Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 17, 1883, p. 3

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our- ferre tie the ijnea k rfiw reegress vnrnwi momtim- mtv it lews ivlllape varieties ilrl of lorvl news nnd otatr utallrrs at prrlil inlririt lo aar viutr b fhklastkrklf msfmjh an extenaurt bvtalnma k splmdid assortment of hoofa catton i the cauada glove works ire now mak- il linen iin fly hooka at 0ohvnda iqbber balls bm balls aiam took co hynds dealer m jncclwy fancy tjoods school books stationery acton gnt gie u a cavil- bits of brevity kt aa4- iktrwlx- rrri a ike aw w ike pern iu setaaah far rrarn af tkerree prn wanner weather deaired next thuraday queens birthday ian opera home ii talked of for quelph f dont gat tired of yottt flannels too oon the brass band practice twice a week now iu the new town hall the new town hall towor will sport a ritie new flag on queens birthday me p kelly is repainting and other- improving his store ohmill strtet- a competent wbitcwasher mid paper- liaacer coajd di a pood business iu acton honor t whum honor is due bro irast-m- qaxfr the flea business nolwith- fiandingv to the inclemency ot the wea- t ier the cricket club vis uol yet comnicno- ii practice todtiksvtv hvu frot his been re painted and is consequently improved in appearance- il the ilillci svr man hi remodelled and improved his editorial den and is now very proud of it j interesuij ba bail match in gael ph -ivrrov- loi bcbohrf v guelnhmii rcii tea ucedl ixptrikuurabjj finding j hantreet tfce shady tide of the street ye wnt tm- ail spring is fairly herv i mr w h storey his uig large shipmoihv nf glove to dirunt points an order of muisual site m for warded to a halifax merchant last wk the business of um firm in the nortlr- west also i rapidly extending lecture mr thomas mcmurriy provincial dep uty grand worthy patriarch of the grand division sous of temperance will iddrres a mccliuj hi- the temperance hall tlii evening at h oclock our cituwis nrc in vited to attend collection at close a snow storm in may cauada will undoubtedly lead the van for extraordinary weather thus far thi year with the snow utorhi on monday may hthlhe climax k surely reached our oldest inhabitants iwive been scratching their heads for a parallel to the weather of the present week it i- certainly surpris ing protiaoai exhibition rrcparatiaus an lii made fvr holdiu tlie next provincial cxliililiiii in guelpu- additioiial building will u rvjuircd pud plans an- under pre pri lion fur thcni the couuty council rvfukc a imtnt tmd the ciu will hae u bear a lary imrt of the ei- pciift it i projkffcd to ak for s4000 from tl citv council ti bcin vlth auction sales mr eli snyders valuable property in this village will be sold by auction to the hinheslbtdieroiiitirshty aftemyan the tale comnicuco at 2 oclock- mr v c bobinti occrs for kile on saturdpy ihh rhmlcin t five ov-x-k- vjifiiii v iiturv stock etc uhir hutch tiv mr v o urs clarv of licih the bixoolook ball our ioojnatured town bell tiuger ha dvtrini the past l- invkn len ringiug llio bell at six oclock tscli niomiij if this is- to bo continued some special arrangement must necessarily be made as his contract doea not call or this ringing succumbed at last after several years of unusnalsufforing by that dreaded and generally atal afflic tion cancer mrs samuel speight widow of the into s speight esq of this tillage departed this life at noon on tuesday last during her illness many kind ueighbors and acquaintances ministered to the suffer- ex the funeral will take place tin after noon it two oclock presentation last evening thejdlfttrchwardeus ofst albans church met nt the residence of rev mr ligott and presented him on be half of the oongregatiou with a wellfilled purse expressing kindest wishes that his ptxikwed visit to lngland would he a safe and pleasaut one and that he would much enjoy the time final in his nctive land mr pigot have this morning on his journey the finu pnusn wish him 6oh poclf- j received just desaerls j wc hinted last week thst unless the bad conduct of several of the youths of this village was improved they would pay the penalty for their misdeeds a nnmber of them continued uieir pranku and as a con sequence one of their number alex dynes wai on monday arrcstedand fined 50 cents and coste for making himself a nuisance about mrs accords premises we trust this will be a warning to all other boys who seemingly dont know how to conduct