Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 28, 1883, p. 3

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j railway tqm tabut m 3t 1 i- jir for jf f3 j t s jlp- for i jd to i- fflti village varieties uattrn of aprrial tmlrrrm r it kradrrm qrahb tuhe railway iocka txr ootx mm kittok i ww tjtt hum hs wa itm mail ms through k 90 juifc tfaa ntgbt exprw paae wt tt 1md un- 4ud tad uw tito xikm eotas autf it uw uu do oot pin on moodaj morning mat or cloaxo uuj- going wwtmo uu 0ilt ml w ud uk wd juu eufutb wfcfl dowf i 9jjq ua on friday kqirc jtm iun expnts us tun kxpresa itill sjwul 8j30rua tum mttt ttx thcimut mokccio jtrxi 8 1883 at cgo hyh08 tn bpootu table spoons knives and porks t 00 hjnds watches clocks jewelry a iun stock spectacles from 25 ets tofe weidins andbirthday present vurscs pipe pocket knives combs hair i the dny bnuho school books koto piper ud i envelopes pensand ink call in and sec j my urge mock geo hrnds jewellery t faocv goods store acton ontr our health the six diseases most prevalent in this district daring the put week as given by the ontriq weekly health bulletin are anrauia neuralgia bronchitis heart disease int fever diarrlkra esqueslng court of revision it will be noticed that we devote consid erable space this wook lu giving a complete list of the corrections in the assessment roll of ksqnesing township made by the court of revision this list will uo doubt prove of inters- to tho residents of the township beardraorei tannery messrs berdmore co are roiuavuig the whole of the internal fixtures from their tanner here with thointoutiou of replacing itall with new machinery and appliances xcw buildings and new ar rangements throughout will bo the order of bits of brevity 1 s4 ikenrtsr pirawral ay ke as af ike sst setaurs far readers f ike free rreai monday dominion day single fare over the g t b on mon day who ws japitcr juno do you know monday will beobservtd as a general bolidar pojato bugs art amannsly numerous uua year j strawberries are now offered- tweuty cente per basket i bee that your doors and windows arc properly secured church of england picnic in rockwood on dominion day r next thursday the fax prts will celebrate itaninth birthday the tammer racation in the public choola commences on the 7th july ptzr tasty and sabstantial congrega tional charch still temaina anooenpied our friends are invited to send oa items of general or personal news for insertion the snecessire tnmahine and showers of the past week makes the weather re- aemhle april at goelph on monday the maple leafs defeated the black stockings of t lools by score of 5 to l the frederick street sidewalk has been completed and dr lowrj considers him- aelf rignt in town now the homonr pott refers to a certain gentiemn as a ptnuitl oar websters unabridged calls him a punter 4 change in time of the arrival of several gtrpaener trains took effect last monday beciimc table at the head of this column j xhere is quite demand for e copies of the fezz pazss theae days single copies may be had at this office at any time price s centa- an excursion from acton to xiagara faus sometime this summer woald no actona cemetery our village cemetery is being very rnpidly filled up our civic authorities will soon be obliged- to wcurc a new site and it would be a good idoa to purchase it now and have it jiut in proper order lor the reception of the dead give the matter mature consideration civic fathers rcckwood news the presbyterian sabbath school picnic held in- the agricultural grounds last satur day had the favorable weather which made it enjoyable for the many children and friends present rev d slrchan pastor of the charch reluniod from the assembly at loudon in time to take part in what proved a very happy occasioiu ontario agricultural college the peel county council with a number of the county officials and fanners to the number of about fifty visited the agricul tural qoiiee guclph ou tuesday about 500 farmers from tbc neighborhoods of mitchell ilieter seoiorth and other points on tho buffalo and lake huron division of the grand trunk north of stratford visited this institution last week corpcratiari hay owing to the very favorable weather and as no animals are allowed to run at larjre in acton the hay on the streets has be- come quite a large crop and a number of our citizens are cattiiii it for their stock- for the sake of apierance this harvesting of the hay shouldbecomc general and every resident should pet the grass in front of his premises neatly mowed if this were done on all the streets what an improved arexrarioe our little town would nreseul succumbed- the young man xeil mctavish referrtd to in last issue as having been painfully injured at the raising of a barn on the farm of mr james hesdersou xassagaweya on the lth inst- only survived his terrible injuries a couple of days having died on friday morning his remains were interr ed on saturday afternoon and the funeral was one of the most largely attended ever held in the township the community is moved in sympathy for the bereaved friends hanskgaweya new beten of the tombstones in the presby terian burying ground at haltonville have lately been broken by some person or persons unknown it is to be boped that the offenders will be found and severe pun- suooewful social tho social given iu the town hall jut thursday o toning by mrs c b smltb and mr w j pigott in aid of st xibftn church uaibonitge fund was nn of tho most btrsoesaful and onjoyabls entertain ments