Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 7, 1883, p. 3

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1 for tor it ftonngfgs tbrrmut moonta jrx 7 1w3- at ceo hyndt im spoowtmkh spoons khives md forks t go hynds wttehca clock jwfrv lr rtotk smetacleafromss cts i fc- wmdira and birthday praeau rarms ftpes pocke knives combs hair brakes school books koto puwr and fcmmopes praa and ink call in and we bit jatje stock goo htiku jswelwy fine uoods 8ton acton oau bits of brevity m mhfnrlst sti kr tkt j ai r tkc nsl a far i i t4tn rttstfr m knqaestni township goaucitwill mf ou monday 4jhaai xiagara bynwtms m sonsiou itelc street very duty seeding is shoot finished jine the month of rosea p uie hoe there magic iu it the pleaaantest month of the yesr jineseemi to ha veaettled the weather picnics andgardea parties are now in order the new cricket crease is note ia ex cellent condition mx b w krcklin ia about to put in a net fame at hit mill bsjnuras greatest show on earth will visit gaelph on the 11th jaly mr a eltatthewi arctic ice cream parlor looks very neat and inviting now rhe municipal coanoii will meet next tuesday evening as a conrt of revision the air ii laden with the fragrant perfume of the newly opened apple bios soms rev d bcamerou delivered a lectors on baptism in knox church on toes- day evening paragraphers who are brushing np the green apple joke shonld remember that it is an inside item what abont that cheese factory which was talked abont some time ago take the matter in hand farmers the wool market has opened with comparatitejt low prices the quotations on toronto market are 17c to 80c the workmen who are engaged in tack- poinfingthe town hall deserve credit for the excellence of their workmanship the georgetown planing mill has been purchased by a mx aiders of berlin who intends m furniture etc mr r mepherson sr- of speyside has been appointed administrator for the estate of his brother john xcpherson re cently deceased acton cornet band gave a free open air promenade concert on monday evening our citizens appreciate their excellent music very much from this date forward acton cricket club will meet on the grounds at the head of inn st- for practice every evening the weatbo- is suitable j there was a lively demand for tomato 1 cabbage and celery- plants on wednesday morning oar local dealers were sold al- most laip oat i if oar prophets not mistaken there i will be in this month june now please keep ronr nerves unshakenjrthere will be s change of moon grip mrs t b oconnor of orangeville daughter of mrs phoebe yeomans of this village fell down stairs the other day breaking her leg in two places j one of the large windows in the andi- i ence room of the town hall was shattered j on 3donday presumably through the care- lessoegs of one of the workmen- i i j some careless persons arejn the habit j of ving then horses to themaple shade trees in town this should be discontinued ss the horses sre very liable to utjnrc the trees the ordination and induction of bev w q wallace into the muted congrega tions iof the georgetown and lifflebouse preslrftepaa churches will take place at geuigutown r tnesday nights shower and the sub sequent warm weather have drought out the foliage to its complete state and now the trees and shrubs present a very wei come appearance the corporation street and sidewalk repairers have been busily engaged under the superintendence of chairman ismond daring the past week improvements are the order of the dy in the zith games prize list last week we were in error in stating that the 1st prize in the quoif match was won by w kichoi of this town should have read sv sichol of acton brampton tiaua a milton boy named seitzer acci- dentlj shot himself in the leg while fooling with a revolver on the queens birthday the doctors did not succeed in finding the ball i boys heres another warning for you i mr f jennings has been appointed agent pro um at the gte depot here- freti is well aoquainted here and is a favorite with our business men mr strange has been removed to another field of labor kn immigrant train of eleven coaches with over 300 passengers passed through actou os gimday morning for the kortb- west j another train vith about the same panther of immigrant passed through on tuesday ipyou want a neat invitation card a fancy ball programme a conepieaons tea- meeting or aale bill a good billbead or h m pamphletiin fact anything in the printing lineive the faie pane office scsll v mail is following the example of fte nsfc in producing wood cut portrays oi eaainent personages they each eon- rre executed cuta of the vdms of landsdownes physiognomy on ay morning you cannot get to sleep at night in weather repeat this stanza very seven times and then see when yon a 1 0 u if i owe u and e and sometimes wand y it must be bve love that yoo o i so cupid the bills while sonrnos george dull of 8t albans church hcrfl is iu attendance hanlan bet keuued in their riwc last thursday by tweuty boat longths his made ure futest time on rooord j the joth batt hattou wfles will go into camp outlaw 2nd lust sndnotonthe 10th aaaiiuouucod last woek j the flower gardens in town now pre sent a ver- inviting appearance mrs secords s usual commands attention at the esqaosing court of bovisiou there were only ten or eleven appeals nr- scntod aud these were