Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 6, 1883, p. 1

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f ff j liviss i4ee3ti e sfe5s jffism- s ret rrts trmsl0o in advance volume ix no 23 a lvrkv thiusdav uohsixk ttuc fbeepbes8 power wanting mouse mux sthkkt utonom trxm the rlev rlt will bo mill to j abyriiers ivie paid f 1100 per u- earn in advance hw t so paper driconfuned nil all arrvars are paid uwp at the option of the publisher acvkkhms riti- casual au-eni- tnenti cent- per line for the flret inaor- tionaadj cetife- pt hue tor each nubac- otoat insertion cah rrofosrioual carda 10 lines or lo 100 per annum 1 square li line tvflii per annum payable in fi j months mm date ol inwrtiou any special koticc the ohject ol which iv to promote th pecuniary ltifil of any individual or tjompaav to ik cvnilered an mlrcrtne- meat th cumber f line reckoned by the space ocuptod uiinrvd by a seal of lahd xonpiretl contract u ktkv hall rirtun if r vvfit juncrfiiimti oa e iluan t u uilt- stw flairwaaiu x nitu jartereotaianilxmoii ji eoluolq ibree mtuus j saueolaain wreoninothr v j qiarieretlcrai uiree months vlverlsemeul tumtieelqc utreelionc tirttnertpllilirrt iantelvnrcliieennt laric traniiiors- ajrrrtiscnknis ranettie notes discounted and interest pam taadranee il the xvowapaper a map of busy life its fluctuation and itfi vast 0onoerne l50 if not no paid aoton ont thursday deo 6 1888 wjioleno 440 acton banking coy storey ohristie k 00 iivxkkus irlou oulitrlo awal a7a- 77 uixkixc- ursi ixsktkll 12 sun 1 ai rft iaic kotss cttwttifor tvntnel adtf rtuonnuumau i te lot lie office iy 8 mon mntaj other- i rite uer u1 be left ott tju th following i k p moore i edltora proprietor tuifi paper m rall cvivnrtntfwr ad nrtfctc bsiitll0 8wieetv bar mfawuiiir a tor h ik nx wyp ht concti oiib business directory whlovrv sin ircps graduate of trinity ciiiee ilem- ber cf college of physicians and surgeon osce and residence at uieheadef fred erick si act- n ll bexxrrr a taku dektist george- allowed an deposits crowded i crowded come txd see the great exhibition is on srriii use or fancy goods of alt kinds toyi chiua doll kvprvir wagsont lvnu shown in ntr royal oity of guelph at the 3eat store and mfttm mrtt n88 tilfisicv uoiisixci vrc c iwi vvt f oetry my old ffi3oti lliiw tht it 10 chear cask pa7ah ohv lawtjox gradtate of on- l stct guclh fj iukio vrrtiisirtcvllcc toaoxro vetriijr stirgtwe acton ont office in kejatyi sonv bs and shoe stow rt- iieaee in the rear hurscs ezatgired is tr sonlneas qcl certifcehci clten auca11 cirlit or day yronpuy utend- e i to term ca5- jasfkidxerp sets crseh wuat krcrra ltli cllari kij usui ffinier i rt ct in kiajld iiui wriiio hit coaracttm 5imri lu wry severe form wicn 1 ruicrnc i iimi vcit lobed and rtui tind uier unui lf my irmj tomk re loniiile r hi t i jtl il i p jialtm q my mcii liu an 1 aninl in v tnek y aplkltt- iii wunllyf lhrt i fa it n uclc of fliijrcy tire tin- i linj oltu iri-ar-ldt- icribcd tjit uli il tvr r vny un- iclci link trvor ludu uvcr lilucv ilimina u apjrciati ny coniiiuiu as i fi l cd to get 4u- ijtitcr i eltrtulnd iotry i r tu dy mide by i ccnticuiftc in v cm t vdih frcatjft coujeici i an htmiy ry it cltid pcrniaiicnl rflicl i1 uni f rn well todty ttirtnifh uio iiin- nf ieiv safk ccr- aflrr hi- i jirorrc 1 n mnetuortilv rfe i to tr uf- ftrtrv tjfishehvsgeukgetowk t out rill visit acton even- wedncn- i lay iai will attend to alt calls pertinin j tvbisprofeisoa oideraleft at 5cgrvits dri store srul receive prompt attention term niit rate tjiiher a splek01q new stock ik everv like lulhilul1 ypurriifl r tji riniijif fdlotv it y old rrieou jii to lucrt ad rrcct yoj a f- the pniunof a lianl tit ujniy uulerrwps i my ol t fricjil tiiuli iliaiiuv1 in yojthfal iiuiidor myomfriciij vour uniu an- still a tender my old frw aul oar even irr an trur alilttf af jmurchijilj m ccr incv and yosr lauju as njorry loi myolilfriced for ihjuu yorr luir it mrciiifrituji and your tody uat and jidod myoldrncdj cwd utjic ritbdl iuluws la the lroiiiit- lie kcure i-cavt- youns uat heart cf your hypdfriciili ald vt it i ua cltir uc j my old rieni and to fcuotr ytia kill so near iw myoldfricud jaic iy hope of cjcarr liht acdriy faithoffirltfifli and rir wjl a iurvr wrhitc uyomfritnd 1600 worth puet