Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 11, 1883, p. 3

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wattmfwbiim railway time table q rand trunk ra1lwat owv n t not a wit lttimw vft errtst i0 svm stij tli im i rarest turn twatmii- w fcmetrrwt i40pn sp s83 r srj mopm tt nht crrr nine rt h iittl tuiu nod m tfcf cuti rirrw come i it slv tn do nurorclommt kaiijl tvonj s ii m1 jw pan f ctott grec ress tiirt- iv jluimyc oct 11 1rj at ceo hynos tm spoons tawe fpcons unites and fork t cio uyuda watches clocks jewelrv a larve stock spectacle front 25 ctstois wedding and birthday presents parse pipes pocket knivw combs hair brushes schail books note paper and euepes in mv lare savk- goo hynds jewellery fascv goods store acton ont bits or- brevity kl ikerwlw prrnir by he r the pti aid idin fir rtafert r tfce fr rrcu i frc ciiid weather erin show noil thursdiv- dirk novr si sixodock pm tie wirm nicoaiuh nights are very j iiim simmer sliodi bo jogging aloof icz etasha fair ul rocfctrood lodav 1 aaarrow r- gt yozr lajccf rciiy the collector j tux stvn c jou ca1l- 0x scr3ii are now nr nixing j their deerlutinr parties kincardine i rate of assessment is 23 eills o- tr diar j whcc the bnciliayeruive commenced work 0 ilr c ramsejs new residence 1 the apr cultural fair isseafiouhavc tiii iir been prettyencxajiy tavored with tut weiiher ejcesii towuhip coancil held a ceeunr iz stewirttctni on saturday the circles will ifpear next week a four days meeting will probably be hell in tie ictthodist church here soma tire durinr the present month jaires court of revision of the voters lin iiii be held- iri the council chamber tciorrcw there ae nfxr appeals qzr merchints j bare new- complete szoat cf beactifd 6il aid winter good xt trzsx lzy will db a profitable trade t th prize iiffijoe the acton shov eeotwizes the space oar first page sjuaiit occupied wrxh the weekly story aninicreiue story trill appear next meet- the methodist churches tt george- town sit ttirtidy xidin union prayer mfet- thif i hmost commendihle spirit wiih which to inaugurate proceed- v inri in the united church the people of the united stites now troy two cent lerier potige a letter porei in that country besrin a twocent stamp jwill fce sent to any point in the unitei stst or cicada niebiy forgot to pay f jr a can of cyters at a- e jlitthe fruit and oyster derrrt one evening last week by the way ihey tock it without sayinjrany- thin2 about paying for it qt even asking lie price of it mr james matthews succeeded in winning another first prize on hia splendid span of roadsters lstfridayat brampton ani another at muton yesterday friend james- will we aie afruid begin to feel little proud ctct his horses winter is approaching tnd house- keepera are anxioasiy discussing the fuel question with wood steadily increasing in price in coal nearly aton winter is becoming quite s serious matter in the item of expenditure for faei a tiu zssii oa slue strovt ku visited list wpe an i a pair cf chickens are mias- inr- the next morning the owner in look ing around the place fcund a cood while- handicd pen knife the knife will be re stored to its owner ifhe clls for it- the csrii of workmen employed about mr pearsons premises hare transformed the shape and appearance of the tmilding o a considerable extent mr pearson will hare a fine place and most convenient for his business acquirements when com- pletei the methodist church at stewarttown has been wli to the chorch of england congregation there tms is very neat and compact edifice and will meet the re quirements of the purchasers rery-satis- factorily the old e nglish ch urch will be wld by tefidcr on the 13th inst the publishers of thetarm field and firitvu chicago are meeting with great aeotas in svcurin fiqlctiptiqus to their publication in addition to fnrniahing an excellent paper at the low price of 50 cenu for 6ir months they propose to distribute w in present to thir readers bee their announcement in jadvertising col umns ahnost a cenienariftn- there died last week in xassagaweya mr peter il ball ia the 93rd year of hit fie he was one of the veteran of 1812 nd held it pasjtioa of lieaienant in ar- tblery and was engaged in most if not all the battles cf the kiagara rninsnla especially the taking of fort niagara ttw of qaeenston beachwood fort erie and lundysxane jfercvry exhibition n0te8 half a dozen ieiol conbtablefl kept jordor and tpouod trcirhcr on the day of the show couaidcrabb disaatiaf action is eiprtaaod by priw winner at the action of the trwsurer of the society in not paying the prize mouoyou th evuiing of the aliow the high wiud during the day made lhing quiver about the big font but no mifihap occurred mr j k mcgatriu made a fine exhibit of hit proprietary medicines and drug sundries hia pyramid of cascara uitttr attracted attenliou mr ucraincs tine orgau wag froatly adiuired by visitor to tha fair the display of