Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 18, 1883, p. 4

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tirttfiut motiving oct 1ft 1688 yes kb ktood above uivtrii lu xrorld apart j vud sbo lropiod w hipf y tyt vml tttljcd uio throbbing palso 01 her h4tn heart and ucjuoonhut felt bow bcr her socrrt to diacowr and the iuooqlxnjii kiwed her hair as loofib no human ever bad ttdd his ussc then lookup broira eye lie said and surtr mine lift up those silken fringes that hid a happy light aimed ftltxne the jcatoui mooultghtdriftixi xq um ffnpsr hsii uvltd whew shone ihe opal ring where the colon danced and ihutcd on the pretty chaagctul thing just the old old 6torv 0 the light and shade love hie uic opal tender like u mavbe to mry mat be to fade just the old leader eton just a glucose ol morning p jn ha an oarujv parsdise w itli bhadowv trfieclons in pair of fwcc hrovn ej es liror eves a una uaigbt vdl bo prond to tto open vo hold his uiiac bhat under sjkca lashc oujv to shut nun in oh giad eyes io6k together for life sdsxfc stortuv weather grotj to a fairer thing when vounf eves look upon it through a tiendex wedding ring tarh english bab talk tfce handles package dyes to ose areuie star dyes beautiful and lasting colors 9 tin cans of ail iaif lassos if tou would have appetite flesh color strength and vupr ukcajcrsbirsapariila which will confer ihcmopon j a ui rapid lacceiul w nlu a trrori- is the former s work w onns caue fe ertsaneas moaning and restlesanesadcnof jeep mother graves worm eiicrminitor is pleasant sure and effectual when a heu retires for the mnt it is qoiet proper to epgak of her as a rooster the colore o the triangle dyes art so beautuul and die r use so 6imple thej 10c pftctist economy ty using the trianaje dyoa perfect in both dirk and light hades ask for three cornered package 10c at j e mooarrlui drag store 13 the political contest beiog over the popular vote of tho people i no oaat in favor ot fir kowlera kx tract of wild stranbernuiai match tew remedy for cholera storbus sad til sammer com pulau k mr k a harrison chenilit and drug gist donnnllo ont writes 1 can with confidence recommend nortlnop h mans cgeubie discovery and dyspeptic care cor djspcpata impart blood pimples on the fare btlioumess and constiputn auch cases having come under ray personal observation g mingayparkdftle toronto writes my wife had icvcral verj severe attacki of cramps in the atomacb hoanog of dr arn phchpnstlve anditspleasaatuess to take 1 gave her two bottles and ahe haa not had an attack since and her health is mach improved for sale by all drugiriata do not dels tf buffering any form of dowel complaint uowovermild apparently ma be tbe attack but use dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry it is the old reliable care for all forms of summer com plaint that require prompt treatment aek oar drucgiat and all dealers in patent medicines knot a t laid llfhtnlmj is the only lotantaneoaa relief for xearaj- gis headache toothache etc rubbings tew drops briskly ii all that is needed ko taking naaseous medicines for weeks bat ouc m uate s application tcmoes all pain and will prove the creat ralue of kram s fluid lightnmc tucotj fire cents per botteat j e ifcgarvm a drug store 48 shiloha catarrh remedy k uiarulocfi care for catarrh diphtheria canker mooth and headache with each bottle there i an ingenious nasal lojeetor for the more successful treatment of these complaints without extra chrrge pnoe50 cents nidh j e mcgarrin w j gopp druggist of veberry writes dr fowlers wild stawbeny is lst the uirnc for summer sickness 1 sold oat my slock three times last summer there was a ood demand for it dr fowlers extract of wild strawberrr fa infalhbe for dysentery colic sick stom ach and bowel complaint m lead the dye market cl the counlry at j e mcgainn drag store 13 o morx rtiectioc please said the i looking glass aitcri had down stairs mrs j mcphet appj wntea dorfiig j the last eight ear i hare oaed almost evetj mslicu recoaninded for bihoas i ness but feend nothing eqml to carson bitters f yon bojter try it price 50 j cents 15 the cmon pacjic trains are making a j bttle faster time for fear the goats will 1 r come along and eat the paper wheels j is there ar thing more annoying than r harfug your corn stepped upon is there anyihing more delightful than cutting ndf of it houoway s corn care will do it im getting disgusted with everything and ererybodv exclaimed brown peev ishly wherever i go there is fraud there is no preparation before the people todaj that commands their confidence