Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 26, 1883, p. 2

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this is for you a large number of our subaorib- ers have very promptly responded to our request to pay up and these have our best thanks- there are still however a great many- who owe us small aoooonta which in the aiorrecate amount to hun dreds of dollars will these par ties kindly call or sand amount named in the statement sent them t once and greatly oblige hpmoorb cton m m thtxrpat mcmxcca jnvt 26 18ss the telegraphers strike on monday lust week tfee execativo bord of tire brotherhood ot telegraphers o h tjnitd butes and omnia presented to the executive officers of the several american and canadian telegraph oom- panies a memorial setting forth the griev- anoes of the operators and employees generally and petitioning for a redress of the same tbedemanda of the telegraph era were redncea to four in number viz that sunday work as a compobory duty be 1 totally abolished unless compensated as extra service that eight hours constitute a regular days work and seven hours a regular nights work that both sexes shall receive equal pay for equal work and finally that a universal increase be granted on all salaries- the memorials were unaccompanied by any threat to strike in case the companies refused to comply with their demands and simply requested an answer from the officials fay noon last thursday rfthe employers unfortunately proved obdurate and manifested every inclination to resist the reasonable demands of a body without whom the commercial and political world would have to come almost ti a standstill at the appointed time no answer had been received from the companies and at noon bharp as a mysterious signal dashed along the wires the finest concerted action the world has ever seen was taken without bluster or show by some 13000 merr and women spread all over the american con tinent a general telegraphic strike had taken place it now remains to be seen which will remain out the longest the employers or the employed thesympathy of the general public is with the operators we wish them victory over the monopolists the striking operators have resolved not to touch any intoxicantsdaring the con tinuance of then strike this is a very sensible thing to do no harm woald result if this resolution were left unrescinded at the conclusion of the strike actobr municipal council the council met in special meeting on thursday evening 19th inst to make final settlement with the contractor ol town hall members all present mr storey reeve in the chair o- mr mallory architect and mr hccoiia contractor occupied seats at the board after reviewing the work in connection with the erection of the town hall snd the bill far extras in the same the comnlittee oh finance presented the following report to the municipal council of the village of acton your committee on finance beg to re commend payment as follows mallory t sou architects balance of account 3371 tv a mccolla balance due on town hall contract including hanging of bell and extras as recommend ed by architect 43300 proportion of tackpointing 150l0 air bricks setting same c90 59090 less paid architect 5g0co p m mccann for re pairing toer 20 mao 5280 m50 allof vthicb is respectfully submitted c s surra chairman movfid by c s smith seconded by d henderson that the report of the finance committee jast read be adopted carried council then adjourned scott act in halton appoinlment of an license inspector for certain districts at- the annual convention of the haltou county branch of the ontario prohibitory alliance on the tith inst considerable discussion took place euding in the adop tion of a resolution condemn the inaction of the license inspector of the county asserting that lie was not in sympathy with the scott act and declaring that an officer should be appointed who was in sympathy with the act and who would endeavour to carry out the instructions oftlie govern- meiii a committee was appointed to lay the matter before the government and on wednesday last the deputation waited upon hon mr hardy lavins a copy of their resolution before him and after dis- j cussing the question mr hardy sustained the views taken by the deputation as to new york tocity or the promotion ol cienoe contain so much that u timely and important that it ban bo read with both interest and profit then u probablyno tubjeot ot modern times that has canted and iioaualng greater attention than the origin of tornadoet sciential have studied it for the benefit of humanity men have investigated it for the welfan of their families it hat been a vexed mbjeot long considered and through all this investigation the cyclone hu swept across the land carrying destruc tion to scientists as