ironi loll tdv 1 the fw ring lice er find a jrale eise impels j srsi- boxf rerr jit rpaid i kiot 1 if if puliil lured fcel f- ttit iio tit iip met x pt v ttj t rviumifc kvkkv tkvksday mohmkli it tur- free press power printing mouse ihlt ktltkkt actoxonf ticks the fiui lits will t soul to snbcribcr postage mid iuw wr it- nam in advance u- if not so paid ko paper iiscontiiiucd tilt all imai ire paid ucept l the option orthe puhlujior iprnstsu r itts casual utmrtiw- mentj ceuts per hue for the first mcr- tion and s i liuc or cldl l ouent iuscrtiou ch rnfcwioual cirds 10 lines or less per auautu 1 square 1j lines j- 1 anudm payable in 6 niottto ram date o insertion any special koticc the object of which itr to promote the pecuniary benefit of any individual or eompanv to be considered all advertise ment the number jof lines rvckoned by the apace occupied measured by a cai of johi snpmu- cttxtkict rates oaeolumnoneret gutl hall column one year sj00 u4artereotimiaoue yar rfou one column ill montlu sjoo haltcnlumiutinionuis fjoo oaartereotamnitxmonitia 12 oo oieeolomihtm months 3100 halfeoluuinnreemonlhi 1200 qaarter column three ttionlui t00 dvrusemnis whhoulsectflc direction rill be fowled tlllrorbtoaad charted aceord- laslr transitory advertlmenlt- mnstbe rak tn admnee chant tor contract advertisements must be in toe office or 8 a mon monjay other- rite tbey nil be left oyer tll the mlowtnr h p uoore kdltor i proprietor tllto nicd b i frond oaflleatgivr i hi8 rarcn rt11 cu xenpaiier ad- nrtknc8srmaldsrnreatl wtarfr tdsmlslrc coabactamarbenaderutu ik kew vokk business directory wh lovry xt b m c v 8 gradual of trinity coilopc ifem- oer of college of physicians and surgeons office and residence at the head of fred erick- st acton terttt9100 in advance the newspaper a map orbusy life its fluctuations and its vast conoerns v 9150 if not to paid volume ix no 5 acton ont thursday aug 1883 whole no 422 l bexkettt ja lorn out dextlst george- actcn bankinc goy 8torey christie cv co ictou ontario a fkxkral llilxklxd lllml- xkss tltaxhactkll koitet loaited 0 ispsotsc notes notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits i ice cream parlor mrs w c kinc hereby announce lliauhe uill tipon toliy thursday queens birthday aturhif wberr will bo supphcl firstcu j ilc cretin siu ujiicr littler ale kc wliich will le ciuliiiiicl iiirtilou the i sti turner fresh confectionery ai m hind ia fmit served in their icvaur picnics ind pirtic eupplicl with ivc cream 4c a call vliciui 150 don mrtt buzz is thbi price of the iron axle waggon taritkiuv moiixtxa ar ikk poeteyr johv lawson gradtate ofok- tieio vntthrxintcnllkge toconto veterinary sartcoa acton oul oisct in kcjoey i iinv hootaiii ioe tnn n- ideaco in thercir horse crainititj a to t cnatinesx and oertiticate civca ah caii niqut or day prjmrtly zttuj edt- terrus easy dar jfidllek v s geiirki- towk out vill visit actou cvlt wetues- id ulil altal to all calls pcrtaiciui to his profeiiioa orders left altcgmins drugstore trill receive prompt attention terms moderate tj fiseer ce riggs lds of the firm of kigos k ivokt towvsro wil be it campbells hrtrl on the fint moadiy of every month in the practice of his profession k wrk executed in tb latest and mk improvcd style of the dental art ko charpc for consultation barrister solicitor notary pullc georgetown a- aftox jactoa 0siiii ilxs sc iv blocj jrvntx pat ajitkitixt quelph ontano orncr jjeis hotel block jiaxket souaxe ttt b bragg practical irillvtright rearranpn of flour mills a specialty po address box 103 roccicosid t j day lus ikiulill it oithd diloct from ultf tiitllu- faettitrrs nil ivin lie profits paid ti tmouto merchant prince j tilves his tustomotk flic belief i is nit reduced price of 15 thi is the difference i buyin direct from the ulnufjcturers nillrr thin from middle hun farmers anll railway men jinsv c kint actn mayil k3 t7tcllert0x- hall storet barristers solicitors of thj suprtme court conveyancers tc toronto a goare- totun orners xo- 5j church street toronto and mcleods block georgetnvc tt ifoney to loan jis s rrixeetox mrxhiit edstoset w il hem5tbeet licensed aactioneer jr the cjaatics a wellington and halloa ordcrs 131 at tiie frek pes office acton or at mr residence in acton will be promptly attended to xenna roaoaable- tfflc7 immmt alq money to loan otrfbc mosrt favorable terms and at the lowest raies of interest in sums of m and nnrards a splendid new stock ix everv like bargains ix laoies gents