Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 19, 1883, p. 2

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this 18 for you a hurga numbr of our subscrib ers haw wy promptly responded to our request to pay dp and these have bur beat thanks there are till however a great many who owe us small accounts which tn the ajjjrretate amount to hun dreds of dollar will these par ties kindly will or send amount named in the statement sent them at onoe and greatly oblute hpuoorb cumgfnelre8 property owing to tin htry nini tiw ttumm rivtr beoanm wolta and ootrd tin adjoining iwid j boom vrart lifted from their foaixutlon tad mpt wjr in the ragtag watei afen woama an4 chud reu wen taddeuly engaljihwl in urt totwot ud uthoagh evtry iffort jrtu md by tb citixent to mv life uzjfft number were drowned the tafferert hve the ty mptthy of all in thii great wdnmuy and robtcrip- tfon utta for the relief of thoee who loet their homea and elothing have beeu opeued and liberal tubacrlptibut are beiug received tutrimiay mownxs jrli 1 ibm an amendment to the soott aot not one person in halton wm willing to tuggest an amendment to the bcott act when anked to do so by the avxw bat there is an amendment much needed kot only the scott act but tlie crooks act ihouldb amended to provide that the illegal par- chaser of lienor as well as the illegal seller shall be fined such a law prevails hi england where it operation is most sl d tan- the crime or offence is a mutual one and the man who tempts the saloon keeper to violate the law is morally as guilty as the man who sells the liquor temperance people should insist upon this amendment being made to- both acts- hamilton tribune preserving our forests the report on the necessity of preserving and replautiug forests contpiled at the instance of the government of ontario ry hi r t fhipps toronto is one of more than ordinary interest the object of the government has been to circulate the in formation procurable in so popular a form as to ensure its being generally read and thereby to enlist the understanding and sympathies of all in the valuable work contemplated that of preserving such portions of forest as are necessary for our future supplies of timber and for that still more important result which the mainten ance of forests secures the great climatic and agricultural benefit derived from regu lar supplies of moisture whether in river spring or rainfall seldom is a government report upon a practical subject prepared in so interesting and readable a manner as the author has succeeded in making the one in question the endless tables of statistics usually presented in a work of this nature here give place to practical conclusions written in a style which shows that personal experience was not an absent feature with the gentle man whose duty it was to prepare the report the reckless destruction of the valuable timber resources of the country by the axe and fire are referred to by the author who draws largely upon his personal experi ences in the backwoods the effects of this disregard of future necessities and the requirements of the soil is seen on every hand in the drying np of streams and the very frequent periods of drought which prevail during most summers mr fhipps also describes the function of the forest in preserving and circulating moisture a very interesting feature of the work is a map of the province by counties showing the prop of wood land still remaining in each which explains very clearly the extent to which the work of destruction has proceeded in the older settled portions of this country the report is a valuable addition to the growing subject of forestry and should have widespread circulation we would gladly quote the most interest ing sections of the report but our limited space forbids it and a personal perusal of the whole work will be of more value to those interested than any condensed selec tions we might make -iiyb- rll iffffr 4 ajfrjtfrf tr t tmgptvw ivtet milt of bu halton election trial both the petition and grow petition withdrawn the contested election petition for the county of halton was fixed for monday last the hon judges patterson and ferguson arrived and tbe court was duly opeued at 030 a ra when there appeared as counsel for the petitioner mr david robertson mr 8 h blake q c toron to and mr john dewr of milton for the respondent mr wra kerns mr dal- ton mccarthy q c of toronto and mr wm laidlaw of hamilton mr blake stated to their lordships out in this instance there was a cross- petition as well as