Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 19, 1883, p. 4

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iiiq ttm4smrw tacaawt uorntvu jrt 10 188s pu u i l young folks bxaikkina again wbeo toawtimw our fe4 ptw on tin raajnd hills x 1uv- tb path ttrctchlne ions and dreary with tril and labor rite v panto oo the toluomo journey glancing baciimrd in vauey ind glen and tifih tith infinite lootw to rotnr and begin again for behind u the dew of the morning in all tti trcahncss and light and before an doubts and ahadon and chill and glooui of the night we remember the tunny ilacea we pasted to carelessly then aud aak with a pauuionite longing to return and begin atyaiu mi tain indeed uthc asking lttfe dntlet press all of u oo aud wteo dare abrink from the labor oriighfortbesnualiincuitu pone and it way be no at oa before us j wait fairer places tbsu then 1 jfes path may wt kd by still ft alert tbough v may cot begin again ior cferuiorc upward and ouvud be oar rathi on the hill ot life and woo xitb a radiant dawning tranangurc the toil and the strife and onr fathers hand will lead at tendtaly ninrard then in the joy and peace of a fairer world hell lot a begin again wit and humor the lather of an irish student eeeinj his ton act stupidly why sirrah says lie did you ever see me do so when i vras a boy r an irishman riding to market with a sack of potatoes before him discovered that his horde was getting tired whereupon he dismounted pot the potatoes on his bouldersand again mounted saying it was better thas he should earn the praties as he was fresher than the poor baste dennis my boy said a bchpolmaster to his hibernian pupil i f car i shall make nothing of you youve no applica tion an sore enough sir said the quickwitted lad isnt it meseli thats al ways been toold there is no occasion for it 3 dont i see even day in the newspapers that kolrish need apply at all at all f i k altogether j i have made it a rale through life he j said at the luich table the other day to a man at his left never to meddle with an other mans busidess thats right perfectly right was the reply but i see you have a new confidential clerk yes sir yes hes a hardlooking case ive seen fij drunk a dozen times and i wouldnt trust him ont of my sight with a uickle took him in out of charity eh v well not altogether you know he happens to be my oldest son i then there xiras a period of silence so painful thatboth wished omc one would yell fire i ta break it aycrs sarsprilla is the most effective bipod purifier ever devised it is recom mended by tue best physicians without content we shall find it almost jls difficalt to please others as ourselves hysteria dizziness fits or falling sick ness insanity diseased brainand t-afctb- ied mind cuied by dr e c werts nerve and brain treatment sold at j l mc- sarriaa drug store acton ko man ever offendedhis own conscience but first or last it was revenged upon him for it mr j e seymonr druggist bc cath arines writes that be finds an eya-increas- ing sale for burdock blood bitters and adds thai be can without hesitancy recom mend if buidock blood bitters is the grand specific for all diseases of the blood liver and kidneys i have lived to know that the secret of happiness is never to allow yoor energies to stagnate the onickeat tniiifi on record is kraras fluid lightnine for neuralgia headache toothache etc it does not blister or discolor the ikin require but one application to banish all pain magically withoat using any greasy liniment or carv ing yoor head in a poultice for weeks try a twentrnrc cent battle from j e- mc- gamn druggist 46 we should look at the lives of all as at a mirroc and take from others an example for oarselves mrgeorgetoien druggist gravenhurst ont writes my customers who bare used xorthrop fc lymans vegetable discovery and dyspeptic cure say that i has done hem