railway time table grand trtjnk railway ikt iaht hmvi a 1 ht ipd g liu fomui 1lo u kqnr thtrntfli kqtrvn kxraw knuw mall 107 it ill da nan 1 40 i ui pjril m3 uu special ww jun tin uuit pjqrt jmnc tt at lim m md to- 1 cite ulchl rtiin jvtuc mt at ijvj a lu to ik run trn motnlio niortifimi joint w c- 5no liu tkmir krtftjr tm mh iim jun ktifhftli mail close at mil aui ou irituj r tow jfrei mr ess turrmh mfrmnv ali i lts at ceo hynd8 tea bpootifc table spoons knivo and fork at goo hyud watches clock jeweln a large stock spectacle from itf ets to is wedding and biruida provrtu tuwe ripe rocket kutve combs hair brushes bchool boob note paper and kntlopev pen and ink cull in and see nu urvc rtock goo hnk jcweller a ykjic gotxi store acton out bits of brevity a4 ur prrparrd bj he v r mt f he ik a4jciuart rr wader- f tb fire rira streets wn davt ehth mouth aajrut look out for hot ueather thi mouth fridays torm wa hard on the com the xc york excariau prt lias relanied woodcock anoii opened ouru 5psruuicii tull now ixt to work regular mouth v ineetiusof the ljoanl of education ncit mondxj evening a larjs amoaut of travelling i beui done now jer pasukr tram i fall the toi under thirty eak of are bet tiros over thirt m a cricket match lat week grip gripsack for the present wjslsou- i has been received- it i replete with mid- summer fan erainosa fail bhow will be held at bockwood on tharsdaj and fnda iltli and 12th october raspberries are not so plcutilul a was anticipated thoare selling here for seven cents per p5oncl the sl phrase a dead sare tlnuc has been superseded b the elegant erprfc- naiu a deceased surety abase ball match between the beacrs j of ithtoti and the starvof acton will be played here tins afiemooii- the drrit t entered upon it- txcelftii year withja5t isne the 77 is an enterprising local jomxal acton cornet banl rave a free open air concert last thursday evemnjr- promcn d was largeh indulged in b citizen- tne palmerston cotmcil have adver tised m toronto dailies that the town is prepared to grre bomis of 2000 to- aid m boijding a ferist null- some part or parties liare bocti help- mg themselves to new potatoes from a lot sooth east of the cricket jrronnda the owner objects to this the sinnoas heads of golden rsin now wave centlv and graceful to ajid fro in the c if ug din t bcbee it cooct into the country and see mr- edward hjde fonnerh of tins village ht btu appjmted caretaker of gaejph cin hail- there wereaboatthirtj appbeants for the situation r- villaqevarieties i llrriln r lrl arn and wjhrr f mtiiii ihrtr1 u tir iu r kradrrv cootnlghu tlic month of jul vv41 romnrkable for il cwl uisluk the thermometer er sel dom rmiik higher tluin go mid cr often rftukini nesirr 30 the cu hai lo been icmarkbl hen juartorly meeting the regular qunrterlj unvtrnj of the methodist church of cuivu here va held lansuudav hcv tluimiw v olover of toronto piticlie1 most miiircimvc i tcrmon in tuc imirmii and issued the lst lkv llruts in lliindiuiiiitni lion of the sacrament presentation a uumbci of the muds u kcv uclilau cftlueroti of thamesford fur nianv carv pasloi of knox c liurch acton ivpixsonl uv lu- eonpvgatioii tisited tin mancone eicnins last week and prcsciitwi hnn vnth haudsome win of moiio vthti on the eve of tikinj n trip to the tsl for the north west a part cfoldcoanln llnmuniiil mitu bertiik iwsl throuh cui on kilur day uioniui bv nwrul tram on thui m to manitoba thci ncrc of the better i class the c irv belonged to the canadian iaeusc kaihv a bcni the first lieoiijillg to the suidicslc wlncu hnc tone through ou the raud trunk ruin at neoessarr repairs the sideialks in tonu liaic lutu ktpl lu verj good state of npair durni the pre lightning preaii aelon tialted laal friday morning lit one o the most wvcre tlitindcr tonn that ima been seen in una immediate viclii- ilv ot a number o jeara the tttungg lioweter wila co sllsht the teltafrspli aud telephomi wiroa and fixtures beiu til tliat recenod injur the lelegrtph wire wan stiuck 0xm1uj mr