Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 9, 1883, p. 3

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railway time table qrandtjwnk railway eeiva cast put omlll 945 sus pjii- ttkht kxnn liot au kxurww su liu fxprcs mopm mail u0pni spvcitil jtviuu ami the ntjfrt expro ivaiag cast m cv tun io not ron on moadnt tnoniinj time of closing hail goiac vouoo tvau uoins etrte00 ftni mil i un kwjlh uiftfl do t ix jii oti tnvu j itontnsnxb ri y i m in r m at ceo kynd8 tee spoons table spoons kiiivtw aud forks at geo hyuds watches clocks jewelrv a larm stock spectacles from so ftt to w- wedding and birthday presents parses pipes pocket knives combs hair brushes school books kote paper and envelopes pens and ink call in aud see mv large stoefe geo hynds jewellery a- fancy goods store acton ort brevity kal n4 dfrwic prrparrd by fie ik f uc ihuh far ra4n hfc fire prr- streets rery dusty green apples uid colic are now ramp ant better weather for the ice cream pariors georgetown civic holiday ueil pted- oesday harvesting ha become pretty general in this section w checker playim ha- been coiicrabl renved- lately be bold challenge trade by a card in the newspaper ever year own name only another week of school vaciiou boys make the best of what remains the bank of commerce is about to erect a building for its own use in gael ph how would it do to arrange for an cx carsioti to barrie or orilha ou civic holiday the nexl meeting of ksqnedng town ship council will be held ou monday utu insl eqoal the display in the show window bryour display in the columns of thefnix pui it nukes one almost shiver to think usedars axe plowing perceptibly shorter a and uo summer yet georgetowns early closing movement organised and agreed tlpou a couple of weekiaa is busted already there ii one lonesome yoan man in town tlus week and he sings plaintively goodbye my lave goodbye 1 mr john a eobbs of xeuoa mam at one time an jfcton boy merits our foanln for a budget of manitoba papers this is the season when a little stubby twobythree inch cucumber is feend suffi- ciant to expand an ordinary sized rtomach to an acher the chtuhfjjoii tays that- a very malig nant type of scarlet fever has broken oat in muton two children died there with this disease last week it was ayoung tailor who said referr ing to a rival for the affection of a young lady thai he thought he knew enough to 1 able to cut him oat fruitjiafi so far this season beeu dearer than for a great utonbex of years past aud the prospects are that the fruit yet to come will command high prices parties who have received accoonu from this office will please call and settle we want the money if we did not we would not have rendered the accounts milton town council makes uo pro vision in its financial estimates for char ities this must be one of the sooilese corporations 1 we read about about now is the time the lively hoase- t begins to make himself vexatibnsly omdoas and renders miserable the life of the man who loves a noonday snooze mr j h hacking for several years editor and proprietor of the feet pbess is now on the staff of the wmidpegiv prt hcnaa lately been joined by his family the weekly health bulletin reports the following as the sirdiseases most pre valent in this district during the past week diarrhoea aiuemia keuralgia bronchitis intermittent fever and rheu matism- the star bae ball club purpose hold ing a concert or some similar entertain ment in the course of a month or so to secure funds or the purchase of a new uni form for the club the boys deserve to be escouraged a young man has sent us a touching poem entitled will you learn to love me when tm gone ve cant promise that hut well bet you a gold mine that youll learn to hate us ifyou ever come around here with another poem like that a geofleman who occupied a position as teacher in acton public school a few yean ago said to a friend while on a rtcect visit here that the little girls he used to teach were now grown up and near- jy h wheeliu baby carriages of their own too a resident of oakvilje by the name of richard sanson had to be taken to milton gaol last week he was becoming very un- faly and at times endangering thelives of km jrife and family by his strange move- neu a couple of razors were found in hiatpoatebbon the person who accompanied the book binders excursion from toronto to oak- on saturday last for the purpose of wing oat lager beer is wanted and when j wib be made acquainted with the that the scott act does not allow the lr in haltom independent glean the following from the bruce wauttrto e cameron teen living for some time with her t christie left on tuesday for wnemactom misa cameron was