themselves properly im4 231 i0 hpeoul prizeh 600 oaih or bct doipa bwodi turnipi w00 caab for best down maobols rtlsod froju ocd imrchaw m- j b mogarvins ora a4 mauoarrr sure a do a tbteprluf art open for wmpetitiou to all reaidtnt fanuni esquoaldg nmaagi- vsya erin and eratuou tis h spring opening 1883 all kinds of garden field and flower -seed8- good freeh and reliable at j e mcgarvins drue stationery store acton of thg ak- iieady boale- rarded that portion of mill and john streets siirrotuidicg hi residence- j cvil fnrtbr ajrieo the sabvth cwu- ic servire k the mehii caarch hc i ill coii3ed st six oclock the poor trout will be tormented ueit imnday- fishing is about the only spof t be njyed in this vicinity that day a number of ooi citizens wonder how was that the street lamps ere mihghted j r- pjererai dark nigfala dnxinff the week f acton hi for clean and tidy ttrtrets acton now cr livv faialiues at georgetown gtorgttown was alanced on fridiiv monin by two fata discovtrics tlg body of a man named kaddell wa found cat in two on w- grfd trunk railway a eltrt diflalxv vvv t the illao h i 6 apptscd that he had ken walking on the track when ht was nm over by a train dcatlis other victia v ileurj- walker whoso bay ws f- uecr his home heart discise i snppcj to have lxn the cause of hia fudicn taking q5 a specimen of antiquity lsl thursday moniin cu object of con- fidt-rable- curiosi ty parsed through aciou otrthv gtr il bciiiff the nrst loconio- livt- tpik- that ccr run in america and was rj rxfc for the railway supply er- kiiitiou about to bo optmed iu chicago thit engine the second or third bailt for j stephenson was certainly a curiosity the brats plate ou the boiler bears the inscrip- j tioii timothy hackworth kheldon dux- j hani fcup august 183 the tender is j j attached to what in mcdeni chines would j be the pilot end of the boiler cylinders eitu- j 1 ated above the rear drivingwheels halton dry goods aoton house summer importations ju8t to hand cvtn n- ectcqiriii plr the fio- d in an entirely j new uniform and presents a verv hand- i l j forne appearance by the way its not so i very iou aco iucc the local editor of the poi entertained a wami regard for acioa and its surrounding w wdl thiiljb have i changed and lc ma be happier with die other fellow llou- pj per- x akes the bate overjany place in the county j pjns it come to ay us visit audyon will be coninced- rchir milhiiers and merchant tailors j ojf have 1 their hands full of coarse all rders mist be completed by the twcnty- ourth the fraternity of oddfelloa- of this i illage are considering the advisability of c ctiin a bkxk of stores with hadl for their maboye a strange combination of a xtrayerf ul i ttitade and a corsefnl mind may be found i i the man tacking down carpets after i pring cleaning mr angus fletcher and family of tahinafad are moting to acton they vul reeid on mr fletchers property on ohii andjagnes streeu we ahdentatrd that the improvements i pctemplated by messre beaxdmore aco z new brrildings machinery etc will cost b rtireen fl0o0 and 100c- mr w b brafig practical niillwright 1 as taken up his residence in rockwcod nd is prepared to receive orders in his lie in which hecill ensure satisfaction as qneenrbirthda fails on thcre- ay and e primer enjoys a holiday or carrier will deliver the fkee pffj next teekou weiitjeday erenin lookout for rev d b- jamern 3ccupiei the tlrneruh polpna brtdfprd last him- c ay eer ifr mclntyre filled the tacancj- i ere ir the inornhig and in the erecing no i nrice was held oiriitg ifi th- i xacc that no movement j as been made for the celebration of the needs birthday the acton tjdga 100 j hart decidedk postpone their concert iits the glij tie ieii himuti- rthtgneifi -ufcri- iicehg of the 3fethjcin chiach vili b heui in the x-jr- nak jreti church gasbli on thei2nd rockwcod kews oa i mr j moores woodshed was lurued on 5iojjy fire occarrcd early iu the morn- to feci proud of it is unknown how the tire origihated the weather continues cold and back ward notwithstanding which fanners have pushed on with their seeding and mam- are about through we do not remember of a spring that ha had so many cloudv days and late froft tlie present showery weather will ensure plenty of grass tlie fall wheat came out looking well in the early spring hat has smtlredconsiderablv haps some lady in town cnald cspuiu the i by rwlft tljd does dot preseut eo above mysterious paragraph fronvthe leu i ae could be exuected