Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 24, 1883, p. 2

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srcizsjjpikbmmm i s5 j i it- i i i i 3i i i i kn ii rj- j y l-u- h f it s business brevities tiaiv mn may 34 1w8 fauavheat prospects tiic il rejioit of the ontario bureau ol luiustrics just uwucd ruports as follows rcicclue iho present appearance of the fall wheat cropt l the ordinary worse of our onlwio veiou vc rotation is at this date well viviuivl kot infrequently uio forest trwarv oat in leaf mid the fruit lw rw in blossom but the present is one of the cvpiional yi hard frosts raw- vvviav aiid chilling rtuui have prevailed cjid few tu of active vugeuliou are spruut iu oival field or garden conse quently it is difficult to deal with the real condition of our staple cereal the fall wheal it is too early to formau accurate opliiioc neither is there much of ah eivvurdiiri character to report on the pro gress of vpniu work oa the farm fully eighty per cent of the total are of fall vavat in ontario tfes west of the tpcruuva of toronto and unfortunately the most disco araruig accounts of the crop are received frctn that pfrt of the province thi i indeed a titlcnkr contrast in liic report for the eastern ud western sections for while tiiosc for the oue apree in saying tht the prospect has not often been worse thk- ir the other am not less unanimous iu siviivliaiil wts never better thi niirkw ditterence seems to be due ixry to conditions of weather in the est the wintcr was nntrokeuovm first to ui cor 04 neatly the suow lay on the pvund a it fell and while it formed a warm covering for the wheat plant in the come weaihcr the air was uot excluded bet ii the wet there were alternations of rtitm rave and cold wares and occasion altovs c rain t well as of snow the n vtn i hit where the vnowfall ras hcrvy ff- in the northern counties it paiicl ad crusted and where the fall ki liclit as ia the southern counties the lrviui wt somttiaie hire and sometimes covered wiih ice thv iiii cheerful spirts frum the west- era cjjx of the province refer to the iothcm hilf of flxsi the lake- shore oviiiiirs vs huron and dirnce tlie county vi hiizu the northern parts of york and peel and the southern half of simcoe and era in these districts the crop has been seriously diinaed by the frosts and winds of airii i is unlortuuitelytrue that a krge exiiit of wheatland u already doomed and hi been plo ashed up or resown with in tins vicinity law reports indicate that the- irrp ha ntaned much damage by ync i cf cold and frosty weather thte irj however many juic- fields and we trct ximt the crop generally will turn out better than present apjeiraricfc point out somo raota about our batlaou men and hotuca of btaflt to our knopal rotwurt ccqu to 250 at j ha i fiotn kyfvia if yon waul a nobby durabloandcbeip uit j fyfc i ibc puco to go scotch eovhsh aad canadian suitiurs tn ftkl varitty at the et kad clothinii store j fyfv actca suits and overcoat at extremely low rate and made in latest style be sutc to call and ec tlicra j fvfe actou xo household ihould bu codsidcred com pletc without a bottle of dk van burets kipsev it ia the closel it it the ouly remedy that will poaitlvftly permau- cully and promptly cure all forma of kidney j diseaae sold by j e mcoarvla u why should a man whooe blood h warm within sit like hit craudsirc cutiu alahuter or let his hair crtir ruity scant and thin when cingalese keuewer will make it grow the faater for sale by je mcgarvin d b81kable hovheh totbt tlirtc of tboe convcnicdllj rrnscd tcuctuent hmibc nf llio aclou building auociittion nay ire rattd by applying to aototi dm 21it 186 wthhtoruy trcitdodt k pptfifttlve wakteli to loam tbo millinery buiineu odd eiperl with iho noodle preferred apply to mlu carrie smltli tl c bgkikf1n8 acloo may mi 1s33 f asnion sheets call each mouth and get thorn without charro from mn 8 a 8oord who hu jastjrecciveda large aaaortment of pattern al id- baby carriages a boo aieortukut to be sold cheap mki 3 a bkcord parkers steam dye and scouring worki toronto urb seccrd agent for acton we hive a speedy and positive cure for catarrh diph