Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 28, 1883, p. 1

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iond imoti i all lontc 1 s- is 1s 1 reiser- vsmts jpi- ibolei tpu nnf ifrra lixi meaty inee of imfm- i vi- fe- n j thai icmaj- ilach iret- ts k t rvnusirad kvtlw tkvbsow m0kn1nq rree press power prmttrtq mouse mill stiuiet acton oxt s tlio tun vnkwi ilukacjil u crm paiii talj fur tl w t nl teshs jubsoribcim r nam in ajvaiicc flp if not so paid so piper disoiulinucvl till all arrcara k paid eicit l the option of tiro palililjior airwrnsisu rim casual id virtu- sprite li wut per liue for tho first insoc- tion and iccats per line for oaeh aubse- otwnt inscrtiou caali profswioual carde months from djo of inaertum any sjxxrial notice tlie object o which i to promote lh pwiniarr wnst of in indmdual or oompauv u be oousiderod an advertise ment th naraber of lines recltonod y the spaca ooowpisd mirod by a acid of olid sonpareu- contract tatks oo column on war hilt columu one yor quarter column nu rest- ooe oolumu l mnniuk hilfeolnnir jr monuif quarter col a ranslxma us oae column three monlus halfrotamalftwnioiuh tt l m f jig wm i 1 mi terms 8100 lit advance the newspaper- 6 map of busy life its fluctuations and its vast oonoeras 81 so if not no paid volume viii no 52 c aoton ont thurspa june 28 1888 whole no 427 actn banking goy storey christie fc 00 tsoco isftj siw 10do ii no j103 isoo jaartr column thrw monllis 0 atterumeolkiauel04ly wlube latent imfrbldasvomwumcnl- inilr tramltorr ittlvertliemenu intolm o2d id ad ranee cbawea itar eotilrtet stlttrllmfnumul be lnthe office aria rnon mootlariolber- 5etberwiu be left oeet uu theiouottmr h p moore kjilor proprietor this nmsa mcktacr bursa tw 5iw 8iv wncre advntulic businesedirectory svl gradaak of trinity ccuepo menj- bcrofcoliec of riiycians and sarccus office and nidence al uic ucai of frvd- erict st actai- l l bexkett lornont dest1st george- johv iawsox gridtate of ox- tieio vrrtjitxibtcoliyokri teterinixy surgeon vctou unt office in ktnney4 sons boat and shoe store res idence in the rer horses eiamined as to jounsnesi and certificates riven ail calls night or day promptly attend ed to- tenns easy t jfibeer v s georgetowx out will iat ctoi every wednes day and will attend to ti cau pertaining to his profession jotcalui ai uagarrini drug store will receive prompt attention teittts moderate tj fisher ch illtfgs l ds of the firm of tjcc5 4 ivobt tubosto 1 wih be at campbells iiou1 on the nret ifohiayef every month ii the practice cf bis profession all vcrfc execnled in the latest and most improved style cf the dentil art xo charpe fcr ccnsultaticn rt s goodwnxie i barrsstn- soeerlor xotarrpnblie georgetowx a- actox irxawqe ir ilr sccords bbkk christie bankers 1ig cru1ck stock of lion mm bhbb wall paketr titriuunv jiimxim jrxi s8 1kh3 cton ontario with borders to match at hkxrml luxkixt ulsl i days bookstore i a7oi rinxacni i ii l l v ii poetey kohet loaifsr on appbovsb kos notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits- hsret stock of ice cream parlor mrs w c kinc hereby announces hit the will open todsy thursday queens birthday a parlor wbere will be supplied fi ice cream odi which will lie c atnnur fresh confectionery iwrs on handaad fruits served ir tbeir seion picnics and prtici supplied with ice cream ic ia call solicited mrs v c kivg acimumayaiffl ila water giujcr ale ic uiiikd throicbout the baby carriages croquet sets store fuilhif new goods and very low juices a i at days bookstore day sklls oheip tqhxliaxi architect qaelph onteno ortut ciaeejt hotel block slsrket square- ttt b bragj practical mill wright runranpuitot fp jeli a srcciavty j4vo addrfeb t box 103 bocctoo ttcllertox hall a- store y barristers sohcitors of the supreme court con vevonccrs ic toronto a- george- lownn- ornces xo 30 church street toronto and hclecis block georgetown t2 honey to loan 7is s ftlleeios wt 2- loll e d stoutt licensed auctioneer for the counties of wellington and haltop orders left at the fkee psxss offiee acton or at my residence in acton will be promptly attended to terms reasonable stmri to laas also money to loan on the most favorable terms and at the lowest nttes of interest in sums of 500 and upwards a splendid hew stock ix every lixe bargains x ladies gents gold ahd silver watches a large stock of electro plate jcst received 4ll riwstylis big