Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 3, 1883, p. 2

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ctongftrx8 tlttkm 1 mokmmi mo 8 1bw planting shade trees our cittxcim have taken a most laudable interest in planting shade trees on uie streetmii low u this spring aven appreciable number having boon carefullv put in a list of which vc will endeavor to prctoiu inotir next ieuc 11k villaco council should lmraediateh rooxwood news row ocr own corrtwuloit mr uichard moore left tins week for dakota vwp locst were uotiocd fljing south ward a little before the cold wave latt week kotuithalauiliiik the promising advent of spring the season in no very far behind ordiuar years crj little grain has been sowu et man of the farmers complain gophen chipmuul on itau 15c rtffi iudl 4 d t flics roaches knit bed bags rata mlec i cleared out by hough cuurdilli 01 nut et salvi and oint ment koaotain of health and hopes rugu- uting pilli or tale by j e mcosmo acton tad genex x stores throughout the oountry drspepsla liver oompla nt iih not worth tnattll prl oft mou tomroarair of wrjr symptom r tns dlitriislnioonplaldtf lljrou tblniti at oc r store and rat about of houohi llisr r botlt bm a print it m smordlngiy tad if lldoas you e i it will cost jounotbui qarrln hy should a taan whose blood is warm within sit lilts bis rasdsire out in alabaster of the wet condition of their fields bat let us not grumble at the inevitable as that will or lot his hair tnw rusty scant and thin noilher hasten nor improve matters whn cingalese ranewer will raako the cold unpromising weather mav be s l l a iu imv adopt ng the ontario tree mniaat o a tu bj ut kv which thjcitimis who urilu ule olwmus 0 tha blomomi tbu fotlajebyo e mcdamn 1luitl 7 timing utoo ot the blossoms thus shlloh jitrrh remedy to the cvpen and trouble of planting lhomw ekl rom the amirt0 wpn tiw wot id receive tome flight acknow i fk cauxer mooth and head aohe wltnoach fwigitucnl or tin ir services lu assisting to the carl sowu oats arc beginning to i holds tlierelaanlngenlonsnii injactorlbr i i i mn iinn ii i lbs m irt successful treatment of meie com- bevitimhe tewu apiuabo the ground ptalnuwllonienyobn prtowosts in an article on the tree flanuiv acl mr c ucllurr had a large unior re moved from his nock latch he is slowlv if 10 8 tor kinie unit- t the glc went into calcula i i jiewttigthal the fund of mo 000 set re urt r ll t urwsc i the ontario go riiiui vvjuld if hed for b the tvx i u etc- the ot 400 000 irw i kb la ko lb u lal diiuiioe apart eall 1ue the lvh7wai on ol h id t for r h im x it 1 ijo u ll iu r- ar rd ujx uwu the jvu lla jl iirvut it futile bawl c jidf run eart th hanietub- i mmiie dtotlciaulug of 10 000 011 r- ertl nt kiit s apao all c rcgrvt to ta that hc w iriuini lnou who has beta ill kr ttouu- tinu is still contuod lo tlie house messrs j a t hams have coinmeuced ooeralion in their saw mill and are basih c yigod in catting out thur stock mr fraijc dunn the genial agent of the j t i here n abo it to ake a trip i llirlajl sold bj j e mcoarrm cajtoirs oarbouo osrats the fluest healing compound under the un fhere is no tore but will succumb to its woudeful healiag properties it is so imaluiulo dressing for cuts bums bruises pimples scald boils rtitenngt stc price twenty fi a cents at j e mcgsr vnis droff store business brevities euirv le the ptrenn whi were pii for gom it nj tlun oil laili euurn ui ah i t itn il i trva- in in the form of us uftvwui thce to be ireckjacd t h m aera ra o enc percent ijqq oesj ur oruutu e tle outav ttui of c rx n nther uaanun wsi o calcula t i rom- but there i certainlv i rean r lieliev ui tlit in ontario ihi- movement veil prole ven jail lous it l pm to anvone who cosders the object tiiat tlee could be no easier wa of addiuc to ihv vcaltl and beanu of the countrv than bi lining the roads and streets trith trees facta