Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 26, 1883, p. 4

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x ctcn gret ress thtosiuy morntno jew 86 1688 our young folks tatuch ado about nothing at 1 walked oa l upon uic street i met 4 friend i know 1 wld hullo iny trusty friend my frieud rings out u bullo r how arc you say uiy riend says i as well as well eta ik how are you then eyi i to uiai im irtty tclluyt bo where ut you poing now my tricud well oo puuiu i kuoir wy jot that strange thats just the idace that lnhoiild like to go- pray wiiats the news dowu your v jack there nothing itflir says be incyetiaw inch liinoe mjt i the worst f cvr see and then my friend nulls out las waich and says 111 nave to go says 1 7 thats just my fix ive got towc mm i know so long says he coinc down says 1 some night aud have chat all riglit say he goodbye my l then bowrd and touched my hat -jf- dr w armstrong toronto write 1 have bosn uainf northrop a lymani emulsion of cod uver ou and hvpophos- phile of umc and bodafor curonio bron chi us with the beat result i believe it is the boil emulsion in tbc market hav up tested the di to rent kinds i unhwitfl- tiugly give u llie prcfercuco when pcrtcrlb lag or my cousutnpallvo patients or for throat ami lunix iflocuoas droarsoua stomach bitters free the lystcm of the poisonous humours that develop into kidney aud urinary diaetuo give tone aud vijjor to the stomach and purify tbo blood i gw mingiyparkdalc toronto writes my wife had levcral very severe attack of cramps in the stomach hearing of dr axstiss fuosnianyn andila pleasantness to take i give her two bottle and sho has not had an attack since and her health is ranch improved for kale by all drughisu boys and girls sit erect one of the worst habits yanug people forniis that of leaning forward too much while at work or study it is much less tiresome and more healthy to sit or stand erect the roandshonlderod hollowchest ed and almost deformed persous one meets every day coold liave avoided all the bad results from which they now suffer had they always kept the body erect the chest full and shoulders thrown back a simple rule is that if the head is not throwp forward but is held erect the shoulders will drop back to their natural position pvnig the i tings full play the injury done by carelessness in this respect is by compressing the lungs preventing their full and natural action resulting in lung diseases usually consumption- sit erect boys and girls aid look the world in the face ah jrrsons ecraed in the manufacture or useof tobacco when nerve re affected thereby will iind a cure in dr e c wests kerve and brain trealmem sold at j e mcgirrine drag store acton trust that man hi nothing who has not a conscience in everything a lady writes i have used ayers sarsaparilla in my family for many years and could not keeo house auhoal it for i be relief cf the pains consequent apoa female weakness and irregularilies i ecu sidi it trillion t an equal all history- is but a romance unless it is stocneii a an example salt zkeam cared arc ync troubled with salt rheaci iloagh skin litnplesorcakei sores if tn jo at oooeur j e ilcgarvin drue store and set a package- of calrcil caroolic cerate prfco tvrcit ivc cents it wss never knittu o fil 47 oi aurtiins the rein cf man is the sd- dest to contemplate xot a particle ot caljtn or any ohcr deltticrioua substance enter into the com position of ayerv cathartic fill on lie contrary they prove of special service to those who have used calomel and ether brintral poisons medicine and feci ihtfr icjurioos effects lu such caies ayer a pilu arc iuialuabjc faithfufriess aud sincerity are tlie ground work of all goodaess 4 tne people of this country ltve tpoken they declare by their patroasge of dr thomas eclcctric oil that liisr believe it to bean article of genuine intrit adapted to the cure of rheumatism as well as