Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 8, 1883, p. 4

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pawmmv ill i l v thcrsmy mtarv nov lt3 speak kinbly angry words arc tigbuy tokco in a ruh ruid thoughtless hour brightmi link of lifeire broken by their doo itruluoua ixswor heart inspircl by ranncst fuag ncor before by anger elirroi ofl arc rent iasl htiinii healing by a iiaclc angry word iisoadroiis ot can and wrro v billcr iofsoudroi are they wearing for tlio coming morrov saddest niemorios of todiy angry rd 0 icj theni never from tho tongue unbridled alii may tho heart best impulse ever check lijeiu crv thoy soil ihylipl lore u much too inrc and holy friendship is too wcrod far for 4 moments rccuoss folly thus to dosotatd and mar angrr words arc lightly spoken bikcrest thoughts are rashly cirred brightest links of liie arc broken by a single angry wxnl use ihe sue decs if you want brilliant and fast colon s girehollowiys corn cure a trial it k- moveed ten corns from one pair of feel without any pain pleasant a5 syrup tiotluq cojials it a a worm medicine the aime is mother grave vonn kttcnninator for beauty and durability of color the triangle package dyes beat irc world if yoaacttf ceddes belore awo now tjjd be convinced 10 is iqoery answer peogle often luk when is the best lirre to take a blood puriner we answer thq best time is new burdock bioodbitlers does its wort of purifying regulating and tonjng the eystem at all limes and all mi- son4 parity ia all thicirs is always iu rder wben rxdred 19 avoid the liars u irrititiqg griping com mands so often sold a purging medicines and correct the irreuuritle of the bowels by tttc use of aycrv cathartic pilis which axe mill and genl yet thorough and sejuelim in their action lilraait im4 lifhintnff is the only iaauulineom relief for xeoral- gia headache todihachs etc rubbing a lew drops brufclyis all that is needed xu takihg nauseous me iicuies for weeks but one minates application removes all pain and will prove the cnrit value of kramt fluid lightning twenty tire cents per bottle at j e mcgirrins dreg store 4s as a purifier avers sarsaparii acts directly and- nroojuy a tiugte boule will procure its merits many thousandt of people are i eaily saycd from dajgerous feyera by the eiercuc of a lit tie umely cart in properly cleaciicc the system by the use of this remedy ilrs- j mcpher appin writes daring tlie last eight year i hare ascd almost everj- medicice recorutnended far bilio- nesa bet fccud cothiag eqail lo citeou t bilter ifyoa suffer try it price50 cents 15 jlgood tatrodactlan j kennedy a merchant in dirie aboaf three years ago inirodaced hagyards pec toral balsam to lia customers by trying- it in his own familr for coughs and ccld- bcicgpleaied with reiulis huge sales fo- lowed and it is lw lh lrorite remedy in ihat ndghbjrhj 19 shilohs catarrh remedy amarveuascsreftrciurrhdiphtherii canker mouth d ktadiche viilh each bottle there is an ingenioas cisal injector for the more 2cceifal treatment of these compuunts withont eitra charge pric50 centa iabrj e ifcgaria ifis jlao campbell elm writes after taking four batiks cf xcrihrop it lymaus veeuhi discovery and dyspep tic care i feel as if i vrerp a new person i ead been troubled with dyspepsia for a number of years and tried many remedies but of no avail until i used this celebrated dyspepri cere foe ail impurities of the blood sick headache liver and kidney complaints costive ueis els it is the best medicine kno wn 1 ciurluaiu aad quacks efave long plied their vocarion on the suf fering pelau of the people toe knife has pared to the cjaick cjue tic application have tormented the victim of corns unul the conviction shaped itself theres co cure prr5iirs paiklusscoes eitcact- oe pmvej on what a slender basis pablic oprcion often- rests if you suffer from corns get the extractor cud you will be ealisfied sold everywhere x c polsox it co kington- proprietors j anadierttilne a- chard of sterling tesi6es to the i efficacy of halyards vfiiow oil winch he used for a bidly iujurtd knee joint