Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 19, 1883, p. 2

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ritffiirf7awmim tv w i tiirtsuiv uorking april 191463 the prospects it will be remembered by rainy of our readers thai the history of this province for many years past bis byn a cotitinuaurcheuging em of scsaocs of prosperity and depression some- times owing to bad crops bere and sometimes awing to depression in tbe uuiled states tbe wont reason we ever bad followed one of the most prosperous seasons tbat has ben kuowir in ontario namely tbe well known dtpressionln business thai took place at tbe close of the russian war atid tbe fall of satwatapcol in 1s56 the winter of 1871- was yery similar to the present winter tbat ii just now passing away both winters being noted for having a continual serifs of violent snow ttoiois that blockaded railways and greatly impeded tbe lacabecing and wood basjneaa that is nsuklly carried on extensively in the winter the winter of 18745 was folios ed by several years of great depression another wonld be sign of cominj depression was sounded some months ago when the president of the eank of montreal in- his annual state ment drew attention to the largo amount of capital out on discount and which lias since caused many banks to curtail he discounting of notes as much as possible the immoderate speculation in propeity in manitoba and the xoith west will also have an influence in the same ditection as the same inordinate speculation in property in this province had in 185g7 there were s1sg failures in the tj s reported to bradfirede in the pxst quitter during like quarter in 1ss2 and 1ss1 total failures numlered-2u6- and l9s6 respectively canada bad 409 failures in tbe past quarter against 225 in first quarter of t aud 174 in a like ortion of 81 it will be seen fromtbts tbat tbere l a great increase iireajy in business failntes in the united state and canada during the quarter just endl with the correspon ding quarters in all these signs of a coming season of depression ii lead business mer of prcdeace to be prepared for any energeny as far s possible the iiges we bnve pointed cit are indispuitalile and ereryfuer clian and busmis man in tlieeountry aliourd use the ctoiaet caution in their wnhagiutn n at oakville a large port n of the town dest yed lutelligeuco fron oakville alatea that a ditaatroua file etirtl there about ono oclock yesterday local firemen were morning aud the quits unable to stay ita progress maypr bonwcll toronto was telegraphed to for aid and in his bsenco from the c the yonge street s plemcdt of firemen the ir the matter was refrredto aid farley tho chief of the fire deparlmiat ku at once com municated with mid he ordered out earner with a com- in charge of dep utv sheriff graban- about two oclock union station by the men left special train owing to the fait tbat the telegraph office was dcslrayei very little can be ascertained as to ifceextent of the 2ro but from what car hour of going to that a great port been reduced to ashes be learned at the press it is believed on of the town has acton village coaucll the regular acini monthly meeting of tbe council was chamber on tuesc hers all present chair jlinutes of lis confirmed a coaiumnicit lyman applying lace constable was held in the council ay evening mem seere storey in the the finance committee presented their seveuh tepo recommend paymen accounts thomas kbbagc lumber work luther lymsn cue nouths salary your committe ktitiou of w a meeting read and on from mr l or the office of vil presented and read t as follows your committer on finance beg to nt of tho following f 1699 have also had under consideration the sport of the special committee to wbm was referred the lsn and others and are of opinion that no alteration should lw made in the existing contract- with the caretaker owm to the insufficient amount of moneys in the bands of die treasurer for ordinary expenses sll of which is respectfully submitted c js smith chairman soiitb seecon led by at ibe report of the moved by c s d henderson li finance commil adopted carried council then aiiourned just read be transactions personals pest a fe diy tue scott act ia halloa tbe hut on sac- exliejits a spirit cf considerable ecierprise end t eeeming desire to lay the fasts of the tnatut fairly and lodesilf- before ali cluset of people xxseing motivate differing ilr fred sccor heme this week mr jolm liiby town tliis tree iu jlisctc scrpi i v llrz edward m i sriia yeiierdsy iliss lsars jsrri friends in tfaedfoni returned home las f bo mncrille vrzsia vc irkui in ore tlsiicj friends m witb each other on the salject by mr dr c fitcmia of milton were bending a rtiiteseutattve to visit eacli j llicguectsof mr bo las been tiziuug for he p5t uw mouths tftccfc we ire pleased fnaotice tbat mianiiie cofrigill who hi bcec conficed to hcr rcom for m2ie um is able to be oat spxm mr