Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 9, 1883, p. 1

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v i m i rriltinw bvkbv tkvkwuy uohnixu ltte imncn powsr printing house jullstkkixmtonoxt ttaitt tlic tutc pats vviil ltcnt to srita pailto loo kt- 5sraicoiitiniii till all arrears av iki tdi iflhe optwo ci uuivaliifucr amwttsixn turvt wuil uvcrtiw g cents per iiuc or the first uiht- sozanda cent r liiic frr ccj-ii1m- folim or ts i kiam imito ii how mm p miiam vvyauc m c notim b object c which i to iwuott tix pecuniary benefit o any iiuuvulual it ttmpttt to be eousiiorei uu advirtiso- bm1 number of linos rcckumsl by the roe occuried raoisarod by a cil of dljonpaml- coxtracr ratrs oai eoloma one year frail column one voar- ortreolomaone year om colamo stx monlb ifeir colon mix month omrtereolamnstxtuoauu eeolama three months hlfoouimnlftremonth qoarwrfcoltnan three mouths w atrert5iaenutulim2tpeltle dtrecuoni vtlt be iiifertedtinrortildanj ctnrscdacconl- tarlj tvanshory dtcrtifemenu mntbe pam tn advanc chaacm roc conlncl advertise menu must betutae offlce oj9 mou mm jay f other- witt ur lrtll be left over hu the touoirtnc hp moore kdtlori proprietor tcruiswloo iu auimicc the newspaper- map of busy life its fluotuationu and its vast conoernb 9150 if not do paid volume ix no 6 acton ont thuesday aug 9 1883 whole no 423 f soo s30c rjoo sooo 15 00 3300 13 ci 700 ttllc didco l j ton r fit cm p wrtllabonokisjmjcrsc srv dtcui c oatnctiaajlkiadetrtt ik xkw yolik business dirotry tt7- h lowjir jtbi c v s yy f graduate of triuity olkyv lieu- berof college of ilivcis su1 surgeons 03ce and residue it thejicid of trcvl- arica st acton ll- b 10 l- bekxett pextest cd oqu johv rxaio vcreaiyiit colican rohv lavtsok gradtati of ox- veterinary surgeon acton ont 0ncc in kcjaeyit scons biot ani hv rv n- idence iu the roar eforc cknincd s to aoundni aui ctnincatt- ion ah call ciht or dsy irarjtly atvi ed to terms easy tjfiskehv s geoikiktnvx 02t ll visit acton cvor wtdrcs- dav aud ill aueni i- ali caiis rrtiiac thiiprofioa orixrskflil mccjjrius drug store will receive prrni- itteutiou tj fisher ghttlggs lds of thefina of rigc5 i ivcrr toitosto will be al cimpbeiie hclcn the rvt ifonday of ever- mouth iu the rra of hisprofessou al wcric ctouttj in til- latest aadmost imrrovcistyie of the deutij art- ko charge for cotrsuuitior f s goodttxlte barrister solicitor n ur iuuic f georgtowx v ctdx aactcu ose ir mr sr -rv- hic actn banking coy storey 0hr1stie fc 00 liaxkkus irlou ontario a ukxeral uaxklxd lichl- xess transacted jfonet wahes ok appsotsc notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits ontario 1 bk mr tohx dat architec gaeiph ornce juik ho- square vtt b bhagg prlcttcal jiillvkight rearranhtuh of flour miii- ahd po address bos uo iiccfi tjtraxclsxuxax snccefis3r toitl f cuililu bookbixuer st georges square gutjph aeooout books oi all kuids mado tj order periodicals otevery decriptiou carsfully botad soling neatly and promptly done rrrm- hehsteeet licensed iaotioneer for the counties of welliugtju aud haltm orders left at the fuze pre- office actou or at my residence m actori will be proiuptlrattvadcd to terma reronaiile soner to laak also money to loac outjio moa favorable terms and tt the lowest rifs of iuwrosf tn gtmisof 5500 aud up ard ice cream parlor mrs w c kinc uctxliy jvnuouiice ibit she will open iouy thursday queens birthday a pitlor mlerv ttitl w upplifrj iitftclo ice 1reim su wrlcr linger ale kc which will ivr cmiinacil tljriafl0ut the fresh confectionery always on tinj and fruits served hi their season iicaicf ard parties sapplied with ice crexm ic rta call solicited mus w c kimi aiia may if w k splendid new stuck nr everv like bargains t ry ladies gents gold and silver watches a large stuck ok electro plate just received all ixiw styeis big bargains in spectacles and eyeclasses avm s smith the watch ana clock house of guelph tulefoe bale lime cao be had at the canada lime corks in small or texge quantities at any time apply- at th kiln near toltoas mill or to c s satxth may 1st 1652 box 172 acres rpihbee wajitld the nodemgned i prepare to purchase any qoantilf of elm birch red beech soft tuple rira nl red oak laseivaoj white mfaf poplar wuuwood bairn