Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 16, 1883, p. 4

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ctongrterm smissmsasmiim tmntsi 01 morm uu k isss our young po lks u the little pleajder- 1 c calllc to li u 11 fu 1 in lender cju i iw ling her 1 tile dimj led f iforr cui cl hct uac cvr lulctvc t up while tears of pticf nut down lur el a tho grief 4o ccud not mother w catchiljr ti v i ftoi an i vlecnod dont i nnh ttxllir 1m jus tu frv i in b u kc lcvaj- it caul o uo it for bob u tmcli ft nice m x lx i uiooght marnui voukuew il 6o bob wa spared the rt voting ro vnd bo u trti pod off t vlbcr mtiilc ptiat rcofciu t xik the i lace of tcan uii e ortrv wciili r and to it was in after 1 f that nter fli euod btftker nd stood twnt uiui an 1 1 iul liu s never did sxo lc v gentle pitied love umi so i fcotfctf lo anstun favor but lock willi twt rljitsnac the tokens ual lc ic bcr v nercr kucw his 1 v to ax i ttk luirv hob js l t till ilojjc e wedding bcla nc out ud he in iadncs c scd her ah then wc saw lot lad becu tbo msiieaec the lad o or liui kud lott her bnglt cianrtfc lclpoj to liit the pith bcorv h i oh k e wlo have liomcrs oi roffuiu odd or cjcxcr oh deem it not a sacrifice to i ct frtk nrons endca to li tlem it uo nirrov wa tlai leads to rc i ixx vnd lead vor aid tlal uitv mav fuid wla seeking i nc treajsirt the begin tii ng ouog old and middled aged all ox per toco the wdidtrful bciitflcrtl effects of aycrs baripanuft oaug children kuflor tog from too ce sow cars scald hottd or with ay p mfaloua or syphilitic t tint ma be it de lcaltln and strong b lu ue salt kuruni arct k t trvtillel wilh nlt hhcuoi kouu is km limpksorciulct bore luo doloicetij 1- ucoiirwus drug store and gel a ckaftv of cilvetu ctrbollc cerate incc tucntj lie cents it u never ktrovtu to fail il mr c 1 kigpus hviuismuc nlc cutotur uo fried a bottle of jvor luroii i- lnane ecc alu uikocn bjs it is tht txet lumg lie ever used to quoto lua own iorl it juei focm to- toucll the f pot affected bout a i car ago he had an attack of bthojs fccr and was afmd he tcu in for ruolhcr vleu i recumncdded tus uhul tuclctuc with fuchlajp rcoll t clrl i jftalo 1 ur thomas lclcctr oil cured km if a bad cue if p ks ol 6 eirs euu liuj bivmx tncdalmo i lvc kc w rcaicd bca de two huff ib ihj icm with ut relief but the uil curvd him he tuuki it cannot b- rccomnicldcdloohigbli ttrc being umuti id- i a the market of dr tiioilu levtnc j 1 cutoircre will uiat lhc tvt tlie genuine mc4cr kpcwu- arc tr jthcman rcmsrkablc cares wrought h u iac mccrc fepefiij cure for dipvjuia iudicwuon constipaton and affecicn of the liver and fron the in men tie tj it ttithoat u advertis ng we 1 avc concluded to plicc it extensive oa the mrket n that th e who uffcr nu have a perfect ccn do to i h mc ciirvm 6 drtc b re and g- a tn 1 bo tie free or the n z a nil cvnu and an aollir every lady should know all about it ihal there is tfulug ou ut ibc rigli house iho uonncrd nud that a liil to this ostablllhmcnt 10c ttilo i luuu at 33c orth 87jc tnblt osc for half doion terns lorgcit cleanng bale of nimmor dry ooode houac furnishings carpcta nnd millinery at reduced price over bofon 111 will repy you bargains in eiory deparlraeiit tho linon dopamraont offlri a lot of aice towelling at 8c ajanl iiriu linens at 80o toblo lioena nl 50c u very distrablo patterns towola from 5c speouil urgo tonfela at 18jc uieb 1 r a mariilflcont naaortmeut of towols from 10c to 78c a apecinl lot of extra douhlo damask linen toweli at toc each they are rcry chiiiic pa iicmeniler the table linens and towels there arcinany barkaina to be had in the colion dcpaitment 20 yards of canadian ore cotton for fl otiiiini mill piicc uen bouaht lij he piece yard wide colloo tlckig at 011h 20c blue aud brown denim quite hiavy at only 15c oxford shirting in vunous p iiierns at 10c wdl worth 121c see the lot of shlrtlaea they are vefy heavy and will ghc good wear 1 ho varasol