bargains in spectacles and eyeoiasses wm s smith the watch and clock house of guelph t iite for sale lime can be had at the canada lime works in small or large quantities at any time apply at he kiln near toltons mill or to c s butch may 1st 1s82 bora72ios miubek wasttlh trie uadenngned ii prepared to parch ir any quantity of elm birch red beech sft tniple rim aali red oak baaiwokl irliite lit poplar white wood irato uf irilcad vint cedar or black ait in either bnh logs or standing trees a puly at once to thorixmooue actto ont delaware farms for sale fran f mtf acre j 0 hemorick real ertt ajeat houstea duwxe these farms are improved with buildings fences fruit trees and berries of all kinds good water plenty of timber land rood roads schools and churches good markets only 95 miles from philadelphia plenty of fik ovsters and game very productive land climate mild hid pleahmd come and see for yourself and be eopriheed i am prepared with team and carriage to uke visitors to see the farms free of charge 3 d hetoeicss houston delaware os taxes haxt agent fortiri r acvrgerifp- -ir- iiistirance tickets 3000for 25c- per day agent tortiie dominion steamship co retaru tickets issued or tickets tobnugont your friends cheiieb thax almost ast athxb lvsis iconey to loam good joint or endorsed short date notes discounted- agent for the canadian loan k sayings co toronto cosvctaxisn w deeds mortgages dischanfefi chattle morteages parm and house leases agreements c- clerk dir conrt comr in queens bench ite issuer of hajtjgelicn gold watohes k fisht tale good ciku ia tha ma as ctcr wa caught in a ty nice upog no doubt and may bo all true as u certainly ought rat it is hard to gt the finh out good flikh in the ioa in iota means juttt tbfs- and uot a thiu more you caii bet- that wbou ones little affairs goc ainli- auotiier air love you can easily get i know from experience tiis acuge u a triad at the ulna i tm terribly nnittca n i tell yoi e felt njtbtt odd we qi4itcllci aud i got uio mitten good flah nxliowe as evtrirafituoeiit j ua a lomj frica js kwdjy rtluar ic i i lracod rubl op on llu1 hajipy thaaht the licit rurw 1 hopo yoall keep dark cihed in tiie sea jor yoart day mi night and tth sarroff nor i relau it- i rot not a nibble laacb less a lite aud tic adaajob hot i hate it our stofy not a success prfsgrttww fiito stoeki bought since christ- ma- iliglj grade xjfiymeri- cau iovcmcuts at savages xer petrlcs jienr drns store otjeliifis the oldest drug store arrivals in ouelph v mx ft sootoi tweeds ttl areat ariet shaw crundy imerchaiit tailors ouelph cauti01v each plug of the myrtle nitv r- is masked f in be0mzb lettcbs none other- genuine suoceesor to tf chapman st georges square g uclph account books of all kinds mado to order periodicals of erery description carefully jwund bonjneaijf and promptly done pore paris green we have imnuhed a lnrge supply of genuine paris creen and we can guarantee qut fusf tomers a reliable article at very lowest price we always make it a point to test oar greeirtiefore setting it therefore those who liay frord us are never disap pointed our sioce or machine oils is complete and we can give you a variety of oils for all kindsof machinery varying in price ac cording to quality best canadian coal oil best american coal l aways on band w g smith co dispedsing chemists dear mc said mrs heatherly some falks do have all the lack i thoaftiit when my cousin speakwell was appointed assist ant bishop of he cranberry swamp diocese j that it was quite a social distinction bnt j heres helen jones uncle becu put up for chinese ainbafisador aid i s appose kiicii get all iter tea and chotamen for notintir now besides the credit ofihe thing i and mrs heatherly actually burst into tears from the very first moment e her- ar rival in cherry hill iir jonea had boeu her rival if slie decorald her parlors in lotosleaves and cattails sirs jones im mediately ordered an artist from philadel phia to paint her ceiling in pcacockplumcs and hallopen sauiloirer bads if he gave a light tea mrs jones followed with a folllleded di nuerpart if aha had a fancy masqueradeparty mrs jones issued cards for private theatricals and now the clones of the assistant bishopric were entirely eclipsed by the ainbastdor to china ili joaei ordered her white pouie and biskctplncton and drove in state through cherry hill to invite all her friends and