Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 17, 1884, p. 2

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wi jm ms tnrr riv v mo 3 ix it 1684 the school book question the sre miritter of education is w uracrun ci2cgoiu3 k effect arrange- merits for rolucu tho number ol text kxu fjr i in tc public schools this i j laow v ilc r dtnction and mr rj- ri i i r bcttr commend himii to ih iio irovncc than by romov- ui r ui criktone expensive and ursiv uu v ytia tlio questiou i ditf ll c0 lo vcd with but we believe itrli 0 vr b hk prscticil knovle of every v oi tho iiuioa will be able to brlry edo iisfyiory eolutiou th mnion and provincial paruainenta tl- vs iric evrliamciu will meet for the j i p- i o luinc louay and the l- rv oi icj3rd iuu so that bo- c j vi t itcent mouth ihe cr excitement will be be- li illh sessions are ei- p iw k- vii exciting i t laiure mr ilewiith ri 1 u t fttlct following earner- 1ck c er hii and uo dotibt r lovcry much u m e bu b- former eces ious tic- i liilii br thin a good su- v vi oroltoa up c3 and comments ti ziiv if itrvt vrltl a population of 0 l j nuiicipaj debt few cak- uie u vilati3a can make a eimii jr l the cradle crnmi in kriu on ihe 11th lint tho wife of mr m crcwsonrof d daughter nicsiislii acton on the 15th january the wife of mr a e nlcklin of a dangluer bwacxjuinun in esqnesing on the 18th inn the wife of mr christopher snick- lumrnor of son tee orate bruuilit id milton on tho 10th init mr johu bradley tgod 73 vein doccmedwns mother of mr webrwlley principalrockvrood public school late of tlm viusgt business brevities tic 0r3 lsiarci5 simraonedto rrlr- ro on wh a iew to il izizzi acrosa the at- sjcl rvl slrr ic cf success lie oa- tenru t o cr ltr rcc hi3 beca a dvicc5nlcuateisutei v r ciiy itraac precienu r bu l hs yet ct before in si- 1 tzir- v- culer3iiimcrit tivea tbc vc ivr by ihe lienor cc vio 1j ttmiii liira with ri t- invij whit an ef5ceat ofiirertl ijirynnt be for real t- ii lis uic is i eccs it vrthin tie iw tic bt cri ccton fill recently sas- fenzcir ens of its debts wai s30000 to tie dvminlcn gorcrtirccnt for antics 03 ery ia n wiciiti ks over thirty ul rui er od lit weei by concerled acticn tie iers iamg gone oat of bcirciieiity vrcri to tie cficiii repcrti received by tie acriukti dcrtrtoiarit h3105 iaiirt cerea cmiil dmrini 1583 of rie i2 id to hive reiruined in iftiii ii1 7221 to hive pissed tireri td tie uiiioi stitee 1 jintnt a cvcn in the bothweil eet- t siftjsy ii fivor of tie iimi iei dciitred elected ei bv j tit iieni lo be glinins xe in topelti i riayor- oezit on elrictly non-pir- i relied in victory for somo ruti abaat oar batmen ma and eouei of bontfltto out xenoral rotden ku from 75 eout to 260 it j fjivi if voo want a nobby durable and cheap init j fyfea is the place to go the urjcsl and cheapeit itock of boots shoes to select from ii at kelsno mcltasi tin largejt atock of geata faroiahinpi tins and capsssiiiru and drawer at jfcl- s iti 4 mcracs the bust talue in factory ottooi vinvys flauneu and domeatlo goods at kelson a ucraea the unzt tad cheapest block ot rcaly mhc clothing in lh towa i at ketinn t ucriei the mol porect fitting suila asd overcoats ind the lost felectioo of good a ai the lowest priwa at kelson 4 mcraes suits aiid overcoat at extremely low- rates and made ia latest styles be sine t call and see them j fvfe acton the best aasortmeul of black and col orrd velvfia ldiea vlantlei woolleuand knitted goods ia the town at keuon t mchacfl hallway aetidenl frank spiuk wilton a venae toronto some time ago receired a bad injary by aa areident