Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 24, 1883, p. 3

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it i e lui s cton gne m8 u tnr moasjsnrmu it lews y cation pvc the lu iioen lines kly hooka at 0o hvnda i departure is a uc- drew go ra and pros- rnllber lallf33ac balla a larjje stock i per brother monro mi rr cnm- tiieo hynds dealer in jctdlery fancy 1 eninnnur gil- school books a stationery acton out give us a call j jtrt look at the yoiiiij raauoii riic bi- 1 i i cycle lit never smiles tborc is a urge trouble troubling him u isaheart trouble that trouhlci him poor lut he has taken to the wheel or relief lvit laugh at him pity him i au immigrant train luibed throuch j here jast wef k composed of h coaches coulainiuj 11 passengers 0 o which were destined or listowel 100 or illinois uq j w grand forks dakota ajid the remain- i der lor the black hills the material ba boiii hud down for badderbufwiaermen ituv ihcivsfc on willow uvct betwouu kxlrtoil in uie nitfli bjr oats a mill and iwu- aesmc ad on frederick weul ou ou w back porob i swiiug a heavy club to let fly at thou caught it in tlio long tail of his night shirt knocked himsolf down the steps and broke j between church and aiiie- streets that eiceueut pajkl the acton lnsu bits of brevity nl ad ifcernfe prrparr hf ue r ifcf k u irurt for i god save tliequeen n wamble growing weather injcy he holiday if possible conduct yourself lovftlly tody i t a jte victorias eixtyfoorui birthday jvillacc council next tnesday evening ubeop slicariag will soxjn be in order r ardeaiii cvfritious are progrwbinf there arescveral cases of mumps in tou hoist vour eclors ai fullmml tins i nwnnaj jjfltild flowers ai eprinf courtehip irs in ifcom i jfcink k for reluru trip on the raijways tcdar jk number of uctt street crossing are about lobe put iu acton cornet bind wriil serenade our citizen- thre monnnr i 1 jposl osce hours todiy from 30 to i 1030 atn and 1 to 6 pm j i i i ytne chest protector begins to regard j the palm leaf with jealousy elder irarks oftoronto preached in i the pise pie chspel on sunday potatoes art selling here for ci cents batter 1 cent and egsls oents jsearly an inch of water fell in the r air ttonn of monday and tuesday at this season of the wt the submit- eive spouse is simply a tacks gatherer itr thomas c ilooreihas let the con tract for the erection of his new bricfc residence i a- ribout a score of fishiiisj- parties have ansued for au early start ou excursions t this doming ii our advertisements this week a ncicber ol important announcements are mad therein i itessrs beardmorea- co have a fan of mjrkmea employed iu repairing the tanner premises j bct g abba is the new 3tt e mieisr j cfthtgeoreetotm circuit- rev g clark j goes to oringcville nfisi k witson has opened a fancy j goodi store im the premises next door to hynv jeweliery store- j good fires should be kept up during houss cleaning time eren though the doors and tindrrs be kept open j for a man to think that liejs going to do tb work of his life without oostacleris to dftam in the up of follv 3fr aisl f smith has built an imple- i menlj sho room on hia propertr opposite the bossin acuse ou mill street the erin iyiitt it agitating for more sidewalk we wish it success yar the lawn certainly requires more trio of local fisherman bagged 143 trout du saturday forenoou they evident- iv enibved verv satisfactory sport v 1 hit arm oh the following day a mm living ou the same strtct while abteut- mindedly trimming n tree aawod off tha limb that be wm sitting ou and was half killed by the fall an excellent lecture the lecture given iu the temperance hall last thursday evening by mr thomas micmurroy pro pep gavpof the grand div sous of temiicraucv was acknowledg ed by those present to be one of tbe best they ever heard ou the subject the lec ture presented a breath of research and depth of careful thought uudom found in ordinary speakers mr mcmurray will receive a large audience at any future visit i here the herald maai coadition if typographical errors arc evidence that a cueeiuti r ll new aad ocher j the editor of a imptr is too indulgent iu antiscott as the gforyronru htrald man inimiales then that individual must continually le iu a moet defnadod condition st ici village varieties madrr of tperlftl intrcf to our lllaxe ttcmlcrv pulpit chanre revs wbryerhof the mtthcxli church j since scarcely au item appears in hii pro duction without errors he even spells here and w mortou of carctitown ei- chauged pulpits on snuda yolunloeis drill commented last saturday evening col allan in command the latuliou expect to leave for xiagara ou the 22udof next mouth temperance tempererance pull oat the beam from your own eye brother before you attempt to riiow np the slivers in other peopled sto hpsciili prizes m40 oaah for best doioa wt4o turnjpi ixg cuh for boil dsiea maocoj- raised from seed purchased at j b mooabvins m aad luilsbcrx or aetau tbsssiirlxoi are open for ooinpeuuoo to ill resident fanners la esqatninp kmkagn- wa rrtu and erauioia tjs ah ends of garden field and flower -seeds- good fresh and reliable at j e mcqarvins drue 8atlonry store aotonsr halton dry goods house jlctojst pastoral resignation rev w bryers raiiw his past irate of the methodist church here at th the present ecelosianical year ilk desires to remove to alown in whiei i