Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 25, 1883, p. 2

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it m vmm cton mru subs lord lansdowne tsaasiuv sfnrw oct 25 1k3 notes and comments the temperance vote in becoming for midably btrous 111 the iuitcd states ill th recent rote in oliio the prohibition ticket did not carry but it rather reached a luzurc vhich it ominously threatening to the traffic in the bodies and muls of men there secnis to be nothing more certain iu the future than that prohibition will cam all over the states when the hideous nioniter liquor traffic shall neither be muffled nor miiealed bat have the knife ot prohibition passed completely through its heart- tirvntt tyhm a marvelous story nibfiiitn iitim the new governorgeneral lord lansdowue arrived and was sworn in governorgeneral of the dominion in the presence of a distinguished assemblage at quebec on tuesday he u afterwards presented with an address by the corpora tion lb which he made a felicitous reply the new governorgeneral reached ot tawa tuesday night but the presentation of the address by the corporation was postponed until yesterday afternoon a daring scamp his doings at rociwood it is reported that on wednesday of last week a man went to the hoase of mr robert dunbar near kociwood while ail the members o the family were absent except miss annie donbxr the scamp taking advantage of this circumstance chloroformed and it is supposed outraged her when mr dunbar relumed in the evening he found her lying on the floor in an insensiblo condition from winch she only partly rallied during the night- all the information that could be got from her was uttered in broken sentences on thursday the young lady was in the house alone again and it is stated the fellow returned once more after demanding all the money there was in the house he once more chloroformed her and when the folks came back in the evening she was found lying unconscious she has since recovered her senses in her description of her as sailant miss dlmbsr gave the man had a finger missing from one at his hands the perpetrator of the deed is still at large as unfaithful husband comes to halton with anotiier woman and cfies here a queer story comes from hornby a mm named charles drew once a respected resident of lowell mass was married and had i two children doped with a young woman who wis once a servant in his j spicily independent the latter very fulland family assnniing the names of charles complete on page g the young people and vt jackson and wife they came to hamil- j the older members of the family circle find ton this summer and toot the train to l much to interest them while the general georgetown in qcest of a temporary rural market reports on page 7 must be invalu- m0tdar8lkaw york oct lata- rtildtt at olorar vt iuj btaiitn a jptajnsrer from scrof ula as ui3figmm win mi you what anamloaaaffies ayers sarsaparilla bathed in alt eat j tklikili bleed must hart contained tin humor for at least ten years i twi it did not show tweet to the form el a serafekae sort on the wt oato about tr pan afo from a far ipota widen ap- paarsdattkajuiittiradtiallfipmdiou toeomuanurabodr itannroabawu terribly afflicted tad an object of pit ben be beau uilf tout median how then are tnrmanof hit aje who enjoy at food beahli as hs has i eoum easily nana arty persons who would tsttlfy to the facts in us oast yous truly w m pehum it istotha pleasure and daty for me to state to you uu tenant i ban derived from the use of detroit commercial advertiser address w h burk publisher detroit michigan for a sample copy of his very excellent family paper the dtimii cowimer- net advcrtittr and m ichigav ifomt journal and you will not be dissapointed- the copy now before us fully sustains the grow ing reputation of bis old established weekly and has more attractions as a general fam ily journal than any paper that visits our sanctum tie 1st page is brim full of merry anecdotes and bits of information the 2nd page has a generous instalment of a short and very interesting serial story while page 3 is devoted to the interests of the ladiea and their gentlemen friends who visit the sitting boom to give informa tion on and discuss subjects connected with home life pages i and 5 give editorials and news of the