department is in the front rauk with low prlcta mtt satin tariuolb formtrly reduced to 1 1 50 thofl 5 parasols ait rednoed to 91 85 tbo jl 25 parasols aro reduced to 05c a lot of children s satin larau re duccd from 1 to 05e a special lot of brown twilled silk parasols at 1 j5 teorth 00 oach come nnij have a new parasol at about half price thff prints counler has been crowded with purchasers the arc surprised at the low prlcca nico prints with baaullul bordem formerly 20c selling os at 15c others formerlj maitad dowii to hie p1i11u at 10c well worth 13jc tbo pnntj are all this season s importations baring carried over no old stock of any account from last season tbetlssortmonl of patterns is still large but thoy will soon be cleaned out at the rate thej are beinejfouijht up a lot of french oven while corsets reduced from 1 12 j to 80c ladies summer vests only 82c sash ribbons in plain rolors and plaids at ouly 50c f rmcrl 1 sew colored collarn lalesi stj lc for ladie wear tbreefor23c a lot of w frillinpa formerlj 10c reduced lo 5c another lot al 15 and sk re luccl to 10c boys jersey 80iu in all sites at vr loir prices a lot of cnuadnu all wool tweeds double ihroad at 50 and 55c worth 75c ask to see lhe tweeds hemp carpets from i2o stair carped oom 8c thomas c watkiffs hamilton hamilton tol 10 h 18s3 r j d u hi the em ju 11 e 111 the iffot eemeinur m sil things uat if utt do 1 l l h not bepa on will neiercome to an caa l v the urst weed iaued up m the garde- the lir more cat p first d in the puud the urst dolhurput t f hu m the sanne s u and the rt mile llc h 0d p i0a lt p if jilu headaclic ald other dtordcrt the pro- travelled ou a jnrae are all important tilings the raahe a btix u c andtnere bs a he a rom cap v au as dr ance that ou are in came i wnat sou have undertaken how man poor idle nestatim outcast 1 i ov creepji and pid r warrant it oh whatacouffh u ill vou heed he warring tl- iyu perhap terril c f he c t api roach f that trot t k c a urnptio- a olr they were there le ciilxi ove- the fence to in onr lc krc 1 1 m ardea crawim on his va jirool die world who seiea if od c u o dfo thciitkc o c z nuglit have hell cp hi lead and prospered 5j cual to rjn t e n and uj u thing for if incadopw ic oj his rcolutioj o j ii wckuowlr m chnccctl i s he indctrv and amcnini- he had oak cert wiu lld rc h it ccvrfsi nadc a lxnnio tfci ce n l mo t tl u million b t i ues vrea 1 tl yess it relieves t crosp cd mo p eg coih at o-c- lo-ic- d nt b wuh nt i or lime bik v le o tie u lil j i or 1 pi cr wb t h mco ni shilohs consumption cure pi i b oad inc i u em cc clcoj udiir uehvcecrtc ifcw ac- mrcnbl cuci th u u t cac o cc h cro i i i ncjiti wl lie ts wonatrfu c m tie cri of cn anp ti 31 t t i pi- lie in tbc hi o c r 1 n c c it fr d cj- rj it ha hxr l t ujriiitt t tc which u o r in i ici ci i i i u c h- a c it i- x ootolrj it pre iqcvi iocta fd 1 co ifvoarl are x c c l r cw lame ne i i -o- the j u oa c ep neighbor again is that po le nr un wav a lit je oh nvcr eoilu 1 11 uke or vc tbe are in there- if j e mm woeo her ade would onh iea i ttl public c in hi and cpad up a few beis nn h n would do wej tu c-mme- twtie l n require at 3ea two rixda for a manin ground can ou lend me oar whee borrow andujiu aao nj and hoc all thmc ux fnr tl bert is a ijiio uophic i e errol pr mt prnut u 1 1 either cattd b tobacco alcoho over worked or excess- ccrea lj dr l i vtest eveand baa trunit vld at j e ifcc ivii ding b ore ac a as true j coi i t a mi iit fo- true as g- a care frr uo era m rb- i pwtue core for this cljtrc2 cotiplatn 2nd for all acute or ciir a c form- of cowtl com phunt mcidcr to umtne aid bill is found m d- fovdera extract ot wid sirawbcm to li- iro- need irom an dragct purchiit n fr jii l niiu wleu thou easiest to gne each wjl cese toloe i i mb i l m y f l i p i l hu td c n nlio litn c m e rv or hm htp u uu n i uc 1 t c h th an di j c er j to n an i ra d h ci i vei r if lliwi mtj cai