Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 10, 1883, p. 2

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ctoiiegmgim tm-nh- mocxim miv 10 hw i in t m ill 1 i p- ft ft 1 p j ii i i j life 11 61 f ft i help your town j wcfuolothc following orlick frwu ru cxuivic mid htaru rvcviuuarud a lo era- rtndvi ovti cituful perusal i u is r well ctnblihcd priuciplc out ilhc pcoc make the place uol its faculties for bumui u is true that mv euergettc iaid iuvihnus jxjope mxy be klbcfcby j a lack of uatml ftdvuujjes liul this is j uot often the c- thousand towns nr i kept in clusrk hy tho rd aiid lack of j public spirit of the people wlwrc one ir kept dowitl the localiou rush au uuciyy j overcome sh omnckv fired rud want i of euery vdll kill the most iprouiidag locality so orr town i- to be just what wc iucitizcusauakcit uitslaiidowuert i hold its ivu hitfh tiim manufactories i ire kept out ihi will aci a weight to i kixi it doua what is wanted is for the j poopie to ik united a- far n public fciood is concerned pxtrl- tech other as far is possible any new enterprise especially manufactories tive a warm greeting to any j liew setticr aud eive aid so far lus may be iv every uiinc thai shall tend la the public good if this policy is pursued our town i c rapidly grow taxi become a prosprou aud thrifty place if oa the contspxr the dtitn efu pad to every enterprise uu- k- it- v rv i- j iq t lg tlicv of the prots fvl infill ir an arrivul as a pigvon to ir plukd ud ruvuirt heir neighbors ii hn ivf cmix dj as wil vr lxuer iuv iivrv-tuv- ihn it iowd will grow oly if th oiir natural idvrxtegts vill go to was- zud count at nothing iu uv qustiu of prosperity personals mr h j uu berlin win in town this week mrs w t mytlv vihitiug friends in brampton mrs thos kaslon ia paying her friends ia utobicoe a vitit this veek mr aium keinndyjof uavillif tin and alovv depot d last thursday for winni peg rev mr glover of toronto preached a very powerful and interesting aennou iii the methodiat church on sunday moniiug he alo assisted in the rdiniuiatratlon of the sacrament mr dan c lawnon who has beeu iu cheyeaue wyoming ty us for nearly a year returned bcrue ut thursday dan looks all the better for his visit and seems well pleased with the improvemeuu which have taken place in acton during his absence business brevities john day architect quelph oma- queeii to mlu curricsinll aclou may oth 183 ontno howl block mirket 4ppkbnt1vbwanteii o loirn tbo millinery builocn oqo i oxptrt wlui the no idlo preferruj apply c bghiffin8 r t summer 1883 is i i ti i st some facti about our boflnosa lfoa to our aad hoaioa of boaodtl konorml rsadera te8ikableel8eh to let throe uf those conveniently amazed tenement honee it jlio acton building auooution tniy be reuted by tpplyiug to iv h rt0re1 1 acton uec sut 1882 preiident piahhion 8iieets j call each moulli hod get tlieui wilhout j charge from sin j a secord who hu just received a larger auortment of pattarni alio i j bnby carriages a 6ne aafiortmecl ta be sold cheap mrs 8 a becord f a km fok salt by tender leaders wiil be icccived by the uudr signed or llio parciiae o be east half o rats from 75 wul lu 25c it lot 23 couceasion ii township of eque- j fyles i i buildiags aud iirproniajti thereool up to monday may 21st- subject j t lease of sic mouths notice title farni huzoly improred and renu for 25000 i nnnom highest rliy k f hebdev p 0 floi 23 stkattoru okt a good felt hut for 75 cculs at to present j fyfes i guaranteed renu for t ir you waul n nobby durable and tender not uecosssrlly acocptad ctieap suit r lylesis ih plaoa to go scotch english and canadian scitiiis in ret variety at the east end ciotutrelire j fyfe actou suits jiil ovtrcoxte at trxtteoicly i lovr rites sd mk- in latest ttyjes be surolj cl rxd rc them j fyfe actoa john hogg son have received their purchases of canadian american and european goods for the present season and have no w in stock over one hundred and thirtyfive thousand dollars worth of choice staple and fancy dry goods our mstesse btobf ove hundred axd tim feet is wsotu ceowded teom cellak to atticwitu the best selected stock we uavl even cjthbjzd ofh patrons