kituated a high school that hi chiaxi ma bereavement it is oar ijiinfui duly iu annual ili maic cmet dauubtcr o robmson- ksj warden of ihf died of r he mitotic fever at her trafalgar ccnefedav j will residence night st albans church rev mr- bid jr v hamilt- preach in st albany church nest sunday and ill coutinae to ofcviale duriyg rev ilr pigotts absence the pulpit was occupied last sunday by mr bonner theological student from toronto a tamable property cheap ilr g well of rocfcood formerly vorjcvrastheiiarchaserof mr eli savders l property at the sale latt aturdar- the price paid i fjoki mr well may con- gratalate himself uou securim a vtry fine property at a remarkably law nrure bnsinesi change i mr joih matthewh h-i- purchased the express delivery basiues formerly carried on by lus brother mr kdwrd matthew ir marthews is a careful and obliging business man and wil rive his perforjal attention to thoe rjairing his services qnici work on sainrda- evenimi lat after tea mr robert jfreierick dur twenty two post holes- three feet deep and thirteen inches in diameter in two hours this is pretty j lively work and we are disposed to think that bob can twat any man in town at this business journalistic change the haioctr v lias been purchased by t mr seneca g kttchum a gentleman of considerable experience in journalism mr ketchmn has the brain and mettle neces- j sary to make a rstclas country editor and we expect to see tie po shine under j as management practical appreciation- weare pleased to coigratalate mr a dick editor of the brandon baautr upon his unanimous selection by the reform association of the county of peel as can didate for the vacant registrarship of the cbuntv in friend dick the count v will i three pioneers gone j daring the past week three of the first i settlers of this vicinity all residing within j 1 i about two miles of actou were called to i pose of i their long home the deceased being mr j john swackhammer who died on xhuxs- j day mr thomas gibbons ou baturdaj j and mr johu mcphersou on sunday j the combined ages of these three pioneers j wat two hundred and forty six years both mr swackhammer and mr gibbons have j been residents of this vicinity for overflty vcars i i 8ummir importations just to hand attend ice that henry county j fathers i mrs w c- king wih open her ice cjeam parlor this morning queens birthday visitors will receive 5er best atteutionl jah i rra saddest when t sing she m in plaintive key and all the neigh bors -ietedr- so are we so are we ggcare an escient oscer drain pipes and all places that are j iricihn s pond and black bass- sour or impure may be cleansed with lime mr j e mcgarvin has been in corres- wterj ooppens water or carbolic eai i pondence with the manager of the govern- the trees show a greater growth of ment fishhajchingesubushment at kew- foliaifl einoe batorday night than daring 1 castle respecting the stocking of kickiins jurt a little to compialn oi we are very much pleased indeed to notice the lively interest our citizens are taking in tidying up their premises and surroundings with the evideut intention of giving the little town of which we are all so proud a neat and presentable appear ance and they deserve commendation for this action there in yet hpwever a little matier to be complained of on the part of a few of the residents this is the leaving of waruiis and other vehicles wood etc on the street but we feel satisfied that this matter i- only an oversight on the part of those concerned and the mentioning of the matter by the chairman of the street and sidewalk committee would no doubt set matter right wc hope to see tbe chairman rive the matter his attention forthwith a husbands liberality yesterday as a gentleman was driving j into town he was hailed by a farmer who i had posted himself oat of sight of the t honse the gentleman reined up and the farmer accosted him with the remark mr can you change a bill for me 1 my women kant lo go into town shopping and if i give them this bill they wiii spend every cent of it the gentleman with visions of a bank note of large de- nomination before his eyes expressed j his doubts of being able to render the re- quired accommodation however when the farmer produced the bill and showed i that it was the denomination of 1 and said i he wanted to give the women 50 cents the gentlemans fears vanished and he changed j the bill and drove away smiling to himsolf audibly be a little more liberal to your family mr and yonrdomesticaitairs will run more smoothly than they sometimes do at present dont presume that the saving of money is the chief end of man new dress goods for this season check and plain satixs nuxs veiling wool buxtincjs and ca8hjikres in jiyktle green brown cihev stone navv blue ckeah i- blue with new shades and 50 other different kinds of fabrics satin brocades ottoman cords and spots trimmings braids tarlatan braids in new colors passementre trimmings in great variety mantle loops frogs and ornaments is m rue vew pattehks a creat drive we arc in receipt of 0 pieces of culiracres in blue ulack jcl black bmwu black and dull black every persnn nble to patchita dress shoalj uot lose tbis opportunity to secure a culimcie l at lul 30pr cent vis thin regular value staple goods we are filling up again ulitc cottons arc tlovrn and purchaser vrili find oa exam- luatiou of oar