Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 2, 1883, p. 4

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cton gm rw tutbmnv xtorsixc arc s 1883 our young folks of all all the earth is filled wtth blowing which uo aorroic pan detroi and tor cvrrr day of trouble there ahall conic a day ot jot there arc moment tull of ailrcr as the noirors from heaven fall and the teudcroeas of loving is the blessing ot uicrn all though the clouds may haii above us somewhere ranlicht lingers atill and lha pood of every moment shall luryass the moments ill tyove and trust are yet immortal loving souls immortal loo and the glory of a level sparkles in a drcr of dew tale the dctdrors m god gives then 13c they motneuts be they hours so the stream ot life that boart you kliall flow oc through banks of fiovcrs- thcy are moments lull 1 1 icasiuff as the showers from heaven which fall but the tenderness ot loving is the blessedness of all the one he didnt take james yes pa there were seven caiiforaiau iear in that cupboard sii of them arc gone do you know anything aboot it i never took one of them sure i certain pa wish i may die if you wicked bad boy how oftcu have il told you never to use such an expression here comes ma let us see if she knows anything about it mamma says she saw james take at least five of them yon little rascell how dare yon tell nie yon never took one and heres only this little one with the grubeatea side left oh pa dont hit me i said i didnt tike one of them and and and thats the one i didnt take pa relented- good testimony to character there are hc bands who cau do justice to the qualities of their wires under any circumstances a belgian journal fur nishes an example a woman was lately accost of iogoting aiid was on the point of beiuir condemned when she entreated that her husband should be called to speak to character the rajnest was granted and the husband testified with snperb frankness that the best proof of the inno cence of his wife was his still being alive i amjjersaadecvhe said that if my wife had the elhjhtest inclination for poisoning she would have beun with me for shehas detested me most cordially for the last ten years this evidence threw the jury into a roar of laughter and pro duced the acquittal of the woman the injurious effects of alcohol on the brain and nervous system relieved and cured by the use of dr e c wests nerve and brain treatment sold at j e jjciar rins drug store acton be deaf to the quarrelsome blind to the seomer and dum to those mischievously inquisitive excited tkoaaud all over the land are going into testacy over dr kings xew diccovery for con sumption their unlooked for recovery by the timely use of this great life saving remedy causes them to co nearly wild in its praise it is guaranteed to positively core setere coughs colds- asthma hay fever bronchitis hoarseness loss of voice or any affection cf the throat and lungs trial bottles free at mcgarri v dragstore- large size 100 instruction does not prevent waste of time or mistakes themselves are often the best teachers y dr carsons stomach bitters free the system of the poisoqons humours that develop into kidney and urinary tiliseaaes give toue and vigor ia the stomach and- purify the blood 4 1 we shonld do everything we can for outliers if only to dissipate the thought of what they omit to do for us the curative poer of avers ciirscpar- iba is too well known to require the speci ous aid of any exaggerated or fictitious certificate witnesses ot its marvelous cures are today living iu erry city and hamlet ot the land write for names if yott want home evidence one act of kindness will have more influ ence on the spirits than all the soft water baths that were ever invented there is no excuse for suffering from headache constipation and all the weary ing train of symptoms of a disordered liver when burdock