s and truskts aw talavss of tb alovo statement and wlieu -jllj- kiiowa hit ciccolort auuioritid by ci of pat utmut lo mtwiiu uio dobealurca of tbta tocictr 1 m blftfitd ihal ibis branch ti mil more largtlv increase konnlhstaudjcf that motiiv bit bora ixcdtigly abundant audinurostat a low rale deling 111- year yd the board has rercded iu facing oyer 1t8 on nuttg igvt ot i catvfuih tcicct likiiu luc tta ot the no my matkat a cvidviee ul hv lntu dkli icd during lit ttu h aifyrda mc nuch pleasure to ltat that payiner13 of pri icijial and interest continue to be su4vtorly raide and it may b wcil fcrinc tor to ttsto that while a very coasidcrsma el ire of oar new loani wore eitcclvo on ecviititwa prvvioaly held by cihvr corapauic yet in nearly every caa tvlcrc cur iba uortgaet become due aftd the traokieliou waj rty desiied ici niarlrsse arain the sc 8uiior clau ot propttty d and yfair mat coo the grut cure txcrciwd lu our loans i may slate that the amount of 104 ow kindly nuticc will out clrsirinic n ajiticviu iu ony way egutislicid it in with coiniuuuli nlido tlml wo louk back upon itlia many imnroveuienta which have tkeu nlxw in cur yilugo during tho pdl halwoin y nit tlio origin of noaily every one of which in due lo agitation lirihu lre press through which chaunel ibo iisprovenienla need ed bavo always beau advocated and pucwl bofcia our ciljimis it u manner ahowing what wasjin our opinion tucoajary for ibeir lrocl convenience and picture and for the prcgrma renewed wilh as giving the tlrobgat ciideuw that we retain the confidence of ou customers and donbtltaa mien cuur uer business baa been secured throuir their in lluencc by rtfcrriuj to the services of tle nioiujer ind tlatinj that the sneceaa of tkc society w ia largely due lo bis untir ing c3vru for it i welfare rie seconded the resolution which was cirri d unanimously i mr- we ru iter expressed hia aatisfte port he alluded to the l1 coenpaulea to iucreaae rinionel the maraicaieut tfcia congratulated the stoct- tion with the toiency of cvrxriic tad to uard again mr mclyin holders onth gratifying results of the years business he referred to the fact that the actual dividend earning power of tic company ha i been greater than in any previews year rhile the ratio of expenaca to the total amo int of investments had been lei than formerly he alluded to th desirability of obtaining for the company a larglr rnd nj ore attractive office aa the present one is requirement pnton arnur uairiiio- tc hmcrs that tl tse kens were firstciaaa anl ivjoi zr dojbt amply securvd sur board was reelected ard t o lb- f jllvcig jcullcmen 1 i lr iv r vicjpresida r m-j- titnei i thin il lwr oha phii it ir crro hidden kmtioj hi chariss mcmnia- iuca if p advancement ivcd bt village and we buy inaunce had i he piei st interests of our in almost erery sure of keeiug the scbentes advocated by the free press result in tucceesful coutttaimatiyn in comparing acton with other town and villagis possessing equal advantagev if is vry wttiafactory to uoticc that for a nt clean uiaieful enterprising and businesslike place acton caucot bo surpassed for ibis very iciedilable shewing we have die temerity to believe that theflute press to some considerable exicut desetves credit for of neighboring uiuu bothering their rei 011ed almost etel ical iiiiclcs consequently neglecting lywl affairs the been couunually e afttrjand w tiling t eats of our village a i acting as the met advantage welti quiet inadequate to the the constantly increasing businev dun the latter part of the year le had in tccted nearly ail the a cictys investments in luther w garafrata tdthetownsof mt forest i sister to ana thia ik a fact deserving of and he assured the share- 1 ibeconsidemtion o being instrumental in oiiginatio the i the villacc council the council tntt i a a mi grand millinery upeuing on friday 30th and saturday hll ma fell 15s3 we are lactivluk a lotof superb millinery daily and we shall bo iii a position to show yoa one of thu beat diiplays ever ciliibitol in uls county on the above dales kew mil linery and xcw milliners we have i- curcd h tho person