Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 17, 1884, p. 1

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my tbr-r- tlon 4jjree reb8 kvfkt tutrsthy morning at mr rtet 0rw wrwtnta house miustrkktacroxoxt xsi the rlkti 1rsi will be wilt to subscribers posuge paid for tl00 per n- bum in advance 1150 if win pud no r discontinued till ill arrears an pud except t uio option of the publisher arrnftwrso rarcs casual advertise- nsati 8 cent per line for the first inter- yon and cents per line for each subee- pent insertiou oath professional cards 10 lines or less hm retnnum 1 square u line tj00 per annum payable iiy 6 ajoaths fromdete of insertion any special xotioe the dbject of which is to promote tee pecuniary benefit of any individual or oompauy to be oonadered an advertise ment the number of lines reckoned ly thespsc occurred raeasurfcl by a seal of wild sonijareii j cnxtrarr hafe oweolanjnone rear wf hall column oe year e urler iamnoue year 0n lama lx month half ctsamn fix months urttr nlamnej monim til eilaiua three monthc halteoluran urtnoniht jialer imlamn ihree tnonthi terws8i00 in adraucc the newspaper- 4 map of busy life ite fluotufttionu and its vast concern 81 so if not no paid volume ix no 29 aoton ont thursday jan 17 1884 whole no 446 ton c aoo 5900 moo looo 13 00 3000 i 00 too mver1lsemn1rllhoqt41eeluc direction clll be iie-tedtlufvtwandcnnrffdaeeprd- inilv transitory advertisements tunvtbe aid la adrane ctiaeearfor eiintmel slvertisemrntsniutt be a le offlee oj- 9 a moo mtndaysolher wise they will be left over lil the tollowlut week k t moure editor proprietor acton banking cot ttomy ohristie it 00 oulurio acton thi8 paper gstis4jssigrao- eoatract sear be jclvtrrf ettmtlmir- tocll ik n1w yoftb busine33 directory we lowrt m b if c f s- jut of trinitr coiiege-men- bcrofcale of phvsiciaa wad snrgona- 05 and residence at the head fred- tritist acton j bexnett it tothulu dektist gorg- j0h lawsox gradtate of 0- tiio vrnaixuit coxxsge tofcorto veterinary surgeon acton ont office in lvenney sons boot and shoe store res idence in the rear hones exunined if to soundness and certificate riven all calls ohjht or dar promptly attend ed to- terms easv tj fisher t s ge0rgetokk ont nill visit acton even wednesr daj and till attend to all calls pertaining to his prof easion orders left at mcgarvin drag store will receive prompt attention terms moderate t j fisher ch riggs ljds of the firm cf bioos 4 itoht toboxto will bt at cimpbeite hout on the first iloafiay of every month in the practice of his profession- all wcrk executed in the latest and most improved style of the dental j art jvo charge for consakaiion okxeral ilaxklxa- wt-as- xess nukaonu tfotss notes discounted and interest allowed ou depoeits- special sot1ce grand xmas sale 10 a jtie- dent store ajad chearcash bazab cpper wjndbam srvet guelph tr ta blu xma cardv cklaa kd otbar fancr goodi thi icaion hu ixxa larpcr than flver before in may line of pood ccr hoc it too big alloeitbr lo jurpose of fering our customort special inducements to make larce ptircuaet our intcnuoa is to iil otji our iiacniflcwit slocfc by koir year 10 cent store and cncat casb bazar jasfkidker cuelph cloth hall m owat mcleak barruters solicitor kourie convey- omcr seeordvbiocfcill st actou j a- 1ict tv a iulclx fi sguodwillie difriir solicitor xolarj public geobgntowyr tictos a actin oecc ir mrs sccords block toes dav arciiitijct gaelph oataxio- omotiei hotel bct market quare our scotch tweed fall suitincs have noiv all arrived and ordeos for suits are respectfnlk solicited shaw grundy uehxiuxt tailoks ouelph w b bbaggr ebactical lcillwlught ebac barfangm5 of floor jplts a- specialty p 0 addreac boi 103 bodrocb patexls secckku f0k ixvexti0k6 asxby gbist otnii cittil 20 tears practice xo patnit xo vcy cibaxcis xcxax sacceasor to x f curraan j bookbixueb st george siuxre guvbjlir account books of all kinds made to order j periodicals of every description carefully bound bulingnealyandptmptlyil3ne farmers axd railway men w a hemstbeet jjicensed anctionper for the counties of wellington and halton cbaerj left at the fan pucss office acton or at my residence in acton ill be promptly attended to terms reaaonable hakr m vum also money to loan on the most favorable terms and it the west rate of interest is sums of moo and upwards- time fob sale lime can be had at