Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 8, 1883, p. 2

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iion jfrce rcss ttttasmy m ms nor 6 iu3ju thanksgiving today has beou wt apart as a day tor thanksgiving throughout the dotptmoqi for tho blessings of i he iasl year our people should not fail to fulfil tho object or which the- day has been proclaimed wc have ail murmured over our afflictions have we given correiiondiiig praise to the donor of all good for the nam bet loss mer cies aud blessings received during the year do you ask whal have i rcoivoi for which i should pie thanks tlicy hvfcbeen quietly falling iuto your path daily ask the sunbeam the nuu drop the star or the qutxaof night what is life bat a mercy j what ig the propriety of stopping to play with a uiont bush when you might just as well pluck sweet flowers and eatnleas- ant iruita eaiy is he who looks at the bright 6ide of life of providence and of revelation who avoids thorns and sloughs until his growth is such that il hccannot improve them he may pass among them without injury count mercies before you comnlain of affliction board of education the trustee of the public 8chool met in the council chmbor on monday evening member all present mr jamca matthews in the chair miuutcs of last meeting road and con firmed the committoo on finanoo prtaonled their eleventh report recommending pay inent of the following accounts thomas moore salary october 4583 miss gordon do 2708 miss grant do 2083 mr j adaing do c25 john matthew freight on desks c 850 v 10349 moved by d henderson seconded by dr lowry that tho report of committee oa finance bo adopted carried moved by d henderson tweouded by james moore that mr thomas moore be reengaged aa teacher of first department of acton public school for ensuing year at same salary as at present receiving and that chainnu on behalf of the board eiecate the requisite agreement carried- moved by yf h storey seconded by j e mcgarviu that tho chairman bo auth orized to engage miss anna morton for the second department of the school at a salary not exceeding the expressed wishes of the board carried i council adjourned to meet again next monday evening new railway ticket system a cow kind of railway ticket is coming tothe front it is best example by taking the grind trunk far explained that road gesto work and it prints a book of tickets coataining icm 500 100 or co tickets 20 on a pirf and eich ticket good for one mile ti0c link- tickets are smillcrtbau postage stamps 20 oa ji shtet and perfor ated you con buy two twenty or a thous and of hcui and pay for thcai at a xci rate ani the company on its part is bound to accept oae of them for every mile you travel you will not require to tell the ticket seller where yoa want to go yon will say give m a hundred miles or twen ty or a thousand miles get oa board and give the conductor enough of the little squares to earn yon to jour destination there will be thea no such thing as lay over ticket or trouble ic getting tickets changed or loss through tickets not used these tickets will be as good as money and always current the new system his received tc endorsement of the better class of passenger agents and of travellers and has been adopted on severs western roads already the marks ti the graiii market remains about the same this week as for the past fortnight itvheat however is assuming a firmer position and there is a prospect of higher prices being paid fall wheat old 95cto l05 spring wheat 51 to 105 barley 50 to 63c per bushel oatsnew 30 to 32c per bushel peas 0ic per bushel i potatoes coc per bag apples 5 1 to- 8 12j per bag- hay i per ton flour i7o to 3 per cwt pork 5750 per cwt wood 275 to 325 per cord eggs 16c per dozen batter 17 to 18c per lb about local newspapers an exchange hits the iail oa the head in the following it is absurd for the resi dents of rural municipalities to suppose that because they got a lame city- weekly for the same money that they pay for a good local paper that they receive more valce for their money this is a mistaken idea- any mzn who takes the least inter est fh the i5iirs o his towcihip or county if he can a5crd only one paper shouli tike the one published in his owa township or county the local paper furnishes its readers with the news of the district market reports agricultural news council reports accounts of agricultural societies and shows and local news generally none of which the city papers can pretend to do it will thus be seen that neither the mail globe or exy other city weeuy can eupply the places of the local paper