rr 1 1 cton4lmjlfrm m thtrp1a moi axo 30 ism the marquis and princess lord lome departs from cauada bear ing with him tht food rfehcs ot the do- million lie has been is inoffcusivc 8 oorcniorgfucnil se lie country ever hid he strove to learn a iood deal about it aud he did his very best lo advertise its merits to the world by his wellmeant efforts he has obaiied much gocdwili tbere is however rittuiuj like peiguaul regret over his dciurre his iiersouality is uol tionr caonfli to cipuvaic the axliotis ot a corucinniltv he never said anything that auybobycin remember and never did anything o the least ccosemcncc his political rejections are in dull contrast to the brilliant utterances of the great irishmen his predecessor iudee4 there arc fewr men in the empire who could make a happy appeirucc th shoes warm from the feci o lord dnffcrin and the marquis can never bo more than one ot the manv he is a respectable man with greatnesl thmst en hiniveho has the ambi- ticn to try and appear graceful under the load ucncc he would make a slightly absurd appeiriree even if he was not primarly regarded as the husband of bis wife as for the rrinecss she has shown quite a remvrkable liking for evjry kind of cinaiian society except the imitation english element she was kind and sym pathetic with the poor wherever she resided for any length of time very appreciative o the practical side of thcquaint humble life of lower canada pood to any child ren whatever their class that she came into contact with her contempt if she ahowed any was not for the canadian people but for these ashamed to acknowl edge themselves of the canadian people it selection is tho capital prmcial grant in futrrtw canada says strategio- ally potted at niagara tossed backwards and forwards shuttlecock fashion botwten joalons toronto kingston and quobeo poltod with paving stones and burned out of their chamber by an exasperated mob at montreal our logislatora thanks to tho direct selectiou by thoqaecu heraclf found refuge in a certain modeat villagotowu perched meekly on high blaffa and inter viewing valleys between tho spray and roar of two headlong rivor fall the town of by became tho city of ottawa tho peripatetic carpetbag ciisteuoe of- govern ment officials coaaod and tho nomad tribos of the various departments settled down under their own vine and figtrco by tho broad etream which gives its name to tho spot for an enjoyable interesting in structive and inexpensive point of interest in oar own dominion visit ottawa rou qtrznrc on friday afternoon grand lodge hav ing ended iu sessions we left by the can ada atlantic railway in company with a number of other brethren for the ancient and historical city of quebec arriving at montreal we met messrs j mcore w j kickliu aiid geo matthews formerly acton boys and having a couple of hours to wait for the quebec night express wo found their company most congenial the hour for departure having arrived we took passage in the splendid pullman st hyacinth and endeavored to make our- self as comfortable as possible for the nights journey after a refreshing sleep we were aroused at six oclock on saturday morning and found the train just entering point levis here we lft the train and crossed the harbor by steamer to quebec while crossing the harbor the view of the city was magnificent the firm lines of rampart the shelving outlines of rock dufferin terrace with its uumerous pavil ions the citadel the slope of mountain hill the grand battery the conspicuous pile of laval cniversity the dark mass of houses clustering along the foot of the rocks and rising gradually np the gentle incline into which these fall away the was for th- sitnaristocxitic imitation- busv quavs the large passenger boat english groreihng poor creatures who t 1 7f imagined they had a special right to be entertained by her they wanted to feel tremendously like courtly people if possible they wantci the princes to enable them t prse as the real thing and she ap pears to hive trampled mthlessly en their prerostcrcu asnirtions good lnck to her she is a noble lady asi democracy in canada owes something to her lz a marvelous stop told ii two uttibs from the son te omltmn my ulnar realdsa t glow yu u has boon a boat suffsrer from scrof ula and lis laslomdmttr will mil r i a marwloul affect ayers sarsaparilla has had to his ease i think till blood muit hate contained uu humor for at lout ten roan but it did not show exeept in u ora of a scrofulous lore on tho wrist until about fir van ago prom a few spot which ap peared at that umo it gradually spread k w cover hu entire body i assure you ho wrrlblr afiletm and an object of pity cu he began using your medicine nowlheroar f into of uii ago bo onjoj a good licau u he has 1 could oaallr nafflo bity fenour rto could uh1- to tho laeu la hu caw vountralri w m pmium from the father f a outr for tn to itato to tou tho bcnest i lave 0rttd from tho um of ayers sarsaparilla six mortbs tgo 1 m completoltcorcrodtilt a lrrf humor and icrofulooi torei t- usvr eiuod an lneosaant and lnlolca itthhig aid the kln craekod al to caur ti biod to flo in