enttimber of the choir of st pauls jd her place- wfli not be eatily v um ball match was played bore lat thuihdav aftcrnooti lietuwu the burn and ii team picked from the cricket club as twajil the stars iron fottnd himuciblc mr u ivylor butcher of miltou will open mall in the shop lately occupied by j mr w william opposiu the cauadk j glow works on tuesday next uih iat i look nut for hit ady uext week j the tort klgiu livnf hwm say wo imvi often looked for a kcutcnoc that would doaily explain it awesteru paper kimu bupplies the want iu this eimilio you might as well try to shampoo au j elephant with thimbleful of goapspd as ti alwupt ii d buviucsf and igiiorc ad i verxisiuj i personals i mi kiu mattlkta- i visitiug loudon frieuds j mr chas kuee of millou was in towu j ou mouday mn av long of toronto u vitiiting friends iu actou miw mary h kciwju is holidaying at millou and lowvillck mni h p moore is iziiiuc friend at ashgrovc aud hornby mrs ur lowrj- visiunl friends iu klora and guelph last week mins mar- smith is spending a few weeks with hamilton friends miss annie uoomer of scuamberg is visiting relatiea iu actou mrav t smyth left ou monday on a visit to friends iu musboka j mr and mi- wm hcmstreet visited friends iu xichol lat week i mrs wm kamsey opeul a couple of days bust week with relatives iu guelph mis kate milburn of tntuulo visited her acton frieud during the week mr s aitkins of hamiliou wa the guest of mr a a sccord this vvk mihs jeunie blair is spending her sum mer holidays at her home in kilbride mr j j pantou late of the milton qampiyu has removed to billings mo mrs s robtusou of cfeorgetowu paid her acton friends a isit during the week mrs m kennedy left last week to spend a few weeks with her friends in parry sound mr c w hill left on saturday to at tend the muiul photographers convention at milwaukee miss lottie speight spent several days daring the week very pleasantly with her friends in linwood mus eliza cameron who has been visit ing friends iu walkerton for sometime re turned home last week mrs s xorris and daughter of trafal gar were the guesu of mrs joha speight a couple of days latt week mii jennie k- grunt who has been spending a couple of weeks with friends in kockwaod returned home on saturday mr james kicklin is o ou a trip to ottawa and montreal he will spend sev eral days with his brother iu ilontreal mj53 clara watson of kew york for merly of axton spent a couple of days last week with old friend aud acquaintances here mr and mrs j c- whidden of lincoln keb who have beeu visiting frieuds here for everal weeki left for home on tues day inoniiug mr john ko priucipal of victoria school hamiiton for a ugmberjof years principal of actnn public school visited his friends here last week j mues flo and may laurie of point edward aud mis nellie duncan of tlied- ford have been guests at the presbyterian mkue during the past few weeks i mr h p jxoore editor fnix vue left ou monday for ottawa where he attends the auuual nessiou of the grandlodge 10 of after winch he will proceed on a trip to montreal and quebec returaing early nert week villagevarieties l callffflqb ot locfll mi lid odltr matters t fperlal lirm t air vrlla e krader steady blow we are told that last year nearly 100 persons were killed by the wind in this country we publish this as a gentle re- minderfor some of the fair sex of our own little town new bridge at georgetown the overhead bridge crossing the gtr on main street georgetown is being re placed by a new struture acton carpen- ters messrs- h cameron s mclam and l masalas are performing the work cricketmatch the return match between the acton and georgetown cricket clubs will be play ed on the acton cricket grounds tomorrow commencing about 1030 am our boys must try and give as good an account of themselves as they did in georgetown printing for the fac fairs we are now prepared to receive orders for show printing of all kinds our mer chants and business men will do comider- able in our line for the agricultural show to be held here this fall and we are in a position to supply whatever is required in this direction- tie tout honjes one of the most careless actions of any man is to leayfc his horse untied it matters not how gentle this horse may be or what bis record is for remaining where he is halted he is lisme to be scared at any time on a thoroughfare arid a runaway is a frightful event when accompanied by in jury to man or beast if posts nothing to tie him and it is always prudent and safe to do 60 pell down ft well one day last week while workmen were engaged in repairing a well at mrs edward moores residence a little fiveyearold son of mrs eobson was playing