principally o a trivial nature rev canon caswell ol cioorgetou will preach in st albans church next sunday morning and evening sacrament will be administered st the doec of tlje morning service a farmer should not be contented with dilapidated looking fences on his firm ao as to tempt his cattle to become uiiruly and destroy his crois while he bus plenty of opportunities to make or kecp them in repair it is hinted by s number of our citi zens thai the chairman of the sjrocl and sidewalk committee unlike councillor kenney in ringing his six oclock bell is being paid by the council for his services contrary- to law we are not prepared to say whether this rumor is correct or not i the most persevering people extant seem to be those who iersist in sending communications to nekspapcw without giving their real names- though told time and again that with the name omitted they contribute only to the waste basket they persevere in the work with a zeal which knows no wavering villagevarieties viluac kfadert county council j tiw county coancil mot last taesdayl the principal busiueas transacted was ihc eataaiiaatioa of the assessment rolls i holy sacrament the usual qaarterly coramjuiion services in connection with knar church were held duringhe past week rev xfr cameron the pastor was assisud in the serricesby rer m duncan of forest and rev d straciian of roctwood baptism by immersion last sunday afiemoou rev j couus pastor of the baptist church baptized six candidates three males and three females in xickiins pond a very large con course of people witnessed the ceremony and the utmost decorum prevailed board of health- the council should appoint a board of health their duties in actou would not be arduous as we have no stagnant ponds or anything of that description to contend with but there are matters which should be ioofcedaf ter an ounce of prevention ho indamniilcation due tbem xheproprieiors of throe of tit ifilfen hotels have parchsfed pianos since the scott act went into force under these discussion as to whether lijuor aellers should be indeiiinified frjoes of busineris or depreciation of the value of their property tinder the scott act seems upernnous jnfort champion june give me a month said the summer demanding of xature a boon thou ahalt make winter surely forgotten and be with all sweet things in tune 1 the sines must be blue the 6un golden love nfust light the white lamp of the moon the great mother smiled and she kissed her and the smile ana the kiss were jane picturesque canada this excellent work is keeping up its reputation the iflth and 20th parts were delivered here last week and were descrip tive of toronto and westward the next issue will be london and vicinity when completed picturesque canada will contain 36 parts it is having a large call in england and the united states and well deserves it valuable to fannert a reliable barometer is a very convenient thing for a farmer to have he can bagin or delay work as the barometer indicates fair or foul weather he can transplant hi strawberries etc when the barometer indicates rain although he may detect no sign of rain in the heavens and make pre parations to harvest his j crops when the barometer promises fair weather even if it is raining at the time actons appearance- f acton presents a finer appearance this year than at any previous late the fine buildings erected last season the neat and clean street aud thegenerai aspect of thrift and tidinessgwes the a very pleasing and attractive appearance these features are inducing retired and desirable families to settle here strangers are unanimous in their praises of out charming little town death it victim on sunday last the remains of three persons awaited interment in this village they represented infancv rigor of youth and extreme old age as the notices in our columns for deaths will show thus are we reminded that wc are liable to be called from this scene of action at any stage of our existence and that no one has a guaran- tee or lease of life the f nnerals took place one on sunday another ou monday and the other on taesday an uncalledfor throat the country newspaper now speaks of fiie man who has put a new pair of hinges oo his gate and set oqt lilac bush in his front yard as making ex tens ire improve ments abont his residence qudpk sfer curg it seems to please the editors of the city dailiesvery much at this season of the year when news are bcatcs to j cast reflection upon the country news papers bat it u a fact that the readers of newspapers have observed that for trivial meaninglesfl unimportant items of no in terest to anybody the city dailies take the most trouble in inserting in their columns and more especially is this the case in the pmiiw cities and with those newpapers which are continually endeavoring to be- ttttle country contemporaries dwishpjll r was killed by dogs belonging to three ot our citizens why people will keep thajft worthless curs about their premises we ate anable to determine by law the owners are obliged to pay the damages and kill the dogs timers be wary the latest swindling dodge twostranr- on apparently meet at a farmer house mm age to stay over night if they can and make a trade before thoy leave in the morning in which the farmers name is wanted ah a witness to the contract which afterwards torus out as a promissory note