the canada lime works in small or large quantities at any time apply t the kilnr near toltons am or to c s smith hay 1st 1832 box 172 acrox s hikgles slim urn heidiw fob sale tmmuienixaedihsifnav in stock first- r is fine cedar and ash sbinglts staves and tarred heading call ud examine kar6urtqairenythinin the line thos cmoobe j acton po tbateniruig me are requested to call ot jjeeaid mtle their aooouots otberirise eourt trill collect tliem tv5tiwak farms for sale i r t reraere mtftui efttt atmt uajaalsunra tiete farms are improved with bnildines jimttttm and berries of all kinds mrter plenty d timber land ood oheols and churches flood market fcomphiladelphi pkntv ol i and jnuo vary psodnciite mudapleaaajjt com od tobbu and be ooovimed i am lliwtto taun nd earruato tike bee ode patent dastproof case with waltham movement b savaci- cielph wellington marble works quebec st qubiiph john h hamilton pbopfllbtor formerly lpqjiaiaa hamilton v dler iimrbie and everytwdr pitaining to cemetery work kgs floelph wwtord fr ad u ubitiso loeai f dtim orasbeonueof sutorial ol wwrkmasship to j tarmiut mokxino ji 17 1684 the great dr dio lewis lus outspoken oplulon the very marked testirootiiala from col lege professor rcspccuble pbrsicians and other penlleiiieu of iutcllijrouce hid character to the value of warners safe cure published in the editorial columns of oar besi ncwsjiaperf have preauy surprised me manv of these ceulk men i know and reading their einnctiy i was impelled to purchase some bottles of wuxus safe ccur andanalyre it besides i took some swallowing three limei the irescribed qaan- tity t am satisfied the medicine is not injurious- and will frankly add that if i found myself the victim of a fcrious kidney trouble i should ue this preparation the truth is the medical profession stands dazed and helpless in the presence of more than one kidney malady while the testi mony of hundreds of iiitelhccnt and very reputable gentlemen hirjiv leaves room to doubt that mr if h wjkven has fallen upon one of ihcfc hppy discoveries which occasionally bring help to sufferiug ha- manitv poetry school books copy books drawinc books all the new text books the alld maids hae a coortikg jane quid lavu ui lam jick im bl croalo lub uiou ther fl iiic tho mid tmuu jue buaiinj for moa j ttc mirnias till nieiu they to oa tho rua while joap yar ta j- cronie huitenkplf bcirarj aira tae lb north too theyre tunala in icori smiia thro vfudowt ta chippjn at doon wi baaeefa their poufhe while collie puyi irriiij and threaten to bite lhmi a bijpaue tbey flicg therot a blr itwtch o tiatra awa ta the wet tiiai laac has knnf ai the aold maidens bean noil whmr theyre out a hattalioni tae conquer or dee sao robin i uiiak ve inaua ciarr or flee harry or flee jock iii dae nano o tho tt tho the bale nekinatiek o tbeu lee mo t c caleu 1 caa waje ane wilwbineogeiar an a hout that ayi plaiajy tboa bookt for her beir 1 tetireea i wa craflrin wi dareean tarn aj to met aa ndalwd la our hogmanae dram i tell them my plan an the tvaaotne agreed tae bant for a marrow in marry vi rpeed in year like tbe itoeant when giain crept bae railed an folk at ik corner for sillers easaued your plan rab im thlnkia ihcti ruid com mon tense la trying ue marry pounds ihilhagi aa peace- bat what think yc bab tae tbe duee witbe lew gin their toenen l thooaaac woil barcaia for twt i i introduce polygamy thttr scarce will we foe a maid riaaja roan wi a tear in bcr tax oanxvixb- puestoriy at full stock days bookstorej glclpii day sells cheap the oldest drug store in ouelph best canadian coal 01 only 20c a gallon now is thotime to bay your uoaii oil hicinbothams condition powders lure giu riiveral saisfaclioo itnd r11 wlio lave usi hem fcr imrss and cattle lestify to their ex cellence prepared only by v7 g smith co winter fluid an elegant prtpara- tionfnr koagliuessof tlje- slin chapped hand son li bite ik- pre pared only by y 0 smith 4 co tborlcye noinaiiij clc food sold io any qaanaia to snll purohawr diamond of etl ae best nd clieap jn the unirkc w c8mjth co dispensing chemists ainjpb 10th dda8 the lokghaired man my name is simon wortbioirton i am a bachelor of forty and if i may say it a man of titremely upright life i smoke a few cigars a day i take a glass of any thing i please with my meals bat i am strictly moderate my appearance betokens it i are sure therefore