s m a i om is rrnlmivt ikky fnittsdvy- mohsivg at the free p8s power prwtwo mouse mu stkkkt utosoxt tkkm jtlib frkk pukkk will be sent to ulweribcn putfc paid fr 1uu per u- nnm iu advance ilvl if not ko paid no paper iliscoittinttctl uu all mtcar are paid mcept at ths opliu of the imlilitthcr j apvsanrtw kvtk casual advcruw- ruents 8 ceuu per hue fcr the first inser tion and x cents per line far each subset qucnt iucrtiou ich prifosakmal cards lil linw or lens siou per annum i square 12 luc im per annum payable in g noatiisfnmdau of insertion any special notice the object of which isto nrumote ttwpecuuiiry- benefit of any individual or company to be considered an advertise- irucuu the number of lines reckoned by tho space occupied measured by a seal of soel nonpareil contract rates iinpiltitnonrtr senoo iuu ilaiuuie vmt j3w ii i- ifimilon yvtr siwi im i vi i u miii 1500 ukuoa u uuuv oft ip rtlailx tnnuuin ii hi u i i im lirr hi 2000 liilumn trvtnoniliv i on purler olhmu hirer months tflu i rerlatftii wliimilnieiflfl direction iit r inkwimrtftntmintturrord- inclv transitory ahfrtwenipau mriw udtfluarftmure chincw for eoninct atfterufem ntf- must b in tii office or 9 a mftn monday other wise they will be leftover tul the louowinj reek i h p moore fcmuor proprietor tcruisu in advance the newspaper- map of busy life its fluctuationo and itw vaat concerns 9150 if not do paid several good neighbor and one bo baa a dog another fie baa a small boy another koopt a bog auotlicr baa adiuo pjgeoui anotbfs am aomo cats another tcaucta widely ills lately jttiaonod ta another coinct and borrows my paper everyday another on the cornet is learning how to play o liooaci heroic daniel 1 0 man who got away i well know why you ventured mid savages to tray 1 volume ix no 3 acton ont thursday july 19 1883 whole no 420 tuiq daqcd pv rntcvnflieafcvrr 9 jyrj y i business diraotory wh lxiwar mb irc ps g radnatc of trinity college itvm- gils i fhjsician and saicons v j office andrajvuact at tbc head of fred- ericfc su vctoa ll bexnett dext1st grgc- a love oat j0ttlavso5cgrutate ofok- vtfleriaitj suooa acton ont- isicx in kcnney a ton kvt and lioo ston- rvx- idencc in tbe rvar horso cuuniuu a t soandnc- iad canities to giveu ail calli uiht or day prcmptly rttoiii cdto tcnnn evy tjftsher v s gkorgetciwn ont irill viit acun cverj- wednes day and trill atoud to ail calls fjeruiuin lo hi profeiuc ordtr left at ilegarvinp dro urc k11 rvedive iprompt attention term- moderate tjfiseier ch riggs lds of the firm of t rioos i- ivmct tonorra wie 1 at campbell hotel on the rvt monday of every montl in the practice if his prufesioa ah rcrfc etecutol in tb ilox and tnnst improvcii stylj tf tlrj dcntl aui xo charge for conaltation acton banking coy storey christie co lumckkk vclou kittnrla i nnxkhm 1va7v f7 7 yvvvr7- notes- discounted and interest allowed on deposits 150 j isthk price ofteb iron axle waggon tlivmuy xxtv fpft iv 1k81 i g x s goodwilije bfristr solicitor kiat- public gforcjetowx a- actox isac6noffiiin mrs rskrrfb mock tohn uay- auchitixt guelph ontano- drncc queens hotel mock ark square flf- b bragg practical millwright kcirricin o fioor iil- a spcciy- p 0 acltnj ilqi ilw rockrt ullektox iixll a storey barrvrtcr solicitorsi of the supreme court conveyinctrv ic toronto fc george- tflinin 0mce5 xo 50 church street toronto and mcleods block georgetown money fo loan- fis- s roierrox rux axu tt- djfetofcet w il he3istreet liicansad iuctioneer- kcr the counties jf wcdifiton and halton tjrjcr left zl the ftn vkcss olficc acton or at my nxdticc in acton will be fvrutnpth slicuded td tonus rcasouahl hoar j lmib uvd money t iji on tbc most favorable terms and at thj 1rrt raxes of interest n tcffis of 5tto snd uvards t uie foebau lime wo be had at the ciada lime ttforka in fmu or urge quantities at any tame apply at the kile uear toltonb mill or to cs smith may 1st 16sl box 172 aerox t imbeu wa5ttl the undcriiicij is prepared to purchase any quantity f ef in bircfa red lieccli mft nuplerim aili red ak laood white ash poplar white wood balm of tniead piae cedar o blact aah in either boluy lostoretaadiiit iret apply stonce to thos c m00iie acton out tlkauk fahh for sale frn 1 m per aew 4 d hendrlckmoil estate affent houston deuware these