many plae thcnevcr i covoj my iaffcrlng ero great and r i if- a tnlen i commcocod tho um of ll picirtmuj la arrtl last and hare n- it nalariy liueo that time uy eondili becaa to laiprovj al once the lorea ha- all bsk acd i col porfocuy i1 la every rrt being now ab to do a good da xrort although 73 yean of ao many inqur- rhit 1aj irrouf ht uch a care la my eaao ai j i tell thcra as i baro iero tried to loll yov arctti saaaaraauuu gloror vu oc- 21 ii82 vourl gratefully himir paum arraa samaraiutra enrol scrofuhv and alt scrorojotu oompuinu eryilp- ela ecjema lunrwortn wotclioi- gorea boiia tramom and eruptions c the shin it cii t vood of all lirnu- rtlel aids digestion ijuuta the aetloc ol the botcla and tha- roftoraa tllality and rtrtngthena the thole lyftem- reaxt bt drjcayerico lowell mast sold by all dmgst h ila bottloa for ta j vthenll writio from wlnolpok iy i i can iy more about irhowata now thanwbon i ytrn lt in toronto my health it muob lmprod and i am free from bhdaoloa or toy other aohei haying onlyud two tnd a half bottle of your phoiphitino for lalo by all druwpau enlargement of premises jo al foksale the underaifoed having purehaaed the ooal shod from mr jai ooodall intenda keeping constantly on band t stock of hard and soft itoto coal of all kindi which will be delivered to any part of the village putins doairirg coal should give him a call i c 8 bmira a dhinistbatojils koticb notite is hereby given that the under signed u been appointed administrator for the eatste of the late thomas gibbons esq of lot h con 2 esquealng and that he is prepared lo pay all debt and received ail moiieo due the estate all bualnesa moat bi aettlad by th lit october peter 0ibb0k8 lot 21 con 1 eaqueeing esquesiig aug 16th 18s3 qhiigies staves heading forale the udereigned ha now in slock flnt- claas fhe cedar and aah shingles stares and tamed ileading call and eiamine stock if you require anything in the line thos c moore acto po those owing me are requested to call at once and settle their accounts otherwise the court will collect them t previous to making alterations i will offer tho balance of my stock at cost and under below are a few of the leading lines and prices is lbs bright sugar for 13 lbs extra bright sugar for 11 lbs pulverized sugar for 100 5 lbs splendid tea for si good news prepare for fall and winter ihe free press fewer printing house nots and comments hills his ben reached by tie blcc- ribbos icmrnrjicv movement it if said tea the- oriu of xhe erihso sisj txjcoui- mnii it zs ihit einy 0r bengalis noif vress lie ulze ribboa- ntiirbrniii2sdrowtiiss explos- g tni ether modes without cuaber c tfvvyi life t risky thing io carry abot ock tbcc- xic hiud vrcrld o uc in f few cet ot ci it salve the potie rrts of the united stses is undcriciri s rerolauca tko cets are to- be chircd uistci of three and an aizerizln lerter viil be carried all over this doaiic st one cent cleer rate thin qzi roiils crry cszdin yosil ditter it chit be vrell toredcm the rate here to ro cehu ss there zceros to be au orcrdo hog trtshury at ottawa xliis world is a nch 60 that bt qtjpw holiday trip inreslhis joztingz by the vtcj qz tuesday momie aug 7th we left br the eariy train f oiti for the gsr- poe of attending thegnindxode l 0 or f ts the fsv02d reprersentztive of ixtoa loose ko 221 the trip to the capita wy nnsttecei vith any matter of inter est- fenier q- the couthaaal additioa to ozr ranfcet ncsriy ever stopping pucc lo the rosie of representatives of other lodges 0r deitiniion reachsd we the grand loire representatives ere escort ed cp town by one of th excellent city bands which xr followed by a strong de tachment of the kingston uniformed path- arch asi the arrival f oar company was apparently an event cf considerable interest to the citizens the first- evening vra spent in snperfi- r viewing the city by gaslight having idecided to mate the iet possible nse of the ft hue at oar disposal by visiting the various points of interest in this the scat of the government of our country we arose early next rcomin and spent several hours in ihe pblicbtildins parhs etc of the city beinjr amply repaid for oar exertion at cine oclock wednesday morning the grand lole was organized for business in the excellent city hail ani as this was the principal object- of odr visit our interest was consul enjy centred here for the time beinir athe kind invitation of the city brethren the reprcienutives attended u grand ceraonctratis arranged for the oc- car3rj in the dominion park in the after- noon and as the day had been set apart for a civic holiday in the city everything presented t holiday appearance and a very enjoyable half day was spent in the evening a promenade concert under the patrona of sir john a mcdonald was held in the eplenoid ichury hall f tht city and en entertainment of more than ordinary iu teres was provided six or iht hodis of each of the two following days weretpent in sessions of the lode the remainder being taken op in viewing tht lions f of the city daring ocr stay in ottawa we visited the parliament buildings the department al ofhees government