Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 25, 1883, p. 1

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1 i jr ton frw rm jgatmmtut thursday horning free press power pwntmq hou8e uuj street actos ost turks the 1ati pass will be sent to subcribrs postage pacvfor iu per a bum in advance v11jt not so paid no paper discontinued tiusll arrears are paid iiet t t the option ot the publisher atektitvo sins casual advertise ment- s cent per line for the first inser tion ani3uts per line for each subse quent insertion cash professional cards 10 lines or leas 400 per annum i square 12 line 5ta per annum parable in 6 mouths rom dale ol insertion any bpecial notice the object of which is to promot the pecuniary benefit of any indiridaal or cjmpirr ti he considered an advertisc- tnont the number of lines reckoned by the space occupied measured by a seal of solid nonpareil- rtoctract hatrs one coiatdq onerear isvgo haueouaiuoo ytar jdjo 4 uner eiamn one jear tw ua e ama sir raonuis ssoo half eiiluran six months sooo ijurler eolamnslt mootlis 1100 uie3latnn three mootbs 2000 ittu column ihreemanths ixoo jtsrtereolam ihretraonlhs 7 00 vtvrlienlnu yutinaltiaeiflc directions lir be iasertelumfirbldandclnrfed accord larlr rnaltorr aive rtteracnu mntlbe pallia advance cbaqtes for contract dvcruseminutuusl te in the osee or 9 s moo mnndajs other- rliethev rill be left over uu the tallowlnc week hp spfcbeif lulteriprordeor terau9l0i in adfance the newspaper- a map of busy life its pluotuationand it vast oonoernsi 91soif aotso paid volume ix no 17 aoton ont thursday oct 26 1888 whole no 434 actgn banking coy storey 0hri8tie it 00 0hristie bankers acton ontarlo 1 rcrll a cta srnirt ad- trtstdcbantxsric6lrhm idtcttiiur ecctnaa kr bemiaiaclt ik xew yokk- busins33 directory tt h lovtrr mb st c p 6 it gndaite of trinity college itcm- u of coilftre of physirwinsand surgeons 05m ml rysidesce at the bead of fred- crick slacto l bexxett qtc out dentist george- joh lawsox gradtate of on- tisio yetesdcist coixege toaosto- veicrlaur surgeon acton out office 12 senneydt sons boot and shoe store res idence in the rear horsfe examined as to soundness and eertiheates given ah call night or day promptly attend- edto terms easy tj fisher v- s georgetown ont kth visit acton ever wednes- iiv aiid rill aucad to all calls pertaining to hit profession orders left at sfcgarvins dni 5tor irill receive prompt attention- terms moderxte tjfisher c h riggs lsdsvof the fim of f rixw jt ivoax toboxto will be at campbeit hotelon the flnt ifaniay of every month in the practice of hi profession- all work executed in the latest and most improved style of the dental art xo charge for consnltklioc r sgoodwillie sarrister solicitor notary public georgetowx k actox ftactoa 05je in ilrs secords blocfc tohx day architect gnelph oatano- ornx- qaeen hotel block market sqixe i 3 brig w i iicai mlllwuuiht ktsrrari of hnr mill- a specialty p 0 alirts iiix 103 uek patent- ckccred for ixtektioxs- flelskv geist oitikt cuuiu- fij vears practice xo eaunt so pay pbakcls nckak suresjrto tf clapman buoeijixdek i gre scuire gnelph acroant b5t ptriiksli oi t f all kin is made to order ry decripsion carefully itij snd ioply done a gkxeral mskixg busi ness tkaksacted x0hz7 loaned os aituotzb sotss notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits 1 speidid lewtock ix every like bargains ix ladies bents oold and silver watches a large stock of electro plate jtjst received all hew- ttti big bargains in spectacles and eyoolaasaa wm s smith the watch and clock house of gnelph crowded oro coiie avd see the great exhibition is ock srnialuxe or fancy goods of all kinds toys chiua hulls etprcss waggons lvcn shows ik the royal 01ty of guelph at the in cent store and cufal cask uazah lppcr wyudham srel guelph jasfkidner farmers railway men persetoee in well doing come well coino woe let come or go thli torld n or ft will tbouf h oft distremod yet do your butt ltfei aiicuonito falfll korfiriof nor cat rour heart 3et fere though field fortuno frovu and cmal fi ant ejorit thoa rudblrcut yoa down so thoasht uultind let iy your iniud to give aamaly uirusu huthijt joayo lift uocr cause uic mile and in the muc trust ixt nat rour heart tha datmi part viadicatirtlr perform kor oyer stotvo hut with itrong nerve to honor lm conform with sturdy artu and purpose firm the right aye keep in view though baffled itilj turfeldiog itill in well marked path pursue saceeaa witli those will but repose who ply the tilling hand who nhow by deed that ncx mislead uust confidence caomulnd then penaverc nor doubt nf r fear what the result shall be with tmti for shield yoa win the facld and pain lifci victory p tory see ocr patent dustproof case with waltham movement b savace tielpn a telegram jl sruirlrxg iscilext the oldest dru6 store in ouelph w til 11l3istket lcansed aoctioneer- for lh cjocties rti wellitou anillalion oaizzha a tie fern pkess osce actou or at my rciieuc in acwn will be prjziptly attnlecl lo- terms reaonflbie keaef m uu also money to loan on the most fatorable terms and at tb lowest rates of interefit in snms of 500 and upwards