about our business sen and hoasca of boaeqs so our general readers htts from 73 cents lo 2 5c at fyfe s a good belt lint fut j cents at fjfe s the ojuiokeal thin oa imrd h krams uuid llghtninz for neuralgia headache toothache etc it does not blister or discolor he skin requires but one application to banish all pain magically without usidr atvy greasy hoiment or carv ing yoar hsad in a noallico foe weeks try a twenty five cent i bottle from i e me- game llrugglit i answer this question v aj do so many people we see arod ui seem to prefer lo 8cflr end be made mlier- malt bucbb oared am you troubled with 8alt kjieum itough 8km pimples or csokei sore go onoe to j e mooarrlni drug and set a packago of calvttts csbollo cerste price twenty five cent i was never known to fail bacatlens arnica salve lb beit 8ilv in the world for uu bruises bor tjioeri 8alt rhum i srer sores tetur chapped hands jbll blalns corns and ill skin frnplloni and positltly ours pllos itugnino- booed to giro perfoot satistaotioi or money refunded prloe 25 oont pr box for sale at j alogartins prog store 940000 reward i lor any testimonials recommending i mcgrwor s speedy cure for dyspa it i indigestion costivooesa headaobe ict that are not ganume none of which are from parsons in the states or thoustm s of miles away but from persons in and ar und hamilton ont we gnve trial bottles free of cost so that you cannot be dtceirei by purchasing a worthless article butknor its value before buying tnal bottles and testimonials pieu freest j e mcoarrins prog store oh what a cough 1 scotch english and canadian sailiejrs in ere- vanet at the east end clothmcature j fyfe acton sulu and overcoats at oitreoidr iom rates lai made in latest style be re to call and see thetn j trfe acton forvradv orhtittu a blood purify i ice coaipotnidcf herbs roaj barks and le reulir fortnnznuv moetmr of the f brrei all nntlv qrocod and ready for use v ihage councj was he d in tne cocncil i will you heed the warsinf the ilinal pernapsofthe tore approach of thai most nt77t rrv wrrtb consumption aik ypnr- able orljulfiesuon lonsuprlon d ttltiesf i i lcytot apwutc tow ns i p of the iood a t ii j i i j m j i f w- mi i 0cnu nm ib risk and do not hi on for ir you want a nobbv durable nd iellowetc when or trom p bnltobs cneapsutj lyfess the place to go f v ji w mo cure 11 cur your coo insverfills so blj e mwurtiu tueiplalm why more than a million fit llc re told the pa it year it relieve roap and whtoptoccoagli at onoe klo- kincaruiuac hinilt n ej it wu then do twl be without it for lune boic imjxjisime fcr au pareoo tou a won sab hldeorctaett n bhlloh 1 poroai plaiter ject of d ipepju nd a greater toffeter thiiv bomb j e mciarln t nftei lad a i c dovrn in the ca them i tourt mliiroe lu fc betneeu the village council r clamber oa tuesaa cttcnig 1st m ilembera all prsciiv reeve stoxj in the caaj tmutts o tuednn read raid can rmi the fullotinc ruat c uie tte sul t aevaik cximmi cc a j rcsei tea iocr commit ee rvconmeude1 te folio rv tnpnj ca k crth u frcii var cd s jicr to oue f ro r no stctl s cotit to vcgsmi j c will tfertx a trulfa un- at g t r crxrf one a vn ho d t n a ir jusi rt i i t i aitr at p hcjj oj ojti un a k- s phen a s cotir a e5r bixftx i talkfrcn il strye ton ha 3 1 u gttl r ec l 1- sha ili w jjii f ti re kanirvlix jr- l pavd pj tlt jt i r ti rl s l jii ar prie 2o caj r pictagt kidaey dueam- paih muildd kclcauod lacoutinu i was boos- and actuall i ll aht i would due before i rejehed nvy destitution i par chad a bottle r madreor skdy care cd it cere i me r inl bottla at j l ucdanuis drag sufu ilegulaf llzf fiftj ceau ii t djllir hltcr 1iobrr halhrral n oa i lur c i mill ild brokea af f j- res n c i uffcnng aad crjn tvnli i cv j nt n tf culling uctli lfo iri i t tcti bottle of i mr- w iulu v s s tot i i v f it will i rchcrl uii kkr little tuffttcr imiuwlnlc y i dcpci d u u it