ftu walnut furniture made by r c ucimbick was very at- tractive mr c w hillf collection of photos wai univorvally admirod the exliibit of ioultry cummauded the attention of sightseer at the fair the hotel keepers deserve credit for the commendable order maintained about their premises during the day aclou cornet baud won the admiration of alj by their splendid playing they certainly played a full programme during the afternoon a large number of visitors were present from guelph rockwood georgetown mil ton and the coaulry eurroaudiug these places mr xl howwn who wou the special prise a sewiugmachine winner to pay 10 on best spn carriage horses succeed ed in winning an aggregate of exactly 10 on other articles ehown by him he is consequently a sewing machine better off by actons exhibition messrs kelson mcrao made a very creditable show of millinery mid miss jennie steel exhibited several tasteful specimens of dressmaking mr harry mccarthy had a fine coilcc- tion of boots and shoes on exhibition evenbody had a good word for actoafi show ground lis extent and position u eieelient for the purpose the horse ring cannot be surpassed- jwheres the secretary and the prire money was the nniveral question on the evening of the thow it is whispered that a number of the articles exhibited in the ladies department saw dayhght several weeks yes months and perhaps y before i3 was thought the buggy and market waggon exhibited by messrs speight t mclam received the red ticket their workmanship was great- iv admired village varieties 1 callrctiel r lacii icvt ul otker nulttn flriptfiil lklmcoar beriotu accident a week or bo egohrs thomis gibboiu i- met with an accident by wbich her niit shpnjder wit dislocated she had qiped oauide the door for something od slipped falling opou her hdoiderwith bove result the old lady although yean of age showed the greatest toiti- while undergoing the painiul opera- of baring the dislocated shoulder flwunito its right position- dr xowry ieudinee bro5an snonmer one day last week little fireyear old wa oi 5cr ilason of erin had his fhoil- dcr broken while playing with his brother eeal estate ccacge mr vtin- lambert has parchased tiie property on ainies street belonging to hr john xichoh of dan ville formerly of this village he u building a new stable on the premiseis- halioa county show oar coanty erhibitiou was held at if il- nn on tuesday and wednesday the weather was cornparatireiy fine and enjay- ableandtheattendanee was large further particulars next week- finger shortened on tuesday evening lau s joung lad who lives at sir john dters got his first tinker crashed between the ring of the neck yoke and the waggon tongue the result was a complete separation of the finger near fixvt joint- dr lowry officiated rev j alexander accident rev j alexander of norval who had his hip jointbo seterelinjured last wed nesday was not able to retorri heme as stated in onr issue o last wek he is still at col allan a aud under medical att nd- ance we trust he will 6con become con valescent able io eetum home- we are pleased to be able to state that hiss j zimmerman of beamsyille who received such severe injuries about a month ao by being thrown from a bqgy ha so far recovered v to be able io return home she left for beamsviile in com pany with her brother who had been visit ing her yesterday morning what the reporters thlnfc tne guelpb papers dont speak rery fiat- teringiy of the courtesy received by the representatives of the press on the part of the directors of the esquesing agricultural society while endeavoring to secure a list of the prizes awarded at the show here last wednesday a for our own eiperience in this matter- we found several of the di rector very willing and apxious so do any thing they could to assist us while a num ber of others were very reticent about al lowing us to have even a squint at their books and seemed to regard us aa meddling with something which we had no right to know anything about these gentlemen should leave a little of their independence and selfimportant jdeaa at home when they occupy public offices in future miedonuiejrssc an ftgd iroman named dalton left to ronto on friday on the 1250 train for oakyflle at that place the old lady being very deaf did not hear the name called out and the mistake was not discovered till the conductor found her on the train after leaving oakville station when the train arrived at bronte she got off the conductor telling her to wait or the train which waa due in a short time she started to walk along the track for oakville as she waa crossing the high rfon bride between the two stations the train bound for toronto came along and before it could be stopped by the engineer the pilot of the engine struck the unfortunate woman inflecting a terrible gaah on the left aide of her hcnirt nnfl nmaing in her brewt she waa instantly killed the woman had but lately retooved to