t ixe toe sale lime cat be bad at the canada lime works in tmiil or large quantities at any time apply a the kiln near toltons mill or to c smith may lt ivi1 boi 172 actos s xhtkcilri sun- vsu heuixo for sale ike audersnoj h natr in sujct firt- dasi pine cejr and aiu suingltf sttrrt and tarcei hjio call and examine ftoct f van require anything in lbe line thos c 1ioobe actn po those airing me are rwnested to call at once and settle tlwir iccoauu otberwiie the court trill ciiect them dklawakt fabhs for sali rrabsfulafmreracre konawn deuwmr tnese farms are improved with building tenets fruit trees and berries of all kinds good water plenty of timber land good roai schools and churches good markets oalv s3 miles from ehiladelphia plenty of fish ovsters and game very productite xlani climate mild and pleasant come and ee for yourself and be oonrinced4 i am prepared with team and carriage to take risitora to 6e the farinsfree of charge 1 d hesoeicts homtoh delaware cuelph cloth had our8c0tchtryeed fall suitings hare now all arrived and ordeos for s aits are respectfully solicited shaw grundy merchakt tailor ouelph i didai ay a mi many words iaid john kacklflfro8 in alow grinding sort o way bat i fmess itll cat u i wish you hadnt writ so hard john j said his wife pitoouajy twas all the j worse for bein so short voar brothers and i dont never mean to believe that samuel meant to cheat ye oat o that 200 what did he mean then snapped her hasband fiercely his square dogged chin in the air u he combed his whiskers upward a favorite action of hia when he felt particularly pagnacioas uth maddcfresh turned one of the long j stockings she was darning from heel to toe and back again before she answered didnt mean nothin husband khe answered wftly were all feucr-mot- l lies sone of ua is human fcometimi tlioaght hed pay ye i expect when he borrowed it then he coaldnt thats all j idunuo anything about coaldnta j know about didnt said jolin ilackle- frth doggedly still combing that perverse chin into the air this i know hes got the two hundred and i haint and ill never dont john dear interposed nis meek little wife well bcin a dsacou and a christian suggested his wife seeing he skipped that hard word i bpoae i cant say i wont forgive him but they aint no commands between the lens of that air book abqut 1 twentyfive oonta to psyaaid a small i li i i r reasonablt to unravel the mystery mrs bajineeslike voice at the door mrs v a arctic tap gt9xo jarlor g jojsjt a e matthew having purchased the bpsiuess lately carried on- by mr l g mstthew8in the post office bnildiugandreraodelled thees- tablishment is now prepared to supply the public with arctic lee bream delicious 8oda water mstnat futotsi icecold lemonade fresh i ripe fruits best brands cigars rxaxms barber shop has opened a barber stop- m the yremiaes lately oroapied byur forefcrjm oedjeal office and solicils a ahary of the patronage of this vicinity ery department of tne business will be coodncted in fintclaaa we giait itfhjmfmtik jib 2srd 1883 andeyerythingpertainingto the line of ftrstrclass quality let ormb swpued is aay quiatttr hicinbothams j cholera preventative i never known to fail a pure cure for cholera diarr- licca dysentery griping pains in the stomach spasms etc every house should lave a bottle on hand prepared only by w g smith co best american and cauadian coal oil at lowest prices bring along your 5 gallon cans and have them filled before the price ad vances the combination las forced up the price bat we have bpyght largely beforehand and will give our customers tbe benefit all kinds ot machine oil always on hand- brothers family that would read the britf harsh words y he turned to his wife who tat holding the dreadful envelope sad bat doubting if she would be wise to speak yet to hiui got your things on will yvie said in a voice that sounded dry ana harsh even to himself ill be round with old billy to the front door wrap up warm and take a soapatoue ill have the buffaloes its mortal cold she was ready and waiting when be brought billy around the house could take care of iuelf she locked it they had some sixty miles to ride in the coarse of it his tongue became aome- what loosed and he told in broken and jerkey sentences into her sympathetic ear what little of tho chaotic grief and remorse be was able to pat into words my brother after all used to play together when he was little hnm hum a man grows very tender when be goes back to tbe days when he was little bought me a pair o skates once when i wanted some older than me samuel was always a making me kites and whistles and all seech rattletraps never could seem to get along big family yes i oughter to ha helped him aint a man livin could scratch anything but moss off them rocks he calls a farm- ill help the boys see if i dont it was a long cold ride mrs mackle- 1 frosh wrapped the buffaloes higher and higher till at last she was qoita extinguish- ed in their folds and her hasband thought i on drearily alone almost there the house is in sight a long low on pain ted affair the oldest inhabitant coond not remember when iti owner had bad money enough to paint