hi llu jj cj 111 stilkt about is- ritnii tjl it motiier u earth who has cc ud ii wlo kill not jl oa at ojcc tl at it ttii ilgtit tiit bowelt eict depo u dntel tfcc cared hy buciiupaild jl i no lotueluld slinsld b coosidered com pee dlttlaat a bo tie o die u ecrils s ktdvn clfc ia m the clow it u the oali renieji tint mill posititei perinaii rnlh axd promptly care til forms of lidaej discaac sold b j l mcoanw 1 uingwotu ku scald head people o do not lnou lat to do for lhe t uables lor a epced careaje charcbiur aud guc re i linit iir ald relief and llioiir 0 atmect price s cents bnlth u ll uu j ji mlm hie cotc ucqailua i huniltoa of the elln ii u o u la a11 afld fc mbe iofcj goelphontaredoiqz f lu lctjcjjdullepnicnp tie lirptit ctail marbe trade ia ont ot acton free press tapfintidffice printing we arc uoir adding urgcl lo oarstock f fhvf prikting stationery ptjbuo 8ch00l tba0hbr8 examinations the july examination of candidates for the yesr 1888 will bo bold as follows for first claw grade 0 non1rofos sloual at the kormal school toronto on monday july jth at 3 pm for intermediate third and second class non profaeaional examinations at the model school millon and the oakville high school on xtosday july 8rd at 9 a m the professional examination for first claaa cwtifloats will begin after the con elusion of the no professional lxamina tion the examination for first cla ctr tlncate grade a and b will begin after the conclusion of the professional examm ation forms of the notice 1o be given bj each candidate un b obtained on application to any county inspector it i indispensable that candidates should notify the undersigned not later than the lt of jane of their intention to present themselves for examination r little p s i co hlltca acton 23rd apnl 1883 13 spring opening jw to the people of aoton and surrounoino ooumtrt t we take much pleasure jn announcing that oul ftock of general goods is very qpmplete in every department and has tyeen bought closer than ever and shall be sold closer than ever by publicjtuction the uupersigncd has been instructed by mr ell snyder to sell by public suction o tbe premises on saturday 1 9th may at 2 pm tbat beautifully shoaled parcel of property lying immediately north of the g t it depot in tbe enterprising village of acton the property contains 1 2 acres more or less 8 of which are in a high state of cultivation sod planted with a large assortment of fruit trees of the best varieties the bal aoce ia good pasture land with a never failing stream running through it oo which are aouodsnee of flab on the s remises there is a new two story brick walling nearly completed containmc eight rooms also back kilcben with three rooms good stable and iked and food well ot water the abo e is a vcrj desirable propert for a retired fsmily market garden pnv ate residence 4c terms reasonable and made known nn application or the premises or to wil hlmtpetr acton jlflj 1st 1883 vtritiovlii millinery department we would announce ttjat we bavo an oxtra choice seloctiou ot all goods that pertain to this department in flowers feathers and ever thing kept ma nrst class house and all at the very closest prices all goods trimmed in the very latest stle by experienced millineis all re ask is an inspection our millinery opening will be on saturday 14th april 1883 when we hope to see all our old customers and many new ones mantle goods department we have this season bought a stock ot black silks silk brocades and satins which we know are bought right and shall be sold right all the news for a cent the toronto daily world the only on an marwng vxr m cauala ttfxhedollana imf 1 h 3 ttfi ecea t i mo til oki cem 4 0p awle than hair the cost ot nm oiler monuo paper oa can make mouev b uuivaising ftr the world agents and cinraawf- uai td eer where heed post card fn trms an i sam k copy r world ppintiv cn o 18 rucg sticit