relieves the paia of fractures and- dislocations ei- lemal injuries corns bunions piles and othermaladies kram kuld eisfatntos xecds no dvcrtfiig when once ictr- ducej- ecv bctih- srll fci limdrcd ctf othrt iv djtuirallaudludre tliau rtpicscul ed for xtuniliga toolhachelfadache etc it reaiovcsauy paiu instnuy quick aa fiwi try it and you will say it is well named fluid tihltiic et a tweutytive cent bottle zl j e mcgarviuf drag iitore acton 47 he wiiociii ft all tiiitcs sacrifice pleasure ui duty approaches sublimity a life harlnt rresn mr ii e allison ifntcbinson kan ssrecl ku life by atimplc trial bottle cf dr kiagi r disoovctv forcuusuraplkn which ccuejiiim ij pnxnrc a large ljot- tkat complptelr cared bin when doctor ch-ic- rifdfmatc rvd everything euc bad failed asthma broncliitif hoasene severn congw andjdl throat and lndg discass it ia naractecd to cure trial bottle- free at mcgnrvins drue sure lirjrc size slog every lady should know all about it that tbetc is cobg on nt iho illgbt house tbo largest clearing bale of summer dn goods house furnishings carpets and mil hoory vt reduced prices ov before an lidunccd aud llmt a vlit to tbls establishment wihttpay you uargains in every departmejit the lioeo ueparlmont offers a lot of nice towelling a be w 10c table linens at wo worth 87ic table lineoa at 80o table lluens at 50o lu ery detirable patterns towels from 6c spociid large tocls at ljcijaonr 08c for half doseo a magaiamnt aaurtmeut of towels from 0c to 75c a ipeoial lot of extra double damask linen tuwols at 50c cacb they aic i cnoice pa terns remember tbo tabid linens and towels there are many bargains to be had in the cotton depaitment 20 yards of canadian grey cotton for f 1 w mill pico hen bought by iho pleeo yard wide cotton tickings si only 20c bluo and brown denim qnlle heavy at only 15c oxford shirting in virions p at 10c well worth f21c 8co ibe lot of 8hlrtlnn they are very heavy and will give good wear the parasol department is iri the front rank with low prices ico sa in parasols formerv reduced lo 1150 the tlfw parails arc reduced to 15 tbo 1123 parasols are reduced to 05c a lot o children batin p ducod from il to 05c a special lot of brown twilled silk parasol at 185 worth 1 m eaob come and have a new parasol at aout half prino be prints counter hs been crowdod with purchasers they aw surprised at the low prices nice prints with beautliul borders formerl 20c el log oil at 15c other rormm tipi marked down to hie pitnta at 10c well worth lsjc the printa are all this seasons importations having carried ever no old stock ol any aeeooul from last mason the assortment of patterns is till lae but they will soon be cleaned onl at tbe rate they are being bought up a lot of french w oven white corsets rcducccl irom 1 121 to 80e ladie 8ummer vests only 82o sah ribbons lu plain colors and plaids at only 50a lonnerlv 1 new colored collarr blcsl tyki for ldlcs wear three for 23c a lot of neck frilling formerly 10c reduced to 6c another lott hand 20c rsducol to 10c boy jersey soit in all tlzca at very low prices a lot of canadian allwool tweeds double thread nt 50 and 55c worth 73c aak to tee these tweeds hemp carpota from 12c blair carpets from be hamilton july 19th 1883 thomas g watkins hamilton s3 there ara cheap panaceai for various human ailments continually cioppiag up xorlhrop lymanv vegetable discovery aud dyspeptic cur haa uo auioity with enyoftuese unliko ihcui the article u deiivred from the purest sources is prepared with the utmost chemical fckill aud is a genuine remedy and not a palliative far billousnets constipation kidney troubles impurity of the blood and iconic com plaints ici in uuwer wanted can any one bring us n case of kidney or liver complaint that electric bitters will cotipcedily cure we ay they can not as thousands of cases already perman ently cured and who arc daily recommend iug eitciric bitters will