cton mm htnss tatrsmx mium au 183 lefl alone as the ullage bell waled forth tho hour otbiz outuesd moruuii vc were w cud uig our wa to the fuu pncs ofhec our dail laoc of duu a wecutcrcdlhc door cc were uol greeted b the qsual bright smile andplosut pood tnormng on the ccutrarj tlie editorial cliftir v meant and thing m pencral iirveatod a rather clooun axvt and the thought j struck i torubh that nuieluiu unusual udoudcuth token place a wc pcd around m silence our ees tell upon tho following placard gone off for a week s holtdavs do the bot on can and even nluug will tic doubt come oat nhl in the end we did not have to take a second glance to decide that it was from the pen of the all familiar hand of the editor him self we drew olc lorn 6igh could it i e possible or was it oul a practical joke howercr we took it for granted that he had ouh gone off on a nshiuc cacutiou and would probabh be back again in the evening but our supposition were indeed false for m the course of an hour we were aathonuveh inforlxi that he had rcalh gone and for a trtw ivt bv un time our ncr ous trvstcm was prett badh shaken what was la be done 9 it would never do to scpend pabhcatio j for a week precntl a bright thought came over u we had often read about the editor and his scissors th for a pair of cjaors after a good half hour search we were forced to the conclusion that such a thing as a pair of scissors had never beeu within the sanctum doer for nawlene could ihev be found it w now too late to thick of hunting up an editor who could do himself and the paper ju m so short a time just at tfci- moment a wcrtln cnbeeuter ed the door said he was locking for a job and told tpuw a pitiful ston v e at once eiphuned our cae to him and his ees brightened a we ppake to we t lira to work thinking we would have aneasj tme o it after all he had hardlj got settled down to baiue before he inquired io the cissorv all our hop were b d- he wa ui ui person wanted o we paul liim off after takilg all things into cidti uon we fcnalh cc eluded that it had be- faben uc to 11 tue vacated ciir to th best of our ibiin v ith tm end in new it was necesaan that we should settle nut down to work and with a little overeier hon have at last succeeded m presenting the feet pke fc- our perusal bir ng that vou will orenxl njv tf o r chort caminc- domarv m cash in llitir pockits ayu lmva figured on it and we know ll maj uot look to in the face but it ia er deceiviug lots of kcheme that look as though the hadmulmnmu them like tho mail who i fciire he can pick the right card lu three month- fail to return am uung like uiil- ttou while other scheme that do not appear to amount to an thing 6caroel pan out haudfuls of nickels unexpected and the coontr newspaper is one of uus class babscnbo for jour paper aud pfc for it in advance and if ou feel at the end of the vear that vou havent got our niouev s worth theu vour fortune fa made lou can go to a museum aud get w 000 a v ear as a cunosih canadas dairy products the folio nug froji the new york obsri cr is but one of the manv lines inuhichwq excel the yankees population considered canada has become more eraphaticallv a dam couulr than the united states with a papulation of 000 000 the cana dians manufacture a of cheee equal to a while wc with 5040000 people make 300000000 or g poua la per capita with a population uot ex ceding onetenth of oars their ciporu of utter are about ojc half as great as ours good for canada the telegrapiic struggle the citation rena same as it was lat w omcials claiming to li fight how long th contmue i- extremely among the railroad kk tenced to a fine of imprisonment for assei tv much beow its val eighteen hundred aj be rementbered in the vear remarkab for u long list of dreadful evenu involving the h human hr o eojne- has the public ualli 00000000 lb pounds per capita am- practicallv the both strikers and ave the best of the present strike will uncertain a strike rs is imminent operators i notes and comments an asseor m weill nd co has been sen 00 ad sir months ing hi- own proper d cht thjro will kunals o man as a is of uiousands of rnnd ceased to be mfl of ne dreadfcj tale of svrv corner fat upon the duke o albaj