Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 1, 1883, p. 4

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i cton 4 s tircasmi sttoio koj 1 188s that drbadfulsoy im looking or a dreadral boy does anybody know mm t whos iodine all the other boys the tray the shouldnt go ta i think if i could and that bov td stop what he is doln abrincw til the other boys to osruinmortm ruin theres tommy green a growing lid his mother baa affirmed me the my that he is letting bed would certainly alarm me sne feels the blame should rest upon john brown recent comer for tommy erura lovely child a year ago tuts summer bat when 1 spot to mrs brown her inmost soul w shaken to think last lira oreea could to so tery much mistaken she did assure mc johnny was as good a child as any except for learning uoghty things from mrs wuungs bcnnv and airs whiting frets because of jin 81101111011 teddy she fears he s uoht young benjam some kicked tricks already tet ted is such an innocent i here it from his motherk he wooldn t tlank of dang irrcng l ntempted by another 0 when i think ive found the boy whose ways are so digrecin 1 always find hes some one else and lives some other place in and if we cannot sesreh him out he wih most dreadful pity j spoil all the boys who otherwise w ould ornament our aty scene painting is not a contagious dig ease usually but its skelduc all tic same there arc a number of varieties of corns hollowsys corn cure will remove any of them tic indindcal who was injured by the accidental discharge of his duty is still very low do not delay in getting relief for the little folks mother grafts rorm ex terminator is a pleasant and sure cure for beaut and durability of color the triangle package dyes beat the world if you neter used dyes before do so now and be convinced 10 18 tie randiest package dyei to use are the star dyes beautiful and lasting colors 9 trial proves that honesty is the best policy in medicjie as well as in other things aycrs sarsapanha is a genuine preparation an unequalled blood purifier deacdedh superior to all others i jaco loocluuo buffalo v says he has been using dr thomas eclecinc oil for rheumim he had such a lame back he could not do anything but one bottle has to use lis own eipressicn cured hju up he thinks it is the beat thing m the market salt kkesibs cirecl are you troubled with salt rheum rough skin pimples or c anker sores if so go at once to j e alcgamns drug store and get a package of calverts carbolic cerate price twenty fire cents- it was never known to fail 47 hundreds of letters from those using iters hair igor attest lt value as a restorer of gray hair to its natural color as a stimulant and tonic preventing and often curing boldness and cleansing and soothing the scalp its use cannot be too strongly recommended ixrs j mcpnee ipptn writes during the last eight tears i hare used almost every medicine recommended for bilious nessbut fcund nothing equal to carsons bitters ix you suffer fry it price 50 cents 15 there is no preparation before the people today that commands their confidence more or meets with a better sale than does dr fowlers extract of vild strawberry the infallible remedy for all forms of summer complaint j smolia catarrh remedy a marvellous cure for citarrhdiphthena canker mouth and headache with each bottle there is an ingenious nasal lajector for the more succesaf cl treatment of these complaints without extra charge price 50 centa sod by i e mcgamn a dilapidated pro sique mx be built up and fortified against disease by that incom parable promoter of digestion and fertiliser of the blood xonhropsfc lymans vege table discovery and dyspeptic cure it counteracts biliousness and kidney com plaints overcomes bodily ailments special with the feebler sex causes the bowels to act like clockwork and is a safeguard agaiat malaria and theumausm- avrams i laid llfkulm eeds no advertising when once intro duced lverr bottle sold sells hundreds of others by doing all and more than represent ed fof xeuraiiga toothache headache etc 1 1 removes any pain mstanth quick as flash try it and you will say it is well named fluid lightning get a twenty fire cent bottle at j e mcgarvinf drug store aston 47 the mystery explained nothing succeeds like success this cxplans why pctaahs painless cor exriuctur has risen so rapidly into public favor it ponttvely succeeds in accomphsii- lng all that is clawed farit corns are as easily and painlessly