Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 19, 1883, p. 3

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tabls vi llag e1ariet1 e8 4 fllrriw r trl rn ami rr antlers t prcl il interest i ear vlua r rrarrs orand trunk railway hxo wr i tmsa kt kxnrrss uujt aoi kxm im a111 liim kirn jm hthd- au aa haximaili ju m h3s lmi new t the time it may be iiitorpitiiy to om to know uiit thit is the best ttmnto slip planti for winter jloomiiu also that grasses lor lull w drviiir aud crvrtnlixiuj aud form for kciil 0jvm 7 i rn pjm rt t uxo am ami puij should 1 gathered now alwxtun man think he lias found mire pivvciiualivo fortuuitruke by plftciim strip ot mic between the head tuid uig hathuiuti mica being nearly impervious to heau uo has patented mi invention that tjnroienums cow bylaw fcrnr or five of our citiwiib imve boon called before the hecvo litis week fur in fraction of lite cow lydiw our village council ih determined to strictly enforce the bylaw and constable ilemstrect will ott8utfutmomur uiarntaj tiukoohvuhuu moiu v4u aju totcx ka wv 0111 tint axd un knwi miicjoc tvt i atu on krituy jrfcm sjfrw tarssiur moavnti jrur 19 funs tat ceo hynds tea spoons table spoons knives and forks at goo hynds watches clocks k u violalen hi prompt personal at jesfldrv a laive stock- spectacles from 35 tcntiou ctsttw wedding aud birthday presents i qf pur pipes toctot kuives comb hair 0f r ue public brushes school books note paper and lu iacnce of the tcriom deuutiou eowlopes pens and ink call in and see to lsnger traitimjsiiscd by the trwiior ray large stock ihjo hynds jewellery 4- ulion of hcavv bnac it hnk been decided faocr goods store actou out- i l on and after scplemlvr 1st uo filmic piece of baaae weiliinj over ito pounds will be accepted for transportation in the one lottery nlpptd in uwbud tho onelph open hone lottery hka been abandoned the promoters sent word i a few days ago to a large toronto firm to whom they had given all their work to cancel all their orders for printing their printing bill will amount to several hon ored dollars aa they went into the thing very elaborately the other preliminary expenses m quite a large bill and tho promoters do not liko hie idea of having to foot them hut the whole thing is now completely kilted sifcljul alt mpk vial pbuceh ajon osab for best dossil 8w4de turnips 00 cash for best dosen mangels raised from need purchaaod nt- j b mograbvinb dra and huiuarrr here attn thssiirlsesarfl oien for eomiwutlon to all rusident fsrniersln rsquesliir nssssa- weys krlii and kramou tjis m bts of brevity ou aa4 tfcrrwtw prrarr hr he a r uf v icmr rr rvatirrt af the ftt hwi jumbo jokes are plentiful i drink sparingly of ice water haytyoa had your liohday yet the raltrr dc dai have arrived new potatoes are the latest luxury cheap excursions are now very at tractive depart strawberries enter raspberries currants vc rgaaary lost- see particular in an other column the improvements at the puuic school are progressing the shooting of woodcock h not icil till the 1st of august- the contiiiued wrt weather has been very unfavorable for haying actoas cricketers are dot very jubi lant just now practice boys m barnge cars or checked for that purposely thcgt rco teiejiers examinations in uie list of successful candidates at the late professional examination held at the toronto normal school we are pleased to observe the names of the following haltou teachers mr richard h watwn zim merman lii jkuci llvstedo milton hiss auuic gautou oakville iiss ida ilortou georelovni sdasorxable adrioe now that hot weather u here in euruet take the shady side of the street o jaw e- lightly bkip alcholic drinks dout worn hang on to your tenier it is not the weather that heats the blood half o modi as tlic fuel wet aud drv that a man pots n5o hiu etotnach or the exercise he gives his bod and miud ijand severely injured ilr tarnea a matthews of orange vi he formerly of this village met with asenoas a train of 500 immignuits 1 uccident last week while working with one through acton to haoitob on monday of michuesill mdjouaidv plaiuiig tbe jaerrwry claims that nearly 20000 hcuxy bv wbich thc rf people attended bwnurns shew in gaeiph j hind hl uwrtted rh raedicai last veek the canadian house leased by the tem perance people of oakville has proved a great succ the brickwork of mr thomas c moores new dwelling on maiustreet is almost completed harsh counsels have no effect they are uke hammers which ate always re pulsed by the anvil orangeville has granted a bonunof 66- 000 to stephenson dc graham ui eatablish a woollen mill there an exchange sadly wonders that no one asks whether a man may marry his deceased wifes moiher a little sou of mr anthony ion of oakville fell from a baby carriage last week and badly fractured ms arm it is the little bits ov things that fret and worry us 6id josh bqlingb we keu dodge an elephant bat we kant a fly men say that he will uot lobe any of the fingers bat it wriil be tome time before uc is able to resume work tonsofii- the general rain fall throughout ontario j daring the month of june averaged i iuohes being the greatest in any june with j four exceptions for the last