pntice leopom qutxnj sou is a vice pres d ijenco h the recital woe thau another i- footstep- better kunw is ictona vouugest of tie church of england tenpirsuoe tocic it i- creoitablc to bo canada tharlcr ar next door neigh redit stands higher m the lnli b rnoncv iiaket than that of anv oilier bnt sh oaorv b koh pc tne cl oera scare i having the good effect of making the ctie- clean up and j inducing individual- to the halton appointment is legal 5ir crcuhtni pp m the owen sound timf contends thai the ouuno government aced illc i i no utaig a second liccjt ict r fcr tl c count ia halxcn- if tus cliire wtr wtil f jxjd cd as we sad iu a previoj- i w it vould be unfortolaie fo- tl tereance icope and their hope cf a uccesful cufccenent of the fccott act aarilg it- second vear of operation on l tn c rk ct ire nd that mr creojiiton i corect m his coatenlioj that tle government li no power to appomt a oco- ad hcei e mpoctor for a coont bat th i w csj fo alsrm on the part of tempctuj people in regard to halton- the gljs was scarce v accur ate m the terms o its smiociai an aouacement and c nqueutl m led the public the matter if ea explained- clause k of lie crocks kr provides that the lieutenant governor mav appoint w one or more provincial oscers whos dutv it shall be to enforce the provisuons of this axt and especiallv for the preven tion of tramc m liquor bv unlicensed houses ifr black was appointed as a provincial oscer under power of this clause and instead of his dut es beng confined to the northern part of halton as the fflbii announced he u empowered to go not only into the northern part o halton tint into other counties as well the o inspector ur frazer can enforce the crooks act in the northern part of halton as usual but he is advised that it would facilitate the enforcement of the law if he 4eroted his whote energies to the southern part of the countv while ifr black has been directed to specially watch the north era townships and towns there are no licensed bouses m halton and as the crooks act says these provincial officers ahah be espeoallv for the prev ention of traffic in liquor by unlicensed houses he black s appointment- and this under standing as to an unofficial division of iemiorj will be peculiarly a hamilton tribune village cbuncil coultil mu in the qjuuil chamber on tuedav cvenmg lait rey father wilds experience 1 it ituv 1 u uus urllkmiw u iit tuulonniy in sfw ork ami bindur r muliui uilnenf jul wiuu u he maamchacua htiprvmr ciurt ulft at follow v mlv i v i i mi mt i ui i a t t m tutu lat til u- i un mill d wui n iioft uur m f r l ill 1 iinior nllnutttf huv iv liiuli- ui li llel 4 h tut 1 m ii i 1 il in i 1 i i if iu i u luu i o ill neirct l i ar inn cl ll n j owr ibiu i vu aljhi a dittirfr fn m t i caitrru mil ittidinl cocijli mt m t c ll u ln 111 i i icii i ihhl tl a run inn k i tu it i t ht kui li ncti n i v ul n i llf iutt br i m i f i itp jixl u li f -rv-ir- i lfi i lutf tt f r hi i t 1 ilwoltr- v amtti lui i v i ui i fn i t t rt ill vftrr r tj tin- if fpr kid licltlii wrx r hp i i 1 ill i jfii f trrliiilau f ih hnilt ftr vl mt eiturric aid eonu tttrt u1j uru u tlio mim tucnikp nu i in fi ml uilth pmtlli tiiipmtwi unlll ii l n iuitik 1 fik1 i lut itvi i r c i f r- jtr itij i unbuic t cc rrulf tl ill uh llic sllfvl vtlull tclifcli i rv ui id uith nil c nil teac ihc ll u- n wif crifilvfi 1 ii li mjiii jj ttiiv tuiuf a tin tinl l li ill itts it liu utlur f lc il fac i n i mr norrtcc un n lliclf i j i i m do k wj vour rvictf41u z 1 wilpv tlic abott dui tc is 1 il nue of llic man im i uh c ijlmui ilkr irllcti itjt he rfcri aiaruuilit of avlr tnii ixiullt tu llfl cui ui ill 1 urne arl uf fpjit ti i an or d ioci1im1 uooi aiij a ucaici cd tuahtjr ayerssarsaparilla ckan5o ir c aid re iglu 1 1 tlic i lood flu uuu- il c- action of he ftjcuach and tru mj lilel u w llie iici t a re ii i rrxjiiifl tk attack at all sev- tt it t ut rrifimaf tf tke rli tirt- wntaw titrr gutntl fkuufi and all lk vl rculti g trot i n r or cottuj cj bjoji 1 lo lute of the iteil irciircd m drjcayerco lowell m8 wil nil urofit nc l s i d ayers cathartic pills best purgative medicine cnctonatfpaljof imufrtio ifcadicle and 1 i ilouf ordtf bold