it acquaintances to an eveninreccptioh to meet my uncle she gracious ly before he sails for chini por mrs jones albeit she never had seen her uncle john jones was seized all of a sudden with the moat aitectionate de votion for him and telegraphed him to come at once to cherry hill and the let ter which followed was fall of niecelike devotion i bav always felt the said out it was a cruel deprivation to sec so little of my htrsbande relations and nowthatwe are so soon to lose you i most insist on at least one visit we have some charaung people in cherry hid who woaldvestecm it a privilege to make your acquaintance we phail meet you without fail at the sixforty train from philadelphia oa wednesday next ir jones a blunt bulletheaded man who was in the dru business scratched his nose when he eud wf his wifes prowess it a all a puzzle tome said he uncle john never had any brains dear me said mrs jones what brains are needed to be a chinese embass ador its all political influence and wire pulling dont you see well said mx jones theres some thing in that i remember uncle john be ing president of a polk and dallas clab forty years ago or o in the village and he manufactured torcliiights for the polit ical processions and had a very good voice for a hurrah what puzzles me however is what on earth lie will think of our get ting so very affectionate all of a sudden after neglecting him for all these years- no matter what he thinks said mrs jones briskly ill soon bring him arouncl only think ambassador to china i what will hfs heatherly say you must telegraph at once for plenty ot- potto defoit qro4 and cold potted game andlllhave the two colored waiters from the hotel mary ann is very well in her way but she will need additional hep on an occasion like this i shall ask exgovernor pbuipb- torbaugh and his wife they are visiting the whites and an especial card shall be sent to that stupid old assistant bishop that charlotte heatherly boasts so much about mr chimefield tbe poet is n town also and i shall beg miss bulkier to bring her violin and give us one of those sweet scandinavian dreams that bhe im provises so sweetly let me we there will be about sixty people hemtailesfl i reciivi more regrets than i at present anticipate sixty people eh repeated mr joaes aint that considerabe o a blowout fanny we havenfc settled bpaguettes bill for that last teafight you must re member i i teafight blowout mrs joneate- peated totonfaita disgtiit peter i hayentauy pfttntohw you m those oiiousrvulgar eipvewttens how are ethel and constantia to get married id like to know u the dear girls never arc to bee any cciety f r amthe ponieeeady b tcmwh have the ponies todayaid jr jones the liverystable man aays they dint stir ont of their uuuh until the wijolo accouut is 8611104 three hundred and odd dollars how absurd of him said mrs joues with a shrug of her plump shoulders and now of all times in the world bat never mind i shall widk and mrs jones nothing daunted put on a rosebud timnied bonnet a pretty imitation cashmere shawl and a pair of cream colored kid gloves and set forth to the florists where she ordered a profusion of flowers and to the pastrycooks where she hesitated between water ices and nea politan cream and finally went home wearied but triumphant til show the chinese ambassador that there is some style about his country cousins she declared to ethel and cou- stontia who were remodeling their old dresses to appear as new as possible and really mrs jones parlors did appear exquisitely tasteful and pretty when the eventful evening arrived the chandeliers new for the occasion were draped with smiiax the mantles bonked with cyclamen and begonia leaves the angels of the apartment filled with tall palms and stately ferns miss bulkier was there with her violin and a package of music nearly as large as a saratoga trunk tbe exgovernor and his lady were on time and the assistant bishop of the cranberry swamp diocese appeared in a rednosed and pompous manner with his cousin mrs heatherler leaning poi his arm and as the room began to fill mrs jones waxed a little nervous i do hope nothing has hapoened to the train she thought if he shouldnt be here after all i should feel myself a social fraud but as the old antwerp clock m the corner struck ten there was a little bustle the sound of retreating carriage- wheels uncle jones had arrived i and the guests