on the g t r the severe coo- j lupous wfcic quickly healed by the use of tlagyards ycllotr oiu a oard to all vcko are tufferinf frora thfc erroi and iudtscretions of yaoth nervous treat- ui irarly decay ipm of manhood c 1 ill ccd a recipe that will care roa free at chacge tlii prcat remedy was dis covered bv a ciiioaary in sogth sad a tclfaddrecd ccvlcpe tq the ret jisnrri t rv-mis- station dxac yorkdiy 950000 reward fur auy tcrtintcaials recommending ilcgrceora siteedy care for dyspepsia indigestion- costiveoess headache ect that are not rtncine nose of which are from persons in the sutea or thoasanji of inilesaway bat from persons in and around ffmtltca out we gsre trial bottles free o cost so that yoa cannot be deceived by psrcliisiag a worthless article bat know tu rvme before bavinc trial lottles and trturaonialspven freest j e jxcgamnb ung store 48 ltcklnjr piles srmptomi amd cue the symptoms are moisture like penpir- allon intense uchfifg increasexl by scratch ing very distressing particautly al night seems is if pinworms wcreciitlidgio and aliout the rectnm the private parts are icmctmes effected- ii allowed to continue vtry serifias result may fullaw swatkeb oistuxst if a pleant isure care ajso for tetter itch salt rbum all scaly crusty skin diseime sent by mail for 50 cents 3 fence 125 in stamps ad- drer dr sttaxne k son philadelphia ps 5jldliy drngffiits 50 02kivc3i news c c t oa il 0 2 rc erjvi lalr rc niei a ver and beb eoi is que- y t ij court day in rock- re a iurc cumber of cases ii sicptora were unmerj zrrr vho has been saffering for j egxh of tini darrowly 1 cc- icy list vreck the cincer lsi hii important vein his wiit tccieiicinqnenchin 11 it the suiterer lies in rou condition iii nieetiag oithe rockvrood evcrcn brancli bible society will iiil tls cacida ilethodist cbcrch wi cz friday evening py trhg a fe weeks ago rere ani- y ljor far eleicrbin are now anr- fcr tis jiuiry thaw this nsual zyjuni to cr winters failed to pat lyirxzb list year and we conse nt look forjvexd to it tlvs yctrtinily- a n c mtoantd for the lives of all mutfl i othe presidents of the us the largest handsomest best book ever sold for less than twice oar price tho fastest selling book in america immense profits to agents all intelligent people want it any one can become a successful agent terms free hi t rrrr boot co portland marne a marvelous story nu a two urm from the son mss5mk owll mj tauur nitdti m qlonr tv hhmbwbiinttnftnrtromlro- judtoliielondltmrvulmuritlti tawttloutaet ayers sarsaparilla kmtadtntiliotm i think hit moo4 aint bin oobttlmd um humor for at ltwt ma tiuii tmltaldnotiiompttnuform eerorooanoroo thrinttitu tbont art jwn to from a irr ipott whloh ip- ptarid at that uma it radoalrj ipnad is m toaorarhliaauraboa lannnahana ttrrlblj aflleted and as objwt or pity van babtfuulnctoiirmedlelaa kotthanar ttv men of hl ap who enjoy u ood haaltti at t aaa 1 eould eaaur nana tttj panou ws would toatlry to the faeji la ui an toantrorf wmphoum from the father r datj tor me to ittte to yon tha beneflt i ban 4rttd from the om of ayers sarsaparilla 8tx months ago i was oompltely oorerad with a terrible humor and cwfuloas mre th humor caused an inoosaaat and latourahla liefclnf tnd tfc sun erackod to as to oaow th blood to flow la many plaoai wbenmr i moved my mffwinp wers grwt and my ufa a faordan 1 oommenoad ihe nao of ths sijuipatiua in april last and bar ud it ncnlarly tlnos that time my ooodltion btjgan to impron at onoe th som hav all bsaled and i foci ptrfoetiy vail in arary respect being bow ails to do a good days work although