ropvy cbvriggslds of the firm cf rl- vosx tciovto wil le s ci2ipbiis hotcl on the trt ilonlav d ever month in the practice of his proftssi au wcrk ecjwr in tbi at tfft tuid cist irattrovel style oltke drcul iit kg charj for consultation owat i- hcleak m barrister ancrs ic solicitors kotirics couvcy- crncr secordv rkicfc hill st acuju j a iltirit vt a mclejk a sgoodtillil bitrimr soiicitjr o-r- fubiic reokgktowx a actcik xzty iisc in mxr scords bioci tohsj itay architect gnelph ontario omx jev hotel biock llariei ty b bragg practical millwright reirraneing of flor 51111 a specialty p o address j boi li3 pxrcod patextsskcreed foe lsyjextioss j bxket gkit oimi ciriii k xtir- practice xo ptnt no pay bargains rv ladies gents gold amd silver watches a large stock of electro plate just received- all niw stylis y big bargains in spettaelas and eyeglassas wms smith the wvrh and clock house of guelnh ok christmas i cards the laborer who became a contractor 53000 worth it wi close upoa the liotirof twelve j norm scauered over a larpe baildiu in jv course- uf erection wlru a untubor of work- i uieucariieulors uiasou and bricklaett nw psncy coods j moh fcc t aa lie i stretch in crpctaliou of ill- bell riuj to proclaim the dinnerhour hard by was j called to account before a committee of the men uhubeld their tueutiuji in a noid clone to tbe works morgan tttendeoan au iicxrtiicr with the majority of the men employed an audience luauft ftitswer was as foliova wliea k man undcrtakei to in hiwurk lie tlit to lu it mid if he does mmtf mi ciiry jtlank lnf ft dozen yard whcji tlie ijc1 i riiiin what the tdd i iak- my hund en riflht and no man i risfht nulesa lie ivci his duty ryaiid notion were uot jairticnlariy i popular lgt hu ords carried weight with them more than one listener felt that he only acted an an honest mat but morgan j and his follower were the stronger party aad at a private meeting in the evening it i was decided that a round robin should be wtit in against the runner deinauding hii dismikaal j mr collins received the mehsajjfc from i hia men and said he would consider it ifr collins knew the character of ryan i and liked him in his branch he was the j bct manjupou the works and it wac much asainat his desire to part with him j if wc rive way tins time he miid j we shall soon hive another request one i impossible to comply with perhaps i have seea thu feeling growing among the men r we have too many talkers and a htrike is inevitable it may as well come now ai a mouth hence and so it was decided the answer was j sent to the men and the answer was iko i this brought the storm down a bur- ried aud an pry meeting was held with i horgauaod others for speakers and they all advanced one thing strike and j bring the masters to their senses kotice of tho strike was given and on sat urday j the works closed j ryan who was still kept on at the works j doing odd jobs- went to and fro without molestation this did not suit morgan who being a thriftless man boon began to feci the want of the uaal wages and had a most decided weajcnesi for beer his ran cor increased with his penury aud it was not long before he persuaded himself that all his deprivations were caused by ryan morgan did not want for men whose perennial sue wu but a little girl when i arti bean to woo tbe eomplatett uttl drl erer doting poet knew still ibe aeotned a little girl voeo to maidenhood abo grew aud evermore a little gui i ivermotflniat woo though her hair may torn to lilver and her rod cheeki loie their hue hhe yet will be tbe little girl uy lotecharmed fane drew and though doathi decay ahould pierce her iweet body throggb and through she will remain a little girl to my enraptured view 500 worth of dolls oi-knrd- at days bookstore glelph ill ouelph t i i iii thoashts coincided with his own and a the nver where a barge was moored and kiiuu jia i w um u threatening letter anonymous of course your threatening fellows ate always cow- ards was bent to ryan warning bira not to go near the works again ryan treated it with contempt and went as usual four days latfir he was struck from behind on the road home and fell insensible mr collins himself discovered him there and had lum taken to bis houe aud an eaiiuent farmers f rccisnuxa to t f- chapman bmokpindkk si