sctonneffrm i ik if tucisu- moiraxa oct il 1883 the wheat crop the wheat crop o america and europe aw uow gathered and pretty accurate ro- tanis of the actual yield on both aides of the atlantic have been published the estimates of the vienna conrosa show a ahortagc in europe this means that there will be a coaaiderable demand for wheat from america to make up for the deficiency fortunately the shortage in america is much lesg than in europe and therefore there is a good prospect for the disposal of the entire surplus of this years crop aba with the fffty or sixty milliona of bushels remaining over from last year these facts would seem to in dicate a stimulation of prices of wheal and floor during the coming winter notes and comments u is understood by those who prefeud to know that the slarquis of lansdowne will outshine alhiia predecessors a a social leader we arc glad to hear it but if his coming excellency should make a note of the fact that canadians are not a people to bepatrouledue will save himself some trouble the ancoucncit corner from min neapolis uiii the st paul minneapolis manitoba railway wrill soon be transferred to the canada pacific it is also stated on good authority hat m j j hill who controlled the manitoba 4- soath western railway his transferred the whole of his stock to the canadian pacific- the syndi cate therefore will control the only rival route across the border halton assizes jo k bltv y vt hcleod ci ai amongst the cas tried at the assires held at ililton last week before mr justice morruoa was one brought by john e bessey against william mcleod david cross and others th litictioa arose out of the failcre of the besser brothers who had carried oc a dairy business and farm ing neax georgetown- the sheriff had seared all the foods belonging to the bessey bros bat some of lhem were claimed by thir father andthia action was brought to decide which goods the father had claim ed belonged to him the jury found that john r bcssey the father was entitled to the rent the irzit in the orchard and some wagons lixat the cows hortes and all the other pood belonel to the defendanu- x vincent of gcelph counsel for plaintiff wmlaialawc hamilton and goodwilhe georgetown council for defendant mcleod and w a mclean acton counsel for defendant cross ceo vs mclrcr this was another action arising ont of the same matter- the question wis whether there was partnership between joseph besser and wesley bessey the evidence went to show that there was no written agreement for a partnership and that it had been arranged in a very loose way the judge submitted the evidence to the jury and they foutd thzt there was no partnership w a mclem airton couns4l for cross s vincent geph for bessey w liid- law ham i hoc and g s goodwiilie for mclecd- presentation of an address r the following addresa was presented to mr w t smyth last friday evening by the members and teachers of t- aibana sabbath school to whoam tswjuvt ssyh eq duta set your many friends and fel low church members cpon hearing of your intention of resigning the eaperintendency o the sunday school in acton feel that we could tt allow you to withdraw even temporally from got midst without in some elight manner expressing oar esteem for yon as a friend and our appreciation of the interest wnicyoa have always evinced in the welfare efpur church and sunday school t although we sincerely regret your leaving as yet we trust the removal will be tem poral and we cannot doubt that the same kindness and attenrtveness which have so distinguished your intercourse amongst us and won for you onr warm attachment will always draw around you friends wherever you may be while tre wish vera that success in your new sphere of labor of which you are dsserving we cannot but regret that by thif change we lose a warm friend and the sunday school a kind superintendent and teacher in conclusion we pray that a kind pro vidence will continue o bestow upon yon health and success in the future signed on behalf of the members and teachers of st albans church acton geo b btll deacon in charge wir- e biuilet sapert-eect- c- s suits church warden october 3rd 1643 business brevities soma faots about oar basin hen a4 boost of battafltto ear narl rtaoors hu from 75 ctott to 250 at j fyfaa if yoa wiiil a nobby durable and chtsp to it j fjfc8 ii the plaos to go the larpjstaad cheapest itock of