Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 18, 1883, p. 3

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m im w for 3d1 m it parses pipes- riot knivesfcorabs luir brushes school books not paper and envelope- ftu ia ink- cull m and aec ny hrcc rtock goo llyndt jowellcrv4 fancy good store acton ont tutssilt moavlv oct ik 1hss wra at ceo hynd8 auction stebeit spoon- twc spoons kiv ad a hhlwl ltur u at geo hymiw witehw clock r wl11 place at the residence of mrs jtirtln letoek bpeetaetairoin si j kdward jesus bower avenue on 8atur- etjttm- weadhuandbrthdayftts jdy afiernoou beit at 8 oclock hemstreot auctioneer tbankagwing day a rumor it afloat to the effect thai today ia thankapving day thin l incorrect thanksgiving day will no doubt bo pro claimed ahortly alter the new governor- ieucral assumes control gray squirrel j lt week mr h oraut while out ahoot- inc shot a grey squirrel a very fine sped- i men he brought it homo and pave it to ifr g speight who has tent it to a taxidermist in toronto to be properly j stuffed and niouuted i auction sales xiryvm lieuntreet auctioneer is cn kacd for sales a follows october utli soth 2srd 3th soth 81st november 5th for tfuocostiful sales engage mr llemtreet for your auctioneer and have your btlli executed at the fsxz furss office aud an advertisement of your sale in the kuril puss try it- thanlagmng service a thanksgiving service will be held iu si allans church next tuesday evening 23rd iust atjt oclock the choir of fit- georges church gaelph vfill assist iuthe musical part of the ceremony rev ltural dean bull ma of holy trinity church barton uear hamilton will preach the sermon tiro public are cordially invited the scott act and fall 8how- drunkeu men were most couspicuoas ou i fair day iu rockwood compare obser- j various in tins respect to the con- ditioa of affairs in any of the towns or j villages iu halton county where township or comity fairs have been held the coii- j trast is obvious the bcok art is a suc- cess in halton which fsccannot truth j fully be denied t acton comet band at eoekwoocl the guelph papers compliment our j band as follows one of the great at tractions of the day was the pleasing per bits of brevity wat tfctrwu rml by u tw f the thir fr ra4tn of k frt riu xotr or muddy toad th wild dacka ire flnnj touthirard hotreraade nc crpet wtmted see adr- hoas clcaiiiusand mouiij axe nor in order fnner are asking higher prices for vooi this fall than last the leave are falling fast rake up thoe in your yards aud baru them erin show todiy willicud the pro pamine ia this section for the seasou sirs geo mufccwi has removed to toronto where she will make her future recideoce another leap ar ceniniences in a tittle over two months- keep op voor ipihta girls mr anson smith has purchased the hoasc and lot on bower avenue at present occupied by 5trtr e selsou a mysterious disease supposed bv some to be black tongue has broken oat amo horses in the neighborhood of london guelphs mayor- aad aldermen are making in effort to have 4 foantaiu erected on st georges sicareintiiat city a verr eensible idea mr a w green is now tarninc oat personals mr fred record i pondin a few daya at horih mr joathan kelly of guelph spent wveral days during tho week with actou friondn correspondence we with it to be difctliwtly understood uito do oot bold ouneltci retponilble for tht opin- loni or cxprosiioni ojf any eorreapoodeots quite an tssortment of knitted goods we fonnance oi the acton band which daring trust tiis factory will be a permaaent and increasing businessfhere mrd henderson is prepared to py pri2e money awarded at the township to axy in this mm rn anity who have not received the amounts die them 3fr c c- speight has onr best thanks for a snpply of the wherewakal for a lib eral dzed partridge pie charlie meets j the afternoon discoaraed aweet strains to 1 the dense crowd of people who paraded the grounds htnld the acton cornet band furnished music in the afternoon which was greatly appreciated jftmtnf high school entrance examination the next examination for the idmission oi papiia to the oakriue high school will be held ou tliarsdar md friday the 20h with considerable success la ux porting- luld rl december at the hour of nine in the morning of each day cundi dates should notify the head itaster k j wellwood esq oakriue po not later than the 8th kovcmber proximo of their intention to present themselves for ei ination line we are pained to learn oi the death of mrs f f orr of oakville mother of mr c r orr editor and proprietor oi the oatriile ivdqxadtt our fyirpathies are wiih afflicted mark mendelson a phrenologist haa been telling our citiiaas some tilings they knew about themstlves and other thiiigi they didnt know during the pait week or so he lectured in the town halton mon day evening- some boys hae lately beea amusfng themselves by throwing stones through the riuiotra of the temperance hail this business had better be discontinued at once a word to sensible boys even if they are thoughtless should be sufficient a wasp went madly to his work and virions things did tackle he stun a boy and tnenv dog and made