tt is the great houselinld rewedy tor inflamma tion pfn sgranes lameness etc and is f used both internally and cxternilly with infallible soccss 19 r tontands bayaa mr t- w alkies girard kna writes ineyer hesitate to recommend your elec tric bitters- to my customers they give entire satisfaction and are rapid sellers r electric bitters are the purest aad best medicine known and will positively cure kidney and liver complaints prrify the blood and regulate the bowels xo family can afford to be without them they will ave iiniilrede of doflars in doctors bills ereryyiar scld at fifty cents a bottle by j e mcgarvin gvv mingaypafkdale toronto writes a my wife had several very severe attacks of cramps in the stomach hearing of dk ausnss pnopitanve anevitfl pleasantness to fake i gave her two bottles and she has not bad au attack since and her hearth js maen improved for sale by all drogista jfidc awake drufgut hr j e mcgarrin ia always alive o hk business and spares nopains to secure the best of every article in bis line we liave secured the agency for the celebrated jr kings new discovery for coosnmp- i two -the- only certain cure known for consumption couirhs colds hoarseness i abthm4 hay frer bronchitii or any rfectimf tbe throat and jjungs sold wivomwgvuamee twi bottle fees fttifeaftfmtl 1 i vvliy auroliua where did you net ibvelicutiiifiil tieh cuturs on your ttomiel ivitit liuy lovely i dyed them wftli the tnuulc p4eke dyca 10c 18 they ail tell ihe same story mr w thompson jewoter delhi suffered for j on from dytptpsis got no relief until h used dr catsous stsmsch bitters he ws it was just the medicine 1 ueeded it his cuted m lfi a wttjuj opialok imauy a dolkf is paid for prcscripllous frir tome disease that never troubled the piucnl and when the sole difficulty was worms which a few of frmmans worm powders would remove theae powders are pleasant safe and sure contain their own cathartic and are adapted for chhdieu or fldulli 19 ko hosehold ehould bu considered com plete without bottle of dll vlx butkns kidxtv cuke ia m the closet it is the ooly remedythat will positively perman ently and promptly cure ail forma of kidney disease sold by j e mcgarvin i the grcaiett oeiltn compoand is a preparation ot carbolic acid vaseline and cerate called mcgregor 4 parkes car bolic ctrale it will cere any sore cut barnorbruibe when all other preparations fail call at j e hcgarvias drug store aad jjcta package twentyfive cents is aililcjsts 48 peter kicffer buffalo says i was badly bitten by a horse a few days ago and was iuduccd by a friend who witnessed the occurrence trtry dr thomas eclec- trie oil it relieved the pain almost im- mediately and ia four days the wound was completely healed nothing can be better for f reah wounds see that you get the genuine dr thomas eclectric oil as there ate imitations on the market in the history cf medicine no preparation has received such universal commendation or tealic viatic n it affords and the per manent cure it effects in kidney diseases as dr van be elks kidjcey ctrz its ac tion m these distressing complaints is sim ply wonderful sold by j e hcgarvtn 950000 reward for any testimonials recommending ifcgrecors speedy cure for dyspepsia indigestion costiveness headache ect that are not genuine none of which are from persons in the stales or thousands of miles away bat from persons in and around hamilton onl we gave trial bottles free of cost eo that you cannot be deceived by purchasing a worthless article but know its viltre before buying trial bottles and tfftimorusjspireu free at j e ifcgarvins drug store 45 x wondcrfal sesoll a single battle of dr lows pleasaul i tterm syrup has frequently destroyed from 100 to 200 worms it u pleasant to lake co other cathartic being required tape worms hare also been removed by it of 15 to 35 feet in length it is effectual for all varieties of fonni astcting both children and adults 19 a card to all who are lufferiuk from the errors and indiscretions of youth nervous weak ness early decay loss of manhcod c i will send a recipe that