well as the innocent dwellers in its track one thing however is certain the cause of the oyclone must be sought far sway from the whirling body of wind itself its results are powerful its cause must also bo powerful let us therefore oonsidcr a few facts first the appearance of a cyclone is invariably preceded by dark spots upon the face of the bun these spots indicating a dis turbed condition of the solar regions neces sarily affect the atmosphere of our earth an unusual generation of best in one part of the atmosphere is certain to cause a partial vacuum in another portion air must rush in to fill this vacuum hence the disturbances hence the cyclone this theory finds additional confirmation in the fact that tornadoes come during the day and not at night- the dark spots upon the surface of the sun whatever they may be seem to cause great commotion in the atmosphere of the world and it is almost certain that the extremely wet weather of the present season can be accounted for on presicely this basis is it reasonable to suppose that the marvelous effect of the son upon vegetation and life in general shall be less than upon the atmosphere it self through which its rays come the cause is remote but the effect is here fafter describing some of the terrible effects of the cyclone the speaker went on to say this rule finds its application in nearly every department of life an operator is in san francisco the click of the instru ment manipulated by his fingers in new vork the president makes a alight stroke of the pen in his study at the white house and the whole nation is aroused by the act an uneasiness and disgust with everything in life commonly called home- sickness is felt by many people when the cause is to be found in the distant home thousands of miles away an uncertain pain may be felt in the head u is repeated in other parts of the body the appetite departs and all energy is gone is the cause neces sarily to be found in the head the next day the feeling increases there are added j symptoms they continue and beebme more aggravated the slight pains in the head increase to agonies the nausea becomes chronic the heart grows irreg ular and the breathing uncertain all these effects have a definite cause and after years of deep experience upon this subject i do not hesitate to say that this cause is to be found in some derangement of the kidneys or liver far away from that portion of thebody in which- these effects appear but one may say i have no pain whatever in my kidneys or liver very true xeither have we any evidence that there is a tornado an the surfac of the sun but it is none the less certain that the tor- uado is here and it is none the less certain that these great organs of the body are the cause of the trouble although there may bo no pain in their vicinity i know wliertof i speak for i have passed through- this very- experience myself kearly ten years ago i wis the pictnre of health weighing more than 200 pounds and as strong and healthy as any man i ever knew when i felmhe symptoms i bare above described they caused me annoyance not only by reason of their aggravating nature but because i had never felt any pain before other doctors told me i w troubled with malaria and i tried myself accordingly i did not be- lieve however that malaria could show such aggravated symptoms it never oc curred to me that analysis would help solve the trouble as i did not presume my diffi culty was located in that portion of the body but i continued to grow worse hid a faint sensation at the pit of my stomach nearly ever day i felt a great desire to eau and yet i loathed foot was constanifly tired and still i could not sleep my brain was unusually active but i could not think connectedly my exist ence was a living misery i continued in this conditio i for nearly a year never free from pain lever for a moment nappy such an exis tence is far worse than death for which i confess i earnestly longed it was while suffering thus that a friend advised me to make a final attempt to recover my health i sneered inwardly at his suggestionbut i was too weak to make any resistence he furnished me with remedy simple yet palatable and within two days i observed a slight change for the better this awakened my courage felt that i wtjold not die at that time continued tlie use of the remedy taking it in accordanoe vith directions until i be came not only restored to my former health and ktrtfiistu but of greater vigor than i have before known this condition has continued q to the present time and i believe i thculd have died as miserable as thousands oi other men have died and are dying every day had it not been for the sinlple yet ronderful power of warners safe cure t le remedy i employed ue leclm eer then described his means of