at this of our hanover brother t of tiie year here and there are some our country s proctors fine fields yet it is the exception lieutco allan inform us that he xill i commcuce drill next satqrdsx evening in m tragedy t on tuesdav mormng jast as mr d w the anil shea the volunteer of acton l j campbell was leaving his home to proceed i comiianv no c will be present and the i l i i to hi dailv duties a revolver ballet whizzed i books are open for r number of recruits the colonel in rites all the young men in i town to be present and take osxt in the i drilling exercise whether they will eniut or not a few evenings under col allans robbing oar little town of one of its prom- solaierlv mstrcctiou will no doubt assrisi i meat citizens mr campbell indeed had 4 1 our vaunc men to assume more graceful r most miraculous escape it is a mvstery gait than many now exhibit m ther loco- motion passed his head striking the door post j within a coaple of inches of his head the ball wai no doubt from the firearm of some careless sportsman but came very near new dress goods for this season check akilj plain satins nuns veiling wool buntings and cash5ieres ln mvrtle green brown gkey stonk navv blue ckeam j blue with new shades and 50 other different kinds of fabrics satin brocades ottomak cords and spots trimmings braids tarlatan braids in new colors passementre trimmings in great variety mantle loops frogs and ornaments is ah me xkw pattebxs a great drive arc in receipt of 40 pieces of cathmcres iu blue uuck jet black brawn black and dull black every person able to purchise a dress kbouu not lose this opportunity to secure a cuhmeic at lewl per cent usa thua regolar value staple goods we arc tilling up again white cettocs sre down and purchasers will find on exam ination of our cottons ducts denims skirtings coitoiudes ard linton cassimeres sptcial linj that our price- arc the lowest we tire the only house in acton thai haudlc these goods which are scarce on account of the increasing demand since their value has become known wc open two case of these goods this week dont fail to see them 8pocla values in all kinds of linen coods hosiery and cents furnlshlns millinery coods summer trade has opened ap with as in full blast and to meet the great demand for fashionable uillinary we have rdcred to arrive this wcelc several cases of ladies and misses latest xcw york style of has and bonnets in straw leghorn tape and other materials doot fail to sec these goods before leaving yoa orders for summer wear solid leather boots and shoes wt are the onlj home iu acton that sell d kings solid leal her boots shoes slip pers 4c we will frusnnlee every pair wc can furnish yon with cheap eastern work same as other houses if you want them but it will pay you to buy solid leather goods only sod get them warranted they cosl but a trifle more please give us a call for these goods and we rill guarantee you satisfaction to the piopli of aoton and surrounding oountry we take much pleasure in announcing that our atock of general goods is very complete in every department and has been bought closer than ever and shall be sold closer than ever millinery department we would aunouuee that we have an extra chgice selection ot all goods that pertain to this department in flotvera feathers and everything kept in a first class honse and all at the very closest prices all goods trimmed in the very latest style by experienced milliners all we ask is an inspection our millinery opening will be on saturday 14th april 1883 when wc hope to see all our old customers and many new ones mantle goods department we have this season bonght a stock ot black silks silk brocades aud satins which we know are bought right aud shall be sold right as to who fired the bullet- our sportsmen i may not be aware that by using firarms j kefaraaka notes within the corporation limits they are act- j in f- private utter from z former rvii- j icg j direct contravention of the bylaws j dent of acton die following items are of the municipality no 17 of which pro- j gleaned respecting crop etc in xebruaki jbibits the use of fireamn under a penalty notwithstanding the dry weather the j rf fkund cosk a word to the vise 4c fall wiat kok well mid will average fairrrp ap tho snriliiltfrin tre up and a model if unidpal body give t- hjlthy nppvamntv pjtatoes were ui l wiek tnrt the cfetur- arc- in good reputation for enurpnse m public and conaiuon ani herds fre being onvcii cut r c