i gold and silver watches a large stock ok electro plate just received all niw stylist big- bargains in spectacles and eyeoiasse wm s smith the watch airi block house of gaelpli- see ocr patent dostproof case with waltham movement b savage gielpit ithe oldest drug store in guelph he wakted pertumeey j tu the lnik ntnrc cf the villdgc oci litt nul- i pytyl clerk concern m hi tlje iufxltifnf tntue licucuio tht botiai utclv icariicil wit k tcftin iiortrfiiiiip cure forticarjvcvtrr i ul that htitiiaulty fell ueir o in kt1jfpi ticai almp tvill lu thf rooiithc tfnell of iiattve diuc and thow- from oer the oa ufic r ujxju th colrn iwl bj- bumfirtidj adnuwith fiih an odor that f hold ap to the far i oft iiiiriljiliucnsj twould provoke a iriid frriiiiwc the dctk hadioarlj- fttiwim nrlicti z cuttotit caiue in j a uiddloafeil rodudfhouldirol tusn cl fvy- ti tnnt and thin who alter lonkiuc rosud arhile m clearinc oul hit throat unr- a bottle from avxkffi in ue lining of his coat and said ily darter tilda jane il ion j with iiic to cit some ftnlitiatile pvrfaiacrs dout knot the limine of it hnlfhc mj tfes tcliit theitydrlthereclar put au their doth when liny rct nj tn meet ith iriciii khoscul this rnr to st- it in jie it tviih cotiir to if she fnrnifhel h- ovii lottk- hhet riii i rather ruj so fill it nt with fcviivliiir l he- t whiill m tke the lixll nf spifii turn up her no ili raptur if itr f un it nf tilda jjuf uatilda uioachl a cickeit vorth koim lie eikjssh ty fill i tlit bottle cjar up tujhe carle and eotnc to j spire bnt fuii i lijor jtcrfiuiierj mighty dear aud if that iriui ccoaeh 1iy hcrcic faoilr uitkc for he taut a the lt of sica tucu the elerk ciplainrtl that iicrfuiiit tjih it v olor cect and kren munerition whatevet i would earn money aud buy clothes for the cliildren as fast as thy were needed but 1 have to be cook 1 nurw laundress dighwasber dairymaid ikullion moprag needle woman and gen- era scapegoat all the time aud all for the sake of being supported it wasnt so when i wa u schoolmaam 1 had my otiujouey then and uo thanks to auy- body for it either after delivering hemelf of this tirade mrs ifarcoart shook the acreajniiig bab retire from the firm and give him a mncli- needed leuson and she bent low over the cradle aud kissed the sleeping baby and even while he gazed at her she disappeared what had become of her harry harcoart arose from his couch aud put on his clothes and approached the cradle reverently and cautiously near it was her low rockiugchair aud by its side the hea podup workbasket and her scis sors spool and thimble on the floor j troasers which had reached the vexatious age that require patch upon patch to make them preventable- t could do more work than yon do mrs harcourt and get along with less tuoucy and carry a rail on my shoulder all j the lime at that raid it firry ilarconrt contemptuously could you hot asfced the pjile little j woman wih a bitter smile f coarse i could women have no responsibilities i support my family aud bear all the burdens of life i can remem ber too since refiectiona are in order mrs j harcourt that there naa a time when i i had uo cares and respousibilttie no wife nor children to bother me aud nothing under the sun to ruffle mv temjcr wuuld you like to be rid of- inc fiirry the indignant htljjuid did hji ajlawer in wnrd- bnt he give eut to a prolonged whitle aul left the liou banging tlic dakir after him with a rim that jarred the whole houc an i ct her nenv alftgliuff like so miy liitgiug beci in rfwarmiiig time y the bab- sobbed itself into a grieved and uneasy slumber die tandem team and rollicking drive of boys akamed off into the woodshed aud tiie house was again still in a little while the tiotiscri were mend- el hut the overturned contents of the up set workbasket fairly appalled her as le vasutit lijssrci oat iuuaii tie- rjiawji like contemplated the proimwqnas pile socks kcwcne bet tht it caiae iu phiaj -hcrt- he held crc up till urew silent from tdieer exhautiou i which was yet damp from the after snpper and then laid it back in the cradle while j mopping it had received when the children die renewed her efforts with her needle j and himself were in bed lay a promiscuous fihe was patching a pair of old aud dirty j array of old clothes washed ironed patch in vie- and racreuilcdat a doiirkvi tho lst tbit rteld iv lie adoiiirfur thit d here cried wcli i raw uij- fllhrflc hhc ilnjtzut pcrful up o it r the 1 cii hsr to let that city h hiiii