Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 2, 1883, p. 2

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a cton tgrec res8 tmriwkty muummi arr a 1r88 under government control tire telotlispr strike has caused a discussion lo ills ad inability ot tho government aimiiufc control o the tele graph ncrvicc tlic telegraph i uy another and swifter way ot carrying iho mail and it is said that it should bo owned tad controlled by the country and incor porated with the wstal system the difficulties in the way ot the government in assuming control o the telegraph service would bo many but it is by no means au impossibility the disputed territory tlic outario government has decided upou taking iwsxcssiou of the territory awarded outrio by the arbitrators iu ltk and all necessary arrangements for the proper administration of justice iu that territory are to be made the movement will meet with the hearty approval of a peat many of tho people of the lrovmce aiidno doubt a large number will object to this action of the government politics is a pecular institution j what she would do with all the corn if it could lot bo made into whiskey bhe replied 1 would hare it inado into starch 1 to stiffen tho backbono of many of the temperance people the new high license laws iu the woat differ widely in illinois all licenses hereafter for the ale of spirits and wines arc to bo granted upon payment of 1500 a yoar aud lor beer at m50 tho ne braska law puis tho fee iii cities of a certain gradeatj 1000 and at 500 for air other places the lav of iowa permits towns to fii the amouiit and uiere is uo uniform rule on the subject in some places it in as low as 7 and in others as high as 1000 while there has been a largo in crease iu the average amount throughout the state ami a considerable reduction in the uumber of lupiorsellers ayers hair scott act trials the ollowiug hotel- kceiien were brought before w h young police magistrate at milton last week for violation of the canada temperance att and were ull found guilty and fined as follows viz john e burch milton wo costs 1950 williamniih milton 150 cosu m5 thomas msh milton m00 costs i18h5 elias clark georgetown 50 cost 15 canadas cattle export trade canada has exported 16037 cattle and 847470 sheep to euglaud since 187a- the united states sent nearly twice as many cattle and 11000 more eheep last year we seut 3371 cattle and ck72 sheep and the americans exporteovralher more cattle bat not as many sheep the cattle king dom of denmark however which is slight ly larger than cue of our urgent counties beats canada iu the live stock exporting linej oar tride can still be largely in- creased or the english market calls for a much larger supply fire protection the telegraph strike another week has come and gouc but it has brought no sigus of surrender among the strikers the dispatches and com uuniicatfou throughout the country- give evidence of tiieir determination to holdout until their demand are granted the i company couttuue lo ksecl that things arc running mucwthly and that all business is being transacted in a satisfactory manner the htrikerv on the other hand claim that j this is not tme- they say the company is now in a worse fix than ever as on satur- day evening the railway operator were j j ordered to refuse any commercial message they have doue so and in this way there r are therefore many offices throughout the 1 country connected by the railroad system j which are now virtually closed ontario agricultural college oar reference to the above subject in the columns of the feee piuis has been very freqaent but ap to the present time our efforts to induce an agitation with success- j speakin o uttcit tour through fnl results have been apparently futile j canada m joaquin miller the poet of we trust however that at no distant day j the sierras thus alludes of the outario oar little town will be equipped with some i agricultural college the province pays efficient means br which the destroying 30000 a year to- maintain a school for clement may be extinguished or prevented 1 the practical education of farmers this from spreading in case of emergence j institution torus oat annually from two to thus far acton has escaped disastrous huudred dwdphmd and spleu- j didiy equipped meu lo take charge of the j most important healthy aud altogether honorable pursuit ou earth we in the i states are accustomed to think if a man rwiorw with utt m and freatuiess of youth faded or grayha to a natural rich brown color or deep ttaek u may bo deal red hy lu use light or red hair may bo darkened thin hair thickened and bahluon often though not always oared it check falling of the hair awl immo- inlci a weak aud ilckijr growth to vigor u prereiiu and corei icurf auddaudrnff and