evrjtrhcro alwaya pellable business brevities some fact atwut oar baxlsass ka and housea of bnfit t our xoaaril rder mend thtir liab u tee reeve m the cla r ilen bcrs ail p ent tlic finance cot mi tee peeut d the r 11th rert recmmni n patneit o the followin account viz luther lv man salitrv fc r liht lampc to u uth latic lvn an wo t i mlwalls h v ilootx pnutm otcr- lt j b pearoj hardwa ic john matthew tesjuii j plajl jas grant cuitms w- is on strw jiz stephen- work o street- t vfuvedbv c m enaro i tnat the commit- jat read ned th council then sdj ui g7 k00 15 00 li 70 i 125 50 75 econded b d of the fmance lx adopted car rciort arnjd tlie home paper the local paper haa more power than is generih accredited to it and in proof of this we present the following paragraph penned bv mr goo feck of milwaukee a gentiemanxrf experience on this question who in referring to the count journalist and his productions sajs vthen we thint of the hard drudgerj fliat these euter- prutng indefatigable workers do m a week and the small amount of thanks and cash they receive in return we feel as though something was wrong somewhere why is it that jit manv localities the people do not appreciate the importance of a good news paper and sustain it b a liberal patronage v thus making it a better paper is one of the most unaccountable things in the world we have no urgent call now to say what tre do but we tell people m eery localitv where apaper is published no matter ho small and insignificant the paper may be that every dollar you pa v m for subscrip tions or judicious aiterfapng p two address and presentation vijjirc jul ioth the ch ir of bt paul church farmed a surpne part at eev cr sfordv s house i last nnmt m after spending a mert7 evenmg and partaking of the repast im ported from abroad b the ladies mr dempsey rose to express to moss cameron on the eve of her departure then sorrow that she is to leave the following is the address and substance to ifi- civmov cpon me devolves the dut of expressing to you the feelings of the choir on this oc casion of yoar departure from us the part which vou have plaved has been of great i value you have not onlv been regular at the services but you have been regular at the practices and your musical taste to gether with your musical enthusiasm have helped to keep alive a lasting interest in the duties of the choir there are two outside facts which have increased the value of your services the one is that you joined the choir at its early and therefore its critical period it was then an open question wheth er success or failure would be thejeault you have helped to answer tiiat question and the present flourishing state of the choir is no doubt due to a great degree to jour keen and lively interest m its matters the other is that although you belong to another sect you gladly threw m your lot with us this implying somewhat of a sacri fice as it is natural for everybody to wor ship with those of thear own faith in new of these facts the choir have selected this occasion to express tneir appreciation of jour services and that this appreciation should take a tangible form present you with this card case which was a beaatf ul pearl one ou which the following inscrip tion was engraved in silver to e c from the choir of st pauls church wlk- erton j arid ladies companion which al though a small token of then regard will nevertheless be frequently in your hands and will therefore frequently remind you of our ehort jet useful visit to walker- ton and the nianj pleasant e enings which j on passed with the choir jiiss cameron taken bv complete sur prise asked mr smith to convej her thanks to the ladies and members of the choir the above refers to miss eliza cameron of this village whose services in the church are quite as fully apreciated at home as abroad and the choir of st albans church gladlj welcome mjss cameron home again a card to all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth nerrous weav neas early decay loss of manhood o i will send a recipe that will cure you frzi oi chaece this great remedy vu du covered bv a iniaeionary id south america send a misaddressed eurlope to the erv hit from tl ceuu to l50 at j fvfr