a rooster cackle he settled n an agents cheek andlabored with will he prodded thare for half- hoar and then he broke his drill an error in the prizes to tix editor of th c trtt prim dear sin a mistake- took place in awarding the prizes on handpainting on china mist lindsay wm the only ex hibitor and tihoald hare had the lit prize miss allan being awarded tliofirttprlzclu mistake miss allu i entitled to 2nd priio though her painting was on glass not chiua you will kindly make this cor rection in the next isaueof thefnk ptikw and oblige h mrhiur tiecta klewftrttowiioctil r3 trig of war challenge tu ih ldtivr ctkc fr ptim dran fim having noticed the article in your last issue by the captain of the socalled defeated team in jatce to my team i must dcuy the correctness of his statements to the effect that the report of the affair which appeared in the fax pres of the 4th inst contained misrepre sentations the report oi your correspon dent was certainly correct in every par ticular we will however give the de- foatedteam another chance andto make it interesting i hervhy challenge the same team to pull us again best two draws in throe for 10 a ide the winners to take the f20 your ac ciituv or tut wrxvisfi tntu es4ueiug oct it k3 a paints oils varnishes fcc cheap and durable -at- j e mcgarvlns drug and stationery store acton out glasgow house m i- 1 fall opening immense bankrupt stock kellevs store uext to mcqarvins drag store i amemento a week or tto ao col ailan of tiii -il- ia- who is in command of the soth bat- i ulioulonierifksof this county received from ottawa from his kiceueacy the ifarouis of lome a cabinet photograph of 1 hiffiself and another of the princess the i boys of the battalion mil no doabt jtake j this recojiitioa of the lames verj i fcinily and the memento received vrul be i cherished with kindest remembrancji the royal donors of hersi forget una one who gained great bcceas wroie ti as i pablicrty is money this has come to 1 be recognized aa a principle in brainesa competition is so keen and we liveinkach i bnsy times that a mans only chance of it is nuhored that mr joel leaiiewbo roocess ues in procttiming the merits of won the special prize a sewing machine his wares far ahd wide ap and dawa the fjr best 50 1l- firkin of batter had to pay j market he most keep a trumpeter- the 1g in addition to the batter before the ipabhe attention mast be arrested and he machine was forthcoming jthis is ijicor- who best succeeds in this has the best rect the butter paid for the sewing ma- j chance of making a fortune- in this con- drme- j viccon every one of spirit advertises- if is messrs a carrie and jho crawford j sufficient to put a sign oyer the door of xassagaweya threshed a coapleof signs most be sent out far and wideband weeks ago on the farm of mr peter ander- poop m4k to m remember them in son lot ltfcon 7 1000 bushel of oats in 8 of hernselves eight and a half hours with a stratford j machine- they want to- know if this time j can be beaten j ia the matter of leaves the lovers of j the sere and yellow the bright and varie- j gated hive but a poor lot forselectioq this season whatever is tie reason whether it is owinzyj ssirabundant rains or on- timely frost our famed canadian forests present bat a tame appearance for october when glenwilliams girls are small they are satisfied with a doll when older they most have a dollman and it doesnt take long to satisfy their whole ambition with the last syllable georgetown htrald lets see have we not been informed that the htrald mans young lady resides in glermlliams the ifffon vnc has the rlsqueaing prize ist pretty badly muddled what viih butter mixed op with horses and horses with fancy work one would imagine the aic man had been out of halton last week and forgotten his temperance prin cipleswhile on his visit bat we dont be lieve this was the caae it was no doubt one of those innumerable accidents which are liable to occur at any time in a news paper office r- m judges court of eerliiorj the final revision of the voters list of this municipality took place last friday under the supervision of eis honor jadge miller quite a numberf changes in the description of property were made and the following names were added io the list h b mccarthy wm l worden james xicklin thos mara and alfred hem- street the names of dennis kelly john p carson- w hwiswell bobert allen and w c bobinson were struck off the ust y for uncle sams domains from the grairjklint herald we learn that mr a a- fanner the popular agent of the x i- x w raway at the above place formerly an acton boy has resigned his position and willi leave in a few days for marquette mich where he has been awarded a much more remunerative sitaa- tioa ilr farmer was banquetted hut evening by the aoow lodge of graven- hurst of which society he baa teen a prominent member his departure i much regretted by the residents but efery- oaes good wishes follow bin 9 bis daw borne concert at booarwood the concert given at bockwood oi the evening of the fair in aid of st- johne church there was a great success the hall being filled to the doors a very long pro gramme was