glibtongued agents to the contrary notwithstanding to which do the people look when there is some local scheme to be advocated do they run to the city papers ko for they know it wonld be of no use to do so then the country press diould let those who take a city weekly in preference to a local paper go to the city editors for ant- favors they may ask a good live paper is ibest institution any town can possess the cradle scott in kent ohio on the 22nd oct the wife of- mr james scott formerly of acton of a son the altae prrtt sutee at acnews hotel acton oa the 5th inst- by lie v w bryers mr peter petty to iliss catharine salter j both of pushnch township kcwroy corlsov at the residence of the bride f father kent street gaelph j on the 31st nit by rev jas c smith j bd john m newton of limehoase to mary e fourth daughter of mr robert i i coolson of gaelph 1 ectltx moosei arthe residence of the i brides mother frederick street acton f on the 7th nov bv rev w bryers as- sistedbyrevcrmorrowottcrville lyman s batlin of st clair mich to anna m eldest daughter of the late edward moore esq of this village lisst wneirls in the sixtyfirst street i methodist church new york on 23rd oct by bishop foster of boston rev c c lasby to miss c j wideman both of new york the groom is cousin of the messrs lasby of this village aud formerly resided in piikington near elora business brevities some facta about our bulnets ken and homes of benefit to our keaeral readers notes and commeats the dominion parliament if is under stood will be called together for ike de spatch of business on the 17th of january owing to ill heaith hon james young has resigned his otnee of provencial treas ure hon a m eossol huron has been appointed to 11 the vacancy municipal nominations will have to be made in a few weeks hence but as yet no candidates have been announced for acton most of the members of the present coun cil express themselves as mahterent in the matter and it is likely that the council of 183i will include several new members in new york state last year the pro hibitionists polled thirty thousand votes they are confident that at the election to morrow they will doabk that figure mr organ at the head of the movement says confidently within five years from dow we shall carry this state and hold it against the ramsellers and i believe that within ten years the entire nation v will be pledged to prohibition -uont- rtal wuneu a unt for canada women to crack three brewers in the toronto city council voted against your enfranchisement why prohibition sokes the riddle if they r had manhood suffrage and womanhood aoffrage he did not know what the consequences wouldt be aid claris m pp 2wto it can b snmmed up in one word pro- htbtoon and aid clarke jl pp and bis three brower allies know it rem and aid clarto m pp of toron to eay tfcai tho dninkfiabarroom fotf if fit fc vote beoanao he is called a man but intelligent moral women of can ada withaober beads and dear brains are mfitforihgfri 3wto trtmz fhats from 75 cenls to 250 at j fjff if vou want a nobby darable and cheap g uit j fyfes is the phic to go the largest and cheapeat 6tock of boots shoes to select from is at nelson mtrats thv largesl stock of gents farniicingi hats and caps shirts and drawers at kel son mceaes the cest value in factory cottons uinceys funnels aad domestic goods a kelson k ilcraes jthe lareest and cheapest stock of ready made clothing in llie town is at kelion mcraee scotch eoylish and canadian suitings in urett variety at the east end clothing store j fyfe acton thejnost perfect fitting suits asd orercoat and the best eelectioa of goods at the loweit prices at kelson t mcries scits aud overcoats at extremely low rates and made in latest atyies be sure to call and see them j fvfe acton the best assortment of black aad col ored vdveu ladies uaqtleslvyoolleuand knitted goods in the town at kelson k mcraei t backlesi lrmlea salve the greatest medical wonder of th world sarranled to speedily cure barnr bmises cats ulcere salt rheam ferer sores ciacers piles chilblains corns tetter qhapped haoda and all skin erap- tioris guaranteed to care jo every instance or money rcfanded 25 cents per box for sale bv j e melanin 46 lictaltfa pile flbipuib tail care the symptoms are moistare like perspir- ailon jqiecse itching increased by scratch ing very distressing particularly al night seems as ff pin- worms were civltog in and about the rectum lhe private parts are sometimes nffected li allowed to coal ioae very serious resale may follow swavirss oistmevt is a pleasant sure care aho for tetter itch halt