cton tgne ms tacmtut mokndm acq s 1883 pur y oung folks afraid oh no tn meadow rich with com jon ulubriout rammer mom 1 wcat maid i ani rvry tond of cows and 1 lovt to watch uicai browse so die said wbc they eel the rcrtuil gross and gieat me alpa i aint afraid flast uicu on brindle cow raised her uod and made a bow- how th ficw not the cow but that rash maid who had said aha ffwnl afraid p pshaw i pbcw 1 vhea ihe reached the nearest thd she was vcrj nearly dead and wot with dew this tale is true how josey was caught joeey liked to keep office for his uncle doctor as he called him but the doctor did not always like to trust him there when he was called away lor josey had a habit ol looking into things that made the doctor iear he might get into mischief for josey was a meddlesome boy one day however joeey found himseli alone and began to look at everything on the table the elec tric battery pleased him most ho iknowliow to fix this he said if any man came in that wanted lectric treatment i coold do it as well as uncle poctor- there xow its all right now you take hold of these handles the taking hold was eaay enough but letting go was quite another matter any little boy or girl who has ever tried it will know how josey arms tingled and ached bat he had to ijokl on he ooald not let go and there he was tears running down his face when his enele heard his screams and came in yon pot caught that time josey said his uncle when he had set him free kow remember that bad habits hold fast to a boy worse than an electric battery does and are harder to get rid of andmeddling is a very bad rubil i wont have any more to do with either of them said josey 1 george wafiliingtoa revised perhaps no american schoolboys com position ha ever pal the father of his country on a stranger mobil basis than this george washington was a little boy what once lived in vercinny what had an ax given him by his old man wen georges old man found out what george an the nother boy done he called george to fvrn and he ses george washington who xutted the bark ofon tht cherry tree george seys i did the old man sais you did george sais i did and i cannot tell a ii why cant you tell a h says the old man caz says george if i tell a li this hearfellarl blow on me and then ill be spankd twice- thats right- tais the old ty whenever you get into trouble the easiest wav out is the best dr k a weta notre wdroiu treat mem u a uovcr falling curv for norvoui neuralgia norvoot headfiohe ofer worked brain c sold at j ecqarrlna drug store acloa or carsoua stomach bluors free the irstom of the poisonous humours that develop ihlo kiducy and urinary dlscues give tone aud vigor to the stomach and purify the blood 1 it is now in season to warn our reader agiinsl the sudden attacks of cholera cramp colic and the various bowel complaints tnetdeutto iho seaaou of ripo fruit regc tsblca etc dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry u the gnuid epecifle for those troubles for its soothing and grateful influence on the scalp and for the remotal aud preven tion of dandruff aycrs hair vigor has no equal ia restorer faded or gray hair to us original dark color etiaialates the growth of the hair and gives it a beautiful soft glossy and silken appearance gw luogsypatkdale toronto writes my wife had several very severe attacks of cramps in the stomach hearing of dr acsnxs luo5ruanvr and its pleasantness to take i gave her two bottles and she has not had au attack since and her health is rauchimprored for sale by all druggists a cart for cats sores ftlt the fines healing compound under llie sua is mcgregor fc parkes carbolic cerate there is nosorc but will succumb to its wohderfa healing properties it is an invaluable dressing for scalds festerings etc trice twentysve cents at j e uegarvins drug store 46 ayers sarsapanlla is designed for those who ueed a medicine to purify their blood build them up incrvue their appetite and rejuvecale their whole system ko other preparation eo