carried out and nearly every number was encored miss hastingsjmrs moore and mr crowe of gaelph williams of glenwilliams miss of georgetown and miss emma an ed strange of bockwood were the si and as already hinted their efforts thoroughly appreciated a reading b john btrachan bockwood ahd a series of tableaux in which about twenty took jpart proved highly entertaining a great feature of the evening was the voting for an auto graph quilt the candidates being misses aldous eramosa and boome bockwood about 660 votes were cast at 5c apiece and miss aldous finally won she present ed the quilt to mrs pigott the rectors wife- by special request this concert several additional pieces vdll be given in the town hall acton on friday evening 26th inst with tuesday etenings council meeting the regular fortnightly meeting jf the village council was not held on tuesday evening owing to the lack of a quorum a pleasant hour was however spent by those who were present and bad the absent members known what was in store for them a full board would no doubt have been in attendance after waitin for some time for a quorum to aseemlle was concluded that there would bi no council meeting that evening and m t easton the genial gentlemen in char e of the property of the corporation inhted those present to take seats at the beard while he- busied himself in preparing a very creditablespread including a variety of palatable delicacies councillor kenney was moved to the reeves chair and the municipal clerk and representative of the fan fusas acted as- his right and left sup porters while the other guests- present occupied the councillors places ataple jostice was of coarse meted ont to the inviting things provided after which abort and informal speeches were indulged in and the programme ended with a vs hearty and unanimous vote of uunlpi to mr easton tor his generosity may his akabwnevir grow lea that tug of war tj h editor oftjie free prtu dtui su in last issue of the faxr pkx6s appeared a communication signed captain of the socalled defeated team- the captain has shown to us that he is laboring under two difficulties 1st hon esty says captain you must ackno-x- j ledge a defeat self conceit says ill do nothing of the sort 2nd conscience censures him for not expressing gratitude j to the victorious party for ceasing to pull when they did thus preventing the csp- tain being left worse thsu he was the j captain should be more careful in his impeachments and certainly in so unim portant a nitler should he retrain from in- dulging in slander j with thanks far the insertion of this tours very truly bannockbum oct 12th is3 jrxo i will open on thursday morning with the largest stock of ready made clothing mens boots shoes 8hlktsi drawek8 hats caps scarfs ties overalls waterproof coats ladies silks satins waterproof umbrellas wool len socks trunks valise8 braces teas sugars tobaccos etc etc a first class allvool hens suit for 460 allwool overcoats for 350 allwool panto 125 allwool shirts k drawers for 50c allwool vesta tor 75c good shirts drawers for 80c a good pair of mens long boots for 150 any quantity of new dress but tons at one cent per doz fine allwool mens socks at 20c silk ribbons at any price bannockburn for ever tv eiuir of tie free prxu vzu su under the above heading in your last weeks issue appeared a paragraph which was written with the evident inten tion of putting in a true hht some would- be misrepresentations which occurred in an article stylei bauuockbuni picnic in yonr psjr two weeks ago for which i am responsible my remarks with refer ence to the tug of war thoughi was an uninterested party did not eiactly suit a certain interested individual but so far as i am able to learn they were the honest convictions of everyone else who witnessed the poll- however it is always a noticeable fact that if the truth be fairly erpressed it is sure to strike some one pretty severely and this instance i am sorry to say is no exception it goes some what against the grain for friend aleck to take aieckifl and if he will just explain whether the result of the tug was a tie or a tiatt though the umpire no doubt anx ious to see another pull gave it a tie i will say no more about it but if i remem ber correctly it was a twist round a tree which in itself is evident proof of defeat thanking you mr editor for the yve space and hoping to hear something oft the subject from the victorious captain t remain yours etc as- ukdrrebiatrjj osi equesing oct 13 1883 i 11 founds pulverized sugar for one dollar try our fine tea 5 lb8 for 1 00 this will be the bestcbance for parties coming to our fall fair to secure bargains they will have for some time as all goods must be sold no goods charged during this great sale in any case itosjst ttnt y maxageb eramosa pall fair the annual show of eramosa agricultur al society was held at bockwood last thursday and friday kotwithstanding the wet and unpropitioas appearance of the second day the attendanoe was very good and tie receipts at the gates almost as large as any former year the visitor always expects a good show at bockwood and this year is no exception the fair was a