yf ciiead pibe ctdar of black uh in either bolu ob orttafldnig trcejr apply atocct uj thos- c hoor acton oat drlahakk fahms for sale rrem ll m rer icrt 0 hehoricksfieal estate agtt btffuioo delaware tlieee farms are improved with buildings fences fruit trees arid berries of all kinds goal rater plenty of timber land ed roads schools aadeharchea good markets ouli 5 raile from philadelphia pbrjty of orate aai game vfery productive land climate rmid and f feasant come and ee foryonrself and be convinoed- i am prepared with team and carriage to take tisitora to see the farms free oi charge 1 d brsvmcsfi honstondelaware tames matthews ant for fire insaranee coe life accident insurance tickets 3000 for 25c- per davo agen far the dominion steamship co return tickets issued or ticket to bnng ont your friends cheae tha5 mtost axt arbibuse money to loan good joint or endorsed boct datti notes diaoounteu agent for the canadian lotu it barings co toionto rcostetasceh ot deeds mortgages disoharsres 1 chattle mortgages farm and house leases agreements c arrivals scotch tveeds in csreat ttaxlety shaw grundy merchant tailors guelph caution bach plug of the myrtle navy is marked 18 bboitzk lxttxbs clerk dit coart comrin queens bench mkimmom other- nmae 150 is thfci price of the ron axle waggon- cton gnt rm titrrtmuv xfdixixa ar v iksh poet t j day has tvuglit a cnrloid direct from the maim- fficturcr and saving lie profits paid to toronto merchant prince gives ws customers he benefit i reduced price ofi5 thta is the difference iu bayioj direct from the auduficlurer rutber than from middle men farmers railway men i see otr patent dustproof case with wattham movement b savage cielpn the oldest drug store in ouelph pure paris green we bare imported a large supply genuine paris green and we caii guarantee onr cus tomers a reliable article at verj lowest price we always make itit point to test our green before setting it therefore those who buy from us are never disap pointed our stock or machine oils is complete and we can give yon a variety of oils for all kinds of machinery varying in price ac cording to quality best canadian coal oil best american coal oil always on baod w c smith co dispensing pheiputs 0 wnfcottow botk aelph loves answer the otliordaj i tuniwt the nan oftu om volume soviiiod hy lime iu bcli are writ the uonls of tgci wifclnm most pun and thocfilu raul iiuc to mi tt ot had fcon iileafcore eoa in tbc dajn ctv mtaboo1 cuuc to read lhi ruro and iiroclotis trcasan ajornl by many a cable uatoc aud ibew was cue who miseiuats uur me hy fiiwide or in body nook would gladly ind uritli iticcce hear me aff i rvad from tbal good old lxok ah uiot vexv precious dajc u timbered of lifl- tbey weru uie fifrcat dajt ere car oar uriu hid encamlicnhl and rben wc walked love idoaaaat wrayt oue uyoh tcji da i rvmesibcr when tc vcrc sjiuiiicrici ibracu ibfvco1 in ill ininkl of a late siittnurj i ii4ie fouie worde ibe nnderrtood blie pave no anctcr idudjyli carted ikucir tlie louchad bcoa to uif aud yet te tbeu in idjenee lurted tbere tai no pledfic oiid both keru free tee dayt posted liy till came octotvr tlic trce itii btilliant foliage rljoce tbaoff b all tbe wild rood gadt- were wbc r ifoufibt orfatorite tjoofcaloa aid ojieuod he old volumes h- and read wtit oft id read beforv the giracnxl tisdoui of the agoc tboufihlf clioieci word and riciict iorv and as i turned the paci avtr tion the margin of a leaf i red tone worjs oa wvct ts low kad ever conned thocgh thev lire brief i oirer yet the fcutecce thrillcl me trt writ by her familiar huii with oy cnspeakable it lllci me ar i the velcocc acsircr ecased and cow with age and children ruud us wc soncicie seek that thody iook wticrc lore the captor caught md bound us wliile we ieruodourfavorite boo- p roey the blizzard f a jftokv ft niiv wlatibx wi1 la october lrtsi comiauy a of the j regiment was ordered to a post in tiie dis- j ant xorliihest some hundred miles beyond i the limits oi railway travel the com mandant capt kdgar was east ou or- loogh at the time aud owing to some ua avoidable delay did uot reach morris tlie railway tenamus until his men had de parted in the ambujancea provided for their transport a tiou what a shame exclaimed his son frank