boots i shoes to select from is at nelson mciue s tkv largest stock of goots furnishings hu and caps shirts and drswera at nel son mcrass the boat value la factor cottons winceys flannels and domestic goods at xelson 4 mcraos the lareast atad cheapest slook ot ready msdo clothing in the town is it xelaoa t mcracs scotch earlish and canadian suitings in groat variety at the east end clothing store j fye aeton the most perfect fitting suits aid overcoats and the beat selection of goods at the lowest prices at nelson i mcrus suits and overcoats at extremely lorn- rates and made in latest styles be sa re to call and see them j fyfo acton the best assortment of black and col ored velvets ladies mantles woollen and emitted goods in the town at kelson mcracs why should a man whose- blood is warm within sit like his grandsire cat in alabaster 1 or lcj his hair erovr maty scant and thin when cingalese kenewer will make it grow the faster for sale by j e mccarvin j s ivelherell writing from winnipeg says i cansaymore iboat phosphatwi now than when i saw you last in toronto my health is much improved and i am free from headaches or any other aches having only used two and a half bottles of yoar phosphaline for sale by all druggists kcader if yoa suffer from any disorder of the liver stomach bowels kidneys skia or blood try bnrdock blood bitters xures spe6c medicine for acting on those organs for the outlet of diaease 25000 bottles sold in the but three months f we hive a speedy and positive cure for catarrh diphtheria canker and ffesd ach in shilohs catarrh kemedy a nasal injector free with each bottle use it if yon desire health and sweet breath price 50 cents sold by j emcgrvin 49 xo hoosehold should be considered com plete nithost a bottle of dr vajc brexxs kidketccke is in the closet it is the only- remedy that will positively perman ently and promptly care all forms of kidney disease sold by j e mcoarvin the use of iils salts castor oil ie and other uanseous griping cathartics is un necessary as a pleasant substitute is found in dr carsons stomach bitters which act as a cathartic without griping or causing nausea all druggists sell it 50 centi a bottle u oh what a codli 1 will yon heed the warring the signal perhafeof the sere spproach of that most terribfls disease consumption ask yoar- selves if yon can aitord for the sake of saving 59 cents to run the ritk and do nothing for it we know frcm experience that shilohs care will care yoar coagb it neter fails this erpkius why more than a million bot tles were sold the past year it relieves croup and wbooping cough at once mothers do not be wilhont it for lame bick siis or chest use shilohs poroas elister sold by j e mccarvin in the history cf medicine no preparation has received such uaiversal commendation for the alienation it affords and the per manent cure it etects in kidney diseases as de- tax braiss kidset ctrjc its ac tion ia these distressiag complaints is lim ply wonderful sold by j e- mccarvin ov that there is a reliable remedy for kidney troubles half the terrors attached to three complaints have been removed for this let all be thankful and to db vax bceevs kjdjtet ccee award all praise for baring thus remoyed a hitherto considered fatal disease from our path it was never known to fait sold byj e mcgsmn bannookburn for ever to tie editor of lite free prut deae szz it is with your courtesy i write the following i reply to a communi cation which appeared in last weeks issne regarding our picnic i was at first bome- what surprised on reading it as it contain ed a number of misrepresentations but on a moments consideratiod as to tne source through which it flowed to- press ray as tonishment vanished for such motives appear to be the writers highest aim we had no team but purposed selecting one on the ground where could onx anxiety have been oar umpire called the first pull a tie although the socalled defeated teani polled the rope from tier opponents withoat a man being palled over the line on either side and as the agreement was best two polls in three we could not prevail from those noble winners to make the 6econd pull mnch leas the third- whence do those noble winners claim their victory thanking yon for this space i remaiojjoafls respectfully cirrus or rsz botylxbvzzitxid f buwtklwnoclwli llcbljix filer firmpcoms asd cre the symptoms are moistcre like perspir