensed auctioneer l z l- cccarit r-i-r- kft atth tctl peir oefe acti i i h jsta upper wyndham street guelph acvd in aui at tio lowest rate o iliteres bd cbap caji baxamr irj 01 be t dle f0iali lintr cia lkii st tlt cauiii liliifi wctki in er al or lirv a qaetitit at tay xiztz ap at t eijii nat toltonfi miu or o c ssjoxh iislk2i t boi 17 actos delvvarl fahhk foj- sale from fit u tlti lcrr arrivals atel- sootoji- tveeds rcs retbj- ced irftsl- i lb iiicto i a i in hered cr icenl teit- c with jtt tei feted cl mo oi eonaon delaware tlc fjiriea ire improyecj wihigilding ftlo fmii tree acd berries of ail kinds good watcr plenty of timber hmd goofl rtd schools audchorchd good market oily st miles from philadelphia plenty of fish oysters and garde tery prodnctire laci climate mild and pleasant me and ic for yourseli and be convince i am irspared with team and carriage to take victors to see the farms free of ebkrge j j d hcxdkices hodtfton ifelaware hla3slatni barber shop j f woedeit j his opeued a barber kbop4p the premirta j lately occupied by lr forster u j medical o3ise and solicit a share of the lalronajej of hit vicinity krery departmeilt of the lumlfcs mll he coodacted in ntchuu j ftv gire ui a eall j p vvtmoes shaw grundy merchant tailors ouelph tulek b1tthews agent for fire insuranoelcoe life accident inaurance tiqkete 3000 for 28c perday a jent for the ijomijuoa steupi tiji c rcisrn ticket issued or ticiuta k jnng obt juar friends pittrtr thas iltwi ijtt- htney tv loan good joint or budonpd tln dts notes duconoted aftnt for the codiac loan gariigb j co toronto cosratjiicb or deeds mortaefl disoiararejs chttla mortgages fart i ana house leases ajrreemenl a a clerk k court coinruibenibnb c a u t i o 1st each plug- of the myhill navy i8mahked tb in bkjohze lettxka 4c lamer of uwrtacalioealef i i kt- n oaan for qrain ahd foiif none other genuine rton mi t tm titlrsdiv ifonsixp march 2d 1883 pqmrar reply to baby mine all tbo narojwi daisie uitenod forthfl coming of my fwt ah the bronnyed panio whlrd of he welcome i ihoold inet bibymiiue bby mfnet sffpcwr hn the low wtndi wiugiul from tiariht uihtblrtl toag wi liic lltourbt ibat ilia vbo ptrc mc bby uin b4 waited lonj pby mlno fty mlac b j i lbi iiansy headi b ting lowtr wwplng tars of crjit d and tb iod with uioaruf nl cadclcc throogh tb calja ifllitm bleir b4bv mui 1 bbyniln tor hr wearr injurs ai waiticf wew oo earth forevroor and tb lotinf ctt 1t iricbiiig wstcbtd me froic tbo other iborc labrmiiio babv nilno i neurmon the joyous singiug of th birdj can fill ij lrat 1 or i bear lie law noto tlcgtcit bjt in pioa tad aurost bbr miik bbt luiuo still ill drtin fcbjj bebold her standing in tbo nnoclad door parplfi tnaat ugbu enfold her we tdiinf wtitiug arer more baby mine baby jiiae on tbe mouauln iu the irvodil i iivo eit the wicd l rent but only thy email hand kivt poerto aootb uiy jouejy breaat- baby mine baby mine 1 ijke a ilaglu ray m miduibt when all othar ligbu aro ml stan of lore tboa rtill art left in a shining through tbe darfcaea yet brby mine 3 baby mine next words ero lost all except itn- thioj about idsu ranee money ia the rains voice all was indeed uo pldlu the uaduti- j fill pair had evidently put tbo old gentle i man out of tbc way to gat the inaurauce monty wbnl was lo be done 1 i knew not if there wm a magiilralo in the neighborhood or wlicre to nod tim if thtte wri btiidti sophy absolutely refused to be left alone wbile i went to earth jller much cunsulutioa we rrsulved apon a course of aciioo there wu uo danger uf eldhlcli or his wife trying to escape ag loug as they hud no rvatua to beliete them- selves fuslccted 1 had a friend oo be detective force lo whom i would telegraph from ibe viluge tbe first thing lo the rauroiug to co die immedlttuly i i bad important busiueas for him the uxt day was sondav and fcfter sudiug mydespttch i reflolred to keep as dose a watch un our neighbors as was practicable without awakening their dis trust it was verging towards ten odofc through a chink in the division feuce at which i was keepiig watch co a coaled by the shmbbery i saw the eldritche- in sunday garb pass throngh their front sate looking as placid as if that whitahafred old man m order