btit i jc trc air fc cuit stand racli a lai- liliflli hev to do tha best ahc can villi ci jvi aud tiastajnis p ii p arrivals ropyy t ule ioi suji lime cau be hatl at tiie ciikli lime vorks insmall or largo quuitities at any time apply at the kilo near totens mill or to c s bjiith kav 1st wl box 172 acrox rpi hbee wkxtlv the aulemgned u prepared to purchaae any ijuaiitity f elm birch rcl licoeh aoft laivu nut aah rcl it iajioi liite aib priar irliite sron1 lialm irf- cilcad pine cwlar or black uh ioetiler bolu lob or euudiol lrec api t once lo thus u 1i00uk actou out delaware farms for sale rraulijrerite i 0 hesdbick i bml w teti these finna are improved with buildings fences fruit trees and berries of ail kinds jjood water plcntv of timber land rood roada schools aad churches coxid markets only 95 mile from lhiidilpbhi plenty of fish oyrters and game very productive und cliiuaie tnild and pkaaant come and aee for voureif and be convinced i am prepared with team and carriage to uke visitors to see the farms free of charge j d hesomcis houston delaware tames matthews asrent for- fire insurance gos life accident insurance tickets 3000 tor 26c per dav agent for the dominion steamship co retain tickets issued or tickets to briuc out your friendu aauera iuax ilxost uct alseauarc honey to loan oood joint or endorsed hort date notes discountad agent for the canadian loan havings co toronto cosfimyceii or qeetis uortgajzes discoarsres clierttle mortcfagea farm and htrase leases areenpn fi- jt civ court corniin queen j bench 4e iasoer of uacriage lieensea cash for grain amd poak scotch tweeds in great variety shaw grundy merchant tailors guelph pure paris era have imparted it larjcu suppu genuine paris creen and we cm guarantee our cus- tcimeia a reliable article at very ituvesfrprice vc nltvnyg liuike it a pciint to test our green before setting it tlierefore tbiwe who buy from us are never disap pointed caution eachpliugofthb myiitle iiivy is marked tb im bbojfzx rbttbs none other jenuipe fftanqos ncsmnf riuceessor to t k cuapinan st- georges square guolph aeconntbooksof all kinds made to order periodicals of every description carerallj bound balinfineauvand promptly done olilt stock of machine oils is complete aud we can give yon a variety of oils for all kinds of machinery varying fii price ac cording to quality out at toc4 and keels and rasped iu tiie ribbiu bhirts minus buttons with sleeves torn at the elbows aud wristbands frayed at the edes jackets with linings torn and riiisi pockets worn into slirejs more troasen a toni mitten two schoolbooks to cover and ft iuuchbato supply with a new strap it was almost sapper time too and this was saturday mrs harcourt was far too cunscieutious to do auy work on sunday that could be j avoided aud all this amount of easy ir- j i responsible work must be finished before i she could sleep monday would bring another school day 1 aud it would also bring about the inevitable washing the children must look like other children if their mother lost her life iu the effort to- keep them scrubbed aud fed and whole and clean j mrs harcoart tiptoed softly out of the i room j the baby wis uervous like herself no j wonder poor thing and was easily awak- etied from it fitful slumbers i there was no kindliug wood for the kitchen btove but mrs harcourt wa used j to that she split a piece of pitch pine into splinter and soon had a roaring fire i and a redhot 0- en tn her haste to pre- prc tiie meal before the baby should acake and cry she burnt her meat and scorched her potatoes and burned a heavy crust on her biscuit i si l he supper was indigents ble uu un- uaa thing but harn- ate heartily andaa nsual retired early to rest leaving his pale- j faced wife to wash the dishes and scrub the children and after they were safe in bed apply herelf ts finish the huge basket of j mending before the mantle clock should chime the hour of midnight harry harcourt felt a little anxious aud a trifle meau as he watched her furtively and saw haw verv pale and weary she was i but lie was 1107 the man to unbend from j hi faucied dignity uor did lie really be- lieve that his wife deserved his sympathy he lay upon his bock in the bedroom ad- joining leaving the door slightly ajar stitch stitojj stitch went the weary fingers of his pale faced wife as the hours went on her feet in the meantime keeping up a ceaseless rock rock rock with- the swaying cradle harry harcourt was uneasy perhaps it was his