if ou w ant a uobi ilurable and cheap ciiit j fjfes i ill p c to q cotcti egihu ii 1 luiliin aitinti m cct vanctv it tin lat lad clcthini store j r yfc ctan suits ard overcoats at extremch 1j rates and mule in latest etjles kosuc to call aud fee tlcm j fvfe 4ctu mcquillan i uiu iltou of the u elling- tou marble u ork ouelpb out aredoinff the uret retail marble trade iu ont ov lag to the fact that thej do the beat work and eii the chcxpct the pablic are wirn- ed against dexhug with aecoud haud trade peddler but tboald u direct to the urm or bij frara their agents ee that the name ucqcilliu t hiuiilton u on the pnated form before ou aiin or order with pare mjod contagious fevers and other dicjcea hive uu hold ca the ivsteui ur carsous orrach bitten render the bl od pure ad cool for ale by all drug k t iart bottles 00 cents i in the hwton i medicine no preparation his nciived ilch cuivcrsal commendation for the allcviitica it zfforda aad the per- aincct cure i effects ia lidacj diseases u dh vas bccnv c kxdvl critr ita ac tion in these dutresing cofflpiaiau s sim ply wouderful old bj j e mcoarvm w c have a speed and positive cure for catarrh diphtheria canker aud head ache in shilohs catarrh remedy a nasal injector free with each bottle use it if you deirc beallb aud greet breath price 50 cut vjld bv j bl mcoarvm 9 o household should be considered com plete utthoat a bottle of dr va bcbexs kidve cckl is in the closet it is the only remedy that will positively pertnan eoll and promptly cure all forma of kidney disease old by j e ucoarvin dr carsous stomach bitters remove consumption relieve dimness dispel ick headache abolish bilioasness and regulate the stomach liver and bowel i now that there is a reliable remedy for lidnev trouble half the terrors attached to thfie complainta have been removed for this let all be thankful and to dr vjlv bl azss kiffet octke award all praise for having thus removed a hitherto considered fatal disease from our path it was uever known to fail sold byj e ilcgirvm bseicleas arnica kalve the greatest medical wonder of the world warranted to speedily cure burns bruises cats ulcers salt rheum fever sores cancers piles chilblains corns tetter chapped hands and all skin erup tions guaranteed to cure in every instance or money refunded 25 cenu per bor for sale b j e mcgarvin shilohs catarrh remedy a marvellous cure for catarrh diph then canker mouth and headache with each bof tie there is au ingenious nasal injector for the more successful treatment of these complaints without eitrachsrge pnee50 cents hold by j e ifcgarvm gdbert laud st margarets hope orkney scotland writes i am requested bv several friends to order another parcel of dr thomas eclectnc ou the last lot i got from you haying been tested in several cases of rheumatism has given relief when doctors medicines have failed to hare any affect the excellent qualities of this medicine should be made known that the millions of sufferer throughout lbs world may benefit by its providential discovery iteklaa- piles 67m pun aad can the symptoms are moisture like perspir ation intense itchlngacreased by scratch ing rery distressing particularly at night seems as if pin- worms were crawling in and about the rectum the prirate parts are sometimes affected if allowed to con i in ua very serious result may follow swavkxs oictuet is a pleasant sure cure also for tetter itch salt rheum all scaly crusty 8km diseases sent by xual for 50 cents 3 boxes 9125 in stamps ad dress dr 8wayne1sox philadelphia pa sold by drtfggista 50 k81kable iioihe8 to let three of those convenient arranged tenement homes of the acton building association may be rented by applying to w h storey acton dec 2 1 it 1882 president store and dwelling to let thtt commodious store aud dwelling occupied by ileum w p brown i co oa lie comer of mill and willow slrteu ud in the centre ol tho butloem part of the town suitablo for either dry goods or general atore there ia twomuia of an acre of land in connection with the building rood wcua and cellar atore house 4c for jertna and particulars apply to c 8 smith s ale8hex wanted to begin vork at once on salei for fall 1883 for the fonlhtu naraenea the