were not upoa thei r consciences i weat out at oar owogate and followed t a safe diataoc i the two walked along leisurely tbe womans hind on the mans arm till they reached the village and finally a nent little charch which lhy enured i waited awhile and then also went in judge of my surpriic at seeing in tbe pul pit in tbe act of giving out the opening hymn whom do you think t as true as my names john helley it was noae other lhau the darkfaced murderer i could hardly repress a or of indhmalion at such sacrilege and wbcu be went oa to ptxach a serin uu ou ihe golden rule fail of brolherlv kiudnesh aiid benatolencc t sat in stupified omazemcat at the mans effrout- trj- at the close of the meeting i resumed my watch till e had seen the reverend na il was all sophys doiog sasia and hta wife enter their own door give yourself a bit of rtxt iu the couu- j sophy and i iisteued at the wall but do itt jolu she said the buiotss t get i sounds were audible the neighboring in almg well enouuh under the bead ckrk till j males were either exercising extraordinary ihc ht aeascni oyer vte will ukt a lit cautiou or were in knother part of the tie house in the couutry whit wt want j house r1 least vov do is tbe frcsb sir of be jfy detective friend caina ou uooday open couiilry i dechtre yon begiu to look moniing a few words revealed whal i guile thin and peky joiiii dear l i lxd lo discloae really quite concerned aboat ycu if theyve murdered tbe old man for i yielded wilh a good grace and erery i he iueurance snid ruy friend its eroing tor a week i came home to find i singular they should conceal his death as tfopliy with a dozen orioof advcrlisemculs i ibey rpecr to be doing tucy caat get of deiinbie homes ia the couolnt the mauey without difclosing that the marked for ready reference man is dd and every moments delay after a voluminous correjpondenca aud would lend to excite suapicion it looks several tours of iospectioo we made a i aa if they had changed their minds about choice at last it was hull a doable frame j trring to get the insurance and were now qis srosr what we heard through the wall cotlae in a secluded locality and sur rounded by oomtnodious grounds thickly ataaded with roes the tlher half was oc cupied by a family it ho th agent said had given tha best of references though be lunw- nothing o them personally the surrounding grounda were ditided by a cloae fence which completely s epir ated the portions pertuiniug o ibe respect- outy luteul ou covering np their crime i piopose that we call at once on eldritch and lut you confront him with yonr dis covery before the re had time to hide the body our ring was anawered by the dowdyiah errant who at oar request- led ui into mr eldritch i presence a life has been taken in thia house by zt zl ilc i iiii d imi cure to cultivato our neighbors we could r cipeeud l0 with easily keap aloof- lem bul ne didu he looted up ll it was several day before any of mtlt rar witu aa smile answered tie oldobt bra store in oaolpb tao cheapest dru ston ia guelph tic zulliosust in store lasuslph smiths drug store is the best place to buy anything i you require in the drug line we have the largest stock the most reliable goods at tbe loucfet prices j iwe keep all the leading makes t dye stuffs diamond package lyes iill shades union and handy package dyes also our own dyes which give universal satisfaction toilet articles and perfumery in treat variety in stir bruihei mi oombi kali aal tooti bruihei xe have the largest stock ever brought into the royal city vc bqy directfromtheenglitih tiiidfrelich markets and are able itosell niuclt loer in consequence bfrtmtlfedlnei ail jdr4i jtuiip 0u oastoc ou hutrioot ou smt- ing ifuhiaa oil lubrloatlss ou settamerleaa ooal ou beit oais- aducoalou we have the rermlatiou for keep ing tlio best coal oil iu guelpb nnd we intend to maintain it 1 w smith co j chemists drwrsists lit m wivdiasambiiilblimkmibmeli the adjeining occupants ihe first o thera encountereo was a whiteheaded old mnn whom i met one morning cominc out as if for an early waik similar to that from which i was just returning he was bent with years and very venerable in appear ance and tbe bow with which he returned my salute