div ru i t crv ct h e c i liidcr lb uit gu od crtum ttii c tn s h 1 know in i hif lv es t d t ru t p i cs trc linet ba vira which jocilc aa 1 heal i ldji il t n or irr i m lh- mo t tender nu cr mo e o c hoi lova u atuut and pill rc iufaliil fo- cum g bwl lc t j vcil wished ankle e k c i ai i even anc c km tn j over all th f djfodca li howa s rutntui ci r a i oqca an i farourabl action na whc plirsiaxas arc o en g jailed b remark j gmdh but cctuolj ab e diicoverie th- fa thatdr kinff i arme al tht colummcuon intj rc jew discovery itr cu and all throat an lacs d cs is cluh curing patielts that th lvcgixen cp to die is startling them 1 1 rec fcl rscceaf autv nd eiamme in the ihents f tlif k oader fal discovery result og m lcujrcds of or i best pnjfiaaia ai ag it m the r ractice j tnal bottles free at ucoarwn dni store- regular ixe i xo a man s conscience qj1i be omck iie t theeetoeee and lik tlie eyelid to hat itself against an cul i dr carson s s ooacb bit ra fru the ytem of the poujooas hhmours that develop into kidney and canary disease gin tone aud vyjor to the stomach and purify the blood i the man who misled tlie tram on ac count of bein detained at home bv some ueedea repairs on his pantaloons mourn full suggests that it is all follr to sav it is never too late to mend mr wv w mg ivcstport wntea i wiah to inform 3 on t f the wonderful results which followed the c of ivortlrop tfc lyman s lrauhuol of cod liver oil and hjpophosphitea ef lime and soda a cough of air months standing had reduced me io such an extent tha i was unible to work i rncd than remedie without effect at hut i naed this emulsion and before three bo i ties were aaed i am glad to say i was rutored io perfect health that was a cool scottish aside of an old dealer who when exhorting his son to practice honesty in his dealings on the ground of its being the best pohev quietlv added 1 hae fried both g jlmgaj parkdale toronto writes fy wife bad several very severe attack of cramp in the stomach hearing of de acsnss phospitatiie and its plewantness to fake igare her two bottlei and ahe haa not had an attacfe since and her halth is much improved for sale by all dngtu finmt hold lifktnlnjz jseedt no advertiaing when once intro duced every boiue sold belli hundreds of others by doing all and more than represent dfornedrahga toothache tfrdache etc 1 1 reoovet any pam initantly quick as flaah tyittod oa will say it is well named fluid lightning get a twenty five cent bottie j b mcdwrinf drug 8tore actoc 47 lk f full aud mvilub e scury hotlier ilodier aaurr ktl j qi a r ire i l light c br ken of y ur rc bmf chid ificr g aui crung wih the cxcniiitin puu f c utidc teeth if 0 co ct ojcc j rd cc bolts of ir win 1 c s ing rap it wdl rel c tl t p r lit le tuffcrcr imnidiateh aqcid up j it tl ere ts uo mi take abejt it thcrtic uo s mother ot earth wh ha eitr nttd il who will no teflon rt olcc that it wid regulate the bomel and ic rest t the moh r nd re and ith to the chill opeal n like iuijc iti perfxl tafe to ne in all cases and pie- ant to tle u le and is the prescrip tion of olc of t c oldest and be t female phj cuns and nurses in the l niled stes sold everfwhere tt 2o ccnla t bottle wjmmmtjk r n f a g saj5 foe the kidneys liver urihary organ 8 the beat blood fibifiek there laonlyone way by which andisease can be cured and that is br removing tno cauee wtioteverlt maj be rheffrealniedl calnath rltlesoflbp day declare tbst nearly every disease is raised by deranged kidney or liver to restore ibes therefore if the only wa by which health can be secured sere is wiiere wabei safbccbk has achieved lis great repctation j toets direct ly upon the kidneys and ilvr and oy placing them in a healthy condition drives disease and pain irom ut ystem for all kidney ltvpr and urinary trouble forlbe distresa- loir disordns of wnratn for malaria and physical trouble generally this grettrem edy hasnoeqaal tteware of imposton lm