of miaa icitson one of the best milliners in canada i ladien you can come and leave your orders with con fidence mcleod lauderwu 4 co mam moth house geenfetowii j s wcthcrtll wntinj from winnipeg says 1 cu say more about pltosfhatllt now than when i saw you last in toronto my health is much improved aud i am free from headaches or any other aches baring onlyusei two mid a half bottles af your phusphaticti for sale by all druggists answer this question- wiiydoso manypeople we sea aroud us seem layrelerrisiiuer end be made infer able bylutiljestloncousllrallon dliriness losrofarptllle coiulnc tip of the fooi lellatcttii wlieo for tact wo will sell litem shtlous vullior uaraulecd locuro thera sold uy j e mctiarvlo tau quick- cat thins on rooorel is krims fluid lightuiuc for neuralgia headache tootl ache elc it dcia not blister or dicctlor the shin requires but oro iipplicatiijll to banish all pain magically a ithout using any greasy liciuicut or carv ing your head iu a puiltice for wrel5 try a tweityfivc cent tittlc fioiu 1 ii mc- garvin dnigit jeing inatrumenrl and why ia this th case simply be cause while many ot the newapapers cipalities iikvu been deis with columns sively with iiplit free press has nployej in looking p the special inter itid its neighborhood iutn by which her made public and iu many instances nprovetuenls which have placed her abjve- the level cf htr our citizens business brevities born faota about oar butlaim kb and houaaa sf twntfn to enr tneral nadan ilessca milchel i ilatt druggkln london ont writa dec 1831 ve have sold dr thomas ecieclaic till sinca its first introduction and we can safely say no rnediceue on tur sbeves baa had a larger iale or lves better satisfaction wo alwsvs feel sife in iccommendiug it to our customei mr c p urojtn thown lind agent sault sle maiie ttiiies two or three of my iriends and myself were re commended to lay northrop k lymans emulsion of cod ivcr hi and hypo- phosphites of lime aid soda in pre ference to compound syrup of hypo phosphites we prefer your emulsion and think it betler foi ihu system thun the syrup ic t mr c e kigfiu teihiivilla writes a customtr wbn trici lntl ol kor- tlnop k iymuns vcfelibte discovery says it is the ll thing ho erer used to quote h oii woris it just reemcd to touch the fjot cifected about a o he bd oi ilttlt of bilious otis inst reeve in j evei cnl rru- alrivnl be wt in loi another all pieasnt who 1 leconjinei cd this valuable niedi tuesday evening i the chair metnlrera ilie imaiire ciiniimttet preseuted i kith ilv the forilh tepjit mcfon t ffress meet of the follow jlc hill stoics igirgc hivill do recommending pay fir accounts oo s3 ii qu e r jcom u ti wattt both health end he iij rclnniber that rdl rupariiviil elions to increase your per ecual cbormes rtre viti fusbness and munxixs march i- 1ss3 jhn kay toronto fjirpet for stage solc uijlt r to secure i5 lsdiaie iinklama lemdiea for all fetuile rreatcneii offer the uret the proposed eouer mill efctiij of busi 1 a vrrv isle ut n atti otlrrb ejuucil riitu3- lrit oatutdtvr efctiiuj u receive te frvera roller mills and sczuit tliiisllai lelxtive to their j otv cjv r otlnr milu iu tle pro- j eich ucun cf fiuur the enliixietcd cct of erccucn ic tie codmittec reported that ther hi viiicd dumler af will lviui ftry firaruble report and couijenbic idfurniittoa oa tbe subject- tinv ld also i arret ponded will mana faclutere of ruier will uiacbiuery and received estiruites of raiioas sizes and tqucurwlicli estimates were preaeuted to lbo6 present a good dea on cle subject tbit gamciaqt to kuirunt tle ufcitizus aid cf ditcuesiou toot place iwl it r kft finally decide tnlereac vras miiiftated tilling of wasi froicr of tbii cud tiie foliating ifalution iu con- i wquently uuauiiaousl pied moved bv foiuft jlotrf ecoaded report adopffd by d hendtrion that the rtcve of j- iloved by d aendca seconded i kusdk apnl2udauciianscl hotel ibe ritiage be ieqaetted to ckil n public by wai ifclcond ajiid resolved that the j wixlivz of tht iddects of actmi koq council will agrtie to xenijit ftoui 4jicnt towiiiiis to consider the juration