ation intense itching increased by scratch ing very distressing particnlarly at night seems as if pinwinns were ciawliog in and about the rectam the private parts are sometimes affected if allowed to continue very serious results may follow swatites oomrest is a pleasant sure care also for tetter itch salt rheam all scaly crusty skin diseases sent by mail for 50 cents 3 bores 1125 in stamps ad dress dr swayxei sox philadelphia pa sold by druggists 50 i m shilohs consumption cure- this is beyond question the moat success ful cough medicine we have everaold a few doses invarably cures the wont cases of coagb croup and bronchitis while its wonderful aacceas in the cure of conaamp- tion is without a parallel in the history of medicine siuee its first discovery it has been soil on guarantee a test which no other medicine can stand- if yoa have a cougu we earnestly ass yoa to try it price 10 ceois so cents sod 100 if yoar longs are sore chester back lame use shilohs porous plaster sold by j hcgarrin a hew rruseiple the principle upon which pptxivs piisteas cob extiuctob acts i entirely new it does not sink deep into the flesh thereby producing soreness bat acts direct ly npon the external covering of the corn separates it from the under layer removes the direct pressure from the part and at once effects a redical care withoat any pain or discomfort let those who ore suffering from corns yet skeptical of treat ment try it and by the completeness of the care they will be ready to recommend putnams painless cora extractor to others x 0 polsoif co kipjjston pronrie- tort i is m vegetate sicilian hair iruthettrrtrrtpartteprietlyaalptdu prf dlaouii of tb imfo ft4 tb aral ibo- oafol rwtortr ox tvld or gray hair to lu natural oojor grottb twd xptttuol bwatj- it bu had rntoj imitator bat ao hxn to ttuf dkt iuum rwjulrtjawiu umdful for ta proper treatment of the hair ud icalp kiu huh iuxkvsb bu iteadlly frova u ftror ud spread lu fanie and bmfoldom t try qaartw of uifl globe ite unparal- lled ioooem oen be attributed to but one mum tke tntlrtktjuwunt 0 iu prxmuct the proprietor hare often beea inrprlied tt the reeefpt of orders frop remote ootin- trice vbere they had ootw made an effort for id lutrodoeuon tlie ue for a abort ume of halxi illik exxnrsr njmfctajj improtei tht pr- onal appearance it clean the tcajp from ill ini pari um eareg all faomore ferr and drpm and thas prereiiti baldneat it itjraolatci the naktaed glandi and enable them to poah fomrd a new and rigorou gwtth the effect of tbia article are not transient like tboae of alooholle prepara tion bat remain a long time which make it ate a matter of economy buckinghams dte whiskers win change the beard to a natural bron or black u deal red it produce a permanent color that will not rah tj cosslaung of a tingle preparation it u applied rlthtnt troabl peepared dt ef sold by all dealer in medicine pos allthe f0em8 or scrafolona meretxrtalr and blood pleordert the beat remedy beeaose the most marehlnf and thorough i bloodpoilijer u ayers 8ar8aparllla bald by all dnigglatt f 1 atx bottle 15- solictcayt ointmcu aud puu though it ii impossible m tfal chmitc of cbanging temperntarc to prevent illbealth altogether yet it form and frequency may be much mitigated hy the early adoption of remedia meaaures vviiea bpartctiess coaeb thick bresthinp artd llie auriiiliinc tiigbl fevur indicate irrilatijq ul lb- tbroit or cbcit h olio way omtni iucii io mbbed upon ibe part witjui ievi d bis pill taken in appropriate tioc- promote lis carati e action so caarris cr sore throat ran resist these remedies prfnitd directions enrtlpc every pnekflgt of flol loways mtdicaraeai whicli arc willed u ail age snd condition and to every ordin ary disease 0 liicb hutnuiilv i lialile best andcehfort telhe suffer ax browns hooavbajd pauicca ha no equal for relieving pain both intern aad external it cure pain in the side back and bowel sore throat rhflamitifoi tcotiucbe lumbago ard any kind of a pain or acbe it will mofijf lurdy quicken the blood and ileal as it acting power is wonderful u brcwng hynaehold panacea bcinf acknowledged a the great pain paclierer aud of double the strength of any other elixir o liniment in the world should be in every family bandy for nae when wanted as it really i the beat remedy in the world for cramp in tie stomach and pain and acbe of all kinds and is for sale by all