c com pccting is tht order of the day and we fell groceries cheip for sale 60 cents a hair groceries goox butter for sale from 15 to 20 cents- seed potatoes c b griffin our readers are well- aware that acton enjoys a most enviable and- widespread rev delete- from the and j3rd in p brwn trr ti iethodist thurch here i r j in prepftrtn our life ji enede trees nlanted ca the streets durizg the present ffjrmg we- overlooked the fsct that ifossr nicklin it son have planted aboof nfty jounf maplee about their premisefl ifessrs w itmond and w ramsey have also t flctcd qlite t number i iferchants who care anything for the draajinms of the sideralks and streets in front of their places of business should have all tbjy sweepings pdt in a barrel acd caned away not swept into the gutter especially when the village council has pot to so moch trouble in patting the streets into each a neat tfid tidy condition j the hailroadcr of toledo ohio is for- rixded o its many friends this month in sto tmprored shape and enclosed in hand some cover it contains much more read- sg matter than any previous number hik he correspondence shows a healthy increase every railroad man in the oonntry can find something to interest him so this estimable monthly mr bichard eamiltou who recently wed to erin was in town but saturday biabeenengabymeabeirchiiore jt co to put in a new ton yard for them p their bole feather mjjinfactory mr hamilton has a very iridi reputation for j to cla of work and is jott oompteling a fcge contract rri kr z a hills new no7 at peceinruishene i the editor of the acton ybxe peess ijemored all hia wealth coaristing of deeds forgagea certificatea of banfe fbares bank jpte promispcty notes gold eflrer etc t etc etc trom his coalbin where he cmerlytiecreted it to a fine new safev it said that the end o the frkk pktm had to be removed in order to the safe to be placed in psitum th qjsiuq yoa no t ub in your wealth through the icey bto nttci i trill through the presdnt week butter here h 15c to 0c eggs 10c po tatoes c to jy fnd chikn zk apicot the detouricg element- atot twenty five minute to one- yester day the frv ivll rang frlh its aiarniing ieahrld crqiiry elicited the fee that the baru ou the premises of the estate of the brycrs and fr late mrs stmael speight on church and in few rereciou city grocery ytiilow treeti vee in cames micaiea hundreds of our citizens the scene niid fnding thrt the building was past iug directed tht ir effurtsto the adjacent dwelling r jtit sucvarsaful re- j suit the re wse origiutted by t eon of mrs liobaon who moved to the illage a month or so ago while playing with j matches about the premises loss rbont 100- no insurance attempted burglary last friday evening while mr w h btowell of the citj grocery was at church 5frs howell beinj alone with the child ren upstairs a man entered the premises by the back door with the evident intention of helping himself to any valuables he might find fortunately constable hem- street thinking the man a suspiciousxhar- acter had been shadowing him for some time and was immediately at his heels in some way however the thief escaped through a side door while the search was being made for him about the premises and made a successful retreat the con stable search for him a good part of the night but without euccess iiimehtfuse public school the following is the standing of- the pupils of 6 s no 9 esquesing st the monthly written examination for april jlantrk no or mahxs 638 1th ctasn 1st frank cousins 452 2d etta rois 373 3rd lizzie moore 286 4th thos meredith 273 5th geo sfoore aw bui class skmoi maxim no 454 1st sfary scott 2gi 3d ada ross 221 3rd walker snider 131 8ni class jcmou maximno 325 let willie fortune 211 2d ei mftrshall 195 3rd albert meredith 192 is n class maxim no 275 ilstmaggie fortune 200 2d maggie mcdonald 197 i 3rdmsudliniiafty 4th edith snyder j 185 5th albertgraham 184 fjcth bertie bttaws 12 i ep loimiitf toftcher private improvements and for the general neat and tidy appearance of the place for this condition of affairs the reeve and council of the municipality deserve con siderable credit and it should be with a good deal of satisfaction that our citizens note their endeavors to place acton on a higher level than the majority of sister towiih r5mg wpiai advantage for the msuuer of traiiaacting municipal busi ness the council is worthy of commenda tion aud matters are conducted in true parliamentary custom a few weeks ago a