cured by ffa use as the greatest sufferer could desire put nam s painless com extractor mark the name sold by druggists everywhere x c p0lsojc co kjrtrstoo proprietors bolfowaift pdu invalids distracted by indigestion and discouraged in their search far its remedy should make trial of this nevei failing medicine a lady long the martyr to dyspeptic tortures writes that 0011088 pais made her feel as if a bur den had been taken off her her spirits formerly low have greatly improved her capricious appetite has given place te healthy hunger her doll sick headache has departed and gradually so marvelloos a change has been effected that she is altogether a new creature and again fit for her duties these pills may be adminis trated aafrty to the most delicate they oarer act harshly ner do they ever induce weakness they rightly direct deranged and control excessive action why angelina where did yon get those beautiful rich colore on your bonnet t aint ther lovely 1 1 dyed them with the triaiule package dyea 10c 18 the political contest being over the popular rote of the people la now out in laror of dr fowler extract of wild strawberry that matchless remedy for cholera morbus and all 8ummer coo plaints k they all tell the same story mr w thompson jeweler delhi suffered for ears from dyspepsia got no relief until he used dr carsooi staunch bitters he says it was just tho medicine i needed it has cuted me 15 a keaaarkawe atesall vt a edgars of frankvlllo was a ter rible sufferer from urooio kidney and liter complaint and at one time waa ao bad that his life waa despaired of he waa cured by four bottles of burdock blood bitten n a bleaalat le ail kaaklad la these times when our newspapers ire booded with patent medicine advertise ments it is gratifying to know what to procure that will certainly cure rod if you are bilious blood out of order liver inactive or generally debibled there is nothing in the world that will cure you so quickly as electno bitters they are a blessing to all mankind and can be had for onl fifty cents a bottle of j e mcgarvin g w mingayfarkdale toronto writes my wife had several very severe attacks of cramps in the stomach hearing of dk arsrrss phosrharim audita pleasantness to take i gave her two bottles and she has not had an attack since and her health is muchimproved for sale by all druggists hrgrefsrs speedy rare from the many remarkable cures wrought by usiog mcgregor speedy cure for dyspepsia indigestion constipation and affection of the liver and from the im mense sale of it without any advertising we hare concluded to place it extensively on the market so that those who suffer may have a perfect cure go to j e mc- garvms drugstore and get a trial bottle free or the regular sues at fifty cents and one dollar 47 ai editors trl bale theron p keator editor of et wayne ind gazette writes for the past five years bare always used dr kings vew discovery for coughs of moat severe character as well as for those of a milder tppe it never failsto effect a speedt cure my friends to whom i have recommended it speak of it jn same high terms flaying been cured by it of every cough i have had for five years i consider it the onlt reliable and sure cure for coughs colds etc call at j e mcgamna drug store ud get r trial bottle large sue 1 00 o household should be considered com plete without a bottle of dr vas bcbijs kievn cree is in the closet it u the only remedy that will positively pennan tntlj and promptly cure all forms of kidney disease hold by s e mcgamn in the history of medicine no preparation has received such universal commendation or the alleviation it affords and the per manent cure it effects in kidney diseases as dr tax beats s kjdsit ctrt its ac tion in these distressing complaints is sim ply wonderful sold by s e mcgarvm a card to all who are suffering from the errors and indiscretions of youth nervous weak ness early decay loss of manhood ifcc i will send a recipe that will cure you trek or charge this great remedy waa dis covered by a missionary in south america send a self addressed envlope to the rev josete t itmat station d veir forkcdit w j gappy druggist of dewberry writes dr fowlers wild slnwberry is just the thing for summer sickness i sold out my stock three times last summer there was a eood demand for it dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry is infallible for dysentery colic sick stom ach and bowel complaint m o ers i