eaai to octo vlv v c i v 11 f 1 e a1 u ak i i iprim itl jl 2 0 v l 1- r j f i j i 1 e let i r- a t f r r k u 1 1 c j fel ft ai to r jit 1 iri f vk i rall v li ji loi vo el l c s i ul e e ah v r- cf- n l t the rep 1 r f t euiny- tf u- fijf t mti i- zi or rufcv eix if j il ia d hnan f cdtri b a iv kjlri- t c antil rtixti tbt ta cl i o ij cintrsctcr to tjtordple tion of the town hall particularlv in not i ea n hc bai trfc pomtd at dlatrslb l- njcmtcx nd that tile civrk be uutnct ea to write jlr nccalja rwiuesiln ins i ud cent faxes fcs siite the eonteoienco of lug to the fact that they do the bet xorl and sell the cheapest the pabl c ire arc ea aaiiut dealing vith second hud trad peddlers lu thou d a direct to th- crai or bay from their aenls sce t at the nrae vlcvaillaa hin ilton s oa the pnated iorm biorc oa iiicr ordt ii ru lit r tu s i one jl tw i ast diec 1 s rj to cr lcrtwa tj cjtdiil fcetc e oj b o c uiciili a h nir i ctoeit ill tl i price ij cerf ecvea p- c- aca lies li e oure fur la h uipntcerja canke- taoatli ati hed vce foliioj caurrh r medy np xl ii ic ofrve vjlh cacj bote rcu f oc v i iltliaadce t brc it vc- 0 cc c jljej ait mpujvc it ji ixlc i a l e hi been a fitrcim oi te karaiaon nth l ic it it the trial e ijkptr j rerafrif t t- pxt tree 2j cnt in th tuttor cf miicine no prepratiou las rc rec tach mierjl cotnmendat en or tin allerlauca 16 affordi aud tiie per mjut care il ltttcts in kiju cmeaitu s ul j bin kidse ctpc lu ac ti iq theet ditresjn comjlamfe ia sini py wonderful id b j e hcgarrm v cvi idea a torouto j are pat- tilgcp a purelj vegetable cathartic pul m f ctie c f tl c 1 t t rd btt femajc lu c ii en t j ire iu tb l aittd istacs od creryivl ere it 2j ceata a bottf where do you buy your footwear h ranis hull liuhtuius ied- io lucrmjii wheu occe intro da d j n botuejb id acils hundred a berr b dolt all and more than rep- res t i f scarabatt toothache head cl eel it rao at an pan lnitautly quick as uce i tr it and jcu xv ill aay it is liujci tfuid lgltmug oct a t cc i ve drl to c nt bo tl aij u uc rms nw machine i plain and faney typa brilliant inka and otuer material deceaair o firtclaa fnutiii iud vc aru prepared j to tfreclc j 1 any kind of work it reasonable prices fteul mtio titd to qtslklble hothes to let three c tjcac coaveuicnllr arrsdod telleweu 1 a of the acton building 4 r n c a be rested b sppyuj to w if t0rlv ictcu iv 2u1 ks2 president famlrons ua1ev f i l idergined has just opcied a dairy si 1 l irepared to supply the ixxiple of t 1 r acton and icmiry with para milk esry lomaverci a l uiorninij sundays eiceptedj comuieiciai maah iiioruiog 9th apnl oir pat- tooake ii repctfally unbelted any parties re eiril eitra milk on sclurda evcuinitj for v u can be bupphcd cha casifkok jr in asking the above question vo simpl desire you tocxamineclose- lyttiiee main points lst4naut material sadstyle fit and oork re rrice site of bill aud when jou are satisfied ttith conclusions pay us a visit and wewill guarantee quality of ma- urial stylo of fit and work and an appreciable saving on your order splendid stock of spring gobds for ladies gentlemen and child ren jost opened dress goods department i lu this lino we bate some extra good value m check and plain uli vuhug wbich au attracting great attention and a line of colored cashmeres at 23 cents and a job line at 12f and jo cent- per j ard ev en one that wants a cheap spnng drt as shoujd see odr black cashmere stock which is now complete it i needless for as to meiition anjthing about these goods as cveiy peraou vtuo has seen our blue black cashmeres at jo cents kuott3 tbat rt beats anything eter liow n at the price big stock ot prints at iower prices ihair last eaou winch we would likt you to see m all ot er 200pieces from tl cents per vard upward gents furnishing department i we hate now to hand and areshowingan excellent btock of qents white