week the former are own in qcest home where they might enjoy a season of qaiet retirement they were accommodat ed at the- residence of mr matthew how- son near hornby and drews two chil dren were with him- a month or so ago drew died rather suddenly and was buried able to producer and buyer page 8 is especially the farmers page and besides interesting letters from subscribers on farm topics contains many useful hints on agricultural affairs to many the liberal quantity of poetry both original and select from the father duty for me to state to you art darlrad from the ate of ayers sarsaparilla biz mofhi ajo 1 tu completely corerod with tentt jiaidor mid krofujacj orm tlo hambf comd ut inoomnt ud intolerbb itching ind tbfl tln cracked touto can- the blood to flov in tuny placet vhenercr i motod myjnflerinji were freely nd my ufe a burden i ooomenced he qm of ii sxkiirautxjl in april ult tad lure oiel it refnjutj tinea thai time my otwdlucn began to imnrorj at onoe the eoree baro all healed and i feel perfectly veil in erery rwpoet belnf vow able to do a food days toaltfaonghtsyvaraoface manylnqolro that has wrought inch a core in my ease and i tell them u i hare hero tried to tell you arms bajtaxrjlbzlu olonr yu oct 211882 youicratefally rlxijc phjlum attbs sajuutaulla etm scrofula and all berofoloaa oompulntf erytlp- eue ecsetn ularerorm blotches bona bolla tamon and broptjotu of the skin h clean fh blood of all npo- rluet aids dlgtttton sumautca the action of be botck and thai restores tltauty mi rtresfftheni the wholt ayitem ttxtamxd bt drjcayerco lowell mass soil by all dntfguu llslx bottles for fs tr i you are looking for the n ioh new fall and winter hats bonnets in all the latest french english aud american pattern trimmed by experienced hands only jlfpnderft r i r new velvets plain and brocaded in all the fashionable colors and shades ot the lowest prices ranging from 85c per yard and upward our velvets are acknowledged by all who have examined them to be the finest assortment and best values ever shown in actou why so because we sell only tha silkfinish lyons and pile velvets at the same price as common velvets new ore88 cood8 to match our velvets in allwool goods that keep their colors and will not spoil with wet or other ordinary matter s6 de structive to common and cheap dress stuffs on thursday i ithl ojgtober new button8 and lininc8 tosuitour dress goods everythingalwaysto match mantles knitted his irfdcur set about procuring admin- i ed that appears in the pages of lie dtiroil iitrauiin documents and finally left for cjanarhl idnrlutr is quite an attrac- lowell until the children where she intend- tson indeed wc believe all will find much ed kirin2 them and retuming to wind ujt commend in this worthy journal a her husbands affairs on reaching j sample copy of which will be cheerfully lowell she dropped the children off and forwarded by the publisher continued her journey alone it is supposed to boston from her children the real wife found the true tate of affairs and set out at once fir toronto where she was directed to hornbv there ebe soon found rklrai train galvr the greatest medical wonder of the world vvarranled to speedily care bums bruises cuts ilcers salt rheuin feier sores cancers piles chilblains cornj tetter chapped hands and all skin erup tions guaranteed lo cure in every instance or money refunded 13 cent per bor for sale bvj e mcnarvin- j s ivetherell wnunt hum uinuipei say a i can say more about iuomaatixf i now than wbeu i saw you last in toroute my health is much improved and 1 am free from headache or any other achci iravinj only used two aud a half bottles of your j phosphatine for sale by all dransists j the use of ljis rlilu cstor oil 4c and other oauseou- ghpiug cathartics is uu- j necessary a a pleaaaal tubslitute is foand i in dr cirious stomach hitters which act i ti a cathartic without srlpinp nr cauio nausea all druiorists sell it 50 cents a bottle 15 i overcoats readymade clothing shawls clouds goods for ladies children shirts b drawers for every- one cheaper than any other house from 80c upward sailing off boot and mom at wholesale prices as wo d not intend to carry this line of goods much longer jjswe arc working into an entire dry goods house as fast as possible our dry goods stock this fall