jamea brown residence bj tho electric fluid the wires beinj mrtiwl and a number o telegrsph poles aliattered thelutlitmuxenttredthej lwtoflic hurt- dcntrojiug aeferal o the i telegraph instrument and setting fire to the i buildiiii the tiro was ortunatoly notiood b mr anson smith nightttatchman at thecanada doe works who iinmediateh fate the alarm and the ore was extinguish ed the instruments al the 1t it depot wcix also struck and badly damaged tire lighluiug run down the water pii at tho glove factoiv burning it through at several places nearh all the tolcphouo wires in town vere struck aud burued off our citmcusmiro prettt generall alarmed b i the prouimtyof the livelv eleincut obituary i it is oji ui painful dutv thla vvook to aimjince the dcith of mr ciimw lasbv it a n tins tillage which took place last i 1nliv monunp mr lasbv had been ill- or several weeks but it was hoped bv all that he would lajh and 6oou again be m josatssiyn 0 good health uis coustitu- i tiou however received a heavy strain by a severe attack of typhoid fever last winter audjie was consequently unable to with- stand this last illuest mr laabv was a i man respected bv all it ho knew him his c paints oils varninshes c cheap and durable -at- je summer announcement g l a sg 0 w nelson house mcrae ent season hut there arc nor several placets advantages far wcuriog a yood education ere er favorable and he consequent v atuiuo1 a hijih fctamlui m the ranks of the learned he was fora number of vean a student m ictoria uuicniu cobourg at vlntli iiultutiou he graduated m imi ith liu jun bocurm tlic detee of ila aud nven li the ulver medal for general proficiency t the lane of lw death he was engted m a law ofsce in torouto this lamesg hanjj been his choseu profession liib prospect for a bright career were en i irutuimng and his demise at the earlv age ofjsvearsis greatlv regretted the wr- rowmgfannh hac uie deep bv uipalhjvof the commmut in their affliction the i which require immediate attenuut the mckt inqxirtait of thee k that piece of sidewalk on tfamtlrcuoppomte mr win hemtrwtvtiidciecc it i lam ici wi and a mmikr of the planki are looc and ualie to do injury st an t nic u e trust tin- and all oilier tiecesarv npar will be promptlv attcudevi to goklen wedding ou tueda jlth ulu mr and mn philip hetnctreet of peck mich fur main vear residents of acton aud ucinitv the itaxeuu of mr edward moore of this village celebrated their fiftieth wedding auniversarv at their home in michigan with a number of friends and relatives the od ladv and gentleman are enjoung comparatively good health and will we trust vet tend nianj ears happilv to gether it i remarkable fact that tln familv circle ull rcuunu unbroken bv the loss of a iugle tie an actoman s loss a fire cccurred about i wim 01 mon day in the hnck tables of the gordon house oraugevillt the fire got ahead inside lefore anvthjiy wii known of it aud notwithstanding the effort- of the people aud the water works it was found impuiblc lo sve the content- and build ing mr cjtu v sutrdoflhi- vsr had dnvei hi- luitx and bagy mio the f ible abojt three quarters of an lwjr befon tiie nn tliey vcr harm los about fjoii dr ivtulio of jiranyjtou also lost a liorc and phaeton 4 soap guelph how bou the ioiou of 6oap factory the productonc of thi estjiblishment will bcverv useful to the resident- of theiioval cit m furbialiing up and creating a presentable appearance for the provincial exl1fau01i this fall atirc fiu fusv oar 00 a a try cousin should rerucinbcr that while 4herc life there hoap and au n readers to act on the aduce n luudly tendered lo gcelphs- ctlzcns gihj- am ves dear bro bat acton ha- ned the article in qnetin very freclv far several vear 1 but von llo it t a new conmioditv for arctic ice cream paxlor i erctit depot a e matthews having purclmsed the business lately carried on by mr l j uitllievv in the ioat office buildiugnnd remodelled thees- tablisliment is now prepared to supply tbe public with arctic ice cream delicious 8oda