cottons decks denims sliirtinzs cottonades and linton cassimercs iptciai lines thatbnr pnees arc llie lofteat we sre the only louse in actou ibat handle these goods which are icarcc on account of the increasing demand since their value has become known wc open two bk of these coodi this- week dont m to lee them 8pecial values in all kinds of linen coods hosiery and cents furnishins millinery goods all tha former part of the present season the treeplanting enthosiaam con- j tinner and additional citizens have given i the matter considerable attention- this weet i tfvbalint it be a good idea for the j cricaet club to get out this afternoon ancl j have a tlie practice would do pond with trout or has a quantity of black bass will probably be deposited- we trust the undertaking will be made a snecess shopsweepings borne of our merchants fetill persist in sweeping the rubbish from their stores apon the streets nor gentlemen how little extra labor it would be for you to j i burn your sweepings or deposit them in tlere were more people in town on j j- back premises our streets are now saturday afternoon and more boainess j nea and tidy but if you continue this transacted by our- merchants than for j practice how long will they remain so f tk actons assessment tie people of gaelphfieem determined i the assessor has completed his duties to male the provincial exhibition a sne- and from the roll we glean as follows re- fieas amdwe know thct wux fonguelph specting actons assessment for the present never floes things by halves year value of real property u9901 bjmember boys firecrackers are pro- personal property 20i72 total hiczic e a few games the b66 good the cow byiaw a benefit the citizens of paris have been agitating far several years for a prohibitory cow by law but the town council havent sufficient backbone in them to pass the necessary bylaw the only redress the people there now have k notake advantage of the rail way act and proceed to prosecute the owners of all animals running at large within half a mile of a railway crossing a prohibitory- cow bylaw has now been in force iu acton for aboutthree years and although there was considerable op- wftion to it at the time of its inception wc do not at present know a single citizen who would wish to go back to the old order of things as a consequence of the en forcement of the act our streets are always clean neat and tidy and those citizens who take an interest in planting gardens and beautifying their premises can rest at night in peaceful slumbers feeling assured that the result of their labors will remain unmolested by any wicked uncufbed 10 vine bummer trade has opened up wilh as in full blast and to meet the great demand for fashionable muhaary we have ordered to arrive this week several case of ladies and aliases latest xew york styles of hats and bonnets in straw leghorn tape and other materials doq fail to see tbitc goods leforc leaving you orders far summer wear solid leather boots and shoes we are the only honm iu acton that tell j d kings solid leather boots shoes slip- pert 4c we will guarantee every pair ue can furnish you with cheap eastern work same as other houses if you want them but it will pay yoa to bay solid leather goods oniy and get them warrunled they cost but a trifle more pieaae give oa a call for these goods and we will guarantee you satisfaction groceries we sell groceries cheap good cutter far sale from 15 to 20 cenu seed potatoes for sale 60 cents a bag c b griffin the out gbocbet i still takes the lead ttc knotr thee gentle spring aings indeed bat this poet would be a poet goo he municipality 2g5 i poiralatioa1206- iathe number last year 231 tbe assessment shows juaiiv v that aiton is very materially increasing n jt s a mw i both in value o propertr and population y penetrate most anv disguise i j i sunday smastarp e sir said the peach dealer to the a grand trunk freight train ran off the nuwjwttadlotughthimaloadof potatoes georgetown on sunday morning and prpposed to measure them- ia one of j ul attl s telegraphed for ha haj bushel pewh baskets jxo yoa j wheo j iitter tr reached the crossing v j at queen street toronto the semaphore a jttshiou item informs us tha the i was lowered but the switch was left open polka jot 60 fashionable in dress goods is and the train ran off the track doing a a copj of the ancient chrysoclavus j large amount of damage the express we always thought it was something of the kind- on sunday the jneat was almort un- hearawe while on monday and tuesday the heiijvywinter overcoat was most eom- fortabu 6och sudden- changes arenot hole6nle th foresters of brampton intend g great demonstration on the qorfifs birthday games and sports will t pisce daring the day and a grand wwerl in the evemng kb fanner should be continnajlv bor- from the west iwas delayed about four hours before the wreckage could be cleared up last sundays desecration was conse quently not very profitable to the g t r authorities melancholy death on thursday last mr john swackham mer sr met with a very untimely death by drowning in the stream running a few yards from his own door the old gentle man who had lately become very feeble went out for a walk in the forenoon and i baring been gone for an unusually long fime bis friends went to search for him cv fir t walking beside the creek be had stumbled 1 or rf own