restoration- aiore in detail and concluded as follows my complete recovery has caused me to investigate tie subject more carefully and the nature of the inspectors duties a olou reporter waited upon mr hardy j j believe i bjive discovered the key to most yesterday when it was learned tliat an additional inspector had bean appointed in halton county in the person of mr 0eorge ill health of our modern civilization lam fully confide it that fourfifths of the dis eases which afflict humanity might be w black whose duty it would be to look wer kidneys and liver kept in siter the township of esqaesing nassaga- m were it possible to weya and town of milton which were w jcipu of soo eyojpnes could mostly complained of at the meeting of oudcoljtedly av thaf oweter the alliance mr froser the present is one of the things that caunot be bat i isapector will still have charge of the rejoice to say that it is- possible to control rewsfwfer of the county this it is j fcdneya urf u to render ibeir thoegbt wjl be a satisfactory arrange- t k whofflyjaormai andthsir sflsot upon ment toronto qujbe t 88 of purifiers rather than tniwjr poiwners rthat this end hi been accom- pushed largely by means of the remedy i sci accounted for and some bjfve namedl do not have a doubt and i s j feel it royalty to make this open decura- aamuii gyr ifoiffotfljeljipfof the prof ession hie following synopsis of a lecture dchv- 1 and for the benefit of entering jjomsnity pred by drhonico bhainihou before tho i iu oil parts jf the world jb fiair vigor rsttem ttta ths floei end asshmss or mlhftaaed or treybatr to a natural rich brown color ce atp black ss may be desired bylu uuibtotrlhalrmaybdartflwkl thin hair tuoksssd and baldnes often thoffh not alvsys oared it checks taulof of the hair and sumo- lateaawesk and steuy growthfto rigor it prevent and oures scurf and dandruff ami heali marly every dlssats peculiar to ut scalp as s ladies bah dreatlng- iho viooau unequalled it contains neither oil nor dye widen the hair soft lour mkl silken in appearance and imparts s delicate agreable and lasting jcrtuao us c p bateau writes from klrb o julw is 1883 but fall my hair eomiucnonl falflnf out and in a short time 1 became nearly bald 1 used part of a bottle of avmi bus yiooa which stopped the all- in of the hair and itarted a oev growth i hare now s full head of hair grovtit vigor ously and am convinced that hat tor the use of your preparation i should bare been entirely baid j r dowkk proprietor of the mcartknr okio enquirtr mje artri hair viooa u a meat exoeueni preparation for the hair 1 speak of it from ray own experience its use promote the growth o new hair and makes it glossy and soft the vigor 1i iko a tore core or dandruff not wllliln hit knowledge has the preparation trer fallal to gire entire satisfaction mr avars fairuir9 leader of the celebrated falroalrn family of scouwr vocallita trites from aufou mau ra 6- 1680 ter ilnoe my hair began to gjtc iil- very evtdeaoe of the cuanie which acting time proenreth i have need avers iuik viooa and to have been able to maluulu anappearance of yoathfolneai a matter of considerable coutequence to mhiuterv ora tors acton and lu faot every one tuo lires lu the eyes of the public mas o a rnnacorr writing from w st artttioicu itau april h 1sk mjr m two yeari ago about twothlnu of my lialr came off it thinned rery rapidly and i was fait growing bald on using aykri haui viooa the falling stopped and a new growth commenced and in about a month my bead ww completely covered with short hair it has eootinned to grow sad i now as good as before it fell i regnlarlynsed bat one bottle of the yiooa but uow use it occasionally as a dressing tive hare hundreds of similar testimonial to the efficacy of arms hunvioou ji needs bat a trial to convtnee the most skepti cal of iu vaioc frzfjlrcd nr dr j cayerico lowell mass gold by all druggists mm ffwppf jbiirabiib hetsia vs unr tbn ol tbom ooortafcirtiy uotm8k boant ol tb aeton amaoutioii mr uwtmbmppwiigto aetob dm slit 1869 pmidnk jam art iobt smtptd from 111 a rny tuno yellow smtped ram hi cut otw wnk tgo 117 umo yellow otauy any ptnon cpttuio ii will ooofer a jrttl tot by ntamiog it to the nndenlgaed u it wu glfi fwm dtoeutd tute u18s8eijnawordes the altlt s01xiox willeh at the methodist paraonge acton on the 19th inst by rev wm bryers mj chm 8 eggleton tether of tweed esting8 co to hiss elizabeth b wilier ot hunilton business brevities some ttcu about our busts kn ul houms of benefit m out kuierml reader htu from 75 cent to 250 at j fyfit if voa wtnl nobby durable and cheap bait j fyfes ih the place to go scotchi eahh ad nadiaa saitinjrf in ittia variily at the et end clothing tore j fyfe acton 1 suits and overcoats at extremely lov rates and made in latest styles be