as they stood ou the piazza of a oatniortlesa apology for a hotel to think those fellows half way through with the disagreeable trip while we irayo it ail be fore us 1 j the breakfast bell ramj and they enter ed the house hy a door ou which dining hajl was printed in chalk the letters being more remarkable for sizti than reg ularity the dining hall proved to be a long low room lighted by a siiigle window and filled with a mixed crowd of frontier travellers these appeared to be a re presentation of even- class from gentlemen huntsmen to emigrants aud indians one of the latter with blue earrings and a slit uose occupied a seat opposite frank and hia primitive etjio of eating his breakfast sarioasly in- i terfered with franks appreciation o hia own fried bee an speckled biscuit can you tell me said the ctain to a redfaced man ii i can geva team here to tak a couple of passengers to fort 9 r yon kin a stage runs regular to the indian agency and a team comes down thar to meet it for the first mail who is the driver i be having finished his imoal this laconic person wt the room but immedi ately thrust his head back and shouted them as wants to go to the agency had better be settling their traps and get ready to pile ou in thirty minutes i shant wait for nobody we know what to expect np aud that is a great deal said the captain rising briskly make haste aud dress yourself frank why ive only to put my overcoat ou replied the boy yoa never crossed the plains in winter before while i have crossed a number- of times and know just enough iboat it to provide against all possible contingencies i have several things to get yet frank was palling on his becond pair of stockings when hia father came in with these purchases heres a pair of felt boots far each of us said he handing one pair to his son 51 ey are half an inch thick rnd infinite ly warmer thn leather for riding tack yaur panuioons inside the legs what else have you bed pepper and bome nuts v yoa can put them in the pocket of my buffalo coat my compass and matches are in my inside pocket now then i believe we are ready and polling bis fur oap well over hia ears the captain wpt qwnfaaire ith frank tofinddrjvexlfcyinup twsfae m a sprtnglajj doable wagon with a rickety top drawn by a pur of indian ponies that looked aa if they hid seen more than their share of hard tinicjj tho captain aud frank promptly seated themselvoj while the semi sa vase mini- civilized and wholly repulsive indian who j had disguritod frank at breakfast took the remaining seat by the driver in ten minutes the half dozen houses i that bore the name of morris city were j out of sight aud in front and on all sides i nothing was to be seen but withered grass j that rustled dolefully in the ceaseless wind j nothing broke the monotony of the scenes but an occasional claim shanty which rather added to the genera dreariness 1 once in a while a jackrabbit reared him- i self ou his hind legs to view the wagon i and then went off in great leisurely leaps j it is like being at sea only a good deal j more forlorn said frank but no one j seemed inclined for conversation and they drove on in silence till noou when the pouies were drawn up al a small frame j house containing unc room about six feet square well feed here announced the driver and youd better hurry up and get at it as i want to be started again it too cold to fool ou the way and it will be dark early a plate of friod fat pork aud another one of just such speckled biscuit as frank had taken exception to at breakfast lime form ed the meal flow are you feeling frank said his father throwing off his oau and warming himsetf by the fire im chilly without being cold clear through except my feet feet cold are they weil now is the time for the pepper just sip off yoar stockings and pepper the inside with this cayenne and yeu wont be troubled any more frank bad found his fathers advice too useful to disobey it and when he had pep pered his stocking the captain did the tame thing with his own the captain alto ate heartily of the uninviting dinner much to his sons surprise there is nothing like a good dinner to keep oat the cold he said when dinner was over the man of the house advised the driver to put up over uight and