lutlons and concoctions raid to be just aa good for diabetes aak for w absrras hate ula betes cl b r for sale by all deal erf h uwaeebco torontoontrocbtsterjr yi3tirtinilng r si l ark ayers hair vigor n nron id tle filcss mid frwlncw oc j fads or graj lulr to a latural ncl irncol- ordmpblvck minay tcdmlred i u t i b rdla mil be dirlvci ct t i 1 ilr tclc cd aul ti dus often i ai iwajf crm i c ccls fal s of l ba r ad itl u hi itck al f cj jrroutli to t gor ll i t li ai j c ji t rf and dii druff ai j 1 1 l r v cxe- iiim peculiar to tlie f p i a ladlcf hair dwsaint lliff i an if c wqaalled u eonuiiia nelllcr o 1 v r m l r fjm t f l tj it tj a t- cae n a 1 la erfi p 11 11 r lc f ro fchit o j k it flr hair mi w col wioj i i l fhot hi l i becu l 1 b- i i ued part ot a little o a ihiirlcun wuici fuuj tlie fall i or i ui- a d tarted a ucir growth i le u a fol b a i of h r rrovii g tijor c a i ci v need lut tat or the c t x ar i edraiiou i jlould bare bceu c i ih bald 4 btwct i ro netor of uic ve4rtkr i ij trr w ackh iiamooa i i ncrll i i re ci at o i f lio la r 1 it f i fr i i om l i u c i txl f w l x t rr4 a t j f ft tifl if k n c rv i tl rut v c lnll n i r 1 l il i riarxl jj crcr fail i l r it t ii i k viitv 1 ivr il c ii ix 1 f t 1 w rrih tut m i i i c 1 i v i i 1 ur urr- t p vc t i of f ll c i k xilich tlccll t i ht lf1 uiiu iun 1 wl tclnal c w fi nlair t f f t ctlcot c j c 1 l tcrr oa i i r tr n wc ruo lives w t r frr rta 11 1 t j i ij i i ijt r r- u oil tti ili ji hah i ipcgrvatl t tuv tidj i t rt lar it ai i v gjd a irl t 1 i uule lc tcos oualy aa speicht son acton undertakers carnage makers c are picpared to fnruish coi thing iu tleu line from the be8t ca8ket to the plainest coffin on the shortest xotiee and at lowest terras sail lalls either mghtor da piomiitlj attended to satis faction guaranteed in even- case a firstclass hearse for hire si u c arc iu i loiuku loaslisfaclonlj iill orjcrs for wsihis carnages ic o everj description iu rvaouilit time ood florkmanshipoatl lirstclajs material alsrays used c liie alo a icntlid o orlurnitarc bli common aud extra qnality cheap icoa ill pij u ca8h c will sell vou in thing in oar line cheap j a 9pe10ht managar 1 i tr 1 ir i i i c ll f t l te n l f t il- lif c un i ii vir v j k it i rl i til 1 lo cjyijix t- zix vcj a c1 mix drjcayerco loweiimass sflld lr al dngju c- come and see the fine display of 43 spring tweeds at the east end clothing store this wee iki rest ii sweeping by go 1 ur i ire von die aieliiinr trlgl tj aud sub- llra b lind loconquer i nit v a ck i re rt i wi ont- ctfr q vor i rr tl rgiew capita nlr i ueiillf r oevttj ih hz ji nv re matl f rt 1 n h mure is much t mei bo girl make great i y ii ir lci aicl fi efci at which r nnm k etc i t ii it time wriu fori rt c n hai r- racu portland ji u elegant tweed suits from 1100 to 1500 also a uage eange of serges and worsteds fatiufucuiril in the latest -tk- irul on the shortest notice thciaauuk i sarianlscftfoltsitaaalsalacts t i nd j fyfe io more long sittings henry grist 1 4fc canwo o we are making all kinds of photographs in from one to five seconds by the new prosess dry plates in all kinds of weather 500 eeward 1 do not wait for sunshine but come right along a good line of frames and mouldings on hand selling cheap c w hill e rill i ay ihe ajovc reward fornuy case oft verc rnpaint 1 uxps a sicl- head acfie in ig tiln c f i ilia or coitlre oe- we cinnutc ire vlt ctv eje table liver i ill w anu e mr ctlo f ire rfclly eomp i d with rt e ar rtrelv cgetablc and ncc- i ln ch iifj in sotnr conte i rsrr bciir cxirtainius sn piiif ii cents f e- by lira gitf iewareof c at lerfiu nd imitation the eenulne mn fe redot it i joiiv c ww i co tne hi l rt rt am king i hn to- roctn f n free irml raefcege tent bv mall irernll nrecetrtofa ceauwrnp manhooi how lot hon ftestouel jt f v e uavrecet ut pnbl oeiedauew piii edition of dr uttemell cle fjjjfe- urn led eataj on tn radical aid jl ka