fixed upiu a sum satisfactory to the sharpers farmers be careful what yoa sign qonjdcjaiioe the fium 1iiem teudors its warmest sympathy to mr wm swackhammer in the sudden death of bis partner in life which took place on sunday morning after a very short illness it is indeed turd for a person to have his hearts affsotlons so ruthlessly um asunder but such occur rences are very frequent hi this life we trust there will be a happy reunion in the eternal home the public school library it is proposed to remove the public i school library to the new town hall the latter place being much more central and convenient to oar citizens this library com prises aboal fourteen hundred volumes and is one of the best selected general libraries to be found in towns the size of acton we are pleased to know that- a move is being made iu the matter of traas- ferment to the town hall resurrected we are pleased to be able to announce that the oalcilie ioyiirmv which was burn ed out iu the recent conflagration in that towu has its office again restored to order the first dumber of the exprt since the fire appeared last week the editor prom ises great improvements both in the paper aud in the job rooms aud he will no doubt meet with the success deserving of his enterprise the editor of the standan did not attempt to reestablish his business but has pone to seek his fortune m the great north west severe accident on saturday evening abbot eightoclock as mr c frank of nassagawsya was about leaving acton for home his horses gave a sudden start when near the city grocery and two of the occupants of the carriage a young man and woman named crawford who were sitting in the rear seat were thrown backwards falling upon the street on their heads the young maa was taken np insensible and the lady was i also very much hart the party left for ihome in a short time and we have not heard how serious the accident may have l ultimately resulted interesting statiatica from the last report of the bureau of industries we glean the following statistics j ko of acres assessed in halton county jttamos kodearedlw190 no in wood land 43qg6 so ia swamp marsh or waste 1594j acres in fall wheat this year 26629 last year 267i2 acres in orchard and garden ijs3q rural popula tion h1g3 average wages of farm labor ers per mouth with board fj065 without board 2950 only three counties in the province pay higher wages than halton to farm hands these are huron carlton and lanark heartrending accident j it is our painful duty this week to chron icle the occurrence of an accident in this village last friday afternoon which caused very- deep feelings of sympathy oh the part of every citizen a bright little three year- old daughter of mr thomas ebbage had unnoticed by the family wandered from home to the railway crossing on main st a distance of only a couple of hundred yards while playing on the track the five oclock train came along and the little one nodoubt being bewildered failed to get out of ganger and was struck by the engine with such force as to be carried over the side of the bank a distance of about thirty feet striking the railway fence those who witnessed the axicidenfc at once that the child was instantly killed but upon examination it was found that although insensible no bones were broken internal injuries were received however aud the little one died next morning about 1030 oclock having never returned to consciousness the child had been playing about the door of its own home only a few minutes before the accident the parents and family are almost distracted with grief at the sadden and painful death of their loved one but our citizens have shown the warmest sympathy with the afflicted family and have done all in their power to comfort them in their distress every heait fcnoweth its own bitterness the funeral- sunday was very largely at tended j personals mrs 1 fyfe is visiting friends in high- gatej dr and mrs freeman of georgetown visited friends here on tuesday imr9t b greening m hiii jennie bharpe of hamilton is visiting friends betel ket w bryers is attending the annual conference now in session in 8t gatti- arines- mr thomas watson jr of bidgetown sclent several days this week with acton friends allfiiowirigtfsv c i 10 hpegul pbize8 aibpcwbforbest dosen swede turpi looossb for beat doson usnfiols railed from seed imrehatod at v j bmoqarvins in aai thatloaerr store atioa nieselprlsman open for competition to all reridsnt farmers in etquetlng nttataga- weys erin and erauiou t all kinds of garden field ami flower -sios- good fresh and sellable at j e mcqarvin8 driia stationery store summer ann ii glasgow house nelson smcrtae great sale cheap goods of stock nw going ou at p kellys store next to j e jxcgarvins dru store coksietoxa or clothing hats shiets atshd 1 aooij the altai sreirist buxveaob the 23rd may by the bev geo abba at the residence of the brides father mr frederick 8tewart of baltffeet to miss m j daughter pf m laaao snyder of eln tmsrsutev witsoi at bidgetown on the 2nd inst ml james watson aged 84 years and 11 months ebsjoe in acton on the tod inst clat gertrude yonngest daoglftor at mr tbos ehbige aged i years and 9 months gwickhauhzb -in- afltobjfljntiietrd llist barbara beloved wife of mr willlarh skharnnm hf bnii in erin oh to 6r ibjfc ohn deoeaaed wa jtmheir jo mr dfvrid w smith and was ohetmehe wt