the tan tidytafibiiity o we hope to possijiy can pros and con ho doing lev intelligent opin in ta lat zccqu tro fie meetdrv item if be kpg on of teeing the i e l moore frintdg ljd iu tbe j report adtiptcd cpan tnjtiuu tb the iiocfeiliiigs of thy council kvs j read a third tiru d j i tb special com q2s c3u j means of renovation the higheit intel- mtcuil bgence lot its utie when it muht gnd erprcsion though u bilious cjinpeiou bv iiti to leirukif good for cither f ex uoitliy of prnlse 1 as c ruii- e do not recjmaieud ffttent ittec appaiuied to j medic hui niia we know of ctie iiiake ecaiiirits rejectirg the titioq j tt muy u s public benefactur snd for tie ringing of iixt the irayer of cbe petition be grut- aud tiutt the ij1 it ntug sttirocloct erfiy momiuff is sjou ks e2tifctorj be made fur sucu ki council tlitn ad evening feidav j the council met he town bell at fcir dcics positively cure tbeti we coutideril itiiuff recommended iocrduly to imparl that mformiuon to all electric biucis are truly a most valuable mediciiie and will surely cure biliouetey fever and ague stomach lirerardkiducy complaints eren when all other rmediei fail we knowwuere- o we tpoiic axd wn freey recammind them to all excu sold at fifty cents bottle by j e fcgarvin mdins sccpted eo iitad2ciueuis can rvici ouniid until fiiday in thi chair nicmhra all present the finance c heir fifth re part the auditors rcpoil j twit- be decutftd ax fina tllowed ic fended payment evexikg this evecln teeve omoiitlee pieseted rrcomniending that and dflniled slat- v audited and atjotiok sale be5ist3r 5r john boomer of difford paid his friends here a short visit this week r wm keohtrecl auctioneer will scllai the folios inr sales on tile dates meriticned friday eoih march p mallygaelph tp saluidavrslsl j hiller aeon the committee alsoiccora- i n mouday 2nd april u sims ospringc of the eccouut of j tuesday sil tt j kellyeramosa john deaar of t3s5c for service jc thursday 3lh ai tolicitor hriday cib i saturduy tlh j ilellereai do a watson guelphtp t croft eramosa eiy properly aud furniinu a joint ylnob- i ii c vrc tl x hj- 1 j- furniture cec at the korth american hotel clrprice the property of matthew riim eq sale to oominocce st 12 jock ctpjay to build or build and run aim acton for the tioilei mill rh the talent tmpmved ifuridixl said tann inch m cling to lo held in the i in pujier stale of r tenu of ten tears i it propuly is put i pair ud kept con- 1 f batuidav the 3uti atedtlr ninntng dining thit time odaefc ciriod moved hy li i wdgrain secoudj tree a very lare ifatlier i by c s smith thut lha auditits ul lieetinj very oitisen struct be published io st thia uiid every fiii er in the neighborhood is more or less uutreste4 ic the success of this qnestioti thetefora letsll tvlio e prricnt to heat- ibt on the subject and by aill ii4 able to form an pkks ill be njant gained council then adjourned rpcfrwo d sews another of our old settlers bus pawied power of the press iaway in tne person lof chenydale tfc of mrs r farries i old lady bad been 11 for a long tim but ahe boro her issue of the erin dvj offering christuii fortitudo arid hie follouing compli- j resi thus- nehr one are the ipioneeis of this neighborhood the ado heze pre u ig for improvements in hie eiitoi of the fkee much loirard improv- etantly ogitati that villrge pkess baa dunk ilif tbe coudilou of the village and lie will have the pleasnrn ew mill he talks about in full operatiia beforp he close lof life jucben yeer our brothei of ihe adcoeau will kiudl accept our thanks for tbi called away jxant have been the cbangevi since they fjettled in the then wildernegir jlr john llntriii of eramosa nar- riwly tsdid inalant death on the jbwriasli hij needles railway craasini ywtenlay morning cross beforn an ei nviriej hie fnuiueijnd averted a cataa- tijopbe mr richard mo ed from the north vest a in the actox free er recjoired by law ikidneyw0rt ifor the permanent cure of j constipation j trjj cajpiiian and no rasdyhm wr t c5d i- cutetd suatrwort m 2 cicirc vrtterrti3caosfltffwbterolaafttji n pl pt tob u 3 teilfnri parli and qjdsij ccrc3 