will cure yoo teez ot cnangc this great remedy was disj covered by a missionary in south ainerica send a self ad dressed envlope to the rev jitsefh tlkitak station z aor tart cf fottjicaifs oinlnimt cra pmucozgh insiicnza the soothing properties of these medicament render lhni well worth of trial in ai iiseisea if tlij respiratory frrins tn common cold- and infiaenza thr pills liken internally and ihe oint ment rulbvd over the chest and throat are exceedingly enicious when icfluens h epidemic this treatment is the easiest safest and surest hullo ways pills purify the blood remove zu ohsiaclas to its free circulation through the lung relieve the over gorged air tubes sodrender respiration free without reducing the strength irntat ing the nerves or depressing the spirits such are the ready meaai of saving suffer ing when anyone h evicted with cold aughs bronchitis and olher chest com plaints by which so many persons are serioasly and permanently afflicted in most counties hot er1 hatjieril 1 haciers are you disturbed al night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth if so io at once and ceta bottle of jlrs wjnslowfi soothing syrup it will relieve the pior little sufferer immediately depend upon it there is no mistake about it there is not a mother on earth who has ever cfed it who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the boweli and give rest to- the mother and relief and health to the child operating like maic it is perfecty safe lo use in all cases and pleieaut to the late and is the prescrip tion rif one of the oldest arid best female physicians and nurses in the united slates sold everywhere at 25 cents a bottle dress goods millinery mantles uiydrclothikgr 8ellinc off at the right house x ii if perhcily aaloniihinx to too tho raat cmwds ladles vha visu lliu liighthoune jail to obtain their lopplicf of alraoat every or ooy ihnu that is kid olovea from 24c up to thavery heat fine french kids by tht at au auiaiing rate woven kuitted felted or tannod lonlhcr and silk pluah hand iiaa auil portmouica hy the liunilred kid olovea from tie up thouaand h lha very loweil prloua the ladica chlldrcna and men a undorclouilug have un coormoua aalethe value ia ao very good the oreaa good havo been aelllne off at a aurpriaiok rate tlio kc allwool french dross gooda aro beautiful heavy lino goods well worth 2o tho various other klodi of dresa goods arc having an im mense ule thero have been moro blankola sold tbia soasun nlroady than wcro sold by tbe end of november lust year tho prices oro ao ofuce lower and ladies wrll remember that they are made by the beat makers in canada now ia the timo to get extra cheap blanluta and dresa goods at the bight home there ia a great run on die ladies and childrena satchel gossamer msntlts they are very cheap comfortable in a storm and wear well extra long sues in english gossamer mantles jnst ace tbem ladles ulatew are bains sold by the hundred at the klght house thoy look smart and very becoming the silks satins hilkvelveta and plnahca aad velveteens are in surprl- ing demand this season in plaiu and embosed and in black nnd all tho newest colors watklns boogbt 793j pieces of them when in europe lately and has had toorder five times ginto ilia return home laat month the qualities aro good and durable they aro made and dyed by tiratclass artists the colors are beautiful pore and bright nnd the prices are tho very lowest that can be bought for cash down tlio mourning goods consisting of the latest deilgns in various qualities from a very superior black allwool french twill st 26c up to the best french ottoman and cashmere cloths are greatly soucnt after they are dyed by cbapnt the beat french dyor ip pans nnd war ranted uot to turn brown in wearing tbe great sale of carpets linoleums floor oilcloth etc etc at an immense reduction on former prices is going on with a rush immense quantities ana being sold call at the right house king stroct east ladies can order from their new houtes by telephone hamilton soy 1st 1888 thomas c watkins hamilton vegetable