lyulway tmk table oeandtkrnk rail wat oodcoiut- ootsowtst ktrroa hot kxprem 81 elfron 110 mill uo special 8c0 i am m siolt bxj r t airiit exrws rvlnr rl t lito 0 tad tb ait exprw poia ft t sjm ani aetnineumondst moraine im or cloiv xin otaiwertsrcam cmd eartmi us ani mo pm y closet u 00 lai oq fri ajn lm pm un un mid do tictwst afovnw sarr 6 1883 k at ceo hynps tea spoons table spoons knives and porks at geo hynda watches clocks jewelry luce stock spectacles from 25 eta to w- weddins and birlhda v presents partes pip pocket knivtscombs hair bruahea school books note paper and snvdopes pcotand ink callin and see nyj luee stock geo hynds jewellery fancy goods store acton out bitsjof brevity teal ui mkerwtm prre br tke se f lee pern aad letckan tr reaten at ike free fretl t september scsic kow or the oyster season the harvest till soon be over today is acton monthly f sir day neds hippy for now hes a pips kow for harvest home pichies get in your stoves for the f til weather an atxa blanket oa the bed- is almost eoeeessity band concert in the town hail next thursday evening- the stcvt and tinxvjj men are just festering their harvest what ahot a public entertainment for the evening of the fall show mr jh lloyd has oar thanks for a oopy of the london luafirattd xtvx well gentlemen have yon decided when actons civic holiday is to be held september is usually a fine and pleas- tat month particularly the fanner part of it ilessra beardmore co are import- faghemlock bark from the northern conn- j sea j wm jlurray esqi of dandxs has taken possession of the mhton temperance hoase- mr j fyfea splendid new residence on church street is receiving the finishing touches esqnesing exhibition in acton wed nesday ard october four iveeks from yesterday j even when trade is rather dell in other ones there is genenjiy a bnstie in j dryjods stores beadtbe large list of special prizes to i be given at the esquesing show held here j on the 3rd october i clean das your cistern on the first dis- c of unpleasant odors if health is a consideration with yi- farmers stock will go into winter quarters in firstclass condition this season- the pasture continues cood the exhibition season commences next week and fall shows will be the constantj attraction- for about a month t but seventeen spring have passed j orar my head soliloquized a venerable j fpifiter as she pat on her hoop kirt- i the prospects are that coal will be i ered hihpr this winter than last- it will no doubt pay you to bay yoar stock now snm is skipping away from as in regulation style and variegated leaves and cool autumnal breezes will soon be all the go elder a anderson of hamilton will dt preach in the disciple meetins house on sunday fth inst morning and timing a special immigrant train of three coaches andabout seventyfi ve passengers wois through acton on monday evening for western parts j hr cis smith who is sojourningat old orchard beach ataice will please ac- oept our thanks for copies of the sea sluil tad stoma- ramblt there is strong reason to believe that old probs yennor tnd wiggins all be long to the same family and are lineal de- toendantsof annariiaa and sapphia the high wind of tuesday was the means of carrying a great quantity of dust into the various stores in town but the tbnwer in the evening put a damper on it a quiet auflrmn eve the tun was flinging long deepening shadows on the purple mil and save the vespen happy birds were singing or the faint sheep bell llwm hashed and ttill the trout fishing season closet next bstardtjr week sportsmen will no doobt put in full time until then some fine front have been captured in this section during the present season messrs v7 p brown co haiie re moved to their new premises next door to tu glasgow house they look neat and mtyin the new shop and will no doubt ttntinoe to do a good business the six disetsw most prevalent last tfkln this district at given by the on- health buuetin are diarrhoja imibla cholera infantum neuralgia ikfcwnitteot fever cholera morbus oudph city council it down on the wbjatey business in the exhibition grounds j ai exterminate the curat if postiwe we an pleased to inotioe that at last our wodph friends art waking p in thit antter how much more graceful elegant and does the roan on the bicycle look ftan tbt manwiflrthe wheelbarrow bat ait until they come into collision and tec mch proeeseion turns up in the moat p condition personals rev t a moore of balford wuin lomi on monday mr iercy scoord of loudou is vititing his old home iu actiu miasos carrie smith and lnretxtou are visiting frionds in