it here at last- whooa bflly you re member the old hitching post though it is so long since youve stopped at it- there hasnt been m uch visiting lately remem- j ber how brother used to rash oat in his old blue coat ahoe and y why john why john p mrs mackleiresh rose up oat of her en veloping furs like a startled esquimau she pinched her husband arm hysterically and he in his turn rubbed his eyes half out at sight of the apparition that confronted them come in come it cried cordially yoa must be half frozen both of yoa how 3o you come here said john mackleiresh fearfully not stirring a step in answer to this invitation how do yoa come i should say re turned brother samnel for it was he blue coat brass buttons and all come are yoa dead you act w no broke in mrs john who had found a tongue but we thought you were it said fo the telegraph did we came up to the funeral and so hetween hysterical tears and laughter and questions that nobody pre tended to answer they unloaded and got into the house at least mrs john did the two brothers sidled off behind the barn there john got hold of brother samuels hand and shook it silently and solemnly while the strong tears ran down both their ragged faces neither offered or asked explanations tnthat moment their hearts spoke plainly enough this my brother was dead and is alive again in the house thev went to work more macklefresh turned the rough brown en velope over fearfully in her hands trem bling as people do at telegrams i wonder if the telegraph hoys ever get used to it dont be bothering alice said her husband pushing her aside not uugently though his words were rough as usual this is what he read when he had torn a thin outlet at the end of tbe envelope your brother samael died this morn- john showed them the telegram i see cried one of them with a sud den light theres a samael macklefresh down at the four corners and i did hear he was very low last week hes got a brother john too but i- didnt know he lived in your town now he wont get it aint that too bad the brothers now came in wiping awav surreptitious tears with their coatsleeves they sat talking over the curious event tag come at one when the village post came rattliug by the western union telegraph company it m li baa a good deal to answer for but then so have- a groat many other people john tossing the mail at them as they sat at the window some one rushed out to get it 1 hut seized with a sudden impulse john 4tacklefreil did agt swoon away on the m a k doorstep or throw up hi hands with a mni jt him8el ruay about a i intend giring my pdraonal sllntion to tbe taiinea customers can rely upon baring tbe frderi carefully filled asesmatthewf pierting cry or any of those things he mechanically took out a quarter from bis loose change pocket careful even in this i him ho stuffed one thin epistle into his own pocket it was the catting letter thatll keep to the day o judgment moment to count the pennies given in i he mnttored rejoicingly hi write him w c8mith co dispensing chemists njxlnbotbamji block gnelph t i j imis st 12 wyfcmka st change shut the door handed the despatch to his wife and walked away to the win- dow it was only his heart fainted this then had come to the man he had said but a moment ago he would never no no j not that he didnt say that alice stop ped mm you know besides he was a deacon and a christian alice had said to but then he couldnt forget that waa what he was going to aay when the door opened the bible dont ask that or does it- when it speaks about god casting oar sina into tbe depths o tbe sea behind bis back remembering them no more against as forget what waa there to forget he bad lent his own brother 1200 might have given it to him and never miss ed it under bis remorseful eye his great fields stretched away white now with snow white as the soul god bad forgiven but yellow enough he knew as summer came on yellow aa the gold they would bring to bis pockets those few poor pitiful uffildas of samuels i why hadnt be given it to iim right ontaod saved hard feelings there waa johnny namedfor him wanting to go to college ever linos be ii out of petticoat suppose he had given it to him imisecy misery of remem unkind- neu when it u too late i ana then cutting letter i hdittohed binhrinor to died ww it ad ui poor imakm receipt in full for the two hundred seein im a deacon and a christian if you please a ifergetrol chief justice obief justice janee of kewyarkwu so food tf eociety that be never declined an invitation to a dinner or to an evening party but his honor wa a forgetful and overworked man and his desk at home wherobe studied his oases waa loaded with papers of the most miscellan eous character when the desk could hold no more he would put the papers into the basket and then the process of accumula tion would go on as before one day the chief justice needing a certain paper rummaged through the well- filled basket and found an invitation to a party that evening he dressed himself and about 9 oclock walked into the house of his friend arrayed in white kids white cravet swallowtailed coat and in the other essentials of a party suit on being