then cnnkeraud hejdache iu shiloh catarrh remedy a aaaal iujector free with each bottle use it if you desire health aud sveel breath pilcc 50 cents soli by j e mcgarriii g ttklokt catarrh bemmlr a mrveloui cure forcaurrb uiphtheria canker mouth aud head ac le with each bottle there is an ingenious nasal injector for the more successful treatment of these complaints wilboutcxlr clar- pri 50 ctnla sjld by j f itcciirviu 4j j s ivctherdl wnltujj from winnipeg says i can say more about fhosrsxnrr- cow than wheal saw you iaat in toronto my health is much improved aud i am free from headache or any othcraclie having only used tkca and a hill buttles of your plhuphatlnc for sale by all druists imnerrtlv qhciuh i vhy do so many people we se around us j seem to prefer to suffer and be made miser- i able by indigestion constipation dizziness los uf appeiitc coming up of the food j yclltiw skin when fur 75 cts wc will eell thru shtlnhv vitilieer guararieetl to enre i them sdm ir k mcgarnu 1 fu vac hiitcrvft iodicidc in preparaioii-j- his rvxi ved such uuivcraol coimneadatioy for the aljcriatifa it ctford aud the per- tnauent cure it effects ia kidecy diieaie as j dn van bichns kinxtv ctkt luac- i lion ia these distressing coropuints is sirn- j iiy wonderful sold by j e 3icgirvm backleoc irnlcakalr the greatest melicsl wouder of the wnrld warranted to speedily cure bunie bruise cuts ulcers alt uheam fever srres cancers pile- chilblains corns tetter chipped hacds ind ah skin erup tions gnaraneed to enre in crtrj- icsttncc or moririf ended llo cents r ikir fcr sale bv j k mcihrrin 46 rtirkiage saivting c c 8peight is prepared to rcpaiut murket wbrcooj buggies cutlers 4c iu int chsu style at the mofct reaonable price all orden promptly attouded to and utufutian guaranteed apply at speight shop or at the rtsideuce oacnurch s tree i c c 8peight acton mavloih s3 john hogg sonf hav6 received their purchases of canadian american andeuropean goods for the present season and have no w in stock over one hundred and thirtyfive thousand dollars worth off choice staple and fancy dry goods t i qaleshev wanted to begin work at oucc on mici for fall ib83 for the foulhill nurwriea the largest in canada morkis stoxe wrl- usgtox proprietors we can start in ad dition to oar already urge force 100 addi tional caxvae and want meu who can jive fulltime lo the hnsiuess steady em ployracn and cood salaries to incceasfal mea it dots uot matter what your prev ious occupation his been if yott are willing to work your snecess is almost certain the txst of references required pply en closing photo if possible to stuxb i wkluxgtox kurwrymcn toronto onf oooo okos hemlock bark ivaxted tuctubfcrilters wtil pay pjve dollars and fifty cents per cord for all prime quality hetuhck dark delivered at tlie tunncn at actou before koeiner lit isl hark- mast bo bnlit cn fiesh flat ind full four fitt long curled or dantnjed bilk inly rtfvivid at a proporliaaate re- dection any other fintion will pladly be fmuiiltd npni sppiicciiiiu at the tannery to our mr wilhoti ikmhillorefc co actou may ul is court of revision tblccarl of iieion forlhemunicipalitt i of the villace of acton will hold its firt fitting for the hearing j and detenninini of appeals against the j awssment of 13 in the council chamber i tuesday i2tfi of june 1883 at eijrlit uciocfc pm our imhekst 8tohk oveuuvdsei avd rltt fk1t ik lkxoih cbowukd kkoji cellar to attic vht1i tu best selected stock we have veb cabbjeii ou pathoss will have 8ubmittkb to tuejf tii18 8ea80v valce huch as we have neveb ofrebed asd ax aisobtmejit to chooe feok xobk vabjed tuav ov any fobmeb occa3ios i vstei hive ebcbiyed- 1200 pieces english and french prints lovely paderns and many ofthem confined to ours 193 pieces duudas and lybsler shirtings splendid heavy goods 246 pieces white cotton english and american makes j 263 pieces heavy duck deuim and cottonade bought at a great reduction from regular prices thousands of dollars worth of tickings sheetings pillow cottons table linens and lace curtiiiis at stolsrishuntg- prices j dress goods i i a car load of dress materials at 10 12 20 and 25 cents