parted right and left to admit of the entrance of a stout old gentle man in a suit of homedyed butternut- brown a pair of silver spectacles very red hands entirely innocent of gloves and a bluechecked shirt well niece jones said this remark able apparition grasping mrs jones pretty little kidgloved hands im dreadful glad to make your acquaintance and this eres peter is it i haint seen peter since he was a boy uncle said mns jones with a sort of byfa teric gasp allow me to present to you oh yes i sec said uncle jones company to tea k your servant ladies and gentlemen your servant bow ing comprehensively around the room and seein were all here together so nice and friendly he added ill jest ask you all to look at a new kind o salve as ive took the agency of the electric agony eradicator onlytwenty wive cents a box and five boxes for a dollar business is business you know and as i make my liv ing this way im sure my niece and neph ew here wont abject to my selling ofi the stock in trade to the best advantage before i leave the country perhaps the company dont know that i sail as skipper of the lovely louise next month np to tbe newfonlan fishinbanks and around by way of nova bcotia but gasped mrs jones we thought that is we understood we read in the paper i would say that you were to be the ambassador to china me said t3ncie jones not if i know it 1 me go to furriu parts to be eaten up with chopsticks or burned alive by the coolies i guess not pynps its john j jones youyr thinking about hes from the same place as i am a great friend of the administration and ive heerd as hes got a plump office from tbe bigbugs at washington im john j joces jacob you know arter my greatgran ther as was in the blacksmithy busnes oh i aint no chinese ambassador e im only a salve- manufacturer its dreadful good for frosted feet ah- ears the electric agony eradicator is and pyapsi may have a good chance to sell a few gross of boxes on board tho lovely louise if its a middbn cold trip poor mrs jones stood aghast as the dis tinguished guest of the evening circnlatod around amid the perfumed groups with his agony eradicator selling off the precious panacea with great success mrs heathetley giggled audibly the assistant bin hop elevated his boman nose with an air ot snperciliousneaa the fair violinist laid down ner bnw and only the instant announcement of sapper would have prevented a general dissolution of this social parliament unole jones ate as if he were a starved wolf and drank as if he had been trans formed into a fish and finally fell asleep on a sofa in the comer and snored aloud with his pocket full of salboxes and a handkerchief over liia face he went home the next day the cherry hill jones did not urge him to stay longer and kr haathflrley called to con dole with mrs jones in person it inust have been bo mortifying to the poor thing said she with simulated sympathy but mrs jones did not see her she was crying in her own room and sent down a message of not at home i dont care how soon we leave cherry hill shesobbed i never can look ury one in the faoe again i never was so aslmmed in all my lifol and ii ever any one mentiona the iianie china or the chinese in my nresenoe again fh com mit suicide that i will i suooem i r too true in heaven we are told there is joy over one sinner that repenteth it is just the other way here below there is more joy over one righteous man who goes astray than over nintyandnine sinners who have kept at it ail their lives manliness does it consist in- swearing smoking drinking play ing pool staying out at- nights loafing around saloons disobedient to parents jeering at old people being too big for church and sundayschool ridiculing the bible and religion persons usually outgrow and become ashamed of these foolish ideas unless they are confirmed loafers if they do not their deseut is very rapid to all that evil boys have you any of these symptoms cheap pleasures wealth is not necessary to enjoy ihe beauties of a landscape notnownecesaary to procure pleasures derived from books- a small garden even the cherished plant in the window is a source of pleasure and where the mind is waiting to be pleased the very sounds of life rural or otherwise are each musical with joy knowledge opens her storehouse for tke winter eveningj while piety silvers all the earth with divine goodness striking a vista through its deepest