more good than anything ihet bare ever used it has indeed a wonderful influence la narifying the blood and curing diseases of the digestive organs the liver kidneys and all disorders of system the future of society is in the hands of the mothers h the world was lost through woman she aloue can save it g w siiiigay parkdale toronto writes my wife had several verj severe sttaclu of cramps in the atonuch hearing of da arjsnsu fdoviiatixe and vu plcaaaotness to fake i gave her two bottle add she lua not had iu attack ince and her health is mach improved for sale by all druggist vicious habits are so odious and degrad ing that they transform the individual who practices them into an incarnate demon sever sire vp if y are fullering with low and depre- ed spirits tost of appetite general debility dieordered blood waak conititution head- ache or any diseaae of a biliou nature by all means procure a bottle of electric bitters you will be surpriaed to see the rapid improvement that will follow you will be inspired with new lite strength and activity will return pain and misery will ceaw and henceforth you will rejoice i in uw praise of electric bitten sold at fftyceauabottiebyj e mcgarvin neither borfowor nor ft louder bo torloan oft loe both tmtad ttljbd aud borrowing flulli thbodbfwteary agrealdlmvery thai ii daily bringing joy to uio homffi of lhuuundsby saving many ol their dear ooet from an early grave trudy i or kings sow discovery for consumption cough colds asthma brodcoitia hay fever of voice tickliug in uio throat pain hi side and chest or any disiase of the tliroal and lupa a positive cure guaranteed trial boulea froo at mc garvina drag store large size 100 aukfiruliurfnir tboflneav healing compound under the sun is mcgregor 4 parkes carbolic cerolc there ii oo aore but will auccurab to ita wonderful bcallug properties it is an invaluable dressing for scalds festerings i etc prion iwculysro ceuts at j e mcgarvina drug sioro 46 halls vegetable sicilian hair rcaewcr never faiu in rcrtioring gray hair to its youthful color lasire and vitality dr a a hayes itate assayer of mnssnehubctu tuidorvc il aodall who five la fair trial uuilo iu grateful testimony to its many virtuis a crow nine here- fa the corned utkquallcd by any remedy iu the wotu prrsaus paixlc coiv extkactou the new remedy far corns xcver fails to cure never produces pain neyei makes deep cavities iu the flesh a aure prompt and painless remedy for corns sold by drug gists everywhere dont fail to try it k c folsok co kineaton proprietors d suuivan slalcolm onlario writes i have been aclling dr thomas eclectiic oil for some years and have no hesitation iu saying that il has given better satisfaction than any other medicine i have ever sold 1 consider it the only patent medicino that cares more thin it is recommended lo cure unprincipled persons art selling imitations of dr thomas eclectric oil do not be deceived plmplcvnd blefehe call at j e vfngaxvins drug store for apackage of mcgregor fc parkti carbolic cemtc it is composed of vaseline car bolic acid and cerate and has never failed to remove pimples blotches ulcerated sores boach skin il cures when all others fail try it perfcoos of weakly coustiluuon derive from northrop lyman a emulsion of cod liver oil and nypophopuits of lime and soda a degree of vigor obtainable fmm no other source and it has proved itself a most efficient protection to those troubled with a hereditary tendency to consumption ilr bird druggist of west port says knct a man whose case was conridered hopeless and by the use of iniee botdes af this emulsion his weight was increased twenty pounds ifimoiccif oifrtcu aud vdu riheatna- tiam and rheumatic gout are the most dreaded of audiseases because their victiuu know that ihey are safe at no season and at no ago sure uolloways ointment after fomentaiioa of the ptrinfal