mavv of tueji wortu dolble tue trice asked tor them j great barcains jn our dress coods department 10j adx wool kllvs veiung all wool oe beiges this years immigration x-i- number of iinnihjracts that have arrived iu the country up to the 1st of mav is considerably in- advance of the same period cf lrl the number of ar- rivals in april was 17- and for thelhree r precodin months it was 20u0 or a total of arrivals from the ltcf january to the 350 of april of 3s131 a against 33 all arrivals during the ajrresiwndinir period of -1ss2- of the i132 pr ons however who arrived in this country no less than 1577 pa5ed through to the united states as aaint iois ont of 334i rxnmnrfants for the same period of ll thus we have 222- actcsl settlers as iinst 1573 for ths fims time last year or an increase of 0-s-2- the prospects are that daring the present and cymin inonliis the returns will tiirw t ranch larger increase over the preicu perijd either of 1s3 or i j e mccarvtn mr t c wells caamut aad vrugzis port folborne onl virite xorlhrop fc lynuas veeuble discarcryiad uytpcp tic czrc telk vtil saj giyej lie lest ol ckrk b officb jitv ic ikch fiitiifitctfaa far all disczma of ile llood i hmmbwbh it ucrer fails to root out 11 diieises from tic syfien ccrei dvcpcia lkcr con- pliint ec pcrin the blood and will mite yoa look lhc picture offwilth ird jabesh noft- gauiiit cure s writes i tras competeh- proslraled with tbe utlinu bet bcirinfi of dr tliorau eleciric oil proccrwi 4 bottle and it done me to much good lit i jot another ana before it was used i as well iff son was cured of a bad cold br tbe use of balf a bottle it so lite nild fire tad cjabef cures wuererer it i used vnliot cutrk uxg all colors at 2530 akd 35 cents fixe bradford cashileresall coilorii at 50 ckxts browx fawx and tfrev at 15 cents broche lace bunting black cream sky and navv at 15 cents that big lot of all wool french dress goods we advertised at 25 cents a yard is xearlv such goods were never offered in guelph at the price before blace french cashmeres at50 60 65 75 90 100 and 125 all lioxe cheap goods we show a splendid range of fiue french dress materia 3 at 30c 35c 40c and 45 cents in such shades aa mos- brouze ocean jqreeii terra cotta crushed strawberry cupper brown tan gendarme mastic beaver etc trimmings to match each shade durable silks editorial notes the marquis of lansdowne will it is announced succeed the jlarquis of lome governor general of canada the date of hu departure for canada is not vet rlcei but he will probably- arrive herp in october one hundred and sixtysix petitions coteininc 12m4 signatures have been preiied to the dominion parliament during this session praying for legislation to ficure a letter rjbservanceof the sabbath day regards the running of railway trains for nearly fifty years many of the best life assurance societies in england have insured moderate drinkers and total ab stainers in separate sections and a bonus has been paid to the sections made up of total abstainers of seven thirteen eeven- tl and in some cases twentythree per ctut over that paid to the bection of mod erate drinkers see feci andueljeve truth conquerore aud pttktmv paixless cots kitractor is the cmdodi- ment of truth actions speak louder than words and its action on corni of even description ha been the means of extending its reputation far and wide the explana tion of its success is that it trcrforma all that it claims 10 do viz to rempre the wont corns id a fvw diys without pain beware ofiiniutiouc and subititates sold by drugpsfc everrwhere k c polsox t co kiugston proprietors f evtiiees waated wanted a fcx posnds of eood clean goose feather apply at occe at tbe free press office gxpeess deliverr the nadersif ued wiebes to announce to tbe badness men and others requiring ei- prew or freight delivered uiat be baa pcrcbaed tbe business fonrerly earned on nvir e ilattbews and ioteada firing bu vrbole aucntion to tbat boaineas all coeds carefnlly bandied and promptly d- liyered yonr patronage respectfully so licited joflx matthews acton may 23 63 it hiis been a matter of considerable difficulty for ladies to procure at a moderate