was full of conrfcesj at intervals glimpses were caught of the remaining inmates who consisted of a daik dyspepticlooking man of thirtvfive or thercaboutf a chryfaccd little woman some five years younger whom sophy set dutn as the dark mans wife and a dowdy ish maidcfall work it was i not long till we discovered one drawback to our new abode the par tition wall was so thin that we could not btlp bearing all that pasted on the other side so it was ascertained that the dys peptic muus name was mr eldritch the old- geutlemaus mr hsrbtne and the servant mrids biddy furthermore that mr harbine was mrs kldritchs father i admit the fact was there ever such audacity j where have ybu bestowed the body j i demanded cjme and ill ahow you he leplied without a sign of trepidation could the man be in his senses or would i he after all escape the gallows on a plea 1 of insanity i he rose aud led the way to a rear gar- den we following- thcu removing a few spadefuls of erth he revealed to our ex- l pedant eyes the awolleo corpse dont be startled of a nujr rat i the old fccnmp had pestered us a good j while snid mr eldritch and being too- cunning lo be trspped and more than a match for the oat at last i laid due of arsenic for him dont trifle with us i said sternly 1 overheard you talking about insurance money nt the same lime i heard your con- wue wordi i study lo be what you wish to stem woman isoost perfect when most wo manly the man lias not lived in vain who plants a geed tree in the right place hard workers in usually lioiest in dustry lifts them above temptation he is happiest be he king r peasant who finds peace in hii own borne men usujliv follow their wishes till suffering compels fhem to follow their judgment tbe sleep of memory is not death for gotten studies are certain aptitudes gone to sleep we never know the true value of friends while they live we are too sensitive to their faults when ws hare lost them wa only see their virtue the best rules to term a mails character are to talk little and hear much to reflect alone on what has passed ia company to distrust ones own opinion and value others that deserve it faith jl teacher onse tried to explain to her little scholars the meauiug of the word faith so for an example she said 1 supiose a thief tus another thief that he haa hidden a leg of muttoa in a boat nd the other thief ulieves what he says would not that be puitiug faith in what he said i the next day to test their memory she aaked j what is faith j and the children with one voice shout- ed j a leg of mutton in a boat altered the cose heard i a a doctors pfflce how long will t take to cure me doctor v j well mr blank think you can get back to your desk at he bank iu about a month bat you will have to remain under treatment for several years but you mistake the hanker but mrj carrier oh that alters nothing ihe matter with you but a little biliousness you wil be well in a week i am not mr blank blank lie letter he ease there is aquatic ablations to remember easily il is sufficient to say that j a oold bath is fifty degrees r under a tepid bath about seventy fire a warm bath aboutwne hundred a hor hath about a inndrsd and ten a vapor bath about a hundred and fif teen a cold bath is tonicj a tepid bath is cleatsing and calming a hot bath relaxes the muscles and ex cites the cireulatiou corns ceris corns everyone suffering flom corns will be glad to learn that there is a new and painless remedy discovered by rhich the very worst class of corns may be r imgved entirely in a short time and withtot pain putkuss paiklxs- cork err lactoe has already been used by thousan is and each person who has given it a tria i becomes anxious to recommend it to othere it ia tbe only sure prompt and painless cu re for corns known putnams painless con extractor is sold everywhere n c plsov 4 co king ston proprietors i fessinn of the poisoning youll hardly whose life was insured for his daughters i i i- i j culm you had urn creatures life insured ueucflt mr eldritoulimile broadened i hadnltvnys had a special dislike of j my wife and i bftte consulied several prying cariosity j and one evening m j of late b replied bout gelling sophr sat knitting close to the comntunl- p