partf fircs greater relief than any otker application but il met be diligeutlv used to cbtjiu ihi dtirable neult it has leen highly cnn mended by rhlurnatic subjects if all cs and of boh ides for rendering iheir ittrck leas frcncrt and lfes vigorous and for repressing the sour pcrtpintipm acd tooth ing the nerves in manyciscs hallo ways omtmeut and pills have priived the greatest blessing in removing rheamiiism aod rheumatic gaol wbichhad trailed pcrciis previously and at the prime of life 1 i shhoiis consumption gure tbja is be v ond queetiou the moat sdects- f at cough medicine wc haveever sold a few doses invanbly cures the worst cases of cough croup and bronchitis while its wonderful a access in the cure of consump tion is without a parallel in the his ton of medicine since its first discovery it has been sold on guarantee a test which no other medicine can land if you have a cougu we earnestly ast you to try it price 10 cents socenu and 100 if your luugs arc sore cheat or back lame use shiloha poroa piaster sold by j e jfcoanin j every laim mp know allf about it that there is gotog oo at iho iiighl uotiae tho 1 uoncadi nudthat tt visit lo thli utabllihmvnt wll 106j fable iinena it 83c worth 871c tiible 1 63o for half doko a maknlflooal oaaortmont o torn remember tho talilo llncna and towcla mill jlrico when bought by lie piece yard widocouun tiukiugwu jvv u iii vw iiiv ix rvnkwtti low prices nice at 10c wtdl worth file boo iho lot of bhirtlnn ihcy re very heavy and will gin good jew the parasol urartmnl is in the ront- f ltli iw pneu n satin pamela formerly a reduced to 1100 the 1 praiola are reduced is lsi the i12s paraaol re redirr i to me a lo o ch id kiln n dncod from 1 lo 05c a pedal lot of brown twilled silk panada at flw worth 100 each come and have novr naol a a hc fflvl7r l been crowded with purcliaaen they are aurnrlaed at the low prieea nice prinla with beautiful border formerly 20c aclijij ofl at lot matked down to hie pilnla at 10c well wortt 13e the prinla arc all this accona imporlatlor having carried ver no old ik of i cm lm tuftamortmont of altcrn 1 till lirfo but thoy will aoou be cleaned oat at tho rate they are beiee bought p a lot it krcncl u ven v hi u c iew r cca in t to 80c ladic bummer ycata only 82o snh ribbon in plain colors and plaid at only 80c formerly jl m v three for 25c a lot of neck fnlllng formerly 10c reduced lo 6c another lot at 15 and wo reduced to 10c boya jcr ey fauita in i al lov l lot of cauadino allwool tweeds double thread al ho and wc worth 75c ask to ice these tweeds hemp carpel ffom 12 jc blair carpets irom ec hamilton luj- 10th 1888 thomas c watfelns hamilton a few hints for thi mi or doan lb wort tmt lov- cu ffcntltf 2 to 4 pitu jrpcrunct tcidcide tt prvpir oc in cuch ctut speight son acton undertakers carriage makers ilt caoftlpndon or coturenesa no rfmedy b to cflceiiti as avcxa tills they insure regular daliy action and rc- rtore the bowru to a healthy condition fqi indinouunor jlysitcnau ayeei iuji ubrvaliblemdaa4reear heartbum ioa of appetite foul stomach flatulency dbulncaa heabd- ache yumbnesff xajuca crt all relieved and cured by avuns pills in llttr complaint billons dlmrdera and jaundice arraa pills thcmm be ciroq in dosea urgfl enough to excite the liter and boircls aud remote eonatlpatictti as a dealing inediclae in the sprhnj theaq pills are anfcttallcd worm caused by a raorbld condition of the bowels are expelled by thew tills brtiption skin disease and pllea tbe result cc iiipttou or contipauoa m cured by the um ol aveki tills for cold uio avtrs tills to open the row reraote icfijunmalory ecrcuons acd iiijij- the fcrer fit dlarrbwn nd d7entery caused by mdlfla com indigestible food etc aytaa pilw ara ibe true rtaedy rtieainallfm gout- nenraltia and sdaticn rlien result trota diestlta derange ment or eom and disappear on remotini the