farms are improved with building fencea fruit trees aud berries of all kinds flood water plenty of timber land good roads school and churches good markets only g5 mile from philadelphia plenty of fih ojiiterf and game very prodnctfvej land chmate mild and plcaaant come and see far yoortelf and be convinced- i am prepared with team and carriage to take tisitors toee the farms free of charge i zrd heyieiciii houston delaware james matthews agent for fire insurance gos life accident ljl insurance tickets 3000 for 26c per day agent for the iknnfmon steamship co wtnrn tickets isaaed or ticket to bring out tow friendat cheaper thas ilitott atv ilmey to loan good joint or endorsed wort date notes discounted agent for the canadian loan savingb co toronto neta3ccth or mortgraees discharges attle mortgages farm and i leases airreementa a cerk div conrfc gojnr in qaeenn deoch 4c cwoer of marriage liorases wsm fim enajii amo iok ice cream parlor mrs w c kinc rtereby alnocc lhatsha ihowii today thusdayqueen birthday a parlor wcre will ttc snpidicd gntclai3 ice cream soda wnitr giror ale tc which will be cmilir-u- tbrxitljitu the summer fresh confectionery my hand and fruits scred iu their fciin picatci and pirtie jiplicl with ice cream kc cv c11 ficilnl j j mks v c kixt acton may 11 nt a splendid new stock ix evkhv like bargains rx ladies gents gold amo silver watches a aucfe stock tf electro plate justuecetved kll n1w stylise big- bargains in spectacles and eyeglasses wm s smith the witch and clock iiaa- of gaclph tj day has knight a carload dircjt ti the iituu faetuntb and favii ilic mlib paid to toronto merchant prince gives uis customers hie ijeuefk f oetpy reduced price of s5 tbts ik ihc diffteuce in baying direct fritii tbc uucuftctuicii rtiher ilun fiori niitil- imli farmers railway men i patent oustproof case with waltharri movement b savage glelfii across nnskivsr- acnf the river they beron lo ue ijovvyjoao wuorc crost to the tarihcr tilt tue tltiuii of ilu snowy rolxrs i wl hut lbtr voict nre ilromiol uy the mdifutf ude tliwrev out illi riujtfil of ueuytl aud cyes uic rufltctiou of ficaveui own blac he crvjiii ifc ivijiht gray mij kjj aul lheple jiiim hjj iijw froai lutrtal view wv m not ibe aiill ihit ucl biiu ibcix- tue rate of lit city ire coulj no ie acroi uc river acrces uc river ifj- trvjthcr haadf watiiiy lotcicc-tiil- uk icrom uic ilyu- the boatumu pale cirricd tmotiur uie liouwhold xt her uromru cuili wurcd in the jmuc jdc i utrlii- uiuuic r ioc her yet slit ctom j ou btr booa lcrdiiojluiid aud fcritiy tnutd the phentom iwrk wc uritcli j it giijc from the silver m6 ayjalluiir cusljjac grvw fctraojeiy urt v kqow khe i kail- on tiic furtjjcr sfjc where ill uciujjkjhjdjilaiujj hc i acrohsjhc rivcrabcw jili river my ehjuooum j4l it afth fur iuc for aohe rttjni itvui ukj cl thorvi wllo ctos tritll ujc lj- ti 11 ll lt jlc w httr the dip of tbe a ua txir y i cch km ihc sauvy mil rl 1 ih y liiu iav fivti our wna hfait- tlicy ciuv lije slnjju nul ft re mi fr cje we miy uot fun kr t veil siiri itit liiuv rruui otr vit lic iiy uf iiy we ocly liiuir thu lijeir ijrj-i- ui ujjre ysjfal iti hi acr lifev tirliif ki torjicffhije i litr u lh iixi if 7hey witch kh1 lvrkott ftuj wait for iie anl i tit wh think triwmiw uancl yold ic fiashiiij river ud bill end bjre i uaiiodclayiuud hy the water wll andht far ihc toaadof iijc lkuuuaiit clt j shall mtb for flciin cf tlie capu5ul i tusll hr the boat it gains the straid i shall n froth ivht witli the bouiwi iuie to ilc uittt ilcrc c thfciritiaa j i fhll ktow the loved n ha l-u- fiu before aiij joyfuuy ewet ijisll ujcutcujg u when icn the river the icatcful liwr the aruel of ik- tli thall cury uic r spbiistg arrivals scotcli tn oreat variety shaw grundy merchant tailors guelph pu p ptopf the oldest drug store i the heiress in guelph cautiox bach plug of the myrtle havy is mabked tb ik bbon2x icttsbs none other genuine frmets mm 8ucceor to t f cbapn st georges sqiwre goelph afoonot books of nil kuiilfl made to order fenodicftlfl of every description carefully boiud bnliuniieatly and promptly douo pure paris green e have iiuikirtcd a large supply genuine paris green and we eau giiamntecr oir cus- j tmcre a rcltuljlu article sil wry lowest price wo always iiiiko j it