success in all respects nearly every department being complete there being nearly 1200 entries eramosa aa is well known enjoys an unenviable reputation for fine stock and the show in this respect was excellent the grain and roots shown were good potatoes especially making a large exhibit the hall was well filled there being a large collection of ladies work onvery design the display of bat ter was large and its appearance was most inviting daring the afternoon acton cornet band discoursed an abundant num ber of their excellent tunes assisting very materially to make the day jmbs pleasantly their playing was tendered many hearty compliments by the visitors present alto gether the show was very satisfactory and the management deserve credit for the success attending their untiring exertions we bad intended to insert a complete list of the prizes awarded but lack- of space forbids it and we are compelled to crowd out the list the representatives of the press received every possible assistance in securing their reports for which thanks are due particularly to mr john black the obliging secretary of the society the ckidle thorn in guelph on the 11th inst the wife of mr w 8 smith watchmaker of a daughter tie altai cniaawle fool on the 11th inst at the methodist parsonage acton by eev wm bryers mr geo e damage to hiss nellie fool both of georgetown nitun eaikk in nelson on the hth inst the wife of the late john easton esq aged tjoyeara deceased was an aunt of mr thome battel offlitoflllale that tea our teas are giving perfeot satisfaction best value ever offered 6 lbs fair tea for a 3 lbs good green tea for a 3 lbs good jtapax gunpowder tea for a xo i 50c green tea no i 50c japan tea superior quality 75c black tea jfla lbs best tea dast in the market for a q remember the place to get these teas is at w p brown tfccos new store acton arctic ice cream faxlox a e matthews having purchased the business lately carried on by mr l q matthews in the post office buildiugand remodelled the es tablishment is now prepared to supply the public with arctic ice cream delicious 8oda water rnutarent flavors icecold lemonade fresh ripe fruits best brandscigars and everythingpertaining to the line of firstclass quality let ortfa tappiud ia any quantity as i intend giving my personal attention to the business customers can rely upon baring the orders carefully filled a riilt solicited aematthews new furniture store j 8 wetliorell writing from winnipeg ays i can say more about phosrsiran pow than when i saw you last in toronto my haaltji la mnob improtad nd i an free front headaches or any otter only used two and a half charles h heimbach has 0pexed a furniture wareroom is actx in the store below the oddfellows hall on main- street where will be found con btantly on hand a complete new stock of furniture of all kinds and the cititens of acton and surroundiug country will hereafter be able to purchase anything they want at home instead of go ing ic gaelph or georgetown being a practical furniture finisher i will finish all furniture myself and consequent ly be in a position to gire better sa and more raaaoaable prioesthad oiher retai dealers secondhand furniture refinished andsp- holitored in good etyte and orders left at the shop will be promptly attended to a can solicited we will gladly stow you anything we hate whether you buy or not charltx h heinafcacfc acton july 3rd 188j tbeumofaiapartpr to mi other uauaeous griging cathartics u n necessary as a pleasant substitute u fbtrnj in dr caririabtoiuaj jiittift which o hi cathartlo wuhoot griping or oaidnf arisromiatjivt aaz t- isas we desire to call the attention of intending pur chasers to our immense stock 6 ceneral dry goods suitable for the fall and winter trade consisting of all the leading styles of allwool suitings in every shade cashmeres in all the leading colors and all the leading lines found is a first class dry goods store f we have the choicest 8eleotion of silk finished velveteens in the latest and most fashionable colors in the town v gta splendid range of knitted goods for 86te ladies and children8 wear in all shades and at the lowest possible price8 gfull lines of i mantle cloths flannels winceys c gladies mantles en great variety desirable stylish and cheap remember our ordered clothing department j where you can secure the newesttteebtland the most perfect fitting garments in the town remember our i i f famous 50c tea nelson mcrae city grogery 00nti1ttjes to tazs the lead 73 m tf 1 a ttriwttlttpi salesj are large because he keep8 a splendid new and cheap stock and is satis fied with small eroftts one look at his spacious wlndowb will satisfy and convince any one that for ariett quality and quan tity of stock he is unsurpassed i have on hand a magnificent stock of vases fancy cups saucers handpainted plates and five oclock tea setts suitable for wedding and birthday pre8ents tily a fivfrpound caddie oe my gunpowder tea for 2 have also on hand all kinds of canned feuits and meats aiypaat5le6lty gbooeby opposite the boyal etohangie hotel acton before pur0ha81kg el8e- 1- mmmqm

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