gc-jr- sqcarc gfnelpli- atcoant books of all kinds made to order j periodicals of every description carefuljj bound- baling neatly and promptl done railway men i v hlmsteeet m liiceassd auctioneer- for the coaiitie of wellington and ilajton orlers left at the fuzz paiiss office acton -t- a my rcijtncc in acton will be jcomptly atttudvl us terms reasonable i aiao dicruey to loan oh the most favorable terms ani it the lowest riteoi interest in fuma of 500 and upwards j laborers bringing planks from it to tbe bailding with the regular step character istic of au work with method in it the laborers uumbered about twenty in all and they were headed by one who fill lep the posl of runner that is a man i who rtjulated the uiovemenu of the rest the oldest drug st0re5swrusrt case was one robert ryan a steady earn- i 8qr w4s for est sober man kyau was only a laborer v mr collins went home that night he and it wis as much as he could do to read l to think of eome plan by which he irood print and write his mme occasion- could lenefit ryaii withoat breaking in ally when it was required oat he was a j upon hi independence- on the morrow man with a strong sense of what was right he tsited kyau again and found him aud wrong and with a decided leaning to- i much better after a few remarks upon ward the right it was this feeling which j the injured mans health mr collins said prompted him to abandon drink and join would you like to be better educated the temperance society vi may like ryan beer he said and i may like loading i should like it very much sir i have about in a publichoase with mates but tried to improve myself but i um very it is not right for me to do so when my j slow wife aud child mnt be the safferers so se it- teaching is very slow work re- bc gave np drink fought out by divine turned mr collins you want somebody assistance the fight with temptation until to help you my son would give you p few he conqtfered and then pet led down a j lessons with pleasure what do you say sober hippy mait i to his coming for an hour or so erer- day such a man could not long paas un- while the works are closed noticed and ryan was soon lelected from ryan wag highly pleased with the offer the mass of laborers and appointed to the j and so was mrs ryan and it was settled post of mnner for wbicu he obtained that the lessons should begin in two days an extra sixpence a day mr collins bis j from that time- master would have done something more mr collins jauior found tlwt robert for him but ryans education was very i had to use a homely phrase a tara for defective and the post of forcwn was for figures and his talent was now being de- the present out of the question veloped the foundation of his future was the laborers were marching from the being laid barge each with a plank npou his shoulder j so several weeks passed and then stem i when the bell mddenly rang the man j necessity tdok many of the men back j next ryan named morgan immediately morgan was the lat to go and then the threw down his plank but ryan walked works of collins a co were opened again hall where a hale hearty man with just a sprinkling of gray hair to show that he is past his youth is removing his great coat hold off a minute lie ayn now one at a time hi coat being off he kisses them all round aud kiu down by the fire there is an evident anxiety off the part of the mother and childreu to hear something and t is equally clear the man lias some thing u in pan but ho is in no hurry about it and fill there- with a quiet smile upon hi face m why dont you tell me the ntyvt robert yes or no well then its yes replied robert wljosr other name was ryan and im a member of the firm of collins co god be thanked for his past and present mer cies amen responds his vriic and then there is a minutes silence iik rather odd continues robert that i should tonight meet tbe man to whom i owe all this who iahe asks his wife wondering- y morgan it was his attempt to ruin me that by gods merciful providence was overruled to bring about this prosperity to us i met him down the street by the works standing close to the wail to keep off the wind and snow he had scarcely a rag to his back and for all the good the bits of boots upon his feet ware he might as well have been without them he did