sicilian hair renewer ni tho first preparation perfectly adapted eon diseases of the icalp and the first luc- eetsful restorer of faded or fray hair to its natural color growth and youthful beauty it has had tuauy imitators but none hare so fully met all the requirement needful for the proper treatment of the hair and scalp iixlls ilua iuxeweft has steadily giwu uifaior and iprwd its fame and usefulness lo every quarter of the globe its unparal leled mcceu can be attributed to but oue cause the tniire fulfilment of ut yroxaiut the proprietors hate often been surprised it the receipt of orders from remote coua- ir whert ihey liad never made au effort for iit introduction the use for a short time of halls hair ucynwea tonjerfully improtts the per- wual appearance it cleanses the scalp from til imparities cures all humors ccrer and dryness and thai prevents baldness it ttliruulcs tlie weafcenrd glands and enables them to push forimrd a mkv mid rforoa froulh tlie etteets of this artlele are ioi traif like thce of alebliolic mpara- l rtrrin n io l iaies itf c- a iattcr of ccvliomy buokinjhams dte roit tiic whiskers will clsj the 1carj u a i at oral hrosm or black f tlired it irodiicesriicmianerl cvlcrthat will nolsishawiy cousistiugcf i tingle preiiarallon it is applied without trouble ruepaunn nr e p hall co mia soil by all deakrs ia medicines speicht son acton undertakers carriage makers c are prepared to farnieh cverjthing in their line from the best casket to the plainest coffin cm tbe shortest xotiee and at lowest terms hills tin k stove depot good assortment on stoves cheap for cash m ll atasrei after fair trial wffli nfc ilsf or cur ertactad your money wlj lib refunded pno sold by satis- all calls eitier night or day promptly attended to faction guaranteed in every case a firstclass hearse for hire itwe are in a position to satisfactorily fill orders for tvaggons carriages c of every description in reasonable time good worfmanahip ond firstclass material always used we have also a fplcndid lot or kurnifare both common and extra quality cheap ri you will pay uf cash we will sell yon anything in oor line cheap j a speight maiugar ne toe ail the f0em3 or scrofulous mercurial md blood dlfordent tbe best remedy loracse the i tost searchicf and thorpojli bloodparifier is ayers sarsaparilla told by all dmgsifj ii six boulea fj j east end clothing store while tendering niy sincere thanks to my numerous customers for the liberal patronage heretofore accorded me i would an nounce to my patrons and the publio that i have now opened a very large and wellassorted stock of cloths and gents furnishings suitable for the coming season ns i acres foothill nurseries i js acres as in the pal o also in the future i propose to give my customers tbe tst value that can be had it the trrde good sound material in all the newest patterns and pfrieet- fitting garments a lowest possible pricea hals and caps in all the leading shapes for fall wear call nnd see them the largest in the dominion salesmen wavtld steady employment st filed salaries to all wiljrnx to work men and women can have pleasant work the year round good aeuu ale earning fruu 40 lo 7o pex month ieud elpeejeii ytenns- and outfit free vidros stose wkluxgtov toronto out onlr 9190 for he fefce press axd the farmers advocate and home magaztke witliout a rival ia canada aad anarpassed ia america for the sock kaiser dairyman and fruit grower v are enabled by a special arrangement to offer that veilknown acrieuiturai pspcr thx famotns ibvocitx now in its lth year of pub lication clubbed willi this journal for the above i smsjl amount superior to all others tbx dtocatr is jhe acknowledged aricultur- j al aathoritvof canada end combine wilh under its home liasxiae department the best family paper published in the dominion its motto 1 plain practical and paving inxonnation j and its best eaerpies ars devoted to the interests j of the farmer and his fainily over 00 pages everyyear lust whatfs vantodforeveryotctier j of farm garden or orchard j j fyfe photography