Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 1, 1883, p. 3

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i- railway tmk tablb qrand trunk railway 01mw1kt ofllng eabt- miwd -tt- pmili jn- throorli fi- van r bpecii 943 f-m- rxpra knru xu ltt fcm 14a im woimn wo pm th tupht cirrc vine rt at 1a00 htu ud md the cutl eivrrw pwttj 41 mm im- do at msfa uoahy oioniiaf ttltx or ctomnq vutx goiaj wmi jw w goiaf el01p 4m ted s00 pjn engliili vakil clotw t mv un oa friday special offers ourclublist tbi futit puts to new subscriber or to old subscribers whose snb- scriplioc ere running out from present date to january issi for t 1100 tar fixt fwss and weekly it toot from present date to juuin- 1 165 for im tri fan rus and daily glob one year 750 xei fur feus ind toronto daily hvw one year so tax fktx psxss ind wttttni ad- irrtinr from present date to jinu- ary 1 15 for 190 thi frxe paxss and canada faraitr from present date to juiin 1 15s3 for 190 in all cases these rates are tnrariably casa dc advaxce in tending subscriptions send per regis tered letter or post office order write name and post office distinctly and address h p moore fair pxess ornct acton out at ceo hyndst tea spoons table spoons knives and forts at geo hynds watches clocks jewelry a larpe stock spectacles from io cts to w wedding and birthday eresents purses pipes pocket knives combs hair brushes school books note paper and envelopes pens and ink call in and see ray large stock geo hynds jewellery 4 fancy goods store acton ont jfrtmt nt ffress tffnsiiy ifoevrsa sos 1 16s3 bits qf brevity eal am4 mkerwtie mult t ike ae at ike pea u ielamrt far reaer f cfce tree frees first of kovember so school next thursday boys the gloomiest month of the year ice creici has gone out of fashioc read our liberal offers to subscribersat the head oftiis eolumnl sir henry ilariart is about to remove to shelburne with his family jr 3 fyfe is having his grounds neat ly laid out sodded and gravelled far long winter evenings a good sup- ply of firstclass papers and books present appearances indicate that mu- nicipal honors are likely to go abegging this year messrs beardmore i co are getting a famous stack of bark at the g t r station- monthly meetingof the board o edu cation in the council chamber next ilon- fiy evening the loth ol kovember will be the four hundredth anniversary of the birth of martin lather there was some exc fine wea ther during the past week and a little dis agreeable weather too our population is rapidly increasing hardly a wee passes but some new family comesto acton to reside- the atmrrf says that nearly 1160000 have been spent in building improvements in guelph since last spring advertise your stray cattle at once and your chances will be all the better of find ing them with little expense the cases for violation of the scott art announced for trial last thursday were postponed until today servant girls are exceedingly scarce in this vicinity they command from f 7 to 9 per month in ordinary families a full attendance of the members of acton lodge loof is desired for to- morrow evening important business hunting will be largely resorted to on thanksgiving day every t in town will do doirbt be brought into requisition mr johaahern has purchased the place adjoining mr j b burns pro perty and is building a dwelling thereon memorial cards in great variety may be had at the fkiz paiss office they serve as very neat mementos of loved ones departed a social hop wu engaged in by company of young folks in the town hall last friday evening after the concert waa concluded sportsmen are putting in fall time now it is only occasionally however that a satisfactorily filled game bag is brought home a new teacher will be required for the second department of acton public school as miss gordon intends resigning at the close of the year it is whispered that it was a jeor and not deer that the genial agent of the g k w telegraph co here left to find last week in muskoka- mi james kieklin has purchased the property on will street recently own ed by mr james goodall and haa taken up his residencethere rrev w bryers waa in fergus oa san- day and preached in the methodm church there mr m threadgold of brampton occupied the pulpit here mr pearson has done a very aenaible thing by having the new pisiform and sidewalk in front of his store built on the same level he seems determined to bare everything about his premise convenient ad to good otaet j t6e ground for mcanrt w h btorey hona new factory on liiwr avenue has been staked out the building will bo about 0x100 and four storic high mr a green has sold his fine i t pyi to a gentlcian in halifax j tor a very good figure mr green is re i markably successful with ms hcrses j dame rumor that indefatigable old ugossip whispers and not very inaudibly either that aevcral weddiugi will be con- sumraated in acton before cliristmas any of our subscribers who are not re ceiving the fuee pstss reaularly will oblige by reporting atouce at the office when their cases will receive prompt attention the municipal council met on tuesday evening but as there was ho business of importance on the docket it was decided to adjourn until tuesday