well meets this want it touches the exact spot its- record of forty years is cac of coaitant triumph over dis ease the qoiejceat thing on record is krims fluid ugbtmuc for xeuralgia headache toothache etc it does not j blister or discolor the ekiu requires but oac application to biuish all pain magically j without csincauy creasy linioient or carv- j iug your head in a poaltice for weeks try j a twentylive cect rltle from j mc- j girrin drnpgist g 1 ivrsor of sedentary lis lit the greater part of whose time i pitcl it lliedcsk or in imt way beat ofer daily tasks cramp the stomach weaken its muscles ard incur dyspepsia early their most reliable j and safest medians reeo a fee is korthrop lymius vegetable discovery the great blood furifvir and wlich is especially adopted to indigestion biliouitis con- stirulion acd tovtriy or impurity of the blood l-r- every lady should know all about it thai there u going on at iho ulght houflo the larfeit clearing ala of inmmer dry goods house furnishings carpels nnd millinery nt reduced prices over bufore un- nouncid aud that a visit to this establishment wuj wpajr jou bargains in evert department the linen itepurtinont offers a lot of nice towelling at c i vaul wuili 10c table linous at 33c worth 87c table lintnw at 80e table linens at 50c in tery desirable patterns towels from 5c special larjfe towuls at lc cadi ur ose for half doxcn a magnifloent osaortmedt of towels from 10c to 76c a- special lot of extra double damask linen towels at ooc each they are very chmue pat terns remember the talilo linens and towels there are many bargains to be had in the cotton depaitmeul 20 yards of canadian grey cottoa for 1 coildi rt mill price when boucbt by tho piece yard wide oolton tioklags at only 20c blue and brown denim quite heavy at only 15c oxford shirting in various pal torus jflfat 10c well worth 12lc see the lotof sfclrtlngt they are tery heaty and will glte good wear the parasol department is in the front rank wiin low prire nice satin parawl formerly la reduced to 1150 ths 1175 parasols are reduced to 125 tho 9125 parasols are reduced to 95c a lot of childrens satin vum re- gbducod from lto05o a special lot of brown twilled silk paraaela at 125 worth 100 each come and have a now parasol al about half price the prinlcouuier has been crowded with purchasers they aw surprised at the low prices nice prints with beautiful bprdors formerly 20o selling off at 15c others formerly 17c marked down to 121c pilnu at 10c wall worth 12 ic tho prints are all this seasons importations having carried over no old stock of any accouut from last season the assortment of patterns ii still large but they will soon be cleaned oat at the rate they are beinq bought up a lot of french woven while corsets reduced from 1134 to 80c ladies summer vests only 82o sash ribbons in plain colors and plaids at only 50c formerly 1 kcw colored collam latest styles for lalict- wear threotor25c a lot of neck fnlungs formerly 10c reduced to 5c another lot at 16 and 20a reduced to 10c boys jersey suits ju all sizes at very low price a lot of canadian allwool tweeds doable thread al 50 and 55c worth 75c ask to see these tweeds hemp carpets from 124c stair carpets from 8c pimples and blotcfcet call at j e mcgtrnvs drug store for apackage of mcgregor parkes carbolic cerate it is composed of vaseline car bolic acid and cerate and has never failed to remove pimples blotches ulcerated sores bough kkio it cures when all others fail try il x wide awikf drasxi- ilr j hv stcgarrin is always wiie awake in his business and spares on pains to secure the best of even article ia his line he has secured the agency for the celebrated dr kings xew discovery for consumption the only certain cure known for cooauaiplion coughs colds hoarseness astlma hay fever bron chitis or any affection of the throat and lungs- sold ou a positive guarantee will give you a trial bottle free regular sizesloo shilohs consumption cure this is beyond question the