tsyeait of age many inqoirs what has wrought sueh a cure in my eas and i tell them as i hart here tried to tell you arms samjjiinrs qlcrer vl oet u wsl toon gratefully boxjc fbxlupa am i ibaif axilla rati serefou smd an berofulcnu oomplslmtftf brrtlp elas ecscma blnfwonn blotch bona b41i and xraptiou of the skin it clears tho bleed of all impflr rttiea aids digestion slimolatea tba aettoo of the bowt uid thai rwtoni ritouty a4 strengthen the- wholt tyctam rarraim bt or jcayflrco lowell mm ctfbyandnigglsta ii atz bottles for u toahallactoii vocalists and bell players the heat charming hatleal treat eier enjoyed tbeserecowncd artists rfleran alienee ot eleven years in karpo iavitiz returned to their native land bringing a majrniscent peal of 120 ewtvi bells will pvc one of their peculiirly xinel aud i cokceuts l the town hall acton oh thursday 24th jaw one evening onlyj their jatraordin aky c0xcfrt8 cocsist of a chiriuiu stjectitiu of vocal quartets rendered in their own pecul iar kyle ducts stp and ballads also their marvelous performance in a mcn6- centpcalof 20 now swiss bells delighted audienlea evcryviiere arfmlirio 25c reserved sea la 50c doors open at 730 coainiocce al 8 p m fraxk rivers j m boulard gen dinrrtor uuagr r ii i fc t age and receive free a costly box of scods which will help yon to more money right away than anything elm in thifl world all of either sex succeed from first hour the brood road to fortune opens before the workers absolutely sure at once address tscx 6c co august uaiae esquesing- municipal elections tl icucvring lt ehotrs the number of vote yoili for thi several candidates at evc2in3 cictlqns ltat weci rc2 itive cross lindsay 5tii lo 1 s6 79 ia 2 63 7s do s 70 69 do i 27 9i do 5 c5 95 do c 70 70 to li 307 438 roi eeputt hzetz cook wanen ward no 1 33 71 do 101 71 do 3 7i 70 do i 2s 1m do 5 87 78- do 0- n 69 433 8 jaa cotyoilwas etart bjortrood webrte wlulaow wardl ii ii 08 61 do 2 71 60 129 68 do 8 76 66 73 63 do i 83 75 99 81 do 5 81 ox 87 do 0 ii f- 71 total m bt va u6 sootcli eyhifa and oanadian snltick in erwt viricty at tljefiart bodolotiisk vpw i ffttflvbf bigger bargans than ivia for this month am offering rax whole stock of watches jewellery c at reduced price mr shop is filled with mew toods new styles in every line the low price of my floe cold setts ladies watches chains necklets brooches earrings c sur prise everyone call early and hate year choice and also have your foods properly engraved gff thanking the people of acton and vioiuity for the liberal patron- i age in the past t solicit a con tinuance of the same ftnii wish them ell a mfirry christmas and a happy hew year wm 8 smith d 1 i p 0 h rl lh important -w- creat special discount sale -m- immense sacrifice of entire stock for 30 days ok commencing on monday 14th jan carefully examine the following list of discounts 30 per cent bonn ts and hats trimmed and un- trimmed wings feathers and flowers 20 per cent mantles dolmans jackets ulsters shawls and lace curtains 20 per chnt3ilk handkerchiefs silk ties lace ties and laces 20 per cent ribbons gimps fringes trimmings and buttons 20 per cent gentlemens scarfs ties silk and cashmere mufflers 15 per cent shirts drawers underclothing and gloves i 15 percent kid gloves cloth gloves hosiery and corsets 15 per centfancy dress materials of all kinds- over 20o a yard 15 per cent black and colored silks satins vel- vets plushes and brocades 15 percent damask table linens napkins tow els table and piano covers 15 per cent blankets counterpanes quilts and comforters 15 per cent tweeds mantles