fortytwo years inasmuch as a square foot of water five inches deep will treigh about so lbs reckou- ing j3000 square feet to thc acre the weight of the rainfall in june on each acre would le about g 17 tons goredbya buil on thursday last mr john kenned farmer residiu near seysdc was at- trfcd by an infuriated ball and severely injured- when taken up it vvas thought he had sustained fatal injuries but upon examination it was found that althoagb badly bruised only one rib had been broken and was pressing upon the lung we trust mxc s smith offers to rent that com- j j kenned s recovery vrz be rapid modibus store and dwelling now occupied i joariialistic presentation by 3ressrsw p brown co see adv i g w j city editor of inanother column- guelph ilcrak and who has heen em- mr harry hunt of berlin formerly qpoq tmt journal for the part eight agent of the gt jl here is to be removed j year aboat t0 fierer connections election of offloaxs the following bretiren have been elected to fill tho elective offices of acton lodge i 1 0 0 1 for the current term bro h lowry ng j k mcganin vg dau v lawbou us r craino ph l a h brown troan r e nelson jpg ii p moore representative to the grand lodge which moetn in ottawa during thc second week in augmtt the church social season the prescut season is erj fruitful iu u i matter ot wxrial entertain men ts there be- ing one or more far even week the straw berry social given in thc town hall last wednesday evening by the ladies aid society of the church waa de cided success the attendance was good thc refreshment all that could be desired aud thc programme a most interesting one the piano duetu of misses haslett and swan were deserving of the merit received 1 the singing of the choir and glee club was much enjoyed the recitations of miss ella linctvwere awarded uie highest euconiums j of praise and wiuld surpass the rendi- i tiatis of miuy elocutionist of greater pretentious miss maggie nicklin ren dered a vocal solo m an admirable manner receiving the unanimous applause of thc j audience miss lottie speight gave an excel lent reading and messrs hill and xiebel witli violin and guitar played a number of fcpleudid duett thc evening was very- pleasantly and sociably hpent- on tuesday ceuiiig of uiis week a lawn social was held at the presbyterian manse in aid of the sabbath school library fund and was very largely attended the place wis illuminated with a profusion of chinese lanterns aud the weather being very favor able the often air entertainment was most j enjoyable an abundance of good things in the shae of strawberries ico cream cakes etc were provided the spacious lawn was arranged for all manner of game and everything wai famished to make the evening pass pleasantly oar exoeueut comet baud furnished an ample supply of their much appreciated music during the evening assisting greatly iu the enjoyment of those present the contest in archer and the crowning of thc victorious lady miss ella davis by the nearest gentle- man competitor mr torrance of guelph daring the rendition of the quepn by tlic band was an interesting ceremony mis ella ervens commanded the rapt at- tention of the gathering in a lengthy recita tion given in her usual good style thc proceeds of the evening were very satisfac tory and everything passed off hannoni- oasly all kinds of garden field and flower -seeds- good fresh and reliable at j e mcgarvins drua stationery store ctoosr summer announcement glasgow house nelson 3c mcrae arctic ice cream farlor erxtxt dbfot a e matthews having pureliiised he business latel- ciirried on liv mr l g mnttliewk in the post office building aiid remodelled the es tablishment is now prepared to supply the public with arctic ice cream delicious soda water different flavor icecold lemonade fresh ripe fruits best brands cigars andeveiythingpertainingtothe line of firstclass quality zc ciam stipjusi in aar qnmtitr as i inuodnyioo tuy pononal aucution tu thc busiocis castaratrs can relv upon hiving the orders carefully filled a fit wlicitcd a e matthews new arniture store to aa important ixisition in the companys service at montreah the town bell has been raised aboat twenty inches and a decided improvement in its sound is now noticeable the tone be- ing more clear and distinct mr john matthews narrowly escaped serious injury the other day by a heavy piece of freight falling upon his leg he was very lame for several days mr f- deitch announces that previous i to mitring alterations in the premises he will offer his stock at very low prices sep i tbe notations in another eoitnmi- every summer sees the price of meat higher than the proceeding one this is causerl no doubt by the iacteased4emand j for canadian beef in great britain the provincial exhibition will be held j with the paper was on saturday evening made the recipient of a handsome dressing case by the employees as a small token of tbe bespect and esteem in which he was held by ihem george was always a favorite with the boy he has accepted a position oa the datly mirranj staff entrance examination creditably passed v7e are pleaded to learn that morley ydongest son of hev w uryers pastor of the methodist church here