mtag into it and not baring sufficient tt is is tbe time of the year tbat wit- strength to remove himself was drowned aav ht small boy trip off hi paocity 7 wpd plunge into tbe pond in order b wi in mwinftmn- before you this summer he was eighty seven years of age and one of the pioneers of this district and was re spected by all the f unera was held oa baodsy and was largely attended personals mr james m fearnley of hyde park is visiting acton friends we had a pleasant call from mr s dilts of the erin adnxatz on saturday mr jas speight manager of the speight- manufacturing company markham was in town last week mr donald mcxair of the canadian eipress office port huron visited bis friends here thifi week mr eli suyder and family have this week removed to guelph we trust they will find the change a congenial and profit able one mr fred bryers head accountant in the toronto office of the phanix insurance company- spent a couple of days this week with his friends here mr j e mcgarvin left ou tuesday evening on a visit with friends in dondalk ned expects to do considerable execution in trout fishing while away thfc ckiole mclaji in acton on the 21st imrt the wife of mr samuel mclam of a son eedwood in guelph on tha 21st inst the wife of john h bedwood builder of a daughter the cbate giimoxs in esqueeing on tbe 19th inst thomas gibbons esq aged 80 years swicxhiipikbrrin esquesing on the 17th inst john swackhammer esq aged 87 years hcpbxesok in esquesing on the 20th inst jauniwsnj n vears and 6 mouths t new coods i low prices best value at w h howells i v heaktl lyvitallox is extended to au to come axd see the best and biggest stock of islporteiv gxodsexy and c5lassvraxe ever brought into acton in the oro0ery line as well i defy competition i show the best assorted stock of fresh goods that ready cash can buy and ripe experience 8elect all goods warranted as represented to prove to your entire satisfaction that this is no blotter just call and compare prices here is a sample 20 pounds good raisins for 100 and 14 pounds splendid sugar for 1 remember the right spot for cfiraileff 18 atthe itty grocery on the north wtnetfpf kmn and mill streets i- spring opemlnfi 1883 to the people of aoton and urroundino oountry we take much pleasure in announcing that our stock of general goods is very complete fn every department and has been bought closer than ever and shall be eold closer than ever millinery department we ivould aonouuoe that we bavo an extra choice selection of all goods tbat pertain to this department in ffowers feathers and everything kept in a first class honse andall at the very closest prices all goods trimmed in the very latest style by experienced milliuers all we ask is an inspection our millinery opening will be on saturday 14th april 1883 when we hope to see all our old customers and many new ones mantle goods department- we have this season bought a stock of black silks silk brocades and satius which we know are bought right and shall be sold right dress goods department in this line we have some extra good value in check and plain nuns veiling which are attracting great attention and a line of colored cashmeres at 25 cents and a job line at 12i and 15 cents per yard everyone that wants b cheap spring dress should see our black cashmere stock which is now complete it is needless for us to mention auything about these goods as every person who has seen our blue black cashmeres at 50 cents knows that it beats anything ever shown at the price big stock of prints at lower prices than last season which we would like you to see iu all over 200 pieces from 3 cents per yard upward gents furnishing department we have now to hand and are showing an excellent stock of gents white and colored shirts and also a fine stock of felt and straw hats collars cutis braces ties in endless variety staple department kr til we bave this season a heavy stock of cottonades better value than shown before and also the famous dundas 8hirting which for quality cannot be beat antl also very full lines of factory hollands towellings at very low prices see them ordered clothing department stock nowrull and choice this department will bave the vgry best attention and all orders entrusted to us will have our bestper- son supervision all goods made right and made to fit in the latest fashions come and be suited at once as the rush has already commenced boot shoe department we would like all parties who are wanting a good durable boot or shoe to call on us and we will be able to show them gdods iu tbis hue at low prices as we buy all our goods from the manufac turers direct saviu the wholesale and middlemens profit which we give our patrons the benefit of wegiveoper cent offto auy person who buys 5 pairsrand upwards we have a few job lines which we are rushing off at an immeuse reduction grocery department we have a stock of groceries which are all fresh and cheap see our bright sugar 18 lbs for 100 and also another lot of that famous fifty cent teajnst to hand better than ever we shall this season pay the very highest market price for good fresh britter and eggs comeand leave us your money and produce and we shall give you better value than ever come one and all and seoure bargains v wbememher the01d 8tanirh the giasgopillrss v -l- x sil i ifjiimi3

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