blood bitters is an unfailing remedy and nnlv costs one dollars bottle why suffer on without a trial 35000 bottles sold during the last two months with almost universal satisfaction xothing makes the world seem sp spa- dons as to have friends at a distance they make the latitude and longitudes tie greatest htallnc compmud 13 a preparation of carbolic acldj vaseline and cerate called mcgregor i parkes car bolic cerate it will cure any sore cut burn or bruise when all other preparations fail call at j e jicgarvina drug store and get a package twentyfive cents is au it costs 45 jos bcaudin at d hull e q writes dr thomas eclectric gil commands a large and increasing sale which it richly merits i hare always found it exceedingly helpful i use it in all cases of rheumatism as well as fractures anil dislocations i made use of it myself to calm the paint of a broken leg with dialocatiooa of the foot and la two days i was entirely relieved of the pain trams hold llgbtnlng is tile only instantaneous relief for xeural- gia headache toothache etc robbings tew drops briskly is all that is needed no taking nauseous medicines for weeks but one anisettes application removes all pain and will prove the great value of k rams fluid lightning twentyfive centi per bottle at j e hcgatriui drag 8tore 48 tug moat deadly foe to all malarial dil- cases is aycrs agttu cart a combination ot tegctablc ingredients ouly of which the most valuable is used in no other known preparation this remedy is on absolute aud certain specific and succeeds when all other medicines fail a cure ia warranted a bleulng oall mankind lit these times when our newfropers are flooded with patent medicine advertise ments it is gralilying to know what to pro cure that will certainly cure you 1 you arc bilious blood oat of order liver inactive or generally debilitated there ia nothing ia the world that will cure you so quickly as electric bitters they are a blessing to all mankind and can be had for only fifty cents a bottle of j e ilcgarvin mr it c wiulow toroulo writes xorthrop lymans vegetable discovery ia a valuable medicine to ill who arc jroub- led with indigestion i tried a bottle of it after suffering for some ten years and the results are certainly beyond my expecta tions it assists digestion wonderfully i nicest my food with no apparent effort and am now entirely free from that sensa tion which every dyspeptic well knows of nnpleasant fulnes after each meal alexis cyr of grant isle alooslook co maine writes having used xorlhrop lymaiis vegetable 1mulsion of cod liver oil aud hypophosphitcs of lime and soda and derive great benefit from it i take the liberty of asking you from quota tions and also whether you would be willing to give me the agcucy for this place as 1 ameoendent there would be a large sile for it ia this vicinity when its merits were made known gw llincayparkdale toronto writes my wife had several very severe attacks of crimps iu the stomach hearing of dn arsnss tuosnutike acdiu pleasantness to take i give her two bottle and she his not hid an attack since and her health is much improved for sale by all druggists theres where- he miow tlncues corns are a cnpilal indicator they tell to a hairs breadth whethet yocr shoemaker bis made allowance for their dimensions or not corns will require an accident policy at once forlitsausritnitscous extkicroi removes them in a few days ko piiu no discomfort and permanent benefit try it sold by drugds every- where v c iolsox co kingston j proprietors i shilohs consumption cure this is bciosd question tht ml sited fukoujiu medieire ve have ever told a feu doses envarably cures the worst cas of cough croup and krcrehilu while its wonderful seccos in the cure of cousuu-p- tion is without a parallel in the history of medicine since its first discovery it has been aoll on cuiranee a test which no other