has succeeded in pasing the high scliool entrance ex amination at fergus very creditably iiav- ing received a large percentage of marks in excess of what was retruired for tnis successful rescit credit is no doubt due to perseverance inliis studies and also to the careful tuition of his teacher mr thos t moore principal of the public ecbbol here at guelph sept u to 6ept- 9 inclusive andtliegcrpieoftherovalcitvare mr tbos smytli and familv left on making everv preparation for the event p r r ilondav for their new jiome in penetaugui- durmg the passage of the southern g where has a good sitqa belle from oakville on friday night a man j uoa esublishment of mr z a hall bad jiis leg broken by falling from the formeri of acton at the iast regnhu- paddebox he is in the hospital at to- mee acton lodge l oo f mr ronto i smjth was presented on beiialf of tlic tbe weeuv health bulletin gives the r witb a beaatifullv engraved certifi- follotrmgas the six most prevalent diseases i o mein handsomely framed during the past week aiiarmia diarrfacna g umilv ieave acton u thc wanv xeuralgia heart disease bronchitis con- klad wisheg o their fn f f nr com- sumption iatt and prosperity a young man named joseph gilfoy namm eacapg was accidentally shot in guelph on mon- jjg g cjickct friday an- day by a companion t is said that up j iccidentwhich might have been attended wfds of thirty shots peaefrated his body1 verv serious results took place a nearly all of which have been txtracted ball had been knocked by one of the korval the united states courts have just de- batsmen near the carriage of otie of thespec- cided that a bicycle is a carriage it has j tators mr w williams ran for the ball been stated elsewhere that a bicycle is a and when in the act of stooping for it the big wheel with a crank in the centre and i horse attached to the carriage sprang upon jwfcber on top ithe courts decision is the him with bisfore feet drawing him under most generous j itself mr williams with commendable a libera supply of plint has very presence of mind crawled from under the much improved the appearance of mrs j h oa hie iands ftnd knees thas n jaines bells residence on church irtreel bim r 8erioa8 u uot fato1 i mr robert iiovces premises on main as it was jiis arm w coosiierably bruised street also preset a better appearance as ftnd be iocapaciated for work for a day or two anewiial an american railway company haiissu- cricket match- the first match of the season was played on the grounds of acton cricket club last friday korval and acton clubs being the contestants the game was a very inter esting one but the playing proved con clusively that the korval boys were super ior as far as cricket is concerned to our own- this is uo doubt due to their length experience and practice of the noble game but we hope that our boys will in the near future be able io cope more successfully with their korval friends our club is de ficient m bowling and a couple of round- arm bowlers are uecessary to success the following is the score actos ikt ixxlvtik w cking cgollop b brown 1 j e mcganiu run out 1 t t- moore uot out 10 geo hynds c gollop b brown 1 1 a e kicklin c mcandrew b brown 0 a e- matthews c cunningham b brown 0 hpmoore b brown j fyfe b brown c w hill b frj- james butler b frj- m williams b fry extra charles h h el m bach has decided to engage irithe furniture business t iv actov and will opeu out on thursday litli instia j the store below the oddfellows hall oo i main street a complete new stock of furniture of all kinds i and lhe citizens of acton and surrounding omntry will herearwrbe able to purchase anything ther want at home instead of go ing c guelph or georgetown total korvl iat inmvqs james brown b moore 17 w g fry c mcgarvin b moore 1 john pexton b moore 0 g gallop b moore a i i j hewson b moore 3 thos moore b mcgarvin i e gollop c fyfe bmoore 5 j cunningham c hill b mcgarvin 0 j harper b mcgarvin i j mcmaster b mcgarvin 2 g mcaudiew not out 0 extra 1 being n practical furniture tinisber i will finish all furniture myself and consequent ly be iu a position to give better satisfaction and more reasonable prices than other retail dealers secondhand furniture rcfiuushediu good style and rdcss left at the shop will be promptly attended to a call solicited we will gladly show you anything we have whetticr you buy or uot charles h ueimfracb uton july 3rd issj hills tin stove oepot a result of the paiptgrs iiiu sr panl jaryiwill please accept our thanks ior a very neat and taatef oily ar- rawi kl edit tune tahlc3 with- tlic hanrs- ruaulin ranged touqoet of roses and other fragrant v fl to tweutvfoor instead of the qsual con- 1l zrj m am and pus 12msand 12 p the utaita of riy all pasrsby u oh their way to or fijom the g t r depot follow the example of this one and the by the- reports in oar exchanges it j pnbhecan have their clocks fixed to salt eetns as a a gang of traridars were- work- j rimpl bv patting the extension of tho uwjhrongh the province it is to be j in a ast iniliie aose on a hoped that they trill be caoght and punish- ivx tlui- exterior number will then be edto the full penalty of the law goelphj consulted np to twelve