pointed to the threatening clouds let em thivatcu said george- ive made my trip in many a blizzard aud i dont think i shall stop for an october gale its chilly though aud ill put ou my btorm clothes he pulled out ft couple of newspapers folded them to half the width aud buttoned them inside iris vest when they again took their sem the sun was entirely obscured by light clouds and a peculiar whitish- gray cloud lay all slang the west george braced himself up as he de scribed his guzzling by a drink of whiskey and passed the bottle to the captain who refused it ko thank you he said nothing is so dangerous as whiskey in a cold day like this very well the surly fellow replied- ive got a man along that knows more thau yoa do if he is an injun and the liquor was passed to the indiau who grasped it eagerly and drank until the owner took it away it was growing colder ever minute now and it was no longer possible to talk with comfort in a short time the outlines of the da kota hills which had been visible for the last two hours disappeared behind the lowering cloud that came steadily ou it is no use trying to escape it were in for a blizzard exclaimed the captain guess theres no mistake about it this time answered george who was tiiori oughly excited by the lnc and was standing hr fchouung and beating the uooitj how near are we to a house asked frank haint any this side of agency and thats fifteen miles off then said the captain the bes plan is to turn around at once and niake for the house where w had our dinner it cant be more than five miles off and we shall have the advantage of going with the wind instead of against it i wont do it 1 said george obstinate- here the indian who had been lying in i the bottom of he wagon thrust his head i put of his blanket and took a long look at the sky after which without a word to any one he made a bound over the wagon- wheel and went skurrying back along the road like an animated ragbag the varmint is scairt commented the driver i shan b while my comforter lasts im uncommon coid though and he took another drink then let that liquor alone or youll freeze shouted captain edgar let me have the reins he added i wont do it i tell you i own every hair of them little beaeto and i wont anybody hold the reins over then it was do oie i he could not be coaxed or threatened and presently the storm struck them with all ita fury the ponies staggered and stopped but after bracing themselves and holding their heads close down they struggled on again urged by the savage driver irank trembling with ejamen aud cold ohoked aud blinded with the snow pallo a father djon you thank it wdaiawarmusno to have some of that plans whiskey nof thundered ihe idaptain dont think of touching that 111 give him ahdthechance for life aod reohinfffor- ward he took the bottle from the drivers coatpocket aud filing it out into the snow ko more nonbeiibo now he said asserting his authority give me the reuw he did uot wait for george to obey but took them oat of his hand and pushed him into the bottom of the wagon where the stupefied man lay threatening and growl- ing george tried to raise but the cold and liquor together had made him helpless and he pulled the buffalo robes over him and went to sleep the ponies were urged aud encouraged in every possible way bat the storm was so thick it was impossible to guide them and they stambledrepoatedy the wagon got into all sorts of ruts and jostled them about unmercifully suddenly frank cried oat father we must have lost our way the road was smooth enough and besides the wind is in our faces again it was only too true they were travel ing in a circle as is too often the case with travelers lost in a blizard the captain stopped the ponies and turning them back to the wind tried to consider what had best be done frank he said shake up that driver it will never do to let him go to sleep hell freeze to death the words were hardly out of his mouth when a gust of wind seized the wagontop and sent it spinning with the captain and frank clinging to it they were so con fused by the fall and so blinded that they were unable to tell which way to turn for the wagou where are you george the captain shouted hiilo thar came back the stupid answer but when the