kmummb mkimwmlta itfon gne t rcwwbiirvjr fvruv tucrspay morstko vt tn r fee press power mumtihp mouse hill strkkt actoxoxt tsi the faivfc pauss will bo cat to iabmtibors pojuge paid for 1100 per n- nain in advance 5150 it not so paid no wiper discontinued till ail arrears arc paid except ftt the optica of the publisher arrsnrirxj iutf casual advertjse- tuents 8 nuu per line for the first inser tion and cent per line or each subse quent insertiou cash professional cards 10 linwor less f400 per anaum i square 11 lines 1500 per annum payable in 6 month fromdatc of insertion any special sotic the object of which is to promote the pecuniary benefit n individual or company tp be conrdered ail advertise- meat the number of huns reckoned by the spac occupied measured by a seal of tolii nonpareil cvlxtkact rates 0a coigiuq one rear 60 ot saueoiamnone year t3fr i onceslania tlituoaitm ji00 j autlinnriflr manihn a- jo 00 rteteoluninir monini v u oo oasealaniavarm rannttrr 2000 halfeolamn vremotith 1100 qiarter column three months 00 wrertuemetu wtthutieelflc direction lubeuwrtdiiuf rbldandehartdaeeard- toxlr tranllory xdrertuerucnu matibc pili in advance chaste tor contract adrrrtiicm nt nimi be la iv offlee oy fl am on minayolher- wuetueywu be left over uu the tollowtnj a p uoore kduor a proprietor two bidco- mfhoovr matiacti br be made fecit ix new vokk business directory wh lowry mb mcps graduate of trinity college mem ber of college c physicians and surgeons 05ce and residence at the head of fred erick st aciou li bennett dentist george- lotquilt john lawson gradtate ofon- tsio yrrtaccist jdoucgs tonoxro vehrinarv soreon acton out- office in kecney sots boot and shoe store res idence in the rear hanos examined ai to soundness- as d certificates ffivea ail calls night or day promptly attend ed t terms fluy tj fisher v 3 georgetown t oat- will visit acton every wednes day ai will attend to all calis pertaining to hi profession orders left at slcgarvins drsgatote will receive prompt attention- terms moderate tj fisher r h riggsldsoftlen dsoftlenracf air toronto u hotel on the first sjoos 4 ivait will be it campbell if calay c every montn iathe practice of hli profession ahr wrrk executed in the latest sfndmist improred style of the dental art ko charge for ccnulttion c s goodwxllie barrister solicitor xotarytcbhc georgetovtx a- actok actoa 0m in mjs sesords block xohn dat architect gaalpfa ontario orrrz queens hotel block market tart t nr b bragg- practical millwright reitt 0 fijar milu a spectaltj- p 0 adlrss box 103 rocrxocj patestsseccred for ikvekti0ks hekrt gbist oriawa curiui- 20 tey practice ko patsnt ko par sccessor o t- f cnaoinan boqkjhndeb bz georges sjuare guelph juwuat books all tin is made to order perioiicals cr description carefully boon r liinc neatly and promptly dane sv sl heuxneet uicsased aqctioneer ft th cooeues of weliijwa and halion orders mtavtbe frr pjils 05ce acton it at mr realeace in actoa nii be promptly attended to terms reasonable hirr le lan also moner to loan on the most favorable teems aadat the lawest fates of interest t5i sains of 500 and upwards t hie foe sale line can be hid at the canada lime works in small or large quantities at any time apply at the kiln near toltons mill cr t c s snth liar 1st 1w2 boi 172 aciox s jaifgles sriv iiu haura foe sale the aodotisned hi njir in slock first- chu piaegd sad ash shiogi stares od tamil hniiaj oil and examine rtocfc f voj rtqj in the line taos c sloorfi actin po tu najr n are requested to call at odce ttui stii- thir hcciuuts othvraise ibe crjrt rii ciilect them elvhahk fakms for sale frmilmreiicre o hehdrick17bi e houston delatwaxa these farms axe improjid with bnildings fences fruit trees and berries of all kinds good water plenty of timber und good roads schools and churches good marketa only 95 miles from philadelphia plenty of ssh oystera and game rtry productive land climate mild and pleasant come and see for yourself and- be convinced lam prepared with team and carriage to take visitors to see the farms free of charge i d herobicxa houston deuwaro jjajrtak barber shop ftt f torde hu opened a barber ship in the premises luteljr occupied by br foraur as medicaj iee and jolicita a share of the patronage this vicinity every department of the basinets ill be conducted in firstclass tjle give ns a call ie wokdpk trflhw in adrancc tho newapapar- a map or busy life its fluctuation and it vast concerns 9150 irnot no paid volum6 ix no 20 aoton ont thursday nov 16 1883 whole no 437 acton banking cot crowded ciwdod i m g g storey ohrtstie a 00 llvkkkus aclou i ontario gesera1 bakkisu busi ness transacted k0ne7 l0aotd i ok ajpeoyed sotes notes discounted and interest allowed on deposits i painted cloth for ailcolor8 3 inch ide 25 ysrds vi inch vide 35 yirdf 1 tassel is to match ome and see the great exhibition i ix ofr itxki rise or i fancy goods of all kinds j toyi cliiua dolls kiruss wuons tveu snows is mr r0yas oity of ouilph it ntk in cent store and chial cask bliak ipikt