evening lsih iust two children of mr james moore of the scotch block aged rosjiectivdy about 12 and u years died on saturday with diphtheria they were buried on monday communion services will be held in the methodist church nextsunday in stead of last sunday as previously an nounced rev c cookman of trafalgar will officiate we omitted to mention lst week that mr junes matthew wou another first prize o his horses at lrin fair they won in all six red tickets this fall and not one of any other color it is said that miltou town hall is in an unsafe condition and liable to give way at any time that a large audience may be assembled the civic authorities should make it secure at once a company of swiss bellringers and vocalists intend giving an entertainment here in the course of a couple of weeks they bear an excellent reputaliou and au enjoyable entertainment msy be expected another halloween his passed a few pranks were perpetraud kt niht but the old time depredation were not at tempted the boys are evidently a little shy of those coolers in the new town hall have you an absent friend if so you can send h nothing that will be more appreciated than jour local paper send us a dollar and we will forward the faxi pans to any address until january 1st leas next thursday will be thanksgiving day and will no doubt be observed by oar merchants and business men as a general holiday thanksgiving services will be announced in the fret pkx5 next thurs day morning the tax collector has entered upon his arduous duties if our ratepayers would make it a point to be ready for him with their cash when he calls they would save both themselves and him considerable trouble and annoyance the three head of youn cattle which had been in the pound of the municipality for the past three months were claimed by the owner on saturday they were adver tised to be sold by auction on monday the owner came just in the nick of time- our little ones for kovember is to hand and folly sustains its previous repu tation for excellent matter intended to interest edify and instruct the little folks send fifteen cents to the russell publish ing co j3ostoa mass for a specimen copy we notice by the priia list of the marlette mich agricultural society pub lished in the ladcr that mr john xicol- son formerly of this village received prizes aa follows peerless potatoes 1st late potatoes ind gents glories potatoes 1st woollen stockings 1st woollen yarn 1st the plow factory property recently purchased by messrs- w h storey fc sou is being overhauled and put into a good state of repair messrs storey son in tend putting in sufficient machinery to enable them to get out j the sash doors flooring and other dressed lumber for their new shop the hamilton tribune continues to prosper and now ranks as one of the most important daily papers of the country and headandahoulders above any of its one cent contemporaries its sworn circulation now numbers considerably over 7000 copies daily and for its outspoken andpimpartial editorials it is daily growing in popular favor mr edward xicklin of this villags was considerably injured in a smashup on the c t b at the forks of the credit a couple of weeks ago while coming home- from hulsburg where he is engaged in buying grain although badly bruised he was not obliged to- give up his work- several others also received injuries at the same time bat none of a very serious nature i town hall stage curtain a good drop curtain for the stge is uie new town hall is a necessity in almost aiy entertainment and this fact was vory clearly shown at the concert last friday evening the fbii patss suggested a few weeks ago that instead of aakiug the coun cil to go to any further oxpeuso in the matter uio young folks of the town tako upon themselves the duty of supplying this muchfelt by means of a series of enjcrlaiuments aud we would again urge them to consider tho matter to set the ball arolling the fan piuss will agree to do any priutiug required for the first enter- taiuuieut held for the abovo purpose free of charge a favored invalid many of our citizens have been aware of the fact that for a couple of years or more mrs geo walter who resides on bower av enue in this village has been confined to her room owiug to some affection of the limbs rendering her uncble to walk now liow ever she can get about very easily by moans of a splendid invalids chair lately received aa a preseut from her son mr r waller md of mountain park sanitar ium wcrnersville pa the old lady has a good deal of satisfaction with this new vehicle and we imgine thai hot generous son would feci amply repaid could he see with what ease and comfort his mother is now conveyed from one point to another she takes considerable pride in exhibit- iug her present to visitors auction sale a credit sale will take place at lot 19 con 2 esquesing on saturday 3rd kov of farm stock and implements the property of mr abram mogridge sale at one oclock wm hemstreet auctioneer obituary mrs b f pollard of sheridan trsial- gar township whose death we regret to announce was the only sister of mrs chas cameron of this village who has been in attendance upon her for several weeks past mrs pollard was a lady