Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 1, 1883, p. 2

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m jfr ten m nn tbctsnit moastxo not 1 1883 the mew methodist ohnrch notice of in application to parliament for an act to mcorporutb methodist church oo the baaia of anion just adopted his been igiven at ottawa according to the censos uio four metho dist churches which may now be consid ered as united form the largest religious denomination iu canada the number of members being 7391g0 this number is made up as follows methodist chureh of canada 583962 episcopal methodists 103272 bible christian 22236 primitive mcthodista 250 tho presbyterian church numbers 029280 and the church of england 5i81s before the union the presbvterian body ni the most numerous of anr one denomination of protestants notes and comments an array of big figures is going the rounds of the press setting forth the gross earnings of the st paul minneapolis 4 manitobt eailwayjor the past year exceed ed mj0000d0 tho operating expenses were over 139500000 leaving the net earnings at over hw5o00q0 imagine a million and a half net profit a day to divide among halfadozen gentlemen the fig ures would be entirely incredible did the public not well know that it has taken jil- most a small fortune to send a single carload of freight to the northwest another railway wanted guelpb anxious for a branch of the credit vahej a meeting of the guelph board of trade was held last vtednesdapnight to consider the advisability of securing connection with the credit valley railway the board is f composed of the leading manufacturers and merchants of the city who are unanimous in the opinion that connection with the c v railway at schaw or some place near there was most desirable in the inter ests of the royal city a branch line of about eleven mills at a cost of about 100- 000- the board discussed the matter at great length and appointed a committee to confer with the railway committee of the city council it is proposed to apply for a charter at once and have an interview with the railway company so that this scheme which has been agitated more than once may yet assume definite shape thxoradlb hats in esquming on the 96th oot the wife of mr john hays of a ton niooi in esquealng on the 88th oct the wife of mr wm niool of a daugh ter smmxsos in aoton on the s9ui oct tho wife of mr john stephenson of a daughter thbaltae mcnixrrxra johksoh at thereaidenoe of the brides mother china mioh on the 94th oot br rev clarence eddy mr john muhliitner to mlaa aggie johnson both of china pote brrux at the rwidence of the brides father china mioh on the 95th oct by rev j davie mr fred porter to ida may oldest daughter of mr james butlin all of china the quavx polliac at sheridan ealton co on the 9tth oct maggie beloved wife of mr r f pollard ana second daughter of the late john bell esq contractor of public works formerly of etobicoke aged 86 yean correspondence we wish it i be distinctly understood lhat wt do not hold ocrwives respontihle for the opin ions or expressions of anr correspondents- r tkat tag of wax to e editor of the frtx prat dtib siz in yoor list issae there ap peared a spier article hashed up br iny opponent wherein lie accuses we of taking advantage of him by pabllshing my challenge with the knowledge that a mem ber of his team had qone away i positive- lr denr that i knew his team was broken still here when my ci alienee appeared in the fste press i inserted the challenge in fiie first issue of roar paper after jlr gordons first letter was published and if he had not been wilfully ignorant or dis honest he would hare said bo last week and not have endeavored to mislead your readers bat i can clearly see that friend gordon only wanted some excuse for the nonacceptance of the challenge but his excuse was a lame one he says he was amused at the challenge i hare no doubt it was more amusing than when his feet and nose were pulled against the root of the tree in the first draw 6peaking of fair play i wonder if the captain when seeing that he was merit- ably doomed with his gallant team to be dragged over the line swung them into a hohowby which action the rope was brought partly around a tree would call that fair play i think if he and his team practiced any such tactics at any caledonian games they would be ignommioosly hooted from the ring the above unfair action too after having been allowed his choice of ground- giving him a decided advantage makes it appear even more unfair his remarks about stocks and gambling in connection with my challenge show his dishonest style of reasoning for doesnt he say in the same paragraph that he chal lenged me and my team on the evening of the picnic those who live in glass houses should not throw stones one would think that the community