cause by tbe um ol attss pllia tumorf drop or kidney compbalnta and other disorders caused by deblulyor cbftrertion are cured bv attbs pillai supprewlon and pnlnful menatrn uon bite a tiio and ready remedy in ayers pills fiul dlnctkmi in virion laogiufica u- eompui aek fese rszpaxzb bt drjcayerctcolowellltlajj sold rj au dnjlru c arc prepnred to foruish everything in their line i from the best ca8ket to the plainest cof fin on the shortest notice aud at lowest terms i jah calls cither night or dtiy promptly attended to satis faction guaranteed in every case a firstclass hearse for hire aruc arc in a ikuitiouloajtiafactorily ill order for wagons carringcd ic of every decripion in reasonable lime good workmanahip ond firstclass material jlniys ud wc livc to a jplcndid lot cir furniture both eommun and eitnv quality clein aiif you will pay us cash wc will sell you anything iu our line cheap j a speight maaiager income and see the hne display of 4 spring tweeds at the east end clothing store this bee i rest not lle i urccrircic by ca aud dare- lwfore yoa die j fiaactiiljis niirbtj and sub i litncicavs biitnd ineonquer j llrue fwa i etc in jfirrotit uaxu k out- lit irvo knrffe keerrtlirg- ncf cpital nr r niroi wc rlllfifrttifa evcrj thtni ufiiij- r mnklns firtriif i a-ii- s mkc ns raaci t nienntui borf nvtpin makiftt pny kriicr irjov witii bainck ol vblclt ytui nvk irrcrt iiiy all tne timrvrito forpiitietiuih toil harltttacaloitlami matiif i eleant twmd suit from 1100 to 1500 also a largo range of serges and worsteds manufactured iu the latcaf styles and on the shortejt notice the latest styles iu hafa lad soft tolt hlts and holacts uutv to itud j fyfe fomore long sittings attnts secured roa inventions henry prist ottawa h canada s itcnumh we are making all kinds of photographs iu from oue to five seconds by the new prosess dry plates in all kinds of weather j stalker jtatbcr wotbcn arc yoa disturbed m night and ijrofcen of your rest by a fiick churi safferiti and crjiug with the ercniciatin pain of culltdg teeth if so co at once aud get a boue of krs winilotvg sohinff synip it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend upon it there is uo mistake about it there is not a mother on earth who has ever m ed it who will not tell you at unce that it will regulaie the bcneli and give rest to the mother and relief and health to the child operating like magic it is per feet r safe lo ate in all ciises and pleasant to the taste and i the prescrip tion of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the united states snld everywhere at 25 cents a bottle 500 heward i we will raribe adove reward totaay cac ofllvcrcompiaidt iryepepsla siclc head- acue indlsejflnn conftlnallor or costlte- oesa wocannyjcaro wlui vta veubie uvcr fills vrbcntucdlretlonsarft strictly l sfiuinp chfld tocr are rarely vccinbl andnerer lull o riiresaitsfaclonrainr caroplcd with coauid irge lioxes corjlnlniuff 30 tni 21 cent for sale ty iut drnfgfst kewareof j eonutrf and imiutlonjt the cenntue 1 mailitaelured only by joc wkkt a go the l rontn opt free triitl pikxe lent by mitl prepaid nn rceclrtora3eent iump manhogl ho 1oht how restokeu i wc have rece nl i pnbllsltedancw ftdlflou of dr initerwellii cele- brnted ifeaayou radical and permanent enre without medl- j clneiof kerroudbuty uenulaol pbyfle- altncapablyl reinlifngrrtiniexceflki j5qrriee lu ald envelope onlj 8 cu ortwo poslrge stampa tlieeulirniedaaiuir in luu adtnlrabji eftar clearly jeraocjttrntes from thirty yea rvenccesfai practice thatalarrnlnceon- seqaeuees may be radically cared wltbout th dangeroas ie cf liiternl rnedlciusor the dseodhe knife pojntuiffoat a mode of care at once l mplcee ruin acd effectual by means of whlcu every bnffercrno mstler what ul condition may oe may care hlmsei cheaply privntcly and radically this lectarc bhould be in the hanis ol