vyndhsm srivt gucip jasfkidner tirfntitiv moikisg kuy 15 ih33 poetfy farmers and railway men the hartshorn sdtretinf sprier kolltr the best sprinf bslance roller 50c each also 1 handsome painted shade with dado at bottom 37 inch by 7 feet for 75c thia is an american shade and i very thick and 1 6ne qaality bif fxk to pick from at days bookstore gveiipu r cheap scone at oo and ret thoe ilmiei and give your house a good appearance- splendid new stock in every line bargains -in- ladies gents gold and silver watches a large stock of electro plate just received all niw stylis big bargains in spectacles and eyeolasset wm sjsmith the watch and clock hanse of guelph patent dustproof case with waltham movement b savage clelpn the oldest drug store in guelph cuelph cloth hall our 8cotch tweed fall 8uitinc8 have now all arrived and ordeos for suits are solic respectfully ted shaw grundy merchjst tailors guelph jabeh mattuews arentfor fir inburance oos life 1 i accident insurance tickets 3000 for 25c per dar ant for the dominion steamship co return tickets issued dr tickets to bring out your friends csxareil thax a att money to loan good joint r endorsed short date notes discounted agent for the canadaan loan t savings co toronto cojrvetascxe or deeija mortmeea discnawres ohattle mortgraites farm and hpuse leases agreements ate- clerk div court comr in queens bench 4c issuer of manage liesnses i i- hicinbothams oholera preventative never known to fail a sure cure for cholera diarr hea dysentery griming pains in the stomach spsra etc ery house should have a bottle on hand prepared only by w 0 smith go best american and cauadiati coal oil at lowest prices bring alougyoffr 5 gallon causandhave them filled before the price ad vances the combination las forced umhe price but we have bought ianjety beforebaud and will give qur customers the benefit all kinds ot machine ou always on hand w c smith fit co difipejieing chemistb hlttinbotbams block gnclpu no 12 wyndlmm st a bad bono love oua kiioi m uafomoi iitriie an 1 fiti hitli ftifndihfp niitimxl me i fiil s all frionuhlp ico4 if fjicll coum jnwoa tbeso plimloiat tbal coac t1 gu of m a aal oaieit thoir very ccvm lo iliow i iiiiu fin1 a1m lac i br nuking lotli nfghl aaddir bali paw thctr ihcv pout me and cicu on a louelj- ay roulr tioa fricudlcis a l orroiriul wvak llfi it noi cadlctt datu i cot fur to nxl tlioiaiirtrer each mociict if nd or kini unu llf preat riwr ilnpci ilclok bchiiid fix back thou woit the rouiliin tepv fairt aijrc utjlow m uinacmft tlc ripple the ihiiowv cfjuurc uy dot hi tmrug ktrtch fcrth thine inus in vain it lroaiauiy tlccpui oirop into trance again in dxcam lbou mayh ro where cliiwc liaaa ia ccwcry ttl hocp tkid- ii ii ccrwheic sav in the tayci of the pi time i dji the world loo farjet ihcirninaxi tb ud wind iii lei manner this ulcre oue stoey to let xo siid sirs powers i will not have a to li on the house 1 am a descendant of the ancient family ot the brobdin snags aud i do not choose to fore po the privileges o long descent bat raoher said jeanette ready to barat into tear what are we to do the landlord ban some privileges i suppose as well s we vudsiuce yoa have deter mined to take a cottage in fordham for the summer i hive any objections- gaid ilrs powers loftrly waving her daashtra renionitrancei away to any strictly re spectable psrty viewing uie premises at reasonable hours what i mean is that i decline to have my hoisc placarded up like a barsain at a dry si5 store and i hivc- iod the liudlord so and if dorcn sees to let on the doorpoi she has strict orders to go oat and remove it with tv bcrubuiiis bnisb and a pail ol warm water mamma is so impracticable said louua the youiet daaghter who was herself well over the thirties 01 coarse aighed jennette if bl hooe is to let its to let the blood of brobdingnaga has never jfti been subjected to iusajt said kra poverv witli her itomau noe high in the air and it neer phall bo itn pridham powers adliered to her word twice dannfi the morning a young man with c blue plaid uockiie and a pencil behind hi ear came and wafered up the objoiioai square of paper with the five fat black letters which the descendant of th brobdinpiass could so illy tolerate twice dorcas sallied forth as soon as he had tamed trie corner and obliterated every trace of it jennette cried louisa laugh ed mrs powers sat like an empress in her easychair and did crewelwork until toward dusk the young man re- qnested special audience- of the old lady kow maam see here said he this ere aint business and our governor hes dumbfoanded tour expressions young man said mrs powers are incomprehensible to me if yoa arc the bearer of an errand yoa will please to communicate it at once its a judial court offence maaffl said the young man to tear down the landlords bills mrs powers went calmly on with her crewelwork ixjuiaa and jennette ex changed terrified glances bat added the messenger mr betta says as how if youve get an insuperable objection to them bills hell send people between ten