largest in canada manilla stove k wll- liiqtos proprietor we can start in ad dition to oar already large force 100 addi tional cuvaj3eh and want men who can giro full tune to the boaineaa steady em ployment and good salaries to successful men it does not matte what oar prev loas occapation has been if you are willing to work yonr saeceas ii almost certain the best of referencea required 4pply en- closing photo if possible to stximl l ellisoton nurserymen toronto ouc oooo uokds hemlock bark wanted the subscribers will pay five dollars and fifty cents per cord or all prime quality hemlock bark delivered at the tannery at acton before november 1st 1383 bark must be bright on float flat and full four fct long curled or damaged bark only reoeiveo at a proportionate re duction any other information will gladly be furnished apon application at the tannery to our mr wllljou beltdiokeico actou ma 9th 1683 583 voters list 1883 stumcipautl of thi village of acton d tue county of halton moticeia hereby giev that xx i have transmitted or delivered to the pcrfooi nunlioaed in he ihni and fourth sections of the voters list act the copies required b said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the list nude pursuant to said act of ail persons appear ing by the hut reused assessment roll of the said municipality at elections for mem pcrs of the legialtive assembly and at municipal elections and that the said list was first pouted up at m office at acton onllehratday of auirqst j8s3 and re maiu there for inspection elector arc called apon to eimine the sai 1 list ard if any omissions or an other errors an found tltrein to take immediate proceedings to have the said errot correct ed accordion to law j i mcgakvjs c icrk nf the ui 1 uudicipalil dated at acton the third dai of august iss3 enlargement of premises previous to making ilcratioii will offer thfl balance of m stock at cost aud under below are a few of tho leadiug line and prices 15 lbs bright sugar for 1 i3 fbs extra bright sugar for t 11 lbs pulverized sugar for 1 00 5 lbs splendid tea for l haltgallon tieiu jurs 140 per dozen quart tiem jars 9190 a dozen pint gem jars 8100 a dozen canadas great fair the national ex position -of- llve 8tock agricultural and industrial products fine arts and ladies work eke c toronto sept 11th to 22d 1883 the programme of special fea tures and novelties will be the best yet presented by this association pnxe liata and entry forms can be ob tained from the secretaries of all agricul tural societies and mechanics institutes or they will be sent anywhere on applica tion by post card to the secretary at to ronto entries should be made at once cheap rates and excursions on ail railways the beet tune to visit the city of toronto wait for it jwwithbow hjhill fkbiuilr uiioe8csecn hy should a man those blood is warm vi thin sit like bis grandsire cut in alabaster or let his hair prov rusty scant and thin when cingalese renewer will make it gro the faster for sale by j e mcgarnn j s tetherell writing from winnipeg says can eaymore about phosphatir now than when i saw you last m toronto my health is much improved and i am free from headachea or any other aches having only used two and a half bottles of yonr phosphatise for sale by all dragjptte est ai4cufertttke sfferlmf browns househald panacea haa no equal for reliennt piun both internal and external it ourea fun in the side back and bowehi sore throat bheamabsm toothache lumbago and an kind of a pain or ache it mil most surely quicken the blood and heal u its acting power is wonderful browns household panacea being acknowledged oa the great pain believer and of double the strength of any other elitir of liniment in the world shonjd be in every family handy for use when wanted as it really u the belt remedy in the world for cramps in the stomach and pains and ache of all kinds and is for sale by all druggist at 25 cent bottle remember that the balance of clothing axd fancy goods mustalao be cleared out at once and the whole of hese lines will be offered at price to flbtoulsll yon this iil be the last chance tou will have this season to set goods at yoar own prices as all mut be cleared oat previous to