supper perhaps it was his con science but his stomach and conscience were alike impervious to ordinary disturb ances ad i leave the reader to guess the cause of lm micas ines he raised up on best canadian coal oil best american coal oil always oirhand w g smith co dispensing ciieniiat dikiubounms bjock guelpb harry harcotots dream harn harcoart was uol given to dream- i iug an ordiuara occasions in fact he sel dom dreamed at all for he was a wand sleeper with a ttomach like an alligators and a conscience like a babys an easy conscience and a good digestion are the best promoters of healthy ticep the world over aud i do not voudcr that ham harcourt had a hobby most prac tical and impractical people have hobbies 1 my heros hobby was the i in ary finan- i cial political legil and every way ossible superiority of neup rcpfuliilit over j womens duties iu raising a family and providing for the- household mrs harcourt was a pale litifc woman i with a big family pale little women are j verj apt to bo mothers of big families they are like decaving apple trees ei- i ceedingly fruitful because of their predi position to early death j mrs harcourt children were boys i ruddy rollicking jolly little romping fel- 1 lows whose knees would peep through their trousers and whose elbows would get ragged in spite of their mother untiring assiduity i if l had nothing more tu do than you havg mvf harcoart i am fure i would j keep the childrens jackets and troasers in order said harry harcoart oue day when i ben and billy came rushing into thcjteit unfurnished farmhouse driving a tandem j 1 team of the other boys and racking mad upon the newly mopped floor the boys waked the baby who had just j 1 fallen to sleep after an hoar of incessant rocking while the mother had wearily plied the needle and they apsetherworkbflikel j tn a heap as they galloped around the j i room in high glee harry always said mrs harcoart when he meant to be extremely dignified mrs harcoart was not always as meek j as she looked and her husband had many hia elbow and gazed out into the room a time discovered it to his cost she had a j where his wife was sewing i will of her own when aroused and harry 1 stitch stitch stitch rock rock rock harcourt had once more unwittiugly would the stitching and rocking never aroused her by riding his strongest hobby j atop i directly athwart herj sense of justice when but pshaw thought harry harcourt i she was nervous frojn over exertion what right have i to be uneasy a wo- if l had nothing more to do than you mans work is nothing let her stitch have mr harcourt or if i had the control and let her rock its what women are of my own earnings as you do id once in made for a while be able to buy the children some- still he could uot help reclining there i thing new to wear so that they wouldnt and watching jier always have to depend upon patches thats all a woman kucwa ahftut aoom- omy x u iu tlltfie n i if you had free swdng at raj finances new j clothes for the children indeed let them j wear their old ones p thats what tbey fcave beet dpiflg a ajong mr htirwurt fld they ware mostly made pjf cd ploifta in the first place if x yfim only fffie from all the qnpaid drudgery ht yoq irapofle tpon mt without uy n clock struch eleven and still her silent weary work went on and as harry harcourt gaxed he fancied tjhat her entire bnaid tdjy became nweni and could bte lithsqtf reflected hi her thqughts as he td xevt mfodtfnwetf befopei vtfi yes she soljudqaize and fcw xoentl thonghta thrilled his iqw electricity harry tlxinksiieu tjha head of uiu family and it only prqvidw stay and bupport bat ble4shini he docent kiaow i guess ill ed and mended by her patient fingers he gathered np the worn garments one by one and as he touched them felt that they were worm with the wasted lifeforces of his palefaced wife the night passed away morning rose ate and radiant beamed in at the curtain ed window where harry harcourt sat watching the baby awoke and began its usual wailing cry he tried hard to pacify it with the nursing bottle his wife had pro vided the night before bat it refused to be comforted he remembered seeing its mother shake it into a few extra screams followed by a season of quietude bat frhen he tried the experiment it did not succeed the other cliildren were up by this time clamoring and hungry and cold he knocked them to the right and left with j lifs open hands and wlded them into treiuhliiig sileuce- wheres my mamma tne