and four only real bonafidt customers maam will that do and we wont put ap no naticd sirs powers reflected for a moment or two and then remarked frigidly that she supposed it would have to do and the yoang man with the blue plaid necktie and the pencil behind his ear went away rejoicing at ten oclock precisely the next day there appeared a new actor upon the scene dorcas came shuffling upstairs with the tidings that a man wanted to see the missus i do not purpose to show every inj pertinent stranger over the place said mrs powers yoa may tell him so dorcas please mum said doroas laud htm wouldnt i do u well and he said no he wanted to see mra powers her seuv mrs powers rose adjusted the ribbons in her cap took off her eyeglassee and afw down the ituntikeaotuoeatt under full headway the sheets of music were mattered over the piano just aa loaiw had left them when she flod precipitately at the sound of the doorbell the ttagtrt was nndnsted the coals sulked behind the blower and y ester- days bouquet was lying in a venice glanj altogether the room was comfortuva unough as mr john johnson stood in the i middle of it his hat under his arm hia j portly figure outlined against tho window from which dorcas had just been taking down the curtains i i called maam began mr john- 80 u j preliminaries are weedles- said mrs j powers with a wave of the hand i am quite cognizant of your business sir oh 6aid mr johnson i didnt know yes said mra powers we hie been so tormented with applicants- eh have you said mr johnson i was given to understand that i was the first one nothing of the sort said mrs powers if tbero has boeu one person here on the same business there has beea a dozen humph said mr johnson in a per plexed way oh yes said mrs powers i know all about it if you decide in the affirma tive yoa will have but a bad bargain of it i didu expect to hear anything of that sort raid mr johnson it is not asqal i believe said mrs powers but i feel it neither more nor less than my duty to warn all strangers of course yoa have been deladed with false representations and glittering generalities i speak the truth a moaidwold thing tottering to the very foundations sadly in need of paint and i regret to add infested with vermin madam shouted mr johnson i will not stand here and listen to these foul sperations on one who is as good and i true as she is beautiful mrs powers retreated behind the jiig j bookcase appalled by the sudden ap- j prehension that she was confronting a i maniac and i am amazed to listen to such remarks from the lips of her own mother j also i exclaimed mr johnson all i ask if to see her for myself to assure her j how little all these cruel asseverations affect my constancy if ever a human creature wore the angelic shape it was my louisa at this moment miss louisa herself came in her crimps loosened from the con fining harpins her calico wrapper ex changed for a more becoming garment of paleblue cashmere faced with quilted satin mamma she criej whalia the mat ter john with a well- simulated start of amazement this is never you mrs powers slowly recovering her equanimity once more emerged cautiously from behind the edge of the book case there is some most extraordinary mis understanding here said she this gentleman then is not an itinerant viewer of domiciles in other words a house hnnter what on earth should i hunt houses for maam said mr johnson waxing a little irritable when ive got a good red brick mansion of my own with gas water and steamheat all complete mamma said louisa prettily em barrassed its mr johnson mr john son allow me to present you to nay mother dear dear this is very embarrassiug i should thick it was i curtly remark ed mr johnson i come here to ask per mission to pay ray addresses to miss loaisa powers and i am told with no more ceremony than one would expect from a chimney sweep that she is a mouldy old thing and wants paint and nobody knows wnat else ii meant the house stammered mrs powers for once losing the selfposses sion which had always distinguished this descendant of the brobdingnags good gracious me the idea of louisa there being mouldy why just look at her mr johnson did look at louisa louisa looked at him both burst oat laughing for the fair damsel in question although 6he was twoandthirty was still rosy fresh and blooming with a little dimple in her left cheek and a figure as trim as that of any chit of eighteen pray except my apologies sir said mrs powers gradually recovering her empresskke mien ill accept anything maam said the goodnatured bachelor if you will con sent to my marrying thia lovely creature dont john simpered miss louisa but its the truth stoutly ideclared mr johnson and id like to hear anyone dispute it 1 bat the little lovepassage was cut short by a ring at the doorbell and the sound of a hoarse voice enquiring is thia house tolet jthe powers family went to fordham on the first of may to reside in a erwiggy little cottage where there were more honeysuckles than modem conveniences but the fair