sore to call and see them j fyfe acton mcqnillaa hamilton of the welling- ton marble works gaelph oat re doine the largest retail marble trade in ont ow ing to the fact that they do the liet work and bell the cheapest- the pablic trevsrn- ed afniiiflt deling with second hand trade peddler but shoald cu direct to the firm or bay from their agents see that the name mcquillan k hsaiiltoa is on the printed form ixfure voa sura or order with pure blood contagions ferers and other diseases have no hold ou the system dr carsons stoirach dittos render the blood pare and cool far sale by ail drug- lasts iirce bottles 50 cents 1 lu the history nf medicine no preparation lias reecited sach anircrsal commendation for the alleviation it anards and the per manent cure it effect in kidney diseajea dir vax bciibs8 kiusev ctbt it ac- u in these distressing complaint is sim ply wonderful sold by j e mcgarvin we have a speedy and positive cure for catarrh diphtheria canker and head ache in shilous cslnrrh remedy a nasal injector free with esch bottle use it if yon desire health and awccl breath price 50 cents sold by j e mcgarvin 49 2co household should be considered com plete aithont a bottle of da vas brazss kidsetccei is in the closet it is the only remedy that will positively perman ently and promptly core all forms of kidney disease sold by j e mcgarvin dr carsons stomach bitters remove consumption relieve dittincss dispel sick headache abolish biliousness and regulate the stomach liver and bowels 1 j s vvetherell writing from winnipeg says i can say more about phosphatrxk uotv than when i saw yon last in toronto my health is much improved and i am free from headaches or any other aches having only used two and a half bottles of your piiqsphatine for sale by all druggists now that there is a reliable remedy for kidney troubles half the terrors attached to thse complaints have been removed for this let all lie thankful and to dr vah bckxji kidret ocke award all praise for having thus removed a hitherto considered fats disease from our path it was never known to fail sold byj e mcglpin shilohs catarrh bemery- a marvellons cure for catarrhdiphtheria cauker mouth and headache with eacb bohlc there is an ingenious nasal iujeclor forthe more successful treatment of these complaints without ejtm charge price 50 cents sold byj k mcgarvin a oard to all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth nervous weak neat early decay loss of manhood fcc i will send a recipe that will core you fbxt of cuaege this great remedy was dis covered bf a missionary in south america send a sell addressed en r lone to the biy jojkph p iksiah station bwev yvitofr mcklr iniiealtalre tba greatet medical wonjjer of tb world warranted td speedily care pnpa bruises cuti ulcers halt bhsym paver sores cancers piles cullblain corns tetter chapped hands and all skin enrp tluodsraniellncnrvlifei7inaaoei or tnoncy rifnmhd ajcoiije ptt b11 far sale mj e meuurviu l jjotick the undsnigned having given np bntl- neu in aoloo deslroai of having all ac- oounu settled at once all parthn ioslebt- ed will kindly eau at th mideno on main strwt opposite the prmbrteriu churoh and pay up james ooodall acton july sod 1883 store and dwelling to let that commodious store ud dwelling occupied by messrs w f brown co on the corner of mill ud willow street and la the centre of iho luitluit part of the town suitable oieitber dry goods or general store there is tworifuis of an acre of land lo connection with the building flood wells and oellar store bouse 4c for terms and particulars apply to 67 8 8mith galesmen wantkd to begin work at onoe on sale for fall 1883 for the foothill kurseries tbe largest in canada morris sroifi k wiu unotof proprietors we can start in ad dition to our already large force 100 addi- noxil caxvasakax and want men who can give full time to the basinea 8teady em ployment and good salaries to snceeasfnl men it does not matter what your prev ious occupation hu been if you are willing to work your success is slmost certain the best of references required applr en closing photo if possible to 8tone wellington nurserymen toronto out oooo cok0s hemlock bark wanted tbe subscribers will pay five dollars and fifty oentb per cord for all prime quality hemlock back delivered at the tannery at acton before november 1st is88 bark most be bright on flesh sat and full four feet long curled or damaged bark only received at a proportionate re duction any other informstion will gladly be furnished upon application at the tannery to our mr wulson be ardmore t co actou may 9th 1883 tptr it the fuee press from now till january 1st 1884 for okly 40 cents try it the free press from now till january 1st 1884 fob only 40 cents try it the free press i from now till january 