heal nearly try dueato peoouar to the icmp at a ladles hair dreulng the vioun u uueouallod it cental ru neither oil nor dyo reuden tho ualr soft glouy and ukm lit npfearauec andjmpart a delicate agreeable aud laatjug jrfumc mn c i brichih writes from atye o- a l ai fall my hair commenced frilling oat ami lu a short time i booama iicirlv bald 1 uicd part of a bottle of a yens iuin vioon which stopped the fall- lug of the balr and iujuxi a new growth i imtu now a full head of balrgrowluff rigor- ouil and sin convinced that but for us rue at yuur prejiarauou 1 should hare been entirely bald 1 va bowex proprietor of the itcartkw ukka enquirer y a vues 1ui vloob i a tuoat excellent prepamttou or the hair i tpak of it from my own experience its uk promote the growth of new hair and makes it rlowy and soft the viooa u also a care euro for daudruff xot within my kiioalcdxv bas the preparation cyer failed ijgire entire saturactkmis mit artora fairtuiax leader of the crkbniinl falrbnlrn paatlly of sooltlih vocalii write from jioiton iiui ftb lafo kvcr ilncc my hair began to gjre sll very ctideiica of the change which htlttg timu procureth i hare used avtbs luia viuou and h ha to been bu to malnlaln an aiiiearauee of youthfulnesa a matter of oouamcralilu couaequeuee to ministers ora tor actor and in fact ercry one who lives iu the fvca of lbs public mico a irkmiitt writing from 18 kin ckarttotrn mau april 14 1mk2 aayi two vf an ajto about tvo- of my ualr came off it tiytluicd very rapidly aud i wis ftm prouiui lialtl on uaiiu aykhb jtaiu vuriu tlic tilting btoppcd aud a new growth couimcucixl atidlu about a month my bead was cunipcuiy covered 1lu short luur t ha coutinuod to grow and u nowtu good ai tx-fin- u fill i rigiiurly used but oue bottle cf the viii but uowuwj it occasionally u a itrwmliig we bare uunureda of liuiuar twtlmoniau to the efficacy of avers hair vigor iv iiccoj but a trui to courinec the most tkcpu- calwf luraluc rsxtajlcd dt drcay6rco 63utysildmijta business brevities some fet sbcot oar basiaess ma and hoasei of bonsflt to oar renoral roadort jbhikable hnihett t 1st throe of those oouvenleatly kiuiid teuement booses of the aoton beijdlnr awooutiou my be maudrudmato acton doc 21ivi882 pwbdml store and dwelfiiig to xjeit that commodious store tad dwelling ocoapled by messrs w p brown co od the corner of mill tixl willow stnete aad lu the centre of tho butlocu piri of the towo tuiuble for either ilrr goodj or general store there u twoflflis of an acre of laud lo oonneotlon with the building rood wells nnd oollsr store hooh 4c for terms aud particular spplyjo 8 smith s aleshex waktkd to begin work at onoe on sales for fall 1883 for the fonthill nurseries the largest in canada morris btohb k wxl- llkciton proprietors we can start in ad ditiou to oar already large force 100 adii tiokal caxvasaeki aud witnt men who can jrire full time to the businoss steady em ployneut and good salaries to auocessful men it dots not matter what your prer ioas occupation hu been if you are willing to work your success is almost certain the beat of references required apply en- ploaiog photo if possible to stone 4 wellington nurserymen toronto out qooo conns hemlock bark wanted the subscriber will pay five dollars and fifty cents per cord for all prime fuality hemlock bark delivered at the anuerr at acton before november 1st 1888 bark must be bright on flesh flat and full four feel long curled or damaged bark only received at a proportionate re- i ductiou any otber lufortnation will gladly be jfaroished uimmi spplicfttiou at the tannery to oar mr willsoci bkakdmokktco i actou may 9tb 1881 hals fi in i ccuts la fi 50 at j fyfs if you wuil a rtomiy dumlilcand cheap suit j fyfcs if- the plc to go scotch kfjluh aad fiuacliin saitiuga in tjfet variety at the east hud clothiuic store j ryfc acton hiiiu and overcoats at extremely itm ratcj aud uiadc in latcat styles ik sine to call aad ace the in jfyfe acton mcqaiuan d harailtoo ai the welling ton marble works gnclpli oul aredoinz tkv it thk kueb puess fbomkowtill january 1st 1884 for only 40 ckkts conflagrations but we have uo parant and can scarcely expect a continuance of snch good fortune lo the end of time at present ji a fire should breafc oat on mall j fit far notiiir eke he can settle down street or near its junction with main j on a farm and ret ou we have made the j the largest retail marble trade in out ow- street during windy weather the devasta- farni the last refuse of the tramp they ingto the fact that they do the beat aork tion would nndoabtedly be very great and here are making the farm the first place and ecll the cheapest the public are warn- oar citizens ould be almost powerless to u the true gentleman and this is right j ed agaiuat dealing with