sorrow to that world where the- obedient are filled with the fulness of joy a misers avarice the following anecdote of a miser illus trates the masterfulness of avarice when once it has seated itself in a mans soul he was a blind millionaire and about to be operated upon for a cataract by a skilful oculist who was to receive 50 louis doras his fee the operation on the right eye had been most successful- i can see ex claimed the millionaire overjoyed i can distinguish tbe colors- i recognize my precious cash box very well then replied the practi tioner let us lose no time but commence at once on the left eye no no said the miser all things consider ill pay you at once 25 louis i had as lief remain blind in one eye and save the other 35 wise words the farmers are the founders of civiliia- tion truth is the highest thing that maa may keep it is difficult to repent of what gives as pleasure they truly mourn that mourn without a witness he who lives tc no purpose lives to a bad purpose levity of behaviour is the bane of all that is good and virtuous love extinguished can be rekindled leak love worn out never keep thy heart with all diligence for out of it are the issues of life fate is the friend of the good the guide of the wise the tyrant of the foolish be enemy of the bad in love we grow acquainted because we are already attached in friendship we must know each other before we love urer a baby in her mothers anna alitueffirl withtarioui charms a tehdermaldes young and fair a lover with hli nutbrown hair a wsmaa married wrtb so muab care a mothsr with a darling child a widow with tender looks and mild an old lady with a wrinkled brow a dying bad and a trrlfig vow a unrly dag grare in the frosted ground sighing winds with a murmuring sound- such is life names of countries europe signifies a country of white com plexion so named because the inhabitants were of a lighter complexion than those of asia and africa asia signifies between or in the nliddle from the fact that the geographers placed it between europe and africa africa signifies a land of corn or ears it was celebrated for its abundance of corn and all sorts of grain siberia signifies thirsty or dry very ap propriate spain a country of rabbits and conies it was once so fested with these animals that it sued augustus for an ary to destroy them italy a coimtrypitchj from its yield iiig large qaanviop of black pitch calibre also for the same reason gaul modern france signifies- yellow- haired as yellow hair characterized its inhabitants the english of caledonia is a high hill- this was a rugged mountainous province in scotland hjbernia is utmost or last habitation for beyqnd this the phoenicians never ex tended theii voyages britain the country of tin great quan tities being found on it and adjacent island the greeks call it albion which signifies in the ihoanician tongue either white or high mountain from the whiteness of its shores v or the high rocks on the western coast corsica a pody place sardinia signifies the footsteps of man which it resembles syracuse bad flavor so called from the unwholesome marsh on which it stood khodes serpents or dragons whiofc4t produced in abundance sldlt tbe oouhtry of grape seylla the wlurlotiif dsctian ietna ajjgfje maj or daa or tyt r i i rt a veteran benefactor hit part life present plans and what he has td say upon a suhj eot that alton iahed vwrv kcw york times nearly forty years ago a young man of unusual endowment began to mould pub lic opinion upon a subject of vital import ance like all pioneers his early efforts were unsuccessful but his ability and the value of his work soon won public confi dence and tenday there is not a village or hamlet in the country that has not been infloenced hy pr- dio lewis when there fore it wasjlelirned yesterday that he eon- templated ihe establishment of a large magazine in this city the fact was deemed so important that a representative of this paper was commissioned to seo him and ascertain- the truth of the rumor dr dio lewis is a gentleman of sixty years and two hundred pounds withsnow- white hair and beard but probably the most perfect picture of health and vigor in the metropolis he is a living exponent of his teachings and notwithstanding the amount of work he has already done prom- ises still greater activity for years to ccace he received the interviewer most courteous ly and in