toronto mr e butchart of itildmay wat in town a couple of days this week mrs j pentland of peterborough is tho puot of r little esq p g 1 mrs john a caadcrsou of ridgotowu is pa sg friends in acton a visit mrs rev chas cook of toroulo visilod friends in acton during the week miss jenny tracy of stcwarttown was the guest of atrts a 6ecord yesterday mr w h howell spent several days during the week ilh friends at jorsoyvillo mr john j kcllv of springfiold ohio is isitiug acton the home of his child hood dr cumberland of alliston visited friends at the presbyterian manse during tho week richard maloucy left this week for st jerome college berlin at which insti tution he intends taking a course of study mr charles 6trowgcr of branuord was in towu yesterday he left this niorning in company with mr w j hugnes for a weeks sport in muskoka messrs j a speight cc speight and wife andhj moore attended the funeral of the late henry speight esq at mark- ham on tuesday mrs edward moore and mrs b p moore left this morning for salford to spend a week with rev t a moore and other friends in that vicinity village varieties a cauectlaa r local acwi aad ttker atatlrrt af ipeetal ialerest it tar villa e leaders a big sale the american right to manufacture the maxwell lowdown binder has been sold by maxwell of paris out to mccormack of chicago for the sum of j100000 good for you mr maxwell we congratulate you base bail the match playcd here last thursday between the beavers of milton and stars of acton resnlted as usual in victory for acton tho stars havent lost a game this season and they have played quite a number score 15 to 16 barrels and back iueya some think millen people are very sus picious now of barrels well does any one suspect that a hotel keeper would take extraordinary precantions to have a barrel of temperance drinks delivered secretly by some back alley job no compliment to a former actonum upon the eve of his departure for an im portant situation at montreal mr harry hunt g t r agent berlin formerly of thisplace was presented by the business men there with an address and a purse containins over s20o friend hunt has our best wishes for continued success the fail show the exhibition poster and- prize list lor esquesing agricultural society will be out this week entry sheets will be forwarded to every member of the society within a week and all who intend mtving any ex hibit are requested to forward their lists to the secretary as eoou as convenient all entries most be make before the day of the show all the tear eound it is a remarkable fact that up to the present time hot a 6ingle month has passed by since the beginning of 1663 in which this section of the country has not on one or two occasions been visited by more or less frost and in all probability the remain ing three mouths will not lack frosty nights thus making 183 a notable year in this particular howls the time iferchabts get your account paper head- i printed now so as to have your ac counts presented in good time to get the proceeds of early sales of the new crop printed headings make the work of writ ing out the accounts much lighter they look more buainessfike and they costbut little more than the blank paper printed neatly and cheaply at the farz pnxss office further insulted rev mr brethour of milton is the vic tim of some of the most scoundrelly acts ever perpetrated in this section as we announced last week an anonymous letter was sent him threatening assassination because of his advocacy of the scott act and ta continue the insults he has been hanged in effigy and the church steps where he officiates was last week besmear- ed with futh all respectable men in the community should give their assistance in ferriting oat the guilty parties vennors almanac for 1884- the caxlu printing co montreal have acquired from mr tennor the copyright of this almanac for next year and it will be issued by them in october printed on good paper and otherwise got up in an attractive form mr vennor states that the contents will be of unuaal interest several new features being added book sellers and new3 agents 6hould send in their orders early and applications for advertising space or almanacs should be addressed to mr bichard white managing director gazette printing co montreal another hew preat anxiooa to keep pace with our constant ly increasing business we are continually adding new and improved machinery and printing material to our plant last week we purchased from messrs g wat km 4 son toronto for our job department a splen did no 2 improved gordon press which is now m