library grounds and park bideaa hall and groands normal school collegiate institute the basilica- ana other churches of the city post office and customs house dufferin bridge rideau canal and locks chaadiere falls suspension bridge the mammoth lumber mills and other points of minor interest sever before did wevisit a city where so much of interest could be seen in so short time and with bo little trouble eeferrinf to ottawa its origin and its steaming from their wharves all tend to impress the stranger with the most distinct ive aspect of quebec before he lands we at once proceeded to the albion hotel with the intention of joining the ontario press excursionists and upon onr arrival we received a hearty welcome from the brethren of the press the programme arranged for the day by the local press for the enjoyment of their visiting brethren was a very interesting one onr party first visited laval uni versity where we met with a most hand some reception from the principal and directors of that venerable institution tve were then conducted through the various departments of the university of which the library museum and gallery of paint ings were objects of great interest we neat proceeded to dunerin terrace situ ated immediately in front and below the citadel abaut 250 feet and still about 200 feet fijbove the river giving the visitors a mictiiiiccii t view of the harbor lower town point levis and the country for many miles in several directions on the terrace was gathered a large concourse of the citizens of quebec here an address from the corporation wss read by the sou john hearn ana replied to by m tye brampton president of the ontario asso ciation and mr lavas jesr president of the quebec association prom the terrace the part- proceeded to the citadel where a reception vcas graciously accorded to the members of the press and then- ladies by his excellency the marquis of lorne and h r h the princess louise one by one the parties pasied the representatives of royalty all receiving a warm grasp of the hand and many of them came in for a few special words of kindly greeting after visiting the many points of interest a the citadel the oarracts armor etc the company entered cabs kindly provided by the city authorities and were driven through the principal streets to points of interest in the city then out to iloutraor- ency falls a distance of eight miles this view is grand and tonrista are rell repaid for their visit here we enjoyed a sub stantial lunch provided by the city on our way back to the city we visited the beautiful grounds of sir h st price president of tho bank of quebec and the beauport- lunatic asylum the writer was favored with the presence of the chief cf the city fire department and sir chambers editor of the quebec clironieu in his carriage and those gentlemen very kindly pointed out innumerable points of interest during the day which we would hot have noticed had we been only accom panied by those who were strangers to the city on returning to the city at 5 pm grand review of the efficient city fire brigade took place near the city hall and in the evening a sumptuoaa banquet was provided by the city quebec is a place which everybody should see but which no energetic man should think of inhabiting t mostsell about eight oclockthe same evening we departed for jfoutreal arriving in that city about sin oclock on sunday morning here we spout u couple of days with the friends before mentioned very enjoyably during which time we visited many places of interest and renown in all parts of the city among which were notre dame and st peters cathedrals st james meth odist church post office couri house and new city hall new customs house magill college nelsons ifonument mount royal park the harbor st helens island vic toria bridge dc a very pleasing feature of montreal is the numerous parks and in numerable fountains interspersed through out every part of the city even in the great business centres on monday evening in company with mr james nickhn who had been visiting his brother we left for home arriving here on taesday afternoon thus ended one of the most pleasant interesting and enjoy able trips we have ever had the privilege of taking after comparing much of the natural scenery and many of the cities of the united states with those of our own do minion we have come to the conclusion that for holiday trip most interesting is all respects canada is the place wherein canadians can enjoy themselves the great est business brevities some racu about our bualaeai men and housed of bonohtto our ksuaral reader hits from to ccuu to f50 at j fyfit if yoa want anoblv durable and cheap uit j fyfes is tbc iket to go scotch ecrhih and canadian suitingi in irreii variety t the eaal kod clothing stare j fyfe actnc sails ad overeats it cxlremcly ion- rates and made in latest be sure to call and fee thttn j fyfe acton mcquillan i- hamilton cf the welling ton marble works jueiph out are doing the urgent retail marble trade m oct ow ing to the fsct hat they do he lest work and fell lie chcipeit the public are warn- cd nitiinst jelling with