more or meets with a better sale ilan does dr fowlers lxtrei o vild strawberry the infallible remed lur all forms of sammer complaint j dried apnecta tre iikel to be a promi nest arfacle of export from caizfonua the are not so swell as the dried armies tke creates beallns campantl is a preparation of carbolic acid raseline and cerate calied mcgregoarkes car bobc cerate it will enre an sore cnt burn or bruise whea all other preparations fail call at j e sfcgarnn s drug store and get a package twenty fire cents is all it ccta 4 wh go about with that aching head try ayers pais they will relieve the stomach restore tbe digestive organs to healthy action remove the obstructions thai depress nerves and brain and thus core year headache permanently they all tell the same story mr w thompson jeweler delhi suffered for years from djsptpsu ot no relief until he used dr carson stsmach bitters he says it was jct the medicine i needed it hascniedme 15 if you are brokea down in constitution and washing awaj by sickness dissipation too great nervous taxation or suffer from any chrome disease do not abandon hope untiiyon lave tried burdock blood bitters what it is doing daily towards reslonac others t migut do for yen i farred tongue and impure breath are two concomitants of fiilioasoesa remedied iy orthrop l lyman s vegetable discov ery and dyspeptic curt- heartbarn whica harasses the dyspeptic after meals and all the perplenog and changeful symp toms of established mdigestisn are diapers ed by thli salatary corrective tonic and celebrated blood pnnfier a fcreaf dfseorerr that is dady bringing joy to the homes of tbdasands by gating many of their dear ones from an early grare truly is dr kongs ew discovery for cousamption coughs coids asthma bronchitis hay fever loss of voice tickling in the throat and jongs a positive cure guaranteed trial bottles free at ifcgarvins drug store large size loo 0 bortle of manchester ontario co x 1 wntea i obtained immediate relief from the use of dr thomas eclectnc oil i have had asthma for eleven yean have been obhged to sit up all night for ten or twelve nights m succession i can now sleep soundly all night on a feather bed wnich i had not been able to do pre viously to using the oil mrs iwhart cor pratt and broadway haa been a sufferer for tweh e yeart through rheumatiam and has tried every remedy the could bear of but received no benefit nnlilsfaetrwd br thomas eclectnc oil he aays she cannot express the satisfaction she feels at havmgfir pain entirely remov- ed and her rheumatism cured there are bwe mutation of this medwlne for sale 50000 reward for any testimonials recommending mcgrecors ipeedy cure for dyspepsia indigestion osucne headache ect that are not genuine none of which are from persons in the states or thousands of miles away but from persons in and around hamilton jat w e gate trial bottles free af cost so that yoa cannot be deceived by purchasing a worthless article but know its value before bain trial bottles and testimonials given free at j e vcgamns drug store 48 a card to all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth nervous weak ness early decay iossof manhood ore i will eend a recipe that will cure you free oe charge this great remedy was dis covered by a missionary in south america send a self addressed envlcpe to the rev josehi t ivmax station d xeie york ctif ifolloicayf pilh the chief w coder f f modem limes thi incomparable medi cine tncrcams tbe ppeite strengthens the stomach cleacsesthe liver corrects b lious ne prevents flatulency panhes the system invigorates the cerves and re infiules sound health tbe enormous demand for the pill thronghoat the globe astonishes evert bed and a ingle trial convinces the most sceptical that no medicine equals hoi awa s pc f in its ability to remove all complaints incidental to the haman race tbeyarea llesaincto the afflicted and n boon to all that labour under internal dis ease the purification of the blood re moval of all restraint from the secretive organs and gentle apentite action are the prolific sources of the extensive curative range of hollowaya pills mothers halters f flaueri are vou disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth if so o at once and get a bottle of sirs winslow a soothing syrup it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend upon it there is uo m i about it there is not a mother on earth who has ever uied it who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels and give rest to the mother and relief and health to the child operating like magic