louisa did not accompany them bhe as a bride took possession of a rodbrick house with the steamheat and patent ventilation all oonilete y butjdear me said jennette when she was helping drape the white muslin curtains in mrs johnsons doudolr how near mamma came ta breaking ap the mitohr nothing would hav hrokro ptiio match aid mrs johnson calmly dear john loved me too well for that and theres oho thing to be thankful for we own aur own premises to that the house can never by any possibility be to let free pressings lighthouses tents a good prophet 100 per cent well posted a telegraph line made of tiie miat a drizzling rain maidf of the mister a sweetheart made of the mystery hotel hash always in working order yeast a calico wrapper a drygoods clerk beyond the seize the man who flees the sheriff amongoconomical womeu small wastes are always popular not a case for occu lists the teacher who has a pretty pupil in his minds eye boston delights in bs it now fiies the peniiant for baseball baked beans and ben butler a man in chester is wiid to have such a cracked voice that he never says anything without breaking his word inquiring employer are tho young mans habits regular well yes he gets full about every other night the rooster that crows the loudest is always the first to scoot into the coop when a strange dog comes into the yard the difference between a besotted man and a pig is a slight one at best ones a hunting grog and the others a grunting hog when frogg w1s asked regarding the latest additiou to the english language he said he would ask his wife she always had the last word many men of many minds a dangerous man dan omite a calculating man mathew matics a nervous man tim idity a learned man ed u casion a finelooking man will full a musical man phil harmonic a communicative man billy doux a noble man eddie fy a useful man steve dore an acceptable man bennie fit a ladies man otto man a craving man hank e ring a thievins man rob bery a seedy man tom a toe an impractical man heo ry a congressman b friend frank ing a specimen man sam pelt a mealymouthed man johnnie cake a positive man aue gation a strong man frank incense the best of all men chris chin the new arctic river a returned explorer announces the dis covery of an immense river hitherto un known which lies within the arctic circle in some places this wonderful stream is twenty miles wide and full of huge pieces of floating timber and is supposed to be nearly 2000 miles long at leaet we have a clow to the wonderful resources possessed by stock manipulator who use so much water and politicians who liberally indulge in logrolling the government cannot be too severely criticized for allowing such stupendous streams to float around in cog as it were without taking active measures to head them off it seems strange that this body of water should have remained bo long undiscovered yet it is possible that it may be after all the famous salt creek up which so many defeated candi dates have sailed and from whose briny shores none ever more came back wise words who assails his competitor with abase injures his own business htirmhty is the most excellent natural cure for anger in the world we cannot right every wrong bat we can indeed wrong every right prosperity makes friends but whether they be real adversity will decide have the courage to prefer comfort and propriety to fashion in all things he travels safe and not unpleasant who is guarded by poverty and guided by love the charities that soothe and heal and bless are scattered at the feet of a man like flowers nothing is more dangerous than a friend without discretion even a prudent enemy is preferable health hints a preventative of typhoid fever is to boil the drinking watef a little baking boda placed upon a burn will boon remove the fever bah and water is good for the catarrh when inhaled through the nostrils the iscieflyfc californian says that sleep less people should court the eufi which is the very best soporific never wash hi warm water before going oat in the cold ah such a practice will roughen the skin warm water should be used only before retiring m i i heal life m play let us play we are married said little edith and i will bring my dolly and aay see baby papa tea replied johney and 1 will say dont bother low now i want to look throughthpplf honest john honest john a plain son of labor orateful for the uttlo he got wu true to himself and hli aelfhbor and never complained of hli lot i have soen him in deep affliction lien his sad heart was wrung with grief then his ipoech waaa benediction though bin torrowf ol word wero brief he crsted not for fame nor petition each morning iw duty began content with niitoil and condition he retted when labor was done bis home was not mere walls and ceiling the enclosure in which to be fed bat a iwect restful place revealing contentment that sweetened his iruad no ciirtal as of lace otei ihaded tho windows no plate marked the iooz ho carpets lo colon well braided were outipread oivthe sanded flo tot