water diffcrcut flarorsl icecold lemonade freeh k ripe fruits best brands cigars and every tkingpertaiuiug to the line of firstclass quality xm 0oa soppliel la any qiatlty as i iflteudgivinf my personal attention to the business cmtomers can relj- upon hiving the orders ctrtfally riled a isit solicited a e matthews new furniture store as thev make nearly everything of paper now it is nngnhir that val paper is not utilized for corsets oar pollster thinks its ietu not 6trong enough the cities and towns throughout the province are now arranging for their an nual civic holidays actons will probably be held about the firrt of next mouth we were shown some raspbemei this wek from the garden of be r- b cook thich measured about two inches in cir cumference they were of the philadelphia variet tbejontanogovenmient have author ized tne speed skating kink co gadph 1 to increase it capital stock from 10000 to 15000 that s a pretty big thmg on ice jsnt it j4tpn vi to fiavf 4 u post office on the 6iu oi the ojd one- it is to be built of bnck and will be finished in the aatnmn tins improvement in the county tavu was cxtaml not unnecessary the employees of the canada glove works and moores glove leather manu- uctorr are practicing wifh new to a contest at base boll next week if snll be i leatnerheaoted match tiie iqan wiiq sih ddn on tbe road to jkicoess and waits for a free ride will get left and the man who has saleable goods and waits for the people to find it oat keeps hkgoods advertising is the i ot success gaelpi garden fastty i the mot tacceful garden party given for some year- took place on friday night 3 at the re denee of j r rarber sj the cspacous ground- the large number of well dresbed people walking to and fro along the iawn and in the grove the ircl- low light of the cliinec lautcrtii the tastefully arranged refreshment tent the 1 nch and varied music and song all contrib uted to render the occasion one of joy f ul rememberance rat las sud iioi 13 the netting of tl- uobie sum of skj is after all the most satisfactory part of it mr i and ifrt barber are to be congratalated on the buccess which crowned their eftorts funeral ceremony took place on saturday j afternoon al 3 oclock and was very huge ly attended the bearers were messrs williams and st jolni of toronto and perry of iiramptou three fellow- students with the dcceaed at iclona university mr james brown brampton and messrs i j fyfe merchant tailor and h p moore j editor fiu pm acton itevwbryera j preached a memorial sermeu m the meth- odit church on hunday evening cncke match k ven mtcreiiu game of cricket m played at georgetown last friday between tlic acton and georgetown elevens the djv va a tint could be desired for a match until the lal innings when the playing was somewhat interrupted by a j fhoucr of ram the georgetown team was compod of men of long cipeneuce in the noble game while to the majority of the acton bovh the game is a comparatively new one however our boys went in with 1 a determination to win aud their careful 1 play secured fur them the victory george- 1 town went to bat and scored 2 m the nht inning- acton then took position before the wickets aud piled up il runs lunch vas then partaken of aftr which george town went m with an evident detennma- f l on lo win first place and made 42 our boys vrere then sent to the bats having 29 j niu to hcore before the game was theirs j thiv number was made with se eu wickeu it will be noticed by the following score that double figures were made by only one 1 batsman 1 glonoltowv ifit iwi k j g anjcrwm c king b ifcgamn 0 bciag a practical furniture fuiiilifr will w t jackiou c hill b butler 0 hnish all furniture my self aodconsequeot- h thompson b buller 8 1 1 be in a poaition to give better satisfaction charles h heimbach has decided to eugage lu the furniture business i ictov and will open out on thursday lith mat the store below the oddfellows hall ou ham street a complete new slock of furniture of all kinds and the citizens