over given in aotoil a degree of sociability prerailed not ordinarily notio- able on liiuilar oocaaiont and e very person present was made to feel perfectly at home mr y h storey reeve occupied the chair and tho programme provided wu a very enjoyable one tho tinging of miss williams of glenwilliami was deserving of much praise and proved her to be a vocalist of uo ordinary merit the quartette given by the quartett and rioo clnba were much enjoyed and the instrumental duets of misses bull of hamilton and missofl hoslett and swan of ac ton were exceedingly well rendered miss ella bryers rendered a recitation which received very high-encou- iums from the audience and messrs j h bradley and h p moore gave suitable readings the art gallery iu connection with the entertainment was most ingeni ously prepared and received the admiration i of all an ample supply of refreshmenu were provided the receipts wero satis- faclorv 910 special prizes tsm caahfor bast down 8wode turnips imo cash or best down vlangoll raised from lead jtuehajod at j s moqabvins ora amd lutlaaeir mare arlea themtprius are opon for competltioii to all resident arm en in etquetlng nastaga- weya erin and eramota tju all kinds of garden reld and flower -seeds- gkod freeh and reliable at j e mcqarvins drug ct stationery store acton s al8uen wavttd doobt be acceptable- wont some one of j isament meted out to them for soeh on- oar societies andertake it clothes line thieves are plving their trade here and housekeepers will do nell to allow no clothes oat at night mrs macents line was visited one night last eei the weather daring the past week has been showerv finefor grass and vegetables generally bat too wet for the low lying lanafe where some damage has been done by the water owing to bad railroad eozmectioa dr lrtch of providence ej- who was an nounced to preach in the disciple mee home on monday evening did not arrive antil ahoat 8j0 pm ber d bcameron repeated his lec- tore on immersion on monday evening notwithstanding the wet weather the at tendance was very good tbelecture was very complete and convincing the pathmasters are warning their men for road duty and have issued pro- damations of yon are hereby doly noti fied to cat all canadian thistles on your properfy from this date under penalty etcetc get to work iartons sidewalks are now in very gobd condilion- bepairs are yery frequent ly necessary and we have no doubt the watehf ol eye of the chairman of the street and sidewalk committee will see that the walks are kept in good condition through- out the season our liuu oau lot july is to hand and contains just as much as usual of that class of reading matter and illustrations so inter esting to the little folka every family- where 4here are children ihould have a copy send 15 cent for sample dumber to russell publishing co boston mass ttototanfeer halton battalion lome bifles left for camp at niagara last friday morning acton company went by the 945 am train to toronto- thence by boat to- camp niagara they were escorted to the depot by tiwo of the battalion pipers and were marshalled by col allan and lieut bowles the company now shows great contrast to the one which annually went to ibt front ten or fifteen years ago then fifty or sixty full grown men formed the ranks bat now a coaple of anzen over grown- boys with of coarse a few exceptiona make op the company however oar boy always get considerable credit for efficient drill and good conduct while in camp referring to the camp at niagara the juaif aay the 20th battalion lome riflee col allan six companies thia corpi left v toronto some by the southern belle and hejreniinder by chicora for men who hai from a scott act county they were 1 remarkably goodlooking and orderly the batallkra marched into camp beaded f their pipers playing the campbells scaningyai least they said it wag feeling desecration and destruction of property the ebeoczcr sccday school held their annual picnic last wednesday in mr blacks grove a large number of child ren with their parent- and friends were present and uu enjoyable afternoon was spent complimentary the following paragraph from the mar ietta mich leader refers to mr w s mctavish whose home is a few miles from this village near knatchbull and who is a student of knox college toronto mr w s mctavish of acton ont occupied the pulpit of the presbyterian church last sunday- although a young man not yet having completed bis studies for the minis try he delivered two very able and interest ing sermons and should not unforeseen difficulties arise t7e predict a brilliant future for him on tuesday evening he delivered a lecture at the same church taking for his subject the testimony of the catacombs of borne in relation to christianity the snbjoct was well han dled and proved that the lecturer thorough ly understood it mr mctavish is a brother of the yooug man accideutly killed at a raising iu xassagaweya last week base bali the first natch of the season was played here last thnrsday between the hanlons of guelph and the acton stars when the goelph boys arrived and it wirftound that they werea much heavier team tlian acton the opinion prevailed that our boys would be beaten the following score however proves otherwise stibs acrox pos 123 5g 783 ioiu il 0 0 0 0 1- 110 0 0 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 i 1- 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 i 0 0 11 0 1 0 0 0 10 0 1 1 acton vulags oouncil the council met in the council chamber ou