second haud trade wring the necks of sweet and simpering pcddlerc but fhotild qi direct to the firm clerks and counterjampers whose highest j or buy frota their agent see that the achievements is to tie a double bow before 1namo mcmillan t hamilton ia ou the k glass ou breathe his perfume if yon printed form bcfnc you aicu or order jiic my udy but dont make him a dar- i j ljtire byod conufiioua ferers aad ling in preference ta a manly fellow who i m diicar ive no bold cu the tysleiu after his fashion if a creator of fortunes csrsnvsiotmch bitten render the and a builder of worlds we mut have i lj3rr art p y a d icku l re uiuc v cenls i j in jfi iiiatory o medicine n preparation avert a conflagration if we were supplied with adequate and available means of extinguishing fires the amount of decrease 111 insurance- rates would in a few years pay the whole expense incurred in securing such protection sev eral theories more or less practical hac been advanced by vhich suitable protec tion might be provided and we purpose presenting another scheme probably in next issue for the consideration of our citizens our columns are open to any ienou who will write intelligently on the subject and as there are no doubt a num ber of our leading meu who have studied tlic matter with wiuie care we invite thsm to give thefr views to the public so that the qaestibii uiav be taien hold of at once and rigorously worked to a successful termination the- importance hi the subject renders it worthy of carefni con sideration bv all kates and comments one of tffcse institutions in every slate of oar cuion a dozen if necessary to dignify and make easy and intellieut the office of the farmer the trade of war is out of date the lawyers office is of doablfui calling for what does it give to the world iu return far his bread tlic doctors place i hardly desirable for a rcfiued nature but the canadian have decided that the fanner hold the world on their shoulder- nnd are standing tmclyljy them they have jahijjether m the dominion more lhau ciglily assations devoted to the culture nd devejopenitfiu of siock nd grain correspondence i try it the free press froiixowtill january 1st 1884 for i only 40cekts we wish itw be distincuyuudcrvtood iliat we do not uo j ourwlrea reaiaoniilili for tfia 6pn- ious or eirwou of anv comsikjudeau as an evidence of the wholesale destrac- tiou caused by tjie flood it is noticed that the london towuhip council advertises j for the erection of no ick than forty j basket plciuc bridges i to kr luur of ih fff pir the triuce aud triucess of wales enter- j dkau sic having been present on wed umed at mirihorouch house the fiabermen nesday evening of last weeltvat tltc basket whq visited the opening of the exhibition and to the surprise of their boyal hosts one half of the brawny fellows were found to be total abstainers does hanging increase murder no one with the least grain of common sense woqm think of saying that it did yet men tvj jirofe to have brains will tell you rnost aijubalicauy that prohibition will increase drlljujnness yet they arc unable totate by vhap jaocess of reasoning they arrive at this conclusion one wayto settle two troublesoifae ques tions- the irish bother england and the indians plague the 0 s the english are tfldeavoring to ie3eeu the diflicahy by abipping the irish to america and it is proposed that uic0 8 reciprocate by shipping the ijjdiaiu to england how f ivouti that work 1 ex as a precaution against cbowa the uomlnion government have ordered that u jsgels coming to any canadian port irom or through the mediterranean be treated s fiopjiug from an infected district siid placed in gaftruuioe the disease is spreading rapidly in egypt an4 fears are entertained that it will visit london j w fitzmaurice of flint mich who ia well known in acton claims the distin- pushed honor of being a near blood relative it fe newly appointed governorgeneral fif qafld henry pettis fitzmaurice marquis of laiiswne the grandfathers ja the marqais and kr fimaarice being jbrotbtrs making the latter secattd cousin in the forskk the subject m pryjjiwfciou hau entered pctitku to trtay f and the boouw a adaudon oar false colon the sooner wrh the work be dose anoldlady in iowa was aafced picuic held in the towu hall i take this opportunily of making a few remarks with reference to it a it was without doubt the most successful assably of tins nature the people of acton have had the pleasure of attending there were between forty and fifty couple present aniougthem quite a number from guelph rock wood and georgetown all of whom seemed to enjoy themselves immeueely the music fur nished for the occasion was by messrs gliouuo d laurias italian band of to ronto and was much appreciated by every one aud the manner in