ushered into the parlor he found to his surprise the host sitting there alone reading his paper but no signs of a party im afraid i hare made a mistake air said the chief justice after tbe cordial greeting of his friend if you have was the courteous reply i am obliged to the mistake for it has given me the honor of your company buthavent you a party tonight no sir is not that from you sir asked the judge as he drew forth a 6mall note from his pocket certainly judge replied the host but that was for this day of the month last year when i recollect that we had not the pleasure of your company words of wisdom emulation is lively and generous envy base and malicious he bath good judgment that relieth not wholly on his own the rays of happiness like those of light are colorless when unbroken let every one turn himself round and look at home and he will find enough to do those sentiments of love which flow from the heart cannot be frozen by ad versity one gams courage by showing himself poor in that manner one robs poverty of its sharpest sting what you are doing for love you can do no longer for mere gain- the higher motive drives out the lowe r mouey iu your purse will credit you wisdom in your head will adorn you and both in your uecessity will serve you a bird upon the wing may carry a seed that shall add a new species to the veg etable family of a continent and just so a word a thought from a living soul may have results immeasurable eternal humor of the day if you wsjut to experiment on the adhes iveness of affection endeavor to divorce a lazy boy from a warm bed on a cold winter morning i professor looking at his watch as we have a few minutes 1 shall be glad to answer any question that any one may ask student what time is itplease during a recent storm off the north carolina coast the wind blew eightyone miless an hour this nearly beats the best time made by auctioneers and stump- speakers neighbor your family looks content ed and happy mother yes the boys are happy because they are through with their whipping and the girls are happy because they didnt get any little freddie late to breakfast papa what is the difference between me and those baked potatoes why the poutoes early rose and i didnt asekoida tea i am fire yean eld today laatweaklputmyaonaewav for ii wu tin tin sore youll lay for one so old to go to school and learn o read and ipell and i amuotngtxvr wall ferbapi youd like to hear me tell how many urings i know well if youll only take a look ye thli ii ltoe last i took here in my pretty bictare book just near tbe porplo oovar now uatas bare an one two three wee uttla lsttars doni you sm their names an d and 0 and o they ipadrnow gaeaeolo bovzi v when the duke of wellington was sick the last thing he took waa a little tea on bis servants handing it to him in a sancer and asking him if he would have it tbe duke replied yes if you please these were bis last words how much lniyn and courtesy is expressed by them he who had commanded the greatest armies in europe and bad long since used tbe throne of authority did not despise or overlook tbe small courtesies of life ah how many boys do i what a rude tone of command they often use to their little brothers and listen and some times to their mothers i this is illbred and unchristian and shows a ooarse nature and a hard heart in all your borne talk remember li yoa please amongronr playmatm dont forget if yu please to il who wait upon yoa and serve yon believe tnatftffofc piswssieyou better served than sli ttoss or ordering words tatbawiocjlflnar dout forget thresj little mj uojlleaee life i made upiurtbpwjwwioei duties bora little ftiny of wh imil inwatlm girts jcpmirthe tsiertiwwrt ix- conundrum armh medarlint pried jamie o- flannigan to bis loquacious sweetheart who had not given him the opportunity to get a word in edgewise during a two hours ride behind the little bay nagsin his oyster wagon are you after knowing why your cheeks are like my ponies shur and its because theyre red is it qnoth the blushing bridget faith and a better raison than that mavourneen because there is one of them aich side of tbe waggon tongue a lady taking tea at a ismail company being very fond of hot rolls was asked to have another beally 1 1 cannot she modestly replied i dont know bow many i have eaten already i do unexpectedly oried a juvenile upstart whose mother had allowed him a seat at the table youve eaten eight ive been aoountiuv i mae rkjatdus sildeae mrs helen pharvis n 331 dayton st chicago 111 is now in ber sixtyeighth tear and states that she 1 las suffered with consumption for about ten years was treated hy nine physic ms all of them pronouncing ber ease hopeless she had given up all hope of ever recovering haven bottles of dr kills new discovery for conajmptioo oomglrtely csrea- ber douotini ones please drop her a postal and latisfy yourselte call at j e mcgar a detectives experience els buooesaful tjndertakmg and escape from an tmpwidlng fate buffalo n tlfaa one morning several years ago just as tbe dull gray light was beginning to show itself in the east a small baud of men might have been seen depbyed about