moetteaccess- fal cough medicine we have ever sold a few dosey in varably cures the worst cases of congh croup and brnnchitie while its wonderful succeas in the cure of consump- tlonis without a parallel in the history of medicine since its fjrst discovery it has bcen sold on guarantee a test which other medicine can stand if yjau havt a congu we earnestly asfcvou to try it price loceuts 50 cents and 1 00 if your lungs are sore chest or back lame use shilohs porous plaster sold by j e ifcgarvin if ben botliers sfathcrs are you disturbed tt night and broken of your rest by- a sick child saffering and crying with the excrucialingpaia of catting teeth if so go at once and get a bottle of hrswinaiowa soothing syrup it will relieve the poor little bufterer immediately depend upon it there is no mistake about it there is not a mother od earth iwho has ever uted it who will not tdl you at once ihal it will regulate the bowels land give rest to the mother and relief and health to the child operating like magic ilt is perfecty cafe to ose in all cases and pleasant to the taste and ia the prescrip tion of one of the oldest and best iemale pntsitiaoaaihl nurses in the united states sold everywhere at 25 cent a bottle coatsmplioa i a discos- coairactcd by a neglected cold haw lcrsirj then that we shoald at once get the best ctirc for coughf colds larynitu and all diseases of the throat and one of the most prjfialir cjcdicines for these cornplaiots fs 2orthri lymans paiulsoo of cod linx o and tljpophosphites of lime and soda mr j f smith drcggist dcn- nville writes ll gives general satis faction ald sells splendidly doat ihiabdt failure is not always followed by failure and although ou may hive tried remedies repeatedly without benefit dont doabl that you ivill find the right thing yet pctkalls plikixss cohk erteactou is a positive remedy for corns and once used at osce cured this act has been voached for by tkousand who lave used it sold br druggists x c polsox co eicgstoo proprietors ttiooaaadx sar 4 itr t v atkins girard kan writes i never hesitate to recommend yoar electric bittcre to my customers they give entire satisfaction and are rapid sel lers electric bitters are the purest and best medicine known and will positively cure eadney and liver complaints purify u12 blood and regulate the bowels no family can afford to be without them they will save hundreds of dollars m doctors bills every year sold at fifty cents a bottle bv j e ilcgarvin nouovoati pdu are strongly recommend ed to all persons who are much reduced in power and conditioo whose stomachs are weak and whose nerves are shattered the beneficial effects of these pills will be perceptible after a few days trial though a more extended course may be required to reeatabhsh perfect health hoiioways m acta on the organs of digestion l induces complete regnlarity in the itomach litflr pancreas and kidneys this treatment is both safe and certain io remit and ia thoroughly consistent with observation experience and common sense the purification of the blood the remotal of ab noxious matter from th secretions aad the excitement of gentle action in the boweia are the ourcei of the ouajate powwb of bolloway piflt oh whatacouffh viillyon heed the warring the signal perhaps of the sure approach at that most terrible disease consumption ask yoar selves if you can afford for the sate of saving 59 cents to run the risk and do nothing for ii we know from experience that shilohs care will cure your cough it never fai this explains why more than a million bot tles were sold the past year it relieves cronp and whooping coueb at once mothers do not be without it for lame bick side or chest use shilohs porons piaster sold by j e ilcgarvin fob th- krdney8fuyerurimary 0rcan 8 the rest blood rtklfiek there is oolyon mybywhiahanydlsese can be cured and that it by removing the eansewbateverlt mny be- thaareatmedl eal ant hurltlrs of tfap day declare thai nearly every disease is oansed by deranged kidneys