raltway time table- village varieties orand tronk kulwa ominrt kxpww jl ritil looara thtmcti ki- r tvm or ctoie mih cva wt-u- ans osnc eon w a- nl mv pra knjlwti ronfl tier l mi am ou thundir ootxo win barrm 1sj6 am expno moiun btprm itenm mu attorn bpul kjjptn ictonne rtb8 rnnwut mosxnco juc 17 1981 bits of brevity al a4 ckcmrtt rrrrl hf k e r tkr a ad teitavrt rr i i a cwd deal ef tminiup is bciufi done now v prcadhas bcvmi tvdnocd to is cents xt loaf in fodn beard more tannery trill soon be ready- for orration lirum stove- uowaud second band eheip at mr s a secords tke farr pati was a little out in its surposiiioa last week t be tmms mr edimrd dynes is remodelling and imnroncg bis asbery on ague st- ac old and wealthy merchant says the time to advertise issil the time sprinkle ashes on your sidewalks and receive the heartfelt thanks of pedestri- jm whoiaid uu was going to be an open winter andthat there would be very htue j snow kder shermau pnsached in kliou i chapel guelpb on sunday morning and evening c a bifchelors mmaal frotectitesocicty is bein organized at portage la prairie cause leap year- mrs p s armstrong of liucola neb will kindly accept our thanks for a budget of kebraska pa pcrs- tbe man who owns a corner lot would dike tcr know if there couldnt be a patent c shovel intented quit a number of whit-necktiedien- uemn visited acton tine week their present wai welcome i tra the happy man now but i hope j this midnight lullaby business will soon be left oat of the program a- e eicelfeior j bakers j i a good oldfashioned january thaw i would now be acceptable- water is very scarce a number of the trells in totru ire dry j messrs- g- a mcdonald of the 4th i line brought lo market last saturday two hogs both having five toes on each of the iront f eet- 1s54 i g to be e stirring year the man who does not take a live paper u sure to 1 left behind therefore subscribe for the fete priss the haioc bwii it footears old the editor says although its young it u fat and healthy and likely to livb to a good old ace may success attend its growth a salyitioj army barracks has been opened in geoecetwr the editor of the herald wishes the army success there should be plenty of material for recruit in georgetown a social wii held in the presbyterian church lime house bst evening acton methodist church pioir furnished music for the occasion the affair was a com plete 5ucc- at palmerstoa five women voted in the school trustee election and one tookan active part in the canvas- in st thomas nine women votedtn one ward there womens rights for you the assembly of the tmha the merrr makers in the town hall last fri- day evening is pronounced one of themost ifelect af airs of the season those present claim to hare had a very enjoyable time tweaiy or twentyfive actonians visit ed a carnival at milton skating rink last thursday night mr tv spsight wa v fir3t place in a ten minute race aclon cornet bani provided music for the oc casion dr bennett has retired from the firm drs bobertm 4 bennett milton dr p stewart wfll fill the vacancyjt he is a young matf of pmuty and a big string of creditably earned mystical medical letters appended to his name a milton young lady gave the txlitor of the oorgfiown herald rather a bad bendof last week and the herald man foolishiy told his reader h about it in his editorial columns the young ladies will be down on you now friend jfeelands your chanoea for leap year are slim one of our aclon girls has frightened her lover entirely but of his matrimonial notions by working and presenting him with the motto i need thee every ihour hssajs ha would be willing to give her the greater part of his time but his health demanded an boar or two out of doors every day for exercise- urui r utal a 0mrt watrr r tftfrul intrrtut u r vluagt kradri l ttaltonabnator etbhcriff mckindaoy is fciout to tx 1 levatvd to uio senate how do you do senator mckindmy you mutt bo one of the luckj- un skating carnival j mr fredrick manager acton bkatiug tiiuk has arranged for a carnival to be held on friday evening tjtu insu a tiumbro prises we offered for racing skatiug we whocan beat them mr robert agnew wld to mean e xicklin a tou last week four hpfing pigs cloven months old which weighed 1030 pounds dressed mr agiiow wwrts to know who can beat this county council the only changes iti hulton county council for lrt from that of ls will be mr john white reeve of miltou iustead of dr freeman und mr henry mcmnstcr as deputyrkve of nelson in place of mr william wilsou the debate this evening the subject for debate at tke meeting of the young mens mutual improvement as- wciatiou to be held in the town hall this evening is oue of interest lo every member of the association we hope lo sec a large attendance annual bible society mee