perminci t cure without medi- ciueofveroa d b me tilan i phrnlc allncriacitj rmpejime luoikrige etc resrlline rt m rcee 3af r n a fea edenyploic dnh 0cta or two postage stamps theckbntcd iu ao- n uiis admlrablf esav cfearu lranrsamtef- frcm thiru year successful rctlcc uat llarmingcon- seqnence maj be ndically cured rltioal ihe dangcronr t fe t f internal medcinor the u of the knife paiuungo it a mode of care at oner rimple certain andcitectual by means of whfci etrj niterer no mailer what his conditlor raty oe instvcurehimse cheapijrlvilel andradlcallv this ljcure should be in the hands ol ereryjoaihand everr man in ihe land ad i reus the calverwell slcdlcal co 41 ana fit xewtork post office boi iso 1000 forfeit i having- tue utmos eoufldencein lis uper lority over all othere anditcr thouianda of tests of the most complicated and erert cases we cocld find we feel justified in cfler- int to forfeitone thonsand doihirk for any ease of coughs colds son throai inflapdes haarsenes rjonchitt consumption in its earlj elagefi whnoplcr eoaph and alt dis- eaaes of the throat and la ngs except aiumm or wolch we onlr claim relief that we can t cure with wests coueh yrup when ajten accordtlg in dire uona hanirle bottles 25 andsocents larglbottlisonedollar genuine wrappersoniyln blue sold byalldranriu orsni by cxpreson receipt of pric jony c w st to ia83klntkl eal toronto jrantecr wrrhsm no cure no pay a local and conn tot onal treatment two donna mediant one mams oa he nttil pmvg hear thori and lcn the other on the lira kitlncyt and tlbod instantaneotfe economical safe radical treatment sold by wl drugcists price 75 cts if not foand fatufactorjr he price rid ill be refunded some cfaronc or obt nate caaes of lonjp kandmg may rcqm from three to nx packages to effect a pcrmaacot cure who 18 unacquainted with the ceooraphy op this country will see by examiwno this map that the chicago rock island pacific rt being tti croat cantral line altords to trarelora bjr reason of its unrlraled ceo- graphlcol poaltlon the ehortest and beet route between the east northeast and southeast and the west northwest and southwest it is literally and etrtotlf tassy that its connections are all of the principal lines of road between themafttte aha the pacific br its main line and branches it reaohes ohloago jollet peoria ottawa la salle oeneseo mollne and rook island in- illinois datenport muscatine washington keokuk knoiyllle oskaloosa fairfield dea moines west llbertr iowa cltj atlantlo aroca audubon harlan cuthrta center and council bluffs in iowa qallatln trenton cameron and kansas olty in missouri and leen- worth and atchison in kansas and the hundreds of dues villages and towns intermediate the great rock island route as it is familiarly called offers to travelers an the advantages and oomforts incident to a smooth track safe bridges union depots at an oonneotlng points fast eipress trains oomposed of commodious well ventilated 4weu heated finely upholstered and eleojwt day ooaohes a tei of oie most maonifioent horton riolikino chair oars ever built pullmans latest designed and handsomest palaoe 8leepino oars and oinino oars that are acknowledged br press and people to be the finest run upon amy road in the oountry and in which superior meals areiorrid to entreat the low rate of seventyfive oents each rra to trareiers at thru trains each way b lis jei ohicaoo and the missouri rives t 0h00o md minliwous d 8ttaul albert la route a newandtxreot um tie seneca and kankakee has reoenrjj been oeanen between newport news richmond oiolnbatttlrrdorni and il vsutl smdoouikmiwuflslswrmeu all through passengers carried on fast express trains of j l japsnl folders which ma beobtalnedas wlsuitlokett at all principal met cmtoes in the united stateearrtoanacatorof r ft cable g strtfohn vlosjhrckwmiuuipsrl i oenl r kt i paser art chicago fitlitttilfiejlprriltllr butcher shop r holmes onld reapectfull inform tlie pteple