it is perfectf bafe to oe in all cases and pleasant to the taste and is the presdrip- tion of one of the oldest and best female phvsicians and nurses in the united states sold everywhere at 25 cent ajwttle cuffav mm watkiks is home again at thl4 oright hotjse after pursbulni the itrieat tnot raried end ohupmt took of good ertr imported for loie immeue eeublitbiaeat jaet notice few of the qaiutltloe i v elyeie end v el- reueni will here ts epoimom ule thli teuon of velveteeni he purohued 168piecu of meek end eoloredln pliln td eiiboeeed of silk velvete be bongbt 4 pieoei or utok esd tbe wrlouinew enadn of short neppod silk ploeh kia purcbe ere 28 pieom including beentlful mbew troondelgm of dret goode be bu unportod of freooh allwool in dew itylee of check and plain goodi 819 piooet of colorej allwool hnnrtlifid herinoe there are mjilecee of beaqtlfol black tubmeree ho m importing 187 placet of 8iltu in black and tbe neweat abadea and design of oro grain broohe ani mfcreleaoi he haa inporttd eo pfoeea of union droa oooda he boaght 1s1 of printi hlapnrchaaea are 8619 pieoea a large lot of whlpb he bought at srer is per oentf aider tbe regular raemifeoturera pncea for eubaod will in a it days ell prion thai would be ohoap at 13c for only 10o of white and colored qnllta be baa imported mk hit ttook will fit a few deya amoant to about 300000 worth of ul imarntblerarwy in ttrle qaalitjrand prnrof thechaapettwxirbtha ertr imported u the trade haa been doll in jsnrope lor jean and maonfiictnrers aro 1 oabnatgjat anlnunenaeredqftjodbebwtbategabirprlcm there will not be bin onemng day al 5ff the new oooda and waiting on the crowd ofeutomer wbto throng thia mormon too tnotte nenr andi egabdwrwngiart throng thia mormon honw dailv lo nett and iwakbawin latotto market with he jawy unnkhttmdatlvehlibanaiar4oobt4riienil b bare time to fix up for an openiug day but ladle will find the millinery maolle and ureasmaking departminm ill in fell operation nod tlirlr every want will be applied in the newmt deuh aqd noa luhioql8rtylaanvda they call in enoimou pile of carpetl lloolettma itnga mali and everytbing in the home pnraubing hue new beautiful and cheap tipetlry carpel from 3e up to the very bett made bruateli in all qualltlri from the lowest np to tbe beat live frame i very bandtomt deeigiu over ljoopalraof lace curtaina bought for caah down at an cnormom rcdnotlonln price and rolling off a onefoorih lew loan their viloe call at the right houae king treet eaa olote to hughaon street remember the name ii hamilton sep 28rd 1883 c watkiks hamilton ayers cherry pectoral ko other eomplainu are so insldioos in their stuck uthomaffseuni the throat and lungs aotta so trifled with by the majority of luffer- ara hit ordinary oougb or cold resalunf perhaps trom a trulnf or ufleowlous ex posart is often bat the beftnnlnf of a fatal tskntst atxis cbxut pactoxu haa wall ptono its afflcacy la a forty yean flgfct lth throat and lung dlteaaea and ihoald be taken in all oases without delay a twrible coach cnrd is 1457 1 took a aerere cold which affected aay lofa j had a terrible couftuuid passed aifht alter ftixht wlthont sleep tbe doeton caveim ffp 1 tried arams chxut pec- roaax veleh relleyed my lungs induced sleep and afforded ne the rest iieceaaarr for the recovery of my strength by he eontbiued use of tbe jpcctoaal a peraa tecteua was effected 1 am now fit years old bale and hearty and am satisfied jour caxaav pactojuoa asred kokics faiannoinxn soekisgham vl jury u lbt3 croup- a mothers tribute f while in the country last winter ay little boy three years old was taken 111 vitii croup it seemed as if he vuoid die from strmnfu- lauon one of the family soggeeted the use of arm a caxaar pectoal a boule of f whtjah vas always kept in the house this tu tried in small and frequent doses and to our delight in less than half an hoar the jjttus pauent was breathing easily tbe doo- vr aald that the cmtmv rrcroaal had saved my darlings life can ou vender at our grautttde r ahieerely rours lias kjoiaoeprrr u9 west u8th st ew ork may 1g u i have used area s cbuixv prcroiux in my family for several years and 1 uot hesjute to pronounce it thomost effccloal remedy for oougha ilnd colds o harr ccr cried a j caajcc lake crystal minn march u 1s2 u i suffered for eight years from bronchitis and after trying many remedies with so suc cess i was cured by the use ota exs cheb- arpxcroait josrrn vijlldcx byhalla hisa april 6 1ms i cannot say enough in praise of avots i4buv hould louj from long troubles k baaodoj speight son acton undertakers carriage