Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 18, 1883, p. 2

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a i- s w vljgls da ass speakee prctt well tor a community of rata millions indeed the whole secret of fish culture can he snmutod up in four thing iniprepiv i ustug no water pleut of food i ieutv of pan vrnter and cleauluit tin uuracroas fih exhibitions which are taking place m all parts of uuropo and the uuuual interest which is xang manifested in this subject throughout the world sil owe their origin to the process aboe de scribed as originated and conducted by seth grv i u i cortinl cause for cou gralulauui to even vmencajj that this countrv- produces so rnan 4ueu whose gemus birvs ah to the world and it is proof positive of the protest merit that a remedy even with such bih standing as warners safe cure is known to hate should be so strourjv endorsed and recom mended b one so reputable and reliable as betkgreen dan mttt suss thcnsit morxq oct 19 1883 about actons exhibition the qcortetc it htrtdd of last week com roeuts ver impartially and as a sensible journal should upon the esquesing ex- inbitiou recently held m actou as fol 10wb the icwmles art congratulating them selves on the success of the township show and we raut conie that a charge has in this tiistance done good the show waj a new thing for cton and its people put forth everr effort to make it a ven superior a fair rivalr between utonand george town m tins respect will be of benefit to future exhib lions the attendance was very large and the exhibits ven good especialh in hoes for whch esqaesaag isjutlv celebrated vcton business men literalh tnwid the protind with adrer tisji matter the soouer our baaius- men wake np to the fact that ther iiaac an enterprising nral to the west of them the better for themselves th followinc from the ifiljit xetct respecting the show ls coosiderable of a contrast to that of the trald the esqaesng township fair was held last s ednesiar at acton the attendance was verj- good tuouh not as large as migki have been had if been beid in some mote central pot it proved as great a success however a coda reasonahlv be expected of one held at an extreme corner of the township a perusal of the abotc paragraph would cause any person who vie ted the fair at actoc to conclude that the edito of the xact knew nothing whatever about the esqueaing show of 133 the insinuation that the attendance was not so large as if the fair had been heid in georgetown certainly without foundation as the gate money shows that the attenoance was more than a 1000 higher than that of ant pre y0us exhibition of the societr the num ber of exhibits too was larger than on any previous ear the fact of the matter is acton s exhib tion was the most success f ul one m every parte alar that has ever been held in the township and both ita entries and visitors were m point of nam bers within 25 per cent of those of the county show the xar should occasionally endeavor to secure facts for its readers respecting this matter of the show being held m the extreme comer of the township a word or two may be admissable it seems to be the rule rather than the ex ception tohold the township fairs in one corner of the fowcslp for example the trafalgar towruhip fair is always held at oakvule which town is situated in the extreme comer of the township enn township fair is annually held at enn village and it is situated in the extreme corner of the township bowhccod alwaj s haseiamosatownehip fair and eockwood is in the extreme corner of the township and all these townships hare successful fairs at thia season of the ear when the farmers work is pretty generallv conclud ed they thine nothing of a drive qt five or ten miles to tneir township fair and this fact was very cleariv demonstrated in esquesing this year as numbers of repre aentatives were present from everv section of the township this argument against acton as a site for the township show on account of its position has been very satis factorfly exploded this year and we hope to hear no more on that subject could not expect to oome up to 1u older opponent a great mistake on the part of tho eociet was the appointment of four judges tustoad of three or fin and a natural ooasequenoe they oould not fm upon an award the jndga were meeup johnson haxrlsou milton temterbrooi naaweihm6tmdcoqy mllfcd tfeesra elliott and conway tho former of whom has since statett in acton that he don t pretend bo be a judge of mualo were apparent vex determined