captain tried to go towards the soond it receded farther and j farther aud he finally very- nearly lost frank whom he had directed to hold j firmly on to the wagontop in fact to sit j down on it as the only means of holding it stationary j after wandering a few feet however be was guided by his sous voice and found tiim well frankie he said we are now reduced to our last chance but indians often outlive a blizzard and i guess we can we mast bring the wagontop round from tne wind and camp inside it was not a cheerful place to spend the uight and after seating themselves close together and drawing the buffalorobe which had fortunately also blown out about them they did not exchange a word for many a long hour though they shad- dered at the howling of the wind and the piercing cold in a short time the wagon top was com pletely drifted ocer and our travelers were as entirely shut in as foxes in their holes it was warmer then much warmer and the sound of the wind was deadened im really warmer said frank at last cheer fully but tremendously hungry this is an excellent opportunity to dis pose of my nuts said the captain in reply and he drew from his pocket a quart of shelled walnuts there is not an article more nourishing these and the redpep per will prove as good as life preservers to us after allj towards morning a small hole was made in the drift to secure fresh air and as dawn appeared the captaid applied his eye- to the aperture and discovered that the storm had ceased and that the house where they had dined the previous day was only half a mile away both captain edgar aud frank were stiff and chilled but it did w jake tjhem long to reach the shelter where they found that the only real damage done was in a couple of frost- bitten fingers and a frostbitten nose it was a melancholy sight however to see the ponies come struggling through the snow a few hours later 6tiu drawing the wagon loaded with a snowdrift which covered the body of their dead driver it ia a temperance lesson said capt edgar the whiskey proved only an evil in such an emergency hot always what they seem onlytho leaf of a rosebud that fell to the ball room floor toft fiiom he tinted clatters of tho big bouquet sho wore quickly he rtoojied and wired it tin tho leaf of a rose aid he timed with tumjners blushes and dearer than gold to me lovely and fragrant petal home swoet tunimor night who kuo 1 may have a chance to tell her i troaiured the leaf of tho rose but when to bu lipfl be yrcasottii he mattered in accent wroth the blamed thing is artificial arid made oat of cotton cloth paragraphs great seizer the sheriff cornacopia plenty of corns when you introduce a morjr lesson let it be brief tho bes eduaitijfij in the v- id is that got by struggling to get a living we never deceive for a good purpose knavery adds malice to falsehood whatever ia becoming is honest and whatever it honest must always be becom ing adam was not a polygamist although in his day he married all the women in the world what is defeat nothing but education nothing bui the first step to something better a woman should never accept a lover without the consent of her heart nor a husband without the consent of her judg ment i if you dont want evil things saidpf yon dont do evil things it is poor pojicy to grow feathers for yoar enemys arrows to educate a man is to form an individ ual who leaves nothing behiiidhain to educate a woman is to form future gener ations j what makes many persons discontented with their own condition is the absurd idea which they form of the happiness of others- a health journal says that you ought to take threequarters of an hodffor dinner it is well also to add a few vegetables and a piece of meat the solitude of servants 6ay you are a welltodo tradesman or mechanic writes bordette tothehawkeye yoa can afford to employ a servant to make- life easier for your wife well that ser vant lives done your wife and yourself discourage followers you dont like her to have much company of either sex in the kitchen your wife can not associ ate with hex the kitchen is her sitting room the smallest and most remote room in the hoose u her bed room from 6 a sl until 9 p ii or ealier or later may be her hours for work in all that time she