will have scbxitted to thsm tui8 season talce slch a3 we have xereboitered axd as as50btment tj choose froh hork varied than on any formes occasion tlae best men- fin l il i- tim-t- prvbd- dtsparing and hoiidets sutferers disap- poiuted in other medicines should try forstus or hmlrtt we will relieve or citv you or rctund tho money oooo cok0s hemlock bark wantkd the sabscribcrs will pay five dollars and fifty cenu pr tonl tor all prime lark delivered at th before november lit quality hemlock hark delivered at the j tannery at acton v l83 bark mast lc lnbl on ficsh fiat aud full four feet in curiwl or damaged j at a prortfoqate re- 1 1 tiu bark only reieived i ni household ould bj ocujidcred com- tduclion plcf itloat a lottie of dc vav bt revs i any otlar iufoi mlinii will rladly lie tiisfvocr is in the closet it is the i j k ppf at tlie unort i to our mr ihscu only remedy that wnl pjiitvely pctraan- we haye eece3iveid- 1200 pieces english and french prints lovely pailcrns iiud many of them confiutd to orrselrts 193 pieces dundai und lylmjer shirtings splendid heavy goods 246 pieces white cotton english and american makes 263 pieces heavy duck denim and cottonade liouglif at a great reduction from regular prices thousands of dollars worth of tickings sheetings pillow cottons table lineds and lace curtains at is ivei i -u- vt vi-iat- pro- v i cfhv cvt ac porhpi that i uritrfor ti- ac urujt iiraor i i- rv itttr ic tf c bat u crtiiciy l- niy iiatv croliiabje or iin ibiiriicv who t ufue over r dr rir zv to triib- thc tie-pk- viivv- xbi iii -iif- ijnt vniiid full itt il- hni oi ktxikzs of h grtjrits sd c-u- if the scott act rus lkkt4 ci1- iiti itjrz tb- jk yctr has dca slcixiire nd fruri what niiis tiey emanate tt u- itjcr tniairtry lw to cud ii -ut- vliv t sct ac is iin igilaiol tli- 1 te licensed vist nailers fiood ih co-jntry- rith pcitphle tit as they are cor doic in jjford cuciiityasserliujthit vrhcrc the tiw act iu force hotel kocy- in fail- iuo the haidsof the wer cuwe aiid as ojaefiuencc loucs of assiuatiou fioarish kiuie at the ssmc time uexrly even hotel keeijer in the scott act county of hsltcu is a member of tiic licensed ictialicr sycatoi this prucecuii ju tlio jin of k licensed victaaucr is aure hoi jr fsittcrin to the hal ton members of the association uor doe- it caiiice a very brotherly feeling a mans its ranks tic tiiid fctiu the metier is tlia tuidex h liiie la liqicr filing is u certain dree oi repectablity while ubere ihd scoit act is us force the respect- blitj is ithdrwn and erer hotaal keepers wbo sells liquor i looked upon in the ejes of the pclilic a a crirainal ciitlyrxd proiaplly care dl forte of kidney actou may 9ih 1s3 disix0 sold by j el mcoarvin yvliv vhauld j ein whose blood if warm rkauumortkico i sit lij iiii uridsire cntiaalalimlerv or kt li uiir rn rnsty cant and thin when tiugahie ueciwcr will make lemccartin valuable viilagb property for sale lit auc v li f in ii by publi r eli huyder tbc preml 01 auction nstructal by i trtic auction on i t file 1 mctiadlaailianlhtoac the elun j saturda gtf may at 2 pm i ton marble tt or ouelph ont a doni tm ej wpcrty the largest retail marble trade la oft ow- berth i c t it m to tile fact thit the- do tie bvet rork i uvpo iu the cterprwm vii- aju and tell the chcapl the public are warn i the property contains 12 acrf- ru rv nr irss cdaraintdeali with second band trade j of rticll arc in a hi statcf caiuvuti- and punted wills a laqjo amnriuuiii r pcddltw but should o direct to the hrm j fruit oc w varittiw the bal- j or bay from their ajcnt see that the i ance is jrood jjutirl uld vrilh never- nanre mciiaillaii tuaoiiltoa is on the i failicc saaci rjciii thmnjl it tin whidi are nlianclru- o iiau uu the dress goods department a car load of dress materials at 10 12k 20 add 25 cents r kakv or them woruii ijjuhlk the 1picl uked fok iuem creat bargains in our dress goods departmenr priuttd form ufore von siini or order premises there is a new two kuiry brick j r fixe bradfokd cashmeres all loloks at 50 jents ft viulikg all colok8 at 20 30 ad 35 cekts catarrh niphlnetu onker moulli and jtichl roams au bajk kitchen withtliree alt wool iii likiuls