prove- brigblfi dwnsc diabetes weak back or any urinnr complaint quickly cured they purify the blood regulate the bowel and act directly on the diseased pari every bxutle guaranteed for sale at 50c a bottle by j e ilcgarvin shilohs consumption cure this is be von d question the mosuucccts- fcl cougfe medicine we have ever sold a few doses invarably cure the worst cases cf cocgh croap aud bmnchitu while its wonderful auccess in the cure of ccusuirp- lioa is without a pjrallel in the history of neniicipe since its first discovery it has bceueou ou gaaraniee a test which no other medicine caa ttaud- if you bivc a cocgu we earnestly ifs you to try il pritc 10 cents 50 cents and 100 if your lucgt are sore chest or back lame use shllohe pcroui plaster sold by j e 5caanin holloaayt pill wary of life de rangement of the liver h one of the most efficient causes of dangerous disease and tut most prolific source nf those melancholy forwbvding which arc worse than dtah iirlf a fcwdoics of thc noted pills set magically ic dispelling low spirits and repelling the envert attacks made on iht nerves by excessive heat impure utmos- phirref oytricdulgenre ir cxbaustii csvitemtut 7c iimt shattered coniilu- ticiu may dtrivelxntfil frcta llylloways piiif vhih will rcguhxtf dinrdlred action lirace he itrvi xtitrcasc the trerry cf the j iijklltcira ficahie- audrevvu tht fail in riemon- by attentively sludung the kiimctiocs for uikinj these pills and explicitly putliog them in practice the most desponding will soon feel confident rf u perfect tecovery hctrcsor spcctlr cnrr r fron the many remrkilicarei wroaght by asii moreflrv speedy care fur dyspepsia indigestion clnstipation and affection of tle livr iul from the im mense sale ut it witbont any adferf udng we bare rjiclodcd lo place it esttusuciv oi the market io hat those who eu0ir miy have a- perfect cure go tj j k mc- garias dnntbioa ttadci u trial bottle free or the regnlar sirea hi fifty cent and one dollar 47 hcafarhf headache is one cf iiofe diatretfiiag complaints uut depeu upon ncrroui irritiio- irnd circulitio or a disnrdered slate of the nlomach liver bowels etc the ediur ami proprietor of ihc ointula prajlrmti wis cured after yeara of affer- tnf with headache andrxiw istinea f o the virtue uf burdock blond uittcrt b j i fa u wvrtk tke mnur f that the question will it pay tosofler day after day wlwu a t wen lr- tire cent bottle bottle of putsamv paihtulsk cobk extbactu will jrive prnmnf and pennsn- ent ea and comfort thoumnd testify thai it is a good iovestmeui and if yon are sufferer frbih corns tiyit sure- fafe and pacierb sold by dpngpats every- i where nr c pf lson fc co ksntnn jfrpjhielora i oh what a cough will you heed the wirricg tie elgnal perhaps of the sure approach of that mest terrible dueaic consamptian ask yocr- selves if you can afford foe the sake of saving 59 cents to run the risk ind do uolbiii for il we know frrni experience that shiloiac cn re will cere yocr cocgh- it never fais this extdaius why more tliui a million bot tles were sold tbc past year it relieves crtiap and whooping couch at ouce mothers o not be without it- for lrme prk side or chest use shiobi poroas tiatcr hull by j e mcgarvin kotuer halhcrll haher are you diflcxbed u iiiglt and broken of y oar rest by a sick child suffering and crying viili iheexcniciilidpniii of catling itch if to z el trnte nud nets bgltle o mr winsiowg soothinfj syrap it will nurve the rir little- tnfferer immdiatcly depend upon it i there is uo mistake -thorn- it tncreis not a mcither oi earth whj has ever used if who will not ull yoa t ndgf ihit h wiil rcgplale the bowels and give rest to the mother and relief and health t the child operctii like ia itii per fee ty sfe io ae in all cases and pjcrul lo the table aud is the prescrip tion of tce of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the united states sold everywhere at 25 cents