a petition the petition sought to disqualify the sitting member and tbe crosspetition aimed at disqualifying the- unsuccessiul candidate the petitioner had taken the opportunity of examining the respondent and the sitting member had responded by ex mining the petitioner the various charges that had been made had been carefully gone over and the con- elation that the counsel and solicitor for the petitioner had arrived at was that no charge could be brought directly bora to the respondent so far as the other charg- j 63 were concerned although it was alleged that twenty or lwenlynve cases could be proved they were isolated in some of them agency would be established and in others not the majority was as large as 140 and therefore the result of the trial of the petition would not affect the election on that being ascertained and the counsel and solicitor on the other side having arriv ed at the same conclusion it had beeu agreed by all parties subject- to any order that their lordships might make that the petition and crosspetition be dismissed each party paying their own costs mr mccarthy said that on behalf of tbe respondent he aoceeded to the proposition the crosspetition had simply been filled as a measure of sell defence and under the circumstances there was no object to be gained by prosecuting it his lordship judge patterson said that i tbe petitioner and respondent having come to that conclusion after examination of both he supposed it was now open for any elector to go on with either contest if be thought proper no one appearing inclined to shoulder either petition his xordship intimated that in consequence of what had just been stated the court had noted that no evidence having been offered in support of the petition or cross- petition both were dismissed with costs mr mccarthy requested their lordships to make an order to have the deposits re funded mr blake consented and the order was made the whole proceedings occupied less than twentv minutes mmikm kryalpe ft sto to- aart offcumla tte and xrnpttom to care thaw fl tb wood ernst 1 portfled and restored jto ijhmluijr ami na tural ooodlttoa atoi sataarajuixa has tor orw forty rears been reoofnlsed by etui- ant medloal authorities as tus most pow erful blood purifier in existenoeh frees the arstem from all fool unmon enriebes and straufthens the blood remorse all traces of mercurial treatment and proves luwlf a oomnutamikrterolallkrofuldlacahs a becent cure of scrofulous 8oir some mouths ago i ra troubled vmb erofulou sores uleers on mr lsp tbe umbswere badly swollen and inflamed nd tbe sores dwiarnd lam auautfiiss of offensive natter brenr remedy i tried falltd until 1 used aims 8am8aiahiua of vhkh i bars nov taken three bottles with tbt result that the sores are i if led ami my general health greailr improved x feel very fratefal for uio guud ur medteum has dose me tours respectfully mas ayxoliuia ms ssluraa bu hew york june 24 1 ty ati persons interested are iivitcd to call on mrs obiiant also upon the bet zf wilds of s east utti street new york city who will take pleasure in tefttlmag to the wonderful eflcacy of arers smrsmparilla not only in the cure of this lady i but in his own e and many others within his knowledge the wellknown writer os the boston lfrmld b w baia of itockater nu writes join t 1863 11 hsrtng suffered severely for some rran with eczenm and having failed to and relief from other remedies lure made tue during the past three months of atkrh bawura- which has effected campltie cmr i eomdder ft a magnificent remedy for nil blood o ayerssarsaparilla stimulates and regulates the action of tbe digestive and assimilative organs renews and strengthens the vital forces and speedily cures rheumatism neuralgia rheuma tic gout catarrh general debility mid all diseases arising from an impoverished or corrupted condition of the blood and a teak- ened vitality it is incomparably the cheapest blood siedi- dne on account of its concentrated strength and great power over disease phztasxd by drjcayercvcolow6imim sold by all druggists price 91 six bottles lorfi nnubablb hovksm t 1st ttre uf tbiim eotitmiliifljr tfaptti unemnt bram u u aotoo bitdtll audeuuon may ba ranted brpblrlai to v act 0 811 im pmdiuiii janaalf lostv i escaped from hi can over a wtek agoi inj tame yollow oanujr any paraon capturing it will confer a great rarer by ntaraing il to lie nodenigiud inllrai gift from a ilnoaaiwl ralitito m18s8klinavottden n otis tuo undenifraad baring giren op bail- nan in acton li doairoai of unrlng all ac