phot tvwpicd aut tqlimd in titt fraiuw rnkdo li rnfcr no short uotic huv w hlltv grand trunk railwa mvo hut wim et al 4ita kuttmt mail- vvr irnmtyi muic 1155 lta wtm 140 p m gome fts uamiaj0rju headquarters for christmas confectionery fruits canned goods 4c 1 hsxf in tock fir vhe christ niu trade i fcu scfply of coofcctinoerr which t claim i the lxl vul paitti- tmtment in acton try my 1 5c 20c 25c 40c mixed foreign domestic fruits oranirs apples lemons layer raisins xalaga grapes fiss dates pears c c nuts almonds fllterfe brazil pecans hickory peanuts railway time table j village varieties a rvlttriuft f twil tun fl kur matum f apwi i alert i o ar vuuft lrdrr nw tear ooniowvtt milton the ladin ajd8octtydtkcmclhodiit church milton hiva tuxmigod for grand cotkurt for new years evtminj au ox ccllent programme iim been wparod and some of the txa umiuuoh ulcnt nocurod lor the occasion an uuusiiruly intercut ur entertainment is autidpatod scott act oonvaniioa arrangements are beinj made for the boldias of a coauty comtmion in milton on tanday and wednesday 15tli and lglh ttaunary it is proposed to hold m meeting in the town hall on tuesday even- in to bo addressed by a prominent ptk- rfroui a ditvocc fttflfar particular will be announced next v nv year s caus the joanp ladies will do wdi to be iu readineta for an unusually largo bunibcrof callers on sew years day the fact of ia ieiafleap year will bo doubt impel the young gentlemen to pat in full time ou that day owing to their being obliged to allow the young ladies to- monopolize the coiling bajujesjs daring the year the pulpit a rev g dewey of georgtlown occu pied the pulpit of the methodist church here last sunday morning snd eveuiu hi discourses wore interesting practical and ery appropriate to uit christmas season tlufr young man toaeies the ability necessary for n successful preacher of the gapck and wc trust he will enjoy a very prosperous tuiuulcrial ctriocv jfatai shooing i alex wardroj aged i uu of the kcv j dr wardrupc of gaelph u-hf- r evidently jthot dead while out junuiug uitii frieei i on chritniai alieraoon a mm ucxcl haddleov- clscos- j murray was showing hew a ham merle gun worked thinking the gnn wq ualoiael he palled the trigger the contest- entering wardropes breast ho died almci iir- raediatelv school examinations the examinations of the pupils of the second and third department of our pnblic school ust thursday were ihore largely attended than for several years- the children ia their various clasws showed very evidently that their training had len oonductod with pericverencc and apon commou nsi principles on the pari a their inatnicwri- we congratnlate miascs gordon and grant apon the eajcient slind- ing of their pupil abeautfruiaift the tjreat rock iand route has issued a new and most coqprthecsive cook boole of vl page fcued ifffli nev an j reliable receipta from the be ctercro of this and other countries- ko housewife can afford to be without it and though worth one dollar it will be ynl to auyaddre post paid upon receipt of ten cenu in stamp- as they will go like hot cakes send at occa to h st john g t p a cfajcafo ulinoif st albana twm tree the habbath school chrism s tree ana entertainment of s- al baas church held in the town hall last evening was largely attended by the children and friendj of the school the tree was laden with presents for the 6bbath school children who were fcifftfi with what they received a ery appropriate projramme was praentcd the several carols by tho children wore exceedingly well rendered all present seemed to enjoy the evening christinas ia7 tnesday waa l model oldfshioued cliristmasday the weather wii delight ful it being just coot enough to mak it bracing and the snow which had fallen a day or w previous rendered sleighing very fair and sleighriditjg was indulged in to the fullest extent the jingle of the merry bcllz giving christmas a genuine nug skating was also one of the farorite jis- timj the day was evidently very hip- pily rpent by oar citizens generally vensots weather yemiors almanac for 131 ai tiifc g stormy year 1s3 is likely to eid- okii and mild tith but little or jitnow iukny qartr but possibly with rains and fioods in western section christma week is not likely to be a wintry week i look for raw clondy vreather with scattered rain and snowfall and generally high tempera- tore sleighing will be engaged in in but few if any quarters owing to absence of scow sleet and rains wct the month will end possibly wtth a fcosty nip bat this of brief duration ynna school meeting- the annual meeting for the election of public school trusteee held yesterday tnelish mnlnnls toroauuts- fresh tlaple snffar fresh qysers received daily and sold in balk or servd up raw onhe half snelltewed or fresh on short notice and at reasonable rates raspectfally soliciting a share of public patronage i tike pleasure in wishing all a jollv qooachristmas and prosperous kew year a e matthews dan mr it mress terasxit moekxki di the rexx tets5 etejxi1 ritl liatlive uchj -msr- th train here- verdar d in their ri m pi i flictils mtn ktrsturz or eiltos corvrt ts mis istiact err rim roz loco xr it iv- lzutols jlliti exmxt t3z thx nrr ncrrzzszz or rnr cokxtvity komiaation next monday a large number of visitor were- in town on christniifi day the municipal pot is beginning to boil we trust it wont boil over the public school here wiltbe opened itsx thursday srd tinaaiy dram stoves new and second