about and ac- cidentjyfell in head foremost alighting on bishead in the mud at- the bottom the well is abbot twenty feet deep and the lit- tie fellow would no doabt have been severe- ly injured had the toll not beenaomewhat broken by mr dynes who was working in the well at the tin the lad w scared bat not at u hurt vy the a sweet mistake the inorchauta here tell father a rich story about oue of the firm in town giving out to a farmer a barrel of sagar for a bar- rcl of salt one day last week a portiou of j monday was incut iu visiting customers who had purchased salt aud the missing barrel of sweetneha was found unopened you can book our order for a barrel of that salt at mm messrs wanted a gold mine from which to supply our civic authori ties with f uuds sufficient to construct water works suiuble for efficient fire protection purposes to purchase a new cemetery aud put it into proper order to replace some of our sidewalks with cedar block pave ments and to build a firstclass roller flour mill of sufficient capacity to use all tho wheat grown within a radius of six or eight miles then we would have one of the finest lovus in ontario disgraceful conduct the citizens of guelph st were aroused from their slumbers ou tuesday night between the hours of twelve and one oclock by the very unseemly whooping and yelling of half a down men with a yoke of oxen attached to a lumber wagon they paraded the street several times shouting fire lire at the top of their voices and after the citizens were pretty thoroughly disturbed they made their way out of town aud were not heard from again large eggs mrs a f smith of this village showed us a specimen of hen eggs on tuesday c veuiug which are rather remarkable for size there were nine in all and were lain by one of her hens the largest among them was tripleyelked aud meas ured 7x inches in circumference which is rather on unusually large egg for a hen to lay the smallest of the lot meas ured cij inches iu circumference we feel fafc in saying that this hen cannot be outrival led in the egg line the georgetown cricket matcfa a cricket match took place on the market square of this town on friday last be tween georgetown and acton resulting in a victory for the latter by three runs gvoptftotfr ffcraif actons victory was a more decided one than you report mr herald it was oue run and three wickets instead of three runs rut tiieu you know nothing about cricket and the difference between runs and wickets brother the young ladies demand the whole of your leisure time at least this is the statement of one of your citizens fatal accident about 130 oclock ou monday afternoon a very sad accident occurred in guelph by the falling in of an embankment which was being dug for the foundation of a stable causing instant death to a man named thomas heatherly an old and respected residentof that city mr heatherly who was working there having noticed that a portion of the excavation was likely to cave in was in the act of bracing it when the bank gave way completely covering the unfortunate man when the body was dug out it was found that the neck back and jaw bone were broken tjrenuemazily proceeding the milton beavers failed to put in an appearance last thursday to play the re turn base ball match with acton stars as they had arranged the stars were con siderably disappointed and do not relish this kind of treatment especially as they had ordered supper and made every ar rangement for the game the milton club exhibited a very pusillanimous spirit when ou being wired as to whether they were coming or not replied no with a col lect telegram the stars dont care for the cost of the telegram but they expected more courtesy from the milton club berry picking on monday morning last three of our young meu made it a point to get up bright and early and go in search of raspberries they were seen about 30 oclock making rapid strides down the second line about two miles out of town- they made good time and at last reached the berry patch they found the berries not very plentiful but in some way managed to come home with their pails overflowing with the luscious fruit when the pails were emptied however they were found to contain only about two quarts of berries on the top of each- there is a farmer resid ing a few miles southeast of the village who tells a little story about three young men hailing from this direction having paid his pea field a visit on the morning in question toronto industrial bxhibitlon- the advt of this exhibition popularly known as canadas great fair appeara in another column it will take place this year from the 11th to the 22nd september prize lists will be sent to anyone