from the first to give the red ticket to streeievflle regard lea of their inemownt playing and would hear of no other award while messrs harrison and eutarbrook genuemen pot sesaing a life long experience in imparting instructions in music maintained that actons playing waa far superior to the others and certainly detervm flrrt prize the roaolt was that neither of the judge would forego hia decision and the firat and second prize money waa evenly divided between acton and streetaviue while korral which really earned second place had to be contented with the third pnxe in justice to the bands competing we hope the society will see their mifiuke this year and choose fortoext show three jadgea and all of them competent of giving a correct and impartial decision our thanks are due to the efficient boc- retarj mr v c beatty for oourteaiea received while preparing our teport the following prizes were awarded to resident a of this immediate vicinity span road sters 1st lames matthews ayrshire heifer calf 1st j kewton sons leicester ram 2nd a- waldie shearling ram 2nd a aldie 3rd w waldie ram iamb 1st v waldie 2 shearling ewea 1st a- waldie 2 ewe lambs 1st a- waldie pen ieioesters 1st a waldie owing to lack of space we are compelled to crowd out the general pn l a few hints roijttiuuor business brevities some raeta about our bona xu and bouei of benefit to oar ktaoral nader hits from 75 cenu to 1250 at j fjfca ix rou want a nobby darable and cheap suit j fyfe s is tie pl to go the lartesl and cheapest stock of boots t shoes to select from u at kelson siceacs thr largest stock of gents furnishing hu and caps ihirts and drawers at nel son ucbae e the best alue m factory cottons u incefi flannels and domestic goods at sclioo t uchae t the largest and cheapest stock ot ready midc clothing la the town it at kelson 4 ifceat s scotch knrluh and canadian saltings in gret ranetj at the last end clothing store j fyfe acton the most perfect fitting suits asd overcoats and the best selection of goods at the lowest prices at kelson k mcrae s suits and orercoata at extremely lor rates and made ia latest styles be sore to call and see them 1 fvfe acton the best assortment of black aad col ored el vets ladies mantles ft oollea and knitted goods in the town at kelson t ilceae s why should a man whose wood la warm within sit like ills raitdsire cot in alabaster or let his hair rrov rusty scant and thin when cingalese keoewer will make it grow the faater- for sale by j e itcgarvin our county kxhibition halton annnal show was held at hilton last tuesday and wednesday and the weatner being exceedinglr fine the attend anoe was large and the gate receipts very satisfactory tle show of stock waa good the horses especially being fine while many fine specimens were to be seen in the cattle sheds the exhibit of buggies waggons etc was larger than usual and waserj creditable to the manufacturers of the coontv agricultural implements too were shown in profnsion the hall was howeer not nearly so full as usual and presented a remarkably scant ap perance manj departments being very thinl represented there was a very noticeable absence of roots fruit and flowers and the fine arts hare fallen of considerablv the collection of ladies work was very good the large array of sewing machines helped to fill up the hall and occupy a considerable of the saperflu on space daring the afternoon of the second day the band contest was the centre of attrac tion the competitors were acton nerval and bbeetsnue and each band played a sutxb a quickstep a waltz and the tjoteo- the playing was very good on he part o all the bands but acton showed a marked aapwionty over its eompetrtors kid received very favorable comment from the great majority of the listeners korval took second place for good playing and ssreetamlle which u a yonng band and only recently organized plays very well iiaiuattoitolpiacacfc lists bad bfal bender if ysu suffer from any disorder of the liver stomach bowels kidneys fckm or blood try burdock blood bitters natures speme medicne for acting on those organs for the outlet of disease 15 000 icttles sod in the last three months f we have a speedy and pceltire cure for catarrh diphtheria canker and hod acbs in shilohs catarrh remedy a nasal injector free with each bottle te it ff you desire health and sweet breath price 50 cents sold by j e licgnrvin 49 so household shonld be eoosidered com pcte mthout a bottle of de vh beats s ktdvcvccee is in the closet it is the only remedy that