dm exists at 25 cents a bottle- i h eifee astray loot near spystdr about the last of aopit t iwoycarold heifer red and white with broken horn any partf ct- ing inffirnuliaa which will lead to the re- corery of the auimsi will be snitably re warded b f tavxoh aclon clt s s3 bulcher h olst lot to sell or let the undersigned will fell or let ier pro perty en slain street acton on reasonable unns on the property is a comfortable dwelling house stable cistern fruit trees gcod fences etc fall particalars upon ap plication to mrs geo matthews sept islh 1881 cpcc 2rutr78coni specific xd- rntbi igjjij a jruaranteed jure for tferrous stwltr tad seminal weak- us sratsria nsunljla oentolfloni and all brsin and nerve iroables caused by self abase over brain work c ataa irrittej guarantee of care in erery case or money refunded send i5c for postage on re tbi1l box of 100 pills address da m w bicok cor clark st and calhoun place chicago ill flouitfeed store the undersigned has pnrehased the hoar and feed business from mr robert elliott and will carry on the business to the bnild ing formerly used aa a barber shop oppoa iu the old feed store i will keep in stock and sell for cash plout boiler flour qranlatd wheat cracked qraham floor buckwheat oatmeal corn meal bran shorts chopped oate chopped barley chopped pas chiokeu feed oats peas barley eye oikoake thorley cattle feed climax feed flaxseed fotatoes turnips beans see c oarden field and flower seeds fresh and rood for sale cheap tour patron rfflteetfnuy udted cash for all kinds of grain ia g matthews i foil are looking 7 for nice new fall and winter hats bonnets in nil the latest french english aud american patterns trimmed by experienced hands only new velvets plain and brocaded in all the fashionable colors and shades ot the lowest prices ranging from 85c per yard and upward our velvets are acknowledged by all who have examined them to be the finest assortment and best values ever shown in actou why so because we sell only the silkfinish lyons and pile velvets at the same price as common velvets new dre38cood8 to match our velvets in allwool goods that keep their colors and will not spoil with wet or other ordinary matter so de structive to common and cheap dress stuffs new buttons and 4ininc8 tosaitour dress goods everything always to match mantles overcoats readymade clothing shawls clouds knitted goods for ladies children shirts k drawers for every one cheaper than any other house from 80c upward sailing off boot and shoo at wholesale prices as we do not intend to carry this line of goods much longer wo are working into au entire dry goods house as fast as possible our dry goods stock this fall is better as sorted than ever everything marked in plain figures at the lowest prices 8sa visit to our eouse will convince vou that we will not be undersold we have a large stock of winteys we are offering at 5c 9c i2c and allwool flannels at 80c bve are selling cottons k blankets at mill prices and mods and boys felt uats from 40c 50c and 65c equal to any goods you pay tjl 00 for elsewhere why so because we always look out for bargains and buy direct from the manufacturers we will consider it no trouble to show goods and quote prices at the halton dry goods house acton c b griffin millinery millinery -at- mrs e h passs guelph qur siiliinehv bhow rooms xow replete with all the latest novelties ui collabs lacks ties fiowers bibb01s pluhkl tim tc tn foil line of velvets vclretlas relreteens we sell at he tow est cash price the wonderful our dress and mantle making in uila dopartmtnt cur reputation i sjraidt established for a btjiian and perfect pit we cannot bo excelled jackets err mrc saratoga waves and hair switches mrs e h paba st georgea square boslph new coods for fall and winter immentje superb stock at the marnmoth house creat bargains mcleod anderson ft co have pleuure in annnnndng that their atock u never before in inch an attraotlte con dition for the public for variety extent and chespoesa they have fairly anrpaiaed tnemaeltea great bargaim in all lines of goods aji immense una of winceyi for 1 8a 10q12c i5c foe above are the cheapaat goods everof- fored to the public in cottons and cotton oooda we took advanwof the mere depression bought largely and can now offer them retail at leas than prueat whole sale price as they have advanced lately in woollen gooda gent baitinga