oakvilla elbaruo was personals- mr wm lewis of 0 alt is visiting his friends in actou w mr goo t marlatt of bad iu town this week miss rachacl cunningham of kichol visited acton friends during the week mr8a6ocord visited friends in hamil ton and dundas last woek rev li carrie b a and wife of tbedford are the guests 6 mr p jarvis this week lliss delia llrwldy of erin has been tho guest of mr c b griffin during the past weekorio mr lolm jreen oi marietta mich was uiu guest ut mr a w cirocu a couple of day this vvcik mr john lashy ol dowmanville who hm iwi visiting friends in this vicinity for win time past returned home on tuesday imirniug mr thus matthews of sanfield mich is wiling his friends here mr matthews vai a resident cf actou thirty years ago floy numerous are the changes here in that time beardmorc s tannery messrs kcmlmorvcv co have received ud plitcei into ositioa ivo splendid new boiltrv eighty horse power for use in their mammoth sole leather manufactory in course of construction in this village a large number of workmen are engaged ou the building and will be no doubt all inter obituiry the following respecting luo lale charles milne er whose death was announced iu list issue is copied from the kinratdutt rriizor the village of kipley and uiwnship cf huron has ju met with a great loss by the death cf charles milne tr lot ii 7th eoicon which took place on sunday morning last 30th sept the deceased was one of natures noblemen every person who knew liiiiieilceinedhiffi and his death after an illness of about seven weeks will leave a blank in public and social circles that will be for a long time felt he wis born in aberdeenshire scotland ou the ltu of february 1h he was a resident huron township far nearly twenty years having removed there from acton county of halton he always took an active interest in political agricultural and municipal iriucrs and the reform party will greatly miss his able efforts and counsel he acted as trustee for fcpctlou ko k almost siree its formation was a director cf the agricultural society for many years and far the past ten years of his life was treasurer of water lily lodge i o g t unanimously elected on each occasion he certainly was a pillar to the lemerance cause and the feeling of grief among his brothers and sisters in the lodge is very great on account of illness he was unable to be present at the last tallation of officers of that lodge but he has since teen installed in that temple not made riui hands eternal in the heavens the remains were interred in the kincar dine cemetery on tuesday last and the funeral was very large the vehicles extend ing for nearly a mile the members of water lily lodge attended in a body and the burial service of the order was read by the worthy chief deceased was father of mrs hugh cam- eron mrs anthony stephenson and mrs james mclim of this village grand pirpiyr headers of the foxn funss are cordially invited to attend our grand display of eeal artistic millinery on tuesday wed nesday and thursday october lglh 17th and isth we promise them an exhibition worthy of their attendance j d wrmaxsos 4 co guelph oct 10 s3 paints oils varnishes c cheap and durable -at- je glasgow housei fall opening immense bankrupt stock kellevtt store next n mcgnrvins drug alorc 1 will open on thursday morning with the largest stock of ready made clothing meks boots shuis shims i- drawers hats caps scakfs ties overalls waterproof coats ladies silks satins waterproofs umbrellas wool len sucks trdnks valises braces teas sugars tobaccos etc etc a first olass auvopl meaa suit for 450 allwool overcoats for 350 allnrool pants 8125 allwool shirts k drawers for 50c allwool vests for 75c good shirts drawers for 30c a good pair of mens long boots for 150 any quantify of new dress bu t- tons at one cent per doz fine allwool mens j socks at 20c silk ribbons at any price 11 pounds pulverized sugar for one dollar try our fine tea 5 lbs for 100 this will be the best chance fur parties coming to our fall fair to secure bargains they will have for some time as all goods must be gold ixo goods charged during this great 8ale in any case that tea tat ckaole ltsd in acton on the 2nd inst the wife of mr wm lynd of a son rrirjt in acton on the 6th init the wife of mr hugh ryder oi a daughter gitvpr at limehooae on the 6th inst she wife of mr robert garvin of a daughter the altak brirry jouxsrox on 1st october by lie- e b cock mr christopher belfry to miss mary johnston both of west flainboro jd-lirreld- shout in erin ou the 3rd inst at the residence of mrs ching sr by bev w bryers mr hugh b mc- loughlin to charlotte a short both of erin township the markets acrox oct u 18sj rcur per 1m us hi co to 1 85 fall wheat per bushel- 106 to 110 spring wheat per bushel 1 09 to 1 u oats per bushel st to 35 peas per bushel c5 to to barley per bushel 50 to 61 eve per bushel 50 to 55 hav per ton g 00 to 6 00 butter