and colored shirts and also a fine stock of felt and straw hats collars cuffs braces ties in endless varietj staple department wl have this seaou a heavy stock of cottonadea better value than thowu before and aliq the famous dundas shirting nhiqli for qualit cannot be beat and also very iull lines of factory holland- towelling- at very low prices see them printing pnjus desiring emji qaantitiea cou beajuentlr flopc a r ixtmg pills are sell lrg 1 ke hot cakes ererj vvhere immediflte c c ton to the un cfuait ia o tbe tail uifnrtj into that urjeso uie iatiec is at one kndod to tbe council nhall bare the work doief at the cipti- of contracoziidthaeiii taiemean ijiie le snail be held responsible for an trident to the hall og to trie ecaitoi fj cooiplamte iu been removed for bein aliowed aboat thcbail carried- cto bhls ejad frved by p hendevn seconded bj r t cctrj tha- t i- cf 11k hejl be zrit ti u il i br- a bati fc rat cctwjiiigit eicn keelc free of chaxe cvm 1 1- cj c ur xushing uw nlo the almost unrestrained libera ftlloxed lo habeimeii last beaoti the stock of ojlj 6 b in tbe pond on oar preaiiies baa been j lesaencd vcrj consilerauly and wilj a ritw to getttne it into a more aufcory conck sow that there ia a reliable remedy for j twn we we decided to prohibit all from fishing daring the seaaon juat opened to us it js lu ij b nn inrpfebuaot and mdesirable tsk v refuse any cititen pennlmion to fiah and we conseqaenlly trust that no oue will reqaeat the liberty christil hefdtfiiov tt co acton 3day ut i8fe1 i of all krju- wlich ia cccated with dispatcb kidne trochlea half the terrors attached lo tfae cotnplamfa hare b thu let all be thankfal and to dft as buis t ktdin ccfe award all praiae for j birin thin renorcd a hitherto considered fa al dseae fron ojr pith it was aecr lcorr to lu v idbitt l ifcganm j s s etherell writing from innipeg aaj e i can saj mure aboat phofhattit in oood style in which may be rnclnded- s alesue wakted to begin work at once ou asks tor rail 1883 far the fonlhili nurseries the lircest in canada mokkis stove t iv ei tlouen i aaw you last in toronto uvoiov propnetors w e can surt in ad uooa trr d ue4er6ju teoojded b jly leallh much unproved and i am free dition to our already large force 100 audi i cioud that u council rearcta the fre froji headaches nr an other aches havinz tiokil cawsskbh and want men wlo can oucnt xnolatiou of the b la pohlbituy on two hnd a half bottles of your k full time to the business steady em i t r nlivnipnr an1 trtwi cnlnrta fn inivvtsfnl cjk and otaer ammau from nminug at pi jspiatine for sate b all dniwts bill heads letter headluks business and postal cards invoice blanks fosters hand bills idtciin this municipality and would duect the attention of the constabe to such lack ou f h port of a few citizens in the absen tieof a en useful bv law more particu larh a a hug number of shade treta have tt 1 planted this eason camed if ed b ismjnd seconded h john ken- tlia- tnt tender of g hviji and hi br refferrtd v the xinmitte c 1 t-tt- pld ideisallvj carnkl i cil tha idjjnrx d methodist union ploy ment and good salaries to successful i men it does cot matte nbat your prcr ious occapalion hai beeo if you are willing f t to work i oar snccesn i almost certain tbe- een the patience of job would become beat of referencea required apply erhaaated were he a preacher and endeav cloamg jihoto if poasiblp to a fcxed cleirrblai onag to intereat his aadience while tbey ere 1eeping up inceasaqt coughing mkiog i it impossible for him to be heard let how- very easy caa ail ihia be avoided hy simply rjeing dr hiags sew discover for consampttoa coughs und colds tnil bottles ffireo nvay at j e 5fcgarvm drn ore ut nn4nirortthe sifferlat browns houa hold pauacca has do equal for relietjojr pnin bolb internal and external it cures pain in the side back and dowels sore throal eoeamatism