you may quite understand bow great was my astonish ment when the longhaired man addressed me as tbough bat wait i bave not told yoq trho the iuughaired man was i was about to take a little summer holi day and had arraoged everything so that my mind would be quite at case business i put ayde for the present tnd having provided myself with tho correct costumo and accessaries of a gentlemanly traveller went oat to attend to the last few arrange ments for my journey i had been into the bank to draw several hundred dollars and had also stopped at the jewellers to get my watch which had been repaired at the first place i had noticed a solemn man of thin figure with black hair as straight aa an indians and wearing a pair of blue goggles who aaked the cashier to change a fivedollar note and then politely stood aside in order that i miit transact my business first and while 1 was paying for my watch he entered the jevellers and bourlit a pair of pitted sitvcruleeve-bat- toufl i hardly know why i tool particular notice of him but his inir his features his sfoping shoulders aud joiig supple hands were all so peculiar that i could uot avoid noticing them particularly ho might have been a travelling ctanielist i thought or a country doctor or a literary man or couuected with some spiritualistic society or a member of the liberal club i could not place him 1 lauglssd at my self for desiring to do so why dr i aare what that rqau is i asked myself or think of him as i am thinking with these words i jumped iuto a stage aia as i was paying my fare became aware that an other person had entered hie vehicle in fact seated mytelf by accident ujran his knee and turning to apologize il saw the person of whom i was thinking i beg pardon i said not at all not at all he crped with a ereat display of politeness sot at all it was my fault i bhould have moved you will not find me one to take offence at trifles no sir had you seated yourself upon me purposely i should bate forgiven you sir 1 should have esteemed that my christian duty i bowed a couple of girls on tbe opposite seat giggled nd the stage stopped to let in some ladies move dp sir movo up cried my friend make room for the ladies allow me ill take your fares flesjse move a little more sir thanks we should never forget to do all we con for the faar sei sir i nfake it a point to bt useful to them sir 1 the girls giggled again youth is lighthearted sir said my neighbor to me very ightheaitel i ami bee lady delightful to thuk of it air moy nnj move up i vraa already wedged as olosej y aa a sar dine in a box but i tried to obey banded up the newcomers far i tnd re eating himself suddenly sniffed fftriously tobacco be said to bimeej rrser a pause tobacco i smell totytttoov yonemoke sir m- since it interests yon so nfu h wend yes i do smoke ha snook bis bead and groans another life an the wane another case of nicotine poisoning ah i ah i ah h i its killing you sir so you know that vory slowly no doubt i replied slowly i- bo repeated slowly tbey all think that sir you may possibly drop dead before you leave this stage that might happen of oourse i as sented but the idea was not an agreeable one smoke and drink i too drink too said my noighbor dont deny it smok ers always drink i am a desperate and confirmed inebri ate i replied i have delirium tremens every saturday night and am fast gliding to a drunkarda grave you mock me oried tbe stranger holding up a warning linger you mock me sir yon say to yourself i am a moderate drinker sir the mania which yoa speak of io jest may blight your life at any instant you may see little green snakes which have no existence anywhere but in your own imagination crawling out of your boots before you leave this stage i assure you it is possible sir not if i drop dead from nicotine poisoning i remarked yoa sir first delirium then froth said the gentleman solemnly regarding me as though i were a living curiosity tbe smokers and the drunkards fate may both be yours beware i the two girls who had been laughing all the while went into something very like hysterics the other lady passengers devoid of any sense of humor to a woman listened approvingly with the air people assume in church daring a sermon and seemed to j regard me as a very dreadful example in- deed beware repeated my neighbor the path ia short and very slippery you are going down it