hand cheap at mrs s a- secords the choci childreuareapparrntiv- en joying their christmas vacation the pricoof gas haa been reduced from ipati to 5250 per1000 feet in gnelph suscient no far good altighing tfould make the price of wood considerably lower winter actoally teeme to have- made up hi mirl t- take os hi cap and stay awiiii- we x ufi ried cocpie-t- inor-in- the siorwseper acconnta and wi oi the seojn mr liobt agnev of thi iillagti has been appointed a member of the managing committde of the licensed victualler the candidate for municipal honors is on the warpath he gives your hand the hearty annual shaker and wi6oe3 you a happy new year- several cases of violacon of the scott act will come up for trial at stilton today a staple of actoilbotel keepers are among those charged with being riohora of the act tjip fprr piis carrier boy rcquestfi us to announce that he will present his annual address bright and early on kew years morning and hopes his friends wql be toeay tor hia call i the double christmas number of the luiyxiou chronica is one of the beat pro ductions ofjthe kind we have received it reveals commendable enterprise ihhe managementof the cftsonicfe- affiifiknofra lost on mill stroet between the gxi1 and messrs kelson fc mcraes stre on monday evening- tho fijiderwill confer a favor by kindly leaving it at the fete pbxss office the goeiph opera hoose lottery is over- as a result of the payment of 1x75 into the concern for tickets by acton boys 220 was received in prizes bather on- profitable investments gentlemen the soag service conducted in the brick chnrch second line last friday evening by bev mr dewey was of a most interesting character the attendance was very good considering the stormy evening a large number of- oar country con tern porarics moonnoed last week owing to the holidays no paper will be published next week la cine years tha fbse puss has never failed to mika its readore the usual wbekly visit an upset and runaway oocnrrodon miu street on christmas uay the ooca- lzts of the sleigh were pretty well shaken np ko bones were broken one side of mr b h taylors aleigh was pretty badly ftebrobmver unit frnmeajor oil paintlngi made to snlcr al c v hiljv the hkatiug rink wan openod last thurbdy dvonine and has been pretty liberally patrouiicd since wu think the presbut manager thould follow the example of past years and close the rink on those evenings when any church entertainments ore being held we aak all our friends roaders sup porters acquaintances borrowing roaders and others to extend the circulation of the fkii fiu if your neighbor does not taku it see him and got him to ubecribo if you barrow the fjux pncss well now you ought to get it for yourself and dont impose ou your neighbors good nature if you are not acquainted with the fukk fkis try it for one year it really is remarkable that dear old santa claiih ha never vet got stupid lardy tired out or cros the venerable saint is as jolh n of yore although he has kept going fur ji iiriiud var or more lua pack- was fui a evtr and hia reindeer juht e bright ai they halted at over chimneytop in town last monday night and he crammed each waiting stocking just as tightly thea we know as he did those that were hung up five huudrvd years ago auctionsale h mi mjcuou jile of fun u tuck imple ments c villbc lull on the farm of mr james misoji lot 3 cj i icrin on fri day 2sih doc at otic oclock ko reserve the proprietor icavm the fanik kale to commence at one ovioci wm hoin- trcct auctioneer k a merry christmas and a happy to axixi otjil ri2srds and iateojsrs year i v santa claus headquarters in acton is as usual at mcgarvinb i i vvellknown drug and stationerv store compiioontary supper cj llmridsy evening lat a compliment- ary supper 4as tendered messrs d d christie and george tulton at aguewf j hxei hy a number of our basinc- men find cilienfi a a alight token of esteem and rccl the gentleman named have recently removed from acton the former ia toronto and the latter to guelph after irtaking of the bounties provided col allan waj appointed chainnan who after a few remark asked tho company to drink the toast ourgoest- this was heartily complied with messrs christie snd tol- ton replied referring to their long residence ad business experience with acton both of which had been ofa most- pleasant na ture yijious members of the company follyvm with short and pithy speeches aril an hour or so wa- thus spent very plea4rtly sabbath scnool christmas aich 4c the sabbath school entertainment and christmas arch held in the methodist chnrch here on christmas evening was a decided success in every reijecl the at tendance was large and all present ap peared to thoroughly enjoy themselves after lex in the basement the company tjok their places in the body of the church and the programme of the evening was pro ceeded with rev w bry pastor oc cupied the chair short addresses were de livered by revs dewey of georgetown and ecnders of xtssagaweya which were most appropriate recitations were reu- dtred by miss alice hnjhes miss watts of eramoaa and mr r k kelson all of which were well received- the singing of the choir waa of a very satisfactory char acter and received well merited applaasc but to the children the great attraction of th evening was the christmas arch deck ed with presents of ever description and the appearance of a real live santa claus who arrived in time to assist in the dis- iribation of ihc presents