tcolbache lumbtigo and any kind of a stonl wtlljngton xarseryrarn toroflto oat people i are always on toe loofcoot for ouaucei to in crease their eerninjra and i n ll me become wekhhj thou who do not improve their opporiunltlea re- maia ja povert we waul many men wo men axuiandirlrlrf lo wortt for oa rlgbt in tltplrown loealiucs any one can do tbe worcnrooerly irom tnqflrtlart the bail ne3wll rj more than ten times ordinary woe upeuilveonmjurnlabeditee so wise ceh a vi8itig cards ikvixation cakds programmes io lo a tasteful ano workmanlike manner i u ve of tl e quarterly board- of the vf 3 ut llurcl ef csiada ou to ques i ju jlcihout tuijeiow- that 61 brd- 1- d ijta the lasj of uuon pm or ache it will most surely il l boaro r iculr dindj the quickcu the blood and heal as its sctine anul f tlf u a jt- u a foiled power is wonderful browns household 7nront i frreoc ill rcas 10 nars 3 tauacea being acknowledged as the great lie iiijjn cou rence 217 vea il fain uelieer nnd ot double tlio etrenjtli nait i at montreal couferetje 107 an elixir rf liulmeul lu the is 7 nuy j tics iuva soctia confer k rw iaiali lu e en family baudy for eacv ycae u na brausvtck cojifteiioe 18 tie newfoundland conference 2n8 one wao engaes fall to make money rapid i ly ou can devoieyonr whole time to the rf worn ir on r tout spore moments requiring the latest styles of printing information nnd atltlidlls needef aintsree address cnsok 4 oo portland main i merchants dt felix lo brans means of addressing tbeir oustoroers may rely upon taring their wishes earned ont quickly sod in the beat style of art ox7jeihj j a guarantied cure or yenelnl iueses 8ofc uieasniit aim reliable no tmdenerts ri p w tji from it me dn not inter ro with bri orders by man neoeive immedi- lrlo 1 r box orlliree boxes mst oiei ate attention anoiinw h p rlloqre fsepjtfsactolr it these are sufficient conaidera- j tionb please call on j kenney son main street acton flouk feed store fue cnaers gued hi purci iexi the i jolt and flco basiaei icom mr ilertfllott and will carry on the but ne tutbe build iuj furmtrly used aa a dii le- mi ip- oppos ito the od lecd more i will keep in stock and sell for cah ordered clothing department stock uov lull and choice this department will have the very best attcutiou and all orders euti hated to ns will have our best per son supervision all goods made right and made to fit m the latest fashions come aud be sctted at once as the rush has already cmnmenced n flour roller flour qranlatd wheat cracked graham floor buckwheat oatmeal corn meal bran shorts chopped oats chopped barley chopped peas i chicken feed oats peas barley rye oil cake thorley cattle i feed climax f6ed flax seed fotatoes turnips beans c o boot shoe department- i v would like all parties who me wimuiig a god dtmablc boot or hoe to call on us and te will be able to liow them goids in thii line at low pnets as we but all om godds from the liaanufac- turere direct srviui tiie wholesale and middlemens profit winch we give our patiou the benefit of w e give o percent off to any person who buys 5 pairs and upwards we have a few job lines which we are rushiug oft at an immeri6e reduction 41 i hj i lij jl t m v w garden field and flower seeds fresh and rood for sale cheap your patroaaffe rrsptetfnlly solicited cash for all kinds of grain l g matthows grocery department we hate a stock of groceries which ate allfresh aud cheap bee our bright spgai 13 lbs for 1 05 aud abo another lot of tlrtt famous fifty cent tea just to hand better thin ever wo shall this season pay the very highest market price lor good fresh butter and eggs come and leave uyodr money and produce and we shall give you better valpe than oyer come one aai all and setrire bargain i jwrempmber fhe ojd 8tundtt tbb glasoow konaa flelsoijrae succebos to chrislio hamhrreon co 1

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