a point to test our green before j setting it tliereforc tliose who boy from us arc iicvcr disap pointed our stock of- machine oils is complete aud we can give you a variety of oils for all kinds of machinery varying in price ac cording to quality best canadian coal oil best american coalojl always on hand w g smith co diapensing chemists niffinbothamg block gaelpb adele faylon fae a vexed liltlc tkri ol her head a olurc intended to he awfully aiinilulatin to mr harry llrowdc stand- ins on uic lower ftcp of the ikz7 at the kcaide hiue very well eo of cottr- tfr urowne if yoa prefer but really i think it is too had of you of cotire il ir added pretty mjo huutcr with the golden locks and baby blue eycj tiiat were considered irrcaitible hy the generality of the tterncr es of coarc it u too bad when yuu know that to a dozen ladies etopping at the seaside there are only such n few gentlemen i know wlrsti the troabie is though dout i llr browne you arc tired of us the same over and over and you arc reserving yoar forces nntil the much talked of and auxioadycxpccled beauty and heiress ar rives uion tlie sccuc harry turned larily around audmilcd- ira afraid i shall have to incur a great riak in coutradicting a lady lm siid gooddiumoredly hauglity adele faytou llashed him a haifdndjgiiaut half sarcastic glance from her black eyes and said aud when this heiress ha arrived i daresay mr urowne will loc all his inter est in his solitary boat ridea and fishing excursions while wd forlorn maidens get through the day as well as we can for loneliness mr browne you arc sclcsdi well yes rather if always wanting the best of everything concerned is what you call selfish but i will redeem my character hy proving to you that which will doubtless set your hearts at rest i dont believe hi yoar wonderful coming beauty and heiress to heiu with and in the second place i would commit harikari before id marry an heiress now am i vindicated he bowed and walied off just a little to the discomfiture of the ladies on the piazza went off to the beach where his boat and fishing tackle awaited him with more of a disgusted impatient look on his face than was customary with him what a lot of idiots a fellow comes across in the course of ms life because a lot of pretty girls lose their heads when a wealthy beau comes along they argue with a womans senseless persistency that the men are as mercenary as themselves marry an heiress not if ahc were as beau tiful b as yerius and over word she dropped was transmitted into a ko-hi- noor mr browne pushed off in his surf boat dashing and plunging through the breakers like a sailor ho rowed out a mile or two to another fishing boat containing a couple of barefooted boys eight and ten witli wide brimmed bate and bright taimed faces and brown eyes a tall lad of slxtoeo worried and anxiouslooking who was evidently dismayed at the increasing swell of the sea and tbe freshening south wind we of this company and also a yoang gfrl with lovely dark eyesgrave and thought ful yet bright and flashing avshe looted at harry wtrilo ho rowed nearer and nearer in response to the liailh iof the boys a decidedly nicolooking girl hardly what ouc would call handsome and yet the pure fair complexion ever so lightly sun tanned the scarlet mouth so tightly closed the waving deep goldcolored hair thickly braided and hanging down to her waist and the glorions niy eyes made a whole that harry browne quite thoroughly ad mired as she polled alongside and spoke to her you bccni tj bo tu sunw diuicuhy lie ii marked touching his hat courteously kle bowed joe is rather demoralized i thiuk there is no danger in there harry glanced at joes hcared face- and the rest- lesn antics of the boys in the tiny boat if you had a man in charge who know inv business there would be no shadow of danjtfr a it i thl yonug un hi no excuse for venturing so far out we were fishing she said in a pleas ant apologetic way and didnt realize bow far wc had gone well with a troubled took that was more anxiety than fear wo mast do the best we can per haps you would tell joe what to do with the boat harry replied if you will allow me to exchange place with your pilot i will row you ashore i i am harry browne of brokers street at present toppiug at j the