count aottlad at once all mruat injebt- d will kindly oalt at tlie roawanc on main atraal oppoaita tbo prpabyterian cbarcb and pajr np james ooodalu aotoo july sod 1883 store and dwelling to let tbat comnradioui btora and dwollinj ocenpied by mcain w p brown 4 co on the corner of mill and willow alrceta ud lit the centre of 1 1 1 liiliim part of tbe town suitable for eilbur dry iaidi or ganerel tuire tlcre in iwlidiii nf an acre of land in sonncoiloo nilli tbe building food weill and cellar ntnre houae c for terma and particulara apply to c- 8 smith s ale8hkn waatkd business brevities some races about our business xea and houses of benefit to our general readers notes and comments the hot plains of egypt are again etadd- ed wfth hospital tents they are not the tented of the invading british hut pest bouses of the cholera there has also been another advance on alexandria and already two or three victims of the scourge have fallen there but it is likely the chofera will accomplish what arabia pasha could not do drive the british soldiers from egypt exgovernor st john of kansas the wellknown probioitioii leader wilf visit this country in september end address prohibi tion gatherings in hamilton st catharines and toronto he will receive a cordial reception peesonals- mr fred bryera oc toronto was in town over sunday airs a grant of quebec is visiting ber acton friends miss isabella graham of hamilton is visiting friends here hire jennie stewart of listow el is visit ing her acton friends hiss etta armstrong of toronto visited acton friends this week hra 6t hmnberstone of kewtonbrook is visiting acton friends mr john h uoore of gaelph visited acton friends on blonds y master will and miss may grant of to ronto are rusticating in acton mr r little tsl is at toronto en gaged in the work of the central commit tee miss lizzie snelling of gaelph spent several days dnring the week with acton i friends i bev t l wilkinson of waterford spent a few hoars with his friends here on monday j miss c lindsay of limehouse was the i gaest of mr b w hsslett several days j daring the week i mr john mebae of the firm of kelson a- mcrae sfent several days daring the week with friends inglenooe mr j c whidden of lincoln keb sr- rived here on 8atarday morning to spend s few weeks with friends in acton and i vicinitv eockwood news from our wentorrapondetd the annnal picnic of tbebabbatli school of the methodist church of canada was held ih tbe agricultural grormdslaat friday afternoon a very pleasant afternoon was spent by scholars teachers and parents mr w j fergnson at one time assistant teacher in eockwood academy paid his friends here a short visit daring the week he noticed many changes in his six years absence mr fergnson is now engaged in tbe law business at listowel the open and unprotected stave vat in mr barrys yard has had another victim the last time a cow was drowned now it is a calf belonging to mrs flatt she grand trunk bailway authorities batxtendedand relaid the platform at thedepot tbe hate boomze at chicago- 111 on wednesday july 11th clara k fourth daughter of mr w b boomer of pattersonville iowa and niece of mrs john speight of this village aged 21 years and 7 months- deceased had been taken to chicago by her parents for medical treatment and succumbed while there floods si london during the past week ihsaslrous floods have cceomsd at london west widen have raaolted in the jos of over twenty lives and the destruction u vwt anipoot of lid baby camagea going for 10 at mrs 8 a secorda lletnnants of black and white laces agent for steam dye works ilsklaa nlrsfrsirtsau aid care the symptoms are inoistnre likeperapir- stlon intense itching increased by scratch ing very distressing particularly at night seems u if pin- worms weraaawlingin and about tbe rectum the private parts are sometimes affected if allowed to continue very serious result may follow 8wat5zti oitraevr is s pleasant tore cure alto for tetter itch salt bbeum all scaly crusty skin diseases sent by null for so cents 8 boies 125 in stamps ad- drsu db 8 wayne son philadelphia fa soldby draggiita 50 dr canons stomach bitter free the aystem of the poisodou hnmoun that develop into kidney and urinary disease jgire tone aud vigor to the stomach and purify the blood 1 hals from 75 ceuta to i50 at j fyfs if oa want a noli durable and cheap salt j kyles is tlie pbc to go scotch eavlith aud ciiudjiu saitioa in qret variety at the ttt eqd clothioe stote j fyff acton salts atid overcoats at citicrocly low- rates and made in