medicine can etand if yon imo a coo jn we earnestly ass you to try it price 10 cents- 50 ccau and f 1 03 if your lngs arc sore chester back lame use shiicihs porous pinter sold by j e mcgarvin i s30o00 reward for any testimonials reconmeniing mcgregors sldy cure for dysppsia indiesti in tostivencis iierdache ect that are no genuine noc of whieh ire from pcrsocs in the stales or thousand o miles away hut from persons inanu aruid hamilton uat we gnvc trial uttks fr of ojst so that you cnrl lie deciivil by purchasing a worthless article but know its value before buying triil bottles aud testimonials given free at j e mcgarvius drug store is oh what a cough will yon heed the warning the signal perhspsof the sure approach of that most terrible disease consumption ask your selves if yon can afford for the sake of saving 59 cecuj to run the risk anddo nothing for it we know from experience that shilohs cure will cure your cough it never fais this explains why more than a million bot tles were sold the past year it relieves croup and whoopicg courb at once mothers do cot he without it for lime bvok side or chest use shilohs porous plaster sold by j e mcgarvin every ladt should know all about it that tlicre is going ou at the righl house iho laraat clearing bale of nmmer dry gooda home furnishiuga carpets aud millintn ut reduced prles ever boforc an- uouncid and that a visit lo this esubllahmenl wllrrepay mil btrgtka in ovary aopartment the linou depurinient ollera n lot of nice towclliig ai he a yoni won n 10a tiblo llnousat83a worth 87jc table linooaat 0o tabhlluena at soe in very desirable patterns towels from 5c special large toivels nt 12jc each ur 08c for half dozen a magnlfloenl assortment of towels from 10c to 75c a apecial lot of extra doublo damnak linen towels al mc each they aie very choice pai- tertia hcmcmber ihetablo llnena and towcla there aro many bargains to bo had in the collon dopaitmcnt 20 yards of caundlan grey cotiou for fl cotton at mill piicc when bought by the piece yard wide collon ticking at only soc blue and brown denim qnllc heavy at only 15c oiford blurting m vunon puttcrns at 10c well worth uio 8e the lot of 81alruntji are very heavy and will give good wear tho parasol department is in the front nuik with low pilcea j lee satin parasols ormcrly a reduced to 1150 the 1175 parasols arc reduced to 15 tho 1126 parasols aro reduced to ooc a lotof childrens satin 1 urasols re- ducod from 1 to 05c a special lot of brown 1tilod bilk paruola at 1s5 worth 160 each come and have a new parasol at iikmii half price i he prints counter has been crowded with purchasers they are surprised it the low prices nice prints with beauliful borders formerly 20o aelling off ni 15c tiir formerly 17c maiked down to ujc pilnta at 10c well worth laic tho prints aro all this seasons importations having carried over no old stock of my accuui from last araion the assortment of palttrns is illll largo but thoy will soon be cleaned oal at the rate they are belnc bought up a lot of french woven while corsets reduced mm 1 12 j to 60c ladiea summer vests ooly 82o sash ribbonsiu plain colors and plalda at only 50c formerly fl new colored col lam latest styles for ladles wear three for5c a lot of neck fnlllngi formerly 10c reduced lo 5o another lot at 15 and 20c reduced to 10c boy jersey suits iu all sires at very low prices a lot of canndinn auwool tweeds double thread a 50 and 53c worth 70c ask to ice iheae tweeds hemp carpets fiom 12 jc stair carpets from 8c hamilton luly 0th 16611 thomas c watkins hamilton hollicr kotners uotlters are you disturbed l night and broken of your resthy a sick child suffering and crying with letceicrucialingpain of culling teeth if so go al once and get a bolte of mrs windows kcpolhing syrup it will relieve tbepoor little sufferer immediately depend npiu it tlere is uo mistake about it- there