it- j fk railway timb tabu obaho trtfmx raxlwa miko tasr ootxg mm mind fs tm- in j44j in b att turn- 1 ststtss rasaftsaili lowaa torn torngxh ei ab vm i mail wrist itttkn ljpm un ml pan wapm special nut or clou xuu goto vctauul j gains at 915 ua lamo psa enfhsb mail close at llmoa thursday tion nt fm tiruiut mohmxo jus 10 1884 bits of brevity seal aid mitmlif sirtaart r k c ot ike p aa teitvtnrsr rta4cn of ike ffn rmi the aony of the municipal eaiididats ii over or another rear t snow has tallcuahtvaat oliiuierroptej- ly doriiis the whole ol the past week monday was the longest day in the year to municipal returning offioera gaclph tras lett ia total darkness on holiday niglil the ga s apply gave oof the mercury iu the thermometer in this wction nwde explorations below the rsrolast week its not ahrays ihesest men who arc lotftl not by a large majority ex- joanolbr kenney the saow shovel brigade was out in unusual force yesterday morning their duties were most onerous i the salary of the oakville high school masar has been raised to ldso a year xand thai of the assistant to s50 watch for w p brown 4 cos new air next week some unusnal induce ment will bo offered to cash purchasers the concert giren in the town hall miiion on sew years night must be re corded as the best i has been the good for- tice of xlltonians tor enjoy foryeara ifessrs- xeison or uceae announce a clearing sala cwinter goods for the next thirty days call and inspect their bar gains a branch of the church of england temperance society was organized in con nection with st- georges church guelph on monday j the gofelph dry goods merchants have arranged to close their stores each evening saturdays excepted at oclock until the first of march- sirjames moore was elected chair- rsan of the board of trustees of acton public school for the present year at the meeting held last ilonday evening it i3 important that the owners of horses should have bells on the horses or their sleighs accidents will result from the nejiect to attend to this matter the t v f three merry maidens we presume will give the first leap year assemblv of the season in the town hall tomorrow evanin- it promises to le a very interesting affair in a letter to the iljuirtal wtivett this week vennor tl2 weather prognosticator says the winters 1m3 and 1ssk seem to be a couplet in caaractec so far but i do not think tht iniisritr in this respect will continue tte have just rccfcivtsl iruoj the lvnfcn fm vvm a copy of their calendar for ld tfes is the most elegant artistic aid creditably executed piece of workmanship in every respect that we havs had the pleasure of examining for some time a meeting of the young mens liter ary society was held in the council cham ber last thursday evehin g the programme arranged for this evening w rather novel in character ana those interested should not fail to be present- the subject chosen for next thursday evening is resolved that it is in the interest of canada to be come an independent nation il until armivamry mlniouiry t- nm in connection with u mtthodiat church here will bo ptmohcd neat sunday at u am and fis0prn by iuv alsr bnihsruad dd- ol toronto ws havt no doobt the importance- ot the aubjeot and the wide reputation of dr8utherlod u tlttrymtn will ensure largt audienoos both morning and evening pubho school note mr v h grant hu been engaged to take- charge of the second department of tto public school until mist morton i umcintly improd in health to rnme her duties mr grant ia reooiving tlo per k miss katrbrook has entored upon lwr necond year at lome school no 12 mr shnuuou of erin has charge of itannockburn school no 18 lotttng oorgtown rev j coutu pastor of the baptist church georgetown has just resignod his charge and intends removing in another field ct labor in the county of bruce the georgetown mai says during his pastorate here mr coutu identified him self with every good work especially iu connection with temperaisce of which he is a warm and forcible advocate councils for 1884 according to the municipal law the new councils for the current year are required tomeet on the 3rd monday of this month and a ihe reeves aud deputy reeves have ta assembl in county couuails on the th tuesday in janaary to elect wardens etc it m happens the present yiar that this compels them to meet on the next day after organizing in the local municipalities the 1th tuesday being the next day after the srd monday the