ung the annual meeting of actou branch bible society will be held in the presby terian church on tuesday evening 2jud inst- the meeting will be addressed by the lecturer of the society and the resident ministers a good attendance is requeau el temperanoa convention- vooauaia ana bollrlngeri tbe aucglianlftju anuouueed to appeal at tlie town hall on tliurtday evening i4tb iusu have rooently returnad from a cry suoeexsful tour of eleven years in europe tho troupe comes to us with the highest praisa from the european press as well as an unequivocal endorsement from the american press both before they left aud since they returuod f rom europe as vocalista they delight their audieuoe where- evw they appear and rb bell players they have no superior our exchanges speak very highly of their concerts lk judgment for crerwinski tiettlcd bv fourth division comt tho first sitting of the fourth division court for ib8i was held in the town hall yesterday mr d mcgibbon barrister acting for judge miller the following cases were disposed of tollon w arthur- judgment reserved watson m ieiwrood judgment for plaintiff milu r- mcdou ail iafvrrudlo milton court suiith plainlif smiji parties a number of otlier cases were left over for nvt iifiug of the coutl presbyterian conferenoea the presbytery of guelph was in session in knot church acton on tuesday aad wednesday when the following subjects were presented fordism ussiou state of religion temperance and sabbath school alxjot fifty ministers and del egates were present and each session was marked with in tercstto those in atteadance thc public meeting oa tuesday evening oasoara bitters cures all disoascs arising from the blood liver and kidntys brice 100 per bottle -at- j e mcgarvins drug store actoa the innatl meelini ot tho haltontcm- i weil nuded and tbc subject tb at t feeedle and prtadlm heaiure prv this oompaoj will show io the town hall aeton on friday evening 18th inat the oompanr ti composed of firstclass tptrialiata ot which the widelyknown character artist johnnieprindle ia at the head and as the troap ia an old established tod racceesfol one it will donbtlete attract tlarge audience baltoa sabbath school convention the annual conrfbiea of the sabbath bchcol association of this qonnty non- doaominaiional will bt beldjis ih tfeth- odist cbarch ifiltoc on tftoreasy jsh but and friday teh 1st prograiam of tmusaal interest to fttnth school orsevs has bees preptrod and ft ineces fnlconrentioo it aticiphy1 ief those iotowvodiatosundy9ohoouofuthe auuxhescitbcdoiyinkopoibtob prwunt and w csa sii them both rttmrieiifloktiia jfi peraiioe alliance bald el millun on taes day acd wedneilay wns well attended the convention wap a most interesting occ many poinu o intect beiij present ed aud debated apon by the delegates present het m pigotta return kev w j pigott incumbent o st albaiig charcb here wbo lite been on a lecturing tocr in euini since last if ay landod at halifax on ilonday and will ar rive at home this evening or tomorrow we understmd that the rev gentleman has had a very eneccsiful toor he viil occupy his pujpil next touuday action for slander the exkve o miltou- ur freeman has comxenced an action against john vchite esq for slander in reference lo some statements made at the late nomin ation thit dr freeman had furnished a medical order for whiskey to a party tht did not require it for medicinal pur pose the dr claims j3000 diiuiges i new and improved churn messrs williamson ramshavr i- havc secured the sole right for this section to manufacture and sell the famous i bennett churn this chore while possessing the principle of the old dash chum works with much greater ease and does lis work completely in teas than hall the tinie butter ma iters should not fail to see it anniversary idaesionary serrices- the annual missionary meeting was held in the methodist church lasttiunday kev dr sutherland of toronto occupied the pulpit morning and evening and his dis course were powerful and most appropri ate the attendance at both meetings was unusually large and the cblltctious and subscriptions to the m fund reached nearly 5 100 weights and heasures inspection- mr c e s black inspectorof weights and measures for this district spent sev eral days during the week in acton in the performance of the duties of his office some of our citizens thought he was a little too severe and officious but we have no doubt his only object was to carry out the provisions of the law as directed by the dominion government presentation on saturday evening after the labors of the week had ended the employees of the gwjph ilcrainj office gathered round the stone m in the news room to present mr innes mp previous to his departure for ottawa with a gold headed cane and an address as an evidence of their