monty m pay ihe forthcoming in- cotive wabher favorite position lately- i undent on her fathers poller but you wilh her eyes on her work and oue sar most havoprttry sharp ears to liav heard cocked attrntively i was in ihe act of j w clearing uiy throat for a homily on the sin before r lime t nasweruio while- of overintjuisltiveness when 8pliy gave t ut j ro start ibat yearly tumlild her from her made w an the soene null greeted as kjiili hi accusljomed bow chair her face turned white and her whole fraine trembled good gracious 1 come hiv john out lislen to this i sophys itfrrifted look drove the lecture from my head and in an instant i was at 4s well u 1 could for my confusion i hastened tu make a clean lireast f it lb juty eldrilch whq jaeghotl heartily and forgo vu my espionage in consideration of die motive wegot to be excellent ftlshda bophys side with my ear as closely clued i trd and finnd hima very worthy to the partition a net- ivrn igeuflennmr 7 v -r- tilt poison iiu dono its work- effectn- y illy isid n volcewliich sophy whispered i mtsubawiiiiisrv was the dirk nans i- j muket yofnilaas wnltiai nitne j i thank gondii vefe rid d the old j tywgttpwm j buiaatteeit jast 1 relumed anolherwhioh w8- ive agreed the wjto4 1 tf vsvjtewi- twxibhs pob iut iieiu oiifesmjfeliviii tronble i no jnprerrptud tboflrst then the speakers mutt have apxfd away a lltfl orturotu their hack fo the foqhtaw of health flowing jt ja thiifeaii est ojggittiiltaihibiiatu is jnelph 804 0nurlo inrestment and skvlntts hoelety i the annual meeting of tbe shareholders of the above society was held at fhs cal edonian rooms uutlph a few weeks ago the president mr d stlrtooin tha chair among those present were messrs d stlrton preeideot a b petricv vice president j b armstrong j m bond 1 j bernard rock wood jsmes oormack t a heating md jaoet phii john phio and james p phin hespcler john kean robert mewn robert forb tj day j e mceidery thoa pay llverton s myers geo hadden william hunter geo b metcalf 3 a davidsot a j brewster heipeler j w kilgour james forrest chas mcmillao enn t a j fi a somarrillc the chairman called upon jl g a someryllle who had bean chosen ccretary of the meetmg to read tbe followiig 1iep0bt the uireotori of ihe guelph and ontario investment spd savings society present to the shareholders their report for the year ending december 81st 1882 tho profits for ihe year after deducting all costs of management interest on de posits and debentures etc are 2344334 which hare been disposed of as follows dividend so 12 paid 3rd july issi sio0699 dividend no a pajable 3d jan 1883 8u9156 carrltd to reserve fund 8v2a277 the result of the years operations cannot but be sstsfsctbojgw the shareholders showing as it doean inarease in all de partments of the 60c ietys business for the first time the item debentures appears in the statement of assets and us bilities aid the fact that over 142000 of oar debentures have been issued instead of 50000 as anticipated in lastanoual report proves conclusively that investors have become thoroughly familiar with the un doubted nature of the security this society uteiaylbem in pursuance of the settled policy of the society a special inspection of the greater part of tfia properties held under mortgage waa made during the year by the president and mr melvin with the most satisfactory results and the shareholders may well be congratulated on the undoubted character of the societys investments the directors have pleasure in again testifying to the zeal with which the man ager and his assistants continue to dis charge their duties all of which is respectfully submitted d stibtos president financial statement for the year ending 31st december 1882 cash accovxi eec3ipt5 payment on loan interest on arrears savings nana deposit permanent stock accumulating and special stock- general interest bundry accounts debenture account t310 15766 olmlk sm5o0d l37tss 600js 1033x0 13yyiffl m9wt0 xusbcnsehevts balaoc4duefodetalbcfc3tttdoc 113 stlst loans on mortgage l masak 4 41su7i u707j8 savings bank withdraals intaret on savings bank deposit permanent stock dividends 15j9h5 accnmulatingdjspscialctockditi lends 1233 accomulatuig special stock a pitol- iied