will positively perman enli and prompt cure all forms of kidney disease feold by j e mcgarvln in the history of medians no preparation has reeeired such universal commendation for the alleviation it affords and the per maucut cure it effects in kidney diseases as dt lis bcuij kiosri ctex its ac tion in these distressing complaints is sim ply wonderful sold by j e mcgarvin how that there is a reliable remedy for kidney troubles half the terrors attached to thse complaints have been removed for this let all be thankful and to ds xis bi bev s kidset ccee award all praise for having thus removed a hitherto considered fatal disease from our path it was never known to iail sold bvj e mcgarvin doofb im uu ate- ful t o i pulli obmtklf lo mil ttfirtaa riudkkl4 as jmywr dou in soca ecus for constipation or ooatrroatut m noolr is so adseurs as ants slum tost insure rajular dally action and re store the bowels to healthy oondltton for indlgestloni or dripeptu atill htu are invaluable and a son care heartburn los of appetite foul stomach natnlewr slsslnoas flea ache nambaosa kasseo are all relhrsd and eared by aral ptlxa in liver ooasplalat boious disorders and mortice arias ptiu should be ftvon in nana larft enough lo azclu the llvtr and bowels and remove constipation asaeleanslnf medietas in the sprinf thaw fills are ueeoaau6d tforma caused by a morbid condition ot the borels are expelled by theaa pills erapuoas skin diseases and pile the result of xndlttation or constipation an eared by the est of arans pius for colds take avars pills to open the pons remove inflammatory secretions and allay the fever for dlarrbcea and dysentery caused by suddsn colds indliettibls food ete arms pills are the true remedy bhenmatlain gout nenralfla and sdatios often result from dlfestlrt deranra- ment or eolds snd disappear on remorlnf r the cause by the nse of area s pills tumors dropsy kidney complaints asd other disorders esssed by deblliry or obstruction an eared by a rats fills suppression and painful meaatma- uoa bars a safe and ready remedy in ayers pills foil directions in various hnroafes te eompsny each packare rexrxxzn t dpjcayer4colowelllv1iii gold by all druaista rif ia mm hi veverslvetp if you are suffering with low and depress- ed spirits loss of sppetite general debiiil disordered blood weak constitution head ache or any disease of a bihous nature by all means procure a bottle of electric bitters lou hill w surprised to ee tlu rapid improvement that will follow ou will be inspired willi tn life strength and activity will retim paiu and misery will cease and henctfurth ioa will ixjoicc in the praise of eleclnc balers sold at fifty cents a bottle by j e- mcoimin lerasl coras tender corns psinful carjs soft torus bleeding corns ban corns corns of all kinds and of all sizes are alike removed m a few days bj the use of futv ills put less cor- exrrattue hcver fails to cure never causes pain nrter leaves deep spots that are more anuoiug than the original discomfort give putnams pain less corn extractor a tilal beware of substitutes sold by druggists everywhere n c p0lo vdrct i kingston proprie tors iieala- piles fyaiptosu aaal care the symptoms are moisture like perspir ation intense itching increased by scratch ing very distressing particularly at night seems as if pis worms were crawling in and about the rectum the private parts are sometimes affected if allowed to continue very serious results may follow swaths oivdiext is a pleasant sore oure also for tetter itch salt rheum all scaly crusty skin diseases sent by mall for 50 cents 8 boxes 1 25 in stamps ad dress dr 8 wayne s0h philadelphia pa sold by druggists so shilohs consumption core this is beyond question the moat success ful cough medicine we have ever sold a few doses invarably cares the wont casea of cough croup and bronchitis while ffs wonderful success in the oure of consump tion is without a parallel to the history of medicine since its first discovery it has been sold on guarantee a test which so other medicine can stand if yon bare a cougu we earnestly asx vcm to try it price 10 cents 60 oents and 1100 if your longs an sore cheat or 9ck lame nse shimta potttaplskteisoiabyjtelieflifrai t agcabpet ff an ted about twent jards of good homemade rag carpel pply at once to h p ifooke fbzs pazas ornct dokuovt ed ok stole v a month or so ago while absent on s visit eome party entered our stable and tookawa the shafts belonging to rev mr pigott s buggy if the party a ho has them will kindly return at