cii cveawliea phjilclsiwr gtti mccjuc ta70 batoo fajlod jitit r iavt dag of thew tayobl m j wells pffehaarjiill cpe if irproved butter color above roclcwood in endeavniilig to gine th driver e lias again return- foulineofailsiaebaad oftrmtn of anerie vttb ba txetskps irtt- uffsmt tag onj prtn 1 wbo brpatkstfuidbcmrtuetibeiikml n- narchwahmitnprondin wrarel poiali awl no asathii new ooicru tie bettbttluwhd hwin wot oolorth butfrmllk it will mot turn banota hlattia tronawt bnghtt and ciaapt color maaa ivaad wule pnoand la oivlfaoeoapoaaa- 0 te l towm rudkl ot all taritaoma sad ecas iutvsjsi uiw0ocot i jrsswmsij pth bwwd rte v tebcvvbcnntflmrco n fswtfeoettsnl m ti edualubt vzu4us41mmac dclde4ieefsi it i pronounced by all tboit who hava uicd thii dread manufa0tor4 from tb roller proceai flour to be tapcrior to my ikoy hve uied heretofore maaofactared ul the exceuior bakery e nickliq8on- hats frooi 7fi contb to 26c at j fytei a good felt rat fur 75 cents at j fytvi irou uauta nobbydurableand onop suit j iylefl ia tho ploc to go scotch kngliab and canadian suitini iu rojt varitty at the eaat end clouiingtorc j fyfe actoo suiu uni overcoau at extremel love rates aud made iu latest styles be sure to call aud see them j fyfe acton smioha catarrh remedy a marvuioua care fyrcaurrb ulphtberla cadicer moult and read ac lie wiibcacb boule l tie re it an incenioas niial injector for tue muraaaccestfal trfalmtctof iheiecpoa- tjluau witiioui exint cbarf frlce 60 cents bold bjjacmcgarvin fofxtaix ofeiriltir a blood parify- iulj caaipouud ot herbs roou barks and berries all finely jround aoireidf for ase price 2o cenu per package ckcjicaala ciimax eye salve and oiat- incut fouauin of health and hupoa regu- miug fills for sile by j e mcgarrin acton and ucral ilore tbroajhout the coaatry no household ihould lw cooaidered com plete without a batle of dr vax bthess kintt ccrc is in tle closet it im the only remedy that will positively permia- tully aad promptly cure all forma of kidney disease sold by j e ucoafrin why should a mm whose blood ia warm within sit like im eranjsire catiu alabaster v or let us hair era- maty scant aud thin when ciogaleae renewer will make it tow the faater for sale by j e ucgamn barbers irrir thii u ouc of the moat difficult sore to cure knowo to medical science due bos of churclijls climax oifitmect will cure it trice o ceuta we lmv- afikciy ati pojiuve ucre fjr catarrh dlrliitiia canter moctn anj ileati aebett shllolis cauirrh remedy a ciil itjctor irer with chcii bottle rjaclt it yirti litiie icitlt and rtooi farm pncc 5a ceuu hold by j e itcgamn hubert munrue tigiucdriver betweeu kircardiue aud uaoaillcn says- it waa i ituijoasiblc ftiraijy periruu to bo a or aab- ject of llytpcpaia aid a greater sufferer tiuu i often had to le down iu the ca boose and actcajiy tliocht i would die before i reached my deatiaatiou i par- chaed a utttlc i mcorecrb speedy cup audit cured iue free triil bottles at j eilciaryiua dru fcare uegubr size fifty ccuta and one diar rlxlvorms and scald h exxi people ufteu do utt kuuff what to do for the tumbles for a speedy cure cue churchills cliuiai uiutmcjil priw 2o cents sicciliaii l- hainiltoq cf the welling ton marble works gcclpb out are doing the lirrft relul mrbif traje in ont ow ing to tle fsct thit tiidyo tiie best work xndsell the cfieapeel the pamic ira warn ed iauit dealing with secccd hand trade peddler but tlould uo direct to the firm or buy frcm tlcr actr c that the uauie mcvniiiau t uacilui ia on tht printed form before yon elcu or otdcr a xcw ivul a toronto firm are pat- tiug ap a purely reguble cathartic pui in leu ceut ixues tj aaite the conrcaience of penous desiring small quantities con sequently hopes neulating pilla are sell ing like hot cakes everywhere cajverfa carbolic cermt the fioeat healing componad under the run there is no sore but will succumb to its wondefal healing properties it is an inrluable dressing for cats barns bruises fimplee scaku boils fasterinp etc priec twentyfive ceuta at j e mcgar- rma dro store a oaro to all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth