mi iv njnal rata ftei lof tin- lpaia ya- and toil turn 3st t med relal- uj i scio ate clo 4 se or eeent mt m fare w t fcttb j k- eu kfosd feet lmf- ictot iftof- i jsjftnwlvaifc thjj fwpaid ko pser diet nttwi tffl htt a are paid except at the option of the publisher ajtttsti rites cisuaj ndycrusc- incuts i ccr per line for 4he first inser tion and 2 t per line for each ubw- qwnt turcki tjtalu lvofilicxu joiittcs r 4 h oq per annum i square 18 line jj- c per annum payable in g mouth from atc of insertion any special kotie the osjcct of which is to promote th pecuniary benefit of any individual or oomganv wjbe considered ah adtwtii- et6 tlie amber of unoa reckoned by- hepaocciljritxlmnc4surcvlby a seal of jivrrnacr rates eolqiunoije3r 00 co hall column re year 4300 qaarttfrtnntnoo year 1xj0o ooeeohiniasiinionib k halfc ninaihi i00 qorvrcolannfli months 12 00 oifeoiommitcwraootlf 2000 hlfooianjnunjtnnnthi 1 w qntrler colainrlhrc mnnihr too tt6fumeh ttunattf iflc direction wtf be userlecuurtrbldandcuufrdaccom nifty trwlory alverllmcnts mntbe m antes tor fcmirael advertisements must be la fiofflceiy 9 a mon monday other- wimtiietiriuise ufl over uu the allowing tmimhi00 iu uvtuicc volume viii no 46 8150 if not so paid acton banking cgy 8t0rry ohristie fc 00 3st-ew- acton ont thursday may 17 1883 fe whole no 421 ohristie iuxkkrs stoo ok aciou ontario tstfc k p swore kjhor 4 proprietor x oexeiui baxkixg vcsi- xss thaxsacted h01te7 wastes on approved i notes notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits baby cairlag ctonretgnss thttuuut moiikiso mav 17 l8- i was worth the living the game well j hand fell in punishment on bis suaer mi poetry at days bookstore kevv stock of tuiq dadltd i utm on at geo p 1 his rart a r l ft c xrrr jld- a splendid new s ik every lixe made tll ik new vokk husiftsss di tv ock fancy and market at days bookstore w h lqwkt m h it cl triity collccc cm ler cf colicfc rriijhciiis and snrsc 0e cjd ncdcrc u tlic hcai of frc4- tck si ac bargains -ix- l beviett to- opt hestist gcorrc- on gradxate of ok- ol johv law vetcricar suv- acioi oat- 0ce ic kcsney t s c loot ard sh ton res- idec i lie risr hnrkt examined as to wrci84aad otifi5tt jvtnr shciltu nidhtar da romp if attend edto ttmiltiay ot- tril vit arto even wcdie- day irdtriil ttetd to 11 ealk pcnainin j tohisprfvs order- kftat mcgarvins drc sro trilf receive prompt ctttniloa tern3 mcderate 1 tj fisher c h ladies gents cold and silver watches akausestookor electro plite i just uecerved m choice sixick of wall paper wita bordere to match at daysbookstore day selgs cheap golid i iwatches ion ipresintatiq the happy hour he is the happy man whose life even now shows somewliat of lidt happier life to come who doomed to an oheenre but lranquil state is pleased with it and were he free to choose woald make his fate ln choice whujn jicacc the frnit of virtue and wham virtue fruit of faith prejjara for happiness bespeak him one content indat to founi while he rnast below the skies bat having there his home tlio forid criookamoi fnncr bqiy search of object more ilwtriaus in hkrvitw and occupit a earuestjlv aa ie tlionph mortubliinchhe oeriocked the i fine stock bought since christ- mas jiigli srade of amor can movements riggjs ldt of the fine of will it ht cwcpbeliv hot o tiy 6rvt j hondiyci eviivothinthcprairtieeof j0g bargains ib 3poctacla his pr5rfeif all vrk executed in the fl rf e uk and mtjimproved style of lc dentil an1 tyqwas8e8 art- o chirf for consaktion r s rfftf wttttf j m fe amilrl j at savage xear petrics virucsre ghelph goottwttrtf baxrutck solicitor xourf- public j aadconterii3er georvtwti and aetoh 3actcn once in llr sccordcbiock the watch and cock hon of gnelnh j worth theeandle did we feel a presentiment that our jilacid cujoynicnt of tbia delightful wicked- neufl was soon to cud that va3 finished our otherviise quiet sort of disobedience by racing through the village streets huzzaing like young indians and passing every team with a challenge to follow if they could flighty was a thoroughbred and rfectly trained she kept her head bean t if ally or i my story might liave another ending as we drove np to the gate with agrand flour- ifih the whistle of the