not know me bat i knew him at once and hailed him he coald scarcely believe that i was the ryan he once knew and when lie did credit it he wanted to sheer off at once but i stopped him he was tired hungry and penniless so i took him into a coffeeshop and while he had some bread and butter and coffee we had a long chat together i dont want to spin a long yarn about it bat he confessed to me that it was his hand which struck me down ten years ago will you give htm work robert why not polly i thini tbe man is j uot too bad to mend there are the ma- j terials for a decent man in him if he will only give up drinking at all events ill give him a chance 1 think it is only my duty to do so just like ryan always thinking of his duty and acting according to his notions of what is right and this conscientious mode of life had met with its reward- prosperous in his business happy in his domestic life and above all blessed with the peace which passeth all understanding he is a man whose example men weald do well to follow tthe above story describes a true inci- dent in tbe life of one of the largest eng lish railroad contractors plantation philosophy de reason dat we thinks dat ourmudders could beat anybody coo kin is ixause wo kaint earn do boys appertite inter old age when my wife says dean er think yerd better do so an vo i comiences ter argy wid her but when she sa go an- do so an w ihusles den au dar i knowed ouelqan what was so good dat be wouldnt pull a hteer outeu de ditch on sunday he was afterwards sent ter de penitentiary fur stealin a hoss ontueaday de baby is more apter die den tie man i de little apple is more apter fall den de wcllgrone onor de ole man is more apter die den de young man fur de ripe apple is alera ready ter drap it is a mighty good thing to be dustrioos bat too much stirrin roun aint good for you do pateridge is more apter t seed by dc hawk when hes fly in bout dan when hes restin under de bush ever resident in this section should take the free press just think of it 91 for balance of this year and all of 18w send for free sample copies if you are not already a subscriber small economies it is economy to provide small butter dishes foreach individual at table in thi case no batter is wasted by melting on the hot plate or by mixing with the crumbs or other food upon the plate among people who do not put their knives in their months the portions left upon these little plates are uninjured and may still serve as food every particle of good butter should be carefully scraped up and saved for shortening or frying or for greasing baking pans rub cornmeal over very greasy plates and give it to the chichens this is a help alike to the chickens and to the dish washer sprinkle salt immediately over any spot where something has boiled over oa the stove and the place may be more easily cleaned this also cotroteracts the bad odor see oce m- t iml for sale lime cu u iaa at the canada xtme ptork in saudl or lugo quantities at any time apply at the- kiln near jtoi tons mill or to cvntth lfcy lbti2 box 172 acres s kisgles hiu- patent dustpruofcase fli alk the anderikutj haniw in ttock firrt- etis pine fcinr and afh shiogli stares and tamed heidiuj call and examine stock if rou require aoytbirritrtiie linsj i thos c moore too io tiiose o intr nie lt rerjjieitod to- call at 0mmjitlifjeie accoauu otherwise fie coarc rill ciilrcl tlirm tyelatvabfc failhri or sale frm u i m rer arv by j- 0 hem0r1ck smi esut atmit fkuaan oauput- these farmaire improved with buildings fruit treea and berries of all kind gooa water plenty of timber land good da khopls and cwrchea good markets f 95 miles from philidelphu i plenty of mb oyjtebul game very urodaotive climate mildand pleasant come nd yourself and be convinced i am jjji with team and carriage to take rfo tee the terns bta ti el with waltham movement b savage uelfh hicinbothams cholera preventative kcver known to fail a sure cure for cholera ijinrr- iitta dysentery griping paius in the stomach isprsiiis etc every house should have a bottle on baud prepared only by w c smith c0 beat american aial canadian coal oil at lowest prices bring along your 5 galiou cans and have thorn filled before the price ad- i vances the combination lias j farced up the price but we have bought