headlong beware i i had enjoyed all this at first but i now lost all patience beware yourself i replied in aacalm a tone as i could command even cranks are occasionally knocked down as you will find il you do not hold your impudent tongue- at this myjieighbor fumbled in his coat- tail pocket brought out with much pains and deliberation a large yellow kerchief and applied it to his eyes i speak for your own good he cried from its depths i felt it my christian duty to pause and strive to rescue a wan dering sheep you rejvile me for it but i will try to bear it thats my duty too yes yes yes thats my duty too the girls choked again the ipatrons looked sympathetically at him one of them wiped away a tear i cant endure this i said i shall disgrace myself by using personal violence to a maniac and i reached for the check string my adviser caught my arm xo no he said will go i am about to leave you sir lam delighted to hear it i remarked seating myself yes yes i go my presence is offen sive to you and i go he continued it is my duty goodbye i goodbye 1 heed my warning remember the delirium tremens remember the sudden death by nicotine poisoning remember me wait you dont believe me let me put your hand upon yonr heart ho returned he seized my hand and thrust it into the bosom of my coat do you think a heart could beat like that for many bonra to gether he shrieked sir your com plexion your respiration your whole ap pearance prove to me that i am right beavrtr i thrust his hand from me and snatched mine awty he looked at the sympathetic ladles shook his head and jumped ont of the stage the girls shrieked with laugh- ter at the next corner tbey alighted i was alone with the matrons who regarded me with freezing glances and seemed to be somewhat afraid of me as an intemperate person who rdight do them barm one who wore a little frizette of black curls re marked to her friend in a hard and re- proviug tone of voice how shocking is intemperance to which the other replied shocking indeed i and then 1 saw all eyes settle slowly upon my middle vest button i glanced downward almost expecting to see those small green snakes so graphically described by my late neighbor instead i saw tbe broken links of my watch chain my watch was gone i plunged my hand into my bosom tho pocketbook contain ing my money was no longer there in fact my pockets were completely emptied even a conple of cigars which i had about me had been taken and tbe longhaired man was evidently a clever thief the policeman with whom i took coun sel was sympathetic but not hopeful he said that from my description he should suppose the theft to have been committed by slim jim a noted yojspoiket i and that the two giruaprsrt were doubtless his accomplices trained to giggle in order to attract my attention at the proper tiine but there vas no way of being sure and he thought it likely would never see my property again inirordld nt ledger 7- the polly of pear a great doal of talent is lost in the world for the want of a little courage every day sends to their graves a number of ob scure men who have only remained in ob- enrity because their timidity has prevent ed them from making a first effort and who if they oould have been induced to begiu would in all probability have goni great lengths in the career of fame the fact is that to do anything in this world worth doing wmust not stand back shiv ering and thinking of the cold and danger but jump in aud scramble through as well as we can it will not do to he perpetually calculating risks and adjusting nice chances it did very well before the flood when a man oould eoasalt his friends upon au in tended publication fora hundred and fifty years and then live to see its success after ward but at present a man waits and doubts and consults bis brother and bis particular friends till ono find day he finds he is sixty years of age then he has lost so much time in consulting his first cousins and particular friends that he has no more time to follow their advice juvenile jocularity a little girl hearing her mother observe to another lady that she was going into half mourning inquired whether any of her relations were half dead walk alower papa cried the little girl whoso short steps were no match rf or the strides of her masculine progenitor cant yoo go nice and slow like a police man the lesson well learned teacher to