which the evenings entertainment was conducted throughout weu to prove that the committee had done all in their popxr to make it enjoyable for every person present th yerj tasteful display of edibles served at about eleven j oclock showed that the ladies of actou arc second to none in providing for an event of this character after singing auld lang syne the company dispersed at a reasonable hour trussing jbat the committee will keep the fall rolling aijd fbat yon will find space for the above in your ujrstuig paper i remain yours very truly j lias nrrtived such tjuiverwl eolnmendatioa for the alleviation it afford and the per maiifil cure it effct iu kidney dicaseaj j dc vas blren kiunki cthc ita ac- j tiou in these diatrcssmg complaint is sitn- ply wonderful sold by j e mcciarvin i wc luc a spicdy aiitl positive ture for i catarrh diphlberu canker aud itendache j in slilmiv cttrrh liuetty a nasal j injector frti with each buttle lsc it if you deire health aud sweet breath price j o0cl sid by j e mcgarrin 49 xo lotthji jw eodsidcred com- i piety witftiiat a ittle ot lh va glicvs i kidstyclkk ia in the closet it ia the j only remedy that will positively pennan- i f nlly and promptly care all forms of kidney 1 diiowrf jjold by j e mcgarvin i dr carsqiiaswmapli bwlttfis jjemove i codninptiou relieve ijziineii diapcl sick headache ftholinb jjilipuiness aad regulate j the stomach liver aid bowpu 1 i now that there is a reliable remedy for kidney troubles half the orrori attached to tfaaa ionjpf tip ta hare been removed for this ut alt bo uistfitfa r to dir vas bfiievs kinxrv ccrk ad all udifi for hiving thus removed a hilberto considered fatal disease from our path it was never kuown ii tail haw byj e mcgarvin a oard to all who are suffering from the errors agd iudisorctious of youth ucrvooa weak- iieas early decay lou of maabood c i will aeud a recipe that will cure you chez ot charge thii great remedy was dis covered by a missionary iu south america send a selfaddressea cnvlope to the rev josetitt tsmak station d yorkcdt try it i the free puk8s from now till january 1st 1884 for j onlv 40 cents acton inly 30th 1883 patjiox j 8 rfltherell wntiag from winuipeg says can y inofp a bo at puosphatdtk dow than when l sasr you iaft ia f orpntc my health is tnach improye and i ajn free from headaches or any other usbfib haying only used two and a half bottlas of your phosphatine for sale by all drnrgfsti shilohb uatarrh remedy a marvtdloijb corcfoicatanrhdiphuierh canker ooth and headache with each bottle there is au imons nasal iujector for the more saccestbl treatmuajb of these wmplauiu without extrachjrge price s itaeklena iralrarialrr thp greatest medical wonder of the world arralgj to apecdily cure burns bruise cuts uicers halt hheair fcrer sores caocers piles chilblains corui tetter chapped hands aud all skin crap- tions guaranteed lo cure id every instance or money refunded 25 cent per box for sale bv j e mcgarvin 46 olfaaa ointment and phi as spring apmoaikee a ni favpnrble opportunity bffern for rectifying irregufarucfrofnoiug iuiparitiej and erasing blemiihcb which hove arisen from the presoaco of matt oh forbai by wrnler from bein traofpired through he pores tim searching oiol- ment well rubbed upon the skin peut rates to fip ecplyieoted organs uponwuct ixeierta woji yhpojne and beneflciai idftnenjcfl 3rjeu wgh a io indigestions give ay to this simple tpytinepf aided by putlfying and aporitjra dpses of rtol lowayii pills round eaob box of which plain rabtructions are folded bilious disorders loss of appetite falness after catidg hissitude goul and rbcumaustn may be effectively checked in their paiufaf ptrress an c sieds 67 jong snfferidi eradjcaterl by one remedi m why ahould a mas whose blood is warm within sit like his grandsire eat ia alabaster 7 or let his hair rrow rusty scut and thin when cingaleae eenewer will make it grow the faster for sale by j e mcgarrin j the creates mcaliaa maajsam is a preparation of oarbolio aad tueline and oerate called mcgregor t parkes car- bolin cerstp f will core any sore cut burn or bfuisa vhen all other preparations fail cull at i e mooarvlns drag store and get a package twentyfire cents is all it costs 48 ileklie rilrtsrsaposai aaial care the symptoms are moisture like perspir- allon infense itching increased by scratch ing very distressing particularly at night seems as if pin worms wcreciavllng in and about the rectum tho private parts are ometioies nffectod ii allowed to oontione very sejjobs rjujts may fullow swjiysea oivtukst is a plaailaqi anre care alio for tetter hob salt rheum all scaly crusty 8kin diseases seat by mall tor 50 cents 8 hoaes 183 v stamps ad- dress dr 8wayne son philtddphia pa 8oldty drnggista jo ndfafrllike saferui tiwt tfsmw banacei