universally es teemed and respected an3 her loss will be deeply felt not only by her husband and family bat hy all who had the pleasure of her acquaintance a very large concourse of friends followed her remains to the place of interment to pay her the last sad token of respect streetirule band this band has been carrying off most of the laurels this fall they carried off the lat at cooisville fair over the parkdale bund and three judges out of four were in their favor at milton fair brampton tiifiu how absurd if three judges out of four were in their favor why didnt they reoeive the prize the writer wee present at the contest at milton and two of the judges out of the four stated to him that aeton band waa much superior to streets- rile end abould have first prise the uct of the matter is the playing of the jjottal bead was more meritorious than bietfrileffhebtreetaviblysahoakln ttoottaaobatoeyirmttwm hallon teachers convention the regular halfyearly couvculiouof the teachers association of this county held in oakvillc lat tnursday friday and saturday was very well attended consider- iug the difficulty experienced in reaching oikville from many poiuls of the county besides 10 or 5v leschers there were pres eut a number of exteachers trusts the local clergymen and several others inter ested in the education of ihe youth of our coanly the programme circulated among the teachers a few weeks ago was pretty generally carried out and a number of very profitable discussions upon practical subjects took place dr mclelkn high school inspector was present during three sessions ofthe convention and in his sev eral addresses presented many points of interest to those engaged in the profession of teaching the public meetings on thurs day and friday evenings were well attend ed i dr mclellanv lecture on the teachers mission on thursday evening was well received aud rev j e lance- leys why on friday evening was particularly flowery and greatly en joyed by every person who heard it the important subject of the introduction of new readers into the schools of the county was brought before the convention but it was deemed advisable to reserve discussion upon the question until the conference of trustees for consideration of the matter referred to in the county council some time ago had been held the next meeting of the association will be held in georgetown next spring st johns church ogncert the concert in th town hall last friday evening under the auspices of st johns church rockwood was attended by a large and appreciative gathering and the programme presented by the management ras one of the best ever given an acton audience the talent was of ahigher order thahia generally found in an ordinary con cert and included miss hastings mrs moore mrs clark mrs- crowe and messrs- crowe and mclellan guelph miss will iams glenwilliams miss strange- and messrs strange and strachan rockwood the vocalists were all enthusiasticallv ap- plaudcd but miss hastings with her sweet and powerful voice and hsjmodest unas suming style was the general favorite her rendition of the cackoo was excep tionally fine miss williams singing was much enjoyed as was also mrs moores the solos of messrs crowe and strange were also awarded encores mr john strachan proved himself an elocutionist of more than ordinary merit and held the rapt attention of all present with his second reading the old homestead the in strumental portion of the programme was performed by mrs crowe mrs clarke miss strange and mr mclellan the two former opened with a duett pearl of tha sea which was very creditably rendered miss strange played in fine style schul- buffs brilliant valse which deservedly brobght down the house mr mclellan made a splendid rendition of the masonic marsh four tableaux were presented theseveral characters and their surround ings being prepared with very good effect our citizens have however seen these tobleaux produced so frequently that they are becoming just a utile distasteful the entertainment was greatly enjoyed by all present and those in charge may justly feel considerable pride in the success at tending their efforts personals mr john firstbrook of toronto was in town on friday miss nettie bryers visited friends at fergus this week mr henry marlatt visited friends in shelburne last week miss stella butlin of china mich is visiting acton friends miss emma moore of this village is visiting friends in york miss emma tubby of georgetown visit ed acton friends this week miss polly mcdonald of chicago is visiting friends in this vicinity mrs b f connor of orahgeville visit ed acton friends during the week mrs v b freeman of west lome visited friends here during the week miss emma strange of rockwood spent several days during the week in acton mr thos arthurs of singhampton visited friends in aetoernd vicinity this week mr jas f grant and wife of sylvan ont are visiting acton and georgetown friends messrs e and h manhard of brock- ville paid their acton friends a visit dur ing the week- mr geo matthews of montreal spent two or three days during the week with friends here mrs b swan and miss minnie gwan who have been visiting friends at point edward for several weeks returned