seaside house you arc very kind mr browne nud i will thankfully accept your offer my name is may harper bhe laughed as if the oddness f the mutual iutruduciiuii amtied her and j harry made up iiia mind thai she was the very nicest girl he had met iu many a day well then joe yci jump in here and row yourself vj iliorc yoi wont have any trouble to tac yourself only will you v the alacrity with which the lad changed from the bella to the sdie was sufficient answer and neither harry nor miss harper could help smiling as joe put for the ehore i darv say he thought it was all right may taid aiiologeticaliy hed no basiues4 to think so t bough shall i take you straight back miss harper or would you rather fish awhile longer 7 if you please i will go back aunt jane will be worried aboat me she leaned against the fiide of the boat while the two children sat quiet as mice wulcbing harry with awe and rdmiratiou as he pulled long steady 6trokcs that sent thcu pining along while ham thought she is tht moat sensible girl i ever came across pretty modest dignified pleasant with no sham reserve aboqt her any more than too much freedom and what a thorough lady she is 1 know it as well as if i bad met her a thousand times and may sitting opposite him watching th water as il danced aud sparkled thought if ever there was a true gentleman in manner speech and actiou it was this handsome stranger who was rowing her to shore will you tell me opposite to which hotel i am to row you he said as after a niost delightful hours conversation he rested bu his oars and waited her com mands she laughed oh no not at any hotel i am stopping at one of the fishermens cottages about two miles further down on your left harry was delighted with tho prospect of continuing with her yes i knov where you mean tlie place we call sandy beach yes and you cant imagine how love ly it is there oldfashioned rather crowd ed quarters to be sure but with not the faintest vestige of auything like fun or style and you actually are boarding there miss harer why didnt you come to one of the hotels the seaside for instance its a nice house and pleasant company is there may smiled not i i came to the seashore to en joy myself aud get away from fashiou and dress and tiresome people and you have succeeded in enjoying yourself at sandy beach admirably these four weeks you are the first devotee of the world that i have seen since i came here her dark gray eyes sparkled mischievi ousiy as she gave a glance across at him is that really so i hope then you will not condemn yourself to such isolation any longer at least from me may i join in yoar solitary amusement miss harper a faint flush crept softly over her rare pale face as she said i am not sure will and ben will agree to such an arrangement they are my in separable companions in my rambles- and she looked at the two little lads harry gravely produced a handful of pennies which he gave them now young gentlemen may i escort you and miss harper on a charming ex cursion i know of tomorrow i most take it conditional then said may laughing promise me yon wont tell any one there is anybody down at sandy beach will pou occasionally fish ing parties come to arrange with uocle john i call thorn uncle john and ann t jane jackson horrible isnt it but i always contrive that no one sees me for i am determined not to be drawn into so ciety this summer if i can help it i dont want to see company 1 bat you dont regard me oa oomjwuiy v no may replied i dont regard ytra as company after lnit h wfu oil npiih horry browne and he went back to the seaside boose acknowledging that he was in love at last aid with an unknown obscure girl who doubtless for other reasons than her dwlikefor society perhaps for pecuniary reasonl was staying at bandy beach he liked lifer all the better for it he honored bcr good sense and he fell over heo and ears in love the j next three weeks were the most bcsedj ones he ever had spent in his life he divfusted adele faytou and her friends daily by his persistent neglect of them he continued his solitary excursions solitary till he parae to sandy beach where may was always ready to accompany him or entertain him or bewitch him until one day he tbld her he loved her dearly and that it was the one wish