latest styles he sore to call and see them j rvfe acton mcquillan i hamilton of the welling ton marble works guclph ont arc doing the largest reuil iiarble trade in ont ow ing to the tact that they du the licat work and hell the ehcapcil the public arc warn ed aaitut dealing with second hand trade peddlers but should cu direct to the firm or bay frora their agents see that the name mcqnillan hamilton is on tbe printed form ixfore vou sign or order with pure mood contagiosa fevers and other diseases have no hold en the system dr cnrsous stomach bitters render the blood pare and coot for sale by all drug gists lirge bottles 50 cenla 1 in the history of medicine no prtparatiou has received sach universal commendation for the alleviation it affords and tbe per mancnt cure it effects in kidney diseases as db vav bratxs kiuxzt ctki its ac tion la these distressing complaints is aim ply wonderful- bold by j e mcgarvin we have a speedy and positive cure for catarrh diphtheria canker and head ache in shilohv catarrh remedy a nasal injector free with each bottle use it if you desjre health and sweet breath price 50 cents s id by j e mcgarvin ko household should be considered com plete oithoat a bottle of da xis brnzvs kidkev cure is in the closet it is the only remedy that will positively perman enlly aud promptly cure all forms ohkidney disease sold by j k mcgarvlu why should a man wliose ulootf is warm within sit like bis crandsire cut in alabasler or let his hair erov rusty scant and tbin when cingalese renewer will mske it grow the faster for sale by j e mcgsrvin dr carsons stomach bitters remove consumption reheyedouiness dispel sick headache abolish bilioasaess and regulate the stomach liver and bowels 1 j s wetherell writing from winnipeg says i can say more about puosphjitiik now than when i saw you last in toronto my health ia much improved and i am free from headaches or any otner acbea having only used two and a half bottles of your phosphatine for sale by all drugsjats jow that there is a reliable remedy for kidney troubles half the terrors attached to tbfse complaints have been removed for this let all be thankful and to tin vis bcrkxs kiusrv cvf award all praise for having thus removed a hitherto considered fatal disease from cur path it was never known to fail sold by j e mcgarviil tn begin work at once on sales for pall 1883 for the foothill nurseries tbe largest in cauda mokbis stoxk wil- uxotox proprietors we can start in ad dition to onr already large force 100 addt- noxal tixvaaskkt and wnnt men who can give full time to the business steady em ployment and good salaries to successful men it dnvs not matte what your prev ious occapatinu has been if you are willing to work j our success is almost certain tbe best of references reqmred apply en closing photo if possible j to 8t0xk tvkllington nurserymen toronto ous qooo cords hemlock bark wanted the subscribers will pay ffyve dollars and fifty cents rer cord for all prime quality hemlock bark delivered at tbe tannery at acton before november lat 1s88 bark must lie bright on flesh flat sod fall four feet long curled or damaged bark only received at a proportionate re duction any other information will gladly be famished upon application at tbe tannery to onr mr willson beardmoretco acton may 9th 1883 shiloha uatwrh betnedjr a marvellous cure for catarrh diphtheria canker mouth and headache witb each bottle there is an ingenious nasal iujectnr for the more successful treatment of these complaints without extra charge price 50 cents sold by j e mcgarvin a oard to all who are suffering from tbe errors and indiscretions of youth nerrons weak ness early decay toss of manhood etc i will send a recipe that will cure yon rain oi chaboe this great remedy was dii covered by a missionary in south america 8end a uusnnuaed envlope to the rv jostth t lmi8lahonfijei forkoh auklraa tnsleaaalve the greatest medical wonder of the world warranted to speedily care burns braises cats tjloers salt bhetun fevar bona coneera pijea chilblains coma tetter chapped hands and all akin emn tionj gusranleed to core in every lajlanee r money refnnded 28 couu per boii for sale by j e mcgarvin 46 try it the fllee press frosi now till januakv 1st issv for oklv 40 cents try it the free press fr01ix0wtill january 18t 1884 for okly 40 cents enlargement i of prbmijes ori i of previous tj makiug alio will offer tbo balance stock at cost and uncjer below are a few oil the leading lines aud prices tiojis i 1 my is lbs ibright for i 13 lbs eitrabfiglit