in which be lives must be greatly benefitted by his influence but i am afraid his benignity doesnt radiate very far from himself however as one of his most intimate associates staked a small amount on the result of the tug at the picnic- i again he says he does not think i would carry oat the challenge if he did accept another flimsy excuse for backing out i would say to the farseeing phil osopher that the credit of my team is equally as good as his own in conclusion by way of farewell to bia correspondents and to my team he says that he harbors no hard feelings toward us and hopes that we wont entertain any for him bat we have given no cause for the creating of hard feelings however it seems that he is afraid of the fire which he himself has kindled but if he is sincere i have no doubt that we will meet him in the same spirit and say no more about it- thanking you mr editor- for allowing me space in your interesting paper i remain yours truly johx mlkx captain of the winning team bannockburn oct29 83 fwe have now allowed both parties con- nected with the tug of war controversy equal privilege in replying to each others statements and as the subject is of interest to but a small proportion of our readers we deem it advisable to end the correspond ene through toe free pbezs here as the demands upon our space for reading mas ter of more general interest is trrgecl the markets fall whftatold 95c to il05 spring wheat ii to 105 barley 50 to 63c per bushel oats new 80 to 82c pet bushel teas 68c per bushel potatoes 6a5c per bag apples 41 to 1125 per bag hay per ton floor 1275 to 3 per cwt pork 1750 per cwt wood 1275 to 1325 per cord eggs 18c per down battw it to bc pr lb business brevities some raeta about oar baataeea ken and houaea of benefit m oar ktneral reader hats from 75 cent to 1260 at j fyfss if roe want a nobby durable and cheap ait j fyfes ia the place to go the larjest and cheapeat itock of boots 1 8hoes to aelcct from ii at xelanp at stceaes thv largest stock of genla fomianinri hata and capashirta and drawers at xtl- scm t uciues- the beat rake in factory cottons uinceys flannel and domestic goods at xdion 4 mcraes the largest and cheapeat stock ol ready hade clothing in the town is at kelson k afcraes scotch english and canadian suitings in peat variety at the east end clothing store j fyfe acton the most perfect fitting- suila asd overcoats and the best selection of goods at the barest pricea at nelson ucrses salts and overcoats at extremely lovr rates and made in latest styles be sure to call and see them j fyfe acton the best assortment of black and col ored velvets ladies mantles woouea and knitted goda in the torn at eison 4 uceaes itcqoillaa i- hamilton of the welling ton marble works gaelph ont are doing the largest retail marble trade in oot ow ing to the fact that they do the best work and sell the cheapeat the public are warn ed against dealing with second hand trade peddlers be t should go direct to the firm or bay from their agents see that the name afcqaillaa hamilton is oo the printed form before yoa sign or order ap and am proparcd to prove that mr honter had not pane to michigan bat was t why ihoajd a man whose blood is warm a marvelous story mu n two uiiuj from the son sfcffi omtkmmt my father nmu at qlonr vu xe hm bits tfnttnsmv ran fterof- tla ud tta taekndmmr wul ml you what amamloosaffwt ayers sarsaparilla hat had teals ease i think mi mood ssm nan ocetatmd aha hamoc for at least taa yaani bat it did not show except ta u farm of a kntaloea eora on the wrist tmtil atoat tn rears aeo fran a few spots which ap- paarid at that ttaa ft radaauy spread so u toeonrhlantlratiody i assart yoohs was terribly afflleud and an object of pity whaa he began oslnfjoaromdloiii kewthenara fiw men of his aft who enjoy as cod health el hs has i eonld easily aama tttf panoas iimlil fiiilf in tin ri ill in wi m yoorstrcry wltphujm from the father sisjas a doty for oe to state to yon thi heneat i hare derived from the naa of ayers sarsaparilla su menthi ago i was eompletaly eorered with a terrible homer and aerofoloaa sons ine humor eaased aa ineesaant and issolerable ltehlsf and the akin oraeksd so aa to eaose the blood to lew in many places whensrer i moved my nsarlsfa were fnat and my ufa a borden i eom manned the ase of the misiraxola in april last and have ased it ragalarly since that time my condition began to improve at onoc tie sorts hare all htaltd and i feel perfectly well in every rapeet being sow able to do a good days work although tj years of age kebylnqnlra what has wrought sneb a core in my case and i tell them ai i hart hart tried to tall roc arcai isiirri qiover vu oct ttlsm toarsgrateroily hhjjt pklum atqs sauaruiui eons scrofula lad all serofttloaa o kryalp- aua zokma blsgwonn b sorts bollaf tomora and