unausweraue question was repeated i over and over till harn harcourt grew frantic with mi pence grief aud bewilder- meut the pile of mending had nut been all j completed mid the many missing buttons made it very inconvenient for him to dress the cliildren properly for sabbath school the breakfast was a complete failure j the children could not eat his primitive j cooking and the babys wailing cries rack- ed his nerves strong aud hearty as he was i till he was desperate enough to almost j strangle it dinner was a more perplexing meal for him to prepare than breakfast he whip- j pd ben aud billy to make them wash the i dishes and whipped them even harder when they broke half of them into a shape- j less mass by letting the dishpanfall i monday came at last aud after a sleep- j less night with the wailing bahy ham harcourt went once more through the per plexing work of the morning in the kitchen and then came the washing a wearier crosser man than harry har- court never sat down to a cold dinner the cliildren skulked into the corners and fairly forgot to play at tandeu teaming in j a few days their clothes wore out again andlie could not patch them nor could he j get away frura the house to earu or even buy new ones his own ganijuts grew buttoules and his food wg nnsupportably indigestible i wueu harry harcouri looked in the j glass he found himself growing pale like his vanished wife no wonder she grew white aud thin poor thing he sighed sadly l phall die before many days if i have to carry ail this responsibility on my shoulders without assistance j nobody ever helped mamma said billy aud he dodged behind the cradle to avoid being buffeted for his temerity that is true thought harry har- f court and then his health began to fail and his strength forsook him and his head ached and his temples throbbed and his j feet grew sore and weary and he felt hinf self sinking sinking sinking into the grave what will become of the poor children when i am gone he thought next satur- day eveuiug as he wearily stitched stitch- ed till midnight but i desene no bet- tor fate than my present lot and i have no j reason to complain h i do suffer i never appreciate fanny poor thing if i only had her back id give her the free and equal possession and use of everything on the plantation she should have help plenty of it and all the money she needed to spend or save as her own sense would indicate and id never call myself the re sponsible head provider and supporter of the- family nor accuse her of having noth ing to do no never but its too lace now shes gone and im left to carry the load that i would never acknowledge was a load when she had to carry it the baby had cried harder and loader than ever aud harry harcourt felt himself sinking lower and lower in health and strength till finally he fell sprawling upon tiie floor from which he rose at last rub bing the craxybone of his right elbow and staring around the room in a state of semi consciousness what in the worlds the matter harry harcourt asked his palefaced wife in alarm are you really there fanny he- asked eagerly i thought you were dead darling no harry im not dead yet but i shall be before long at this rate was the reply ive been mending the childrens clothes for three hours while youve bee snoring ad you haveut been away at all i been away why harry you most becrtuy how ooudd 1 get away tdlike to know with all these backs to clothe and all these mouthfttofeej to bs nothing of washuigironii spinning scrubbing andruking care of the baby ive too maijy responsibilities here to think of go ing way unless death calls me and to tell oa the truth harry i dont think it will jbe very longftefore i am called for my treigth is failing rapidly and i have freqijent sinking spells i hfvefeltja half- dozeh times opsght as if jl would sink through the floor but then it isnt any matter maybe when im gone you can get wifevho can manage better and spareyou the humiliation of seeing your children out at the knejs and elbows wife your husband hai been a con founded selfish shortsighted idiot and you me been a silent snfferin angel ex- xlainjed harry harcoart ciisping her in his strong arms and seatitf himself in her rockingchair with her ham resting on his bosom ive had a dream dear and ive lived through a whole week of your daily life iq the lasuhree hours nd i swear to you by all thats holy th t if i live till monday morning there wil be strong help provided for you in the kitchen