makers c from aie prepared to furnish everything in their line the be8t casket to the plainest coffin on the shortest notice and at lowest terms kall calls cither nigbj or day promptly attended to satis faction guaranteed in every eaae a firstclass hearse for hire ajucarelni potlllon lo utufactorily fill orjers for vaggoni larnnga tc of every jcjcnpuon in reioailje lime good worlcmantbipoadlirttclau material alway oaed e hire aleo fplondid lot or r nrnitore bnlh common and eitra qoality cheap joo will pay us cash e will sell you anj thing in our ibe cheap tl a 8pei0ht managsr chxkxt pcctoxaa believing as 1 do that bat fcr its use 1 should long unee have died from lung troubles k uk paltsstlne texas april 22 ltei ko ease of an affection of ute diroat or longs exists which cannot be greatly rt tiered by the use of anas cazxxr pxctokal sad it wtu abeqn ewre when the disease is bot already beyond the control of medioine rxzraxzs bt drjcayercolowiimau sold by all druggists dominion boot shop 8t0re main fet actox east end clothing store while tendering nn sincere thanks to my numerous customers for the liberal patronage heretofore accorded me i would an nounce to my patrons and the public that i have now opened a very large and wellassorted stock of cloths and gents furnishings suitable for the coming season a in be nul to al lu ibu folure i propose to give my cnaom lit ii t tst value that can be had iu be tradu good soond material in all tbe newest palteroi and perfect- hlling garmenls al knv pm prices hat and caps in all the lead log shapes for fall wear fail and see them j fyfe kenney bros hipiaj purcliaaed the stock and busiuc of kcnoey i son manufacturers and dealers in boou and shoes uf all kinds m tbe tame premises and solicit a contiauancc c the patronage ac corded to the late firm t will always bo supplied wiui good stock and first daa material for ordered work and can guarantee satisfaction a call solicited ketffet bk08 acton july 10 83 photography piiui 0jk phs tijelitestritylesm ade-jv- sjjcqkp one pictcrkfkaufnuof all-kikd8-kept- made to obdeh oit ii and hills tin stove depot good assortment on stoves cheap for ca8h tinware of all kinds at bottom price8 iaretrougfiiog a specialty rea a piffedp fv craumafter fair trial tt ae i reilof of cursveltectkl your moaeyabl oj rtfumlkl pnoi vest 8oid bf i and put up on notice shortest first class material only dsed a call solicited i o hill mill st butcher shop r holmes would respectfully inform the peeple of acton and vicinity that he haspnrchaaed tbe business and property of mr iv c aarscbts 9tluxt mhu amoont beqhlred lo cnre jib nillovx one to su brtlb will purifylhejilold eradicaiinf all humons froni 4bc corns per pimple blotch orbuiu to the most mil r- nant form of eerofulous nicer oxz to 8a bottlek by cleansing t nt blood will punfj tbe cumplenon fr m 8aliowne smoolb out tbe wrinkles rem t- ing from imperfect nourubment of the dod r sweeten foul breath and renovate- t e entire system v ove to two bottles will cnre ordiojy constipation or cosiivoess thereby renmru hbadachc piles btlionaoeas and jaondic i and all dueases rtaouing fjom torrid lire oxi to six bottlts by cleansing ii blood improving the general health an i fortifying die system against laking fre i colds will in all cues relieve and in mot t cases cure that common loathesome as i dangerous disease c-tttncif- oxa todiee bottles will regelate aa deraogementrof tbekidieye cnruicnnnar difficulties prostration gravel diabetes etc omto foxb bottles mil remiigono tbe entire system curing nervous and gen eral debility female tveekneas end all its attendant nuscnes kobicsoo and is piepared to supply all with firstclass meatj of all kinds and poultry and game i caou o meat delivered to any part of town at an time a3t huron practical experience in tbe butchering business i feel confident that i can smt all a call kindly solicited a holmes abfiontomb graduated willi honors mccoll bros co lapdine and other machine oils having passed the mostcritical examinations hji competent judges were awarded 0olo and silver meqals and diplomas at all exhibitions mccoll btkos co toronto on 53 ctqm- harnes trunk patties asqcuftg umnixg ii harness or trunks to save money should go to r creech aoton flour feed store ro ma ki0mey8uverbbisaby organs the best bloob ptbifieb there la onlyooe wayby which any disease erfn be cured aod that is brremovldrtne cause whatever it may be fneareatniadl- oal authorities of the day declare that nearly every disease is caused by dera need kldaay a or liver to restore these