respect and e3teem fcr him mr inhes was of course taken by surprise but replied in suitable and appropriate terms picturesque canada parte 25 and 26 of this most interesting publication was delivered to subscribers in acton last week the former number is devoted to the georgian bay and lake huron and in thelatter central ontario is commenced with views of port hope lindsay peterborough aud cobourg and their vicinities the illustrations are of the usual high standard and the descriptive- matter is ably written sacred concert the young people of the baptist church here have made arrangements for holding a grand musical entertainment in the town hall on wednesday 23rd inst an array of excellent talent has bees secured for the occasion and the programme will constat of vocal andinstrumentai music princi pally sacred the committee are using every effort to make the affair a success in every particular webespeak or all who attend an enjoyable evening nasaegsweye agricultural society at the annual meeting of the above so- oiety last thursday the following officers were elected for the current year presi dent daniel barbeiree vleepres amos a watson secxreas a c jfcmillan directors j beii a alexander w logie j little m holmes b alans g lwst- soc honorary directors jno barnsay j kitching a bell and a mcoibbon auditors a pickett and d hutchoon eramcagrlcmltraal society at the annual meeting of the above society the seotress presented tho an- nnal report showing a balance on bud of 8969 shove all chums agsiust tho sooiety the following officers n duly elected for the ensuing yen president wm willongbby- vicodd3smcqaeeii seo- tress john buct directors john bookett jos oroft andrew thonfpson jimes kennedy john d abbott d mo- osig wm bnnter cb- heed jms hill churcli duty with reference to temper ance reform was ably handled by revs j c smith ma goelph acd j b mullan fergus both of whom favor pro hibition of the liquor traffic iu argument which gave no uncertain sound the con ference closed yesterday afternoon that eoller uu2 a subscriber inquires if our citireni in tend to allow tho matter of the erection of a roller flour mill in acton upon which lubject there was so much agitation lilt cpring to now rest in abeyance we hope not we would be plcasei to aeo every phae oi the matter thoroughly ventilated and to this end invite correspondence ou the subject through thu columns of the ftm paxsi- our opinion is that a much emaller mill than that prcviouily proposed ay 50 or 75 barrels would havetl5e de- tired result viz that of creating a demand for all the- grain grown in this immediate section and as a ccusoqnence making actou a desirable aud attractive point as a son j grain market what have our citireni to say on the subject 1 proclamation just the thing the people want i cheap cooda and cood goods and the very best value for their money j hekk is tue best value in the market f look at this list of 1500 lots 13 lbs sugar 3 lbs 60 cent tea 175 lamp 40 cent pitchor for o00 6 lbs 2ie tea 1 toilet sett pieces 1 doz tea plates 6 lbs currants new 6 lbs raisins new 1 covered dish for 1500 12 lbs sugar isett dishes 70c platter 30c pitcher2 lbs v c tea for s500 1 toilet sett pieces 55c fruit dish jl50 lamp ifb 50c tea n3c5b2a ofsraop s r 1 do breakfast plates 1125 glass sett 2 lbs tic tea 2 lbs 40c coffeetl cop and baucer 3 lbs biscuits for 6 lbs 0c tea 10 lbs granulated sugar 1 doz goblets 75c glass pitcher 1 doz dinner plates or i dozi china caps i saucers tlko cake basket loc fruit dish 3 lb 75c tea black or green for 1 aoz caps saucers 90c platter soc scollop 40c pitcher jc fruit dish 1123 glass sett broom 15 lbs rice for q lbs sugar 2 lbs soc tea 1 lb coffee t packages corn starch 10 lbs rice and a goc lamp 3 15c bowls 2 covered dishes 1 pickle dish 60c for 1 lb tobacco 1 large tub wash board scrub brush 1 sett color- ed dishes blue for i doz kickel silvel forks j doz nickel silver dessert spoons 1300 lamp g large cakes toilet soap for 1500 j bbl herrings 50c lamp pitcher 2 gallons coal oil for 500 strictly cash sale for 15 days at w p brown cos store 0 0 id j500 js0o 500 500 500 500 500 b o scott act trials police magistrate toung gave judgment today on the two adjourned charges against robert agnew of acton for illegally sell ing intoxicating liquor on the day of the acton fair fining the defendant 50 and coau in each case and reserved judgment ou another charge of illegal liquor eelling on the 15th december in the case against james campbell of acton ths poliee magistrate has decided to commit the de- fendent to the county jail for one month but as the latter wasnot present to answer the necessary question as to the two former convictions recorded against hint the delivery of the above sentence wis ad journed for a week viofl