price a silk dress of rich appearance antl durability we have searched the markets thoroughly compared the productions of different makers and now recommend to 9111 patrons and tht public silks manufactured at lyons by etienue charbin we have a large stock of thtt w p brawn k co sell cheap their teas command attention 25 cent tea of superior qual ity equal to much of the higher priced tea sold cood tea at 30 cents a very- choice lot of 50 cent tea justin to surpass the centennial it ia announced that there will be beld in boston commencing on sept i 1833 continuing at least three months an am enrfjn exhibition of foreign products arts and slanniactnres this exhibition ia eipected to earpaas tiicentenniai in many respects and its 6ncceas is already assured goods irom canada entered for exhibition are to remain in bond iree of daty while on exhibition the dominion is to hare a central and prominent position in the exhibition building haitians programme haitians programme for tbe rammer ia as ibuovm mm- 30tii with kennedy at boston for tifioo june 22ud eegattfl at chicago for 1000 jnly itii begatta at boston for 3qo0 july 15th bace with wallace row for iooo aognst istli donhle scnll nee between catiley and himn of halifax and hinlnn and lee for 2000 jxaxlas barber shop j wost3elnr haa opened a berber shop in the premises lately occupied by dr forster u a medical office aad solicit a share of the patronage of this vicinity every department of the buaiiie will be conducted fa firetclaaa atvre give us a cali j p wordek jan 23rd 1883 ix all likes fresh good and low pkiged ice cream parlor mrs w c king hereby announces that she trill open today thursday queens birthday a parlor wbere nill be supplied fint- class ice cream soda water ginger aletc which willie continued throughout tho anmrner fresh confectionery band and fruits served in their season picnics and partiei supplied with ice cream ie aa call aolicited mes w c kino acton may si 33 blaok dress silks black mantle silks black dress satias colored dress goods summer silks millinery 0 75 1 00 1 25 1 40 1 60 2 3 1 1 25 1 35 1 50 1 75 2 3 1 1 25 1 50 1 75 2 3 50 60 70 75 90 1 50 hoit and doj 1 millinery we have on exhibition throughout the season more than two hundred trimmed hats and bonnets representing the latest london and new york styles ladies can obtain from us fine millinery at very moderate prtees t mantles imported jackets and dolmajfettes rich goods and haudsomely trimmed newest designs every lady should get oue of ourlllastrated mantle circulars suowinglexaet conies of mantles imported hy us this season splendid cailunere jacketslss splendid sukluoimans 910 jackets and dolmans np ta 103 each splendid cashmere dolmans 0 uandsome broehe dolmanette 915 hantle ma kins a specialty splendid silk jackets uandseme ottoman dolmanette 915 parasols sunshades umbrellas hundreds of childrensjparosels at 35 cents each unudreds oflarxe satinet parasols at 4oc5cseaai8ceiick dnndreda of black und brown silk parasols at i1s5 hnndreds ofbiackbrowu aud reen silk parasols with the new rustic handles and paraxon frames at 8 1880 black brown and green satlu parasols without lace ta 9350 s3 1 fancy satin parasols at alas ta 3 18 8 ho uri 18 each crockery and clas8ware in great vaeiety see and examine theji peites alwaws eight w p brown co crjpejts oaepbtsi i the biggest stock we have ever had the best patterns we have ever shown the best valne procmrable tapestry carpets it 45 50 00 65 75 90 1 brus8els gabpets at 90 f 1 fl10 125 135 u0 hemp carpets srair carpets india mateing door mats hearth rugs axminsterugs eta in great vabiety thk pbobpecr fob the seasons trade is veey sscoubatilso ota cash sales are iscbeasino daily asd compared with forsir seasobgshow i rrovelcekt persons li tikq at a distaiice from ouelph are availisq themselves of the advaktaoe8 offered by ocr letter order department which has the personal supervision of mr david hooo samples sent to any part of the country and all orders by letter executed greatest cabe 8end for samples john hogg guelph ontaiioi great ih- with the

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