largely beforehand and j will give our cniitoniert- tbe j benefit j steadily on ryan went to work but uot as a run- j hold hard ryan crivdtlje third man j ner mr collins put him into the office- did you hear the bell j to worjc out quantities that is to cal- i heard aid ryan but we have j culate the quantity of materials for certain quly a atep or two to go why pitch the j work so as to enable the firm to send in stuff about in the mud in thai way v estimate for contracts he did- little the man who had throw down his j tilings at first but he proved to be so cor- plauk took it up in a surly air and fell in- j rect that he was soon entrusted with more to the ranks again ryan walked to the j important matters building put his burden on the top of the j ryan is a wonderfully accurate fellow pile and the rest more or lks sulky fol j said itr collins to his partner about a lowed his example j year after his first entering the office from that time ryan becaimc a marked man the men followed him as of old but they did all they could to annoy him he i was a powerful man and could easily have j beaten any of his assailants but he stead- the three wishes a gentleman while sitting at the dinner- table with his family had these words said to him by his son a lad of ii years father i have been thinking if i could have one single wish of mine what i would choose to give you a better chance said the father suppose the allowance be increas ed to three wishes what would they be be careful charley he made his choice thoughtfully first of a good character second of good health and third of a good education his father suggested to hinr that fame power riches and various other things ore held in general esteem among men l have thought of all that said he but if i have a good character and good health aud a good education i shall be able to earn all the money that will be of any use to me and everything will come along in its right place a wiae decision indeed for a lad of that age let our young readers think of it and profit by it pearls of thought the sublimity of wisdom is to do those things living which are desired to be done when dying happiness is like a sunbeam which the least shadow intercepts while adversity is often as the rain of spring do that which is right the respect of mankind will follow or if it does not you will be able fo do without it a wise man ought to hope for the jest v be prepared for the worst and bear with equanimitywhatever may happen a man has no more right to say an un civil thing than to iqt one no more right to say a rude fhlhg to another than to knock him down great is he who enjoys his earthenware as if it were plate and not less great is the man to whom all his plate is no more than earthenware of all the actions of a mans life bis marriage does least concern other people yet of all the actions of our lives it is most meddled with by other people tames jutthws atfent for fire insurance gos life accident insurance tickets 3000 for 25c per day agent for the dominion steamship co r- return tickets issued or tickets tobriugout i 5 a ie in aki j au kinds ot machine oijalwaya honey to loan good joint or endorsed short date notes discounted agent for the canadian ijoant savings co toronto coxvevakcki or deeds mortgagee disotiarcea ojiattle mortgages farm and houbexieaeee agreements o clerk divrcocut coinr in queens bench i o ismer of marriage licenses on band w c smith co dispensing chemists hlklnbotliams block guelpb aiiliiwfnibnmjfc ily refused to fight and bade hem go home aid think and then return to their work wiser men i after a time ryans patience bore fruit and many of the men ceawd to annoy him but morgan with the rancor of a little mind only grew more furious as he saw the chance of ruining ryn slipping away day and night in wijrk and out of work he kept his tongue goijj qftllms his j fellowlaborers slavus and fras very great on the subject of division lof property which would enable every man to live in peace and comfort without work the men often laughed at his eitraw gant assertions but some oil his ideas took root and a feeling of discontent gradually became general misunderstandings were developed into deliberate assaults upon the liberty and comforts o the men hasty words magnified into