champion of 10th inst- the two convictions referred to in our issue of two leeks ago were not against mr agnew as stated but against his agents employed for the day messrs e clark georgetown and j p allanbramp- toh thus the cases tried last week were counted by the police magistrate as for fire offence and the fines are imposed ac- cording y we are informed that the above four cases hare co3t mr agnew between h00 and 500 for fines costs and eipeuaes we arc eorry to soa mr campbell con victed of violating the liquor law of our county the third time and sorry to see one who has occupied a prominent place in our town sent to the county jail but the law and its penal ties were plain to all concerned the charge was preferred the evidence clear and the police magistrate had no alternative in the matter the penalty in fiicted being tha very lightest the law al lows for a third offence several further cases will come before the police magistrate for trial today hxrtc a petition asking the police magistrate to deal as leniently with mr campbell as was in his powct was circu lated among our citizens jesterday and re ceived a large number of signatures messrs w h storey and d henderson left this morning for milton to present the petition and use their influence in mr campbells bebali and the sentence named above will probably be changed to a fine if such action can be legally taken- glasgow house i nelson mcrae clearing sale m stocktaking clearing sale ut the mammoth house georgetown sveleob ubebson co clearing sale clearing sale clearing sale clearing sale clearing sale clearing sale of rcmusrjts of every description of ladies furs mens fur caps buffido robes and bocky mouuuin wolf of dress goods cloakings mantles millinery and shawls of reidvmade clothina and overcoats in mens and boys of carpetj oil cloths and mats of wioter tweeds aod winter goods ot all kinds includingf clouds squares etc great bargains will be given our dress making mantle and millinery departments are in fdlb working orter our tailoring department ts a i i i sjrglve us a call and see the bargains frv mcleod anderson halton dry goods housf go overcoats jsheetlbss flannels 1 winceys casb meres collars caps fun mantles towels vionds shawls tickings shirts docks denims drawers boots shoes etc etc we have decided for the next 30 days to ofter our laree stock of winter goods consisting of overcoats readymade clothing mantles montje cloths knitted goodsin shawls clouds floods c at less than cust price we are offering no 1 valne in gentlemans lamb caps felt hats and caps a first class stylish hat from so cents up special alue in ldies muffs iu mink seal coney c atlessthan cost price pzbsonals miss bert mcgarvin is isiting acton friends mrs h grindle ol qaalph spent several days during the week with acton friends mr and lira john farmer of florence are visiting acton and georgetown frionds itossts h barson somers and i stanislaus arthars prominent members of the celebrated after weqtiit club of toronto visited acton friends last friday we are informed that they left their hurts with acton young ladies and arc likely tc return again in the hear future the editor of the hanovtr pod made us a pleasant call on saturday opon ques tioning the poor fellow as to his haggard and dejected appcaranoe he informed us that the crowfoot indian bitten co bad entered an actios against the fluf for libel well mow du fallow ohssr up tnetjrow foots caut take mors than that extra fif teen flenta from yon evanil they d win the ease- dont be melanoholy orar it besaca face the matter like a true dyed in-the- wool journalist who baa no filthy lnirtwlose j in ordered clothing we are giving no i value iu tweed suitings good workman ship and perfect fits guaranteed every time boots audshoes in endless variety at less than manufacturers prices w groceries we are giving the best values to be had in the gofflsty be sure and secure a box cjf those layer raisins we r offering first- class fruu at s180 per box we have the raou complete stock of 60 cent teas in japan black andjgjwn to befqund in ln splendid values in k srigars 1s l rior on dollar at d everything else iupioj be sure and jivi us a call an secure lefis tho entire balance of our winter stock of dry goods and boots shoes we have just the giods yon want aid you cannot buy them cheaper ilse here nor as cheap i believe by 20 per cent as i will selj tor cash iu onler to clear out my stock by the first of april will sejf you teas sugars and other groceries cheaper than any other house in town i i keep thib fact in your alemory and tell all youk friends to go to i griffins with thfilr gash for his jilotto is not to ibt thk nimble sixpence sup ik hope op the future shillings i will not carrv over ny winter 8tockif f iiliii -i-y- ijki