or liver to restore toes therefore toe only way by whleb health can be secured here is where wabhxhs saxxoobc has achieved us areat reputation j tacts direct ly upon the kidneys and llvr and by placing ibem in a bealtny opodltion drives disease and pain from the yatesn for all kidney livr and urinary troobjeif for the dlstresa- ina- dlaords of women for malaga and pbydeal roables generally tbls gremt rem edy has noequal hewareoflmpostors im itations and concoctions aaid to be just aa gooa kordiabetesask forwabjries sans 1ia- jbtxs cubic poraale by all dealers hhwjjlrch hamilton july 10th 1883 thomas c watkins hamilton ayers pills a large proportion of the diseases which cno human suffering result from derange- ouiit uf the stomach boweli and liver avcus caruaaric pilu act dlrtetlr uou 1i1m orgim and are especial desljrned to cure tho diseases caused i17 their denrngo- nicit uicludlng constipation iuuigrs- tion dyspepsia ueadache dyteuierr aud r i10m of other ailments for all of which ihcy ar a safe but irotut and icvaiit remedy tho extciitrc ur cf these plllx by eminent phyulciai lit regular prae- ttfi iiiorj unmutakaljij tlic tiiutii ik nhich they are held by the uiodlcal profes- siou these villa are com pounded of tgeublo uiiicc only and are ahaolatelj free from caluaicl or any other injurious ingrcdlcuu a s offerer from headache writes avciis pills arc liixsluable to me and are ny counlant comiiaulon i have been a severe saflerer roni headache and your 1ul are the only thing i could look to for relief one doo will quickly uiorfl my bowtli ad free my head from pain they are the mast offecute and the easiest physio i live ttr foaud it is a pleasure to me to txk ia ihfllr praise sad 1 always do to whr it occasion oitcrfl w l txor of v l page t bro franklin su biehmoudva june 3 s i hire used avails pitxsin number less instances as recommended by you and hare never known them to fall to accomplish the desired result wo constantly keep them ou hand at our borne and prize them u a pleasant safe and reliable family medicine fok dyspepsia they are invaluable j t lutza weiia texas jane it 1882 tho bcv fiusas b ihkwtz writing from ailauia gn uyi for some years past i have been subject to constipation from which in spite of the use of medi cines of various kinds i suffered inereasfng inconvenience until some months ago i began taxing areas pim they have entirely corrected the costive habit and have vastly unproved my general health areas cirnxanc ptlls correct lrregu- lariucs of the bowels stimulate the appe tite and digestion and by their prompt and thorough action give tone and rigor to lbs whole physical economy ntttijlcn dt drjcayercolowell bold by all druggist speight son acton undertakers carriage makers c are prepared to furnish everything in their hue from the best casket to the plainest coffin on the shortest notiee and at lowest terms 11 calls either night or day promptly attended to satis faction guaranteed in every case a firstclass hearse for hire hwe ik id i xxitloalo utijfaclorily fill orjers or ungqons cirriigen ic of otery dcacriptiou in rcuonible lime good workmamhip odii firstdan material al wayi ued we litve alo a fpleodid lot or furniture both commoo aud estra quality cheap hf yon will pay us cash will ieu yoa anything in our line cheap j a speight manager toukg old wd hidole- age0 all ezperleoce the vonderisl bcoefleiaj effecta ox ayers sarsaparllla children with sore eyta bon hitu ean or anr krofuloni or itpq- nitia uicmajm made heailby and itroiur fjiuuio bold bj ail dniggku 1 hi tntslet for i come and see the fine display of 43 spring tweeds at the east end clothing store this eee st favmmpuot life is sweeping by go ulv1 dare before you die n r 1 somelhlnff mighty and sub- llsaaw i iime leave behind toeonqaer lime ffid a wret in yoaroirn town asoati fitfrte korisk everything neir capiul notrciuircd we will furnish raa everything many are making fortunes ladies male as macu as menand boys and girls make