oi his life to have bcr for ais wife and say with her soft eyes shaded with the tendbniegj of love and trust unspeak able looked in his handsome face and told hira she pad loved him from the moment he had rowed up beside her that summer clav j a be look her in his arms and imprint ed a lovers kiss on her red lips and put his arm around her slim waist his heart gave great throbs of thanksgiving for this blessing lm him tbc piltzxa of the seaside house was a be wilder dressed tiou as lio adele saucily therfc be on ba bright scene with tbe gay ly- standing in earnest couversa- hatry brown- cirnc up to the avion tossed her pretty dark head didnt i say mr browne would id to greet the heiress you men cant withstand uch a golden temptation mr browne she has arrived at last she who aughed sarcasticall tlicde isnt the least se in your pre tending ton dout know what i mean you know i mean tlie heiress harry smiled a sort of pity comin over him as he remembered how much happier he was than the one who should be fortunat with this wonderful newcomer yes really had forgotten arrived has she berth hunter weut up to him in her gushing nanner i prcphesy you will be the very first to go wild over her she is just what i imagine you will like great darkgra eyes and tbe goldenest hoir and so ro mantic i wonder you never came across her in jour solitary rambles she has has beefi staying down at old jacksons cottage t u summer but then may harper always 1 ad carious ideas at all events she is here now and i am dying to intro duce you mr browne he stood confounded for a moment while he tried to realize it may lis darling the heiress whom he had declared he would rather commit sui cide than marry may in her cheap blue flannel siits with no gloves or veil ba her hands oi face she the great heiress whose moveme its and sayings were chronicled in the dauy papers whose dresses were copied b less favored mortals whose pres ence was as welcomeas the sunshine and she is pretty too adele fayton said a little venomously as if it were quite a aliame i saw her as she went to her roon harry glanced composedly up at the array of faces and said i am glad you think may is pretty i think sh is the loveliest girl living so you did not inaw that i was engaged to her there followed a lull in the merry chat ter that eloquently expressed the dumb founded fstouishmeut of harrys announce ment- getting used to it j an austin man has a business partner who like mark tapley is always inclined to look m the bright side of everything tbe favt rite expression of this jolly part ner is w ten ever any one complains to him ob yo l11 soon get used to it one morn- ing the e rious partner came down to the store an i observed u i hi d rather a singular dream last uight did eh baid his partner briskly what vasit i dreanedl died no- did you dreamed you went to heaven suppose on ho contrary i found myself in hades don say so well i reckon yon didnt find any ody you knew there yea i met you about the first man i struck met mo yes and we held a short and some what ho tied conversation wh t did you say i rei larked that it was pretty middling blamed tot wei what did i say you oh you wiped away aqme of the sweat oi your blistered face witjb a cast- iron poc ot handkerchief and said it was all righl yoa thought and that id soon get used jto it j eabygoingpj bay kt what ever did you fto to work for old d neb dan heb the meanest man in the co mtry if mine ii it f said pat why n lore aft hes the fornest oisyeot- goin ma iter ivor i had he give a man fiftenb urs to do a days work in the danger of overexertion a stalwart man becomes weaker than ft child and then becorars his former strength waterloo x quernr in these days of rowing giants and ath letic heroes fine physical developement is more observed than ever before since the tiiue of the athenian games a man who shows the elements of physical power is looked up to far more than in the days of our aucestors possibly because there are fewer sjjecimens of welldeveloped man hood than then an emissary of this paper met a magnificent specimen of physical power a few days since in the pereon of dr aw mcnames of waterloo his muscles which snowed unusual developement were as hard as wood at bis request tbe writer sought to