brothers 1 mautersi are 3 ou disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crj log with the excruciatiogpain of cutting teeth if so go at once and get a bottle of mrs wmslow s soothing syrup it will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately depend upon it there is no mistake about it there is not a mother on earth who has ever used it who will not tell on at once that it will regulate the howels and give rest to the mother and relief and health to the child operating irke magic it is perfecty safe to use in all cases and pleasant to the taste and is the prescrip tion of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in lie united states sold everywhere at 25 cents a bottle dress goods millinery mantles underclothing selling off at thi right housi at an amazing rate it is perfectly astonishing to see the vast crowds of ladles who wilt the right house dally to obtain their loppllea of almost every or any tblaf that la woven knitted felled or tanned leather and bilk plush hind batra and portmonlea by the hnadred kid oforee from hie np to the very beat ijne preach kidi by toe thousand at the very loweit prices the ladiea children and mens underclothing hare an enormous sale he value ii so very good the ureas goods bare been selling off at a surprising rate the roc allwool french drees goods are beautiful heavy fine goods well worth 82e the various other klodi of dreal goods are baring an im- mean sale there hare been more blankets sold this season already than were kid by the rod of november last year the prices an w moch lower aad ladiea will remember that they are made by the beat makers in canada now ii the time to jet eatra cheap blaokeu ud dreas goods at the right house there is a great mo on the ladies and ohildtena satchel gossamer mantles they are vary cheap comfortable in a storm and wear well extra long auei in engll gossamer mantle jnst me them ladles ulster are being sold by the hundred at the right house they look smart and very becoming the bilks satiua buk velvet and plashes ud velveteens are in lorprta ing demand tbu season in plain and embossed and in black and all the newest colon watklnl bought 793 plecea of them when la europe lately and baa had to order five timei ainoo his return home last month the quslltlai are good and durable they are made and dyed by flrstolaal artist the oolers are beautiful pare and bright aad the prices are the very lowest that oan be bought for oaah down the mourning goods consisting of the latest dealgni in virions ooalltisi from a very soperler black allwool french twill it 2jo up to the beat french ottoman and cashmere clolhi are greatly mont after tbey are dyed by chepei the bast french dyer in pans and war ranted not to turn brown in wearing the great sale of carpet linoleums floor oilcloth etc etc at an immense reduction on former prices ii going on with a rush immense quantities are being sold call at the right house king street east ladles can order from their new houses by telephone hamilton nor 1st 1888 thomas c watkins hamilton vegetable sicilian haie benewer ni uw ftnrf preptniuoo perfectly ftdipttd 1 eon due of the scalp aodtlu lint ititv mf ol ratortr of faded or fray blr to 1u utunl odor rovtb and pratmal beast it hat bad many unlutort but none hart m txulj met all the requirement needful for the proper trealnmnt of the hair and icalp hulls hua bzxsteb bu steadily from la fitor and spread iu fame and oiefulneaw to eterr quarter of the globe la uaparal leled suooen can be attributed to but one cause ike mirt fuljuwunt of u pnmtixu the proprietors bare often beam surprised kt the reoelpt of orders from remote coun tries where they bad aerer made an effort for fi introduction taeue for a short time of iuu i iltja hsctxiteb wonderfully improtes the per- sonalaieanuwe ncleov tto scalp from all impurities euros all humors ferer and dryness and thus pnnenu baldnees it stimulates the weakened glands and enables them ta push forward a new and rigorous growth the effects of this article are cot transient like those of alcoholic prepara- liombut remain a long time which makes tiami matter of economy buckinghams dte roe irtz whiskers ttli ehangv the beard to a natural brown or bivckedtirwl it prod aces i permanent color that will not wash away consisting of a single preparation it is applied without trouble- pezpahedbt e p hall co kailma kh som br all dealers fa sfedlefaes fob ail the poems or