the arch was a new a ad- very novel substitute for the usual chris tmaa treo it certainly looked fiuper- ior to the tree and the committee under j the superintendence of mr c cspeight are to be congratulated upon tho fine ap pearance it presented the ladies who had in charge ihe preparation of the cul- linery part of the programme deserve the thnks of a ii concerned for ihcir excellent spread the secretary v report of the siocd fsr the vear jest ctosin was very t the editors table oar little onfei for januiryistohand with as bright a a as ever its just what the- little folk enjuyud is velcome every month oar thanks aru dnc io mr j ii mcgar- vin druggist and stationer for a copy of he canadian almanac for 18 tho amoant of useful matter contained in this volume is surprising and those who have used it in farmer years feel that they can not do without a copy it contains full and authentic commercial ktatistioal tronomical departmental ecclesiastical where a magnificent stock of xmaa and new years goods- has just been opened consisting of everything wanted for the holiday trade buch as bibles albums pbolo and scrap loets ladies and gent compauions writing desks in leather wood and paper silverware a fine etock cheap wax dolls from 5c to 300 each jnkstands plain and fancy vases- toys kc kc kc christinas aud new years cards over 10000 cards to sclejt from at lc to 8100 each sachets from 5c up british workman band of hope review suuday at home leisure hour boys and girjs annual chatterbox infants nagazine c c c idimixssioicsr fees allare invited to examino these splendid lioliday gifts whether they wish to purchase or not it will be a pleasure for us to exhibit our stock aud a pleasure to you to look through it j e mgarvin 4 nomimled mr w p brown and messrs d henderson aui thomas eigton uomin- itfd lir thomas c moore there beinff no other uoininations the presiding officer at tho expiration of tbe hour proclaimed messrs w p brown and thomas c moore elected trustees for the terra of three years the- board is now composed as follows messrs w h storey james moore dr eowry j e mcgirvin w p brown and thorass c moore how to make thorn successful- those who have auction safes of farms 6lock implements 4c generally imagin that one or two hnndred posters is all that is required to advertise tbe sale this is a great misiake posters are indeed indis pensable but one or two insertions of the articles to be sold in the local paper is wortbmore than a thousand posters a poster can be read only where it i posted np whioh is generally in a hotel or at some prominent crossroad in tbe county ii the articles are published in the paper it goes directly to the fireside where it can he carefully read and preserced for future reference a local paper reaches men in their homes who are anxious w buy artioles at auction but who never enter a boteior who seldom spend a day away from home fire dollars tpent in advertuink salo ia the local paper is better than ten dollars worth of porters and the former glw the advertiser no trouble to deliver tbe aciox fbct peem i the best paper for this pur pose as it has the largest circulation in tti bwtfotf m ja ft fcdncational financial and general infor- was more iargely attended tnan- usual w itcssrs alex grant and d henderson mltil we are in receipt of the adcertlur por trait gallrrjj for aa a nniqne little work of sixteen paes very neatly prepared con- tiifling portraits and biographical sketches ofeomo of canadas leading statesmen tue marquis of lansdowne the rt hon tv e gladstone queen victoria and president arthur of tho o s the work is offered aa a premium with the london afcrttrrr at he low rite of tl10 per annum viks flnnir genu hero it is again brighter and better than ever tho cover alone with its delicate tinted background and its dish of gracefully arranged flowers would entitle it to a prominent place in every home the book contains three beautiful colored plates is full of illustra tions printed on the best of paper and is filled with just such information as ia re quired by the gardener tbe farmer those growing plants and every one needing seeds or plants the price only ten cents can be deducted from the first order sent for goods all parties any way interested in this subject should send at onoe to james tick boohestcr n y for tbe floral guide i annltc send six cent for post- rfllfctek costly bos of goods which will help ytm to more mtmey right away tnaamytriingel in this world all of either sox snccew from first hour the broad road to fortune opens before tbe workers absolutely aare at xince address trans oo august m wih every reader of the free rres9 the of the season and trust they will all have a merpy christmas bt notice all accounts due the late firm of hughes griffin must be paid by the 5th of december next or they will be placed in court for collection i atve gellinstgi- boots shoes at 5 per cent on cost trhich is 25 per cent less than you can purchase clsowlieie i want to reduce my stock any article in millinery v i will sell at cost any article of- clothing flannels dress goods and velveteens hill sell at t per cent adrance on cent until fnrther notice mbs b hi fusss i cheap cash millinery store hsf all goods selling at a great reduction and ahafpy mhmm obes8 and bantus haking doneln ff its brancaes jjcrt8itamlitt feut be aver and straw hats einthenewmttyi bm our lovely saratoga wives for good saitbhea tom 75 oenta tjpt oomhlue mtdej hs skip