oclock noon and his been vfiited several times durinf the the interior ones far the remainder of the pxst sreek or so but without success duringlhe thunderstorm on sunday jabrninghe barn of johnson goldidg brampton was strojek by lightaslng and fawuned together with the eonteats including three horses a quantity of wheat and oau reaping mariiiw and ettor farm day although no worse in fact it wifl yet seem more dreadful to come iu at twenty three oclock than at eleven and if the asual lecture upon the subject is to be mag nified proportionately hr caudle will be content to have the extrav figures painted upon bis pocket qbrondnjetrajicf fefqse foiavi the face of tlio family clock dis figured total a attok 2xu ikxixqk t t moore cgollqp b browu ii c king b fry 1 j e mcgarvin b brown 8 geo hynds c fry b bown 1 a e nickiin b pexton i a e itatthewbhbwn 1 h p moore c lcandraw 8wffl 0 ffe c hewson b brown 3 cwhill bpoxtou 0 jas butler uot out 0 w williams b brown 0 extras 3 total 27 nouvil 2xi ixxixiis g gollop not ont 11 j pexton b mcgarvin 0 j hewson b moore 0 total u thus norval won the match by nine wicket and one run c stbmirautioi nyt 9ssts tie npryaf teyji wjto the ss0 jrain for home exnreastng themselves very muoh pleased with tieir reception and treatment at the hands of the acton cricketers good assohtm ent on stoves cheap for gash tikwaee of- all- kinds at bottom prices eayetroughing a specialty a1 ppt up on shortest notice first class material only used aoallsolicitkd j o hill mill st it an lan barber shop has ouega fltfct woftiihjeiiae atflytepupied by llr porster at a medieal qfrce and soltollsartareof lis istroni of shis vwnlty rerr df liartment of lhuluex will be omduotiain 1irm0ass trie gireusaeslj 1 jp wobde5 jsu s3rd 1883 wanted tomers to kksiovf w p brown cos lirlik stotk of groceries gasswaee chinaware and crockery sellirjg cheaper thai tbe cheapest for one month goods must co out come and get them while the offer is open w p brown go dominion boot shoe store main st acton kenney bros having purchased the stock and bosiness of keoney sou midnfoctnrert and dealers ta boots and shoes of all kinds in the same premises nnd sullcita continuance of the patronage ac- oorded to the late hrm we will always be supptird with good stockjind fifitclass material for ordered work and can guarantee satisfaction r a call solicited ee5ivevbk0s acton july 10 83 we wfiuld respectfullycail attention to our large and com pete stock of goods for the summer trade every department is replete with all the noveltiesf the season dress goods department in this department we nre show ing splendid value in jjiack ami ooloreil oashiuerea plaiu aud ohccknnug veilings wool bunt ings aud all the leading goods for summer wear we claim to have the best value in the comity in 50 ceut bine black cos imeres the immense quantity wo dispose of iu this line of goods is a sufficient guarantee of their excellence we arc showing a magnificent line of muslins and a krtce and select stock of prints and cretonne goods our millinery department in this department will be found all thc leading styles of ladies and misses hats bonnets c in 8traw goods tape leghorn c and a choice selectiou of flowers feathers and everything usu ally kept in a firstclass house this department is under the ojanagemeut of firstclass milliners and parties can rely on receiving perfect satisfaction before placing jour orders be sure and examine oar stock of millinery goods 1 qrdered clothing we are now showing a splendid stock ot tweeds in all the leading styles a so full lines of bine serges aud ssplendidrange of trons- erings we are also showing a complete rangelof worsteds in diagonial check and corkscrew patterns ab this depart- men j is nnder oar own personal supervision parties can rely on getting perfect satisfaction from the fact that our goods ari bought at the lowest cash price and we employnone but experienced hands in the manufacture of our cloth- ng we also give a fashionable and perfect fit every time and at prices to suit everybody call and inspect our stock of tweeds gents furnishings we are 8 al iiowiug full lines of gents white aud colored shirts am o full lilies in felt and straw hats collars cuffs ties braces kc inendless variety this de all liil pnjrtmeut will always be found complete and good values in les pf cottonades shirtings hollands towellings and all goods pertaining to the department rfcrgirv- harnes truhk binrreii beocmko urnprsa rs- harnb88 or rtai3 to save money siimld goto j j6i j vgrgi n- staple department boots and shoes in this department we are showing a 1 value in all lines as we carry f mmenee stock to select from we have sizes to fit everybody we give 5 per cent off toany person who buys 5 pairs upwards tn every idepartment of our business our ainmsto place be fore ot r customers the best goods at tb lowest possible prlcest and as our business i is constantly inoreaslhgh is a guaran tee that our efforts are appreciated we itops by strict t ttentlon to business aritt fafr xjeahngi to merit a coiitnf anoe iat thepubllc patronrige we are yours ftc mqi iupdi ismm

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