rheum all scaly crusty skin diseases sent by mail for fio cents 8 boxej 125 in stamps ad dress dr 8 wayne 80n phuadelpbia pa sold by draggista fio shiloha consumption core tail ts beyond question the mostiaecess- fol cough medicine we nave ever sold a few doses iovarably cure the worst cases of cough croup and f bronchitis while its woaderial inocesc ifl the caw of consump tion is without peralw ia the history of medicine siobo its first discovery it has been sold oo guarantee a test whidl no other medicine can stand if yoo bare ft oonruweearnestlyauvotttotrylt price 10 ci ots 50 cents add f 1 00 if your longs aresjre cbeal or bck lame me shfloks aybrs hair vigor rciiortk irlth tbeglon and frahness of youth faded or raj nalr to a natural rich iiroiru color or deep buok u may bo dtalred uj- iu uh light or redualrnurba darkened thin hair lulckeued and baldness often luoiigh not alwayt eared it checks falling of tho hair and itlma- laics a weak and sickly growth to rigor it prereuuiuid cares scarf and dandruff and heals nearly erery disease pecoliir la tho icalp as ladles hair dreatlnff tbe viooa is unequalled it contains neither oil uor d renders tho uair soft flossy and silken lu aptarance aad imparts a delicate agrvmc- and lasting irfume mitc p bricnrn writes from kirby 0 jli 3 lci last fait my hair commenced fulling out and in r short time i becanw ucarly htld 1 used part of a bottle of avons hair viona which iloppod uio fall ing of the hair and started a new growth i uato iww a full head of bair growing tlgor- oosly and am conrlueed that bat for the use of yoar preparation 1 should bare been entirely bald 1 w boirrx proprlotor of the mc arthur oku faquirtr sji areas hair yiooa is k most excellent preparation for the hair 1 speak of it from my own experience lu ue promotes uie growth of uew hair and make it glossy and soft the viook u alio a mro euro for dandraff kot within my kutrclg uu the preparation erer failed to give entire satisfaction mic avors fainnaittx leader of the wltr brand fairbairu family of scottish vocalists wtitcs from jlotttm iasi rtb 6 i5s0 krcr since my hair began to glte sil- rerv etidenee of the change which fleeting time procurttu i have wwd attas hija viooit and soliax been able to maintain tnsppeaninee of youtufulness matter of eoiiiijerhlo consequence to ministers ora tor actor mid lu ft tery one who lites lu the eyea of uia public jfr o a riiescott wriling from u bin f ckirtniokh jfa ajrit h bs2 uys two vcarc zj about xinhiirq of my hair caitie off il thinned rcry npldly and i was fust growing bald ou nlng avers uair vioir tho tailing stopped and a nox growth commenced ami in about a month my bead was complewly corercd wiui short hair it lvcomunediigrow now as good u before it fell 1 regularly used but one bottle of the vigor but now use it occasionally u a dressing y uare unndrods of similar testimonials la the efficacy of arans iiaic vigor il needs but a trill o contiace the most skepti cal of lutxjne rbepajled bt dp jcayerico lowell mms ssld by all draeglsta the tue of pdls salts castor oil ic and other naaseous gnptog cathartics is no- dccessary as a pleasant buhiiitute is foand in dr carsous stomach liiltcrs which ct as a cathartic wilhocl gripinff or causing nausea all urcjuts sell it 50 cents a bottle 15 wc hare a sptxdy positive cure for catarrh diphtberiacmtr raid head ache lit smiohs cjuitii iliujc ly a nasal injector free with each litilo isc it if you desire health and ewtot itreath price 50 cents sold by j mcgt vin i9 j s ethcrcll writing from winnipeg says i can say more ahoat piiosrhatiir now thaa when i saw you last in toronto ily health is ranch improved and i am free from headaches or any other aches having only used two and a half bottles of your phosphaline for sale ly all dragfsla oh what acoutfli will you heed the uarpinit the signal perhaps of the sarc appronqv of that moat terrible ducasc coasumption ask ynsr- selves if you can afford for the sake of saviotj 59 cents to ron the rik and do nntlaiu for il wc knaic from erpcricuce tint shilohs care will cure yoar cough it never fais this explains why more thin a million bot tics were to the put year it relieves croup and whoopttijr couch at once mothers do not he withent it for lame bick side or chest use shilohs porous plaster sold by j e mcgarvin rrilti icg a guaranteed aura for 27er7oua dobuitr d seminil weai- ous78toiikeuralsiaoo7uiaion4 and all brain and nerve troubles caused by self ahase over brain work ic l written guarantee of cure in every case or money refunded send 15c for postage on meetblaxfcorof loopiljs