fecoed hind trade peddle rr but tliould o direct to the firm or buy from thrir aent see that the nane mcquillan k hsmiltoa uoa th printed form before yoa izti or order in dr carsoav mtimach bitten will be foaud z specific for biiiousacss dyipepsia and indigestion yog are foolish if yoa suffer cot t try it for sie by all drup- piti 9 why should a mm whose blood is warm wit tin sit like bu trindsire cut in alabaster or let his hair craa- maty icant and thin whtq cingalese henewer kill make it grow the faeter for sale by j e mcgarrin in the liisiory cf medicine no preparitian hrs received tach universal commendation for the alleviation it affords aod the per- minfu cure it effects in kidney diseases u de vas hckeks kidsev ctrt iu ac tion in thcje litreiog complaiuti is sim ply wocderful smd by j e hcgarviru u- have a speedy and positive cure for catarrh diphtheria ciinkerand hedache in shiloha citarrh remedy a aaaal injector free vith each bottle use it if you desire health aud sweet breath price 50 cents sjld by j e itcgarrin 49 so hoasehold ehoald b considered com plete vithoat a bottle of dr vis bcrexs kidkev ccee ii in the cloaet it is the only remedy that will positively perman ently and promptly cure all forms of kidney disease sold by j e ifcgarvin iow that there is a reliable remedy for kidney troubles half the terrors attached to thrse complaints have been removed for this let all te thankfal and to dr vax bcress kidkev ocre award all praiae for hiriaff thus reoiored a hitherto considered fatal disease from our path it was uever known to fail sold byj e ifcgarvin baekleni lrniemalte the greatest medical wonder of the world warranted to speedily cure burni bruises cut5 ulcers salt rheam feter sores cancers pile chilblains corns tetter chapped hands and all skin erup tions guaranteed to care in every instance or money refunded 25 cents per bor for sale br j e ifcoarvin 46 a card to all who are suffering from the erron acd indiscretions of yoath nervous weak ness early decay loss of manhood c i will send a recipe that will cure yon frex oe charge this reat remedy was dis covered br a missionary in south aicerica send a lelfaddresaed eovlope to the rrv joseph t lvkax station dxew yorkclty eiats job work of all description tn a rcry totitiictott maimer at moderate ntet with de- rfilch in the time promised bc8ines8 circularsi letteh ueads bill heads letter cihculabj5 kott cikctlis bcsises3 cards v1sitikg cxrds pamphlets handbills poster etc etc partiedar attention siren to fine wohk and extra care boitood with a rieir to securing oorrcctness order rrom tbe country attended to with de- fpatch and work fonrtnlod an mediately by mail or ei iirw trj- the ran paass job office for rrinting h p moore paopaixtoa halfgallon iem jars 140 per dozen quart tiem jars 120 a dozen pint gem jars 100 a dozen all oar fall prints 300 piece to clicose proa 9 nt 5 g 7 8 910 11 12 14 cents embracing all the new designs j oue prints at g and 7 cents are fast colors asd good cloths our best prints are the very bist good tu be had in the enulisri or french markets remember that the balance of waterdown high school this font tsuhlkliedaodlhoronghly reli- ahleiustilatioareopenfioa 8rd sept is83 classes organized fur mitricautioo in arts law and medicine aio for iotermedute iid tcxchcr cttitcle prtpmli of teacher a speuhr record or scuool tob past two years 59psed pccc4ifully 1882 28 18s3 11 the majority gaining the higher gtde aji who wrote at the university and pro- festioaai techen uxamiaitioa war par- ucojarly anccesbiul vo high school in ontario has a better record teaching sufi in pnncipal department ridjitci of toronto university specul ate in tfcer depirtments good board u itrivcitfama at 2qlo3qq per wui pupiu may enter at any lime d h htsteb ba language and literature head muter mathematics and science wtevixs bi- uuic and drawing w s stcvexsok jq jlcgjtcnb md procrt chairman b e w fur furdterpartieulars apply to read ajter dr felixle brans gregr gtjn u- a 4aaranid care tor venetal disease safe paaat aod reliable so bad elects from fume doc not inirtere wjih bnij- neitoralet price f per box or three boxe lorf5 wriiwa guarantee iwoed bj- every daly auuiorliedajtent lo refund the money if three boxes fill to ear i bent postafe prepaid on recelpeofprlce dr feldx le beutf 4 co si a 3 king st east torooio bole proprietors je afcarvln aatfaorlxedftfentfor aclon onlario- clothing fancy goods must also be cleared oat at once and the whole of these lines will be offered at prices to astonish von stacks of xew flaxels all colubs stacks of new 8h1btings all coiiohs table lixexs and linen domestic goods wj5 bavk an immense stock veby cheap j ladies ulster clotbs and wincey dress goods winceys we can suit you in winceys any price quaut or color plain twilled or plaid this will be the last chance yoa will have this season to eet roods at yonr own prices as all must be cleared out previous to making- alterations f deitch acton jnly 18th 18s3 canadas great fail the jatiojfal exposition of- be andcftmforf olh ftafterlnr browns hoaathald panacea haa no eqoal for