is better as sorted than ever everything marked in plain figures at the lowest prices baa visit to our house will convince you that we will not be undersold we have a large stock of winceys we are ofieriugat 5c 9c 12c and allwool flannels at 80c 15 we are selliug cottons k blankets at mill prices and hens and boys felt hats from 40c 50c and 65c equal to any goods you pay 100 for elsewhere why so because we always look out for liargains and buy direct from the manufacturers come we will cousider it no trouble to 6how goods and quote prices at the halton dry goods house acton we make our first display of ine the season we- cordially invite to visit bur 6tiow room on t lat day vj milliner jr for every lady 1 nextthurs -m- our imported mantles are selling very freely every lady who sees hem speaks highly of the almost perfect fit an i choice style of these garments f c b griffin business brevities oox where 5ir howaon lired and he solved the whole mystenvfor her the utdyis eturaged in winding op her husbands affairs it is the- intention lo wait the return of ifrs jakon and have her arrested the remains of the unfaithful hnaband hl be removed to lowell and re interred there hebsonalsl mr if speight of jtariham was in soma facta about our boalneaa ken and houses of benefit to our iceaerad readers town last weet sir albert hall jr of trafalgar visited acton friends this week jlessrs c c speight and c w hill i visited fronds in karkham during the i week ifesirs- a- e ilatthews snd jas moore i jr left last saturday for bosseau on a decrhnntiiig expedition j mr j h llod whohai been a resident i eats from t5 cenu to k50 at j jfyfra j if you waut a nobby durable and cheap i suit s fyfes is the plaw to go i the largest and cheapest stock of j boots t shoes to select from is at xelson mceae thv largest stock of cent furnishings hats and caps shirts and drawers at kel son t ifcraes the best value in factory cottons vjinceys flannels and domestic goods as kelson 4 ifcraes the largest land cheapest slock ot ready made clothing in the own- is at kelson k afceaea scotch eoehsh and canadian suitings in reit variety at the ast end clothing l acton for a number of years left last j store j fyfe acton week for the home of his youth in london england ifr t ifcoarvinleft yesterday mora- iue for oransevilie to see that the orange blossom trasiness referred to in another column was rightly attended to- keds attentions were however- more taken up upon his arrival there with his wife and darling little daughter who have been ab- sent from home for about a month- that forlorn and haggard countenance which lias been so noticeable for the past fort night or so will no doubt have altogether disappeared when he returns with his do mestic possessions the cradle j weioolkssosih in esquesing on the 13th inst- the wife of mr john wriggles- worth of a son stiseett at 3tfilton oil the igth inst the wife of mr t j starrett editor of th hallon vctm of a daughter the altar kion bfjd in orangeville on the 2fth inst at the residence of the brides mother by the eev g il brown mr george h kiebel of acton to sarah second daughter of the late j b eeid esq wrlcor reii in orangeville on the 21 th inst at the residence of the brides mother by the rev g b brown mr j whcbxto tancie vonngest daughter if the late j b beii esq all of or angeville th8 obave mokoe on the 17th iosf itarv beloved wife of mr geo mckair milton aged 40years deceased was 6ister of mr dhenderson manager acton banking co of this vil lage i the moit perfect fitting suits asd overcoats and the best selection of goods i at the lowest prices at xeison t mcraea suits and orercoata at extremely jpw rates and made in latest styles be sure to call snd see them j fvfe a cton the best assortment of black and col ored velvets ladies mantles woollen and knitted goods in the town at kelson t mcbaes a card to all srhc are suffering from the- errorj and indiscretions of youth nervous weak- nets early dteay lots of manhood ic i will sentta recipe that will cure you rttzx or chabct this great remedy wit dis covered br a missionary in 8outh america send s selfaddressed enrlope to the err iotbs t tafcur butimdjrcv fiofy rsirj if mcqudlao uamilton of the welling ton marble works guelph out ar doing the largest retail marble trade in