is not a mother or earth who has ever csed it who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels acd give rest to the mother aud relief and health ti the child operating like ma it is perfecty sfe to use in all coses and pleasant to the taste tod is the prescrip tion of one of the oldest aid best female physiciansmif nurses in the united statcs sold everywhere at tld cents a bottle abrjfcargtetta saff ivoe the kidneys liver urinary organs the best blood frrlfieb tliere uodlyfine aaybywhlchftnydibeabe can bo cured and that is br removing the cause vbateyerltmaybe rbegreatiue cal arfibiiucaof the day declare that nearly every disease ii cawed by deranged kidneys or liver to restore ibe tberefore i ibe only way by wblcta beiihh can be secured here is where wabmkh safe cd be has acbteved hi treat reputation jtaotsdiract- ly apon tbe kldneysaod livrand or ihtclag lb em o a bcaltdy condition drives dfsesee and pain from the system for all kidney uver and urinary troubles for tbe distre- iny disordis of womeni for lialarlo and physical troubles generally this gret rem edy has noeqaal heware of impostors im itations and ooncbfluons said to bejnsl as good for diabetes ask for wabsna s hire dla bctescubk for sale by all dealers hhwakkeeco toront4opt marvelous stori toio m two inrnis from the son ttoctiier uruiunttl sty father naldeaat glover vl he uaa been a fraat aufferer from scrof ula and the fneloaed letur till loll rou li a marvoloai efleet ayers sarsaparilla by hsd ir his cajic i think his blood mmi lito conuiljiod ibe banior or at iwst u ystt but t did not show eioept tn the for or icrofuloiw sort 0b the wrist until about ayo years 4o from few spot whiebr ap- pcartd at that time itgmduilr ipread o lo cover bis entire body 1 aaiur you be ti terribly afflicted and an objoct of pttf wbca he began cij your raedjclna kow there arc fcwiiifruof bii gc who enjoy u good bealii as he kxs 1 coold easily name flliy pxjr who wtjalj testify to the facts in his case yean tralv w m phllltn from the father t daty fet me to state to you tbe benefit 1 bite derived frttn uio uso of ayers sarsaparilla fit inutlf xo1tj cosiiiletelv covered vs n trrij ljuor aci scrofaloas fore ti v-i- mi icecssant and luiolcn iriir arj ue flu cracked so a to cat liivi to fiit ir riry places vbict 1 i v c l my iu2i r wvrc gveat zia i yi- lritr i coineccod the kj ot v fiuauixa la april uitaailarc u rcrrrv reo tlal lirce my condil bej u iprovj a once tlie sera hi vi v-cili- ar i lu rfcetvtt cv r lsj cot abe toydvs c rv ru73 yrrar cf a idnyi j 1 v ruqt rsrir cure in riy cns- 1 ii i s i bivc here trim to tell r vnui ilovrr vt- lj ycr frrfly hirxy rrr avrr- riv ecr rvrrfi ak1 ru sr csrapiilnu it cli ilttc- licqru uiouj sjrct ioti- t- t nrcrliou ci the side it kl cf jl ln- rcf z u zi- t ibo vrrc rvl ti rfirj viuhy ftrcsthecs tic tloic syticii dr jcayepfi co lowell mtl so l rr ill drcgis i fix lct ir- f speicht son acton undertakers carriage makers c stasi aro prepared to furnish everything in their line from the be8t casket to the plaine8t coffin on the shortest nodeo and at lowest terms eail calls either night or day promptly attended to factiou guaranteed iu every case a firstclass hoarse for hire satis- ic of 3ycarcina poaiiioqloaatiafaclotily ill orilers for apcoci carriafee every jcacnpticn in reaaonable time good workmauamp oad lirstclaia malarial alwaya uaed we have alio a fplcndidlot or furniture boih enmraon and eitra juality ciitap if yoti will pay us cash we sell yoa anything in our line cheap j a speight manager butcher shof 11 holmes wimm kipcctfally inform tbe peepla of acton and vicinity tiiatbfi basparcbased the business and property of mr w c vrobinsou and ii ptepared to stipply oil with firstclass meat of a13 kinds sod puidfcj and gaum iu seawn so meat delivered to any part of town at any time c havint practical experience in