of acton and vicinity tbat he baa purchaaed the bnnne8 and property of mr c hobmson and it prepared lo sappl all with firstclass meat of all kinds and poultry aud gam ut ta tr meat delivered to an part of town at aa time tr having practical experience in the batchenog baiineas i feel confident that i can iait all k call ltiodl solicited r holmes ears lor ttie million 7oo oiooi salftim of slurki ou raalllrely etaure he beartag ad la tke oalr abmlafe care fr deararas ilawb thl ou is aba traded from peculiar anecler of small while shark cangbt in the ellw ftea known aa cabckarodox bokdeletii every cnloee muerman khows 11 its vlr tuetm a renoratlre of heariof were discover ed b a baddhlit priest aooui the ear lllo its cues vrere so nanerooa and makt so hekmixglv xirartlot9 that the remedy was ofl daily proclaimed over the entire fm plrtu- iu ue became so nniverl tnat for o cnsooears so deafvh- has exittkd airovo tiiechimbse i eople 8eut ciiantea ircpudtnani address at 1 co per bottle har hiat the sesi sar 1 it i as performed a miracle in my ase i have no udartblj noises in my heidand hear much belter i have been areatly benefitted my deafness helped a great deallhlnknn other bottle will cure me lij hearing is mnen benefitted i heve received nntold benefit it is givlnggood satisfy ion have been ereatly bei efltted and am re joiced that i saw ihe notiee of ft its vlnae are tvqresti ivable and i ct ttattveohakacter asthe wbitek cav peksocaur testi7t both fbox experi- etci akdbbservatiok write at once to hatlock djefnntixystreet newlork enc toeing 1 00 and yon will hear like any body else and whmecnralttp effects will be permanent on will nevr regret dolnirao editor of ilercajrme rmr etevroavold loi in the mails please send money by registered letter uuly importedby holok s joel mdle agevt f3r america tvy t t a bqm tfl men ah itamwkaftffai jao in taemm9sn sscrk5rstrrtirir ssmjt stftjeltttsm ssjm mlllmltlll f lhtw t fatfl mimimn at pnm as msmi wmuf m rtosu hmtitmmtmmmttttmtxmtmtmmvimmimlxtaa i kmpu tmatw sjlnab wtrtatm tjamohaxlei tnt euutos txmxm co ts tx is asfaj jaaa week made at home oy tne k a l b basireas now ff before the public capital not f eded we wliiblartjoq men omen bovg and girls waeietl everywhere to work for a vow is the um on can work in spare time or cfve your whole it iniion lo th bapnew no otlw bus oes will rmy joa nearly aa well no o ecwnfall to makeedorm as pay by engaging m ooco toatlt oatflt and terms free money made fust easily an i nonorably aadress trce a co aagusiu maine worth theirweightin gold holloways pills ointment tills lmyjmpirlblh 3idwim aim sechfett tor itel an tmpenthtibte fame throughot the it orld jor iht allmatwn and curt of mosldimtut lovhich htunamtjffkar c mtet aftw fair trial wfthao r ef or tun eoeted your mmeyin tv refunded purt is sold by dbtgcdta niumebs krernrfcexe amount required to care as follow ovktotdxittijswiupimyuiebiooti eradicating all haroonrs from the common pimple blotch or boil to the most msjw nnt form of scrofulous nicer osi to six rcttlbi by cicansidg tiw blood will punf tbe complexion from saljonncas sniootb out the wrinkles reiolf- mgfrom imperfect nooruhroent of the body sweeten foat breath and renovate the entire syfctem one to two bottija will cure ordinary cocsti pation or cost vnesi thereby removing hhadjiche pilea btlkrusnesa and jaundice and all diseaaes resulting from torpid liver ove to six bottles by cleanamg the blood improving the general health tod fortifrmfc the system against lakidt freah coldj will iu all cases relieve and in most cases core that common loatbesome and dangerous disease catabeh oe to tnpee bottlx3 will mgnlate all deraugementa of the kidneys curing nnnaxy dimcnlti prostration gravel diabetes etc om to ioii bottles will ronvigorate the eotire system curing uerou asd gen eral debility female weaknessand all its attendant miseries cyards iell0w0il litres rheumatism freemans worm