train in the distance i warned us that our hour of reckoning was tloae at hand i after lea was inn ted to the study and truest tuned as to tlie days wickedress i answered reipectfully and after being rejirimaiidcd was banished to my room soon after i beard fathers heavy step in the hail ajid jamie light footfalls follow ing loaning far onfof my gable window i watched them enter the barn it was a glorious starlit night and the silvery id she scow ms pjtiaaup jfcjruhc knows wliiteueas of the moonlight wrapped the them not woru in ita spell once i thought i heard he titss not hers farhejiaf proved them j t ue plcadmg voice of my brother i ooald i he cannot hiiin the ground like fitiinmer bear no more and dinging out into the birds halj stole down stairs aud out to the barn pursuing gilded flies j aud each te dooms j ftnu wu harfl v needed j her honors her emolameuu her joy therefore incoulcainlalfctf u uk bliss roi11 rcar doo op thomoou- whose power is such that whom she lifts j light lay in great bars white and trans- i from earth incent giving weird brilliance to the space she makes familiar villi iten unseen of fioor learil the in8lad and shows hun gonous vet to be repealed t kot slothful he though seeming uncm- j creeping through the rear door i stood mo- ployed ajid oennured oft sptreami oft wstt fairest nieadowa aq tlie bird that flutters leajt iloukc4fcoithaaing pfi ropyy how father conquered us clleetqx hall i- stobev bamterssoudtorv- of the sapreme coart conveyafaeets ac- toronto it goorce- towun orncn xo 50 charch street toront5 and hcltodo block georetowe j tipioneyto loan- j lit rrllztif tv v hill edetoeet j wcveiea minisirrscliildrcn jamie twelve- flirht fetralghtre an arrow wnth th ialiftr goldtii light in tbe gray eyes that betolns hot uraxrr and brilliant in- j leikct end maase- of line black ldiii pi mi- thl uluhol ukub ull kt bright handsome jamie how 1 loved him with an unquestioning devotion that tanght j me earlv to ield rav wishes aud desire- to tioalea iwjfcwbiu with wondering eyes tlie stilleil cetie paaitd on my memorj as clearly as if years had not dimmed the fire of those j luminous eyes or bowed with weight of t care and prood ophghted head father was j s landing- where the light from the lantern usndcd from the beam above fell fall on the hair jnst tinged with gray and brought into relief the massive forehead and filern blue eye his month was qniver- i ing strangely aud the hand that held the 1 carriage whip seemed shaking with irrwolu- r tion for the first time in my remem brance father hesitated to do what he con- fathtr carried me to lay room in his arms and when i felt his tears splash on my hair a nw fettling that love understands was born in in heart if jamu- had been writing this record of oar long ago he would have closed with the announcement that never from that day did we venture to ran away with flighty ftud n our eyes grew accustomed to see the love written in every line of fathers face we grew to watch for the smile of approval and weep over his dis pleasure but alas i must add one more testimony to the weakness of my sex and just whis per how earl the next morning standing on the verandah where tlie lilacs swung their fragrant el asters against the study window i ventured to say jamieclont yon aim oet wish when pas back was right infront of yoapo that you had just given him- a couplo rf grvd cuts he has given yod so many jamie had no chance to reply for the lilacs were held aside from the window and fathers voice called daughter trembling- little wretch i need not have feared father was one of those rare men who had learned to let well chough alone and only kissed me with unusual tender ness as he led me out to breakfast a tale of telegraphic ticking the litoje bird a litt bird with feathera biulu sat singing on a tree the song was very boft aud low but sweet as it could be and all the people passing by looked op to see the bird that made the sweetest melody that ever they had heard but all the bright eyes looked tu vain for birdie was so small and with a tnodest darkbrown coat he made no show at all why papa little grade said where can this birdie be 1 if i could sing a song like that id sit where folks