eruptions of the skin it clears the blood of all lmpo- ritiea aids digestion stlmclaua the action of he bowels and thus netorei vitality and strengthens the whole system mhad it dr jcayeraco lowell mim sold by all eregglsts si all bottles for is within sit like his grandsire cat in alabaster or let his hair now maty scant and thin when cingalese eenewer will make 1 it grow the faster for sale by j e mcgarvin theoseof pais salts castor oil tc and other aaaseous griping cathartics is an- necessary as a pleasant substitute is found in dr canons stomach bitten which act as a citlurtic without griping or closing nausea am druggitta sell it 50 cents a bottle 15 urttmf piles fiyn pleats aad cwre the symptoms are moialare like perspir ation intense itching increaaed by scratch ing very distressing particularly at night seems as if pinworms were crawling in and about the rectum the private parte are sometimes affected if allowed to continue very 6erious rtsait may follow swatirzs oistxesj u a pleasant sure care also for tetter itch salt rheam all scaly crusty skin diseases sent by mail for 50 cents- 3 bores 125 in stamps ad dress dr s wavne sox philadelphia pa sold by dniggists 50 sbdlohs consumption cute this is beyond question the most success ful congh medicinewe nave ever sold a few doses invarably cures the worst cases of coagh croup and bronchitis while its wonderful success in the cure of consump tion is without a parallel in the history of medicine since its first discovery it has been sold oh guarantee a test which no other medicine can stand if yon bare a conga we earnestfasfc vou to try it price 10 cents 50 cents and f 100 ifyourlongs are sore chest or back lame use shilobs poroui plaster sod by j e hcgaryin oh wbat a oouffh i will you heed the warning the signal perhaps of the sure approach of that most terrible disease consumption ask your selves if you can afford for the sake of earing 59 cents to run the riik and do nothing for it we know from experience that shllohi care will care yoar cough it never fails this explains why more than a million bot tles were sold the past year it relieves croup and whooping cough at once mothers do aot be without it for lame back side or chesi use shilohs porous plaster sold by j mcgarvin t ten aadnfen it ike safer browns househkld panacea baa no equal for relieving pain both internal and external it cures pain in the side bank and bowels bore throat rheumatism toothache lumbago and any kind of pah or ache it will most sniely quieten the blood asd heal u its acting power is wonderful browns household panacea being acknowledged at the great pain believer and of double the strength of any other elixir of liniment in the world should be in every family handy for use when wanted as it really ia the best remedy in the world for cramps is the stomach and peine and aches of ah kinds and is for sale by au drugjrlata at i6 ceata urn we have a speedy and positive cure for catarrh diphtheria canker and hed achs la 8hiiohi catarrh remedy a nasal injector free with each bottle use it if you desire health and sweet breath price 50 ceota sold by j e mcgarvin 9 baekleei iralrm isalre the greatest medical wonder uf th world warranted to ipeedily care buroi braiaes cuts ulcers silt bbeum fever sores cancers piles chilblain corns tetter chapped hands and all ikin erup tions guaranteed lo cure in every instance or money refunded 25 cents per bar for tale by j e mcgarrin j a ttherell writing from winnipeg says i can my more about pbosruitot now than wheu i saw you last in toronto my health is maah improved and i am free from headaches or any other aches having only used two and a half bottles of your phosphatide for sale by all druggists rileci jfjnt a guaranteed cure for tftrrout debility lad bemiaal weuc- am27rtcruieurajfiacoa7uuifljil and all brain and nerve troubles caused by self abuse over brain work ac 3a writteo guarantee of cure iu ever case or money refunded send 15c for postage on fseetauixboiof 100 pills address da h w boor cor clark st and calhoui place chicago in r ag carpet hxvtj5d abo at twenty yards of good homemade rag carpel apply at ooce lo h p moore fkee pmss ornct v toal fok sale the undersigned hiving parcliued the coal ihc4 from mr jos goodiu intends keepioc coosuntj- on hand stock of hard ud tcft atote coal of all tindi which will bt delivered to any part of the yiikge parties desiring coal ahould give him a call c s smith h ifeb astray lost near speyside about the last of august a twoyearold heifer red and white with broken horn any party giv ing information which will lead to the re covery of lie animal will be suitably re warded b f taylor acton oct s s3 batcher qtttle astkar strayed from the premises of the under signed lot 31 c3u 3 rjsquesing on or about the 11th october the following cattle 