nervou3 weak ness early decay loss of manhood etc i will send a recipe that will cure you trei or ckapgc this great remedy waa dia covered br a issiouary in south aluerica send a selfaddressed envlopc to the rev joseph t ikwak station dxev yorkcjif oh whatacouffh veill jou heed the warnint the signal pcrhapsoffhs sure approach ofthat mott terrible disease consanjpuqp aik you- elrcs if yoa can aflord for inesake of saving soeenfi to rnn le rijit and do nothing for u we know from experience luat snllohs cure wilt core your oongb it never fnilf t-lf- explains why more than a million uot- ilea were sold the rst yeai- it relieves roup and whcojildgcongh il once mo- ibersdonntbe wilhoatlt forlamobacx bide or cheat use tthiluhs porous plaster bold be j e hcgarviu kow that there is a tciablo remedy for kidney troubles half the terrors attached to these complaints have been removd for this let all be thankful and to dr vas burets kizuzx crre award all praise for hiring thus removed a hitherto considered fatal disease from bur path it was never known to fail sold by j e mogarvin rest and comfort la the fiafferlnc brawns household pdaoea has no equal for relieving pain both in teraal and external it cures fain in the side back or bowels sore throat ktaeuraatlici toqhfiple lumbago and any kind ot a fain or aobe jt will 0t fiuiely chicken the blood and ff us i mt p wonderful brownaho acknowledged as the greatpiiu u and of doubls be iirength of any other elixir or liniment in the world ahould be in every family bandy for uae nben wanted aa it really ia the beat remedy in the world for cramjj in the stomaoh and paihi and aoh of ill kind and ia for aale by all druggutsat 2s cent a bottle for till kidney6 lives urinary organs the t blood itkificfi there la onlyone wajrby which an disease can be eared and that is by removlna lbs cau- thjiuverlt may be riioroal rufd- ealanihirlursof hi day declare l hot nearly erery disease fseansed by deraruod hldneyi or liver- to restore uies iliorpfore l the only wa by which health can t- eerurrd here i where warskis sxrr crtir bei achieved iu great re petal ion jiacu direct ly upon ihe kidneys and isvratiif oy plicing them in a healthy condition drives dlsese and pain firm lw yalcm foi nil kidney llvrt and urinary troubles oriiifi jaire- inj utord4s of worneu fur mamrlr pnd physical troubles gcnerulij this preii rem edy hssnoequal kewareo impostors im itations ana concoctions said o bejnat aa good kor lua betes ask for wabnebs hafe dta- bbrreacxri korsale by bji dealerf h b n torostoaost bocheaterny londonens d thikable hoises to let three of those conveniently arrangeii tenement houses of the acton licildh association may be rented by applying lo 4 v hstouuv acton uec 2sft lsi president t iubervaatld the uademgned is prepared to purchase auy quantity of elm birch red beech aofi maple rim ash red oak bassood vrhitt ash poplar white wood laiu cf cid pine cedar or black ash in cither bolts iocs or standing trcci applv atnnctta tffos v m0o1ie acun int dyspepsia liver complaint i it not wcrtd uinmall rrtcr oftjccntr lofrce roureek of every eympioniof iii6 istressiuseonijalijli h you ililoit k m 1 at ourstfire and jet a biire o smioiis viu liter eveo bottle has a irlntej summe o it use acardlniy aid it it dbes you no ood it wilt cost yoa nothing sid liy j k mc- ganio cures 50rl k eyes old sores all skin diseases dr feliz le bruns grieegr ctji it acuhnmtedciire or vtuelal dlies safe pleasant and reliable no 6dctecls froruiuue does not inlfrere ivilu brsl- nes nr ulet irie iwrboior liiree boxrs orj uritten pnemnlecs ifni by everj iiuly bltliorlred aem lo refund i htnaue i three boiesfpll locnrj sent ixasuige irepaid on lecelpeofprire- ur felix le sutn co si m kid bl east toronia soe froprieicnr je iicgarvlu autborliodajentfor acln onlario- a aa people are iwnytf un lha m 1 l lookoat for chances to iu- iim i jt create their earnings acd in lr time beeomewehlitlj tnos who do not improve tteir opifortunltits r- majn to poverty we warn mxny laen wo men boys and girls to mors for us rebt to tuelrown localities any one can do the wore