speakes when nhe is spoken to and she ia spoken to wheii there are orders for her just as convicts are allowed to speak in a penitentiary well now i the lonely creature in the kitchen is a woman do you wonder she wants to go tp the jolly butcher and the grocers boyfbr a little gossip do you wonder that when she goes to the ball she stays until some time the next day she site down threb times a day and eats her meals in solitude 80 utterly alonethat she can hear herself swallow i wonder that she dosed t go mad the man who works at the lowest occupation has an easier time than that the man who cleans the streets has his company in his own class he eats his dinner with his fellow laborers the rag picker meets rival rag pickers even day a business son ice for teething children the pain of teething may be almost done away with and the health of the child benefitted by giving it fine splinters of ice picked off with a pin to melt in its mouth the fragment is so small that it is but a drop of warm water before it can ba b wallowed and the child has all the cool- nes for its feverish gums without the slightest injury the avidity with which the little things taste the cooling morsel the instant quiet which succeeds hours of f retf ulness and the sleep which follows the relief are the best witnesses 0 this magic remedy ice may be fed to i 3moathfl child this way each splinter being no larger than a common pm fox five or ten minutes the resnju heisg that it has swallowed in that time a teaepoonful of warm water which so far from being barm is good for it and the process may be repeated hourly as often aa the fretting fits from teething begin 1 gin ruins genius says an exchange yes adds the ejmira gaxtit but genius ruins a good deal of gin so its about a atandoff the rev dr behrends heard a solid criticism of himself when in horse car oh his way to his new pulpit on a recent sunday morfiing while are you going to church he heard a ypong man ask a friend oh we aregomg dqwa to the ceniat3ongregationriujch they say the have a davu olpt8aohjther yes therefs a heap o difference in boys replied the old man as he tied up a bag of oats theres my son johnfor instance everybody beats him in a hoss trade swindles him in a watch dicker and leaves him out in the cold when ie farms on sheere hefs goodhearted but theres no bizness aboat him if i had to depend upon john id die in the poorhouse he wrestled the bag aside seized another and continued and there was my son philip keen as a razor eyes wide open and so sharp that no man in new jersey dajbfi offer him a pair of old boote for a r hosa tor fear of being cheated is he dead yes hes gone and that was the sharp est trick of all he found hed got con sumption and what did he do but hunt up a life insurance agent take out a g00 policy give hia note for the premium and come home and fell off a load of hay and run a pitchfork clear through him some sons would have hung on and doctored around and wanted currant jell and soup for eighteen months but that wasnt phil no siri he didnt even ask for anything betteifn a 120 tombstone and he said i neednt i that unless the marble- cutter would trade even up for a blind calfv wall stctt xetee hurnbr of the day a thunderstorm is a hightoned affair a laughing stock a collection of good jokes i- j a hog may be considered a good mathe matician when it comes to square root cucumbers ae here and the population will boon double- up people should inform themselves about the tariff it isj every mans dnty to wash a mule safely do it with a gar den hose and stand on tho other side of the fence while yoa do it sponge underclothing is the latest e ration writes i fashionable ecribev ft is rthing new tailors spor go everything and faahionable young men sponge tho tailors pa said a man make ah hedoeenh sot if he lends not by jug- the carpenter here erinkensj acaapenterto dufltawniiiwlf jroungblan how does a bylejidihg jtdbnej sonwphed ttwyaknt it to vom uncle ho kedoesaii i finger if3 were yoa fovgiil emtnonat mym but who tfll xebair dosv ytjbing mjr tehalxftrrea dorpeniv iahdonet fm yij m t rft v 1 a 3 c 1 i n j r fi f v 3 1 1 51 i rj j h 3 i s i 7- jiiirj fis 1 a i y n t- 5 m

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