scrofulous herenrial aad blood disorders the best resnedr beeaoae tba moat seafehlaa and tbcrouaii ibloatccrhloris ayers 8areaparllla fold trr ail druotsts 1 ad twojes m speight son acton undertakers carriage makers c are prepared to furnish everything in their line from the be8t ca8ket to the plaine8t coffin on the shortest notiee and at lowest terms satis- sall calls either night or daj promptly attended to faction guaranteed in ever case a firstclass hearse for hire sawearelna position to satisfactorily fill orders or waggons carnages to of every description in reasooable time good workmanship ood firstclass material always used we have also a splendid lot or furniture both common and extra qaality cheap s3- if yon will par us ca8h we will sell yon anything in cor line cheap j a 8pei0ht manafsr east end clothing store while tendering in sincere thanks to my numerous customers for the liberal patronage heretofore accorded me i would an nounce to ni patrons and thp public that i have now opened a very large and wellassorted stock of cloths and gents furnishings 8uitable for the coming season dominion boot shoe 8t0re jlilk 8t actok as m the past so also in the future i propose to give my ensfomen tutst value that can be had in he trade good sound material in all the newest patterns and perfect- biting garments at lowest possible prices hats and caps in all the leading shapes for fall wear call and see them j fyfe kenney bros hanng purcluscd the ilock tod business of kenae t sod mnnfacturen mid delen in boot and shoes of ji linds 10 the same premises and solicit a cootimunce of the ptlrooagc ac corded to the 1ao firm we will ilwayt be aapphed with good stock and fintclaei matcnal for ordered work and can ftwuxnit satisfaction a call soliclted kevyev bros acton july 10 83 ctqf- harnes trunk gpor rutttes asqcraoo iktthco a harness or trunks to save money should go to r creech acton photography hills tin stove depot good assortm ent on 8tovu8 cheap for cash t s1 itlc 4 f cairrsiafrrrar trial hhjl relief or cur srfrectstt your inoiiev ark f be refunded puce tin soldbv tinware of all kinds bottom prices at and put up on notice shortest first class material only used a call solicited j o hill hill st puotugkaphfc-thi- utebtfetylesjl a de- second in one picturepr mikgofallkin0sxeptuslland madetoordek old- pictcreacopiedand enlarged8ec0ndt0 xune at sk 0 w hills photograph coloring a specialty qa and see samples iamam who is uhaoouaimteo with thi ccooaaphy 0s tms ooumtby wiu by bumimiiw thii j thxt thi t0 the i kidneysliverobimart organs the best blood peufxek tfaerelsonlrone rajbrwuiebactdlaease can be cured and that is br removlnc the escse- vbateverlt may be rne great md cal am hi rules of the aa7 declare lnet nearly every disease is caused by dersdged kidaaye or live to restore toes therefore la lbs only way by whloh health can be second here is where waxroxfc sireooka baa achieved it areatrenctatlon itadu direct- ly upon the kidneys and llvirknd v puelnc tbem in a healthy condition drives dlaeaae and pain from tha system bor all kidney liver and urinarytrooblea 6r the alatrw lntrdlsordii of women for malaria and physical troubles generally this great rem edy has noeqaal he ware of impostor im itations and oonoootlone aaidto beloit a good 1 brntsoota rorsalebyajloialeri h washes co flour feed store the andersigned has pureliased the floor and feed business irom sir robert lliott and will carry on the boaioesa in the build ing formerly used as a barber shop oppos ite the old feed store i will keep in stock and sell for cash flour chopped peas roller floor chicken feect granlatd wheat oate peas cracked graham flour buckwheat oatmeal corn meal bran shorts chopped oate barley bye oil cake thorley cattle feed climax feed flax seed potatoes turnips chopped barley beans c c garden field and flower seeds fresh and good for sale oheap tour patronage respectfully mllclted caih tn an kinds of crsin butcher shop r holmes wonld respectfully inform the people of acton and vicioity that be baa purchased the business and property of mr w c kobinaoo and it prepared to supply all with firstclass meat of all kinds and poultry and game tn seaon ft meat delivered to any part of town at any time b having practical experience in the butchering business i feel confident thst i can suit all a call kindly solicited r bolmes aboontfimffl rams o iwim 1 timt omohti t bzalol everywhere amount kefjnlred co