could see i hope my little girl will lean a lesson from that bird and try to do what good sho en not to be seen or heard so live my child all through j oar life that be it short or long though others may forget yojlool theyll not fnrget your son tooldteial waggles i hear that 3tr tompkins has just joined tho blue ribbon anny- toa know he drinks like a fish mrs bnawujones dear me i i always thought him so abstemious waggles- ah thats why ho drinks like a fish iratcr a welltodo young man recently married and started west on his bridal tour the happy young couple were breakfasting at a station eating house during the repast two smart alecks came into the eating room and seated themselves opposite the contracting parties they were telegraph operators by delicate poising of their knife and fork they were able to make sounds in dose imitation of telegraphy in the mystic language of the key one said unto tlie other aint she a daisy though the party thus addressed replied by clicking off x xpl he1hxreet licensed auctioneer- for tie counts of wcllimrton lud hailoc orders left a jje ftrr phot office acton or l ely residence in acton rih ht arrivals 4 terms re- me ituej utb auo ciney u lorn en the mostfavoraeic tenus iai st ihc lowest hies of interest in sums cf vjol and n jrwards- tdtt roriale liac ca bt hid ia xhz canada lime r7orks inrillor hrgc quantities at any time- apfy thj kihi near taltons tnj 1 nr ft i c- s shth may 1st 152 bon 172 actos rpihbett ftf7fk xbe luictsiuii preired to purchase any onactitr cf lu hire rcdieech soft ciapie tist th jrol wk ifaim got tfiuic aab pop mliiiyci iuiu idlcii3 r fr ilact iifa in citber xi scotoli tweeds in great variety- shaw grundy merchant tailors ouelph his imperious will and to shield him in all v never een there james my wn do you remember my commands this morning yes sir voa remember tlie jxualty of your d la things right or wroug from the severe l i jadgmenu of our father i look back vovr with a feeling of admiration for tiic hcjne- ly little dot only seven with her long tawny braids and great eager eyes to true to her boy hero of course tlie familiar expression that j ministers children are worse than an j other had oft been repeated before tu aud as people evdenth- expected us to be little heathens we tried hard not to disappoint yes sir you know that you mist suffer it oa not t yes flir take oft your jacket and your vest jamie obeyed hunjr them on a peg and j came back to his petition before father i with a hard sullen expression on his face that showed a f pint to be won never com- pelled by blows ferhans father saw this l seward xeb j reporter remarkable disclosures mr r 8 crane manager and treasurer of the alvin jowlin comedy conapany struck cheyenne the other day upon busi ness connected with the appearance of that splendid company in this city at an early day a reporter called upon mr crane at his rooms at the inter ocean and sent a few pleasant minutes iu conversation about the coming attraction mr crane assured the writer that the personnel of the com pany is ail that could be desired and that the publij may look for even better per- formances thi3 season- than last noticing that the manager looked a little pale the writer remarked upon the fact but received tha reply that he was in good health but continued mr crane i did have a pretty serious time of it last summer in vsew york what was the trouble i had a very sharp attack of rheuma tism the disease attacked my left leg- and left arm and or a time i could neither walk upon the one nor raise the other to my head i suffered horribly did you ever have the rheumatism sir address ing the reporter if ever you are stricken with it thereds one thing which i can re- commend aa a pretty bure cure and one which will probably give you quicker relief than anything else you can employ i re fer to the great german remedy si jacobs oil i am aware of the prejudice which many entertain against advertised medi cines i felt thus about bt jacobs oil and thought my aversion was too deeply rooted to be dissipated but a man will some- times catch at a hope as it flies i purchased a bottle of it when i found nothing else i applied would give relief aijd commenced j