great jay iteader if you want baainess al which ycio nn makegtenl pay all toe time write rarpsrtiruailohuaixcttacoportland kauie elcant tweed suits from 1100 to 1500 alsoi a large range of serges and worsteds manufactured in the latest sfrles and on ilieshorkit notice tlic lalct mylcs in 5lri ull soft flt hits ici sosts i rr secured ron inventions henry grist tie ottawa g canada 500 eeward we wi fl pay the above reward tor any ease of livercomptaint jyspepaia stele head- aetie indigestion coastinauon or costive- ess we cannot care wltb wests vegeubis liver fills when ttie dirtcuonsare strlelly compiled with they art oartfly vexeuble and never foil to give satisfaction boar coated lflrge boies containing 80 pills 23 cenu forsale by alt druggists beware of counterfeiu and miutioos the genaina manufactured only by jouh c wtst co- ths pi 11 makers 81 83 kr to- rontoonu free trial package seat by mail prepaid on receiptor a 3 eent stamp fyfe tto more long- sittings we are making all kinds of photographs in from one to five seconds by the new prosess dry plates in all kinds of weather do not wait for sunshine but come right along a good line of frames and mouldings on hand selling cheap c w hill manhoo how lost how restored we havereceullypqbllshedaoew edition of dr rstlrcrwelli cele brated bway on toe radical aud permanent cure tflihout medi cine of nervous debility mental aodphysie- al incapacity impediments of marriage etc result ngfromercessei sgprfceuia caled euvelopeonlr bjcts or two postage stamps- tuecalebratedsabor n tills admirable essay clearly danfqnstrates from thirty yearsscccesalql practice tbaf alarmlnecnn- sequences may be radically cured wfihout the dangerons nte of interna medicines or the use of the knife pointing ot a mode of flare at once simple certain andeffecluajby means of whle- every safferer no matter whathjs condlt y oe may cure hlmsel cheaply prf yatei and radically this lecture thoafd be in the hands ol everyyoath and every man i p the land address the culverwell medical 41 lan st tfrw tork postoffice box 5 1000 forfeit havldg tne almost confldinco in its super iority over all others and after thousands of tests of the moit complicated and severest cases we coold find we feel jallnd in ofiery ing to forfeit one thoasand dollars for an case of eoagri colds soro throat influenia hoarse nens b cousumption in its early stages whooplnjg eoogh and all dls- easesofthethroatand lungs except asthma or wblch we only claim reiiel that we cant cure with wests couku yrup when taken according to directions bamplebottles ft and50cenu large bouiesonedollar genuine wrappers only in blue bold by ajl drools u orscntby expreason recelptofphfl jap c west a co1 83 klug ht east toronto ont mnk jpflksajsftsl who is unaoooanitco with thi oeocraphy ot this country w1u d by cxamuuno this map that the sagantcgo ko cube i no pat i a local and conttitntional trestomoc a two distinct mfdlrinei one acdag oo the nual ptsmfes had throlaad lcngt the other oa the utct kidntys ind blood y instawtahe008 ecfcnowcal8afe radical treatment olti pv all druggists price 70 pt if not foand fsiiiactory rbtppiq will be refunded some enroots or mii nitc cuesofloar staoding suryncrairi from tares to ttz packages to cfitct a peraapent eqjv chicago rock island pacific ry mn oraat oantnl un nltort to mmlara br raaton of it unrivaled po- craphmal podtlon tho shortmt and beat rout btarj ths tait northeat and souttiaaati and tho wast northwest and southwest h 14 in am at true that its oonneotten are all of the prlnolpal lines of foaq bsyweah tfjamantwaitd the paoiflo its main one and braaones it reaohes chicago joilst peoria ottawa lafallf osnaeeo sjollne and hook island in illinois davenport muscatine wsjgtoojupl knosrttle osaajoosa falrtleld dee moines west llbertj iowa cwi aoartnwavooa audubon harlan outhrle oenterand oounoll bluffs in iowa i oajtatm trenton ouswrpp and kansas city in missouri and leaven worth and atshlaon in kansas and trw hundreds of