pinch him in the arms or legs but found it wholly impossible a realiza tion of what is meant by an iron man was fully made manifest have yon always been so stalwart as this inquired the news gatherer not by any means was the reply when a young man i was always strong and active and felt that i could accomplish anything this feeling so took possession of me on one occesion that i attempted to lift a box which four men found it impost jible to move i succeeded in placing ifros the wagon but in two minutes from that time i was unconscious and remained so for hoursi aud wben i recovered conscious ness i vomited a large quantity of blood from that day i began to grow weak and sickly 1 believed that 1 had suffered from in tenia iu jury aud ctpenonecd a general debility which scenicd similar to the ef fects produced by malaria f my back was very weak i had no anjahitc and at times loathed food my lips were parched and- cracked my licad felt as though it were entirely open at the top and it pained me on the side intensely in six weeks time i had fallen awayfrom 208 pounds to less than 170 i was in a most wretched con dition i was completely discooragech what did the doctors say about you almost everything i consultodiio less than tax different physicians they all treated me and none did me any good at that time 1 was suffering in tensely i could not sit upright but was obliged to rest in a cramped uneasy position i was compcl- led to urinate every fivejninutes and i passed over three quarts every day i was not living i was existing one night how well 1 remember it my wife had put the children all in bed when the feeling came over me that i should live but a very short time my wife and i talked matters over and i gave the minutest directions as to what she should do after i was gone i was not in a flighty condition by any means for the doctor on leaving town the day following bade me good bye saying he never expected to see me again for i was suffering with blights disease of the kidneys in its last stages within the next few days more than twenty friends ame to bid me good bye- among the number was dr john b clark he asked me what i had used in the way of medi cines i told him he then recommended a remedy of which- 1 had heard so much but about which i was very skeptical if faith were an element of power it certainly was lacking in my case and so you did not try it on the contrary i did try it and to my surprise it seemed to go to just the spot indeed it was the most palatable thing i had taken into my mouth for months i relished it and did it cure you do i look as if it did yes indeed what was it warners safe cure a proprietary medicine of course what of that 1 supposed i once hod as great a prejudice against ad vertised medicines as any one could have when i was studying medicine at ann arbor michigan i used to vow with the rest of the class that we would fighfc all such remedies at all times when a rnanv comes down fo tbe last hour however anp bids his wife and friends good bye such bigoted prejudices as these all vanish 1 can assure yoa and any remedy that can cure is gudly welcomed and how have you been since then v as well or better than before do you still exert yonr strength certainly but i do not orerexert as formerly my strength is increasing every day and my health is number one i know that my life was saved by warners safe cure and tbclievo it is the best rbodioino that was ever compounded by any chemist or physician i am willing tho doctors should sneer at mo for such a statement if they chofso but i have proven its truth and am prepared to stand by it the above experience should be of great value to all who are suffering it shows the deceptive nature of this terrible mal ady that all symptoms are common to jt and that there is bat one way by which it can be absolutely avoided an incentive just given- my bqy daniel a farm up near middleton he remarked to a friend whom he met on the erie train the other ay is that so r weh yoa do the fair thing by yporloya yirtry to is daniel ambitious no- and that this only failing as an incentive for him to back in nd make the cnipei took- a mortgage back on tbe farm fortwothirds its volac daniel has got to fet up and hump or ill foy dn r vi-j- u- it v mm