dr y frteaun of georgctavrc why ihoumft nun whoic blcxxlu warm within i hit like his crandiir cut id ilabutar or lot his hair fftow ruity ictot and thin whao ciogalcie baowir will make it grow the fmttr kor aaj by j e mcgftrvio a new idu a toronto firirr ro put ting op a portly tegtubu cathirtic pill in to cat boioa u oito the ooaraoieaoo of xsrtoni doeirina imill quantittea cou- kqueotly hom rojrnlatitig pilli are idl ing likfl hot cakflg evorywhert mr j ust ttareboaacman for uati bror buna jo k y layi ba had a swelling on the foot whioh ha attrib utod locbublflim houiod drtbomaj eolootric oil and u troubled no longer hyatoria piiiineaa kiti or falling sickneaa insanity diicaid brain and enfeobled mind oured by dr e c weata kerve and bramtriatmnt bold at j e mogartin jjrug hlora aoton uouch on rati cltars out rata mica rcrachfii fliai lets bedbugi ikuokf chipmunki rophars 15c druggiita i we httaaipedj and poitdt cure for catarrh diphtheria cankar motitti tad head achciaahllohs calnh nmed7 a qaiallnjmlorfrm with each botll ijiell if you deairfl health and sireat brtalh pric soccdi sold by jk mcoarrld shiloha catarrh remedy a marvelous t lira forcatorrb dlphlberl canker mouth and ilad cha wuh wb boule there taantngfnloaa nal injector for tu taorosueeemful iiratmentof lheieom- plaluu vraiioutjxttctiarge price 50 enti soil bjjk mrgarvln a sinn v srtiuit since ita iatrodac lion thorc ha been a steady atrcam of tho foantain of htiuu flowing it ii the rreat- cat dysikpsa nmedy of the we priae 25 cenu i in hc history cf medicine no preparation has received such universal cotnniendatioo for the alleviation it afford and the per manent cure it effect in kidney dueaea aa dr van uc kens kiuvct ctre ita ac tioa in these distrcsetijg complaint is lim ply wouderfal fiold by j e jlrtiarviq kok that there is i reliable remedy for kidney troubles half the trrort attached to th- complaidti bjive been removed for this let all be thankful and to da vy bcuest bcidkcr ocre award all prtiaa for having thiiiremoved a hitherto considered fatal ditease from oar patli it wis never kiioftt to fail sold by j e mcganin a card tv 11 uliti art fulferiak front the errori and icdijcreiiyas f yoath nervous weak- utss tuly deciy iicf uimbaod fee i will send a ivczpz thit will cure yoa frtr oe citale- this rreat rcmely was dia covered hy r ncionary in south atccrica send a felfaddrcfscd euvloi th rn jaoic t isvay sztettdxar vorhgty j s ehurell wnlinj from winnipeg iiy i cai wy more aboat phoreitrtr new tha2 when i tavr yoa laet in toronto my lcuth much improved nd i am free from btidjuhci r iny titber zzhis bavicc only u- i two i i bottles of your pbiljtiijf tor ue by all drufififsta answer this question- wrydotflwanyjieflple we i- arod um sem to rrcer tofcafler end tie made muer- able hy iudifeiinncouijrauoo dttrlneef lxi of atipctitc comlne up of ihe food yellow skin when for 75 cu we wilt fell iccmsiiilojiv vii4llir gnaraateei to care tlera ftcfld byje mcjarvin cucrcuilli clitnai eyo salva aod oint ment fountain of health and hopat regu lating pilli for sale by j e mooartin acton and general itorta throaghotai the country sklmu sen weill health henewer raatoraa health and vigor ourea dyipapila ina- pounce sexual debility 1 m oh what a oough i will toa htttl ihe warning tb lnl perhiptoflho iur pprooti of thtt moil mrrlblt dliaaia cociompcloo alk yoor- mlrci if yoa can tflord for tb itk of mt nc 60oenulo ran lb rltk and do nothing for it w know from experience that bnilohi can will cure roar coach ltnrrarrelu thliexplaldt whr more than a billion bot- ties were told the pail year it rellerea roup and whtoplot oonh at onee mc then do not be withoatlt for lame flaok hide or cheat anbhllohporoaipltr bold be ie mooartin mt ii impotiibu to diiguli the faol that the vegetable compound prepared under the personal direction of mn ljdta e pinkhain with the loperior icience and art ol modem pharmacy u the moat lucoeeiail medicine for ft mile duauee known e jicgjivinoa tan tkv the cexdle coot in esqae infant daughter aced sis moniba ifljt on the itlli uin the wife of mr idam coofe of a son geekh in acton on the htli inst the wife of mr iwji creech of a daughter sxrdeil in esqlciing on the loth inst luewifeof mr ismes e snyder of a dzngkcr the chive lxssr la xaaagaweya on the igihiuit beloved wife of mr jlirer lasby aed 35 vc2 li3r in xisialweya on the iglh ins town 2dd village in the couatr to totervie the resident basinesj men with reference to tfceir opinions as to the success or failure of the scott act daring ihe year it has been in force in hajfori last issue of the yfcv contained the expressions of the principal bosineis men and other residents of bcrlington and although gentlemen holding opin ions both fivoraule rnd xdverre to- the soottact were wsited upon it is very gratifying to notice a preponderende of eeutimentun its faror despite per sistent and organized tteaip to