a bottle i v tafifmuini a r n e rts safe fok tii- kidheys liyer urinary organs tui iifjst blood prblfjkle there i oaljtne cayvhuhunjuiawwi can be cure j and tbit is uj rniovlngthe caase whatever may e ftirrennsri- calaulhitlueof tli day decbiretlifll neuly ererydtiioasofcniiftd by tltraixl klruejf or liver- to realorc ihc itierfre i- tue only way by wkfch heim un in- se ur l pere la wlier wakkbiijifawirikrlih aeblevhllta treaircpctaf tnit 4ffte ciieft- ir upon the icjanpyh pad ilyir tt tft ty tl t fin g them in a healtby cmiduonirfvciinxcie and petn from ibci 8lern pornl kldrey lw and urinary tronblrn for i lie ilr inj dtaord of womou fr mabrlp nt physical trouble generally uis crrii rr-m- edy hasdoequal aeware or importers im- itation and eoncocuoux hdw ij be just on vorulabeteiahkforwahxebh hafk dia- betescubk fbr sale by all dealer- h h warner co gr hftrfc a few hints roa thc ou or dosr to flwrc tlu bov- tlt fimly 2 to i ftlu thoroughly i lo 6 pilu erpcrierct vill decirfc tkt proper dot in coca catt tor caaiupaubqi or poturesea no remedy is so cffectlvo ai avraapilu tfcey insura refulat daily actioo and r- atore the bowels to a healing condition for indigestion or dyspepsia ayeb1 pills r tntalubi and a iur cars heartbarn lou of appetite foul stomach flatulency duxtness hea4- achc xumbneta kaose an ail nlierod and cured by anaa pills in littx complaint bilious disorder and jaaadlce avess pills should tm giroc tn dosefl larp ecougu to eiciw tho liter and botels and remota comtipauon as a cleansing medicine in ino spring thea pills are noequajled wonai caused by a morbid oondltlou of the bowels a eipelled by uim pills ernpuons skin dlseaaes and pueh the result of indistioa or constinauon ara cured by the um of areas pills for cold take areas pills to open ti iorcs itmota lnaammatory socretiona acd allay ilia fcttr for dfarrhc and dyaehtery caosed by radjeu colds indigestible food etc aati pills are the tme remedy bheamatin goat neuralgia and sciatica of wn rwnlt fromi dlseetire daranse- mect or colli tnd disappear on remotlcf tfce cause by ibe use of atxes ptllfl tnuiors dropsy kidney complaints and oiler dinrjerf caused by debility or olftmctlou are cured by arms ptlls sappteaaion and painful menstrua- uon bare a safe and ready remedy in ayers pills fall dirccxioss la niioni lao3ages ia- mmpaar ack packag drjcayercolowellma sold ijj all dnjiiu speight son acton undertakers carriage makers c ammhmms t are prepared to furnish ererything iu their line from the be8t ca8ket to the plainest coffin on the shortest xotiee and at lowest terms eall calls cither night or day promptly attended to satis faction guaranteed in every case a firstclass hearse for hire huc arc in a pcuiiionloutifacwrily fill orjer for ttagons carriago sc of every jecription in rcasofjalde time good worlcmauahip oad firstclou material always used we lave aba a sptcudid lot or furniture both common and extra quality cheap aik you will pay us ca8h wc w bc j anything in our hue cheap j a speight manager rest on lie is krecpu- uyjo tcid ure ufore yoa die nmelalnc mlluty and sub- ll oh- cuc behind to conquer lime war itliifrarninltn jout- ttfr- snrft ticrrtli nc- ortlnl nr r iir1 eviirtrnili oueverilhlns kiv u- rornin frrtu iadl s mkr at iaii miiltkyiidirlilf inntcrreat liv iiradt r if vuv nrt irilnes al wnlen itiimt cu io ill ice time rttc ir i tii i f io i h uirtt iccrortland mnc kr come and see the fine display of spring tweeds at the east end glothing store tbcis week elegant tweed suits from 1100 to 1500 also a large hangs of serges and worsteds muiuuitctiired in the latest stylos and ou the shortest notice the laid styles iu gird aai soft polt hats anisalfflets uow n lund j fyfe- secured rob inventions henry grist v ottawa r v e canadaf 500 regard we rill ay be above reward for au case of lirercnmrunt yppepsla 81ck head- adio iniigtfunn coimttnatioi orcosute- ness wc cannot