bom urtfttttyr paints oils varnishes c cheap and durable -at- j e mcgarvins drug and stationery store acton ont that tea our teas are giving pcrfeot satisfaction best value ever offered 6 lbs fair tea foh a s u good green tea for a 3 lbs qood japan gunpowder tea for a no i 50c green tea no 1 50c japan tea superior qual1tv 75c black tea sy s lbs beat tea dust in the market for a tst reue1iuer the place to get these teas is at w p brown cos new store acton furniture furniture now is the time to get good bargains in furniture as the new furniture 8tore on main street below the odd fellows hall offers a well selected and complete new stock at c08t price for 30 days only commencing on friday 26th oct come aad examine goods and sec prices and yon wont go home without furniture the following are some of the prices t 00 sideboard sold for 500 1600 7 drawer cherry bureau l 1350 7eo 4drawek ii 550 4500 sideboard u 3300 g00 6 ft hard wood table 425 500 5 ft 375 6500 walkut parlor suite uaircloth for 4800 1200 lounge parlor 80ld for 900 1650 sideboard t 1350 2000 sofa u 1600 1650 fine parlor lounge f 1400 425 fallleaf table 300 400 watnot rc 300 and so on throughout the whole stock mjr prices are lower than what you pay lor secondhand furniture at auction sales c h heimbaoh xeral ms the largest in the dominion saleshev waited slcady employment at fixed salaries to all willing to work men amd women can bare pleaaant woek the year bound good hteau aie earnlog from 40 to 75 per month and eipenae laterm and outfit free address stone wellington toronto ont only 9190 for the free peeks thefarmersadvocate and home magazine without a rfral in canada and nnaorpumd in america for the stock baiser dalryma n and frait groirer wa are enabled by a ipedal arrangement to offer that weuknownasrlooltnral paper tex fakkeb8 astocaxs now in lte 19th year of pub lication elnbbed with thif jcnmal for the above email amount superior to au othan tex adtocitz u the acknowledged agrienltnr alaathoritrof canada and combine with under ita home hagasine department the beet family paper published in the dominion its motto plain practical and paying information and its beet eaergih are deroted to the intensts of the fanner and his family dm wo pages ererjyear jost whatiswantedforeveryowner of farm garden or orchard improvements in kaon department dmingls84 icmctube how balance of year fkee bend for sample copy f8 our subsoxlben can also procure a copy of tke fanaurs but bk rer ims with thz faavxas aotoexn asd fan pais or 89 eanteextra erery farmer dairyman or garden er should hare a oopy of this most useful book now that there- is a reliable remedy for kidney tronhlex half the terrors attached to these complaints hare been remored for this let all be thankful and to dp vajt bubjuis kidhct cceaaward all praise for hariox thus removed a hitherto considered fatal diaaase from wir path it was never ksewatbul wgktark the favorite oyster parlor a e matthew ib sow bzcnveio daily tbbh oysters finnan addles canned fish and fruits lemon oranges trapes confectionery and all other goods in hit line biscuite the largest assortment of plain and fancy biscuits in town and from the best manu facturers my customers will find ail my good fresh aud in every way satisfactory the oy8ter parlor oysters served in any style during the season or will be supplied by the can quart or gallon mtoood cooking apples always on hand a e matthews bael uralaace there is nothing mote prodnetire of disease in a neighborhood than bad drain aga open the culvert ap4 slnijmwayi and purlfj the jobauty th cietrietjoce in tbehntnanststasyh tbdw in a similar manner tt3 glasgow h o u s e fall opening we desire to call the attention of intending pur chasers to our immense stock of general dry cood8 suitable for the fall and winter trade con8i8t 1nq of all the leading styles of allwool suitincs in kvery shade cashlieres in all the leading colors and all the leading lines found in a first class dry goods store is we hae the choicest selection of silk finished velveteens in the latest and most fashionable colors in the town k splendid range of knitted goods for both ladies and childrens wear in all shades and at the lowest possible prices sjsffull lines of mantle cloths flannels winceys ac swladies mantles in great variety desirable a 8tyl1sh and cheap sjifremember our ordered clothing department where you can secure the newest goods and the most perfect fitting garments in the town sjifremember our famous 50c tea nelson mcrae city grocery c0nti2h7es to take tee lead howells sales ire large because he keep8 a splendid new and cheap stock and is satis fied with small profits one look at his spacious windows will satisfy and convince any one that for ariety quality and quan tity of stock he is unsurpassed i have on hand a magnificent stock of vases fancy cups saucers handpainted plates and five oclock tea setts suitable for wedding alo birthday presents try a fivepound caddie oe my gunpowder teatfor have also on hand all kinds of canned frult8 and meats i tycallat the oity grocery- opposite the boyal excha hotel acton before purchase wheh el8e- y w mm 1- -iks-

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