making alterations f deitch acton juh 18th 18s3 graduated with honors mccoll bros lardine and other machine oil8 haviugpassed theuost cutical examinations hy competent judges has been awarded gold and silver medals k diplomas at all exhibitions hecoll bkos toronto out flour feed store the undersigned lui punliuul fit huur and feed business irorn mr robert llhott and will earn ou the liusiueaa in tl e build in formerly used as a barber hjp oppo ite the old feed store i will keep in stock fioutr roller flour qranlatd wheat cracked graham floor buokwheat oatmeal corn meal bran shorts chopped oats chopped barley and sell for caih chopped peas chicken feed oats peas barley rye oil cake thorley cattle feed climax feed flax seed fotatoes turnips beans c c cheapest on earfh crifein sells 15 pounds of good sugar dry a8 powder for 8100 cash mens scotch tweed canadian tweed pants for 200 readymade coats for 225 worth 500 ladies and gentlemens fancy straw hats for 15c and 20c worth 100 each these are facts that cannot be jarred remember at tlie halton dry goods house- c b griffin in o mors long sittings garden field and flower seeds fresh and rood for sale cheap tour patrouaee respectfully solicited cash for all kinds of grain l q- matthews m f smi people are alwayg un the iiiiwl lookout for etaaneea to in- hii i 1 f crease their earnings anumn i wm umebecomewetelthj those who do not improve their opportunities re main in poverty we want many men wo men boys and girls to worn or us right in thelrown localities any one can do the wore properly from the first start the busi ness will pa sore than ten limes ordinary wafes fxpenslteoutfituirnlshetjfree no one who enemies falls to make money rapid ly vou can devot your whole time to the work or only yoar apare momenta full information and all that la needed aent sree address siiotos oo portland maine we are making all kinds of photographs in from one to five seconds by the new proseas dry plates in all kinds of weather do not wait for sunshine but come right along a good line of frames and mouldings on hand selling cheap c w hill the mammoth house georgetown jl i beg leave to intimate that they are daily iu receipt of new fresh spring goods including millinery mantle- readymade clothing tweeds gents furnishings hats caps hosiery and small wares in fact everything that constitutes a firstclass stock we have exercised ourselves to our utmost epaaedty and made use of our long experience and large resources to secure stock for prices variety and quality that win surpass anything ever attempted in this county we can assure the public that we will sell tbem goods at lower prices than smaller concer is live to pay for thtm our stock is large an j varied and we make additions of the newest and cheapest goods tc be found in the markers of the world we call special attention to onr millinery we getthe new est and most fashionable material and we keep lightning hands to get up the same in superior style our dressmaking department has proved quite a success we turn out dresses and mantles to the satisfaction of our patrons we make a specialty of mourning ap- parel and wedding tro63eau we have an immense stock ot dress goods in all the new materials silks satin 8atin deljon satin marulleanx cashmeres c prints a magnificent assortment in the dark colors lively patterns and with borders a beautiful printfbr 5c a yard tickiugs domestic goods checked shirtings cotton- ades and drills a drill for 20c a yard that can notbetorn we bell gray aud white cottous at mill prices cur ordered clothing dv- partment is unsurpassed it is one of the largest concerns of the kind in any county town we guarantee gatmaction in quality price fit and get up carpets a magnificent stockra union carpeitr for 25c a yard a tapestry caipct for 45c worth 65c we have a stpcjk that will compare with any carpet house fm size quality and prioe also a fine stock of flobr oil cloths lace curtains large stock varied aud cheap we respectfully ask a continuance of the patronage of 0w friends and cordially invite the public generally and they may depbud on getting firstclass value and courteous treatment from us j mcleod anita co jamimttrro 69111 li v