aud you shall have all the money you want to buy clothes for you and the children and ill never bay again that you have nothing to do why u there isnt a man in america whjj could live as long as you have and do the wqrk that you have done for the last ten yeirs or ever since weve been mar ried j the work is the very smallest part of my trials harry ive been a mother to all thee cliildren in that time you know harry harcouri hadnt thought of that before j but he considered it now and he became at once a strong and earnest ad vocate of equal rights for men and women with the added right of women to protec tion from hard labor while bearing chil dren- if you want to hear an unanswerable argnment upon the woman question at any time youve only to say in my heros hear ing that women are supported by meu- while men make the living in short he has swajpped his old hobbyhorse of mas culine supremacy for tire new and perfect one of jfeminine equality his common palefaced wife has regained her oldtime girlish ace and ruddiness and there is do better managed household in all the land than hers harn harcourt did not buy the thousanddoljar horse he had set his heart upon but he rertored in its stead the happy loving heart that had well nigh estranged from him throughout his former acts of greed ail selfishness a lytilkmans explanation i will call his name john dodge simply because fids name was not jolur odger ordinarily he was a good sort of a man and i coud not positively declare or affirm that he was not a saint but he was a milkman and i believe that milkman like other mep have their human weakness the widow umminger was an excellent woman samplehearted and honest eking out a somewhat precarious existence by keeping boarders john dodger supplied widow lummin- ger with milk and when the good woman had engaged of him a supply of the lacteal fluid he had solemnly declared that she should have pure milk and nothing else and yet the good woman at length came to fear that her milk was not always exact ly what rrj should be it happened upon a certain morning- that the milky fluid was particularly suspicious both in color and in consistence it had a blue ethereal look in hort it looked tratoy and on the very next morning she made it in her way to see that milkman and with much effort and sincere regret she made known her fears ajnd suspicions o ah ye yesterdays milk said dodger with surpassing frankness and urbanity i i noticed it myself poor cows i pitted em indeed i did mrs loinmiugar you remember that awful rain and the thunder and lightning well them poor cows was out through the whole of it jest exposed to even bit and grain 1 of that terrific stemi why bless yer dear soul the poor creetars got soaked through aud through mercy on us do yob wonder their milk got teched jest a grain with the dreadful soakin bakes aiieve poor things and the widow wipeo a tear from her eye and was satisfied j but thereafter john dudger was careful when he came to the widows door to select a can on the broad wooden stopper of which was a single x made with chalk while the woman next door who had never complained got her fluid from a can marked 39 i would not dare to- affirm what thoee jxs 4neant but john dodger knew and in seasons of severe drought when the cowb gave but little milk he had stoppers marked as high as xxx ptiarls of thought hope is the brightest star in the firma ment of youth he who imows most grieves most for wasted timet moderation is the silken string running through the pearl chain of all virtues a friend cannot be known in prosperity and an eneriy cannot be hid in adversity he gratii ode of most men is but a secret desire of reoaving greater benefits humility is a virtue all preach none practice and yet everybody is content to hear i a philosopher being asked fb define ft quarrel said it ib usually the termina tion of a mujnnderstaiidib a truly beautiful which either has within 11 theelement of growth orsug gests vital ei ergy as its cause m s3 mm a man whbont ambition is like dough- withont leai en in it to make it rise vhenyoi gfve take to yourself no credit- for genera ity unless yon deny yourself something i 1 order that yea may give lifedoes not ooont by years some suffer a life une in a day and so grow old between tiie rising and tbe setting of the ui i f- young l does a state hive a immkify tow boy it dos int the igjjatnre ttw thf state ever timei has h iy 1 by larg i lajorfty haaibferi book ha s- v wm