fall working order in our office oar office it now one of the most complete country printiugoffices in canada and we are now in a position to execute work equal to that of the city offices and with all necessary dispatch in the past our work bativeh good satisfaction with in- created facilities we art prepared to give still better satisfaction in the f ature our presses ore new sod in firstclass running order and thit with new material ensures good- work call and tee our presses at wort btsdooaout a promenadt odnoart under um tutpiott of acton cornet band will bt given in the town hall aoton on thurtday evening next 18th september mettra glionnoa uurlaa italian btrinj band of toronto nv been engaged to uke part in tht entertainment bolot quartette nai ohorotet will alto form part of the eraalngt enjoyment it ii not of ten our band aak for attitunoe and we hope to tee all our citi- ens turn out next thurtday evening and show their appreoituon ol our excellent hand at the efforts of the leader mr j c hill are certainly deterring of a bumper house admission 21 centt sad accident on monday last aboat noon u mr thot bennett of erin wat leaving aoton for home having in hit buggy four young ladies misses zimmerman of betmitillt and missetmcketrick of orangeville who had been paying friendt in thit vicinity a visit his horses became frightened at the cars and wore almost uncontrollable tbey ran at quite a lively speed for several hun dred yards and when turning the eornar of mill and young street one of the party miss jane zimmerman wat thrown out of the rig fracturing both her legt at the ankle she was at once taken to the rossi a house where under the careful treatment of dr lowry she is doing at well at could be expected her cousin mitt jennie zim merman noticing what had happened jumped from tho buggy but only received slight injury the other occupants re mained iu their seats until the horses were quieted we have on various ooeeaiont noticed the recklessness of farmers in try ing to cross the track when there are engines close by and trust that this tad occurrence may teach some of them t lesson obituary it is again our sorrowful duty to an nounce the demise of another resident of oar little town in the person of mr lemuel masalat who bid adieu to the things of earth on friday evening last after an ill ness of about two weeks at the age of s3 years and 22 days deceased leaves a widow and one child to mourn the lota of t kind husband and loving father the funeral which was largely attended took place on saturday afternoon and wat superintended by acton lodge of oddfel lows of which society deceased was a mem- ber it wat unattended by any unneces sary pomp or show the members wearing only a mourning badge of black crape tied with a ribbon the color of the degree at tained by each wearer the ceremony at the grave was very imprettive and ex- hibited a most brotherly and sympathetic feeling rev w bryers preached am ex- cellent funeral sermon on sunday etening it may cot be out of place to mention tht fact that during the illness of their deceas ed brother the members of the lodge gave him all possible attention tnd did all in their power to alleviate his sufferings two of the brethren taking their placet at hit bedside each night thus relieving his anx ious relatives after their careful but tedious nursing throughout the day thit is the first death which hat occurred in the ranks of the members of the triple link in acton since organization and in this case the very commendable objects of the order to visit the sick to relieve the distressed to bury the dead and to comfort and aatitt the widow and orphan have been most practically illustrated the public tee this and their verdict it truly there is something noble and worthy in oddfellow- ship may the men who are bound together in the cords of friendship love and truth continue to prosper in their noble work fu catablb hcghzs at graveuhurst on the 29th august the wife of mr r f hughes of a daughter mcgiarnr in acton on thurtday 28th alt the wife of mr j e mcgervin druggist of a daughter tie altab mcwrmxus cixnos at duluth on monday 27th august in thejretbyteri ian church mr b a mcwflliama of lisbon dakota to h3s ada 15 young est daughter of mr james cameron of acton tbii skate 6fnobt in markhan on the 2nd int henry speight esq aged 44 yean missus in acton on the sitt august mr lemuel masalat aged 83 yean and 22 days now that there it i reliable remedy for kidney trouble half the terrors attached to these complaints hare been removed for this let ail be thankful and to dr vax