has no equal for nllerlng pain bolb internai and external j it cures pain in the 8ide baok and bowels sore lhroat rhenmatirai tcothacbtl lumbago and any kind of a pain or acbe it will most lurelr quicken the blood and heal as lta action power ia wonderful browns hontehold panaaaa being acknowledged as thereat mp o doable the strength of any other wnir of ilinienf in the world sho ild be in every family handy tor use when i ranted aa itietukr ia the best temwiy in the world for cramps in the stouaeb a idpaimaud aches oau ijada and ia for i iletiy alllruula atj6 ceatii bottle enlargement of premises previous to making ulloratioim 1 will ofler tho balnncc of my stock at cost and under below are a few of the leading lines and prices 15 lbs bright sugar for i 13 lbs extra bright sugar for 1 11 lbs pulverized sugar fop 100 5 lbs splendid tea for l halfgallon vein jars 8140 per down quart vein jan mio a dozen pint gem jnrs si oo n dozen remember that the balance clothing and- fancy goods mnstalso be cleared out at once and the whole of these lines will be offered at prices to astonish you this will be the last chance you will have this season to get goods at your own prices as all must be cleared out previous to making alterations f deitch acton july 18th 1883 i raduated with honors mccoll bros lardine and other machine oils having passed the most critical examhiatious by competent judges has been awarded gold and silver medals diplomas at all exhibitions secoll bkog toronto ont floto feed store the undersigned has purchased the floor and feed business from mr hubert elliott and will carry on the inisiocss in the build iniriurmerly trm as a barber shop opt- ite the old feed store 1 will keen iu stock and sell fur cash flour boiler flour granlatd wheat cracked graham flour buckwheat oatmeal corn meal bran shorts chopped pate chopped barley chopped peas chicken feed oats peas barley bye oil cake thorley cattle feed climax f6ed flax seed fotatoes turnips beans o ctec garden field and flower seeds fresh and rood for sale oheap four paironatfe respectfully ioleue4 cjwn for all kinds of grain people are alvajre on tho kwkoat xor olianoes to in crease their earnlno and in ttm heeomewekllhj i those jybpmiprt their opnortonlues re- sspckjriiwewsjutjnany men wo- sis3shset iint ta- ueirown raemtuim- anrone ean do the zzjep to rt itliebnal flaliijaaymtetojib lea tuaeaordtnm pwooenjfajreartllaloijqalteinoueyrapul- cheapest on earth crifein 15ell8 15 pounds of good sug alf dry a8 powder for 100 cash 1 fe- mens scotch tweed canadian tweed pants for 200 readymade coats for 225 worth 5 00 v ladies and straw hat w r gentlemens fancy fpr 156 and 2qc 100 each n x these are facts that cannot be jarred i remember j at the falton dry goods house cb crifflh -v- o moris long sittings we are making all from one to five dry plates do not wait for sunshine a good line of selling oheap kinds of photogrraphsin seconds by the new prosess in all kinds of weather i but come right along frames and mouldings orihand cwhillv the mammoth muse m v beg leave to intimate that tjieyare daily in reoeipt of new preah spring qoodg including ailllneiy mantles readymade clot nug twqods qenta fnrnishingb hau k caps uosiery and small ares in fact everythinglhat eohatihites a firstclass stock we have kercised ouraelves to our utmost cpkidty ahd made useof ourloug experiencncalareotttctiwriib stock for prices variety and qnali that wiu surpass anything ter attempted in this county i we can attire the public that ve will sell them goods at lowef prices thap smaller concerns tiyvfi wpw- ffr them clur stock is large and varied audvwe make additions f3 the newest aud cheapest goods to be fouuid a the iimtmsfsssy world we a11 gpepial a tl4ippormjlljpeij wfrtia est and most fashionable nbtehtfaodive w 1iriumhlk lo- get up the same in supetijr gtyte our breasmimepalimeutt has proved quite a success we turn outdreasee and mantievtf7the satisfaction of our patrom we makea epeeialhof ifwuiubkap- parel and wedding tross sau we have n imowbje itock ot f uoodsrin auine new mi teriais sife trsattbwbii marulleanx cashmeres 4 o prints magnificent aortment in i darkcolore hyelyistterns and wtb bprieii ixtzz 5c a yard ftk3usab goqifelt gj ades anddril8 a drill for 26c ayaw tfiit can aotfook f gray andwhite c6ttoiib it mijlpricies cur ord jlotlhiigi partmeut is unsurpassed- it is one of ttie largeat cqtjlsiiiim kind in any county towi fwe guarantee sataotiw w wcejflfc and get jpjon te a magnificeut tjtejrit for 26c a jardi apestrj crfpot foipowdr1lf5ofwe that will compare withan j catpet house for i also a fine btocfc dfyfroro ilclplhflicflrfttiii aud cheap we respectful y4afir h i- friends andoordially iuvit ftbepuw

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