cure wftii tveafs ve actable liver rillfc when luedlretlonaac strieuy complied with tuej ar rarely vcgtable and ctrcr jull to give aausucnion sacir coated irp- boxc conuilnioc 3u phu 25 centa fork-iu- by all lniijriftf fit- ware of counurf-itf- imd imtiauoa ti cnulne mandfacinrtrt niiy tiy joiijtc w a co- tfie fill malccrv 81 w kiogst e-slto- rontflrtinl free trial pakic fent by mall prepafdniireeefitof u ceentrtmr lo more loag sittings we are making all kinds of photographs in from one to five seconds by the new prosess dry plates in all kinds of weather do not wait for sunshine but come right along a good line of frames and mouldings on hand selling cheap c w hill mamm ttlm ill i uoiv lost hoit sestoreii wc hvrrecei tl ptbllelicdincw tdjioi of ur culrerncir cele imitml ijov u t rjuilenl and i j po rinaiieni turr it limit racn- ciiicofkcrvoiibtiiyliciuilauiipny allucaracitylmiiellinenutir mnrrinpectc resrlt inc from jieesev tprtln a iii cuvflopconl cu or two pounn sumis riiccolebralcl mbar in tuu admltabn e clenrly ilmorvtratek frrm thirlj yearhuccefslnl jirwcllce tal alarm intcnn sequence nay u radicaily cured nmtiioal be danserons tticcf itilerii mejlcins0r he deeoile fcaife pjiuiiiieott mrflc of eareatonee i in pic cirialnandeiteeiuaby meane cf whlen esvry sufferer no mailer wbatbli condition my oe may cure blrascl cheaply pr radically tltls rectnre boad be in the irnnl- ol evenjoutu and every man in the land f address the oulrcrfl sicdical fco ttian st rn york i postofficc bo- izq who 18 unacquaintco with the oeocraphy of this country will see by examining this map that the sic 00 forfeit having the utmost raaflrferee m ilfirtiper- lority over all others and rfter tbouronds of lest- of the raott corapllcnfed and severest cases trecotll find re fl jntilfled in cflpf- luit to forfeit one tbonsand hoi inn fnraoy ease nfcnusikcilti arc ihroa influenza itaarseqes b cniiptimpton in ju early 6tiigef wljioring- cocgli nud all dis eases of the ihrttt nnri lurfff except asllimn or which ffi- ouli claim ret lei thnt we cnnl cure with tksls couili yrup when laktn according u dircilnng kamile bnltlps 5 ainl50cent lrrg- foiignnedrillar genuine wrappcreony in blue sold bynlmnijrelvis orkfnt by express on recelp of prie johk c west a co1 a w kin ki- eitl toronto fini ante norjtjbeifopayi a locd 4a coijilrohonal trrntraenf tt8 divinct medicine one aciing on tb- nam piictfti h6 tbrcrt and liuji xhcoihcr on iha liver kttbatja aai tlood jkstahtnqy economical safe iv padical tfleatilcht sold lliall dtvugclsts price 75 cts if mx fonn1 aiidpry ile jice ikuki will uc retitadot some chnm c rr tm- itic cues of lone standing may rtcuire ram thretijlb ix pociacu u cflca a ptrranocnt core 5wnifleattr0yny uhssbbbeansql- rssibctsi chicago rock island pacific r y bejng the qrant central una affords to trarslert by reason of its unrlvad geo- graph leal position the shortest and best route between the east north oast and southeast and the west northwest and southwest jtls itermlijr and strlatty true that its connections are all of the principal lines of road between thetenlfcnd the pacific by its main line and branches ft reaches chicago jollet peoria ottawa la sails oeneseo moilne and rook island in illinois i davenport muscatine washington keokuk knoirtlle oskaloosa fairfield oes moines west liberty iowa city atlantic avooa audubon harlan guthrie center and council bluffs in iowa gallatin trenton cameron fend kansas otty in missouri and leaven worth and atchison in kansas and the hundreds of cities villages and towns interrtjedlats the great rock island route aa it is fiunmmtr oalled offers to tnyefert all the adiantage and comforts incident to nmooth traok safe brldces union depots at ah connecting points fast esprass trains compoaod of domooiou8 weil ventilated well heated finely ophqlsfefted ana ilioant oay coaches a line of tho most maonirioeajt hortom reouhimo