address da m w bacos cr clark st and calhoun place chicngo iii ax i5v1tati0m ail parties in arrears for bread c will please call at the shop and settle their ac counts at once e xickliy tsox acton kor fith 1883 m owat mcleay barristers solicitors notaries convey ancers ic ts3iosev ro lois omce records block mill st acton j a ifowir w a mcleak t you aire looking fm nice new fall and winter hats k bonnets in all the latest french euglish and american patterns trimmed by experienced hands only new velvets plain und brocaded in all the fashionable colors and shades ot the lowest prioee ranging from 85c peryard aud upward our velvets arc acknowledged by all who have examined them to be he finest assortment and best values ever shown in actou why so because we sell only tbe silkfinish lyons and pile velvets at the same price as common velvets new dres8 cood8 to match our velvet in nllwool goods that keep their colors and will not spoil with wet or other ordinary matter so de structive to common and cheap dress stuffs new button8 and linings tosuitour dress goods everything always to match mantles overcoats readymade clothing shawls clouds knitted goods for ladies k children shirts drawers for every one cheaper than any other house from 30c upward selling off boots and shoe at wholesale prices as wc do not intend to carry this line of much longer b2twe are working into an entire dry goods house as fast as possible our dry goods stock this fall is better as sorted than ever everything marked in plain figures at the lowest prices bsla visit to our house will convince you that we will not be litidersold we have a large stock of winceys weare offeriucat oc 9c 12c and allwool flannels at 80c tiwo are selling oottous blankets at mill prices and mens and boys felt ilats from 40c 50e and 65c equal to any goods you pay 100 for elsewhere why so because we always look out for kafgains and buy direct from the manufacturers come wc will consider it no trouble to show goods and quote prices at the halton dry coods house acton the wonderful mam h- c b griffin go to mrs e h passs guelph for cheap millinery velvet bonnets from 81 so trimmed llnu from si 85 dress velvets from 40 ets hantle fer irom 35 cm far caps from 92 75 at our millinery show rooms st georges square otr dufcss mantle hajuxg we do not need to inform the udiea of our own cjtv tbftt io our dressmaking we al ways give a styuafa mukr nod a first class fit bot fef the benefit of strangers ve visb to call attention to the fnct that we icrsriably give satisfaction jackets ctt fitted bes eh pass new coods for fall and winter o toalfoksale the undersigned having purcbawd the coal shed from mr jas goodall intends keeping constantly oo haod a stock of hard aod soft stove coal of all kinds which will be delivered to any part of the village parties desirirg coal iboald give him a call c s smith ruttle astkay strayed from tbe premises of the nndcr signed lot 31 con 3 ksqaesfng on or about the 1 1th october tbe following cattle 1 whife slag rising 3 years i red steer with white star on forehead rising 8 years 1 roan beifer rising 3 years 1 red heifer with white star oo forehead and other white spots on under part of body rising 3 years 1 red heifer with white spot on left side and white half way op lhe tail rising 3 years and 1 red steer with white spots rising 2 years any information which will lead to tbe recovery of above stock will be suitably rewarded vs cafieoll esquetingoct 30 83 actou po best family hew8paper in canada kino ot wesxl1z weekly free press largre 1 paper 8 pages out ft patted bynew maohlnery contains all the news special market department agricultural department capital story always sunning ingenious puttie column funny humoriams jut tiu thin for flu ftmlly brsend su and tbe paper will baforwardad to you to january 1st 1s6j 911o00 ittpremiam4 tbe meet hba tn era offend ia pauprhegetun up olnbe or abe week ly free prass dtorpremiamust whui wwb trwu tkuukvt aavtaicatb seat te 1st asuutr uh tn tip a16rm febe pxej3i offlce immense superb stock at the mammoth house croat bargains mcleod anderson co hare pleasure in nnonunclng that their stock was never before in such an attractive con dition for the public for variety extent and cheapness they have fairly surpassed themselves great bargains in all lines of goods an immense line of winceys for fie 8c 10c 18c worth so 10c 12c 15c tbe above sire tbe cheapest goods ever of fered to the public in cottons and cotton goods we took advantage of the severe depression booght largely and can now offer them retail t less than present whole