the uatchcrin liujinesa i fee coofident that i can snit all a call kindly solicited ii holmes i rr come uno see the fine display of 3 spring tweeds at the east end clothing store this veee rest no lic k urccpinf ur- to ind elzro xtqtz ran tile mcuiiiii mltlity and tub- ilm b hind to confine r i line tija tr- rfc in rattroira town f k oul- i fcic so rjfc evcryili-g-new- cnpunl nvr litrij wcummfcrnkli j cturvrrmlildz liaiiy io raskim furtun-i- 1 adl t- nikf uf iniicii miid joyfutt sirlv matffreat ry itiiaiicr ifjou warat jwukkv at xrblcli vtfi n mik- creal my all tec- time rriio ioriiuiciixihoxilalltttaci poiuand jiniik elegant tweed suits from 1100 to 1500 also a large range of serges and worsteds manufactured in the latest styles and on the shortest notice tlc niti mik i hrd oad soft folt hits aa4 eoiaets now i i j fyfe ho more long sittings we are making all kinds of photographs in from one to five seconds by the newprosess dry plates in all kinds of weather 500 regard i not wait sunshine but come right along we will ty the iiljave reward for aay case of llvcrcompialnt dyspepsia sicic hcad- iciir indfffstlott constipation or costive- des we caanjtcore wltu vests vegetable uverlmllswl2incdcuor tuer are nare and never fail to civcsiiuracilon bacar compiled wilti coated lrke baicseonulninp so vur ji i cnts far sale by all druglsls beware of i cocntrfils nd imltaiionf the getiolne i radnfaetnreootlj byjounc wsarr t co tbe f i rogto ont free trial nackuge fenv by mail prepaid on recelrtofa 3 cent eump- manhoo i a good line of frames and mouldings on hand c w hil- ears iofle million too clicofl sum of swki oil rostllvrly ttrorr the brarlaf aad is ikr oalr ibooltilr orf for drafanu kuwi tiih rut i abstracted from pecu1iarppiea u utinl flbile suark eaiufhi la tbe yelliw soj known jw carciiabqdi ao5delrni every c lit nce fis herman knows it iu vlr- tiks ntrctnraiiveof beariog were dlscotff ed by i hnddhist priest about tue year lua its c ues were o tiameroas aotl vaxy so sethtnciv mirafitxdrs that lie remedy wdnnfflcluili proclaimed over ibe entire era- phi lie use linin 8t iiniverwu that for ivkriveit s- ihaftcss uah exiflted amunti tiir cmsni ieofik kent onarxes ircji t any n idrem at co per bottle hir vhat tho doif bay i it ia eforitrd h raimcle in my case- i have rid tirinl aise in my iiedand lifir ruticli bf tur j i uve ili ertaily bencfitttd iyirr-f-sli- atier bat lc wi it rrr rac my hearing 1 muctj bcqefilted i ii verivo i uiiinld b-neflt- i iiri i silttipl sou h ivifti erectly b edited and am re- jje i tii i saw ilie notice of it virtu ire rirqfbsti inaeikand its clrativeciiaitacter aitue tbitckcak eroxllv testiky hjtk feom exlebi- kvrc am pbservattox write at once to i1avick ajnvvev7 evstt eetnow york f uplln and you will bear like any body an 1 wimse caraiiri effecis will be prman utt i mii nvr reerjt doinp h editor of slenrakttle retkw fsti iojd losfa tbe malls please send norry by rnrtcrfp lrrten uly iirnrudby utvlok t jexvea r agents rtn amehica i dry kl xt a boon to men all mm b ran itwlbcrftei tittam or itehman u nscttti bw tptritcd pbjwxoj dnlam ni nsut fet ptrtjnn uft dsttca fpr ai bt tmmuj ai ii tntij rd ticteit motek fthdaa lijstw krsmmn biratcni94lhtr tumtditmt ttttowm rum ptfmlsc5errmlmutitiupimrtsm u rtaqyivcmded tj the mxiisfin9issf mim tf tmssi rit rmoitm to 0 s fcysaisaart sxyit gbtatn cuaaiyil mil bf suksrox rxxmx co ts tb sl tmiiiio m week made ni liotne oy the indisirious bs basioess now before uk- public capital not ed wi vlthlirtyoa meni women bo b aud girls rastd everywhere to work for ti- now is tn time yon can work in spare ime or pive jour wboleal- tntjoa to the biint no oilier bnslnes wil iviy yol ie irly a weli no o e cm fail to piifc- ocom u iy by cngatfing at oae costly ouiflt and trmsfree si one v made fuei easiiv au nooorabiy address tece a caaufjita maine i worth their