ouce i will be ex tremely thankful mrs wj pigott acton oct 1 7th 1883 h eifer astra lost near spvsidp about the last of august a twoiesrod heifer red and white with broken horn kay part giv ing information which will lead to the re covery of the animal will be suitably re warded b f taylor acton oct s s3 butcher sfoalfoksale the undersigned bating parchaed the coal sbed from mr js goodall intends keeping constantly on hand a stock of hard and soft stove coal of all kinds which will be delivered to any part of the tillage parties desinrg cosl ihoold give him a call c s smith ttorse v lot to sell or let the undersigned will sell or let her pro perty on main street actoo on reasonable terms on the property is a comfortable dwelling house stable cistern fruit trees giod fences etc full particulars upon ap plication to mbs geo matthews sept 25th 1s83 1tfotc to farhebs the undersigned are piepared to pay the highest market price for all kinds of grain and pork in season delivered at tbeiratore- houses in acton or hillaburg to com mand the highest prices gram must be well cleaned e nickllnson acton sept 19th 188a by special request grand concert town hajl acton friday evg oct 26 popular vocalists from gnelph toronto glerryilliams georgetown and bockwood will take part in she pro gramme mr 3 btracoan bockwood will give one of his excellent readings and sev eral fine tableau will be presented doors open at 7 concert commence at 8 admission 85e children ise for psrhmlara see posters and programmes cdcc stuvutmtsteiicutir lllbm lflja a guaranteed oure tor vtmu wmotr ud 8uatwalp- and all train 4 tt troubles caused by self abuse over brain work ac ava written guarantee of core in every case or money refunded bend 15c for postage as ktsmsjiborofl00pflls addwssds m ff baecnr oar ourk fit jnalcwhottn m ice new fall and winter hats bonnets in all tbrlntest french english and american patterns trimmed by experienced hands only the wonderful m k x -m- new velvets plain aud brocaded inall tbe fashionable colors and shades ot the lowest prices ranging from 85c per yard and upward our velvets are acknowlidged by all who have examined them to be tbe finest assortment and best values ever shown in acton whv so because we sell only the silkfinish lons ana pile velvets at tbe same price as common velvets new dres8cood8 to match our velvets in allwool goods that keep their colors and will not spoil with wet or other ordinary matter so de structive to common and cheap dress stuffs new button8 and lininc8 tosaitour dress goods everything always to match mantles overcoats read made clothine shawls clonds knitted goods for ladies 4 children bhirts k drawers for every one cheaper than an other house from 80c upward selling off beett and shots at wholesale prices as te do not intend to carry this line of goods much longer jgjywe are working into an entire dry goods house as fast as possible our dry goods stoclc this fall is better as sorted than eer e en thing marked in plain figures at the lowest prices asa visit to our house will convince you that we will not be undersold we cave a large stock of winceys we are oflenugat 5c 9c 12c aud allwool flannels at 80c bslwe are selling cottons 4 blankets at mill prices aud mens aud bos felt hats from 40c 50c and 65c equal to auy goods ou pa 100 for elsewhere why aof because we alwa8 look out for bargains and bur direct from the manufacturers come we will consider it no trouble to show goods and quote prices at the halton dry coods house acton c b griffin on thursday 1 1 thf october we make our flretaiaplay of ine millineirjr w the season we cordiauy invite every ladjg to visit our show room on that day next thursday -m- our imported mantles are selling veiy freely every lady who seestheiij speaks highly of the almost perfectflt anepjf choice style of these garments we advise every lady who intends purchasing an millinery millinery -at- mrs e h passs cuelph o ce uilllvriu how rooms sow beplete with ll the latest novelties in collaks ltcls ties fiowebs aubboxs rlvkzs ti rs jro stc fnlt line of elcts lelrettas relreteebs we sell at the low est cash price our dre88 and mantle making in this delianment oar rrpautloo is already satabllsbed for a btyiish and fertsct fil we easaot be eaealled jackets cut- fitted saratoga waves and hair switches mrs e h pass 8t georges square baelpb astracatf jacket i this season to make a selection at onoe as is difficult to find two garments of equal value at the same price and certainly the best garments