class of girls now what do we learn from this parable of the wiso and foolish virgins girls decidedly that we shall watch hourly that we miss not our bridegroom when he comes atmospheric old gentleman to his grandson from philadelphia johnny im afraid yon are not having a very lively visit here why dont yon go out and play with the other boys t johnny mamma thinks it better i shouldnt she doesnt wish me to form any undesirable acquaint- beaaid very reasonable i am very sorry for you sir hot my daughter has been brought up to a life of luxury and i can never allow her to be come your wife but you forget i am a prosperous broker yea i know that but tho markets are very uncertain and you may be a poor man tomoarow but i own a rolling mill too so i understand bat the iron business is subject to great fluctuations and 1 have three woollen mills am a member of a jobbing firm and owu a large amount of real estate all of them arc uncertain properties even real estate is being ruined by high taxes have you anything eke yes i own a qewspaper oh i teg your pardon take ber my dear boy she is yours two ladies teteatete that mrs brown is just as mean as she can be i why would you believe she told me right to my face that i dressed too young for a woman of my years i jtbe idea she did well if shed talked to me that way i believe id told her just what i thought of ber ob no dear that would be rude possibly but i did better i told mrs smith what my opinion of mrs brown was and mrs brown will bear it soon enough and then you know it wont lose anything in mrs smiths month it is one of my principles love never to do anything dis agreeable when i can get somebody also to do it for me icrss lollipors housaararnro utile hiss ixiljiwptboiifw she must balp towaabudthejdlabeskaiidwlpeof tbesheu to brush oft tie table and sweep up the door and clean off too stains from tbe paint on tbe door i sbe put oh heraprou and pulled up bar sleeve- 81m didnt want work that was only make-be- hers for mutters wture dot yittu chulena said she uust bars yltueboustktapers dt what 111 little miss lollipop want through tin room whisked the dust high with the od of tie broom broke the peor cop which sbe droiipod on tla- door lift u paint twenty times worse iban before splattered and splashed but 0 1 bow could i chide tbe little heart swelling itti vxt hopeful pride for bow would mr muzur bt ab 7 said lie to gn too bar work if sbe olont 1 jv me i dearer lbs love in the sunny blue yes rban th dust she is railing whi i fades as it files better to mitt tbe best cup en tbe sbslf than to chill the dear bean which is dries f lteelf dear little lollipop i we are like you bpeuing the work we are trying to do and sorely the father who lores us will bead x aud uks lu his kludzjets the will for tbe deed a strange drink there is a story of how a man lost a wager in pueblo colorado stepping into a large liquor shop be offered to bet ten to one that be could be blindfolded tell the name of any liquor or wine in the house or any mixture of liquors by the taste and smell all went well with him at first he named all tbe celebrated brands correctly then they handed him a glass of water he tasted he smelt he tasted and smelt again and at last com pletely nonplussed he gave it up well boys be said you bare got me it seems to me as if years ago i struck something of the kind in the states but it was so long ago that i have entirely forgotten it humorous makes tracks the railroad builder brought dorm the house the building mover a bad clerk s the wrcog man in the write place edison says it is not bis lights but hie liver that is troubling him josh billinjaj hat made bit aucoeee by blowing a peculiar spell over the public horsedealer wily do you want to sell that pretty oolt he it not broke yet it hajt owner no bat i axa yeetewuws qimfm0f you make me tired and she promptly informed her she should say ipjt sjtot women never will be paid at much for lecturing at men eitnply btoasat tbey have done so ranch of it for nothing thetjigh fkhooljrmhaiuriayinwk iasm 8nilarljla is tbemqei pojeot jju ru k- vbtarffisijier intfafmottjntifeelteand 64rl be trite ib time all hamrful lope sure promptly remdred by toil w tfesfe use ue star df es if you want brillisul lud fast colors 8 uuch distress and sickness in children it cauied by worms mother graves rtorm exterunuaior gives relief