wonderful man tho attention of our rvsdc directed to the mammoth advertisement ot messrs john hogg it son guelph vrho will open next mondav a special uiscaiit sale of en tire stock they offer goodt t discouuls j of from 10 to 30 per cent aud great bar gains will doubtless be given the firm i guarantees every article sold tobe correct in style quality and price and assert that titose availing themselves of this of portun- ily will save mouey give hy adv a careful perusal the big snow-storm- since the advent of the kew year n bi suow storm has been in almost uninter rupted progress and it makes its presence felt everywhere and by everybolj- until tuesday morning the roads and streets were fairly passable but the beayy storm ot tuesday night capped the climax and yesterday nearly everything was blocked ujj and with the high wind of last night matters are not much improved this morn ing traffic is pretty generally suspended nearly every man you meet now has a ow shove personals mr w w gordon of glencoe iu in town last wek mr daniel wakefield ot washington visited tritndi her daring the week mr j a mccarthy barrister of banie vliitod acton friends daring the wek mr and mrs james webb laft jmurday morning tor their home at sand baaoh mich mr george smith ol brendon man is visiting his friends and relatives in this vicinity miss a hilts who spent the holidays with triouda in stratford returned home on tuesday mrs d hendersou returned home on saturday after spending a very pleaaant week with friends inwalkerton wflrfrtng bauou jit is very gratifying lo uoiic bor geu- esally correct the poople of all classes have l33tne in the marking o their billots at municipal and other elections- a few yiars ago the number of spoiled ballots re ported by returning officers was remarks able now however very few errors are ever made at the election here on mon day there was bat one ballot spoiled and it was no dealt done intentionally in tiiis case the voter iailed to mark in favor of any of the candidates bat wrote across the face oc the ballot they are all hum- bojjs perhaps this person was disap pointed in cot te2ivina nomination him self extra man acoommodaiioii actons importance is becoming more i and moredemonstrated from rear to vear i tiona to bo wrong which i made the per- the loyal homo pupor the- miitim vr i ay tho champion and acton fkk vuts now usa wadyset reading matter pat up in type aid tro- typed in torouto it i taid to be much clieaper thu tbe old plnu but the typo graphical appearance ii not good the fan vii does uotbing of the kind mr xart kvery lino of the fiier piicfls is iwt up kiiu printed in our own office in acton a for typojjraphical appearance we invito the reader of ixitb papers to compare them nd we feel no alarm aboat the verdict no mr aric tho fnrk vvuua hat too nmcli indepeudcuc in it rnakanp to allow any torouto firm to prepare its reading matutr and then have only a sec ondhanded sheet to offer its readers the ffcci piu63 is however unlike this same faultfinding siiju stc4 the matter for wlurw outside pages i taken from the columns uf a torouto paper after it has dom servic- for the issue of the same tho previous week and with probably a ban- dred other jwijjers nsio tbe mime matter i- j rinted in a toronto office and receives uo supervision whatever on the part of the editor of the vcsv this is the local paper which pretends to be a home paper print ed at its office in mutou of course the rehaahed sheet used by the vcim costs very little more than the white paper osed by legitimate newspaper publishers but at j this distant day the people dont look very kindly upon a journal printed from the matter used in another paper the week be fore- and presented to then the second time correspondence we wish t io bo distinctly understood that we do cot bold oonoltvs responsible for the opin ions or cxiirmsioo of any oorrvspondeuts- rockwoods depravity to tkt ldivr oftke frtc pnu droa sir- there is so little of any con sequence in bystanders last leeter that my duties will necessarily be light there we some things in it he might have omit ted there was no necessity for his giving us an account of how he got his education he should have left that to the imagination of the readers he says i called him an ignoramus- this is another of his false statements i said he was a literary critic of no mean ability but if i had thought of calling him so i would have deemed it