tuesday evening rocve in the chair members all present minutes of last meeting read and oouflrmed the committee of finance presented their twelfth report recommending pay ment of the following accounts james ijrowu lumber shg3 edw dynes work on streets hi 00 luther lyman do 187 james liurus do 172 john miller do 171r jos swglit kail farniahings k00 e xickliu a- son gravel 4toaming 13g0 g havill street lamps 1275 w masalas teaming 10o james grant work on stroeu 9g donald manu teaming go0 thomas mclam work ou streets 375 total 192 ix moved by c s smith seconded by d heudersou that tho finance report be adopted carried moved by c s smith seconded by wm ismond that the reeve d henderson and the mover be a committee to arrange the tarrut for use of town hall and that this committee report at next meeting carried council then adjourned acton burglarired daring the past week our usually quiet little town has been in a state of consider able ferment and the climax was reached yesterday morning on thursday morn ing 21st inst the store of mr j b pearson was entered by burglars through the rear window the pane being cut from the sash the intruders rummaged throughout the shop opening drawers and cash tills but they decamped taking with them only a revolver and a few coppers from one of the tilk on saturday morning the residence of mr c s smith was visited but in rais ing a window it accidently fell the noise of which aroused the inmates and caused the midnight explorers to depart yesterday moming however they met with greater success the store of mr c b griffin was estroi b- tfae front door the burglars passing throagh the store and upstairs to mr griffins bedroom where they secured a jewel case containing mrs griffins gold chain brooch rings and other jeweller- mr grinns watch and chain and about 820 in cash making in all goods worth about c2o000 mr pearsons store was again visited this time through the front door and two revolvers were taken the residence of mr b haslett was also visited and his bedroom entered where they took possession of two pairs of pants and a vest securing between 13 and 11 in silircr from one of the pants pockets mrs haslett awoke and saw one of the men jost as be was making his way out of the room and mr haslett immediately dressed himself and proceeded in search of the burglars but without success the keys in each case were turned in the locks with some instrument made for the purpose mr howells store door was also tampered with bat no entrance wa effected war rants were issued for three strangers who were in town and they were arrested and searched but as nothing could be proved against them they weri discharged there is no clue to the perpetrators of the bur glary but it is evident that experienced cracksmen did the work several of the articles of jewellery lost by mrs griffin were presents from a dear relative now deceased and were consequently much prized ou that account our civic authori ties are doing all in their power to find the guilty parties and we trust they will be brought lo jnstice to begin work at once on sale- for fall 1883 for tho foothill nurseries the largest in canada moitais stosk wel- j usgtox proprietors wc cau start in ad dition to oar already large force 100 aiuii- tioxai tixvasseiw and want men who can give full time to the business steady cm- ployment add eood salaries to successful men it dors not matte- what your prcv- iom occupation has been if you aru w illing to work jour success is almost certain the best of references required apply en- closiogpbotfl i poisibl to stoni k wellington nurserymen tcriulo out karnes trunk epqf wanted tomers ismrisr is- harness or trunks to save money should go to r creech acton where do you bay your footwear 7 in asking the above question we aimplydesireyoutoexamiueclose- y tierce main poiuts lstqualit material uds7le fit nnd work 3reltce size or bill and when you are satisfied with conclusions pay us a visit and wevvillguaranteeqaality of ma terial style of fit and work and an appreciable saving ou your order splendid stock of spring goods for ladies gentlemen and child ren just opened if these are suffioient considera tions please call on kenney son main street acton to remove w p brown cos large stock op groceries glassware chinaware and crockery selling ctreaper than the cheapest for one month goods must co out come and get them while the offer is open wp brotoxco smitojtfimr summer announcement i jitf g l a s go w h o u s e nelson mcrae il y we would respeetfullylcall attentloirto our large and com plete stock of goods for the summer trade every department is replete with all the novelties of the season dress goods department in this department we are showing splendid value inbiackahd colored cashmeres plain and check nnus veilings wool bunt ings aud all the leadiug goods for summer wear we claim to have the best value in the county in 50 cent blue blaok cashmeres the immense quantity we dispose of in this line of goods is a sufficient guarantee of their excellence we arc showing a magnificent line of muslins and a laree and select stock of prints an d- cretonne goods our millinery department in this department will be found all the leading styles of ladies and misses hats bonnets c in straw goods tape leghorn fee and a choice selection of flowers feathers and everything usu ally kept in a firstclass house this department is under the management of firstclass milliners and parties cap rely on receiving perfect satisfaction before