and ulster cloths 15 per cent grey white scarlet and opera flannels 10 per cent white cottons grey cottons pillow cottons sheet ings and canton flannels 10 per cent prints cretonnes ducks and denims 10 per cent carpets mattings rags and oil cloths 20 per cent furs of all kinds mink sets astracan sets french seal sets and pips in great variety our stock is all new and bought in the best markets at the lowest possible price we will guarantee every article sold correct in style quality and price andthose availing themselves of this rare opportunity of supplying their wants with everything necessary iu the dry goods line will undoubtedly svm ztuloisrierx- any goods booked durfng ihe sale will be charged at regularfrices store will be open for business each day at 830 am i 345j3psi 41 ms a i dwire to thank yoo for the many favor 1 1 ha reedrad at yopr band during tbe paat year and aak that the lame tniy b cootlnotd in tbe fotnrc i i la my intention lo offer greater bargrahi in my hoe tbau baa yet been duef id ibe part tod i am to inlet itork taring tbe oelt mootb i will orter a fibnal dircodok to any on unrchaaiujr from nte thadkinj mr irau caatimera for past favors i am youra truly w h howell the city grocery i will offer during ihe next thirty day a dlscourit of 10 per cent ou all caab parcbawa sagafi t jcctpudv i w uave oow ou hand another large lot ol 20 ibs raisins for 1 which are being told rapidly all are- in vited to give oa a call both fteat and imall now is the time to buy crockery cheap acton jan 15sh 1884 i 0 m o 0 to cd 0 j c iii ir ticoney to loak t uvaix tvtms t slac per seaa ciabke t canniff baumzuj c cnttcna block gnelph j s tbeb astray strayod from the premise lot if con 4 eaqueaing about the middle of angaat a wfeita twoyearold ateer with a aplit oa tbe left ear any peraon giving informatloi which will lead to hatecoiery will he toit- ably rewarded 7as robertson eaqnraing dec ltth 1s83 coal fob hale the undersigned inuoda kaepine constantly on band a stock of bard and aoft atove coal of all kindi wbicb will be delivered to any part of tbe village j partiea dtairipg coal abonld give hint altl call i i i c 8 smitb itanla1 j barber shop j woii3de3r haa opened a barber ftbupta the- premhiea lately occupied by dr forater aa a medieal v oee and eolicits a abate of the patronage of tbia viclnitt every department ot the boaineaa wiue eooduoked in tirateue atria give oa a call j p wobdty jan 2srd 1883 the bennett chum ti knratt aruelt lar tat usdctt ohnraimr li pleasure lautsaa of a uaplsasant task ramshawsonaqton have secured the sole control uf the aale ot the famous bennett churn tins churn is manufactured npqti the moat practical and commonsense principle ex taut and only requires to be seen at work to be understood appreciate and por- j chased a member of tbe above firm usl call upon you with a sample churn i bakssavjsw acton jan 84 it a the favorite oyster parlori a e matthews ii now kicnruio dxilt iixsh oystbrs finnan haddles canned fish and fruits lemons otabtie trav cnfctionlirtts and all other goorafliu fine ibiscalte jl tho largest assortment of plain aud fancy i biscuits in town and from the best manu g lecturers uy cualomrrs will qo1 all my goods freab aud in every way satuff acloty the oyster parlor i oyster served in any style during tw season or will be supplied by th oa quart or gallon v arooodooosjnf apple alwaya on band g- a e matthe 6riilitiil wirt hobivt m mcc6ibro8cdl lardine aikohr fe5 haying paaserl the tnoat fvfe ooinjiiationi oy 5ns ii im a

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