sefuers of fhiibeflolr- of the war of up and would have drawn pensjerpjb ten day more kaiauvelvet vai allwwl llied fiats kiai ailteol suits mnl styuti 9tnv hiti espint ohlrjl tea setts h piosos h orwt suadi saltw forts qm jars jte 75c fl25 s0o 25e i thii will he a grand chance to secure j bargains as the goods were parchasdd at fitly cents on the dollar and must be sold at ones hoping you will give us a call i remain fcc frank deitl come one come a 1 w p brown co sell chef7 their teas command attwiuon 25 cent tea of superior qual ity equal to much of the higher priced tea sold cood tea at 30 cents avery choice lot of 50 cent tea justin we would respoctfullyicall attention to our large and com plete stock of goods for therummer trade every department is replete with all the noveltlesof the season in all likes fbesh good axd low pfuced crockery and glassware ik jreat variety see and examike thejl prices alwaws right w p brown co ceorcetown bteg teavetorf climate that they are daily in receipt pi jfp fflflsh spring goods including hiilinery manties readyytnadclpthing tweeds gents furnishinga hats caps hojiery apd small wijes in feet everything that confjtitntes a firetclagbbtboi rtejbivb ercised onrselves to onr utmost cttaacity and made use of our loag experience and large resources to secure a stock for prices varietyanfeunlity that will surpass anythirig ever attempted m this couhty 5 can assure the public that e will sell tnfitri goods at lower prices than smaller concerns laveftopay for thern our stock iskrgie and varied and we make additious of the newest and cheapest goods tc be found id the markets pf the world wccall special attention to our millinery wegettitenew- eat and most fashionable material aud we keep lightning hajfids to get up fne same in snperio style our dressmaking department has proved quiten success we tarn out dresses and mantles iito the satistacriou of bnipatrpno we make a speoialry of1iourhhe ap- pirel and weddirfg trpsseaii we have an immense stock ofj dress godsrfiti all th6 nejvlmatepdls silks satin satinde lyonj satin marulleaax cashmeres cj- prints a magnificent assortment in the dark colors lively iifosknd with borders a beautiful pjintfor 6c a yard tickings domestic goods checked shirtings gotton- ades aifd drulstalbrjirfor lc a yard that cau not be torn wesell gray aad white gottons at mill prices 0b ordered clothing d- partrnqnl is uuiurpwedtjit is one of the largest concerns of the kind in any countytown we guarantee satistaetion in ojnality price fijnd carpets a magnificeiit siock a union for25v aya tapestry slroiflnbifiofisloorui fiienda andctoisbwjunj t on gewrfjttaefrwjne ipctfor45cwortb65c we have rpet house forsize quality and trio oths law curtainsi large stookj varied a continuance of tlie patronage of our public generally and theymay aepend cotirteoustreqtmentfrom 0 dress goods department in this- department we are showing splendid value inblack and colored cashmeres plain and check nuns veilings wool bunt ings and all the leadiug goods for summer wear we claim jto have the best value in the county in 50 cent blue black cashmeres the immense quantity we dispose of iu this line of goods is a sufficient guarantee of their excellence j we are showing a magnificent line of muslins and a i lare and select stock of prints and cretonne goods our millinery department in this department will be fouud all the leading styles of ladiesand misses hats- bonnets c in straw goods tape leghorn and a choice selection of flowers feathers andwerything usu ally kept in a firstclass house this department is under the management of firstclass milliners and parties can rely on receiving perfect satisfaction before placing your i orders be sure aud examine our stock of millinery goods ordered clothing wc are now showing a splendid stock of tweeds in all the leading styles also full linesof bine serges and a splendid range oi troas- erings we are also showing a complete range of worsteds in i diagonal check and corkscrew patterns as this depart ment is under our own personal supervision parties can rely on getting perfect satisfaction from the fact that our goods are bought at the lowest cash price and we employ nono but experienced hands in the manutaethre of our clothi i iog we also give a fashionable and perfect fit every time aud at prices to suit everybody call and inspect our stock of tweeds j i cents furnishings we are showing full lines of gents whitend colored shirts i and also full lines in felt and straw hats collars cuffs ties braces fcc in endless variety staple department this departmenttrilfalwayslie found complete and good values in all lines of flottonatjee sirtings hollands towellings andi all goods pertaining to tte department boots and shoes in this department we araalqwing a 1 value in all lines as we carjv an immense 8tockitolelect from we have sizes to fit everyoody tvegive par centloff to any person who buys 5 pairs upwards in every department of our business our alrr is td plae m ftr our customers the best goods at the lowest josstbte prtcesand as our business is constamly jiicreasilng ttlsa gaanmteetfiat our efforts are apprrsmatet we hbp i ty strict attention to bus wd falijdeallng to merjt a obntlnuanoeofthepusftroriage i w- fyfyov 7 j f h rins sj x3 0 wm im 1 m t tsm

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