of acton and surrounding country will hereafter be able 0 parchaae anything they want at home instead of go ing c gaelph or georgetown c roe b butler 3 w west b kcgarvm 1 w biwxby h butler i dcwatson ib vv b mcgarviii i j lindsay nol out 6 j mckay b mcgarviu 1 j kollis b mcgarrin 3 w barclay b ifcgamn 1 extras total arrov ut lamvt w c rung b holli j butler b roe t t moore b rw g fvrf i u w b hoe 2 to make those who attended enjoy them- j j c hill b barclay 5 1 sehe to the utn crgojteit fferakf kennedy h roe j e stcgarvin b barclav 6 j 5 fyfe c watson b roe js h v moore iioqat 0 c w- hijj b barclav 0 1 g ilavili blioe 1 1 txtras 11 ncd more reasonable prices thau other retail delcn secondhand faraitufe rclinuhed in food style and ordesa icfl at the jiop will be promptly attended fa a call solicited we will gladly alio you anything we have whether you buy or not charles r ucimbacli acton july 3rd 1 total giiuirrowv jyi vkvt liijdsji h ilcgamn itoiue my urriou disease ih carrying off lluibs in western ontario nothing ap- pears to be known of il rbarscte the ytiti yjus fcuowq h tlial tlie jambu are ilyfog off in considerable uumberb without any apparent cause a couple of youth indulged in a fight on mill street on monday night tbey ere parted after having received black eyea and bruised faces their language w most profame our civic authorities should hare taught them a lesson for their fzrsokals hiss maggie campbell is i fncid- at aurora mr c w hill visitxd fncnd in ham iltou this week 5r j p wordei hi returned from his v isit in highgate mis c- h walker of lai 1 tun ting acton friends master george mcgarviu of clifford js visiting acton friends 7 31 vnnyy i mr wm killing port km7au a dc watson b mcgamn 1 j 5ickab batler 0 ig his acton farads j holhs h jfoore 6 llr james vtilds sud sir aivataffard j wbarclsv not out 5 of berlin were hi towirthis week total 12 cr anderson fa 3f cgarvin 16 1 v t- jackson b moore 0 h thompson b mcganin j 1 c roc b moore n wwcst b iod quite a number of the srmers in the hutoondinfr townsiiiis are erecting new boase this year xhoogh the diaapiieax 4e of the old homesteads is to be regret- tad inasmuch as they recall pleaaant injem- oriei of bygone days still it is a pleasing iga of the prosperity of the country to see uw fanners taiproring the appearance and swrfort of their premises lmleutblseam tci oatmiio weekly health bolletui re port the following as the six moat preval ent diseases in this district diarrhoea aowau neuralgia bronchitis intermit tent fer and consmuiitiuu hr ft h howell and fsuiih thnr riejds at t asliiiijrton this eel mia bell voantf o grunsb is spciid- iuira fe k with irtuidi liilctoi ifiss minnie frar of oswego k y it the gnest of mr john moore limehoase mrs john graj and her son george of morpeth england are the guest oi mr v storey mr harry griffiths of onciagu was the gnest of mr a a- sccord several daj s dar ing the week miss ada bartch of toroimo one of the stnjting operators nsited her friends here daring tbe week mrs james warren aud mist j johnston of kincardine are the guests of mr john warren near this village mr and mrs eggleton who had been viniting friends in rhafcetpta splint a few days daring the weekwith acton friends while on theio way to their home in tweed miss ermine bailey of oberlin college oberlin oliio and bev g j powell ma md of fredonia ohio were the guests of lira a r rae for n conple of days last week actov jd iwisgs h i moore b koe 0 wc king b barclay 1 j butler c mcka h barclay 0 t t moore h barclay 2 g hvuds b barclav 2 jchill beoe 0 t kenneth not oat i jk mcgarvui b boo 8 j ffe not oat 3 eilras 9 total umpires e nicklin and t josling scorers e craine and a stewart 2fl tbe cjudie icnt in bockwood on the iwth jnly the wile of mr t lundy of a soi aru in acton on the 27th nit the wife of mr wm anld of a son still born w iimjin esqnesing on the 80th nit the wife of mc wu wajdie of a son cwxnot in st louis mon on the 80th ult the wife of mr j f conroy of a bon srkrnkvbov