weightm gold how lost how restored e iiantocentlypnftllaheuancw edlloafdr ulverwelin celc hrr braled tjiay en the radical and il t rrmuuert cure without medi cine of xervoidrbdlty he rta ian it physic al incipaciiv i m pedlineuts arviarrlngeele reclllttromicetie t price in fi sealed curelopeonlj flets ortwo poufe stamps the celebrated minor in tilts adralnibl- esay draft y demoutrateb frrm thirty yarsucceeslnlpraclice that alarm intcon- seiaeucc- may be radically enred without the daiikcrou tue of intern raedlciuesor the use oil lie knife pointing ou a mode of care at oner- tiru pie certain and cffecius by- means of wlileh every smtcrcrno matter what ills condition may be miycurehlmsew cueaptlviileiy acd radlcntly this lecture should be lu the lianjsof everyyontli and every man in the land addrestf the cnlvcrwell medical co ti aafl g xew york pofitofnce boi 450 1000 forfeit having fie utmost confidence in lis saper- ioriiy overall others and pltei tbouiands ot lessor the most complicated and ceverett cases we coold find we foci jnstifled in ofler- ine to forfeit one thonsand dollars forany case ofcoufftscold sorn throa influenia hoarkne- 6 consnmpllon in its early stages whooping coagh and all dis eases of the throat audi nogs except asthma lorwiiicli we only claim reliei that we can i care with wests conch syrnp whenxakcn aecordlog tn dlrcuions samiie bodies ani50cents large bolliesoae dollar genuine wrappersonlyln blue hold by alldrngema or sent by express on receiptor pile jonx c west a cok1 a m king at easttoronto ont flsjh jjhpsjluft who is unacquainted with thk ceocraphy of this country wiu 8ee by examininq this map that the nooueeinepay a lceal and concntotboal trestment two distinct medidrns one saiag on the nual passages dead throat and uuags the other on the xfrer kidixys vd blood instantaneous ecoawipalsafe radical tftiatkent sold by all druggists price 78 ott 1 foot found ratufactory the price paid mil be refunded soma chronic or ouli nate fse of long standing may requirt rem hrer jo ctf paclagei to effect a permanent pun chicago rock island pacific ry balnaj th qrat central line affords to trarelers by reaaon of its unrivaled geo graphical position the shortest and best route between the east northeast and southeast and the west northwest and southwest k is literally and ttrlotr true that its connections are all of the principal lines of road between tne atlantic and the pacific bt its main line and branches it reaohes chicago joliet peoria ottawa la salle qeneseo mollne and rook island in illinois oavenport muscatine washington keokuk knotnue oskaloosa fairfield des moloes west liberty iowa city atiantlo aroca audubon harlan outhrie oenter and council bluffs in iowa oallatln trenton cameron and kansas city in missouri and leaven worth and atchison in kansas and the hundreds of oltles villages and towns intermediate the great rock island route as it is famlbarfy called offers to traretoraah tho advantages and comforts inoldent to a smooth track safe bridges union depots at an connecting points fast eiprass trains composed of commodious well ventilated well heated finely upholbtereo and elegant day 0oa0he8 i a line of the most maonifioent morton reounino chair oars ever built i pullmans latest designed and handsomest palace sleeping oars andblninq oars 2i2 p finest run upon any road in the oo w wnfoh superior meals an served lo travelers at the sw rate of sevtottynra oatjita aoh ivhvoteraai 2s5iii and houri river 9 tj ohioaoo and minneapolis ami st paul 1 tneramoys lbert lea route ljj owed be ne limn rttohntctrid clnolnnati lndtanapolit tmd la pnatte and ooiutoalrtlan paul mhwiwapoltaar ff sstpi mrtnaattoni rtatmapsand folders which maybe obtained as wl fiujbj rrpaltvmutt offices in tbe onlmd stat and canada or rrcabli 1 8t john j vwtrpretcennmanaer oaam tvt a passr a 9hiqaqo hqtlqvmys pills