a house on ferry street in buffalo there was nothing special either in the dress or appearance of the men to indicate their intention bat it was plain that they bad business of importance on hand suddenly a man appeared at one of the windows took in the situation at a glance and swinging himself outwansjrith wonderful quickness soaled the roof of the boose this man was tom ballard the notorious counterfeiter and armed to tbej teeth and fully realizing his situation he defied justice and the officials below him some of the officers knowing the desperate char acter of the man proposed to shoot him until he was killed bat one of the number promptly protested and declared that if his brother officers would assist him to ascend he would capture the man alive accordingly he began tbe difficult and dangerous task and succeeded in bringing his prisoner to tbe ground in safety tbe man who accomplished this task was mr thomas curtin the present super intendent of city police of buffalo n y mr curtin is a man who is known by every prominent detective and policeman in america and he stands preeminently in the front rank of bis profession quiet and gentlemanly in appearance and man ners he possesses a courage combined with marked physical powers that make him the terror of evildoers and the pride of law abiding citizens few people can realize however the trials exposures and even privations to which the members of every municipal police and fire department are exposed compelled to be on duty at uncertain hours subjected to the most in clement weather and often necessitated by the nature of their duties to protracted undertakings they endure t nervous and physical strain that is terrible such was the experience of mr curtin in former days and it ib not surprising that he found himself suffering from a mysterious physical trouble in relating his experi ence to a representative of this paper he said at times when i was on duty i would feel an unaccountable weariness and lack of energy my appetite was also uncertain and my head seemed dull and heavy i did not fully understand these troubles but supposed as most people suppose that i was suffering from malaria i tried to throw- off the feeling but it would not go i thought i might overcome it butfoondl was mistaken and i finally became so badly off thai it was almost impossible to attend to my duties i have known any number of men in the police and fire de partments of this country who havedeen afflicted as i was and i doubt not there are today hundreds similarly troubled who like myself j did not know tbe canse or really what ailed them your present appearance mr curtin does not indicate much physical debility baid the interviewer as he looked at the 220 pounds of bone and muscle standing nearly five feet eleven inches in height be- fore him o no that is altogether a thing of the past and i am happy to say that for more than a year i have enjoyed almost perfect health although i now realize that i was on the road to certain death by blights disease of the kidneys and travelling at a very rapid pace how did you come to recover so com pletely that is just what i want to tell yon for i believe it may be of great service to many others in my profession who may possibly hear of ft i began the use of a popular remedy at the earnest solicitation of a number of friends in this city and found to my great gratification that i be gan feeling better this feeling continued and i gained in strength and vigor onto now i- am perfectly well and whohy through the instrumentality of warners safe cure which i believe to be the heat medicine for policemen firemen railroad men or any ottusr olajn of people exposed to danger or hmpafweather ever die- covered since tn i have reoom- mendedieverywhere and never knew a case whervit fsljea either to cure or benefit i would not be without if under any con sideration and i am positive it is a won derfully valuable and at the same time entirely harmless remedy indeed i see that dr gunn dean of theaijted states medical college of new york indorsed it in the highest terms so you experience little difioulty in the execution of your duties now mr curtin do yori t none whatever our department was never in better condition than at present and do you never have any fear of some of the desperadoes whom yon have been the means of bringing to justice not in the least such men do not try to retaliate partially because they have not the courage but ofteher bedaosehey respect an officer who does his duty the policemen firemen letter carriers and otter pnblio employees in this country have a particularly trying life when therefore a simple and rare remedy that can restore and sustain the health of all such men is found it should be cause for gnat congratulation especially when re commended by such a man aa superin tendent thomas curtin of buffalo satisfy t4xslfbs mui m ttlw t tjrrt t yins brag store aad get a free trial j stfenniuato ptw nfiettff retuoting l vr i i si i s m much distress and sickness in children is caoaedby worms mother graves worm toanas- tm m

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