brrcts krmtft cunt award all praise for bsving thus remoyed a hitherto eootldered fsttl disease from our path it wat never known to fail sold byj e ucgarvin baekleas aralea hive the greatest medical wonder of the world warranted to speedily cure burnt bruises cats ulcers salt rheum fever sores cancers piles chilblains comi tetter chapped hands and all tlrin erup tions guaranteed to core in every instance or money refunded 25 centt per box for sale bv j e mooarvin 44 a card to all who ate suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth nervous weak- nets early decay lost of manhood fcc i will send a recipe that will eure you be or ckaecz this great remedy wat dit covered by a missionary in south america send a selfaddressed envlope to tht bit josxph t innix sttaimdhec fork oitv ketl takctmrtrtit ike aaatetta browns hontehald panacea ha no equal for relieving pnln both internal and external it caret pain in the side back and bowels sore throat rheumatism tootbscbe lumbago and any kind of a pain or ache it will mott surely quicken the blood tnd heal as itt acting power it wonderful brown thoutehold panacea being ackoolrltdged a the great pain believer and of double the tirengtb of any other euxfr oflilnlment in the world shpnld be in every family handy for nse when wanted at t really it the best remedy in the world tor crampt is the 8toihcbndpimibijij jf all druahitt at 15 otiftt hottle a- glasgow house paint8 oils varnin8hes ac cheap and durable -at- j e mgms drug ml smioiim store acton out arctic zoo oreaxa parlor zseesot a e matthews having purchased the business lately carried ou by mr l q matthews in the post office building and remodelled the es tablishment is now prepared to supply tho public with arctic ice cream delicious soda water dutereel flavors icecold lemonade fresh ripe fruits best brands cigars andevorythingpertainipgto the line of firstclass quality lot 0mm suplid la aay quantity at i intend giving my personal attention to the business customers can rely upon having the orders carefully filled a risit solicited a e matthews hew furniture store charles h heimbach has decided to engage in the furmtufte business ii actoj and will open cut ou thursday uih aatio the store below the oddfellows hall on main street a complete new stock of furniture of all kinds ad the cituens of acton and surrounding country will hereafter be able to purchase anything they want at home instead of go lnj to guelph or georgetown being a practical furniture finisher i will finish all furniture myself and consequent ly b ia a position to give better satisfaction and more reasonable prices than other retail dealert second hand furniture refinished in good ttyte and nrdets left at the shop will be promptly attended to a call solicited we will sladly show you anything we have whether you buy or not charles b helmbach acton july jrd 1883 hills- tin stove depot good assortment on staves cheap foe 0a8h tinwaee of all ktnd8 at bottompeicea and put up on shortest notice fiest class mateeial only used a oall solicited y o hill mill st wanted 11 cash customers nelson mcrae wk to bbm0v1s w pbrowncos labge stock 0 groceries glassware chinaware and crockery selling cheaper than the cheapest for one month coods must co out come and get them while the offer is open w p srown co dominion bool j shoe store main st acton kenney bros having purchased the stock tnd business of kenney son manufacturers and dealers in boots and shoes of all kinds in the tame premises and solicit t continuance of the patronage ac corded to the late firm we wfd alwtvi be tupplied with good stock and flrjtclau material for ordered work and can guarantee satisfaction a oall solicited special bargains for next ten days prior to taking stock m m m t j big bargains in readymade clothing boots and shoes and general dry coods special job line shoes from 5c up we are offering the best line of fancy cottons denims shirting and cottonades in the county for the money no i value in sugars best granulated 10 pounds for 1 we handle the best 50c tea in market i a splendid new stock on hand remember aoton julr 10 83 keif ret bkos cf- jtatttarl amir hoi hat opened a barber shop in the prem- letelj oecnpted bjrfdr fort- e office and solw t i madleal joi- thare d the pal vicinity even department it tht bniintti will be conducted in flrttolait style- give ut a cell i v- j p wobften jan 23rd 1883 harhes trunk v you can get iiore for your money ttie next ten days from us for rixttu aiotjanio haiesborf acton in all liqes we handle than from 1 any other house in the toym nelson ivi 4