tare in roixows oxi to bix botrus will purify the blood eradicating all humours from the conmctt pimple blotch orwiil to toe most malii naot form of scrotulbus ulcer our to six bottle by cleaasug th blood will purify the complexion jrota- 8allowdeas sroooth out the wnnkiri resalt- j tog from imperfect nourishment of the bpdr sweeten foul breath and renovate tist entire system t ok to two bottijb will cure ordinary fe cooatipatlon or coalivnesa thereby remorma hhaiache puea biliousness and jaundtpa and all diseases resulting from torpid liver oki to 8tx bottlu by cleanasng the blood improving the general health and fortifying the system against taking fresh colds will in all cases relieve and in most case cure that common loatiiesome aad dangerous diaesae cataaah oati to tuko bottles will regulate all derangementa of the kidneys curing unnarr difficulties prostration gravel diabetes te ohi ro forn bottus will reinvigorale the entire system curing nervous sad gen- era debility female weakness and all in attendant miseries graduated willi honors mccoll bros co lardine and other r- machinfe oils haviug passed the mobt critical examinations b eompetcnt jadges nere anurdej oold and silver medals and diplomas at alh exhibitions mccoll beosto toronto ont br feliz le bruns a guaranteed cure tor vaneisj disease safe plemaaot nd reliable ko raderrvct from fu use does not interere wltnbis- s sjl we a per bti or thrie boxes pr written goarantee issued jir every dnlyautborlied agent to refund ttkmone ilf three boxes ill toenn 8entktgrrfrild ooietelpeornrlre r j ii orffeljs lebrrf ft co ii 83 kl j utborlaejagtnl for enn worth theirweight in gold chicago rock island pacific ry mng th oraat oaatral un eford to travrtre by rswaon of rta jnrrntai srao- grprilo1 position th kortsm and tint rout bitweswttn cut szssmltlxz outrmsurt amd th wawt northwnt and somwst orfiwmt and it w lltarally and atrtour tnn that us oonmotton su au of th orlnoloal iin mrabmweamtrwatiantlobridttnpiioltlo wtsjppiiiisi by it main urn and bra it rnahn chlcasm jollat pom ah u taljowjo molln and rook ldln nisos iwpulsss washincton kmkok knoavnit outalooaa falrttald dm mexswlwt lje great rock isund route sagnuraam tratareaoanowiestod bypran and paopl totv th ffl itisnls 5 wad iii thi oountky and in whntmiljljxi albert lea route v irrl 5 wmoissl olrwirinarri inrtlanaliiiln alivi rltli and nonmtrnalt jssitmisitmsr r r ca1 bli chicago s iwi ry phls ointment hot kturtdfor totlf a impcrulfatk fane throughout the world for the alltnattoh hj rune 0 nut dueases to which humanity u heir the pills purify regulate and improve the quality uf theblood they assist the digestive oiuous cleanse the 8t0hacu and bowjbls uicrease the secretory powers bt the ltver brace the nervous system and throw into the circulation the purest element for sustaining and repairing the frame thousands of persona have testified that iy their use alone tbey have own restored to health and strength after every other meaui had proved unsucoeaafalt a the ciii will be found invaluable in every household in thecure of open sores hard ta cold bore throato bronelhtii and fltorsof the ihroat and qiet aaabo 2k scrofula ud wry kind of akin disease 8 oy at profemor hollo- 9 m e 90 cent idlsj aactmoii i have no ist th umtad istatee nor an my medioinee sold then purohaaer ahould therefore look to the label on the pot and bozea h the addr u not 883 oxford streety lfloaon furerareeptrioos trsjmarkofmyaaldmsotoibmi regiatnred at ottawa aad alwatvkv idtrton will cure or relieve bwuwm dmhes8 orspsia indigestion jaundice wsipeu8 salt rheuk heartm headache okopsy huttebma ofthehbut iciditr of the frowh of the skw fld wr7 species uf dlmsm arialnr from dlaordered uver kiokeya srstsst bowel8 0r blood toronta vt manhoo ost kestvateas wehavereeentljiwbuahedanew rraivtnreu ctle ry on tin radical and rmuent cure without medl- shluty lleiuimni pnaie a4ws24rss theolebmtedauthor rn this admirable s carly dernoiwtrat frexa uurtx yersahoeesaf ol yracllee thaialarmlni con mquuem mar be radleattr enred without ib susnaeroos oseof interaumedlelutior th uaaortbe knife poinunt oat a mode or edreloneimple oerulnandeneinalby wj llsjfr ytt aumjnr no matter whthlseiinditlotimaybemtycrehtmsl onsjaspritaiijaiidnaeavr thta laetan anouhl be in the hinda 01 everyyogth and every man inlheland addxaaa tl cailtervtell mealical p8m080il fori 5rdj pron te

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