in stciair mich ou the20th alt the wife of mr eben stephenson of a sou the tieaie iiabt at acton ui stftjay 7th july charlea vta8ny ba aged 28 yean riitqnth and 10 days hills tin k stove depot good assortm ext on stoves cheap for cash tinware of all kinds at bottom prices eavetroughirg a specialty and put up on shortest notice a- first class material only osjca a call solicited j 0 hill will st tjanlan barber shopi j f wotitmi has opened a barber shop in th lately oconpied by ur forater ai amedioal office and aouoita a share oi tbe patronage of una ywnity every departm nt of tha butlness will be eonanot4 hrsteuii style givensacall j p vobden jan 23rd 1883 wanted 10 uem0f we would respectfully call attentlonto our large and com plete stock of goods for the summer trade every department is replete with all the novelties of the season dress goods dpartmslit in thw department we are showing splendid value in black and colored cashmeres plain and check leans veilings wool bunt ings mid nil the leading goods for summer wetrr we claim to have the best value iu the county ih 50 centvblne black cashmeres the immense qoantity we dispose of iu this hue of goods is a sufficient guarantee of their excellence we arc showing a magnificent liric of muslins and a hutje and select stock of print ajid cretonne goods w p brown ttcos larue btock 01 groceries glassware chiiuware and crockery selliug cheaper thau the cheapest for one month coods must co out come and get them while the offer is open w p biwn 5ss co dominion main st acton kenney bros havins purchased the slock and business of keanev t son manufacturers tad dealers iu boots and shoes of all kinds in ttw save premises and solicit a continuance of the patroaabb- ao corded ta the late firgj we ti ill alwajj be suppliecf with good stock and firstclass material for ordered work and can guarantee satisfaction t a gall solicited kennejf bb08 aoton july k 83 f 3ct9jt- harhes trunk mmf ksnii biqtnra ikttedja a fi harne88 or trunk to save money sbcmm goto rcreechr our millinery department iu this department will be found all the leading styles of ladies aud misses hats bonnets ac in straw goods tape leghorn c and a choice selection of flowers featherv and everything usu ally kept in- a firstclass house this department is under the management of firstclass millintirs and parties can rely on receiving perfect satisfaction before placing your orders be sure and examine our stock of millinery goods i ordered olbthing wc are now showing a splendid stock ot tweeds in all the leading styles also full lines of blue serges and a splendid range of trous erings we are also showing a complete range of worsteds in diagonal check and corkscrew patterns as this depart ment is under our own personal supervision parties can rely on getting perfect satisfaction from tifefact that our goods are bought at the lowest cash price and we employ none but experienced hands in the manufacture of our cloth ing we also give a fashionable and perfect fit every time and at prices to suit everybody call and inspect our btock of tweeds cents furnishings we ate showing full lines of gents white and colored shirts and also fall lines in felt and straw hats collars cuffs ties braces kc in endless variety staple department i this department will always be found complete and good values iu all lines of cottonades shirtings hollands towellings and all goods pertaining to the department hoes boots and s iu this department we are showing a 1 valp in all lines as we carry an immense stock to select from we have bizes to fit everybody we give 5 per cent off to any person who buys 5 pairs upwards in evwy department of bur business our aim is to place be fore our customers thebest goods at the lowest lossltye prlces and as our business is constantly increasing h is a guarantee that our efforts are appreciated we hope by strict attention to business and fair dealing to merit a continuance of the public patronage we are yours c r- jgrfflfaf j4p aoton iiw