applying it- it proved a most effectual remedy and the use of three bottles cured me 1 and you are now quite a devotee of ht- jacobs oil v i that is perhaps drawing it too strong- diu 6u i an superintendent of the ly r krtlilllv ja uueye it a toe 6peeiflc i telegraph lice upon which you work you sidled his duty and met the fearless i wouldnt i like to kiss her the little gjance of his only sou with such yearning j ingd i tenderness on hi strong old face as i had wonder who that old bloat is that she has married gorgeous granger i reckon re plied the other the groom stood it until forbearance ceased tn be a virtue when he also balanced his knife and click dick it went in rapid succession it was intelligible to the very cute twain that had recently made fun of its author when interpreted it read will please send j our time to headquarters and resign your position at once yours srrccuxtexpesr er teleobapii j fc i anv one lessons on the total depravitv j f his haud failcd to fai phment j of minister- diildren in general aud we aud blwi arm 8toia iroaild the vtwo in particajar were as daily food to us onlden and folded him closely to r knew that we were very bid but we fathers side janie jamie my lad why do you i grieve yonj- old father w v if au angel had spoken we could not have been more a we stricken father who so seldom caressed who was go severe managed to be quite comfortable for such 4 terribje sinners j among fathers few worldly good was a j beaatafol horse fleet as the wind ani the j pride of his heart jamie had often taken tnifitvith him to the pasture to lead flighty j backward and forward and or rare- oc- casions when we had gained permission to drive short distances for father we had pine cecir ha j th- aply atone u v moore acton oct deliuvaftfc farms for sale prom lie uq per a err 4 d hendrlckl enau affttt eouiton dcuffar these arm- ak- improved vrith buildings fence fruit ire- and berrics cf all kinds good wafer plenty cf timber und god roads chock aid churches good markets only 3- roiled freni phiiadelphia plenty of fiaii ctiertaxid game very yrodactive j ling eliinfi mid and nleaacu eome and see for rzrd ajd bo convinced t am wrt ctamm m to psttrwnh fieam arniagc to take to sa mosei loldgoto viaiore uj it the fanui fjee of charge jd hxeicxito delaware aero- harwes trunk tiriies eeucieko ixrmaa v harness or trunks neuralgia powders curcsxenralpiaiii a few hoar also yervous ileadaclie tic- doloreux intermittent fcrer e- 25 cts per box propfitod only by w or smith co rown bold and lcnhcned or drive a- jravs cecentliig unuhxocnlfor boldness i bntttrojrfmit fell vlirtsja whipping to hold the reins and feel ihe air rush against our faces as flighty sped down the 6trcet h ajftas barber shop b creech acton flai opened berber siifip in the prenmes uttfj xanavl hv ur fotatt a medical j of tliii nenity every fepartmeat of the j busihef viji ie ccidactid in firitcljwa tvfc give tui eil iio mrd iss3 j e wobdex v i- tjjibi hattuevrs asrentfofptreiinmiri6c8 life accident saoqofor29cpetda agent fcr the dominion stounbbip co retnnj ticns iesocd or ticket to bnugont jonr irietfoj caeurei isjut uvoar arj obcuss mcpey to loan goool joint or endorsed j tbort ute notes dibcoontd agent for the ouudiui lon sring j pc toronto i anrf etascek oy ts6da i mortgages dieelianies oiattle morteaees farm and honsejlieas8 afireementb tea- j oerk dir coort coinv in qiueoi bench 4c taner of mariage wosnies caxjtiox each piuo of the htle navy i8mabkbd t b ix bloir mitibs none other genuine vegetable bl the great blood pnriaorsimp so fctcm father was crying jamie was crushed by this sort of thing and stammer ed his excuses and when he fdt the tears ou bis upturned face his heat melted oh pa i didnt know you could feel so bad dont pa dont bqy did you think j 4pved to whip y6u dont you kflow erexy blow on your tender flesh makes a deeper wrer mark one summer morning that shone put on your fathers heart my son my only clear as crystal father spoke of the day as j gem c wdlfittcd for shopping in cleveland a few his voice faltered and broke i shall miles distant aud ae he spoke of train time never forget the tenderness that thrilled j to mother announced his intention of