unnecessary after reading his last letter he also tays l have signally failed to re fute anything he has said- well in my last letter i proved that he had written falsehoods that he mado two incorrect statements and i made a small challenge to him and citiien which neither of them has the courage to take up i will kindly defy him to prove any of the asser- esaueang agricultural society the annual meeting of esquesing agri cultural society will be held in the council chamber at stewarttown this afternojn at 2 oclock- we trust acton will le well represented at this meeting week of prayer week of prayer services are being held this weak in the presbyterian and ibih- odistcbarches respectively the meeting will be hejd in tin presbyterian church thw evening and in the methodist chorch tomorrow evening soottacfftiuls the scott act trials announced for hut thursday were postponed until today it is very doubtful however whether they will be taken up today or not we are informed that there are cases against all of our loci hotelkeepers good teaiplmorgatdxatton- owing to the inclement storm of tuesday evening it was decided to postpone the organiiation of tbe goodrtemplarfr lodge here until next tuesday evesiingfor which ovening af all attsmdance of those interest ed is desired at the oddfellows hall anniversary serrioei anniversary services in connection with tie congregational church georgetown will be held next sunday bev wwether- aid of sc catharines will preach morn ing d evetuns an srt sntettslnxnent will be held in the town hall on monday evening preaiciians astray this is venoors prediction for the first week in janaary hew yosts mild oo snowdust or mud in many sections waters ijuit open local rains or snow or sleet harries on the 4ul a- great contrast to january 1893 could any prediction be farther from rxttlisaijbn 1 publio funeral at toronto the public funeral of tba victims of tb deplorable railway collhara at toronto took place on saturday afterooou aid was vary largely atteadsa bistirfld that from ajuw to sortk p m on jongs sod kiastislbawwitikirths tanoral proeeasion onmber of oor rtisens wore prasonfc i j and especially is this fact recognized by the post office nuthoritie3 ol the dominion a couple of years ago in addition to the regular daily mails east and west we were favored withn sealed mail to and from to ronto which was a great boon to our busi ness men and this week a sealed mail to guelph and return each day has been add- ed to the service this mail will arrive at 10am and depart at 545 pm and our citizens wfllhave the privilege of forward ing mail matter to guelph and to all points oh tho w g b ry and for the stage lines running out of guelph our citizens will appreciate this addition very much- temperance convention the semiannual convention of the hal- ton branch of the temperance alliance will be held in tbe town hall milton on tuesday and wednesday the 15th and i6th of january to ionsider the position of the temperance act in the county at the present time to more thoroughly organ ize to more perfectly secure united prompt and efficient action and to prepare for any emergency that may arise let all the friends of the cause rally to this conven tion from the various parts of the county convention opens on the first day at 10 oclock am a meeting will be held in the town haji on tuesday evening at which addresses will be delivered by w h howland esj of toronto eevs john neil ba of kassogaweya jas coutts of georgetown and 3 e lancely of burlington installation of ofboen at the last regular meeting of acton lodge l00f so 204 the following officers were installed by p g bro w williams ddgm assisted by p g bros crainehavill molsjn and smith bro b e nelson jpg w h lowry ng j e mcgarvin vg a e nicklin bs h p jfoore ps jos at speight treai llraneis bsng e matthews lsng j p worden b8vg geo pratt lsvg w williams wor b crairte con geo hsrill bs8 b creech l88 jas mclam lg alex h brown og wie smith chap w h lowry lodge surgeon b craine i e jfcfjarvmjvxtustees whl6wx7 i w willhimii d0gm xfs are glad to bbrtaftj stot jiat the aotoijdoitbifisaaaudbowvol- smjwsiety u jrtswksing vt sris4ir ily aadtttero wiu no doobt h y into 9a4 neettngj daring tit tumr dttfhu fume oi hi letter appears at its ail when he relieves himself of that beautiful simiiie likening himself to a pretty little animal chasing a little bojv this is my last letter on thi subject mr editor unless i see