1 while stag rising 3 years i i red steer with white star on forehead rising 8 years 1 roan heifer rising 3 years 1 red heifer with white star en forehead and other white spots on under part of body rising 3 years i red heifer with white spot on left side and white half way up the tall rising 3 years and 1 red steer with white spots rising 2 years any information wbicb will lend to the recovery of above stock will be suitably rewarded ivm cabboll esqoeaing oct 30 83 acton po the western advertiser for 1884 with the advent of 1884 the wzrzbh adttb- tuxb ajh wzsaxt lxbeux will appear in new and implored form with new type printed from tertotfpe pltuea on new webieedlng presi of the latest design while its several popular x- partmsnts wtu be oontinoed more vijror wiu be observable throughout onij ii per annnm balance qf 18 frte to new ntihcribcrs choice of three premiums poanunquulesi our premiam for 1sb4 ii a lijutdsoiflelyprlnted book of portraits with lllcminatod oover containing the following enrofflolithogrspbji in five oolors vie bar uajesrj queen victoria his exoellency the gorartioroeneral tliarqnis of lanadowne bt- hon w e gladstone hon edward blake 6ir john a mcdonald hon oliver mowst hon alex mackenzie nd chester a arthur presi- dent of the u b an elegant ud attractive ornament for the parlor tshle slse of each portrait 6x11 inches a biographical sketch of each personage written brn emineniroanadiaa is also giten price only 10a extra or l10 insil lf p subtcriberi mar have a choice of flom ajtohuxfh or chaaisbxcexptf wo welhmown fanner premiums- n bocrd coren onptnadto xba adf1ttjins1 or u5 in an ovlt on fhuoxtk allowkv the danr advbbrisb containing the com pletc midnlgbt dispatches is mailed for 5 per anntun or ub for three months total ciroolatton each week of paixr axx weexkt a over 00000 copies tar agents wanted ererrwhere fifty ralnabla prfsm to the most swwesafal clabgetter send post card for partioolars seguured lattsn come at oar risk address abtemesi rklxtinfl c iohook out the wttt fretw clabmi ster the aoto taa pbsm and the wsitov a will be mailed to anr address from now to jaonary 1st ula co reeirt of onjrw e either of tw amsstn potmlar praminmj rsooirwj the aasmfmpi ainoiint tat aame njnsteockaedsjsjxjtewithftiilparticu as to which is wanted address i ni win 1 ii 1 fou i are looking for nice new fall and winter hats bonnets in all the latest fijenob english add american patterns trimmed by experienced hands only new velvets plain and brocaded iu all the fashionable colors and shades ot the lowest prices rapgine from 85c per yard and upward our velvets are acknolwkdged by all who have examined them to be the foekt assortment and best values eve shown in acton whv so t because we sell only the silkfinish lyons land pile velvets at the same price m common velvets new dres8coods to match our velvets in allwool goods that keep their colors and will not spoil with wet or other ordinary matter so de structive to common and cheap dress stuffs i new buttons and lininc8 tosuitour dress goods everything always to match mantles overcoats readymade jclothing shawls clouds knitted goodsfor ladies children shirts drawers for every one cheaper than any other house from 80c upward swlllnr off reefs and shoe at wholesale prices as wo do not intend to carry this line of goods much longer bqrwe are working into an entire dry goods house as fast as possible our dry goods stock this fall is better as sorted than ever everything marked in plain figures at the lowest prices i 0 ssta visit to our house will convince you that we will not be uudereold we have a large stock of winceys we are offeringat 5c 9c 12c and allwool flannels at 80c 55ve are selling cottons k blankets at mill prices and liens and boys felt hats from 40c 50c and 65e equal to any goods you pay 100 for elsewhere why so because we always look out for bargaius and buy direct from the manufacturers come i we will consider it no trouble to show goods and quote prices i at the halton dry goods house acton c b griffin millinery i millinery -at- mrs e h passs guelph qutt miluxert show room8 now replete with all the laust noveltka in collars laces ties rlokebs b1bboxs rumis tim ik i fall line of velvets velvettas velveteens we hell at the low est cash price wonderful mai our dre88 and mantle makinc in this dgpanmut our reputation is already establiahad for a stylish and partes fit we cannot m exoauod jackets cut rrrrea saratoga waves and hair switches mr8 e h pa88 st georges square saelph new goods for fall and winter immense 8uperb stock at the mammottr house- croat bargains mcleod anderson co have pleasure in annonrwlrg that their stock was never before in inch an attractive eon dition for the public for variety extent and cheapness they have fairly aurpajaed themselves great