rrowk fawn and ore v at 15 ctkx6 brochi fact im ntikg black cream 3ky and xaw at 15 cext i that u of all wool french dress goods we advertised at 25 cents a yard is nearly all uone head aclicloshilouf calarrti remedr a rroam good lublc iuul filed anil gotnj wdl nasal injclor tre with each bottle ijit cl wxlcr if jcc dnir heath and creel brcaui prtc tle hui i 5rj cerls- st- id by j r ilcgarvtu i in tite iittory f medicine oa prcparatioa i lia received melt universal coin men datioq j ir the alledaticn it aftiirdv aud the er- r deir title property j ft r a retired faintly narkel juicu private rcidcace kc ttnns rvaionable and mlc feuuwij on j afiplirriiiuu or the pnmle5 nr u t lods weke never offered in guelph at the price before 1lack french cashmeres at 50 co 65 75 i0 jluo and 125 wll beard of education iu- bird o tijjstflfe met in the couatil claaubcr on ilotiay evfring ttl iust narstliitto tdjorrrest lianbih present ilr james itatthso chairmjji rjid 3fesacs d henderwu ttuie- myco drrlvn- and je ilcgar- ii r raioc-rjrjrm- ti r i- rii1r 11 x1 ittot- ripe- i pr citc4 ihsir fo irth r t rexnin uclii iiint of fief ict- lc eccndltf j or j fi r n arri 152 mi or sir -t- ms3 h o ro ru qj isoo mri au r it c25 jrr t rzut piauti znx i07s hl m ro pabl lins ancu rep rt su il 1 n xor5 frir f2i imjieri lvji htiricrjucccotidedbydr lovtv thit the fourth report of fiuance coxifiiuv oi read be adontedcarriccl eocicvrood ke7rs 1 since- the operation referred to in la sfc ifexie of the fio piit 5ir eatcilumfi randilion is uot w favorable eiyaipciiifi laving set in the fouciwuii boaines firms are doing a larjio trade ibis spring bhultzd strachan rasmoredrbroe and dunbar bros by svljhjjj cheap they have difiected consider- able tradtfrcui gntlpji the tluiiderstorra hut vreek was one of mmsaa severity the lightning struck an elm tree on the farm of ilr- u psraore setting it ou lire a maple was also cut down lij buildingii destroyed nor lives lost in this viciniljv xlie electric carreut jilsycd alarmingly near air i donu- g t r- agent here has interested himself on behalf of the general public by endea waring to induce the railway authorities to put iu an extra siding aud additional platform accoinmodation when this work is executed citizens returning by train from jlie west will not be obliged to land in the mud calverf carbolic ceram the ducat healing comptruudauder tlie i t jiii ilherc h co sore but will succumb to iu vroiuteial hoaliug proptrtiei dt is o invajuable dresvlugforcuu fianu brnues fijpple gcaldj boils festerings etc prioe twentyfive cu at j mcgar- nns drns store loiunt cure it effect in kidajy jieascs aclou may ut is3 un vav bhls knsrv ctie its ac- j i m lit iu thtse distrcmicg cocjplaiue ifi eiqi- i ply vusderful hild by- j il jccarviu j njvr that theru is a reliable remedy far kidney tra allies lud the urrore attached to thffc coraplaiuu have been remuved for tbtslctail be tiixukful and to ln vxs bi clst kitxiiv cl ii aard all praise far fazrit this reaiorcd ti hitherto considered j fatal disease from ojt path it was nercr j kcown to fail sold byj e ucgtrvin j i dyspepsia ldter complaint j is il ixt fffrtfa i li fr email price oftscnu tofrc yoinl o every cyispwrn of tucse lisre il you tlilnlc un call at onrrvire and get a bsie oi wbiioi vlla- uryrever tcttle liiiaiirinedccarantee ou 1 uusi accofdfnly anxifitdoes yoc no jood itwllleoyounoihiiiff id by j k mo- gztilz ejcdted thottuadt j ui over the land are going into ecatadea over ur kinds xcvf diicovery for con- eaaiplioa- their unlsofced for rccovery by i the tiincly use of this great life scvinj re- tcdy causes tlicm to go nearly wild is its pniiej it is guimiiceg lopasitively care sivtzc loughs colds asthma fay fever j bronchitis kosrseuess fxe of voice or j ecv artsjcliou cxtiie throat aai iangi trial i i bottles free at j k mcouviqsdrcgastore j lpc lu 100 nal kkeam cured j are you troubled with saft rheum rotih kin ilmplciorfakci sorca if io j 0 it c-iic- ti j f mcoirhis drug store and gjt package of calverts carbolic i cente trice tweotyflve cecf it iru never knova o fail ei rams fluid tisbtuin xcsds lo adveniftiuj when oace intro- deced lrerr kitlle sold