erade lis provhrions and ao neutralize its power i good this fact is ail the more fiatisfactory hen it hi conaidered that earlington is feituated on the vei y bolder of the county limits we are hats from 75 cents to s25c at of the firm belief that with a careful fyfes and impartial canvass of the bnsibes men of the whole county a much larger ouuber wii be found to ieat in its favor than against it revenge ij toa dearly parchaaed at the pnc5 o liberty it is a disorder- ed irer girinj joa a yellow skin or costive bowels or do yourkidneys tefaae to perform their functions if so take a fw doies of kidcer- wort and nature will restoreeach orgaji ready ftr duty itios heiilh will he cheaply purchased at the price of kidneywort letter from v 0 sharpleas drug gist marion ohic in writing of dr thoniis eclectric oil gays one man wis cured of throat of o years standing with jcne bottle rve hare nnmber of cases of rheumatism that hare been cured when other remedies have ailed we consider it the best medicine sold of ifr oliver la business brevities some facts about our bnalness hen and hooa jrnneral readers kockwood jfewa spring has come with wirm and pleasant dsye end it is ail the hiore agreeable after the unusauy long winter t seeding wilt become general- this weeh on the dry lands everybody thought spring would be very late yet at this uteiet year very little seeding had been done so we gay all is well that endu well a meeting of the committee appoint ed to secure signatures to the petition praying for thesuppresaioaof thesunday railway traffic met last weet and kzva now in readiness a petition to the dominion parliament with over five hundred name attached we trust that c other places which have organized in defence of sabbath obser- ration are still morfng in the matter rev mr cameron brought tbe question before the presbytery at its aat meeting tliepieebytery referred it to the synod of toronto and kingston which body wrtl meet in cfoypb ekily in jfay ftcotcu citnkh ia of beneflc co onr a good feif kit for 75 ceuts at j fyfes ir you v ku a nobby durable aud cneap suit 1 fyfusis the place to go ugksb and canadian rect variety at the east end ciotuinitjre j lyfe actou suits and orercoats at etiemely io rates and made in latest styles be them j fvfe acton foiwijus or heaith a blood pnrify ing cotnpoand of herbs roots barks and berries all finely ground and ready for cse price 2o cents per package ko faooehold encnld be considered com- plete without a bottle ot de vay bines kriiker cuee is in the closet it is tbe only remedy that will positively perman ently aod prckcptlyjcareau forma of kidney disease sold by j e mcoarvin eixcwoeus as scilei htu people oftea do not know what to do foi these troubles for a spesdy core ase churchills 50000 reward for uny testimonials recommending mcgregors speedy cure for dyspepsia iudiseitijn oodivenejs headache ect that are not genuine none of wbich sre from perfeons in the states or thousands of miles away bat from persona in add around hamilton out we cave trial bottles free of coit to that yoa cannot be deceived by parcbasiag a worthless article bat know its value before bcyinc trial battles and tetiraoniacivcn freest j e mcgarvius dru store ciimar ointment tu marble works worthy of praise as a rale we do not recommend patent medicines but jwheu we kdow or one that really is a public benefactur aod docs positively cure then we consider it our duty to impart that information to all electric bitters are truly a most valuable medicine and will surely oure biliousness ferer and ague stomach lifer and kidney complaints eyen when all other remedies fail we know where- ot wo speak and can freely recommend them to all eick sold at fifty cents a bottle byd e jicgarvin beware ot fntltatlcus since dr thomas jeolectrlo oil has become celebrated a oaraber of unprin cipled persons have been endeavoring to palm oft electron and electric oilfor the genuine ut tnojua ucieotwo oil beware of these similar named articles if their originators hud any faith in thre healing properties of their own medi cines tbey would ike honest men give them a nacua or their own and not try to sell tbem on the reputation of an other bat as they know their pre parations have no merit they resorlto the most unprincipled means of selling them by getting a name as near u possible to eclectnc we tbrfora k the public when purchasing to see that toe dr t eotolrlo oil ia wnb see that the ion the front out tfaaiiltou i on the signature of noam- lr asutorordar proprietor for iuai to the bki slcqadlan h imilfcoa of the welling- gaelph oat aredoina price 25 cents the fairest retailmprbh trade in onf ow lag to the fact 7 io 1 k0rl and seu the cheaper tue i wri1- ed against dealing vith second hanj peddle but iboaltp direct to tbe firm or buy from their name mcquilfau 1 printed form before sen tad contort elite suferlai browns household panacea has no equal