placing your orders be sure and examine our stock of millinery goods 1 the mammoth house georgetown he hut j lambert rf wworden 3b h white pr h lawsou 2b j ignew lb i bell u- w ii storey ss o mutthews cf w wsrlatt cr totals 20 10 112 0 1 u euiiixo oremh mra ros 123i5c769 torn tcockmanpr 0 0 1 i 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 2 o o o o o 0 0 10 1 110 2 e croft a dillen lb t hewer 2b ifirenshield 3b jbtonehnm s wgrenbield if jsweetman cf t coulan rf- totols 0 1 2 0 20 0 2 9 jno lawson umpire hrp moorei scorer the goelph team made it a poujt to dispute almost every jodgmeot of tie umpire and their frequent me of blasphem ous and obscene language throughout tho match won for them a most smenviable reputation among our citizens oar own boy6erve credit for their oondact in this direction r personals mrs wm moore visited friends in toron to this week mrs georgematthews is visiting friends in flamboro miss hattie broddy of erin it the gnert o mr c b griffinj mrs james allan of kelson visited acton friends this week rev j e farmer of chicago 111 is visiting his acton friends mies lottie e speight paid friend in lowville a visit last week ecv robert w wright of port kowan visited acton on monday miss nellie jeff of napanee is a guest at the methodist parsonage mrs frank dunn of rockwood visited acton friends last thursday mr will smith of guelph visited hla acton friends during the week mr wm n snyder of guelph paid acton friend a visit this week mrs christie sr of walkerton paid friends in acton a visit this week rev c cookman of trafalgar late of dresden was in town on tuesday mrs j c whidden net wt m i armstrong of lincoln nebraaka ii tiiiting friends here mrs p monab left on monday en a tiiit to friends in the vicinity of montreal she was accompanied by mrs h j hall of berlin mr alex gordon and mn win qdrdon of gleaoe and mrs met- mcfrm ttf teeswater visited aotot this weelt to at tend the futwraltfj their uither the late mm john gordon o o a ordered cloth ingr wo are now showing a splendid stock of tweeds in all the leading styles al so full lines of blue serges aud a splendid fahgeof trous erings we are also showing a complete range of worsteds in diagonal check and corkscrew patterns as this depart- ment is under our own personal supervision parties can rely on getting perfect satisfaction from the fact that our goods are bought at the lowest cash price and- we employ none but experienced hands in the manufacture of our clotjbr ing we also give a fashionable and perfect fit every time and at prices to rait everybody call and inspect our stock of tweeds cents furnishings we are showing full lines of gents white and colored shirts and also full lines in felt and straw hats collars cuffs ties braces fcc in endless variety h beg leave to intiraate that they are daily in receipt of new fresh spring goods including hillinery mantle readymadeclothing tweeds gents furnishings hats caps hosiery and small wares in fact everything that constitutes a firstclass stock we have exercised ourselves to our ntmost cpaacity and made use of our long experience and large resources to secure a stock for prices variety and quality thnt will surpass anything ever attempted in this county we can assure the public that we will sell them goods at lower frieea than smaller concerns lave to pay for them our stock is largo and vnried and we make additious of the newest and cheapest goods tc be found id the markets of the world we call special attention to our millinery we getthe new est and most fashionable material and we keep lightning hands to get up the samein superior style our dressmaking department has proved quite a success we turn out dresses and mantles to the satisfaction of our patrons we make a specialty of mourning ap parel and wedding trosseau we have on immense stock of dress goods in all the new materials silks satin satin de lyon satin marulieaux cashmeres ka prints a magnificent assortments the dark colors lively patterns and with borders a beautiful print for 5c a yard tickings domestic goods checked shirtings ootfon- ades and drills adrill for 206 a yard that can not be torn we sell gray and white flfottons at mill prices our ordered- clothing de partment is unsurpassed it is one of the larjgeet concerns of the kind in any ootmty t6wih we guarantee satibractibir in quality price fit and getjip carpets a magnifieentistofc jjuion garget for 25c a ywrc aflspestry oaipot for 46ft wo 06ft wetftyeistoch that will compawwithny garpethbuse for sizft qitiui nob- iosbftfino swek daot0irg6thb fjace cttrttwmia fookv5ed and cheap we nctf ully ask a ckbtituiauot jien3s algid itoilijitkme on getogfirstbttajnonfljpoi mcleandbrsbn 9rh staple department this department will always be found complete and good values in all lines of cottonadesfshirtingshohands towellings and all goodspertainlng to the department boots and shoes inj this department we are shpwing a 1 value in all lines as we carry an immense stock to select from we have sizes to fit j everybody we give 5 per cent off to any i person wbo boys 5 pair8 upwards in rory tepartmontof our business our aim is to place bo- ibre our custpmerv tb hept goods at the lowest possible prices and as our businesses constantly inoreashig h isa guarantee that our efforts are appreciated we hope by strict attention to business fair dealing to merit a ntlni6ftjjpubhpipa l a itrii stmaetbont chnstis hen shiiiitr2ia3jiioevtet

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