sells hundreds i of othcri by ddjufiall and more than rep- remited fnr xearalrfa toothache head- ache ect it removes a ay pain inatantly j quick a flash try it aad yon will aay it j ia veil named fluid ligfatniog get a i twentvfre cent bottle it j e mcgarviaa j drugstore acton i a iiicmihc fa all mankind in these tiuica wheo our xewapapera axe flooded with patent medicine advertise- meuts u is gratifying tb know what to procure that will certainly cure you if yoa are bilious blood out of order liver inactive or generally dcbiliaied there is nothing iii the woeld that will cure you so quickly aa electric bitten they are a hltiaeintf to all xnankiod und can be had for ouly fifty ceuti a bottle of j e mcgarvin leustrkkt j we show a splendid range of fine french dress materials at 30c 35c 40c aud 4o cents in such shades as uosi bronze ocejm green terra oottn crushed struwlerrr copper biowu tagendarmo fntic beaveretc trimmings to match each shade durable silks it baibecu u niatler of considerable difficulty for ladies to procure at a moderate price a silk dress of rich appearance and durability wg have sjuicked the markets tboroughly compared the productions of different makers and notv recommend to our prtronaand fife public silks manufactured at lyons by etiwine charbin we have r largo stolk ot blaok drese silks blaok yaatie silks blaoh drm8 satias colored dreu goods summer silks 10 75 1 00 1 25 1 40 1 60 2 3 1 125 135 150 175 2 3 1 125 150 175 2 3 50 60 70 75 90 1 50 millinery millinery look out for attractions in we have on exhibition throughout the season more than two hundred trimmed hats and bonnets representing th latest london and new york styles ladies can obtain from us fine millinery at very moderate prices mantles imported jackets and dolmanettes rich goods and handsomely trimmed newest designs every lady should get one of onr illustrated mantle gircnurs showing exact copies of mantles imported by us this season 1 f 3 w p brqwn cos splendid cashmere jackets 9 splendid huk dolmabs 910 jackets ami dolmans op t 195 each new adv next week splendid cashmere dolmans 0 handsome broche dolinauettes 13 mantle hakins a specialty splendid silk jackets 9 handsome ottoman bolmanette 91s oalesme wanttd to ixgin work at ooce on sales for fall 1883 fur the toolhill nurseries the largrat in cadada mouris stosk k wec- ukgtov proprietora we can start in ad dition to oar already laree force 100 abdi fioxil caxvakseba and want men who can give full time to the business steady em ployment and enud salaries to suooessfol mcu u dots nut matter what your prev ioua uccqpatiun has been if you are willing to work your success ia almost certain the best of references required apply en closing photo if possible to stoke 4 wellington knrkrymen toronto ont i parasols sunshades umbrellas i hnndreds or childrens parasols at j eente each uaudreds or larkejatlnet parasols at 4oe see joe gee each j hundreds of black and brown 811k parasols u9is hundreds of black brown and reea 8uk parasols with the new rustic handles and paraxon frames at 68 t50 black brown and green satin parasols without lace 93 9360 s3 fancy satin parasols at 138 18 s3 16 mi 10 and 6 eaea sokscribi for tbo atok fkee van cm oabpets i r t the biggest stock we hare ever had the best patterns we hare ever shown thobest valae procarahle tapistrv uabpbts at 45 0 60 65 7590 1 bru8sels carpets at 90 1 1 01125 186 u0 all wool 0arpbt8 at 75 85 90 81 6115 125 si tjnioncalrprth at fio fli 7h in prfflr j hemp carpkt8 stair carpets india matting door mat heartrl rlwaikf ssc s45fflffis5 j thk pbospect fob the seasoks trade is v8bt ek0o0ragis0 oub cash sales abe ixokkasimj daily ahd couparbu with rorhbk ir soxs show a orkai utr proaesest pebsoks ututo at a dutakcs reom ouewh abe availisg the118elvej op the abvaktaqes orrejlelwtv ocb y letter order department which has the pebsonal 80ebvi8io or hb david hogg 8ahpies best to asy part of the colistoy muali ordkes i xmsh isbccted tmwfj greatest cabe send for sallrlea tlie i mo pa oepl mr ior 1v1 i jhn wgq on offered4uy ocb vsh 1 jt a dyuftejl executed yl 1 a i h mimi kilkammhmtsam

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