therefore 1 tbe only way by which health dan be secured here is where wasitibs baroc hi achieved its ureat reputation jtaetedlreet- ptaeinf slaaaae kidney ly opon the kldneysand llvr and oy them in a healthy oondittoii drives and pain from ihe system for all i drinary troubles laz tbe dtatnav 1m disorder of women for malaria and physleal tronbles fenerallyjhls ffeit rem edy baa nosqoal hware or llsipofftori isn- ltatlona and concoctions saldtvte just aa kor olabetea aak for wajor barsacobi por sale by ail wm hie undersigned has purehasedthe flour and feed business from mr robert elliott and will carry on tbe business m the build in formerly used as a barber shop oppos rt the old feed 3tore i will keep in took and selljor cash floor chopped peaa boiler flour chicken feed granlatd wheat oate peas barley bye oil oake thorley cattle feed climax feed flax seed fotatoea turnips beans o oldpictrre6cipredandenlarged8econdto none at 0 w hills photograph coloring a specialty call and see samples 5sl- jgib t5jt3s aaap satetai iff kss i1384 bead this the great dollar paper theweeldyglobe provl now to ed of 884 iii lylomqq so iii a 9 c a 3 worth theirweight 11 gold the cracked graham flour buokwheat oatmeal corn meal bran snorts chopped oats chopped barley 00 oarden field and flower seeds fresh and good for sale cheap tour patronage reqmetfnll oudtea oaakrer all klndf of grain l q amattbovs daily globe tub meat canadian paper htu the most extensive and influential circulation in sritish america is n ileifor its extensive cabls and tlegmphic news anil is the great authority upon commercial and financial matters throughout thejhirmlon ubmxiption ope year 700 half year s350 quarter yea 8176 i u nm j i m in order to increase our already bun bit of yearly tnbscribert to tub eekly globe we make the fallowing liberal and magnifi cent offer to every reader of this advertisement who wishes to take advantage of it at once for 3 50 wt will send to any address in canada or the u the weekly glqbe fro now lo end of december 18s4 and in addition a eahesoeos wem onvrach stwrenmis w4wa jit watth 11 cf imvtmal nu u u nafm affitmput hire ttntmndtr tmucfuauy rtfmv tuluy ii is dwtpmf mi food limttaptr m jhe above price includes postage upon watch to any address m canada or the cnitcd states this offer only bald good until january atth 1884 fye w1 wa iv j kth remittances should be procure necessary supply and possible address ob 0 i si sbsfiplng watches 00 october t at ooccyio aa to enable mto ptdedf ijfilh aa jjflle delaya ma swbh rggrin ooyniii rv l r or felis le bruns grixgr of a aranteed cure for enctal utaeiea safe pleasant and reliable sabaebriti tromiutue does not lnl herewith tbrvl- 2j5 pe rbo or tf r bo sf 0 fflleiorv omuio nthorlinent r un hollo ways pills ointment mis incoupieable ubbicixb hatkcvrtd for usrv an tnperiafciofc base thrmghont at woridfor the alleviation onjf run of most dueases to vkuk htmamtf hei he fills punfy retrulatji and improve the quality of tbe blood thbyassurttbedigeglireoiitaus cleanse fne 1 1 st0vac1i and bowtus increase the secretory powers of the iiyer brace the nervous system and throw into the circulation the purest klementa for sustaining and repairing the frame thousands of persona have testified that by their tuealo le they bare been restored to health and 1 trength after every other meaus had pro id nnsqcoeaafnl the ointment biliousness dyspepsia indigestion jaundice erysipelas salt rheuu maktburn headache 4w ewry specie jlforcd liveh bowels or blood or relieve dizziness dropsy fluttesino of the hew acidity of drykc88 t of the skih torokta willbefoondin i the cure of qj aable in eyervhonaehold liea ha tomora 0 colds sore tnroata bronehitla and vll diaardenjifaa throat and chert u also serorala and every goat kind of skin kanafsci wayii sui 8treet lon 2a d 4a bd pot and in o and 150 and aaotmos i ly at profaaor hollo ieat 433 oxfokd n and aold at la ljd aod sja each box and al cenbx to oaata aamlafroportiab ni no agant la tbe unttedstete noa an ay mediomea aold thervpwoliasers 4houldi therefore took to the label oahgjpte and bona if the address 1 not 633 xford street kjaddtv areajmrfom manhoo ttst m0wlsmbels fit wehavereeenuiriwbuabedanew nu0birr cwivenrelcs cele 5je baanr on tin radial and 15es a enteiopeonlje ets orcwopmuao ulampa tteoaaybraledabthor in this rsamlraw sfllf vtntis from ttrty amoanen may oe radleauyt rd without p31or soreouobec lanpueertalb rzneleakeusal by aawrwvawyid radically kln9llmrlb4lm hanje ol kr brmll jteaieal o

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