one ow ing to the fact that they do the beat work and sell the cheapest the public are warn ed agaiust dealing with second band trade peddlers but sbouldgo direct to the firm br buy from their agents bee that the name mcquillan k hamilton i oo the printed form before you sign or order why should a man whose blood u warm within sit like his graodaiqe pntio alabaster or let his hair grow rasty scant and thin when cingalese eenewer will wake it grow be faster for sale by j e mcgtrrin we hare t speedy add positive cure for catarrh diphtheria canker asd head acbs in shilohs catarrh j semedy a natal injector free with each bottle vie it it you desire health aud sweet breath price 50 cents sold by j mcgarrin 4s only remedy that will potjttyesy efnta- enuy and promptly cure all forms of kidney disease bold by mogarvin in the history ot medicine oo preparatito hat receired such univerul ooimuptlatiimi for the alleviation it affords- and tbpr- maocut core it effeott in kidney diseaaea at drvjjs bvwut kaiftr cfrsi itt ac tion in these dittressmg oomplaintt i aim- now that there is a reliable remedy for kidney troubles half the terrors attached to thie conplainu hare been removed for this let all be thankful and to de yjls bcrzks kjdxey celt award all praise for having thus retnaved a hilberto considered fatal disease from our path it was never known to fail sold by j e mcgarvin ileklat riltttrmrumt as4 cmre the symptoms are moisture like perspir ation intense itching increased by scratch- inf very distressing particularly at night seems as if pinworms wereciatliogluand about the rectum the private parts ore sometimes affected ii allowed to continue very serious results may follow swatxjg onmceit is a pleasant sure cure also for tetter itch kail rueuoi all scaly crusty skin diseases sent by mall for 50 cents 3 boiej 12j iu stumps ad dress dr swaykei sok philadelphia pa sold by druggists 50 millinery millinery mrs e h passs cuelph o tjb mill1kery show rooms now replete with all the latest novelties in collaks laces ties howem j rtsbovs tlvxu tin hc wk full line of velvets vclyettas velreteeu we sell at the low est vsuh jrice smlohs consumption cure this is beyond question the most success ful cough medicine we have ever sold a few dofies iufartbjy cqres the worst cases of cough croup and bronchitis while its woaderful success in the cure of consump tion is without a parallel in the history of medicine sioce its first discovery it has been sold on guarantee a test which no other medicine can suud if you have a congu we earnestly astt you to try it price 10 cants 50 centa and 1 00 if your lungs are sore chest or back lame age shilohs porous plaster sold by moflaryin oyf dre88and mantle making in this department oar reputation u alrradtatabibfaed for a styllss ana ferfeot fit we cannot jaoirn trr a mtesa saratoga waves aud hair switches i mrs e h pass st georget square sualph vo household should be considered com- plots sjijwnt a bottle of dr vax bcbets i oh what a cough i will yon heed the warring the signal perhaps of the sure approach of that most terrible disease consumption ask your selves if you can afford for the sake of sating 59 cents to res the risk tad do nothing for it we know from erperieneothtt shilohs core will core your coogh it never fails this explains why more than a million bot tles were told the put year it relieves croop and wboopiog cough at oooe mothers do not be without it for lame bick side pr cheat use shilohs porous plaster gold by e mcgarvin seal sat caatf art it ike gmferuag browns houaehajd panacea hat no equal for relieving pain both internal and external it cures pain in the side back and bowels sore throat khenmausm toothache lumbago and an kind of a pain or acne it will most sorely quicken the blood and heal aa ita acting power it wonderful browns household panacea being acknowledged at be great pain believer and of double the strength of anr other elixir of liniment in the world should be in eyery family handy for use when wanted u ft really i f he best remedy in the world for crampt in oht and is for sale by all dniggisu at si eenta le jftoffffsm and berve trouble caatt st m afrnti orxejjs mri tnittea gyarwiee of mpamjujfg mauj nfobtud tojwbfon rsutauixbox omn wbywrjerclti biv we advise every lady who intends