photoguaphs- thk- lateststyles jf ade ix one second pictuneiuamivgof allkinds keptun hand madeto order old pictures copied and enlarded- nuneat second to c w hills photograph coloring a specialty call and see samples tinware of all kinds bottom prices at eavetroughing a specialty and put up on shortest notice first class material only used a call solicited j 0 hill mill st dkcflcuts a dealeu eteirheit amount keqoired ro taije roiiowa oxi to su bonxrs will purify the blood eradicating all humours irom tbe copimob i mg from j fesiilt my the insiry butcher shop e holmes youtd respectfully inform- the peeple of acton and vicinity that be has purchased the business and property of mr w c eobinsoo and is prepared to bnpplv all with firstoiass meat of all kinds and poultry and game in season tw meat delivered to any part of town at any time 3 having practical experience in the bolcueriog business i fee confident that i can sait all a call kindly solicited r holmes a boom ts ms an mwtnm litiwirwi mini m a um ktif wli vftkmt hawl mslldbm iiian t a fnw xu m wiak mm cmniunmntt isnu ataror ce n t worth their weight in gold who 13 unacquainted with the qcooraphy op this coumtry wfti sex by examining this map that the itpprovementfl in each department during 1884 irsscsise sow balance of year free seed for sample copy ps oor sebscriben can also prome a copy of the farmers band book for 1883 with the fabmebs advocate and fhile peebs for 25 cents extra every farmer dairyman or garden er should have a copy of this moat useful boolc rott thx kidneys uyerurimary organs the bemt blood rrbifiek tiiereuonljooe ay by which andisease am be cured aad that is by removing tbe caose whateverlt maybe chesreatniedi- f tb day declare that nearly every disease jbcansed by derailed kidneya or uver toreaore the therefore 1 tbe only was by which health ran bf secured here ia where wasveis safe cob has acnjevediuirreatrepetation jfacu direct ly ipon the kidneys and mvr and oy placldf them id a- healthy condition drive dueate ami pain from hft system for all kidney livpr nnd urinary tronbiesj for the alstren lnjdicnrdrs of women for malaria a nd physical tronbie4k tbji pret rem edy bi noeqoal kewareofimpoetor lm itatlon and aoneoctlom mid to be j nit u floue feed store the andevfligoed has purehaaedthe floor and feed basineas from mr hobert elliott and will carry on the business in the bnild- ine formerly used as a barber shop oppos ite the old feed store i will keep in stock and aeil for cash floor chopped peas roilersjjuour chicken feed granlatfrwheatoats peas cracked battey rye graham flour 0u oake pimple blotch orhoii to trie most nant form of scrofulous nicer osz to six bottles by cleaotiag the blood will purify the compkiicnp sallownesa amooth ont the wrinkles ing from imperfect nooriahmenl of the sweeten foul breath and renorath entire aystem ove to two bottijs will core on i codslipationorcostine5a thereby rei loring hbajache puoa bilionsnesa and jat adiee and all diaeaaea resulting from torpid liver osz to six bottles by cleansiig the blood improving the general hcaltl and fortiiyine the system against taking fresh colds will in all cases relieve and i moat case core lbat common loaibesomi and dangerous disease catakbh oki to three bottlis wilj regal t all deraugementa of thekidneys enringi rioary difbcultiea prostration gravel diabetes etc x oxi to foce sottles will reinv gorato the entire system curing nervousaid gen- eral debility female weakness and all its attendant miseries graduated with honors mccoll bros co lardine and other machlfleoils ltaving passed the most jr tical examiuations by corrtpitent judges were awarded gold and silver medals and diplomas at all exhibitions mccoll bttosctk toronto vnt harnes t trunk piittirp rceorinixrtasttniyfi is- harness or traapks to save money should go to r crrtech act dr buetwheat oatmeal corn meal bran shorts chopped oats chopped barley thorley cattlev feed climax feed flax seed fotatoes turnips beans fee c garden field and flower seeds fresh and rood for sale cheap your patronage respectfully