everyyontb and every man in the land addressj the catrerwcll- jlledical 11 ahh 81 veir york postofficebox 50 do not wait for sunshine but come right long i i a good line of frames and mouldings on jhand c w hill who 13 uhaoquaintto with the ceooraphy of this country will u by examinino this map that the 1000 forfeit having cue nlmom confidence in lu snper- lority over all otners and pltei tboasands of tesuofihe most compllcalcd and reverest- cases we conld and we fact justified in ofler- j inr to forfeit ooe thousand dollars for any j case of coagpb colds son throat influents hoarseness i conbamptlon in its early elagea whooping congh and all dls- easeioftlielhroataud long except asthm i lor which we only claim rcllei ihnl we cant 1 care with wertscoaah syrap wben akyn flccordlng tn dlretfona ham pie bottles s6 amiso rents lrgc bodlesooe dollar genuine wrappers en ly in ulna sold by audrnnriia or kfnlby express on recelp of prle joiik u west co1 a s3 kinght east toronto am roa the ki0hey8 liver urinary 0rcah8 tdk best blood pi bipiek then laonlrnne warn wtttettandlaoiia can be enred and that la br removing ihc cause- mbaberetumoytm fhoireat rkel- cal anthcrlufs of the day declare ilia t nearly everr dlaeaae ia4aned by deramied kidlefer or irer- tp restore lnaac therefore 1 the ohlr- way by whteh healtli han beeeeuroit here la where wabirxbo sirkcnaa haa aebleved iu great repcutlon j t tact direct ly upon the kidneys and ii reread oyplaalng tbem in a healthy condition drives disease and pain fmm thasyateta por all kidney liver and urinary tronnles for the distress ing disorders of rorah for ualarlo physteal trouldefe generally ibis greti- rem edy has noeqnal hewareorimpoaurrii 1m- itattom and concoctions aa id lo be just u gnod j cor duikcm atkforvijuibb 8xre nil betes ccrsa for sale by all dealers hvw4knebco iorootxbtweawawyl4otgena ssrfunfisr gstarrhcure noioulbinopay a local sod coosuradonal tnattdcnt two diitioa medicinci one acting on h tafkatil pituikiltliioiit sao loop the other on the lircr kidnsys sod blood lk6tantanoga economicusafe rjujcat tmatmeht sold fiv all tltuccists price 70 cu ffootfoaod aiuctclory ibe price paid will be refunded some chronic or obtti nale cases of long tonding 0117 requira from tire lo us packages to effect a pernuoeot cure wgmfijtwm chicago rock island pacific ry bdnc the orent central una afforda to travelers by reason of im unrivaled geo- graphical poaltldn the ahorteat and bat route between the eaat northaat and southeast and the wst horthweat and southwest j it is literally and strictly true that its connections are all of the prlnotoal lines of road pstweefl the auantlo and th paolfla by its- main fine and bmnohes it reaohes ohfoaso jollet peoria ottawa la balls oeneaeo mollns and rook island in llllnola daversport miisoatlne washinston keokuk knoavllle oskaloosa fairfield oes molnea weatt liberty iowa olty atlantic avooa audubon harlan outhrle center and council blurts in iowa 1 gallatin trerfton oameron and kansas city in miaaourl and leaven worth and atohison in kansas and the hundreds of ottlos vlliageo asd towns intermstllats the great rock island route as it is familiarly called offers to travelers all the advantages and wniforts incident to a smooth track safa bridges union depots at all oonnectln c points fast laprsss trains composed of oommodious well ventilate i well heated finely upholstered and eleoaht day coaokes i a ii le of tho most waonmoent hoftton reolininoohair oars ever built i pui lmans latest deslcned and handsomest palaoi sleepino cars and dinii 10 oars that are aoknowledbsd by press and people to be the finest run ui on any oad in trie oouarraty and in which superior meals are served to tn velers ot the low rats of scventyftve osnts each three trains each way between ohioaoo and the missouri rl ver two trains each way betwesntoftloaoo