powders are j leaant to take catainthatrci fur ti c is a safe war and it frcyvr ct woraxm in chbdzva arxdaltsk i v l ii c f i u y ea-j- tt c a is c a pica j r- l nj pni rtei ir the rcmorif cf taoauri a s t cr p avonm fron ihki ofa a r it easr to tae ntxa ub absoacry 1ail aai itfitucs lo aw phyix rxztktzn ex the s ith medicine g 7 15bletotct koktseaii and troy ny pricf 25 cts sou everywhere ffimaiv worm remdy i dri feliz le bruaa k guiranteed cnre for enetlal diseaw safe pleasant and reliable no bad eflfceta from iu nse does not interfere lth bral- neasor diet price lper box or three boxes loro w ntten guarantees lamed by every doly nuthoriiedaceot to refbndlhinonevif three boxesfahtoonr sent posuce prepaid on recoipeofpriee dr felix r e brl n 4 co 81 a s3 klna sl east toronto boe rroprieior j e mc arvln antborlaedarentfor acton onlario i burdock blood will cure or relieve biu0u8ness dizzime88 the pills punly renulatc and improte the quality of tbe blood they aasiatllie digestive ortraos cleanse tbe stomach and bowels lucrease the secretory powers of the liver brace the nerooa system and throw into ihe circulation the purest elementa for sustaining anlrepainng the frame thousands of persons haio testified that hy their nse alone tbey hare been restored lo health and strength after every other meana had proved unauccesafnl the ointment will be found invaluable in every household in the cnre of open bores hid tomore sa xagi old wounds oeugbi colds bore throats bronchitis sad all disorders of the throat and chest aa also gout rheumatism scrotals and every kind of skin disease manufactured only at professor hollo way a eatabliahment 583 oxford street london aud bold at is lid 2s od 4s 6d 22s and 33s each box and pot and tn canada at 36 cents 90 cents and 81 50 and the larger sues in proportion sacadtio i have no agent jn the united states nor are my medicines sold them purchasers should therefore look to the label on the pots and boxes if the address is not 3s3 oxford street london they are spnrions the trade mark of my said medlorao is registered at ottawa and also at wash ington stami thomas houtx wav 533 oxford street london dyspepsia indigestitm jaundice ertsipelas salt rheum heartburn headache qropsy flutterin8 of the heart acidity of the 8t0kach dryness of thb skih and tverv saeclea uf dteease arisbir front disordered pver kidneys stomach bowels or plood tflilbornago lirath specific heduiae tae great xncuak hem edy ivnunralili rnrerorhemuial weaknees 8peroiaturrlifa impolency and all liwmt inst follow as a seqeenee of srlfaboge as less of sfem- try pnt vertat lafsltaaejaln in tbe back dimness of tla- ion premature om ace ant takinemany other dinettes that lead toiosanllyorconsnxo tion stfnjlpkiicnarsln oar parophletirnteb we de sire to aenu rreebymsll to everyone sir the spicule medlclnp ik told by all drur- xlataat jlooper packase or six package tor ii or will be sent free by mail on re ceipt of tbe money by d dreninz tit ry aodlelat oe ate u- toronto onucanad sold by j b meaarrtn uronlst anion w2s msarr a xauanteed speelse fnr hystertea niailneaa ctonvoialonavftts nerreoarmsssnt ls hesdacbr nerrooa prostration oanset by the usi alcohol or looaew vakelo neaa menu epressnn softeclus at the brain rtinlt itln insanity aad leathoctsv aiseiydecw anddatbfnmatanottjfs irreoneu ua ol 1 wrt in either mjvxsw voluntary ueandlsvnaslorrhiitaaslai ay oversxermon or lbs brain selfabttteer ovorlndolmrnoe one box will eore i eases each ixeoaalnsonxtimueap sient unt liar a box rr six boms mratjs oluuaj mi1 by mllunrlrlofpvlor wi xnaianteealxtjnxesiorvre aoxcassi wttb- eanb order relreltid b a kfor stsbawtsm oompstiltu with nvedoluna wrwlussittbs pnrenasrr car wrlttrn fnvrsbtee to rm toe money iftbe uraimtnklortnot jsss cnre gafaoue isiicd enry by jsjcv oibviis ftclevashbartstd atvot faracloa ont joaiioj4 0o8oproctlsjot toronto out l

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