solicited caih for all kinds of grain q3ptelit gr matthews chicago rock island pacific ry btfns th oraat cntral line affords to trvelrs bv reason of lt jnrlvalad geo graphical position the shortest oner best route between th last northeast and southeast and uis wast northwest and southwest it is literally and atrtotly tru that its connections are all of the prlnolpal lines of road between the atlantic and the pacific by its main line and branches it raadhes ohloago jouet peoria ottawa la 8alle qeheseo mollne and rock island in illinois davenport muscatine washington keokuk knbnllle oskaloosa falrflejd pes moines west liberty iowa city atlantic avoca audubon harlan outhrle center and oounoll bluffs in lows j pallatjn trenton cameron and kansas otty in missouri and leaven worth- and aterilson in kansas and the hundreds of oltles villages and towns intermediate the great rock island route as ft hi faminarfy called offers to travelers an the advantages and oornforts incident to a smooth track sate bridges union depot atau connecting point fstbprss trains composed of commodious will vsjstlatowfu hsatttf fihblv jjpholsttjtffl and tltqaut day ooaohmt a line of th most macmifnogmt hobtqm ioounma ohaift cam ever built pullmans taramt dmlgned and handsomest pakaos slsxpino cam and wnino cam that are acknowledged by press and peojile to be twrincst run upon any th low rata of 8iwllltwt cents eaoh thrst trains msoh way betwmn chioaoo and two traws each way beten chfoaoo and mil via th famous the nrssouri rlvei uapous and st paul albert ilea route iid ooimrttlmirf syw f pills ointment tiiis incomparable medicine has ftcurtd for iutlf an imperishable fame throughout the world for he alleviation and curt of most dilates to vhtch humanity w heir the pills purify reuale and improve tbe quality of the blood they assist the digestive otgans cleanse tbe stomach and bowels increase the secretory powers of the liver brace the nervooa system and flirow iulo ihe circulation the pureit elements for sustaining ud repairing the frame thousands of persons havo testified that by their use alone they hare been restored to health and strength- after every other means had proved unsuccessful pelis gr ls brim a otji gr atuaranteed cure or vene1al imejes safe plea pant ami rellnble xq bad eftefcts from if use doef not nl ru rowlth bnsl new or tllft irle it baxorthrepboies lor5 written suarnctcea issued bj every dnlyrinthorliedacent to refund th if thrv boxes fall to ears 8entpostne prepaid on reeeipeofprfre db felix leibrun a co si 4 s3 klu l east toronfo bole proprielqrs 1 j e alenrvln uthoriied itfferiwor ajetnp ontario all through pm oarrfd n fat ts trains r wi1loftmiubo4nd tst hotllm msutagw r v will be found invaluable in every household in the cure of open sorea hard tumors sal legs oil woud oouchi 5 so joroats bronchitis mtf duordereof the throat and chert kind ol akin diaeaae uevery mannfactbred oolv t profesjorhoiia ways eatabliahment 533 okrylplc 8tmet london and sold st jt bk 26 9d 4s 6d82i and 33a each srd poland la csnad at ssceni k nd60 and mmgtalhsmdff aicaunojr1 haya no bent- in th unsted stte mr fi old therey purchajers should therefore look te thebbel on the pots and boxes if iht addreaa is not 883 oxford street london they are spurious v the trade mark of ruy said hodioioea is reprtrsred at otuw and abp atwh iras wia cure or reutive iwjpjm mzm88 dy8pepsia ihdibestion jaundice erysipelas satti rheum heartburn headache dropsy j flutterm a acioirrof the stomach dryness of the skin mm mn species uf dlseuearishia rvom dlaordared liver kidneys stomach bowels oh blooo liirpgofawa a manhoo bow lost howi tarrireln aealed envelopeonitecls orlwopotl sn slampa rr i tnee1jfcralednlno lo ihla adoijrabii fsswy oieili dsroouatrate frett yenueeafolpweimtaiullninrf l niy b riuuefcly eurwiisosi- tt danieron use ol tnterol snedjelots or eureatoneemmple certain and eflictn i hr neusrr which eteiy mnfcsvsrsifti oneapiy privately anu imleall tjoatt and erei nsaalijttbiol rtiioboxwk fatesk

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