bylaw to regulate tha proceedings of the council wc3 pa5ri this hat been neatly printed aud each member put into p-osses- eijii of a copy su that the business is now conducird ith a rtgalarity and sjstem worthy of a more pretentious body we j would hsxe no hesitation in placing oar j municipal council boade an iu the pro vince for sensible systematic careful and cautious transactions of municipal matters and if some of the members dont occupy positions in the legislative halls of our country before their probation here is ended we will be verv much mistaken w biow hi 1 1 has on kaxd a verv large assortment of canned goods pickles and sauces personals lr thomas craiiie left ou monday or sihiiiesou us miss maggie xicklin spent several days last week vrith friends ui berlin hiss annie 51- moore who has been in berlin fof some time returned hme on monday mr asa hall continues to improve in health and is now able to take a drive oc casionally his recovery seems almost miraculous mr w j nickiiu formerly of this office returned home on saturday after having spent a year very enjoyably in london eng glasgow and montreal wills friends welcome him back the ci able mcajttura at limehonae on the 15th inst the wife of mr doogal mcarthor of a son the grave vloojux in acton on the 10th inst arthur youngest son of mr j b vroo- man aged 6 months and 6 days sfeiohi in acton on he 16th inst mrs elizabeth speight widow of the late samuel speight esq aged 62 years bine in petrolia on the 8th inst ruth agnes youngest daughter of arthur and annie e balls formerly of acton afil 2 wawmff a gtood supply of hams bagon and laud constantly on hand people wishinu to gft a f1kst class article will find it to their advantage to patronize this house whfrsjhey can choose from a largf and well assorted stock we have just received a fresh supply of that cele brated 50 cent tea which has gained such a reputation through its own merits we will sell this tea in 5 pound lots at 45 cents per pound v3m we aiflogive 18i pounds oqitei6ittsua8too i j xs9f it 41 i- i dress goods department iu this line we have some extra good valne in check and plain nuua veiling which are attracting great attention and ji hiie of colored cashmeres at 25 cents and a jot line at 12i and 15 centa per yard everyone that wants a cheap spring drtss should see our black cashmere stock which is now complete it is needless for as to mention anything about these goods as every person who has seen oar blue black cashmeres at 50 cents knows that it beats anything ever shown at the price big stock of prints at lower prices than last season which we would like you to seein all oyer 200 pieces from 0 eeuts per yard upward gents furnishing department we have now to hand and are showing an excellent stpek of gents white nud colored shirts and also a fine stock of felt and straw hats collars cuffs braces ties in endless variety staple department we have this season a heavy stock of cottonades better value- than shown before aud also the famous dundas shirting which for quality cannot be beat and also very full lines of factory hollands towellings at very low prices see them ordered clothing department stock now full and choice this department will have the very best attention and all orders entrusted to us will have our best per son supervision all goods made rights and made to fit in the latest fashious come aud be suited at once as tlie rush has already commenced boot shoe department we would like all parties who are wanting a good durable boot or shoe to call on us and we wili be able to show them goods iu this line at low prices as we buy all our goods from the manufac turers direct savin the wholesale and middlemens profit which we give our patrons the benefit of we give 5 per cent off to any person who buys 5 pairs and upwards- we have a few job lines which we are rushing off at an immense reduction grocery department we have a stock of groceries which are all fresh and cheap see onr bright sugar 13j lbs for 8100 and also another lo of thftt famous fifty cent tea just to hand better than ever we shall this season pay the very highest market price for good fresh batter and eggs come and leave us your money and produce and wc shall give you better value than ever come one and all and seoure bargains lemember the old 6tanda the grlasgow iiilij ijiius nelson jifsttorrlj jnv li lm t v- fab k bv kii v h aaw jk ah ahs mm

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