are sold first we offer a choice of nearly otfe bulked jacket and warrant every garment 1 ti new coods for fall and winter atlanonninm tost file felveteoiu le rollet in vrihng about fwweea lays welveteens are more fashionably worn than ever such hsail v been the wonderfal improvement in this fabric the best velveteens ar uotoply worth representatives of rick silk velvet but are more worn by the fashionable mid wealthy classes than hyj any other the maif cltnlijm fast pile while retaining h tbe desirable qualifications for which wk pave already so niohlt com- mended it is now so manufactured that no amount pariction of the plain surface or ot creasing in kiltiugs or other formfcf folds can disturb the pile or cause it to become defective in ady jvay though so firm and darable as to form and retain the risfcest folds the mancunitjm past pile is very soft and light in rear atod idltj ings and draperies do not adbt perceptibly to the weight of a dress made of it it is aa silky and soft to the touch as to the eye a quali fication only obtainable in the very best makes the black man- j cuniums have an extra depth of blade that many real silk velvets 1 at four times the price are deficient in and those in colors jn every i variety of fashionable and artistic shades present tiie striking con- j trast of deep tones and blight lights in the folds tirat one is accus- tomed to associate only withtthe nchest lybns velvets the mann- i facturers of mancnniam fast pile velveteens guarantee the wearr of all bearing their stamp it is therefore quite necessary that every y purchaser should examine the back of the velveteen for the trade mark which is stamped in white on every yard and contains thii words tast pile immense superb stock at the mammoth house great bargains mcleod anderson co hats pleasure in announcing that their stock was never before in inch an attractive con dition for the public i for variety extent and cheapness the have fairly surpassed themselves great bargains in ail lines of coods an immense line of wiooeys for 5c 8c 10c 12c worth se 10c 12c loo the above are the cheapest goods ever of fered to tbe public in cottons and cotton goods we toelcsdvenbge of the severe depression bought largely and can now offer them retail at leas than present whole sale prices as they have advanced lately in woollen goods gents suitings sad overooatingt we have an immense assortment market ass oootnbnted us quota to wards this stock the getnp of car garments in oar tauanng department is un surpassed for style fit cheapness aoddarabtllty gents furnishings in every con- cetrable description at close prices oar dress goods department is replete with all the latest styles of dress boods locludlog black ood colored csshmeres slack and colored silks fancy silks latest trimming in every conceivable description oar dressmaking and afantlemakini department is carried on in firstclass style charges moderate oonautent with efflclenoy sadies need not hesitate ieavlcg their -w- x ordnrs with ns wedding and if ottniag orders a speoisity oar millinery depart ment is under the management of h efficient and experienced band and ws tarn oat novelties in jf flliaerr that gladdens tbe hearts of the ladies we have an extensive stock proper tarlety and all at eock bottom prices we have s large and extens ive stock of carpels brnssels tapestry supers and anly carpets union and hemp carpets os cloths and unolioms cortains xahb covers window blinds us we are sawsfled tost oar large stock and cheap prices snrpasseimasy aty bonses for sise d obeaeneas sndwearesjiiflednohotahiainryoosaeh vslne ss we shall mantles and 8hawls haberdasberyj and small waras baady- made clothing in hens yonthsandrloybimmenaasteeiarfsaharfbuylcraioei otttooatsviaafesxtmitbsathlbojs big stock bbirgsins boouao extensive stock low prioes furs in saison weksirea great cannot eabmsrate wesinremin yon that ttrttisotianngai bbw posit uthanisxketsss regerds cremtaninonibrthatws of jlsrmlkuiiiessftlsoeanathatwshav8 a position ahsi ofardil that wey mostlj direct from therasnnfirerstaemrv satsyrssss we sisll be pleased aa thankfnl for your patrora syowiuisenietfor we are offering great value mi black and colored velveteens i at oo 50c 60c 65c 70c 74c bse we 1 fl35 and lvl i bartcaiaa offeriu g ia garpeta looe dxitaix8blan- kets plajiaelfl shawls haatlo cloths tjnter olothf dreaa ooods o several larjfe lota rjwjgjjjy olflftting j- ve oat at son qxjw 9tifffh coldwi mans

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