and minneapolis and 8 r paul rla the famous albert lea route answrdlrsotljrinsaandfnle between newport news rtohrtwnd otnolnnatl indianapolis and lai fayette andfiounefliiffstulwnnepoueandtatsmdlaterjolnts all throubfseensrsnrrtsd on fsjrteaprete trains for more dvataustllnfprtnatlon s mapsandfolaefswmohmsybeobtalndas wefletoltetsatsjlpriivplssdtkiaoinoetntneunrm r r cable l8tohn tiointmmmtmr owl tjitt 4 vfstfr as chicago butcher shop r holmes clnf im ic v tuthc lii purchased t ijrsorfytrl mr v c t irpnrcd tn 1 i firtolass meat of till kimls ntul pnurif mill game in seowu tar meat delivered to nny part of town at any time ka havini practical experience in the hatcherins rasincsa i feci confident that i can iit all a call kindly solicited r holmeb ears forlhe million oo chcos balsam of slurlcb oil roftilltrly uetoren he dearing and la he onlr ibnoule care for deafnras kbavtb till oil is abstracted from pccnharsneclea nf sm tl wlike hlinrk eanchi inihe yelliir penkkflfu caiiciiakonoy soxdeietir every lliincsc qstierman fenows lu its vir tue w rpiimtlvcof hearing were discover pl by n kcddlifct priest aoout the year hlo lu c npi ctc to nnai crons and mast bo efivlv i hati1s i tint ibo remedy hiutclly iroc imednvcr hie entire em- p- us n e betm pi umterrnl ttrat forl ovkijivrtl vo iratnri has exwted iut yir chisksk rrirrk sent ennnfes l pnid ii iiy n jtircsjt at f 1 co per bottle srr ttlat 7io ssaf say 1 li ii ei mrikci a mirccic in my rase i hnve no itnirthly nofne in my bcdsnd hear tnucli belter 1 liave btpn greatly honefittd my denfivhlivdrrent deal think nn- orcr iotile wiil enre me my iiearlnj is mrcn benefitted i uave rocived uud bpneni m u lvi jcorv sttfrtlnn hve brn e really bcneflileei and am rr- jnicci tftt 1 kw die notice of ii iu virtnosare ukqcesti in able and la crcativerilakacter asthe writirk tax rcnsqxaliy testttv bottt prom jexferi- kscr am onsunvattok write u one to llavlofk a jeev ieystreetnewyork cnclalnl00 and yon will henr like any wiil else ij w lime cnrailve eflecis will btj p you wlj nver regret dolnfc ed it o r of mebcaxtilkrevikw rivnfd loics in the malls pi case send ntoioy by ilegisterknliirrteit duly imirtfdbynaylonia jesxet se gzyr yoz amekica dry su siy a boon to ms an ibwsr to ti ita nttmn m tomtmmttn pttoca iuv datim rn ctabi imur ma warn mntly ent rinhit wmck mmdam litufialwaki p met l prm n jteassmf fcniliii mi iii 1 1 r i i itiiii i n ftitt awslslslt fiiaiila 8tcttl ivmklj tjta m crtsism coftttduiiea frtc us3t05 kkaut co t5 yl astaw a a week made ai homo dy the u i jlnddlrlons best tnilncs now vk a before th public cnplul not w 1 hneded w wlllstnrt jnn men women bo ad girl r a stent everywhere i tvnin uir ii sow i tn- urae you can witk lu sotti i imp nr give our whole at- trillion lo ti bipins no ntlier bnine rlll yon nearly as reli no oecjri till tn maecuo pay by engaging at ouee coil outfit nod terms free y one t made iienltv niil nononjbly addrem trck a oautiiia maine worth their weight in gold oiasaxtaxikaftar fair trial anth ne relief or cur sffacteeveour money wffi b refund pmca sue bold br t r wrdouin a rieattbt ntrrywhm munnt reqiiiieib o cnrtv 1m to s l4t7ltsiilililif i cjnlcniukall lllliil lit llh- coilmod piiuilc blutcli ir luiil lu tile moat inalig nsnt forrn of acrbluloiis nicer ie- ove to 8n bottuk by olcaennghe blood will purify the complexion from j sallowness smooth opt toe wriablrs resalt og from imperfect nunrisbment of toe uud sweeten fonl brrats and renbraic ilwj entire aysfctn oxs to two bornlra will cure ordinary cnnslipationor coatifnesa tbertbrrenjovins uhaiacbe files bilioosnesa and jaaoiiee and all diaeasea reanltiog from torpid liver t 0s2 to srx boitln by deanafiig lie j blood improviuj the general btallb aidv 1 fortifyins the ayatcm againrt lalunr fresji v colds will in all cases relieve and in nusl cases enre that common loatbesome asal