for relieving pain both in ternal and external it cures fib in the bide backer bowels sore throat rheumatism toothache lumbago and any kind ot a pain or aohe it will most surely quicken ths blood and heal as its acting power is wonderful browns household panacea being acknowledged as the great pain believer and of double the strength of any other elixir or liniment in the world should be in every family haridy for use when wanted as it really is the bestremedj in the world for cramps in thestomiob and pains nd aches of all kinds and is for sale by all druggists at 25 cent a bottle to lesson mortality and stop the inroads of disease use northrop lymans vegetablediscorervaod dyspeptic core for all diseases arising from impure blood such as pinples biliousness indigestion 4c ac it has no equal mrs thomas smitb mm writea i am using this medicine for dyspepsia i have tried many remedies but this is the only oue that has done me anygood mr james j anslow newcastle k i h writes mrs iuslow was troubled i with lung diseases and until he took j northrop tc lymans emulsion of cod j liver oil sod hypopbosphiles of lime and soda had little or no appetite bnt j after taking a bottle or tiro she gained appetite and had a relish for her food which was quiet a help to her in keeping up against the disease as we are out of yours and cannot procure any here she is taking another emulsion but as wo prefer your preparation to any in the market will you kindly ship me some at once and oblige hills tin stove depot good assortment on stoves cheap for cash tinware of all kinds at bottom pricks 13 spring opening mt mougtiing and pot specially up on shortest notice first class material only used a call solicited to thi piopie of aoton and yrrovndiiit oovmtrv i we take much pleasure in announcing that our stock of general goods is very complete n every department and has been bought closer than ever and shall be sold closer than ever j 0 hill mill si your footwear ijamke wasted i a few loruu of well rotted manure suit able for canleniag purposes apply at ence at thk fkee press office tesiklble hoises to let three of thise conveniently arranged tenement hoaes of he actoa building aejociation may be reated by applying to w h storey actoo dec ills 15ii president in askiug the above question vu simply desire you toexamineclose- ly three main points artquality material icudstyle fit and work sreitice size or bui and when you are satisfied with conclusions pay ua a visit and wewillguaranteequality of ma terial style of fit and work and an appreciable saving ou your order splendid stock of sprins goods for ladies gentlemen and child ren just opened ii these are sufficient considers tions please call on kenney son main street actoa rxuhkrojis num the tnderelcued ho jmt opened b diry iad iipreptrcd to supplf the people of actoa md nciuitv wilh f nut t7 njorcifl tsaudy eiceptcd commenciag moqdijr mominff 9th april yoar pt- roape is rcspecttally jolicitod- auypirtiei rtqairing ettm milk oa 6lardj evening or saaday can be lappiied okas gajjefiqx jr oatmeal corn meal flour feed store the undersigned hs purchased the flour and feed business from mr flohcrt elliott and will carry on the bnsiaess in the baild inc formerly used u a barber shop oppos ite the old fed store i will keep in stock slid sell for cash flour chopped peas roller flour chicken feed granlatd wheat oats peas cracked graham flour buckwheat rssoatiov ol partaenblp notice is hereby given that the partner ship heretofore existing between george tolton of acton and edward tolton of erin millers and farmers has been dissolr ed by mutual consent george tolton is sothorized to tattle all debts sod collect all accounts due and by the said firm i george toltox iedsyakdtoltox dated at acton this 7th day of april 1883- bran shorts chopped oats chopped barley barley bye oil cake thorley cattle feed climax f6ed flax seed fotatoes turnips beans c c oarden seeds at 3 cenu per packet one pkt each of the following in all 17 pkts ralucsoc seal by mail on receipt of 50c carrol beet parsnip squash gar den pess sweet corn beans helsn cu cumber tomato onion lettuce radish spinach cabbage cauliflower celery dow to get the collection tor 10 cents 11 you will get two others to order le collection and send 1 adding 10c to pay postage c i will uuow in one col- leocloa free for your trouble address av j plater xossagaweya out s alesmen waited to begin work t ooce oa ulea for fall i8s3 for the fonuull nonerie the largest in caoadi morris stoxe k wel- uxgtos proprietort we can atart in ad- ditioa to oqr already lare force 100 addi- hoxal ctsvassehs and want men who can give full time lo tne baiiaeaa steady em ployment and cood salaries to saoceuful men it dots not matte- what yoar prev- ioas occupation has been if yoa are willing to work yoar success is almoat certain the beat of references required apply en closing phota if possible to