ohart oam erar built pullmans latest defned and handsomest pftlaobilepinq oar8 and dinino cars that are acknowledged brprsai and people to be trie flnest run upon any loadidt thd eountry and in wltforl mrtflor meats sirs senred to tratelers at uiet6wrateo8ehndityl0rfmh ohipaop and the mussquih wvbr and 8t pauli three trains moliwayjhrtween ohicaqo and the mi880u two trains each ww beoteen ohkjaoo and jrinneapous s the amous u albert lea route a new and duifrt llnei la samoa and kankakee ha reoenth been opened between newport news rkmotkclnoriaui indianapolis and la fayette and ooundl wutts st paulttliineapollaand intattnadlats potnts all through pasaeagare oarried on fait eapress trains fofmofeotsaiedlnformatlonieesilaandfoetswhlohmairbeobtalnedas well astloliatsaiprinolbsutvjsotnoealnthe united states and canada or of vtoerfcowifanasarj rh pmtktpntw chicago v butcher shop r holmes would respectfully inform the people of acton and vicinity tbat he has purchased thc business and property of mr w c robinson and it prepared to supply all with firstclass meat of all kinds and pnulinj and game in season si meat delivered to any part of town at any time s3 having practical experience in the batcberioe easiness i feel confident that i can suit all a call kindly solicited r h0lmb8 ears forthe million 7os chocs balaam of blanks 0u poakivrly kcjtores the hearing sad is ike onlr absolute care tor deafaeu siaewn tll nil is abstracts from pecalurpnecles of small itnlfe sliarl canhtn the yelltv sea known as cakcjiaroimx roxdbletii svery cliiiee fiabernian knows it its vlr- tupri j reiioratlvpof hearlnj werediecovrt ed by a hoddhlst priest abooithe year hlo lis cncf uerc so nntitous and vajrv 80 rseexryorv mrttaftlors that the remedy wtnnftlciiy proclaimed over the eotlrn em- plrp its use bcam si nnjvprsnl that for over ki yrarfno lkakxihs has itjistsd awsg the chinese pboile meni tjtiarrca prop a ii any oares at tlco per bottle h5ir vhs tio daaf say i it is ifcirut rt mlmca in my rne- i have no inanblj noieelntjiy ijfd ant hear ranch belter i have been greatly benefitted my dfaltiefslk-lpeilaenitlopal-tliljiknn- otrer bottle will eo re me- i my hearing i mncn benefitted i hrvcrvcclvel nrtold bf neflt 1 l eivitjjcuod sat fiction iiivcilkpn crealiy be tefiiid and am re joiced life i saw the untiee of it il vlrtas re rnqrestiinanle nnd fla crilattve character astke writkk cax rersovallv testify both fhox kiperi- knce and observation write at ence to haylock 4 jcvney 7 ieysureetnew york fncloaloir f o nnl yon will bear like any tod j ese ani flifwe carat tf effects will b prrannui vnu wit nvftiiejjret dolnrso k1irr or mercantile iwtviev fftdm low in the malls please send rrnry 0y hfgistekfti lfrrtfi fhly j mjnrld by nitlok i jesxet jie agents kjk america fy g y abqmtomen ah umm b vmx budrrcd low nbtut fkjwkor dntmsiiist nrtti u rcrfsra tubhsstlc fnpotr w m1my ms msti- cow tiin sucfeaea tsanria kcsstms fetmhn ismbttalm staple sflbctlti cfcaaly vsmmss cf battmloc cosnluuob rtc iust05 icxeotco t6 tms kk tensrfa oat a ssss jss a wecrv made at borne by the u j jlndcstriodn best bnilneu now i before hie imblic capital not h i ffsnejed v wiustartyon men women bo6 aod glris waned everywhere in wurk lor h now is to time yoa can wirfc in spare time or piue mir wiiolea t4nton io b bustnep n olbr busineit will jiy you neirly as well so o e dtn fall tn rnak enormous pay byfagajrlng at mice cosu oalfil ad lermsftve money made fasivaiiy a n noioribjy address taca 4 co au7ta maine worth their weight tn gold pills 01nitment this iscompalublti medic1he lns vifffi for tvf an itdjterijiahlc fajat turoitijuouuhe wvrldjor the alkriatiou and rarr of hiqit ditto to irurt humanity itjttir the pills lurify rnlic and jmprovi the qunlity td tlx lobl tie vssisl the d gust vu ynyun ictnc tle stomach nud bpwtts iicreaat ibe secretory powers of the liver 1 1 race the nervonb system