btosooo expense ixasti snndrj- account r 1s23jj general interest 108j9 commission 52333 debenture account- nw ffl intexest on debentures- 31ss csh in fedarol bank 353273 pnont axd loss dr dividendsji and 13on permanf ntbtock 14g7 21 on accnmnibtfcg on special stook interest on deposit debentures commlstion valuation and baudton fees cost ot management added to reserve fund interest on loans interest on arrears qentrsl interest 37096 562j0 ut07j8 34302 53190 160ju 39a98 53ct7 ms75j5 mcnaji 185787 xj7m hollocvt ointment feoros wounds nicer- stions and other diseases affecting tbeskin are amendable by this cooling and healing uognent it has cailel forth the loudest praise from peisons wio have suffered for yearsfrom bad letfs atsceases and chronic ulcers after every ho of oare has long passed away kout imt those who have experienced the soothii g effect of this oint ment can form an id is of tbe comfort it bestows by festrainii g inflammation and allaying pain wheniver this ointment has been once used i has established itt own wcrth and has again been earerly sought for as the eaau at and safest remedy for all ulcerous compl tints in neuralgia rheumatism and goat he same application properly used iivea w mderfpl relief 950000 1 reword for any tettimon alt recommending mcgrepora speedy cire for dyspepsia indigestion costiveneit headache ect that are not genuine none pf which are from persons in the st tea or thousands of miles away but from arsons in and around hamilton on i we gi ve rial bottles frels of cost so that you oar not be deceived by purchasing a worthless article hutknow ltsi valuo before buying trial bottles ana teettmoniala given free it j k mcfianrinl drug store i tjyiwentvfbur i eautiful colors of j diamond dyes for a ilk woo cotton io10ots a diild an nee with perfect tuocms one of hatty mr tti w carmit hael chemist and droggist of belleville writes as follows youjr burdock bio d bitten hte steady lite ate ptttt nixed 4ry ihe betl tmulf here apd ni orjdtixjpdntryj andai attett to itstli twtwiidojwif fiid llirsuoiy t yii issnts and ttlbtttttes the sssets ore as follows cash value of loans- cash in federal bank the liabilities are as followe savings bank deposits and interest debentures 331787ji suailojg 636393778 829090373 snrpln assets the borplos sssets are cmposed of permanent stock- i 825040000 paid on accumulating and special stock with interest 1890770 permanent stock dirtdendjiayabie 2nd jan 1bs3- 873l7s- reservs fund- 183ft5 j so5oer3 g a sososxvni secsetary we hereby certify that wt have mode a monthly nndit in detail of the books of the guelph and ontario investment and savings society for the year 1582 exam ined all securities and vouchers relating to the same and that wo have valued all ihe mortgages and compared the accompany ing balance sheets with tho said books and found them correct a j buewbtebj j wkiloqba s after moving that the s report be adopt- ed the president snid in performing tin duties which devoirs upon me of moving the adoption of the report i think 1 may honestly ccugralulalo the shareholders on the very satisfactory statement lust lead that statement shows n considerable extension of the societys business enabling the directors to pay twosemiannual dividends at the reto of seven per cent per annum andphice over 18000 to the credit of tbe reserve fond j in connection with the extension of the societys bnalntea the first point to which i hall briefly allude ia the hew f miuto in the report referring to the issue of deben- tnrea and in dolngse 1 wili call your at tention lo the state of onr savings bank branch at the date of last annual meeting at that urns wc had nearly reached the limit prescribed by law end we were con- sequently uegtnnlug to fee somewhat hampered by not being able to avail our- 1 selvet nf the favorshlo oppottunitics prc- teatlng themselves for the extension of our besinete and alto to meet tt wishes of epoaitors this ilitbculty has been ovcr- imtby tho ibsus of debeuturia tiiosuc- altending this dew deparjnre has been eiteonragtngand gives temogt- con naive evidence of the public boufldeuce ity r integrity sad atabilily asj monetarj- huuoi tboisaue rf otetly e psurtfev muisi evide ofc