purcaasinj an astracan jacket this season to make a selection at ondj a it is difflcnlt to and two garments of equal valt e at the same price and certainly the best garments aire sol4 first we offer a eb9ioe of nearly one hundred jackets and warrant every garment ooffll wai ftndl of next i coail fellc alei bach i immeriate superb stock at ire npfjs jtargaln8 mcleptfs aiiderson ft fo qreat have pleasure in announcing that their stock wai never before in such an attractive con dition for the pnblio for variety extent an l cheapness the hare fairly aorpaased lhemae great bargaisa in all linet of nmda an immente line of winoeyt f ot sc 8c ipc lie worth so 10c 1ft 16c e ebore are the eheapatt goods ever of- fcred to the public in cottons and cetto i goods we took advantage of the mere depression bough t largely and can now 0 br them retail at laafthan preeeat wbole- atle prices at they havedranced lata in wbollaa gpop gentt buitlngt and overcoatiogi we have an immente aatortnu it market hat contribnted ita quou to- wardt lhia stock the getup of our gas iwti in our tauoriog bnartnent it mv turpaased tor style ot oheapneta and dnra itllty qenta pumiihlaga in every con ceivabh detcriptiod at close prices our dresa goods department it replete with all the lataafeatvlea of dreta floods includh black ond colored fjathmerea black and colored jjitat fancy sulia lateat tiiin oliig to every ooabalvaue detcriptlon oar drethiakis and mantlemaking dpi rtment it oarried on in lrvela atyk chargw nodertte contittent with efflclent r dadiea need not bealtate leaving their ordntf with to wedding ajldmoorningoi len a wpeettlty jonr milhaarjr depart- mant itunaertba manieneiit an dtw and exp bud and we tarn ont novettiea n millinery that daddane tha betitt of the ladiea we hatran extaoalvt 3nfawtj-xfonmi- webavaauibiabd extent- ire ttocitlf carpela bnisaela tapeatry sopera and jply carpets union and hinrpjltrpett oil cloth and hnolieuna c irtalna tahje coven window blinds c weil tdtii6ia1tcmt lute atocl and cheap pricat earn t test many city hoaaea fen ate and ohttptjm abtmaarj fftmed no honae ball offer laroarfesnow ralne m ahall kantlea atutwia audi ochlbgln heni ydnsliaad boyis over6btiwirotba8 bl stock birbaraalna bjeucibhoet itoek ipaett fnrtiniiea on we have a mat many good w patuiotnbaattj vejuwtitniisidyobjbat throogh cwllwxperiioaatdita lajaaaaetilav ryobaooh maacuiiiiim fast pile volve zot follbt iu writing about vdrxittn tayt- elveteens are more feshionnbly worn than ever such las v been the wonderful improvement in thislabrrc tb oet velvateetuare upqypjthy representatives of rich silk vejiet bnt are more worn liy the fashionable nd wealthy cirsscs thai i by any biher the mancdinum fast pile while tetiining all he desirable qualifications for which wk have alksadt so highly o ic- ms5pkd it i now so mauufactared that no amoiint of frictioiijofi he plain sartfice or ot cpsink ip rfiltlngs pr other fopa of fqldg j sn disturb the pile druanseitto become defebtiva in any way thonsh so fir an dnrable as to jtortu and retain the richest folds i be manctjnh7h past pile is very soft and light in eaiy and fc lt- ings and draperies do not add perceptibly to the weight of a dr tas made of it it is as silky land soft to the touch as to the eye a qnali- ficfirion only obtainable in the very best makes the black jjarx- enninms hive an extra depth of shade that many real silk velva at four tiraes the price are deficientin and those in colos in every variety of fashionable and artistic skades present the striking cqq- tragt of deep tones and bright lights in the folds that one js acqis- tomed to associate only with the richest lyons velvets the maau- factnrers of mancunian fast pile velveteerj guarantee the wejsr of all bearing their stamp it is therefore quite necessary that evejy purchaser should examine the back of the velveteen fox the trade mark which is stamped in white on every yawl and containa the words fast pile t mn vi we are oflfering great value in blaek nd colored velveteens at 0e coc 0c 65e 70o7 fo joc l 185 and is5 bawfaiaa ofniii ia oiu liow glials blw p koto plalf sftawla icaatle olotha jjlettt oiotiupxisaood8 hb xaos oxuiib ami i 4e4perte i 1 fl ajdewl tthate son ijagisr lirfyitfisfir l j4

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