and throw inlo the circalaiion the purest elements for sustaimfg aud repairing tho frame thousands of persons haro testlbed that lv their use alone they havj ueea restored i hjalh and btruith afier every other raei had proved uusuccesaful the ointment craaaxtn l after fair trial wkh no relief or cure effected your money will ba refunded fncs sixc 8sm by iram btuizm ererrwacrr amount rewired to chre astollow oxe io sfi botrlis will porify the blood eradicating all hu moors from use common pimple blotch or boil to tbc moat malig nant form of scrofulous ulcer our to8ui botttia by cleansing the blood will purify the complexion fronr sallowrjess smooth ont lie wrinkles molt ing from imperfect nourubrsenl of tbc body sweeten foul brcalii and renovate the entire ayetom out to two borrus will euro ordinary cnrjalipatioaorcostlrdess thereby removing ribaiacne piles biliousness and jaundice sod all diseases resulting from torpid liver oki to 8nt borrus by cleaositfg the blood improving the general health and fortifying the eystem again it lairing fresh colds will in all eases relieve and in most cases core that eonimoo loathesorne and dangerous disease catabbh osa tothma bottles will regulate all deraugementa of the kidneys curing urinary difficulties prostration gravel diabetes etc oxk to fobe bottlbi will reiuvigorate tbe entire ayatem curing nervoua and gen eral debility female weakness and all tu attendant miseries ggyards ellowll cures rheumatism rrefwatts worm powders are plnuant to take coaisia ibair own pnrjatire is a safe snre and ffcrfns amtmjrrr mt trvnu in chfldren or adults dr smiths germjct worm artmedv hu been used by tbeanade of penoatt vbo ooirtnady codutae ocr dam for it aa a ptcataat cafe idtatie and jrapt remedy lor tae moral of stomacb aad nt or pta wonw irem ca3d ser adslt it is easy to take sever fink 4 aheohttejy kanaka nd tejjmits so j ftaphyiic twetamed st tbe g smith medicine cot pj 15blettb7ot xarseala d and troy ny i price 25 cis ii solo everyryhebe jfwfv wopmremtd v dr feli siuns a tnaranteedcnre for venelal liseisesw bafe pieawnt aid reliable no bud effects from ft two poet not iul rere wltb brel nritsor tfet frlee i ir bos or three boxes loro written ennrantees uputm by every d tily aainorlsed aent to refund th- money if threeboxeajall to cars sent postage prepaid on lecelpeofpriee ob- felix le ervs 4 co si 83 kldf 8u east toronto 8oi proprtejors- j e alcarvin authorized ngentfor acton ontario will cure or relieve biliousness dizziness dyspepsia dropsy indigestion flutterwq jaundice of theheabty efiyslpelas acidity of salt rheum the 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and every kind of ahin disease mannfacinred only at pjofessor hollo- wnv estblislimsnt 583 oxfohd street losduk rnd sold at- is jm 2s 01 4-6d- 22 aud33sjeaoh box and pot ami iu cauada at 36 eeuts 80 cents ami si i a n1 tiv larger siict in proportion ijjaltiiin have uo afrent in uie utiilwl statw nor are my nedicmes aold- thert piinajitm slimild th tefore look to tlii lalxl on ibe puts and boxes if the j address ia not 533 oxford street london they are spurious the trade mark of my sa d sfedieiea iej ttgistnrerhbvwbwa and also at wash icgtn i ed thomas ho lalowa 633 oxford stoetiodoo si d ecwrirrskkbyi an3alvtjuyit kutt a zuaraateed uo for iltstenrr wnlmsa coftvutetortltn nervotajiaia in headrrhe nervous loatrrilnn caw byaho us- i aleoliol r lohkerr yaaifitt oess menl tieprelelori boneoina ir brain nxutipiln mlau wunri misery ciivntiljr llurtorjeas lisaorrciw vwnotati t- esnrntrtmvioiljiw oyumrexertoii of lusbrittufelfstesv ovemlxlubrri ee iko brat il nut eaa itr fafjccnnlii n be mrutl vuir paiol i t i llora himrial v rr di4iaih mm loimoll urooi urfilre jntaiameesuiawiornn taroir ws an i ordr rarelvil l i f iiabtnaj uni ai in with svnii irw wr wilrtr pnrehssr tr errillt n tn replv ti

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