something worth answering hoping by standers clothes will be well aired before ho again resumes the subject i am yours respectfully a rocxwooi bov rocfcwood 7th jan 84 having given the correspondents en both sides of this question equal opportun ity for communications we have come to the conclusion to accept no more letters on this subject when the correspondenco was oponed we understood the desire of the writers was to show up the existing evils and offer a remedy for the same instead of this however we regret that the cor respondents have spent their time and occupied valuable space by heaping upon each other volumes of personal abuse alto gether neglecting the object in view en fan pbzss the county council the following is the personnbl of the county council for 13s4 as far as wt have beeu able to ascertain acton beeve w h storey georgetown reeve wra moleod milton reeve john white oakville reeve w b chisbolm burlington reeve b g boxter esquesing rseve x lindsay dep uty beeves john warren and richard graham nassagaweya reeve jas mengies deputy d wheeliban trafalgar beeve henry robinson deputy beeves drbuck and jnohnsband nelson beeve v h peart j deputy a mcmaster this year the wardenship of the countr counoii falls to acton in regtdar course and we trust no indue influence will be brought to bear to deprive our municipality of the honor justly dno in every respect for nearly a dozen years we hare bad a repre sentative in tbe county council and while every other municipality of the county has had the wardenship acton has never been favored with this honor her claims are clear her representative is eminently qualified for the position and if justice be a component part in tbe dopposition of the county gounod lb w h storey will be vfiximtatiaei bobertmilisgarafraxa hatoutobi of abtob gasoaia bititlirs f outsm nil diseases arising from the blood liver and kidntys brice 100 per bottll twan -at- j e ittoqarvins drug store aotoa w p brown cos -kur- christmas groceries new and fresh beautiful designs in- glassware and china comb and buy- your xmas presents wpbrown 4 co glasgow house clearing sale we have decided for the next 30 days to ofter our large stock of winter goods consisting of overcoats headymade clothing mantles mantle clothe knitted goods in shawls clorjds lloods ic at less than cist price j we are offering no 1 value in gentlemans lamb caps felt hats and caps a fiist class stylish hat irom 50 cents up j special value iu ladies muffs in mink seal coney c at lssthan cost price in ordered clothin we are giving no 1 value in tweed 8nitings good workman ship and perfect fits guaranteed every time i i poi this benth i an ferine my wtfele stock of yvatche 1 jeweuery 0 f at rednced price my shop is mied with new joods new styles in every line the low price of my flue gold setts ltdies watches chains necklets bntochea larriuts sur prise everyone sail early and haveyonrcholceaiid also have yonr goods properly ensraved s thanking the people of acton and vicinity tor the lilieral piitrou- age in the past i solicit a con tinuance of the same and wish them all a merry christmas and happy new year wm s smith the watch and clock huose of guelph h notice all accounts due the late firm of hughes griffin must be paid by the 5th of december next or they will be placed in court for collection boots and shoes in endless variety at less than manufacturers prices in groceries i we are giving the best values to be had in die count basil re and securo a box of those layer raisins we are joffenug fin t- class fruit at 1180 per box we have the most complete stock of 60 eeut teas in japau and green to be found iu town black bplendifl valoes in sugais 18 lbs bright sugar ior outf dollar and everything else iu proportion so sure and gwejps a call md secure flratolaas goods f um trwnyclttre 4e boots 1 spaioes at 5 per cent on cost which is 25 per tent less than you can purchase ersctthae i wiint to reduce my stock any article in millinery i vulx sell at j0kt i i i 1 ay article pi- clothing flannels d ess goods and velveteens it hi sell at 7 per cent advance on cost c b i mull further tie grifim t mes e h passs cheap cash millinery store jjstahl goods selling at a great seduction bssuh aju aktlis hakim g dene la i ill lis braaekesl jackets rat jneiatfeadi rtvt f eaver and 8traw hats orfe the ewe sbb tmr l9vs3ly saratoga wavas fof fttt oood gwrhee from 7frtwm j wtj combinrt mtd tips s i a- v- slb a