rolls 15 to is batter dtirypackea u to 15 ngjs per joec 15 to lfi pctawos per bag- 00 to 70 wooirr lb 13 to 90 g celts oct 111883 flour kj 60 to 2 85 fall wboal 1 os to 1 13 spring wheat 110 to 111 barley 50 to 02 oats to 35 bye k to 60 peas 05 to to hay i 6 00 to 9 00 sauerdairypaaked 15 o 16 better rolla 16 to it eggs 16 to it fouioe co to to wool 19 to 40 our teas are giving perfeot satisfaction best value ever offered 6 lbs fair tea for a 3 lbs good green tea for af 3 lbs good japan gunpowder tea for a no i 50c green tea no i 50c japan tea superior qualitv 75c black tea jsg5 lbs best tea dust in the market for a uej1esiber the place to get these teas is at w p brown cos new store acton a arctic -new- mcquillan 6 hamilton of the welling ton marble works guelph out ara doing tie largest retail marble trade in out ow ing to the fact that they do the best work and sell the cheapest the public are earn ed against dealing with second hand trade peddlers but should go direct to tbe 6rm or buy from their agenta bee that the name mcquillan t hamilton u on the printed form before you sign or order baeklebs inlea halve tbe greatest medical wonder of the world warranted to speedily care burns bruises cuts ulcers salt rheum fever 8ores cancers piles cbllblainj coroi tetter chapped hands and all skin erup tions guaranteed to care in every instance or money refunded 25 cents pernor for aalebvj emooarvin 46 ice cream farlor fib deepot a e matthews having purchased the business lately carried on by mriq alaithewe in the post office building arid remodelled the es tablishment is now prepared to supply tbe public with arctic ice cream delicious soda water different flators icecold lemonade fresh ripe fruits best brandscigars andeverythingpertftiiiingto the line of firatckas quality lot ortim suptuco la any quuttty as i intend giving my personal attention to the business customers can rely upon having the orden carefully filled a rillt solicited a e matthews furniture store jotice to fakheb8 the nndenigned are ptepared to pay the highest market price for all kin is of grain and pork in season delivered at their store houses in aoton or hultdorf to com mand the highest price gram mmt be well cleaned aiqcki4nsox aelon sept iptb 1888 charles hheimbach has decided to engage in the furniture business aud will open out ou thursday 12th lost in the store below tbe oddfellows hall on main street a complete new stock of furniture of all kinds aud tbe citizens of acton and surrounding country will hereafter be able to purobse anything they want at home instead of go ing tc guelph or georgetown we desire to call the attention of intendino pur- chasers to our immen8e stock of general dry goods suitable for the fall and winter trade consisting of all the leading styles of allwool suitings in every shade cashmeres in all the leading colors and all the leading lines f0undin a fjrst cla8s dry goods store i we have the choicest selection of0ilk finished velveteens in the l4test ad most fashjonable colors w the town tsata splendid range of knitted goods for both ladies and childrens wear in all shades and at the lowest possible prices tfull lines of mantle cloths flannels winceys c ladles mantles in great variety desirable stylish and cheap remember our ordered clothing department i where you can secure the newest goods asdihe most perfect fitting garments in the town remember our famous 50c tea nelson mcrae city grocery continues to tase the lead being a practical furniture finisher i kill finish all furniture myself and consequent ly be in a position to give better satisfaction and more reasonable prioea than other retail dealers secondhand furniture renoiahed in good style and nrdess left at the shop will be promptly attended to a call solicited we will gladly show you anything we have whether you buy or not charles d qelmbaeii acton july 3rd 1888 walfoksale the undersigned having purchased the ooal shed from m jss goodall intends keeping constantly on bud a stock of hard and soft stove co of all kinds which will be delivered to any part oi the village parties deairpg ooal should givs him a oau u c 8 smith howells sales are lauge because he keep8 a splendid new nd cheap stock and is satis fied with small profits one look at his spacious windows will satisfy and convince any one that for arlety quality and quan tity of 8tock he is unsurpassed on all purchases of crockery of 100 and over on acton show day a discount of 5 percent will be allowed i have on hand a magnificent stock of vases fancy cups saucers handpainted plates and i five oclock tea setts suitable for wedding and birthday presents try a fivepound caddie oe my gunpowder tea for 2 have also on hand all kinds of- canned fruits and meats gycallat the city gboceryoppbsree the joyal exchange hotel acton before purchasing else- where j w h howell vai xr tgs

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