sale prices as tbey have advanced lately in woollen goods gents suitings and overcoatings we have hr immense assortment market has contributed its quota to wards this stock the getup of oar garments in our tailoring department is un surpassed for f tyle fit cheapness sod durability gents furnishings in ever con ceivable description at close prices our dress goads department is replete with all the latest styles of dress soods ipcludlog black oud colored cashmeres black and colored silks ronoy silks latest trimming in every conceivable description our dress making and mantlemakiitg department is carried on in flratelaas style charges moderate consistent with efficiency dadiea need not hesitate leaving their orders with us wedding and mourning orders a specialty oqr millinery depart ment sunder the management ot an efficient and experienced hand and we turn oat novelties in millinery that gladdens the hearts of the ladies we have an extensive stock proper variety and all at bock bo worn prices we have a large and extens ive stock of carpets brussels tapestry supers and 8ply carpets union and hemp carpets oil cloths aid xlnollome table covers window blinaa c we are satiafied that our l houses for sise and cheapness a value as we shall mantles and made clothing is mens youths and overcoats iu mens friths and bo eitenslretock low prioee ft cannot enunufata we simply rel bonbted position in the markets as of s large business blacfl and that that we buy mostly direst from the sale price we shall be pleased an us you will make money to yoarsel stock and cbeah prloes siirpasses many city we are aatisfleovrio bouse shall offer yon suoh lewis haberdaahery snd small wares beady ays immense stock and at fearfully low prloes h blg8tock blgbargaina boots 8boee in eeasoo we bavq a great many goods we yon that fhnmgfc our long experieuce and un- tda oredit and mpney that we have an outlet have a poaltiob ahead of ordinary retsilui sanofaetarers and pis sell yon goo s ait whole thmkfnl for ycrr jpatronage by patronising iesrfetloo umma t -joj- on thursday ii th october we make our first display of fine miuinery 11 the season we cordially invite every lady to visit our show room on that day next thursday -m- f our imported mantles are selling very freely every lady who sees them speaks highly of the almost perfect fit and choice style of these garments tm we advise every lady who intends purchasing ah astbacatf jacket v this season to make a selection at once as it is difficult to find two garments of equal value at the same price and certainly tbe best garments are sold first w6 offer a choice of nearly one hundred jackets and warrant every garment -w- j ivlancnium fast pilo yelveteee le follet iii tiriting about velvtutn tayt 1 welveteen8 are more fashionably worn than ever snehhag v been the wonderful improvement in this fabric the best velveteens are not only worthy representatives of rich silk velvet bnt are more worn ibythe fashionable and wealthy classes thany any other the makcun1um fast pile while retaining oil the desirable qualifications for which ws have albkact so highly com- mended it is now so manufactured that no amouut of friction of the plain surface or ot creasing in ki i tings or other form of folds canji disturb the pile or cause it to become defective inanyreay thoojrh so firm ind durable ns to form and retain the richest folds ftsvv manctjnium fast pile is very soft and light in wear ind kilti iegs and draperies dor not add perceptibly to the weight of a dress fs made of it it is as silky and soft to the touch as to the eyeaqoalf- ffcation only obtainable in the very best makes the black man- cuniums have an extra depth of sladehat many real silk yelynta at four times the price are deficient in and thoae in col in every variety of fashiouable and artistic shades present the sthmng coif- 7 trast of deep toues and bright lights inthe folds that one is accus- tomed to associate only with the richest lyons velvets the manu facturers of mancuriium fatft pile velveteens guarantee the wear of all bearing their stamp it is therefore qnita neceeaarythat every purchaser should examine the back ofjthe velveteed for the trade mark which is stamped in white on every yard and contains the words fast pile -w- we are offering great value ia black and colored velveteens at 0c 50c 60e 65c 70c 74c 86e 90a lla5 and iis5 vt barfliaaoffeiinjiacarjtfl kets flajmelfl siavls icantle clotho tjlater j chiothg tom 0008 0 j i 9ml large loti deaiioat fe deepflrate jwioov f v rztsvg ivvv 1 vrit

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