plttee vniasea and towns intermediate the great rock island route as it m faminartjr oahed offers to travelers ll the adrantase and oomforts inefdent to a smooth traok safe brldcss union depots at all connecting points fas torses trains oornposed of oommovtous well ventilatn will hutbf tcmjuphouitalrlo and axboant day ooaohcs a line of the most maowfiooit ahmrtwl kcounino chair oars ever built i pullmans brteet deslssnedbml handfbaat auo sjjtkpmo oars and dinino oars by 3wggn pt wttasph m tfte pimtst run upon any road in thlo and in wtiloti swjirwnl are served to travelers at thru trams eaohwar b ohioaoo and the missouri rtvib two trains each war between ohioaoo and minnkapolis and st paul ttiejowrateof rtvajitvivr oents kaoh ohioaoo and the missouri rtvib lea route bar reoemtr been opened u parette and inwrmedlae points trains bu igher jshop r holmes woalil reepeotfally inform the people of actio and vicinity that be hai pnrehaied the business and property of mr v c iiobioaon and ii prepared to snpplv all vritb pirstclass meat of all kinds and poultry and game in seami so meat delivered to any part of town at any time t having practical experience in the batcherinc bueitrem i feelconfident that i can suit all a call kindly solicited it holmes ears for the million 7oo cfcoos balsam of sharks- 0u positively be torn the hearing and 1 he only absolnfe care far deafness know thh 0 is abstracted from pecaliarsreclea of imnl white shark canbt in the yellvw sea known as cabcuaboixix boirukxarth every chinese is herman knows it ita vlr- laes as a realoraiivt of heari or were discover ed by a baddhislprieetabopt the year hlo us cjtes were so naaeroua and maky bo seemivglv mirarrlors ibat the remedy w as ofbelill y proclaimed over lbent ire em plre its use br came so ntiiveral tiiat for ovek s00 yehs yi deafstjifi mvs existsrd avoxg the ciiivese people 8nt cfiahtei prepaid v- any address at v 10 per bottle sear tliat the deaf say h has poi formed amjracjo in my caee i have no nnanhlj noises in my hed and bear much better i have bee n preatly beneflttcd my deflfness helped a ereatdflfll thinknn- other botlle will cure me- my hearing is macu benefltted i hflve received autoidbpneql ii li givinjjgood bitlfifiction have ben ereauy bdcfllled and am re joiced tbat i saw the notice of it its vlrins are rxouesti xable and its crrattvecuaracter as tub wbitak cax persoxaily tetltvnoth from expehf- encr avo observatiqk write at once to haylock ajevxey jeysireetnewyork cnclofntr 100 and you will hear like any body else a 1 whose carailro effect b will be permanut yiu vjl nvr reijret doing to edilir of mebcatile review errviroid los in the mills pi ease send money by itegitkbrn letter duly i mpcrted by d avlth k t jvet sole aoet rm amebic a j dy t jut a boon to men jj rrtimwri btsl tttt fnm n jtnhmi ss hmtlmamtm ttmruin n ta i am pas v- sisiej tatcttm tesalr pstaatt faw wtfttum cosstuikt frw slustos kxudt co tassn tt tmtbrts osa asmaa week made at home ny the a i jfndnsiriouj best business now i before ihepnblic mpital not i sfan eded wi- wmuurtejhjton women dots and girls wanted evsrwlifw to worlf for n now is tn- lime yen can work fn spare hme or pive joar wiioleat- lenifoi to j busine so other baslnes will pay you nearly as well no o e cun till to masf ecormus pay by engaelnf at oace costly oatfit and terms free money made fisr easily anj nonorably add rets tbi a coau5iiita maine 9 worth theirweight in gold holloways pills ointment this incomparable medicine ho tecurtd for ifw aa imperishable fame throughout uie world for the alutiaflon and cure of most dilates to which humanity i httt the pills purify rceulate tad improve the quality of the blood they aastat ihe digestive 01 pui cleanse the stomacu aud ttowjas increaae iho secretory powere of the liver brace tbe nervoas system and throw iolo lie clrcntalion uie purest klemenls for bnstaioing aud pairing the frame thousands of persons hato testified that by their use alone tie have been restored