and overeoaungi we have an immense assortment market has contributed itai ouota toj ward ibis stook tho getup of ohr garments in oar tailoring department ia unj mrpsjaed for style fit cheapneae and durability genta forniahlnga in esrr con- carable deaenptioo at close prices our dreaa goods department ia replete with an the latest styles of press floqds including black ond colored cashmeres black and colored 8uka panoy 8akgiteal trimtning in every oonoeivablo deacription our ureamaking and ilanuemaking department ia carried onin firstclaaa atvle charge moderateconsistent ith efficiency dadiea need riot eitate learug th ordurj with ui wedding and mourning orders a specialty our miluoerr deoatt u uim nuu emcient aniexperienoed hand and we ttriont noreltiea in millinery that gladdens the hearts of the ladies we have an utenalt stock proper variety and auat bock bottom prices we hare a large and utens- ije stock of carpetjbniela tapertry snpers and 8ply carpets union -ud- hemp carpets oil cloths and linoleums curtains table covers window blinds c we are satisfied that our large stock and cheap prices surpasses man city houses for sue and cheapness and we are satisfied no house shall offer yon such made clothing in mens youths and boysimmense stocf and at fearfully low nrieea overco in mens aouth boys big stock big bitusgssi extensive stock low prices fura in season we hive aireat many goods twe cannot enunisrate we simply remind yon that through ohr lowionwteisa nn- bonbhklpobtion in the markets as regard credit and ffionev that wstvtau3stlet of 8 ta butness blacehina that we nave a position ahead of ordinary nffita that we bay mpstlv direct from the manufacturers and we sell vou goods atwhos salsprirm wjsfiall b ptaued and ounw for your lstgr vm bwta make modey for ynurselvet liipwi bviw onwag 14 on thursday i ith october- we make our first display of fine mulinery the season we cordially invite every llady to visit our snow room on that day next thursday -w- our imported mantles are selling very freely every lady who sees them speaks highly of the almost perfect fit and fs choice style of theserarments r we advise every lady who intends purchasing aiii astracah jacket v this season to make a selection at once as is dicult to find two garments of equal value at the same phce and certainly the best garments are sold first we offer a choice of nearly oke hundred jackets and warrant every garment ft m mancunium fast file velvoteoil le follet in writing about vtlvfietii toy velveteens are more fashionably worn than ever suclj hai been the wonderfat improvement in this fabric the betv velveteen are notpnly worthv representative of rich silk velvet but are more worn by the fashionable and wenlthy chtssea than bys any other the maitcuinum fast pile while retaiuitig all tihjjf desirable qaalificatioras lor which ws havb alrradt so diohlt wk- mended it is now sd nmnofabtnred that no omouut of iriction of the plain surface or ot creasing in kiltings or other form of folds cnr5 disturb the pile or canse it to become defective in any way jthonriiv so firm and durable as to form and retain the richest folds totv mancunium fast pile is very soft and light in wear aid jpli- ings and draperies do not add perceptibly to the weight of a tires made of it it is as silky and soft to the touch as to the ejaaiijfr ficarion only obtainable in the very best makes the blackk f- j enniums have an extra depth of stade that many real silk rjvh m at four times the price are deficient in and those in colorsviii wew 3f variety of fashionable and artistjc shadesrpreseut the striking coj trast of deep tones aud bright lights in the foldb that one is noons- tomed to associate only with the richest lyons velvets the ilflnn- facturers of mancunium fast pile velveteens guarantee the wear of all bearing their stamp it is therefore quite necessary thai every purchaser should examine the back of the velveteen for the tradfr mark which is btamped in white on every yard and contain the words fast pile we are offering great value in bipck and colored velveteens at 40c 50c 600 we 70o 75c 85o soe 1 flssand 155 houotj anmrms k 0 bariaiitf offria in 0arpetciwtaia8 kots plionela siavls mantle cloths isjv oiothi dm88 ooowb several large lota olearing out at prioea john hock3 son gublp golden man m an spn isgsl i j qnf in i item i lartl inga haatl soldi for m00 jtr