atndimiubujlasj and the traii woabaid tot one oil those suicidal movements called a strike a very valuable man replied his part ner he belongs to the class of men who are snre to make their way in the world borne even rise to become partners itgeat firms hum 1 naid mr collins thoughtfully there is no telling what time will do for guch a man time has ticked off tea years since the events above recorded and we bog to intro duce oar readers to th final aoeno ol this simple story a room in a well bollt sub stantial villa in asuburb south of london the room is well and substantially fur nished ah that comfort could command is there bbt no useless ornament or at tempt at display by tbe fire sits a mat ron dressed in dark grey and a cap upon her head made of excellent materials quiet neat and nice a little girl about twelve sits by sewing a boj of ten is busy at thp table with a slate fq pfjureji andjkyoungerchud a bay- alsoia lying upon hq yftatthrqg talking to a wooden horse j soon a footstep is heard upon the door- and ja latch-key- nitues ty otolbnpilsa points of etiquette it is no longer considered en regie to kiss the bride at a wedding take it out on the bridesmaids when making a morning call carry your hat with you to the parlor and hold it in your hand until you depart the city is full of sneak thieves and hatracks are their favorite prey at dinner do not throw the bones under the table this rule may be relied on for it wajfbne of those made by no less a per sonage than queen elizabeth for tie gov ernment of hey court when invited to dinner acoept or reject the invitation the same day it is no longer considered good form to shek around and ask your hosts cook what the bill of fare is to be before replying never call upon a lady simply because she asks you to come again wait for a more urgent hint come again is a mere superfluous conventionality like the word obey in the marriage service pleasantries marriage not only locks two hearts but one pocket book as well love is to labor what yeast is to the baker it lightens the labor in politioa as well as in courting the thiru party is always a nuisance autumn is the jqriaieas season of the year it alw gi earthits dew lore oils the wheels of time- and makes them revolve with increased velocity han dont care sp much for being poor l as he does to think that the public know feisan i 0 points on pulsebeating in the oountry grocery the other night one of the village physicians was giving a few points on the pulsebearing in ani- mals kow said he in a horse a good strong pulse beats forty times a minute while in an oi from fifty to fiftyfive and in say doc broke in a fresh youth who always tried to he funny say doc how many times does a donkeyb pulse beat let me feel your wrist and ill soon tell yon replied the physician had it not been for a barrel of flour be hind him the unsalted youth would have disappeared into the cellar fairly met a clergyman who owns a farm found his ploughman bitting on his plough resting his horses quoth the clergyman john wouldnt it be a good plan for you to haye a scythe here and be cutting a few bushes along the fences while the horses are rest ing a short time tes sir said john u and wouldnt it be weel for you tad hae a tub o tatties in the poopit and when the folk were singui peel them a while to be ready for the pat v a if yon axe not at present a subscriber to the fuze puss drop as a post card with jour same and wo will send 70a a sample copy free mr orafferty has a bo named mike who for laziness cannot he beaten this assertion is not absolutely correcthowever for he it beaten for laziness every day by his father after one of these sad scenes between parent and child mike remarked dismally i perssve that thereis no plsxin of yez it is wishin i was dead i am it is loike yenelf retorted the father to be wishing ye was stretched in an ex pulsive and convajnient coffin takin it ajsy for the rest qf yerlifel yonng man in building thy temple of life let the foundation be honesty the tim ber wisdom and fce root thereof temper ance virtno and manhood no family in this seokon can afford to be without the fixspbess the most inter- eating ooal paper in the county onjyyjl tnfeiiffljiairjflrt m88 ji

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