requiring them by dropping a post card to mr hill the manager at toronto all entries must be made on ortwfore the 25 th of august the prizes for live stock agricultural and dairy products and ladies and childrens work are very liberal and large prizes are offered for horse back riding and driving by ladies the special attractions this year will be numerous and of a novel character full particulars of all the special features iu connection with the great fair will be published in programmes shortly an electric railway galloon ascensions by a lady aeronaut and electric lights are among them others are being arranged for cheap rates and excursions will be granted on all railways this will be the best time to visit toronto and take in the exhibition at the same time paints oils varnin8hes c cheap and durable glasgow house -at- j i mcgamlns drug od stationery store acton ont a arctic jy loo cream iparlor i frtttt depot a e matthews haviugpuidimed the business lately carried on by mr l g matthews in the post office buildiugniid remodelled the es tablishment is now prepared to supply the public with arctic ice cream delicious soda water different flavor icecold lemonade fresh rjpe fruits best brands cigars audeverythiugpertniniug to the line of firstclass quality iu crttm supplied la any quantity as i intend giving my pergonal attention to the business cmtomsra can rciv upon baring the orders carcfaliy filled a riait solicited aematthews new- furniture store base ball to hie editor of the free prat the milton team who were to have measnred bate with the stan hut thnraday afternoon failed to pat la aa appearnce snch condact would lead one to think that oar milton friends were rather afraid to face oar boys especially when they ent word that they were oom- ing the dusapoiotment oaoaed by their absence wm however in some measure reduced by a match being arranged between the crioketen stan which proved a very interesting and hotly contested game it resulted in favour of the stan the cricketers however nothing daunted intend trying the boys again in the ooorte of two weeks yours arc a cmon acton aug 7tb 83- charles h heimbach has decided to engage in the furniture business iv attov and will open ont on thursday lth mat in the store bdow tbc oddfellows hall on hain street a complete oew stock of furniture of all kinds and the citizens of actou and burroaodiug country will hereafter be able to purchase anything they want at home instead of go injr lo guelph or georgetown being a praclicalfumiture finisher i will hnlah all furniture myself and consequent ly be in a position to give better satisfaction and more teasonable prices than other retail dealers secondhand furniture refinished iugood style and ordess left at the shop will be promptly attended to a call solicited we will uladly show yoa anything we have whether you buy or not charles h helmbach acton july 3rd 1b83 hills tin k stove depot good assortment on stovk8 cheap for cash tinware of all kinds at bottom prices eavetroughhig a specialty and put up on shortest notice firs class material only used a call boligited j o hill mill st ttanlan barber siop j if wcqeit has opened a barber shop in the premises lately ooonpied by dr fortter as a medical office add solicits a sisre of the patronage of this yiefnity every department of the business win be oonrjoptedin noteless style gireusaeall 11 i i rj pw0kdek jan 23rd 188s nelson mcrae wanted tamers special bargains for next ten days prior to takirfg stock to remove w p brown cos lakoe stock of groceries glassware chinaware and crockery selling cheaper than the cheapest for one month goods must co out come and get them while the offer is open w p brown co dominion boot shoe store main st acton kenney bros having purchased the stock and business of keoney k son mannfactnrers and dealers in boots and shoes of all kluds in the same premises and solicit a continoance of the patronage ac corded to the late firm we will sdways be supplied with good stock afia flrctchus material for ordered work aid cjin guarantee satisfaction call soliciteb sennet bbos acton july 10 83 habnes trunk 9mp9t c rmrres eeouttno ixttboio a hatiie88 or trunk8f- to save money should goto x rbfieech5 pc50n big bargains in readymade clothing boots and shoes and general dry goods special job line shoes from 60c up we are offering the best line of fancy cottons denims shirting and cottonades in the county for the money no ivalue in sugars best granulated 1 0 pounds for i we handle the best 50c tea in market a splendid new stock on hand i remember hi you can gettolmfi from us gb in all lmesto any pttiem

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