sugar for 11 lbs pulverized for 100 ffas sugar si ugar 5 his splendid tea tor si halmsatflon em jars 91 doien qnart uem jan 180 a pint gem jan sloo a 40 per dozen dozen remember tbat the baluilce of clothing akd fancy goods must also be cleared oat ai once and the whole of tbepe hues will be oflerwl at prices to astonish yon this will be the last chat ce yon will have this season to eei goods at your own prices as allniustbe cleared out previous to making alterations f deit acton jaly 18th 1883 cheae13t qnabr crifein sell8 t i 15 pounds of good sugatfi dry a8 powder 6 pow for 100 ash a mens scotch tweed canadian tweed pants for 200 readymade coats for 225 worth 500 4 r ladies and gentlemens fancy l straw hats for 15c and 20c worth 100 each m dh itrs try it the free press from now till january 1st 1884 ft only 40 cents oh what a ooosh 1 will vou heed tbe warring the signal perhaps of the sure approach of that moat terrible disease consumption ask year selves i you can afford for the sake of savin 59 oents to ran the risk and do nothing for it we know from experience that shiloha care will cora your coogu it never fails this e plains why more than a milllonbot- tlmwere ibid the past year it ralures croup and ivboopinc cpsib at pnoe mothers do not be withoot it for lame buk side ortbeat use ghjlohi fonni plaster sold by j e mooarvin est aa1 tasfrt s ike atmaterlaf browns honaehald panacea has no equal for rvlievinir pain botii internal and external it cum pain in itho side baek and bowels son throat rheumatism toothache lumbago and any kind of a paln or aclie it will moat rarest qalcfcen the blood and heat as its acting mww is wonderful brcwnshonaetiow vmm brfng ajtowfedjili tkerett wtt believer and of dbnnlej tio tamtji atwoldlneio ewianhaansjrfor mijjyaii it really is aafrtert urandaali klvda graduated willi hon mccoll bros lardine and other machine 6il8 having passed the most ritical examinations hy con potent judges bits been awardei gold and silver medals dij lomas at all exhibitions mccoll bros toronu flour emv store the undersigned has purchased t te floor and feed business from mr robert elliott and will carry ou the business in tb 3 build inn formerly used as a barber shop oppos ite tbe old feed 3tore i will keep in stock snd aell for cj sh flour boiler floor oranlatd wheat oraoked graham flour baokwheat oatmeal corn meal bran shorts chopped oats chopped barley peas ieed brej chopped chicken oats peafc barley oil cake thorley feed climax flaxseetj fotatoes turnips beans b o garden field and flower 3eeds fresh and rood for sale ol eap vw rtroitaxe respef tally mueued cash fr oil kinds rcnjlb l 0- matthews tare always ua thai it for eoano a to in ereaae tbetr earnlni i and in uaabecpmewetjtt rtuibae thtr opnortor idea want manjp a in wcv o wor n as uaenj on oar uwiratsiti i he vast- tnan ten tlmaa itunanr mbm out battle fsed these are facts that cannot be jarred v remember at tlie halton dry goods house no more long sittings we are making all kinds of photographs in from one to five seconds by the new prosess dry plates in all kinds of weatfier do not wait for sunshine but come right along a good line of frames and mouldings on hand selling cheap cw hill the mammoth house ceorcetown beg leave to intimate that they aye daily m repeipt of new fresh 8pring i3oodg inolndinft hiiunenr mauties readymade clothing tweeds gents furnishinw hate fcf caps uosiery and small wares in fact everything tfiat ctansfitr- a firetelass stock we have exercised ourselves to onr utmost cpw and made use of our long experience and large kwnniometel stock for prices variety and qualify that wiu surpass mytnpwj attempted m this county we can assure the public that weill sell them goods at lower prices than tunallerconecrtiabivelofl for them our stock is large and varied and we malk addlttonijf the newest and oheapestoootsto be found m the markets i tifcl world we call special attention to bur millinery we get the iaiw est and most fashionable material and we keep lightning lands rior style our dressmakjug denartinel maruueaux cashmeres a fpm a mffgnmnt ament darkoolors hyelyjpatterna and wis bordersv afifttislifik c a yard tickings domesfie qoc ohsmiiiie8 ades and djlsiaisrill ivfer yarf thaw liiswp gray wf whrte ajinitt phw four bricfot ffi tv npbwfcitje one fw the larooucet- 9p vgounp6tot iffi guntee i meejtand i got up 0i ntagu1sfjirol that will compare withmvgartthonre for bise quality ad 8oinofltoekpfflo6jiattlie7a meriiinucorti i

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