relieving pain both interna and external it cures pain in the side back and bowels bore throat hhenmatism tcolhacbe lumbago and any kind of a pain or ache it will moat aurely quicken the blood and meal as its acting power ia wonderful browns hoasehold panacea being acknowledged as the great pain reliever and of double the strength of any other elixir of liniment in the world should be in every family handy for use when wanted as it really is the best remedy in the world for cramps ioitbe stomach and pains and aches of all kinds and is for sale by all druggist at 28 cents a bottle live 8tock agricultural and industrial products fine arts and ladies work c 4c toeowto sept uth to 22d 1883 the programme of special fea tures and novelties will be the best yet presented by this association prize lilts and entry forma can be ob tained from the secretaries of all aenool taral societies and mechanics fnsututes or they will be sent anywhere on applica tion by post card to the secretary at to ronto entries should be made at onoe cheap rates and excursions on all railways the best time to visit the city of toronto wait for it j n witiibovr h j him psbrrorat majaosbsmyjt graduated with honors mccoll bros lardine and other machine oils having passed the most critical examinations by competent judges has been awarded gold and silver medals k diplomas at all exhibitions hccoll buos toronto ont cretonnes at the haltox dry goods house c b erripfin flotjrfeed store the aodereign has parehued the floor ud feed bawneaj from mr robert elliott iod will carry oq fhe basiaesa in the baild- iflj formerly used is a barber shop oppoe- it the old feed store i will keep in stock and sell for csh new butcher shop b h taylor wishes o inform the public that he has opened a botcher shop on main street opposite the canada glove works and hopes by strict attention to business and keeping the choicest meats on hand to obtain a good share of custom farmers in need of meat will find it to their advantage to give him a call acton ausr 16th 1888 prices to uit the times the mammoth house ceorcetowf flour roller flour gran latd wheat cracked graham flour buckwheat oatmeal corn meal bran shorts chopped oats chopped barley chopped peas chicken feed oats peas barley eye oil cake thorley cattle feed climax feed flax seed fotatoes turnips beans c so garden field and flower seeds fresh and food for sale cheap yonr patronage respectfully solicited cash for all kinds of grain l matthews i ml if f people are always on tne iii i w l lookout for ohanoes to in mw i r crease tbelr oarnf nirs and 1 n limenecomeweahbj tiiosc wbodo not improve tbelr opportunities re mala lo poverty we tram many men wo men boys and girls to won for ns right in tbelr own looailtln anyone can do the wort properly from the dm sun tbe bail nesiwlll pay more tban ten times ordlnary wares lixpenlveoatfitjarnlbhedfreo no one who enpurea falls to make modey rapid ly von eta devote yonr wbole lime to tbe work or only joor spare moaents full information atm all tbat is needed aentsree a4dm8traon 4 oo portland malnn beg leave tb intimate that they are daily in receipt of new fresh spring goods including millinery mantle- readymade clothing tveed6 gents furnishings hats 4- caps ilosiery and small wares in fact everything tbat constitute a firstclass stock we have exercised ourselves to our utmost cpaacity and made use of our loug experience and large resources to secure stock lor prices variety and quality tnat will burpass anything ever attempted in this county we can assure the public that we will sell them goods at lower prices than smaller concerns lave to pay for them our stock is large and varied and we make additious of the newest and cheapest goods to be found ni the markets of the world we call special attention to our millinery wegetthe new est and most fashionable material and we keep lightning hands to get up the same in superior style our dressmaking department has proved quite a success we turn out dresses arid mantles to satisfaction of our patrons we make a specialty of mourning ap parel and wedding trobseay we have an immense stock of dress goods in all the new materials silks satin satin delyon satin marulleaux cashmeres c prints a magnificent assortment in the dark colors lively patterns and with borders a beautiful print for 5c a yard tickings domestic goods checked shirtings cotton- ades and drillsa drill for20c a yard that can not betorn wesell gray and white cottons at mill prices onr ordered clothing de partment is unsurpassed it is one of the largest concerns of the kind inany county town we guarantee- saripfaction in quality price fit and getup carpets a magnificent stock a union carpet fpr25c a yard a tapestry oiupet for 45c worth 66o we have a stock tlflt will compare with ajiyoarpet house for size quality and price- also a fine stock of floor oil cloths eace curtains large stock varied and cheap we respectfully ask a continuance of theatronage of onr friends and cbrdiallyihvite the publiqgenerally and they may depend on geti ing firstclass value and courteous treatment from us mcleod anderson