stoke wellington xarccrymra toronto oot snccflssor to t f chftpnanj 8qqebig8 st georges square gnelpb acconnt books of all kinds made to order periodicals of every description oacrefouy bound roling neatly and promptly done not lire is sweeping by go and dare before yoa die somewinf ralibty and inb- lime leave beblndtooonquer rest mnie mawei ijtfree nonsl dr paired w many tire foas noob asmeiiu pay badr if you wont basin tlnie ma weals in your own uwn jfi qnt iulredt iy lire foaslng fortnoes ijujln mxe noob as men kid boysand lrlrorke sreav qtfree nonsic averrvuiufnew not r qui red we till rnrnlsh you eve kverrlblnf new fjipllal 111 furnish you evernst many lire foaslng fortanoi ijujln nlna itmdar if rou wont bnalneaa aitwjilch n write garden field and flower seeds fresh and rood for sale cheap your patronage respectfully solicited cash for all kind of grain l q- matthews harnes trunk pihijek eecuiilixo axltillsti is harness cr trunks to save money should go to r creech acton or felix le bruns gregr oxth33 a inaranteed cure lor veneial disewes safe pleasant and reliable xo bad elects rromfuose does not interfere with blbl- neuordlel ii1eej per box or three boxes lorft written guarantees issued by every iloly aulhortred aaent to rorond th mooer if three boxes till to onn sent postage prepaid on reeeipeofprlce dr felix le bbtjn co 81 83 king st bast toronto bole proprietors jb hoqarvln authorised agent for acton ontario millinery department we would annouuee that we have an extra choice selection of all goods that pertain to this department in flowers feather and everything kept in a first claw hoase and all at the very clowt prices all goods trimmed in the very latest style by experienced milliners all we ask is an inspection onr millinery opening will be on saturday 14th april 1883 when we hope to see all onr old customers and many n w ones mantle goods department we have this season bought astock of black silks silkj3rocad aud satins which we know are bought right and shall be said right dress goods department in this line we have some extra good value in check and plain xuas veiling which are attracting great attention and a line of colored cashmeres at 25 cents and a job line at vl and 15 cents per yard everyone that wants a cheap springdnm should gee par black cashmere stock which is how complete it is needless ferns to mention anything about these goods as every person wio has seen our blue black cashmeres at 50 cents knows that it beats adtthirig ever shown at the price big stock of prints at lower prices than last season which we would like you to see in all over 200 pieces- irom 3 cents per yard upward r gents furnishing department we have now to hand and are showing an excellent stock of gents white and colored shirts and also a fine stock of felt dd straw eats collars cuffs braces ties in eudiess variety staple department we nave this season a heavy stock of cftttonades better value than shown before and also the famous dundas shirtiug which for quality cannot- be beat and also very full lines of factory hollands towellings at very lotj prices see them ordered clothing department stock now full and choice this department will have the very best attention and all orders intrusted to us will have bur best per son supervision all goods made right and made to fitin the latest fashions come aud be scitbd at onee as the rush has already commenced boot shoe department we would like all parties who are wanting a good durable boot or shoe to call on as and we will be able to show them goods iu this liue at lowprices as we buy allourgoods from the manufac turers direct snviucr the wholesale and middlemens profit which we give our patrons the benefit of we give 5 per centoffto any person who buys 5 pairs and upwards we have a fpw job lines whiph we are rushing off at an immense reduction grocery department we have a stock of groceries which are al fresh and cheap see our bright sugar 18 lbs for 100 and also another lot of that famous fifty gent tea just to hand better than ever we shall this seasou pay the very highest market price for good fresh butter and eggs come and leave us your money and produee and we shall give you better value than ever t- qui t i 4 wise maine peopl- are alvajv on the lookont forcbanoes to orease their earnings and in umebecomewealtnjmhose whodonotlmprove their opportunities re main lo poverty we waut nan men wo men boys and alrla to wora for us right in their own looaiiuu any one can do ibe wora nroperly from tbe dm start tbebnsl- neu will pay more than ten times ordinary wages penalveonultjnnrfhedfree ko one who enawses rails to make money rapid ly too oandavovejyonr whole tlraelto the r spare moments full 1 that is aoedert ent areb forland maine come one and all and soourebargaus kemember the old stonulgj the glapp ilp3e fjices jpqiue henderfon fy- ia

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