1st 1884 for only 40 cents itehlag files grmplsu ad fare the symptoms are moisture like perspir ation iulense itching increased by scratch ing very distressing particularly at night seems as if pin- worms were ci ailing in and about the rectum the private parts are sometimes nffceted 11 allowed to continue very serious results may follow vsxvatkss oisthbkt is a pleasant snre cure also for tetter itch sail rheum all scaly crusty 8kin diseases sent by mall for 50 cents 3 boxes 8135 in stamps ad- dross dr 8wayne son philadelphia pa sold by druggists 50 e argement of prlmisles best ai casters i tke gverui brawn honsehald panacea has no equal for relieving pain both internal and external it cures pain id tho8ide baok and bowels sure ihroat rheumatism toolbiiohf lumbago and any kind of a ain or ache it jrill most sorely oockeu tjie blopnnd heat jjf seun power is wondorful fffliinujsehoh fanioeai being annyed the jgraat pain bievtr anj fif double tjie strength of any ort gijelr ff fiium tbe woild abot4lie iq eity fmjiifyt oso wbea wanted as it fmall ii 4bti beat tcnwdy in the world ilor otinipalq stomach and paiibj and aches 3aibi aarfis for sale hjall dracttlfliati previous to making alterations i will offer the balance oft my stock at cost and nndir below are a few ofi the leading lines and prices 15 lbs bright sugar forsi 13 lbs extra brigtit sugar for 1 11 lbs pulverized sugar fop 100 5 lbs tea for si halfgallon trem jars 8ij40 per doten ciwrt kern jars 9180 a doieo- pint gem jars 100 a doicn remember that the balajice of clothing and fancy goods mast also be cleared oat at once and the whole of tliese lines will be offered at prices to astonish you this will jbc the last chance you will have this season to get goods at your own prices as all must be cleared out previous to making alterations f deitch acton july 18th 1883 with mccoll bros lardine and other machine oils most having passed the examinations by judges has been awurfied and silver medals at all exhibitions xccoll critical jpetcnt gold biplomab bstios toro lto ont floukfed store the undersigned has purehos l the floor aud peed basineas irom mr ro jert elliott and will carry on tbe business i l the build- iusx formerly used as a barber e hop oppos ite theold feed 3tore- i will keep in stock and sell fr cash flour choppid peas roller plour chickai feed granlatd wheat oats lfeas oraoied graham floor baokwheat oatmeal corn meal bran shorts chopped oats chopped barley garden field and flower seeds fresh and rood for sale ohsap vonr ptroiusk respectfully oucltetl cash for all kinds fbrbln l g- matties barleyj bye oil oa tex thprley cattle feid clima c feed flajr f leed fotat les tuiniis beani o c iyhv cheapest on ear vrv- notlmr nautbi alr pope are artnvk un tbi irortfuioca to jn- minis nniho ttmlfles ivmvbecotaiei rov thellwpj wewabtrr crifein sells 15 pounds of good sugajg dry a8 powder for 100 cashi mens scotch tweed canadian tweed pants for 200 readymade coats for 225 worth 500 ladies and gentlemens fancy straw hats for 15a and 20c worth 100 each these are facts that cannot be jarred remember at the halton dry goods house c b criff1n o more long sittings y men wo- tupnial we are making all kinds of photographs in from one to five seconds by the new prosess dry plates in all kinds of weather do not wait for sunshine but come right along i a good line of frames and mouldings on hand selling cheap q vtrfiitt the mammoth house ceorgeto 1 beg leave to iiitidaateilxatthre daily iu receipt ol new fresh 8pringqood8inclddjugailiinery mantles readypade clothing tweeds qentaparniaiijngbhats caps hosiery arid small wardsuin facreyeriitttoiitns a firstclass stock we hvckemsedoureeivesiabiir utmost qaeyi and made use of our loug experien6 iitid large remiiasptaisie stock for prices variety and quality thatejh rarpnytmngywr attempted in this conntj wstnq8tan sell them goods at lower prices- than smaller coara8teljp for them our stock is large and varied and we make flddjttoikw the newest and cheapest goods tc be found in tiie nefem world wo call special attention tb our millinery est and most fashiouable njateria and we keep lightning iiiaivfe get up the same iu superior style bur dressmaking jscyiatiue has proved quite a success we turn outjracwefrtiiv4wt atislactionof our patrons we nisko a spedaltyof mournnik sm- parol and wedding troiseau we have au jmmeuae itjocksof n j materials silks sttin satin fa lifoit goods in hlltheewi marulleaux cashmeres a prints a ii jgmyaud whiteytqttojos at miii prioejj iouiieittta59ffs partmont ia uhsdrssediitisoii if iho latest c6iicerftfojfs itlod imanycottajy towijxwe guoiiee sajciiottiti lice tit and t ikoyarp tliaftyurcprnpaiw inej9sid mm m i m i r 4 4 r mmm lyiksmt

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