going j every word as he talked by rail oh the winks and nods and sly i cannot break my word jamie i i motions that told tlie story so plainly to tbldyoa if yoa disobeyed punishment must i me and how helpful we grew of their com- j follow kow my boy many a time with fort how solicitous at last with terrible aching heart have i whipped yon and it j warning of wrath to be visited irpoti ua if seems to have no lasting effect i cannot i we ventured to disobey any of fathers whip you tonight and i dare uot break j commands we watched them aboard the my work take this whip sir train and saw it sweep off dqwn theack jamie took die whip and father quickly with he fluttering peaiiona of smo teck- uid aside his worn black coat then his j oning lo as racing back rougti the vfethanging them beside jamies and grassy lanes tossing books aad s7aw mto j taming his broad shoulders to the wonder- a fence comer with my pink sunbonnet ou 1 top of the pile jamie crowned my tawny j hfaidi with bispailor hat aud calung me a jolly tar helped me to pack our lunch before kind sisttr h who wyald couiicaiid toni 5 a n miu guatd over he par- wnage ennld reach there we had packed e ofltbftstnaraeotedurbeuriiolllity safe aud tboreagllly wr1fllie7toub to the carnage nd were off fnr a da iu the- digestive organs regulates tbe woods oh the dinner in the old he system aud improves the j maids kitchen a cave to be found on the health generally never fails jto i banjcfl oi the cuyahoga river famous now only by iz lad his voice rang like a clarion james some one must suffer i cant whip ypu you must whip me strike pearls of thought as even- thread of gold is valuable so is every minute of time advice is seldom wdcome those who need it most take it least prosperity is no just scale adversity is the only balance to weigh friends the more we do the more we can do the more busy we are the more leisure we have knavery is supple and can bend but honesty is fire aud upright and yields not xo principle is more noble as there is none mare holy tiiali thmt of true obedi ence he who is the most slow in making a promise is the most faithful in the per formance of it never let your zeal outrun your charity the former is but human the latter is divine do its work prepared w g smith ft 60 i t boeoemor w t- f chapman 0qobbixqbb st georgek bqiwrcgiuupli account books of all kinds made to order jodical of every description sarcfnlly billing neatly and prpwptiy done j ag the switzerlaud of america the long drive down the road that 6tretchd away j fn be distance like s silver yire tbe vdeptbs of cciil living green tftat lay like a j shadow in a barren land the moss the 1- violate the new ecranai we beard the new i visions we saw the delicious coolness of i the spring we disoovered the dreanin we dreamed of the future oh that summer 1 day as it waned we collected 6nr treas- ores and nnfastening flighte from th tree where she hd bfn mda fi p 13 et ia the oarriage and de osng btrf burdens we drove gayry homei ard linn i aways we were but philosopfa irs as well for we pat the fact of our awai ing punish- ment as far from oar ihoaght u possible i we expected to be whipped -lot- did not i intend to snnor the sting- twee once in chemieu drnggi6s fading and talking abont it i nd again iu 1 aotnal pajg a we jsnjd jjifongh jl smiths drug stor is tlie beat place to buj your drugs patent medjcxnb8 perfumes sponges haib brushes cqmbs dia vvvv yxmspfgfe fanners receipts oirsfully prtd w g smith co so 13 the buy stood as if turned to stone j do you bear me jamie 6trike white q death grew jamies face his mouth twitched nervously the whip fell to the floor and with a cry that came right from his heart jamie went down on his knees oh pa yem may kill me but i never can strike you how be begged for forgiveness passion ately pleading i cant pa anything but thawsvr j what promise offotnre obedience bat fathers will was iron he would not break his word he had said so many lashes and they mast be paid puzzled and stirred to the depths what cso4d he do j what little wbjtegewned figure is this that creeps oat of the shadows and throws ttself at his feet while a childs shrill voice pipes oh papa i have been so wioked i coaxed