by removing the citite hollowsys corn cure destroys all kinds of corns sod warta root and branch joseph susan pircy writes 1 was induced lo try drtbomas and found it the best article i ever tried it has been a great blessing to me beware bf similarly uaxuedarticlev tbey are imitations of dr thomas eclectric oil ayets hair vigor improves the beamy of tbe bait and promotes its growth it imparts an attractive appearance a deuht to i and lasting perfume while it stimu- tales the roots cleanses the scalp and adds elegance to luxuriance its effects are enduring and thus it proves itself to be thebest aod cheapett article fur tuilet use wheltede ii troubled with an unhealthy slow- healing sere use mcgregor parkes car bolic cerate you will find it lnyaluable for healing cleansing and completely re moving your trouble if tbe blood it cut of order take with it a few dotes of mc gregors speedy cure from j e mcgar- vius drugstore 29 tbe am over walking tbe auoe of to much misery to many becomes after nsmg putnams painless cobs extkictok a service of i pleasure corns are bmall iu size but their importance is uot tit be judged by their size as any one fondef a tramp can testify try putnams extractor for corns no discmlort oo causueapphcation no blood letiug aud yet splendidly efficacious if c polsox co kingston proprietors merer give sua if you are suffering with low and depressed spirits loss of appetite general debility uiiniered blood weak constilutiou head ache oauy disease da bilious natore by ad uieaus procure s notlie of electric bit uiri yiu iil be surprised to sue the rapid ituprorcmetu that will follow ou will be inspired with ouw life streugtb and actir i it urn returu pain and iniseiy willcease aud heticcturib yot will r juice iu the praise oi electric bitters bold at fifty ceute a boule b j e mcgai vm haldl klbtas there are but few that uae never suffered imot latilcrablti pain from 1otnacbe neuralgia or like acute pains tu them sacn an instant relief as fiuid lightning it so untold blessiog in time ul trouble no disgusiiug offeusive medicines to be taken iur uays ou application of fluid liitbr uiuk cures sold at j e alcgarvtus drug diore i 29 a slartllag dtsceterr mr wm lobusou of llurou dak- writ t thu his wife sad been troubled with acute bruticults for inauy years sud that ail reiuedie tried gftve m pertttaueut relief unul lie prociireda bottle ul dr kutgm new discovery lor consumption coughs aud clds which bsd a magical effect aud pro duced a permanent cure il u guaranteed to care all diteaeet of throat lungs or biouchlal tubeaj trial boitlt free at j mcqarviut drug store largo site f 100 m fisherfjif the toronto ofoje says i bike greakpleasiire in recummeudiog norihropd lyinaua vegetablo discovery and dspepiic cure to ihe public i bave suffered with dyspepsia for some time and hare tried several remedies without recelv lujany benefit being recommended to di- so i used one bottle aod must say that i bud the result perfectly satisfactory not baviug been troubled with ibisdistressing disease since and wouidrecotnniend othere similarly afflicted to purchase a bottle at ooeo and try it aa i am aatitued tbey will receive benefit from he use ens rrerea dollar upon dollar it frequently spent on the faith of reoommendationt for articles entirely worthiest not to with mo- gregors speedy cure you are not asked to purchase it hntil its merits are protou call at j ri mcgarrint drug store and get a f reo trial bottle and if nut oooriuoed it will cure ydu of tbe worst forms ofdysj pepsia lirerjeimplalnt etojno tratter of how long standing it ousts you nothing bold in wo and 1 bottles see tesuinoo isis from persons in your swu town 89 xfoffouayt oiaftkat tsarf wi diaue of thti akin riugworm tcurvy acoriuilo eruptions and swellings sore heads tad tba room ibreteratefkiu disease tnwmcji ttohumaa cranio is subjectoaunbt be treat ed with more easy aod reliable remedy than holluwaye ointment aud pi us hioh act so peouliariy oa tho ooustitnti n and as purify the bloodthat those diseases aro at ouee eradicated from tbe system and lastifg 4nra uuinod they are eu efflnaoioatinlbecore of exoori ttlans t toslihi- gkai-ola- iweliigsj uh wvuods ljbitiamaad ooiutraetoi stiffened jmpta- tlie me41ein4 0ww mihlmfiiuroly tlw pom e tkiin siref imfijismfjm 1- ivsmi astss3v

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