bargains in all lines of gooda an immense line of winoeys fer 5e 8c too 12e worth so 10c 12c loo the aboye are the oheapeat goods ever of- fored to the public in cottons and cotton good we took advantage of the sevare depreasion boaght largely and can now offer tbemretail at ten than present whole sale prices ai they have advanced lately in woollen gooda genu suitings and overcoatings we have an immense assortment market has contributed iu qnots to wards ihla stock the getup of our garments in dor tailoring department ia un surpassed for style fit oheapneu and durability gents fornianugs in every con ceivable description at close pricea our dress goods department is replete with all the latest styles of drees goods including black ond colored cashmeres black anovcbloted 8ilks fanoy silks latest trimming in every ooootirable description oar dreamaking and mantlemaking department is carried on in flrstolaas style charges moderate consistent with efficiency dadiea need not hesitate leaving thair ordnn with ns wedding and mourning orders specialty oar millinery depart ment la under the management of an efficient and experienced hand and we tnrn oat novelties in millinery that gladdens tin heart of the ladies we have an exteaaire stock proper variety and till at bock bottom prices we ha e a large ud extena- ive stock of oarpelg brussels tspeatry supers and ply carpeta union and hemp oarpeta oil cloths and linoleums curtains table coven window blinds ac we are satisfied that oar large stock and cheap prion surpasses many city houses for tote and obeapacn and we are satisflrfno house ahall offer yoe non value aa we shall mantles and 8hawla haberdashery and anull wane beady nude clothing in mens youths and boyaimmense stock and at fearfully low prioas overcoats in mens souths and boys big stock big bargains boots sboet extanaive stock low jirioes fan in mason wo have a great bony nods we cannot enumerate weetoply remind you that ttroqghomlom experionoa and nn- boubted position in tb markta tixegerda creditiad money oat we hate as outlet oflurgebusinesblaceadthatweliae a podhonkhead of ordinary ratairaa thatweboymmuydlrefromthmanufxtareraaaa1wean ale priest we shall be pleated ud thankful for youd pearonage by patronwof uymwiniiiaeonetfryurttlvtotptjm f -v- on thursday ii th october we make our first display of fine millinery fti the season we cordially invite every lady to visit our show room pntlsat day t f next thursday our imported mantles are selling very freely every lady who sees them speaks highly of the almost perfect fit and choice style of these garments -w- we advise every lady who intends purchasing an astracak jacket this season to make a selection at once as it is difficult to find two garments of equal value at the same price and certainly the best garments are sold first we offer a choice of nearly onevhijdred jackets and warrant every garment 1 3- mancunium fast file yelveteen lb rollxt i writing abmi vtlcftun tayt u velveteens are more feshipriably tvorn than ever snehas been the wonderful improvement in this fabric the best velveteens are not only worthy representatives of rich silk velvet bat are more worn by die fashionable and wealthy classes than by any other the mancunitjm fast pile while retaining all the desirable qualifications for which wk hivb albxast so highly oom- uehdktj h is now so manufactnred that no amount ot friction of the plain surface or of creasing in kiltings or other form of folds cart disturb the pile or cause it to become defective in anyway thongh so firm and durable aa to form and retain the richest folds the manounium fast pile is very soft and light ih wear and kill ings and draperies do not add perceptibly to the weight of a dress made of it it is as silky and soft to the touch aa tb tie eye a qnali- fication only obtainable in the very best makes the black han- cuniums have an extra depth of stade that many real silk velvets at four times the price are deficient in and jhose in colors in every variety of fashionable and artisfic shades present the striking con trast of deep toneb and bright hghu in the folds that one is accus tomed to associate only with the richest lyons velvets the jfami- facrarers of mancnniam fast pile velveteens gaarantee the wear of all bearing their stamp it is therefore quite necessary that every purchaser should examine the back of the velveteen for the trade mark which is stamped in white on every yard and contains the words fast pile we are offering great value in black and colored velveteens at 4pe 60c 60c 63c 70o 74c 8so ms fi nga u35 i baraiaa offerkf ia carpets laos curtaiau blan kets flaaaelfl siawls kaatle cloths ttlster olotai dross goods o several large loti oloaring oat at desperate prioeo 1 t nupijbss

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