to health and strength after every other raeaue had proved unsuccessful the ointment lnttunltseseoanadaorof ijnoksts ajt in prlnoipejtioket cajtl b8t john trtpterfil sjanacsr oenl pkt i ohicaoq tlat will be found invaluable in every household in the cure of open sores hard tumors biilofl ollwotuldjsoooibj colds bore throats bronchitis and all disorders of the throat and chart as also gout rhenmatim 8crofols and even kind of skin disease manufactured only at professor hollo waya establishment 483 oxftikd street london and sold at is lid 2b 9d 6d22s ands3seacli bo and pet and in canada si 36 cents 90 cents andjlsosndfhelargersiiesln proportion tts no a untied states nor are my medicines sold theni purchssers should therefore look to the label on the pots and boxes if the addies is not 583 oxford street iambo they are spurions tib jrsde mark of ruy arid medleutm is registrerea at ottawa sad also at wjih- inirton sowed thojias hojitowat 683 oriord street lood6ov dauretnatdauis3evetwfeeit j amount required to core v a rouowj oxe to six bomss vriq purify the blood eradicating all humour from the rprftrnoii pimple blotch or boil to tne most roalig- oant form of scrofulous ulcer one to six bottled by cleansing the blood will purify the complexion fret saljowness smooth out tbe wrinkles result ing from imperfect nourishment of the body tvreeten fonl breach sod renovate the entire system 0vb to two bottles will cure ordinary constipation or costivnesa thereby removing hhadachi piles biliousoem and jaundice and all diseases resulting from torpidlirer osx to six bottlq by clesssisg the blood improving the general health sad fortifyins the system again it taking fresh colds will in all cases relieve and in most case cure that common loatbesome snd y dangerous diseaae catarbh ove to turek bottle will regulate all deraugements of thekidoeys cdnngdriuary difficulties prostration gravel piabetsf etc one to font bottles will reinvigorsle the entire syatem curiog nervous and ges eral debility female weakness and all itsi attendant miseries x j pi icyards lellowoil ietlres rheumatism -li- freemajts worm pqwd2bb are pleasant to take cosialn ihair qva pnrv tire ij iaf nire and flbtirsal desuvjer ot worms in cnodrai or jlddttsw i c y r- 4 b ri ui 1 o lj c-r- cnjji car c j it aj plcs suej reliable mi jvobpt renrtdy for the rraiotml cf bomcfimd lew or pn wrxros from chm rlalq it tstasy to take ptrrcrtaik molffiely hannlesf and irtjirrei bo aftophyht rxxrxxro pv the sith meoicrwe c t 15eleustst sortszolv and troy ny price 25 cis soldeverywhejie pman worm ft em d y dr3 felis le bruas a ginraiitced chfe lor venetal diseases bare pleasant and reliable no bad efleeu pom its die doe not interfere with brsl- neas nr lieu price s3 per box or three boxes lor 5 written guarantees issued by every nnly nuumriied seenl to refund thd money it three boxes rail to ears sent posture prepaid dn recelpeofprlce t r r dr feiji le brun 4 co ii a 3 r3nf pl- east toronto bole proprfelor t je motarrfn antboriiedareotror acton ontario burdock rlood will curlt or relieve bjyqumess ozrmsa dy8pepsia indigestion jaundice erysipelas salt rheum heartbvrn headache dropsy flutterwb of the hew acidity of the stohaclf dryness of the 8kih and enrr species ut dbeaseerisins from tirrl0so tekats specific bedicike an oiiralllcg enre for hemlna weakn ess 8permatorrrt impoteney andall diseases that follow as a aeqeenee of exuabiise a loss of mem- pryjjntversal lejuukjejatn sssshiss n tbe baev dimness olvis- ion r rampbllhlohrei lire lo send free by msji to iyeryoe a- the speclflo edlelne ltold by aridsti- llrts at on per liefciaevs ax paoksxe ferittor wut ttocrmyiwiolitsflo 8owbyjbofe- lythf or ajeobol or lobeeccvwaeto 52 i lvrssalon boremairtts sssl insanity am teaiusvlo iamnntsa li of power in eltheratxh- mnmtee stic boxes to enre ia eaask muz eh order recetvl bjn jbnb3ua7is apanita y flvechtarstwewlllssms wrebaaff onrwi itten txmisujtauti be aoaey if uw treajiaeistssabov ss orontoon