jamie truly truly i did whip me papa and let jamie go- now if you think this ia not an act of heroism i am sorry for yoa and then perhaps your father was not a miniatotv he lifted his forlorn utile daughter froni the floor and moo wy oat of the dilemma seemed to parent itaelf jamie stood hy in humiliation and shamo wto iatber plantation philosophy we neber feel so mad arter we shed tears de cloud aint nigh so dark arter the rain falls many a ornan what wont wash her chil ian at home delights in waahin dishes at a church fair r the worst sort of boastfulness is showed by de man what thinks dat he can enter tain yoa wid a long story dar is many a rnle what wont work both ways whiskey will produce a head ache hat a headache wont produce whib- key ko man should be looked upon as a fool on account ob what he doan belebe but on account ob what he does belebe a too easiness ob conviction ter strange ideas ia caused a mighty heap ob troable in dis world too familiar a certain- eminent temperance lecturer waa setting forth a most awful portraiture of old king alcohol when a mrnszylopking brother arose in a corner of the ball and observed i like f aak tbe genlmn a gossan oertainly my friend said tbe nrbane speaker by all mesal i wish t inquire of the genlmn f hes ever been tight thank heaven nol was the fervent response this brain waa never been muddied with the accursed thing osce more the muzzy one spoke then dont the genlmn seem toon great fmiliarity boat an entire stranger s longe he haint bees uilroduoad j ai3rtrvijlj dtif n was ouoepreaohiug to aojass sauahop tbjtp gentlemen saidj he oloae yonr ear against bad disoourses the student immedhtwappa tothei i l aij j 1a j 1 for rheumatism and as my belief is based upon personal experience i dont mind commending its use to others in the office of the hotel the reporter met hr geo a dunlap who is thepopular and efficient representative in cheyenne of the chicago firm of wood bros live stock commission merchants happening to mention the interview with the manager of the alvin joslin company and what he said about st jacobs oil mr dunlap re plied that he was oot surprised at the nar ration of the circumstances for tbe great german remedy was a good medicine and be could also commend itsvirtues areyoustruckon oil too mr dunlap well i dont exactly putit in that way but i believe it a good remedy all the same my experience with it is eomenht limited but oi sufficiently recent date to mako me vividly remember what it has done for me whue superintending the loading of cattle this autumn i fell from a car and seriously hurt my left knee i believe a blood vessel was ruptured and tho muscles severely strained i could notwalkforseveral days and do not know that i would be capable of active locomation now were it not for the kindly offices of st jacobs oil its powerful hea and stimulating properties put me right on my feet it did for a fact and you can use the information if you so please almost everybody remarked mr a c 8tayart representing weber howland co wholesale dealers in hats and caps at denver use3 st jacobs oil where i came from ionce had a very sorb foot and very naturally employed tfio great german remedy it cored my footia very short time i also can recommend it are there any other gentlemen present who would like to endorse this wonderful specino said the reporter it has as sumed the importance of a public question and i intend to writeitnp for the benefit of others who may need the offices of thii- medicinb yes replied mr wmh puhlap repre senting the great coffee bduse df jewett sherman co milwaukee put me down as another believer inbt jacobs oil i badrheomatismand st jacobs oil cored me tod can just bet on it every tnne gentlemen tememied the reporter this is a remarkable coincidence two mr dunlaps each of whom never met jhe other both endorsing st sacohs oil fol lowed by another getatleman in tbe room it is a regular experience meeting it will not be paralleled soon in cheyenne the reporurwas aubaequently informed by one of the mtuninent druggurtin he city that father hayes had also used the gieatgerinanbemedy far rheumatism en4 ijpwjipg mm oured oo jits u fie ahoyp i twhftijaflsf iny ik the 1 iiumb 3