ointment this incomparable ileviclsk f krh fur ujf au iiaperlthfihtf faun ua-j-ijh- ti rhl fur the nlkriation and tfrr ri q dwnt tqirhich humanity rxariv 1isv6ttn a veatfmm ererrwlmtt amount required to cure afl follows one to 8 bottlm will parity tbe blood eradication all hamonra from tbt commoa pimple ulotcb or boil to the tiws mjjig ant form of scrofuloub nicer okk tu six bottle by cfensmg the blood will purify tbe complexion from sallownesi smooth oat tbe wrinkles result- iog from imperfect doarisbment of tbe body iweetn feral bralb and reo9tate tbe entire system osr to two bornfl will rare ordinary constipation orcosuvnesa tbenby remoriag hhiiache piles biliousness and jaandiee and all diseases reaolttog from torpid liver okz to j six bonxfe by cleansing uw blood improving tbe gedera bcaith and fortifyiojt tbe eyotem against i akiot freab i colds will io all cases reliefe and in tobsl- esses cure tbat- common loatbesome jmd dangerous disease catarrh one to three bottles will regulate all deraugemenu of tbe kidneys curing urinary difficulties prostration gravel l3iabetes etc one to fuck bottles will rriuvigorate the entire system caring nervoas uad gen eral debility female weakness and all ii attendant miseries kllowoil inures rheumatism- tkeemajsts worm powders aro pleasant to take contain their own tnr tic is a ssfs snre ana effcctmmi 4citr7t ot wonu in cmldzenoramslts jl dr smiths german worm 51 rtmkdv has beeo ascd by tanrj ctfaiaos wtotmmmdy eadase oar far ii sj i nlsiyint i ctcabie and pnxapt tnedy fer die tcmcrra of stooncb o aeml or pia wrxaa tvonrdiikl oradalt it is easy to take oettr fijls fa ahsofctttely hannl sad req cites no 3 smith medicine cot cblb0bt8t iwirsetft akotroyny price 25 cis solo everywhere vmman wormpemfd y x drs pelis le braas grzgr a ffoaranteed care for yeneial jieies safe pleasant and reliable ko bad eflccts froru tktise doeunot intrreri wltb brsl- nefgfir diet price si per boi or thec boxes oro written guarantees lasned by ery duly nnuiorlsed agent to remntfthvmonevir three boxes fpu loccn sent postage iirrpaict on recelpeofpriee hr felix le brcn 4 co si a s3 kid st east toronto hoie proprietors je iicartin anthoriteatedt or aetna ontario burdoi5 blood will cure or relieve biliousness duzihess dyspepsia indigestion jaundice erysipelas salt rheum heartburn headache and cvtry tpecies t dropsy flutterinb of the hem acidity of the stomach dryness of the 8kin uf dheasa arialnv fytmi dlortld liver kidneys stomach bowel8 or blood tmilbornhq the pills purify roculuic aud improve the qunlity o the biocd tbe assist tbedigc3iive orcans cicauo tue 8tomil ii and bowtxs increase ihc secretory powers of the liver brict iie nervous fcystem and throw inlo ihe cjrculaiiuii tbe purest elements for sustaining aud repairing the trime thousands oi persons have uti6ed that by their use afcnc they have been restored to bealhicd blrcugth aflr every other means had proved uueuccessfull the ointment will k mml invaluable in evacy hooeebold in the euro of open sores haril to more bad letts old wouads oovejia colda sore tbroata broncliitis and all disorders of the throat and ckeat aa alio gout rheuruatim scrotnla and evafry kindofskindiseise i mnnnfnclnrcd only at prpfeaaor hollo- wv eatnblishmcnt 583 j oxfoltd stkekt loxdon nnd sold at la 11l 2s oj 4a 6d 22i aud 33a each box and pot aud lu cnadu at 361 cents 60 centa and 1 60 and the larger riles in proportion wcatmosr i have no ajiest in the uniied stales nor are my ras lioinea sold tliera purchasira should there oro look to the ijjbel on iho tuta and pokes if the addrtus is not s33 oxford strejei linm they arc apurious the trade mnrk of my said kfedlcinoa ia regfatrered at ottawa arl nlj rash idittnn signal thomas holixfax 533 oifonl streot lonjon grays specific meuiiine the great fngllah remedy 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