dangeroua diaeaae catarrh j oke to tnnk bottles will regabu sit deraugements of thekidneys enringprinarr dimcultica proitraion gravel diabeta j etc oxeto fovk bottles rib reiurigorato the entire aystcra cnring nerroua anil genv f- eral debility female weakness and ahiits attendant miseries yards lillowqi glires rheumatism yeleea1pb worm powders iro pleasant to take tatauwirown pnrtitc is uio ttnre and eatetmal avafroyrr ot worms in cbiwreaeiradnltav dr sihths ger9tas w6rh rlmeuv haslxea sscd by lvnarnri of persons mho marexsau eodonc our dumforit at a ptonat safe ttsabfe aad pnwrpt resaedy be rcaofal c or adak itbfasytofdotat vm atstohtety karm ad nqdres b f afterfirytitv fidamed n the qswith medicike cot b and troy ny price jx5 cis eoto evebywhej1e waa worm rem fd y dr feli l biuas a inmrantecd cure or vcpoii ptejws bare pleasant and reltabfe y tkideterw from ilnse doc p not inlirere with hrsi nefp nr diet irir s2vrnos orl hnsr bon b lor s5 written sna ran teen itmicxt by every dnly attthorlred apept to refund ih mm 3 u threeboxpfpl to cur setitposligeprei aid tn lecelpeofnrlee dr felix le brun co 81 a 83- king st bant toronto knif pmprfelom j e mcarvln antborizeiaentfor aelnn onlariai pills ointment tins ixcomp arable medicine has tfttarrd jot iljttif an imperishable famt throughout the world for the alleviation ami ftrc of inott disease to winch humanity m heir the pills rurcocl blood will wre orireueve biu0ushss dizzihesa dyspepsia dropsr indigestion fluttcrihe f jaundice of tkehejoir erysipelas acidity of salt rheum the 8t0maok heartburn dryness headache of the owh and ewry specie of disuse artelns aess r disordered uver kidneys 8t0ssacrl- 13 bowels or blood j 1 m1lb0rh bl pn purifvuvcnlnte rnd improve the qnality of i the blood they assist uic digestive oicans cieause tlie stomach and bowels iucreasf the secretory powers of the liver brace tbc nerrona systom and throw into ihc circnlalion the purest elements for sustaining and repairing uio frame thousands of pontons havfutcstilied that by their use alone tbey have ween restored lo healh nod blmrth aft every other means had proved uusuccesaf ol ithe ointment libm specimo nedicjsrfi tfceoreaiensljanselb anunfatlit kcurerorhemiiial weukness spermaitirrriiy imuoienoy attt nil limbf4val lunt follow na a sequencer of srirabnse aaloaa of ales orytjplvetwl layaliuuejaja in the back tmrnricsaolvls- ion premainrr old af e alw roans other blaeasea that t leadittlnsm ujr orconnubb j before takfaie rnajiv oihet biaftsmms y lead ih fnnlt v ornonsjusmlj lion tmfau natlcnlan in oor pampbtet which ve de aire to aend free by mat to every ooe s3 the specloe medlcloelasoklby audnojr lists at 100 per psekae or six paokaxef for s9 or wilt be aeni free by innli on re ceipt of the monet by ad dreaslnc ttsqrsykodlelaeooate- torontoonlioabaoai sold by j emciarvln uroifltt jeioaj will be fnuiid intaluable iu evory household in the cure of open sorea ztaid tumors sal loga 014 vouads oouglu colds bore throats bronchitis and nil disorders of tho threat find chest aa also gout rheumatism scrofula arid every kind of skin disease mitnnfactnrcd only at frocaaor hollo- way s ekubliiihmeut 533 oxford strfj3t london nnd sold at la 14l ss 0d 4 gil 22s and 33s each box sod pot ami in canada at 36 cents 90 cents and 150 and the larger sizes in proportion sacidtios i have no agent iln the united states nor are my djedittinee sold there purchasers should therefore jook to tho label on the fota and boxes if the address is not 583 oxford street london j they arc apnrious i tho trade murk of iu eaid medicines is rogistrsred at ottawa and also at wah ingtnn 1 aanai thomas holijowa3 53soxprd street tondoa i i m ijztbmtjeg da ecwkstrtkinylxwibbjiuil xkxt a eiraranieed speeiao rr hxate dlaslhris convnlalontflta herrooshel uotdaehckervona 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