reply to a question said it is true i have come to yew york to establish a monthly magazine ihavecoine here for the same reason that i went to boston 25 years ago thehboston was the best platform in the country from which to speak of education new york has now be come most hospitable toprogresaive thoughts especiallyso to movements on behalf of physical training x haye reason to know the great and abiding interest of the american people in this subject they have come to realize that the future of our country pivots upon our physical vitality and especially updn the vigor of onr women my new magazine will bear the title dio lewiss monthly and be devoted to sanitary and social science i hope through its pages to in augurate a new departure in hygiene have you not written beveral books on the subject yes nine volumes and some of them hke our girls published by the harpers have had an enormous circulation but the best work of my life 1 shall give the world in the new magazine forty years of skir mishing ought to conclude with ten years of organized warfare doctor what is the occasion of this new interest in health questions it baa come through suffering which seems the only road to self knowledge the atomach heart kidney b or liver fall nto trouble happiness is gone and then people give attention to their health which of these organsis most frequent ly the victim of our errors asked the reporter within the last years diseases of the kidneys have greatly multiplied when i was engaged in practice thirtyfive and forty years ago serious diseases of the kidneys was rare but now distressingly frequent and fatal xo what do you attribnte this great in- crease of kidney troubles to the use of stimulating drinks adul terated food and irregular habits of life- doctor have you any confidence in the remedy of which we hear so much nowa days warners safe cure i believe in the ounce of prevention rather than in a ton of cure but have yon noticed the remarkable testimonials of warners remedy i have and confess that they have puzzled and astonished me the com mendations of proprietary medicines usu ally come from unknown persons residing in back counties but i see in our most reputable newspapers the wannest praise of warners safe cure from college pro- fessora respectable physicians and other persons of high intelligence and character to thrust such testimony aside may be professional but it is unmanly no physi cian can forget that valuable additions to our materia mtdica have sprung from just such sources i was so impressed with this cloud of witnesses that i purchased some bottles b warners safe cure at a neigh bors drug store and analyzed one of them to see if it contained anything poisonous f then i tookthree of the prescribed dosca at once and found there was nothing in jurious in it i do not hesitate to say that if i found my kidneys in serious trodble i should use this remedy because of tha hopelessness of all ordinary treatment and because when a hundred intelligent and reputable persons unite in the statement that a certain remedy has cured them of a grave malady i choose to believe that they bpeak the truth but- as you may know my great inter est in life bee in prevention for fort years i have labored in this field one of e phases of my work in new england was the establishment of the ladies semin ary at lexington mass my aim was to illustrate the possibilities in the physical training of girls during their school life this institution became before i left it the largest and most successful seminary icy young women owned and managedvby one person in our country 1 sat down to din ner every day with a family of two hundred persons the remarkable results of this muscle training in th north americane review of december 1882 besides i established 4he normal iff stitute for physical training in boston and for ten years iwaa its preaideovand manager dr walter charming dr thomas hoskins professor leonard and others were among its teachers and ntore than four hundred persons took iu diploma and went out tntoall parts of the land to teachflie new school of gymnaa and now the yean left to me i prbt46rot to the aagaaine wctyeijjmfe here taeatawiah itwllaiai pek- icalevwdevotto wuseld of uteufcaiftr and will present tjw jmndred anijlorjp question of hygienja xiw4 simplicity of iw n iair

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