orpperly trom the qrvtsurt tne basl- nesjwl paj more than ten umts cjrdliiry wages xpensive on tflljuru shec free su one who engbitesfallu to make money rapid ly yoa can devoue your whole time to th- worlc or only your spare moment full inform all on and all thalh needed ut sree- addrenstissoy a co portland main butcher shop r holmes would respectfully inform the peeple of acton and vicinity that he baa purchased the business and property of mrw c robinson and ia piepared to supply all with firstclass meat of all kinds aud poultry and gxui- in swtii y meat delivered to any part of town at any tiers ft having practical etpci fence iu the bateheririj buaiuesa i feel cot nr tut hat i can scit all- a call kindly solicited ii holmes 3bt liver sale board stables mill8treet aoton la where you oan get firstclass rigs at reasonable rates mammoth house georgetown beg leave to intimate that they are daily in receipt of new fresh spring goods including millinery mantles readymade clothing tweeds geuts furnishings llafa caps hosiery and small wares iu fact everything that constitutes a firstclass stock- xyeliavi exercised ourselves to oar utmost capacity and made use of our long experience and large resources to saenrea stock for prices variety and quality that will surpass anything ever attempted in this county we can aaure the public that wejwill sell them goods at lower prices than smaller concerns lave to pay for them our steck is large and varied and we make additions of the newest and cheapest goods to be found in the markets of the world we call special attention to our millinery we get the new est and most fashionable material and we keep lightning hands to set up the same iusuperfor style our dressmaking department lias proved quite a success we turn out dresses and mantles to the satisfaction of our patrons we make a specialty of moarningap- parel and wedding trosseau we have an immense stock ot djess goods in all the new materials silks satin satin de lyon satin fatullearx cashmeres ic prints a magnificent assortment iotho dark colors lively patterns and with borders a beantifnl print for 5c a yard tickings domestic goods checked 8hirtings coton- ades and drills u drill for 20c a yardthat oan not be torn tvepell gray and white cottons at mill prices our orderedplothing de- piirtmfent is unsurpassed it is one of the largest concerns ofjthe kind in auy county town we guarantee satisfaction in quality price fit and set up carpets a magnificent stock a union carpet tor 25c a yard a tapestry carpet for 45c worth 65c we have astpek that will comparwith any carpet house for size quality and price also aiiiie stock of floor oil cloths lace curtains large btockvaijied and cheap we respectfully nsk a continuance of the patronage of bur friends and cordially invite the public generally aud they may depend on getting firstclass valueand courteous treatment from us mcleod anderson co mammoth house georgetown 7 1 glasgjw house lson mm a we are now showingthe contentsof over 25 cakes of shoes and slippers in all the leading lines i also a choice selection of new prints in ad the newest and most desirable patterns i we call special attention to our immense stock of english irish scotch and canadian i tjweeds worsteds blqe serges axd facy i j trouserings ii i which contains the latest aud most beautiful designs j remember we make them up to order iu the latest aud most ap proved styles and guarantee a perfect fit we are giving special values in f sugars f e have a nce bright sugar 131 lbs for 1 00 also special value in 25 cent teas as torailfciadsof maohiaw at j e moqarviab good commerolal higs enwcsidellrery widointlllmaflf tab xpr t deivr good k- thjr prt of the town alfler tbe 1st march i intend h do a si riot cash business only as nrarfit will not pay for hone feed or i repajrv j ed mattievs we are bound to take the lfead in giving bar gains parties may rely oh getting best value in all qenjral 0ocds a the glasgow tne highest price paid for produce itamemtor our famous- 50c tea ta i nelson iyt6b drug store actoij oat horse and cattle fosd at kcqamis ittfg st o e