his lion had faljenhi places that wero pleasant giving beauty u ufa at home be was proetodith faces of affectionate children and wife and be bad a khri or i lor oilier whether tlioy wiiro the rich ot tho poor h laid that all racj are brothers hospitality smiled at his door he waa up at days early dawning thankful for bis bumble tare willi a fco as bright as the morning aui a soul aa booyant a air lost the terrible fate of a small body of hen and the future hanging over many others the keeper of the eddystouc lightboase recently discovered a bottle containing the following pathetic sentences the last ex pression of a small band of shipwrecked men we have been living upon a raft for ten days and for more than half of the time without water we have hoped a- gainst hope and now are ready and waiting for death anything is better than this agony we cannot endure it more than a few hours longer yesterday we saw a vessel and thought we were safe but it passed on without boeing us today we have abandoned hope such a death away from friends and in such agony is terrible to look into the cannons mouth requires bravery but to face death comirig slowly but surely needs only despair there is no hope the only difference between the experi- enoe of these men and thousands of others on laud today is that the ship-wrecked- men realised their fate and the others do not they arc in jast as certain danger but are wholly unconscious of it they are aware that their heads pain them- frequently that their appetite is fickle that they are losing flesh or possibly bloat ing that their skin is often hot or fever- ish alternating with distressing chillh that at times breathing is difficult that the ambition is gone and despondency fre- quently occurs people notice these things but think they are caused by some cold or indigestion and hence give them no farther thought any one of the above symptoms recurring at intervals indicates a diseased condition of the kidneye which is certain to result in brights disease if permitted to go on unchecked what the terrors of this terrible disease are can never be described but it has carried off some of the finest men and most noble women america baa ever produced about one- third its vic tims says dr roberts the highest alith- erity on the subject through neglect to take the disease promptly in hand on its first appearance die of uremic poisoning in convulsions or by diarrhoea many die from watery suffocation from gangrenous erysipelas in the legs thighs and genitals pneumonia heart disease aptifdexy intesti- nal ulcerations paralysis etc all of which troubles are the result of brights disease another high authority says diabetes and b right b disease of the didneyb always terminate in death if discovered too late but yield readily to treatment if taken in time thousands of people who pass thick yellow matter with brick dust sediment and complain of a slight backache head ache dizziness imperfect vision cold back hands and feet general debility etc- etc are victims of this deadly disease unknown to themselves and when at last overcome by iis exhausting influence they present themselves to their medical attendant he nine times out of ten will write out a pre scription for malarial poison or discover- ing their terrible condition inform them that they have come too tatc to permit the kidheyb to rot away or to buffer limestone deposits to accumulate in the bladder is criminal carelessness especi ally when it can be avoided by care and the use of the proper means for this pur pose however there is but one known rem edy and that is warners safe cure better known as warners safe kidney and liver cure it is traethere are many prepara tions that claim to core or relieve these jroubles but ho remedy has ever been found that absolutory does this except the one above mentioned it is actually the only proprietary medicine which has ever received the unqualified endorsement of the medical profession among the number of physicians who have written at length re garding its wonderful properties are the wellknown dr dio lewis dr robert a gunn president of the united states medical college of new york and dr frank gallagher of new haven these men are men of science and will not endorse any thing they do not know to be valuable in the highest degree bat the thousands of men women and children in every nook and corner of america who bavbeen kept from disease and saved from death by means of warners safe cure speak more truly for its valae than could all tfce en dorsements of every physician in the land they do not speak of ate ohftmipaj ingred- ienta but of ita healing power they know the valae of the remedy for it has restored them to health the above facte all show that it is an absolute doty yoa owe your belf and your friends to not only carefully observe and reflect upon these tilings bat to attend to them in time v belles ol the bawl girl babioa etuagt kaights ol the slipper rioy babies i v commdrom tot oacsjtwasrtwby i does mim ajwsji kk btaokwhsohe